コード例 #1
    def moveDependentProjectsToWorkingDir(self, projectToCopyFrom, projectType, rootToCopyFrom):
        destinationDir = FileSystem.getDirectory(FileSystem.INSTALL_ROOT, self._config, self._project_name)

        destLibDir = os.path.join(destinationDir, "lib")
        if not os.path.exists(destLibDir):
        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            destBinDir = os.path.join(destinationDir, "bin")
            if not os.path.exists(destBinDir):
            # copy dll and lib
            if projectType is None or projectType.upper() == "SHARED":
                Utilities.copyTree(os.path.join(rootToCopyFrom, "bin", projectToCopyFrom + ".dll"), destBinDir)
            Utilities.copyTree(os.path.join(rootToCopyFrom, "lib", projectToCopyFrom + ".lib"), destLibDir)
            if projectType is None or projectType.upper() == "SHARED":
                # copy .so
                baseRoot = os.path.join(rootToCopyFrom, "lib")
                if not os.path.exists(baseRoot):
                    baseRoot = os.path.join(rootToCopyFrom, "lib64")
                if not os.path.exists(baseRoot):
                    Utilities.failExecution("directories [%s, %s] do not exist" %
                                            (os.path.join(rootToCopyFrom, "lib"), baseRoot))
                fileRegex = "lib" + projectToCopyFrom
                currentFilePath = None
                for entry in os.listdir(baseRoot):
                    currentFilePath = os.path.join(baseRoot, entry)
                    if fileRegex in entry and not os.path.isdir(currentFilePath):
                        Utilities.copyTree(currentFilePath, destLibDir)
                # copy .a
                Utilities.copyTree(os.path.join(rootToCopyFrom, "lib", "lib" + projectToCopyFrom + ".a"), destLibDir)
        Utilities.copyTree(os.path.join(rootToCopyFrom, "include", projectToCopyFrom),
                           os.path.join(destinationDir, "include", projectToCopyFrom))
コード例 #2
 def parseDependencyFile(self):
     dependencyFilePath = os.path.join(FileSystem.getDirectory(FileSystem.DEPENDENCIES), "dependencies.txt")
     if not os.path.exists(dependencyFilePath):
         Utilities.failExecution("dependency file [%s] does not exist" % dependencyFilePath)
     requiredProjects = []
     with open(dependencyFilePath, 'r') as file:
         flag = False
         lineNum = 0
         splitLine = None
         for line in file:
             splitLine = line.strip().split(None)
             if len(splitLine) == 0 or splitLine[0] == '#':
             if splitLine[0] == '-' + self._project_name:
                 flag = True
             elif flag and '-' not in splitLine[0]:
             elif flag and '-' in splitLine[0] and ('-' + self._project_name) != splitLine[0]:
                 flag = False
             elif not flag:
                 Utilities.failExecution("Parse error in dependency file [%s] at line [%s]"
                                         % (dependencyFilePath, lineNum))
             lineNum += 1
     print("Required projects for project [%s] are %s" % (self._project_name, requiredProjects))
     return requiredProjects
コード例 #3
    def run(self, parsedCommandLine):
        (buildSteps, self._custom_args) = (parsedCommandLine[0], parsedCommandLine[1])

        # this build MUST have a project name to run
        if self._project_name == "":
            Utilities.failExecution("Project name not set")

        # if the user has not specified any build steps, run the default
        if len(buildSteps) == 0:
            buildSteps = self._build_steps

        # run the build for the user specified configuration else run for
        # all configurations (the user can restrict this to build for
        # debug or release versions)
        if "configuration" in self._custom_args:
            self._config = self._custom_args["configuration"]
            if self._config != "release" and self._config != "debug":
                Utilities.failExecution("Unknown configuration [%s]" % self._config)
            print("\nbuilding configuration [%s]\n" % self._config)
            for configuration in self._configurations:
                print("\nbuilding configuration [%s]\n" % configuration)
                self._config = configuration

        print("*     COMPLETE     *")
コード例 #4
 def executeStep(self, buildStep):
     if hasattr(self, buildStep):
         print("-Executing build step [%s]" % buildStep)
         method = getattr(self, buildStep)
         success = Utilities.call(method, self._custom_args)
         if not success:
             Utilities.failExecution("Build step [%s] failed" % buildStep)
         Utilities.failExecution("Project %s does not have build step [%s]" %
                                 (self._project_name, buildStep))
コード例 #5
def getDirectory(directoryEnum, configuration='', projectName=''):
    if directoryEnum == ROOT:
        return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
    elif directoryEnum == WORKING:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), 'build', configuration, projectName)
    elif directoryEnum == SCRIPT_ROOT:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), 'scripts')
    elif directoryEnum == PROJECT_ROOT:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), 'projects')
    elif directoryEnum == MANUAL_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), 'manual')
    elif directoryEnum == CPP_SOURCE_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), 'cpp')
    elif directoryEnum == TEST_REPORT_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(WORKING, configuration, projectName), 'testReports')
    elif directoryEnum == CMAKE_BASE_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), 'cmake')
    elif directoryEnum == CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(CMAKE_BASE_DIR), 'toolchains')
    elif directoryEnum == CMAKE_MODULE_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(CMAKE_BASE_DIR), 'modules')
    elif directoryEnum == OUT_ROOT:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(WORKING, configuration, projectName), 'out')
    elif directoryEnum == INSTALL_ROOT:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(OUT_ROOT, configuration, projectName), 'installRoot')
    elif directoryEnum == INSTALL_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(OUT_ROOT, configuration, projectName), 'install')
    elif directoryEnum == LOG_DIR:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(WORKING, configuration, projectName), 'logs')
    elif directoryEnum == DEPENDENCIES:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), "dependencies")
    elif directoryEnum == IDE_ROOT:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(OUT_ROOT, configuration, projectName), "IDE")
    elif directoryEnum == CLIENT_ROOT:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(ROOT), "client")
    elif directoryEnum == CLIENT_CONFIG:
        return os.path.join(getDirectory(CLIENT_ROOT), "config")
        Utilities.failExecution("Unknown directoryEnum: [%s]" % directoryEnum)
コード例 #6
    def checkConfigArgsAndFormat(self, offset, configArgs):
        formattedHeader = ""
        formattedSrc = ""
        for arg in configArgs:
            if arg[2] == "dir":
                if os.path.exists(arg[3]):
                    if os.path.isdir(arg[3]):
                        Utilities.failExecution("Path [%s] was assumed to be a directory" % arg[3])
            elif arg[2] == "file":
                if not os.path.exists(arg[3]) or not os.path.isfile(arg[3]):
                    Utilities.failExecution("Path [%s] does not exist or is not a file" % arg[3])
            elif arg[2] is not None:
                Utilities.failExecution("unknown config variable value specifier [%s]" % arg[2])

            formattedHeader += offset + "extern const " + arg[0] + " " + arg[1] + ";\n\n"
            formattedSrc += offset + "const " + arg[0] + " " + \
                arg[1] + " = " + ("\"" + str(arg[3]) + "\"" if "string" in arg[0] else str(arg[3])) + \

        return formattedHeader, formattedSrc