コード例 #1
ファイル: KBSimulation.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
 def update_bot_collisions(self, botpairs):
     for (i, j) in botpairs:
         a = self.bots[i]
         b = self.bots[j]
         dist = a.pos.get_distance(b.pos)
         bound = 2 * a.radius
         if dist < 1 + bound:
             overlap = bound - dist
             direction = b.pos - a.pos
             if (direction == Vec2d(0, 0)):
                 direction = Vec2d(1, 0)
             direction.length = overlap / 2
             b.pos = b.pos + direction
             a.pos = a.pos - direction
コード例 #2
ファイル: KBDesigner.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
    def __init__(self, app, config):

        self.app = app
        self.config = config

        self.running = False

        self.bots = []
        self.botmove = None
        self.botsel = None
        self.botselpos = None

        self.orientation = 0
        self.links = []
        self.linkc = self.config['n'] * [0]
        self.conns = []
        self.reddots = []

        self.gui = KBGUI(self)
        self.analyseform = False
        self.connectform = False
        self.executeform = False
        self.clearform = False

        for i in range(self.config['n']):

        for b in self.bots:  # set semi-random initial position and orientation
            b.orientation = random.uniform(0, 360)
            b.pos = Vec2d(
                self.config['width'] / 2 + random.uniform(0, b.secretID),
                (self.config['height'] * 2) / 3 +
                random.uniform(0, b.secretID))
コード例 #3
ファイル: KBDesigner.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
    def update(self):  # called before draw; update variables

        # process bots in pairs, shuffled
        botn = range(len(self.bots))
        botpairs = [(x, y) for x in botn for y in botn if x > y]

        # dodge, collision detection on fellow bots
        for (i, j) in botpairs:
            a = self.bots[i]
            b = self.bots[j]
            dist = a.pos.get_distance(b.pos)
            bound = 2 * a.radius
            if dist < 1 + bound:
                overlap = bound - dist
                direction = b.pos - a.pos
                if (direction == Vec2d(0, 0)):
                    direction = Vec2d(1, 0)
                direction.length = overlap / 2
                b.pos = b.pos + direction
                a.pos = a.pos - direction
コード例 #4
ファイル: KBSimulation.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
    def setFormation(self, formation):
        if formation == "PILED":
            for b in self.bots:
                b.orientation = random.uniform(0, 360)
                b.pos = Vec2d(
                    self.config['width'] / 2 + random.uniform(0, b.secretID),
                    self.config['height'] / 2 + random.uniform(0, b.secretID))

        elif formation == "RANDOM":
            xunit = self.config['width'] / 5
            yunit = self.config['height'] / 5
            for b in self.bots:
                b.orientation = random.uniform(0, 360)
                b.pos = Vec2d(random.uniform(yunit, 4 * yunit),
                              random.uniform(xunit, 4 * xunit))

        elif formation == "LINE":
            for i in range(0, self.config['n']):
                self.bots[i].pos = Vec2d(self.config['width'] / 2 + i * 34,
                                         self.config['height'] / 2)
                self.bots[i].orientation = random.uniform(0, 360)
            self.bots[0].orientation = 180  # make first one point left

        elif formation == "CIRCLE":
            deg = 360 / (self.config['n'])
            pi = 3.141592653589793
            radius = (self.bots[0].radius * (self.config['n'] + 5)) / pi

            for i, b in enumerate(self.bots):
                b.orientation = random.uniform(0, 360)
                b.pos = Vec2d(self.config['width'] / 2,
                              self.config['height'] / 2)
                b.pos += Vec2d(0, radius).rotated(deg * i)

            print "Unknown formation '%s' - aborting." % (formation)
コード例 #5
ファイル: Kilobot.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
    def __init__(self, sim):
        self.sim = sim

        self.secretID = len(sim.bots) # clever hack, init ~ sim.bots += 1
        self.secretN = sim.config['n']
        self.secretNx = []

        self.radius = sim.config['botradius']
        self.rradius = sim.config['botrradius']
        self.speed = 0

        self.pos = Vec2d(0,0)
        self.orientation = 0

        self.leds = [0,0,0]

        self.op = self.fullCW # fpointer
        self.opc = 0 # op counter
        self.opres = None
        self.history = sim.config['hsize'] * [[None]]
        self.historyp = 0

        self.tx_enabled = 0        
        self.msgrx = sim.config['msgform']
        self.msgtx = sim.config['msgform']
        self.rxbuf = sim.config['rxbufsize'] * [sim.config['msgform']]
        self.rxbufp = 0
        self.rxtempbuf = []

        self.running = False
        self.PC = 0
        self.program = []  # derived replace
        self.debug = ""

        self.view = KilobotView(self)
コード例 #6
 def rand(self):
     return Sample(Vec2d.rand(), Vec2d.rand(), Vec2d.rand(), random.random())
コード例 #7
ファイル: Kilobot.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
 def turnOnRFoot(self, speed):
     self.speed = speed
     degrees = self.speed
     self.orientation += degrees
     pos = Vec2d(self.radius - 1, 0).rotated(self.orientation - 60 + degrees)
     self.pos = self.rfoot() + pos
コード例 #8
ファイル: Kilobot.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
 def turnOnLFoot(self, speed):
     self.speed = speed
     degrees = self.speed
     self.orientation -=degrees
     pos = Vec2d(self.radius - 1, 0).rotated(self.orientation + 60 - degrees)
     self.pos = self.lfoot() + pos
コード例 #9
ファイル: Kilobot.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
 def led(self):
     return self.pos + Vec2d(self.radius - 3, 0).rotated(self.orientation + 60)
コード例 #10
ファイル: Kilobot.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
 def lfoot(self):
     return self.pos + Vec2d(self.radius - 1, 0).rotated(self.orientation + 240)
コード例 #11
ファイル: KBGUI.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
 def mouseMotion(self, buttons, pos, rel):
     if (self.botmove != None):
         self.botmove.pos = Vec2d(pos)
     elif (self.botsel != None):
         self.botselpos = Vec2d(pos)
コード例 #12
ファイル: KBGUI.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
    def keyUp(self, key):

        if (key == K_a):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.abstract = not self.module.abstract

        elif (key == K_c):
            self.drawlinks = False if self.drawlinks else True

        elif (key == K_d):
            self.drawdebug = False if self.drawdebug else True

        elif (key == K_e):
            self.drawreddots = False if self.drawreddots else True

        elif (key == K_g):
            self.drawgrid = False if self.drawgrid else True

        elif (key == K_h):  # show
            print "SHOW"

        elif (key == K_i):
            self.drawinfo = False if self.drawinfo else True

        elif (key == K_k):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.fps -= 5
                self.module.fps = 0 if self.module.fps < 0 else self.module.fps
        elif (key == K_l):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.fps += 5
                out = self.module.fps > self.config['fpsmax']
                self.module.fps = self.config[
                    'fpsmax'] if out else self.module.fps

        elif (key == K_m):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.inoise += 5
                if self.module.inoise > 100: self.module.inoise = 100
        elif (key == K_n):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.inoise -= 5
                if self.module.inoise < 0: self.module.inoise = 0

        elif (key == K_p):  # print
            print "PRINT"

        elif (key == K_r):
            self.drawradio = False if self.drawradio else True
        elif (key == K_s):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.stopped = not self.module.stopped
        elif (key == K_t):
            self.drawtraffic = False if self.drawtraffic else True
        elif (key == K_u):
            self.drawui = False if self.drawui else True

        elif (key == K_COMMA):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.anoise -= 5
                if self.module.anoise < 100: self.module.anoise = 100
        elif (key == K_PERIOD):
            if self.smode:
                self.module.anoise += 5
                if self.module.anoise > 200: self.module.anoise = 200

        elif (key == K_PAGEDOWN):
            for b in self.module.bots:
                b.pos = b.pos.rotated(90) + Vec2d(self.h, 0)
                b.orientation += 90

        elif (key == K_PAGEUP):
            for b in self.module.bots:
                b.pos = b.pos.rotated(-90) + Vec2d(0, self.w)
                b.orientation -= 90
コード例 #13
ファイル: KBDesigner.py プロジェクト: dtbinh/kbsim
    def connecter(self):
        print "---\n CONNECTER \n---"
        poss = []
        for b in self.bots:
            tup = b.pos.inttup()

        avg = map((lambda x: x / len(self.bots)),
                  reduce((lambda x, y: [x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1]]), poss,
                         [0, 0]))
        print "positions:", poss, "\n", "avg:", avg
        avg = Vec2d(avg)

        # computer kNN and find those closest to the center of the bot mass
        # TODO: make less sloppy; proper generative 2-MST etc

        order = []
        k = self.config['n']
        knns = len(self.bots) * [None]
        for i in range(len(self.bots)):
            bot = self.bots[i]
            dist = avg.get_distance(bot.pos)
            order.append((dist, bot))

            knns[i] = []
            for bat in self.bots:
                if (bat == bot): continue
                dist = bot.pos.get_distance(bat.pos)
                knns[i].append([dist, bat])
            knns[i] = sorted(knns[i])[:k]  # drop some

        order = sorted(order)

        # create links
        self.links = []
        self.linkc = self.config['n'] * [0]

        # startup
        a = order[0][1]
        b = order[1][1]
        pair = (a, b) if (a.secretID > b.secretID) else (b, a)
        self.linkc[a.secretID] += 1
        self.linkc[b.secretID] += 1

        inplace = [a.secretID, b.secretID]  # keep track of the existing form
        dist = int(round(a.pos.get_distance(b.pos)))
        self.conns = [(1, (0, dist), (0, dist))]  # start conns
        self.orientation = int((b.pos - a.pos).get_angle())

        for i in map((lambda x: x[1].secretID), order[2:]):
            knn = map((lambda x: x[1].secretID), knns[i])
            bot = self.bots[i]
            myid = len(inplace)
            temp = None
            for j in knns[
                    i]:  # try to connect every bot to form as directly as possible
                dist = int(round(j[0]))
                k = j[1].secretID
                bat = self.bots[k]
                if (k in inplace):
                    # add links by secretID
                    pair = (bot, bat) if i > k else (bat, bot)
                    self.linkc[bot.secretID] += 1
                    self.linkc[bat.secretID] += 1

                    # add connection by form index
                    if (temp == None):
                        temp = [k, inplace.index(k), dist]
                        but = self.bots[temp.pop(0)]
                        # trigonometric black magic
                        # we compute the angle of bot in relation to a vector defined by to others (bat and but)
                        angle = (bot.pos - bat.pos).rotated(
                            -(but.pos - bat.pos).get_angle()).get_angle()
                        left = angle < 0
                        #                        print bat.secretID, "-->", but.secretID, ":", bot.secretID, "L" if angle < 0 else "R"

                        if (left):  # we force RIGHTHANDSIDE positioning
                                (myid, temp, [inplace.index(k), dist]))
                            self.conns.append((myid, [inplace.index(k),
                                                      dist], temp))

        print "conns:"
        for i, conn in enumerate(self.conns):
            print conn