コード例 #1
ファイル: Graph.py プロジェクト: tatiana-s/bwinf2019
def build_polygon_graph(polygons):
    polygon_graph = {}
    count_p = 0
    for p in polygons:
        previous = Node()
        first = Node()
        count_n = 0
        for n in p:
            new_id = "P{}.{}".format(count_p + 1, count_n)
            polygon_graph[new_id] = Node(vec.Coord(n.x, n.y), new_id)
            current = polygon_graph[new_id]
            if previous.is_proper():
                edge_id = "E{}.{}".format(count_p + 1, count_n)
                w = compute_weight(previous, current)
                previous.add_neighbour(Edge(w, previous, current, edge_id))
                current.add_neighbour(Edge(w, current, previous, edge_id))
            if count_n == 0:
                first = current
            previous = current
            count_n += 1
            if count_n == len(p):
                edge_id = "E{}.{}".format(count_p + 1, count_n)
                w = compute_weight(current, first)
                current.add_neighbour(Edge(w, current, first, edge_id))
                first.add_neighbour(Edge(w, first, current, edge_id))
        count_p += 1
    return polygon_graph
コード例 #2
ファイル: Graph.py プロジェクト: tatiana-s/bwinf2019
 def __init__(self, coordinates=vec.Coord(-1, -1), id="undefined"):
     self.coord = coordinates
     self.neighbours = []
     self.id = id
     # Hilfsattribute für Dijkstra
     self.distance = 0
     self.visited = False
     self.prev = ""
コード例 #3
def get_information(meter, v_graph, p_graph, start_node):
	departure = Time.Time(7, 30, 0)
	end_node = gr.Node(vec.Coord(0, meter), "B")
	gr.update_visibility(v_graph, p_graph, end_node)
	gr.dijkstra(v_graph, start_node)
	distance = end_node.distance
	bt = shortest_runtime(meter, "Bus")
	lt = shortest_runtime(distance, "Lisa")
	meeting_time = Time.add_seconds(departure, bt)
	leaving_time = Time.subtract_seconds(meeting_time, lt)

	print("Startzeit: {}".format(leaving_time))
	print("Endzeit: {}".format(meeting_time))
	print("y-Koordinate Bus: {} m".format(meter))
	print("Laufdistanz: {} m".format(distance))
	print("Laufdauer: {} min".format(Time.sec_in_min(lt)))
	print(gr.traversed_nodes(v_graph, end_node))

	svg = Graphics.read_svg(case + ".svg")
	Graphics.visualise_path(svg, v_graph, end_node)
	Graphics.output_svg(svg, "shortest_path_final")
コード例 #4
def find_leaving_time(lower, higher, step, p_graph, v_graph, start_node, end_node):
	departure = Time.Time(7, 30, 0)
	meter = 0
	gr.dijkstra(v_graph, start_node)
	distance = end_node.distance
	# Zeit die Lisa braucht
	lt = shortest_runtime(distance, "Lisa")
	# Zeit die Bus braucht
	bt = shortest_runtime(meter, "Bus")
	# Zeit bei Treffpunkt, d.h Endzeit
	meeting_time = Time.add_seconds(departure, bt)
	# Startzeit
	leaving_time = Time.subtract_seconds(meeting_time, lt)
	# Initialisierung der Bestzeit (mit dazugehöriger y-Koordinate)
	current_best_time = leaving_time
	current_best_meter = meter
	times = []

	# Finden des spätesten Hausverlasszeitpunkts
	for meter in range(lower, higher):
		if meter % step == 0:
			end_node = gr.Node(vec.Coord(0, meter), "B")
			gr.update_visibility(v_graph, p_graph, end_node)
			gr.dijkstra(v_graph, start_node)
			distance = end_node.distance
			lt = shortest_runtime(distance, "Lisa")
			bt = shortest_runtime(meter, "Bus")
			meeting_time = Time.add_seconds(departure, bt)
			leaving_time = Time.subtract_seconds(meeting_time, lt)
			if leaving_time > current_best_time:
				current_best_time = leaving_time
				current_best_meter = meter

	# Plot of possible leaving times
	x = np.arange(lower, higher, step)
	plt.plot(x, times)

	return current_best_meter
コード例 #5
# Geschwindigkeit in m/s
speed_lisa = 15.0 / 3.6
speed_bus = 30.0 / 3.6

# Daten einlesen
f = open(case+".txt", "r")
p = int(f.readline())
# Koordinaten Polygone
polygons = []
for i in range(p):
	line = f.readline()
	coord = []
	count = 0
	for number in line.split():
		if count % 2 != 0:
		if count % 2 == 0 and count != 0:
			coord[int((count / 2) - 1)].set_y(int(number))
		count += 1
# Koordinaten Haus
line = f.readline()
coord_h = []
for number in line.split():
start_x = coord_h[0]
start_y = coord_h[1]

# Startknoten
start = vec.Coord(start_x, start_y)