def save_regression_outputs(subject, epochs, suffix, results_path, regressors_names, betas, scores): """ This function saves in the results_path the regression score, betas and residuals. """ results_path = results_path + '/' + subject + '/' utils.create_folder(results_path), 'scores--' + suffix[:-1] + '.npy'), scores) # save betas and residuals residuals = epochs.get_data() for ii, name_reg in enumerate(regressors_names): beta = epochs.average().copy() beta._data = np.asarray(betas[ii, :, :]) op.join(results_path, 'beta_' + name_reg + '--' + suffix[:-1] + '-ave.fif')) residuals = residuals - np.asarray([ epochs.metadata[name_reg].values[i] * beta._data for i in range(len(epochs)) ]) residual_epochs = epochs.copy() residual_epochs._data = residuals, 'residuals' + '--' + suffix[:-1] + '-epo.fif'), overwrite=True)
def save_regression_outputs(subject, epochs, suffix, results_path, regressors_names, betas, scores): """ This function saves in the results_path the regression score, betas and residuals. """ results_path = results_path + '/' + subject + '/' utils.create_folder(results_path), 'scores--' + suffix[:-1] + '.npy'), scores) # save betas and residuals residuals = epochs.get_data() # -- explained with be the explained signal --- explained = [] for ii, name_reg in enumerate(regressors_names): beta = epochs.average().copy() beta._data = np.asarray(betas[ii, :, :]) op.join(results_path, 'beta_' + name_reg + '--' + suffix[:-1] + '-ave.fif')) # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- explained_signal = np.asarray([ epochs.metadata[name_reg].values[i] * beta._data for i in range(len(epochs)) ]) if name_reg == 'Intercept': intercept = np.asarray([ epochs.metadata[name_reg].values[i] * beta._data for i in range(len(epochs)) ]) else: explained.append(explained_signal) if 'Intercept' in regressors_names: residuals = residuals - intercept - np.sum(explained, axis=0) intercept_epochs = epochs.copy() intercept_epochs._data = intercept results_path, 'intercept' + '--' + suffix[:-1] + '-epo.fif'), overwrite=True) else: residuals = residuals - np.sum(explained, axis=0), 'epochs' + '--' + suffix[:-1] + '-epo.fif'), overwrite=True) residual_epochs = epochs.copy() residual_epochs._data = residuals, 'residuals' + '--' + suffix[:-1] + '-epo.fif'), overwrite=True) explained_signal_epochs = epochs.copy() explained_signal_epochs._data = np.mean(explained, axis=0) results_path, 'explained_signal' + '--' + suffix[:-1] + '-epo.fif'), overwrite=True)
def run_linear_regression_surprises(subject, omega_list, clean=False, decim=None, prefix='', Ridge=False, hfilter=20): epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=clean) epochs.pick_types(meg=True, eeg=True) if hfilter is not None: epochs.filter(None, hfilter) if decim is not None: epochs.decimate(decim) metadata = epoching_funcs.update_metadata(subject, clean=clean, new_field_name=None, new_field_values=None) epochs.metadata = metadata df = epochs.metadata epochs.metadata = df.assign(Intercept=1) r2_surprise = {omega: [] for omega in omega_list} r2_surprise['times'] = epochs.times epochs_for_reg = epochs[np.where( 1 - np.isnan(epochs.metadata["surprise_1"].values))[0]] epochs_for_reg = epochs_for_reg["SequenceID != 1"] epochs_for_reg_normalized = normalize_data(epochs_for_reg) out_path = op.join(config.result_path, 'TP_effects', 'surprise_omegas', subject) utils.create_folder(out_path) if not Ridge: for omega in omega_list: print("==== running the regression for omega %i =======" % omega) surprise_name = "surprise_%.005f" % omega r2_surprise[omega] = linear_regression_from_sklearn( epochs_for_reg_normalized, surprise_name) # ===== save all the regression results ========= fname = prefix + 'results_surprise.npy', fname), r2_surprise) else: surprise_names = ["surprise_%i" % omega for omega in omega_list] results_ridge = multi_ridge_regression_allIO(epochs_for_reg_normalized, surprise_names) fname = prefix + 'results_Ridge_surprise.npy', fname), results_ridge) return True
def _compute_and_save_dissimilarity(epochs1, epochs2, subdir, subj_id, metric): print('\n\nComputing {:} dissimilarity (metric={:})...'.format( subdir, metric)) dissim = umne.rsa.gen_observed_dissimilarity(epochs1, epochs2, metric=metric, sliding_window_size=25, sliding_window_step=4) filename = fn_template.dissim.format(subdir, metric, subj_id) utils.create_folder(op.split(filename)[0] + '/') print('Saving the dissimilarity matrix to {:}'.format(filename))
def merge_individual_regression_results(regressors_names, epochs_fname, filter_name, suffix=''): """ This function loads individual regression results (betas, computed by 'compute_regression' function) and saves them as an epochs object, with Nsubjects betas, per regressor :param regressors_names: regressors used in the regression (required to find path and files) :epochs_fname: '' empty unless regresssions was conducted with the residuals of a previous regression :param filter_name: 'Stand', 'Viol', 'StandMultiStructure', 'Hab', 'Stand_excluseRA', 'Viol_excluseRA', 'StandMultiStructure_excluseRA', 'Hab_excluseRA' """ # Results path results_path = op.join(config.result_path, 'linear_models', filter_name) if epochs_fname != '': results_path = op.abspath( op.join(results_path, 'from_' + epochs_fname + '--')) to_append_to_results_path = '' for name in regressors_names: to_append_to_results_path += '_' + name results_path = results_path + to_append_to_results_path[1:] else: to_append_to_results_path = '' for name in regressors_names: to_append_to_results_path += '_' + name results_path = op.join(results_path, to_append_to_results_path[1:]) # Load data from all subjects tmpdat = dict() for name in regressors_names: tmpdat[name], path_evo = evoked_funcs.load_evoked( 'all', filter_name='beta_' + name + suffix, root_path=results_path) # Store as epo objects for name in regressors_names: dat = tmpdat[name][next(iter(tmpdat[name]))] exec( name + "_epo = mne.EpochsArray(np.asarray([dat[i][0].data for i in range(len(dat))]), dat[0][0].info, tmin=" + str(np.round(dat[0][0].times[0], 3)) + ")", locals(), globals()) # Save group fif files out_path = op.join(results_path, 'group') utils.create_folder(out_path) for name in regressors_names: exec(name + ", '" + name + suffix + "_epo.fif'), overwrite=True)")
def save_evoked_levels_regressors(epochs, subject, regressors_names, results_path, suffix): """ This function computes and saves the regression results when regressing on the epochs (or residuals if specified in epochs_fname) :param epochs: subject's NIP :param regressors_names: List of fieds that exist in the metadata of the epochs """ for reg_name in regressors_names: save_reg_levels_evoked_path = results_path + subject + op.sep + reg_name + '_evo/' utils.create_folder(save_reg_levels_evoked_path) # --- these are the different values of the regressor ---- levels = np.unique(epochs.metadata[reg_name]) if len(levels) > 10: bins = np.linspace(np.min(levels), np.max(levels), 6) ## changed from 11 to 6 --> to recompute for ii in range(5): epochs["%s >= %0.02f and %s < %0.02f" % (reg_name, bins[ii], reg_name, bins[ii + 1])].average( ).save(save_reg_levels_evoked_path + str(ii) + '-' + suffix[:-1] + '-ave.fif') else: for k, lev in enumerate(levels): # epochs["%s == %s"%(reg_name,lev)].average().save(save_reg_levels_evoked_path+op.sep+str(np.round(lev,2))+'-'+suffix[:-1]+'-ave.fif') epochs["%s == %s" % (reg_name, lev)].average().save(save_reg_levels_evoked_path + op.sep + str(k) + '-' + suffix[:-1] + '-ave.fif') save_reg_levels_evoked_path = results_path + subject + '/SequenceID_evo/' utils.create_folder(save_reg_levels_evoked_path) levels = np.unique(epochs.metadata['SequenceID']) for lev in levels: epochs["%s == %s" % ('SequenceID', lev)].average().save(save_reg_levels_evoked_path + op.sep + str(np.round(lev, 2)) + '-' + suffix[:-1] + '-ave.fif') return True
def localize_standard_VS_deviant_code(subject,n_permutations = 2000,n_channels = 30,select_grad=False,cleaned=True): # ----------- load the epochs --------------- epochs = epoching_funcs.load_epochs_items(subject, cleaned=cleaned) epochs.pick_types(meg=True) # ----------- balance the position of the standard and the deviants ------- # 'local' - Just make sure we have the same amount of standards and deviants for a given position. This may end up with # 1 standards/deviants for position 9 and 4 for the others. epochs_balanced = epoching_funcs.balance_epochs_violation_positions(epochs,balance_param="local") # ----------- do a sliding window to smooth the data ------- epochs_balanced = epoching_funcs.sliding_window(epochs_balanced) # ============================================================================================= toi = 0.165 epochs_for_decoding = epochs_balanced.copy().crop(tmin=toi, tmax = toi) training_inds, testing_inds = SVM_funcs.train_test_different_blocks(epochs_for_decoding, return_per_seq=False) y_violornot = np.asarray(epochs_for_decoding.metadata['ViolationOrNot'].values) labels_train = [y_violornot[training_inds[i]] for i in range(2)] labels_test = [y_violornot[testing_inds[i]] for i in range(2)] performance_loc = compute_sensor_weights_decoder(epochs_for_decoding, SVM_funcs.SVM_decoder(), training_inds, labels_train, testing_inds, labels_test, None, None, n_permutations, n_channels,select_grad=select_grad) suffix = '' if select_grad: suffix = 'only_grad' save_path = config.result_path + '/localization/Standard_VS_Deviant/' utils.create_folder(save_path) save_path_subject = save_path + subject + '/'+suffix utils.create_folder(save_path_subject) + 'results'+str(n_permutations)+'_permut'+str(n_channels)+'_chans'+'_'+str(round(toi*1000))+'.npy', performance_loc)
def plot_weights_maps(analysis_name='Standard_VS_Deviant',results_name='results.npy',suffix='',chan_types=['mag'],chance=None,vmin=None,vmax=None,font_size = 8): save_path = config.fig_path+'/localization/'+analysis_name+'/' utils.create_folder(save_path) epoch = sensor_weights_all_subj_as_epo(analysis_name=analysis_name,results_name=results_name) for chans in chan_types: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.,2.2)) layout = mne.find_layout(,ch_type=chans) data_to_plot = np.squeeze(epoch.copy().pick_types(meg=chans).average()._data) if chance is None: if 'grad' in chan_types: plt.scatter(np.asarray([layout.pos[i, 0] for i in range(0,len(layout.pos),2)]), [layout.pos[i, 1] for i in range(0,len(layout.pos),2)], c=[data_to_plot[i] for i in range(0,len(layout.pos),2)], s=30, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: plt.scatter(layout.pos[:, 0], layout.pos[:, 1], c=data_to_plot, s=30, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: if 'grad' in chan_types: plt.scatter(np.asarray([layout.pos[i, 0] for i in range(0,len(layout.pos),2)]), [layout.pos[i, 1] for i in range(0,len(layout.pos),2)], c=[data_to_plot[i]-chance for i in range(0,len(layout.pos),2)], s=30, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: plt.scatter(layout.pos[:, 0], layout.pos[:, 1], c=data_to_plot - chance, s=30, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # plt.title(analysis_name+chans) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.axis('off') cbar = plt.colorbar() # Adjust as appropriate. plt.gcf().savefig(save_path+chans+suffix+'.png') plt.gcf().savefig(save_path+chans+suffix+'.svg') plt.gcf().show() fig = plt.gcf() plt.close('all') return fig
def regression_group_analysis(regressors_names, epochs_fname, filter_name, suffix='', Do3Dplot=True, ch_types=['mag'], suffix_evoked=''): """ This function loads individual regression results merged as epochs arrays (with 'merge_individual_regression_results' function) and compute group level statistics (with various figures) :param regressors_names: regressors used in the regression (required to find path and files) :epochs_fname: '' empty unless regresssions was conducted with the residuals of a previous regression :param filter_name: 'Stand', 'Viol', 'StandMultiStructure', 'Hab', 'Stand_excluseRA', 'Viol_excluseRA', 'StandMultiStructure_excluseRA', 'Hab_excluseRA' :param suffix: '' or 'remapped_mtg' or 'remapped_gtm' :param Do3Dplot: create the sources figures (may not work, depending of the computer config) regressors_names = reg_names epochs_fname = '' filter_name = 'Hab' suffix='--remapped_mtgclean' Do3Dplot=False ch_types = ['mag'] """ # ===================== LOAD GROUP REGRESSION RESULTS & SET PATHS ==================== # # Results (data) path results_path = op.join(config.result_path, 'linear_models', filter_name) if epochs_fname != '': results_path = op.abspath( op.join(results_path, 'from_' + epochs_fname + '--')) to_append_to_results_path = '' for name in regressors_names: to_append_to_results_path += '_' + name results_path = results_path + to_append_to_results_path[1:] else: to_append_to_results_path = '' for name in regressors_names: to_append_to_results_path += '_' + name results_path = op.join(results_path, to_append_to_results_path[1:]) results_path = op.join(results_path, 'group') # Load data betas = dict() for name in regressors_names: exec(name + "_epo = mne.read_epochs(op.join(results_path, '" + name + suffix + "_epo.fif'))") # betas[name] = globals()[name + '_epo'] betas[name] = locals()[name + '_epo'] print('There is ' + str(len(betas[name])) + ' betas for ' + name + suffix) # Results figures path fig_path = op.join(results_path, 'figures') utils.create_folder(fig_path) # Analysis name analysis_name = '' for name in regressors_names: analysis_name += '_' + name analysis_name = analysis_name[1:] # ====================== PLOT THE GROUP-AVERAGED SOURCES OF THE BETAS ===================== # if Do3Dplot: all_stcs, all_betasevoked = linear_reg_funcs.plot_average_betas_with_sources( betas, analysis_name, fig_path, remap_grads=suffix) # ================= PLOT THE HEATMAPS OF THE GROUP-AVERAGED BETAS / CHANNEL ================ # linear_reg_funcs.plot_betas_heatmaps(betas, ch_types, fig_path, suffix=suffix) # =========================== PLOT THE BUTTERFLY OF THE REGRESSORS ========================== # linear_reg_funcs.plot_betas_butterfly(betas, ch_types, fig_path, suffix=suffix) # =========================================================== # # Group stats # =========================================================== # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt savepath = op.join(fig_path, 'Stats') utils.create_folder(savepath) nperm = 5000 # number of permutations threshold = None # If threshold is None, t-threshold equivalent to p < 0.05 (if t-statistic) p_threshold = 0.05 tmin = 0.000 # timewindow to test (crop data) tmax = 0.350 # timewindow to test (crop data) for ch_type in ch_types: for x, regressor_name in enumerate(betas.keys()): data_stat = copy.deepcopy(betas[regressor_name]) data_stat.crop(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) # crop print('\n\n' + regressor_name + ', ch_type ' + ch_type) cluster_stats = [] data_array_chtype = [] cluster_stats, data_array_chtype, _ = stats_funcs.run_cluster_permutation_test_1samp( data_stat, ch_type=ch_type, nperm=nperm, threshold=threshold, n_jobs=6, tail=0) cluster_info = stats_funcs.extract_info_cluster( cluster_stats, p_threshold, data_stat, data_array_chtype, ch_type) # Significant clusters T_obs, clusters, p_values, _ = cluster_stats good_cluster_inds = np.where(p_values < p_threshold)[0] print("Good clusters: %s" % good_cluster_inds) # PLOT CLUSTERS if len(good_cluster_inds) > 0: figname_initial = op.join( savepath, analysis_name + '_' + regressor_name + '_stats_' + ch_type + suffix) stats_funcs.plot_clusters(cluster_info, ch_type, T_obs_max=5., fname=regressor_name, figname_initial=figname_initial, filter_smooth=False) if Do3Dplot: # SOURCES FIGURES FROM CLUSTERS TIME WINDOWS if len(good_cluster_inds) > 0: # Group mean stc (all_stcs loaded before) n_subjects = len(all_stcs[regressor_name]) mean_stc = all_stcs[regressor_name][0].copy( ) # get copy of first instance for sub in range(1, n_subjects): mean_stc._data += all_stcs[regressor_name][sub].data mean_stc._data /= n_subjects for i_clu in range(cluster_info['ncluster']): cinfo = cluster_info[i_clu] twin_min = cinfo['sig_times'][0] / 1000 twin_max = cinfo['sig_times'][-1] / 1000 stc_timewin = mean_stc.copy() stc_timewin.crop(tmin=twin_min, tmax=twin_max) stc_timewin = stc_timewin.mean() # max_t_val = mean_stc.get_peak()[1] brain = stc_timewin.plot(views=['lat'], surface='inflated', hemi='split', size=(1200, 600), subject='fsaverage', clim='auto', subjects_dir=op.join( config.root_path, 'data', 'MRI', 'fs_converted'), smoothing_steps=5, time_viewer=False) screenshot = brain.screenshot() brain.close() nonwhite_pix = (screenshot != 255).any(-1) nonwhite_row = nonwhite_pix.any(1) nonwhite_col = nonwhite_pix.any(0) cropped_screenshot = screenshot[ nonwhite_row][:, nonwhite_col] plt.close('all') fig = plt.imshow(cropped_screenshot) plt.axis('off') info = analysis_name + '_' + regressor_name + ' [%d - %d ms]' % ( twin_min * 1000, twin_max * 1000) # figname_initial = savepath + op.sep + analysis_name + '_' + regressor_name + '_stats_' + ch_type plt.title(info) plt.savefig(op.join(savepath, info + suffix + '_sources.png'), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600) plt.close('all') # =========================================================== # # ========== cluster evoked data plot --> per regressor level # =========================================================== # if len(good_cluster_inds) > 0 and regressor_name != 'Intercept': # ------------------ LOAD THE EVOKED FOR THE CURRENT CONDITION ------------ # path = op.abspath(op.join(results_path, os.pardir)) subpath = regressor_name + '_evo' evoked_reg = evoked_funcs.load_regression_evoked( subject='all', path=path, subpath=subpath, filter=suffix_evoked) # ----------------- PLOTS ----------------- # for i_clu, clu_idx in enumerate(good_cluster_inds): cinfo = cluster_info[i_clu] fig = stats_funcs.plot_clusters_evo( evoked_reg, cinfo, ch_type, i_clu, analysis_name=analysis_name + '_' + regressor_name, filter_smooth=False, legend=True, blackfig=False) fig_name = savepath + op.sep + analysis_name + '_' + regressor_name + '_stats_' + ch_type + '_clust_' + str( i_clu + 1) + suffix + '_evo.jpg' print('Saving ' + fig_name) fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=300, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none') plt.close('all') # =========================================================== # # ========== cluster evoked data plot --> per sequence # =========================================================== # if len(good_cluster_inds) > 0: # ------------------ LOAD THE EVOKED FOR EACH SEQUENCE ------------ # path = op.abspath(op.join(results_path, os.pardir)) subpath = 'SequenceID' + '_evo' evoked_reg = evoked_funcs.load_regression_evoked( subject='all', path=path, subpath=subpath) # ----------------- PLOTS ----------------- # for i_clu, clu_idx in enumerate(good_cluster_inds): cinfo = cluster_info[i_clu] fig = stats_funcs.plot_clusters_evo( evoked_reg, cinfo, ch_type, i_clu, analysis_name=analysis_name + '_eachSeq', filter_smooth=False, legend=True, blackfig=False) fig_name = savepath + op.sep + analysis_name + '_' + regressor_name + '_stats_' + ch_type + '_clust_' + str( i_clu + 1) + suffix + '_eachSeq_evo.jpg' print('Saving ' + fig_name) fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=300, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none') fig = stats_funcs.plot_clusters_evo_bars( evoked_reg, cinfo, ch_type, i_clu, analysis_name=analysis_name + '_eachSeq', filter_smooth=False, legend=False, blackfig=False) fig_name = savepath + op.sep + analysis_name + '_' + regressor_name + '_stats_' + ch_type + '_clust_' + str( i_clu + 1) + suffix + '_eachSeq_evo_bars.jpg' print('Saving ' + fig_name) fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=300, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none') plt.close('all') # =========================================================== # # ========== heatmap betas plot # =========================================================== # if len(good_cluster_inds) > 0 and regressor_name != 'Intercept': linear_reg_funcs.plot_betas_heatmaps_with_clusters( analysis_name, betas, ch_type, regressor_name, cluster_info, good_cluster_inds, savepath, suffix)
def run_epochs(subject, epoch_on_first_element, baseline=True, tmin=None, tmax=None, whattoreturn=None): # SEt this param to True if you want to run autoreject locally too when config.autorject = True from datetime import datetime now = ARlocal = False print("Processing subject: %s" % subject) meg_subject_dir = op.join(config.meg_dir, subject) run_info_subject_dir = op.join(config.run_info_dir, subject) raw_list = list() events_list = list() if config.noEEG: output_dir = op.join(meg_subject_dir, 'noEEG') utils.create_folder(output_dir) else: output_dir = meg_subject_dir print(" Loading raw data") runs = config.runs_dict[subject] for run in runs: extension = run + '_ica_raw' print(extension) raw_fname_in = op.join(meg_subject_dir, config.base_fname.format(**locals())) raw =, preload=True) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RESAMPLING EACH RUN BEFORE CONCAT & EPOCHING # Resampling the raw data while keeping events from original raw data, to avoid potential loss of # events when downsampling: # Find events events = mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel=config.stim_channel, consecutive=True, min_duration=config.min_event_duration, shortest_event=config.shortest_event) print(' Downsampling raw data') raw, events = raw.resample(config.resample_sfreq, npad='auto', events=events) times_between_events_and_end = (raw.last_samp - events[:, 0]) /['sfreq'] if np.sum(times_between_events_and_end < 0.6) > 0: print("=== some events are too close to the end ====") if len(events) != 46 * 16: raise Exception('We expected %i events but we got %i' % (46 * 16, len(events))) raw_list.append(raw) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if subject == 'sub08-cc_150418': # For this participant, we had some problems when concatenating the raws for run08. The error message said that raw08._cals didn't match the other ones. # We saw that it is the 'calibration' for the channel EOG061 that was different with respect to run09._cals. raw_list[7]._cals = raw_list[8]._cals print( 'Warning: corrected an issue with subject08 run08 ica_raw data file...' ) print('Concatenating runs') raw = mne.concatenate_raws(raw_list) # raw.set_annotations(None) if "eeg" in config.ch_types: raw.set_eeg_reference(projection=True) del raw_list # Save resampled, concatenated runs (in case we need it) # print('Saving concatenated runs') # fname = op.join(meg_subject_dir, subject + '_allruns_final_raw.fif') #, overwrite=True) if config.noEEG: picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=True, eog=True, exclude=()) else: picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=True, stim=True, eog=True, exclude=()) # Construct metadata from csv events file metadata = convert_csv_info_to_metadata(run_info_subject_dir) metadata_pandas = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(metadata, orient='index') metadata_pandas = pd.DataFrame.transpose(metadata_pandas) # ====== Epoching the data print(' Epoching') # Events events = mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel=config.stim_channel, consecutive=True, min_duration=config.min_event_duration, shortest_event=config.shortest_event) if epoch_on_first_element: # fosca 06012020 if tmin is None: tmin = -0.200 if tmax is None: tmax = 0.25 * 17 baseline = (tmin, 0) if (baseline is None) or (baseline is False): baseline = None for k in range(len(events)): events[k, 2] = k % 16 + 1 epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, {'sequence_starts': 1}, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=baseline, preload=False, decim=config.decim, reject=None) epochs.metadata = metadata_pandas[metadata_pandas['StimPosition'] == 1.0] else: if tmin is None: tmin = -0.050 if tmax is None: tmax = 0.600 if (baseline is None) or (baseline is False): baseline = None else: baseline = (tmin, 0) epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, None, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=baseline, preload=False, decim=config.decim, reject=None) # Add metadata to epochs epochs.metadata = metadata_pandas # Save epochs (before AutoReject) if whattoreturn is None: print(' Writing epochs to disk') if epoch_on_first_element: extension = subject + '_1st_element_epo' else: extension = subject + '_epo' epochs_fname = op.join(output_dir, config.base_fname.format(**locals())) print("Output: ", epochs_fname), overwrite=True) elif whattoreturn == '': epochs.load_data() return epochs else: print("=== we continue on the autoreject part ===") if config.autoreject: epochs.load_data() # Running AutoReject "global" ( -> just get the thresholds from autoreject import get_rejection_threshold reject = get_rejection_threshold(epochs, ch_types=config.ch_types) epochsARglob = epochs.copy().drop_bad(reject=reject) print(' Writing "AR global" cleaned epochs to disk') if epoch_on_first_element: extension = subject + '_1st_element_ARglob_epo' else: extension = subject + '_ARglob_epo' epochs_fname = op.join(output_dir, config.base_fname.format(**locals())) if whattoreturn is None: print("Output: ", epochs_fname), overwrite=True) pickle.dump( reject, open(epochs_fname[:-4] + '_ARglob_thresholds.obj', 'wb')) elif whattoreturn == 'ARglobal': return epochsARglob else: print("==== continue to ARlocal ====") # Save autoreject thresholds # Running AutoReject "local" ( if ARlocal: ar = AutoReject() epochsAR, reject_log = ar.fit_transform(epochs, return_log=True) print(' Writing "AR local" cleaned epochs to disk') if epoch_on_first_element: extension = subject + '_1st_element_clean_epo' else: extension = subject + '_clean_epo' epochs_fname = op.join(output_dir, config.base_fname.format(**locals())) if whattoreturn is None: print("Output: ", epochs_fname), overwrite=True) # Save autoreject reject_log pickle.dump( reject_log, open(epochs_fname[:-4] + '_reject_local_log.obj', 'wb')) else: return epochsAR
def create_qsub(function_name, folder_name, suffix_name, sublist_subjects=None, queue='Unicog_long'): import subprocess import os, sys, glob # ========================================================================================== # ============= ============= create the jobs ============================= ============= == # ========================================================================================== ######################################################################## # List of parameters to be parallelized ListSubject = config.subjects_list if sublist_subjects is not None: ListSubject = sublist_subjects ######################################################################## # Initialize job files and names List_python_files = [] wkdir = config.cluster_path base_path = config.scripts_path initbody = 'import sys \n' initbody = initbody + "sys.path.append(" + "'" + base_path + "')\n" initbody = initbody + 'from ABseq_func import cluster_funcs\n' # Write actual job files python_file, Listfile, ListJobName = [], [], [] for s, subject in enumerate(ListSubject): print(subject) additionnal_parameters = '' body = initbody + "cluster_funcs.%s('%s')" % (function_name, subject) jobname = suffix_name + '_' + subject ListJobName.append(jobname) # Write jobs in a dedicated folder path_jobs = wkdir + '/generated_jobs/' + folder_name + '/' utils.create_folder(path_jobs) name_file = path_jobs + jobname + '.py' Listfile.append(name_file) with open(name_file, 'w') as python_file: python_file.write(body) # ============== Loop over your jobs =========== jobs_path = config.cluster_path + "/generated_jobs/" results_path = config.cluster_path + "/results_qsub/" utils.create_folder(results_path + folder_name) list_scripts = sorted(glob.glob(jobs_path + folder_name + "/*.py")) # Loop over your jobs for i in list_scripts: # Customize your options here file_name = os.path.split(i) job_name = "%s" % file_name[1] walltime = "48:00:00" # "24:00:00" if 'short' in queue: walltime = "2:00:00" # "24:00:00" processors = "nodes=1:ppn=1" command = "python %s" % i standard_output = "/std_%s" % file_name[1] error_output = "/err_%s" % file_name[1] name_file = "/qsub_cmd_%s" % file_name[1] job_string = """#!/bin/bash #PBS -N %s #PBS -q %s #PBS -l walltime=%s #PBS -l %s #PBS -o %s #PBS -e %s cd %s %s""" % (job_name, queue, walltime, processors, results_path + folder_name + standard_output, results_path + folder_name + error_output, results_path, command) # job_file = jobs_path + folder_name + '/' + name_file job_file = jobs_path + name_file fichier = open(job_file, "w") fichier.write(job_string) fichier.close() # Send job_string to qsub cmd = "qsub %s" % (job_file), shell=True)
evokeds = [ ev.filter(l_freq=None, h_freq=30).apply_baseline( (-0.050, 0)).crop(0.0, 0.25) for ev in evokeds ] for alpha in [0.3, 0.5, 0.8]: print('Computing group inverse with alpha=0.%i' % int(alpha * 10)) stcs = compute_group_inverse(fwds, evokeds, noise_covs, method='multitasklasso', spatiotemporal=True, alpha=alpha) save_lasso_res_path = config.result_path + '/groupmne/lasso/' utils.create_folder(save_lasso_res_path) + '/stcs_alpha0%i.npy' % int(alpha * 10), stcs) # sstcs = np.load(save_lasso_res_path+'/stcs_alpha0%i.npy'%int(alpha*10),allow_pickle=True) ############################################ # Visualize stcs save_lasso_res_path = config.result_path + '/groupmne/lasso/' alpha = 0.8 stcs = np.load(save_lasso_res_path + '/stcs_alpha0%i.npy' % int(alpha * 10), allow_pickle=True) # data = np.average([ for s in stcs], axis=0) data = np.average([abs( for s in stcs], axis=0) # with absolute values !! stc = mne.SourceEstimate(data, stcs[0].vertices, stcs[0].tmin, stcs[0].tstep, stcs[0].subject) stc.plot(
analysis_name = "SequenceID_StimPosition_Complexity_RepeatAlter_ChunkBeginning_ChunkEnd_OpenedChunks_ChunkDepth_ChunkNumber_WithinChunkPosition_ClosedChunks_no_baseline" analysis_name = "StimID_SequenceID_StimPosition_Complexity_RepeatAlter_ChunkBeginning_ChunkEnd_OpenedChunks_ChunkDepth_ChunkNumber_WithinChunkPosition_ClosedChunks_no_baseline" analysis_name = "_no_baseline_all_dataStimID_SequenceID_StimPosition_Complexity_RepeatAlter_ChunkBeginning_ChunkEnd_OpenedChunks_ChunkDepth_ChunkNumber_WithinChunkPosition_ClosedChunks_no_baseline" # ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== # LOOKING AT PREDICTORS # ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== diss_matrix, md, md2, dis, times = rsa_funcs.Predictor_dissimilarity_matrix_and_md( analysis_name) # --- Visualize the predictor matrices --- # tick_filter=lambda md: md['StimPosition'] == 1 save_regressors_path = config.result_path + "/rsa/dissim/" + analysis_name + '/regressors_matrix/' utils.create_folder(save_regressors_path) for key in diss_matrix.keys(): viz_predictor_mats(eval('dis.' + key), md, md2=md2) plt.gcf().savefig(save_regressors_path + key + '.png') plt.close('all') # --- Determine which regressors are too correlated --- correlation_matrix = np.zeros( (len(diss_matrix.keys()), len(diss_matrix.keys()))) for k, key1 in enumerate(diss_matrix.keys()): for l, key2 in enumerate(diss_matrix.keys()): r = np.corrcoef([ np.reshape(diss_matrix[key1].data, diss_matrix[key1].data.size),