コード例 #1
def addProperty(comp_ref,
    This function automatically adds a BACI property implementation to a
    component and it is designed to be used from the initialize lifecyle
    method of components. If the IFR is not working correctly, this function 
    will NOT work at all as it is dependent upon the IFR to obtain the 
    property type.

    For those who want to know the nitty gritty details of this helper 
    1. It determines the correct CDB location for the property using the IFR 
    ID of the component (i.e., IDL name of the component) concatenated with 
    the name of the property
    2. It determines the proper ACS implementation of BACI property to use by
    looking it up in the IFR.
    3. It automatically adds the Python object (i.e., BACI property) to
    comp_ref. This member is named "__" + prop_name + "Object"
    4. It automatically adds the CORBA object property to comp_ref as well.
    This member is named "__" + prop_name + "CORBAObject"
    5. Finally, it automatically creates the "_get_" + prop_name method of
    comp_ref which returns 4.
    - comp_ref is a reference to the component that will have the BACI
    property instance added to it. Under normal usage this would be "self"
    - prop_name is the name of the BACI property being created taken from
    the IDL file. An example could be "voltage".
    - devio_ref is a reference to a devIO object. If no devIO is provided,
    the default ACS devIO class will be used instead.
    - cdb_location is the location of this propertys definition within the
    XML schema defining the comp_ref component. An example could be
    "Mount:voltage". Please pay close attention to the fact this name has
    absolutely nothing to do with comp_refs instance name! It is not
    recommended to override this default parameter, but you can if the schema
    defining your component is following something other than the unofficial 
    standards set by the examples throughout ACS. Please be aware of the fact 
    this parameter may become deprecated in the near future also!
    - prop_type is unncessary to override IFF the IFR is working correctly.
    If this is not the case, the user can specify the propertys type
    directly here. An example could be "ROdouble"
    Returns: Nothing
    Raises: ???
    #string of the form 'IDL:alma/someModule/someInterface:1.0'
    comp_type = comp_ref._NP_RepositoryId
    #determine the name of the property within the ACS CDB
    if cdb_location == None:
        cdb_name = comp_type.split(':')[1].split('/').pop() + "/"
        cdb_name = cdb_name + prop_name
        cdb_name = cdb_location
    #determine the real type of the BACI property using the IFR
    #look up the component's description in the IFR
    if INTERFACE_DICT.has_key(comp_type) == False:
        interf = IFR.lookup_id(comp_type)
        interf = interf._narrow(CORBA.InterfaceDef)
        interf = interf.describe_interface()
        INTERFACE_DICT[comp_type] = interf
        interf = INTERFACE_DICT[comp_type]

    #if developer has not specified the property's type
    if prop_type == "":
        #iterate through all the component's attributes until the attribute
        #we're looking for is found.
        for attr in interf.attributes:
            if prop_name == attr.name:
                #good...we found a match. now save the type (e.g., "ROdouble")
                prop_ifr_name = attr.type.id()
                prop_type = attr.type.id().split(':')[1].split('/').pop()
    #create the BACI property object and set it as a member of the component
    prop_py_name = "__" + prop_name + "Object"
    prop_corba_name = "__" + prop_name + "CORBAObject"
    #get the class implementation for the BACI property
    if prop_type == "ROstringSeq":
        prop_class = ROstringSeq

    elif prop_type == "ROdouble":
        prop_class = ROdouble

    elif prop_type == "RWdouble":
        prop_class = RWdouble

    elif prop_type == "ROdoubleSeq":
        prop_class = ROdoubleSeq

    elif prop_type == "RWdoubleSeq":
        prop_class = RWdoubleSeq

    elif prop_type == "ROlong":
        prop_class = ROlong

    elif prop_type == "RWlong":
        prop_class = RWlong

    elif prop_type == "ROlongSeq":
        prop_class = ROlongSeq

    elif prop_type == "RWlongSeq":
        prop_class = RWlongSeq

    elif prop_type == "ROlongLong":
        prop_class = ROlongLong

    elif prop_type == "RWlongLong":
        prop_class = RWlongLong
    elif prop_type == "ROuLongLong":
        prop_class = ROuLongLong

    elif prop_type == "RWuLongLong":
        prop_class = RWuLongLong

    elif prop_type == "ROpattern":
        prop_class = ROpattern

    elif prop_type == "RWpattern":
        prop_class = RWpattern

    elif prop_type == "ROstring":
        prop_class = ROstring

    elif prop_type == "RWstring":
        prop_class = RWstring

    elif prop_type == "ROfloat":
        prop_class = ROfloat

    elif prop_type == "RWfloat":
        prop_class = RWfloat
    elif prop_type == "ROfloatSeq":
        prop_class = ROfloatSeq

    elif prop_type == "RWfloatSeq":
        prop_class = RWfloatSeq
    #must handle user defined enums as well
    elif prop_type.startswith("RO") or prop_type.startswith("RW"):
        prop_class = getEnumClass(prop_ifr_name)
        msg = "The '" + str(prop_name) + "' property of type '" 
        msg = msg + str(prop_type) + "' from the the '" + str(comp_type)
        msg = msg + "' component type cannot be found within the IFR!"
        raise msg
    #create the pure python property object
    prop_obj = prop_class(cdb_name, comp_ref, devio_ref)
    #add the property object to the component
    comp_ref.__dict__[prop_py_name] = prop_obj
    #create the CORBA reference and set it as a member of the component
    corba_ref = prop_obj._this()
    comp_ref.__dict__[prop_corba_name] = corba_ref
    #create the function to return the property
    def genericFunction(*args, **moreargs):
        Generic implementation of an IDL method.

        args - a tuple of arguments
        moreargs - a dictionary of arguments

        Returns: a reference to a BACI property 

        Raises: Nothing
        return comp_ref.__dict__[prop_corba_name]
    #register the generic function with the component
    comp_ref.__dict__["_get_" + prop_name] = instancemethod(genericFunction,
コード例 #2
    elif prop_type == "ROpattern":
        prop_class = ROpattern

    elif prop_type == "RWpattern":
        prop_class = RWpattern

    elif prop_type == "ROstring":
        prop_class = ROstring

    elif prop_type == "RWstring":
        prop_class = RWstring
    #must handle user defined enums as well
    elif prop_type.startswith("RO") or prop_type.startswith("RW"):
        prop_class = getEnumClass(prop_ifr_name)
        msg = "The '" + str(prop_name) + "' property of type '" 
        msg = msg + str(prop_type) + "' from the the '" + str(comp_type)
        msg = msg + "' component type cannot be found within the IFR!"
        raise msg
    #create the pure python property object
    prop_obj = prop_class(cdb_name, comp_ref, devio_ref)
    #add the property object to the component
    comp_ref.__dict__[prop_py_name] = prop_obj
    #create the CORBA reference and set it as a member of the component
    corba_ref = prop_obj._this()
    comp_ref.__dict__[prop_corba_name] = corba_ref