def show_complain(self): """ Show list of complain filed :return: True/False """ try: connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() records = cursor.execute( "select complain_id,description,working_zone,status,created_at from complains where delete_value = " "\'False\' and role_id = \'{}\'".format(self.role_id)).fetchall() if records: print("All complains") for row in records: print("Complain_id= ", row[0]) print("Description= ", row[1]) print("Working_zone= ", row[2]) print("Status= ", row[3]) print("Date of incident= ", row[4]) print("-----------------------") return True print("No complains found") return True except Error as e: print(e) return False
def check_team(self): """ Login for Team :return: True/False """ team_name = input("Enter your Team name: ") # password = getpass.getpass('Enter your team password: '******'{}\'".format(team_name)).fetchall() connection.commit() cursor.close() if retrieve_password: if password.encode() == self.cipher_suite.decrypt(retrieve_password[0][6].encode()): supervising_team(retrieve_password[0][0]).selection() print("Access granted") return True print("wrong password") return False print("Team id not found") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False print("Password or team name is empty") return False
def check_emp(self): """ Login for Employee :return: True/False """ username = input("Enter your username: "******".format( username)).fetchall() connection.commit() cursor.close() if retrieve_password: if password.encode() == self.cipher_suite.decrypt(retrieve_password[0][1].encode()): emp(retrieve_password[0][3]).selection() print("Access granted") return True print("wrong password") return False print("Username not found") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False print("Password or Username is empty") return False
def check_complain_exist(self): """ Check complain is already exist :return: True/False """ try: connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() complain_id = cursor.execute( "select complain_id from supervising_team where team_id = \'{}\'" .format(self.team_id)).fetchall()[0][0] report = cursor.execute( "select * from final_report where complain_id = \'{}\'".format( complain_id)).fetchall() if report: print("Report is already generated by your team: ") for row in report: print("Complain id: ", row[1]) print("date_of_accident: ", row[2]) print("Injured people: ", row[3]) print("Dead people: ", row[4]) print("Short Description", row[5]) print("Root cause", row[6]) print("Feedback", row[7]) print("Created_at", row[8]) print("-------------------------") return False print("No report is generated yet,pLease generate your report") return self.report_accident() except Error as e: print(e) return False
def delete_member(self): """ Delete existing employee of the organisation :return: True/False """ try: print("Deleting a member") connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() members = cursor.execute( "SELECT * from employee where deleted = \'False\'").fetchall() if members: for member in members: print( "ROLE ID: {} | WORKING_ZONE: {} | NAME: {} | PHONE NUMBER: {}" .format(member[0], member[1], member[2], member[3])) ch = '' while ch != '2': ch = input( "Choose any option: 1.Choose role id to be deleted 2.Exit: " ) if ch == '1': role_id = input( "Select the role id for which you need to delete the record: " ) if role_id and re.match( "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$", role_id): cursor.execute( "UPDATE employee SET deleted = 'True' WHERE role_id = \'{}\'" .format(role_id)) cursor.execute( "UPDATE login SET delete_value= 'True',updated_at = \'{}\' WHERE role_id = \'{}\'" .format(, role_id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() else: print('Wrong role id.....try again') elif ch == '2': return True else: print("Invalid choice") print("No member in the record") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False
def report_accident(self): """ Generate report for the existing complained by team after all research :return: True/False """ try: connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() complain_id = cursor.execute( "select complain_id from supervising_team where team_id = \'{}\'" .format(self.team_id)).fetchall()[0][0] date_of_accident = cursor.execute( "select created_at from complains where complain_id = \'{}\'". format(complain_id)).fetchall()[0][0] report_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) created_at = injured_people = input("Enter how many people got injured : ") dead_people = input("How many lives we have lost : ") while not injured_people.isdigit(): injured_people = input("Enter how many people got injured : ") while not dead_people.isdigit(): dead_people = input("How many lives we have lost : ") short_description = input( "Please give short description of the incident happened: ") while not short_description: short_description = input( "Please give the right short description of the incident happened: " ) root_cause = input("Enter the root cause of the incident: ") while "".join(root_cause.split(" ")).isdigit(): root_cause = input("Enter the root cause of the incident: ") feedback = input("Enter your feedback: ") while "".join(feedback.split(" ")).isdigit(): feedback = input("Enter your feedback: ") cursor.execute( "Insert into final_report(report_id,complain_id,feedback,date_of_accident,injured_people,dead_people," "short_description,root_cause,created_at) VALUES(\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',{},{},\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\')" .format(report_id, complain_id, feedback, date_of_accident, injured_people, dead_people, short_description, root_cause, created_at)) connection.commit() cursor.close() print("Report submitted") return True except Error as e: print(e) return False
def final_judgement(self): """ Judgement by Admin :return: True/False """ try: connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() reports = cursor.execute( "SELECT * from final_report where feedback IS NOT NULL" ).fetchall() if reports: for report in reports: print("Report Id: {}".format(report[0])) print("Complain Id: {}".format(report[1])) print("Date of accident: {}".format(report[2])) print("Injured people: {}".format(report[3])) print("Dead people: {}".format(report[4])) print("Short Description: {}".format(report[5])) print("Root Cause: {}".format(report[6])) print("Feedback: {}".format(report[7])) print("----------------------------") complain_id = input( "Enter the complain id for which you want to give judgement: " ) while not self.validate_complaintid(complain_id, cursor): print("Entered complain id is wrong") complain_id = input( "Enter the complain id for which you want to give judgement: " ) verdict = input("Give your final verdict: ") while not "".join(verdict.split(' ')).isalpha(): print("Give a proper verdict") verdict = input("Give your final verdict: ") cursor.execute( "UPDATE complains SET status = 'closed',verdict = \'{}\' WHERE complain_id = \'{}\'" .format(verdict, complain_id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() return True print("No report to show") return True except Error as e: print(e) return False
def visualise_accidents(self): """ Death rate/ casualty rates per different types of accidents. :return:True/False """ try: connection = repo.sql_connection() query = "select complains.complain_type,report.injured_people,report.dead_people as casualty_rate from " \ "complains INNER JOIN final_report report using(complain_id) " df = pd.read_sql_query(query, connection) df = df.groupby( 'complain_type')['casualty_rate'].sum().reset_index() df = pd.DataFrame(df) df.plot(x="complain_type", y="casualty_rate", kind="bar") print(df) except Error as e: print(e) return False
def input_username(self): """ Check username existence from the login table :return: True/False """ username = input("Enter username of member: ") connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() if username: if cursor.execute( "select * from login where username = \'{}\'".format( username)).fetchone(): print("username already exists....try again") self.input_username() print("Username created") connection.commit() cursor.close() return username print("Username cannot be empty") self.input_username()
def create_member(self): """Create new Employee of the organisation :return:True/False """ print("Creating new member") username = self.input_username() password = self.input_password() while not password: password = self.input_password() created_at = role_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) working_zone = input("Insert member's working zone: ") name = input("Enter employee name: ") while not "".join(name.split(' ')).isalpha(): name = input("Enter employee name: ") phone_number = input(("Enter the phone number: ")) while not phone_number.isdigit(): phone_number = input("Enter employee phone number: ") try: connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO login(username,password,role_name,role_id,created_at,delete_value) VALUES(\'{}\',\'{}\'," "\'{}\', \'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\')".format(username, password.decode(), 'employee', role_id, created_at, 'False')) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO employee(role_id,working_zone,name,phone_number,deleted) VALUES(\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',{}," "\'{}\')".format(role_id, working_zone, name, phone_number, 'False')) connection.commit() cursor.close() print("New member created") return True except Error as e: print(e) return False
def visualise_data(self): """ data present about the accidents visualise the no of accidents and incidents happened in a particular month(open vs WIP vs closed) :return:True/False """ try: connection = repo.sql_connection() query = "select * from complains" df = pd.read_sql_query(query, connection) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['created_at']) df['month'] = df['date'].dt.month df['month'] = df['month'].apply(lambda x: calendar.month_abbr[x]) df_result = df.groupby(['month']).complain_id.agg( 'count').to_frame('number_of_cases').reset_index() df_result = pd.DataFrame(df_result) df_result = df_result.sort_values("month", ascending=False) df_result.plot(x="month", y="number_of_cases", kind="bar") return True except Error as e: print(e) return False
def complain_file(self): """ Complain a file against any incident happened :return: True/False """ try: print("file your complain here") created_at = complain_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) description = input("Enter all the details about incident please: ") working_zone = input("Enter working zone where incident happened: ") if description and working_zone: accident_list = ["fire breakout", "gas leakage", "infrastructure damages", "other"] complain_type = None print("Choose complain type \n 1.Fire Breakout 2.Gas Leakage 3.Infrastructure Damages 4.Other") ch = (input("Write your complain type: ")).lower() while not ch in accident_list: print("Entered complain type doesnt exist") ch = (input("Write your complain type: ")).lower() connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT into complains(complain_id,description,working_zone,role_id,status,created_at," "delete_value,verdict,complain_type) Values(\'{}\',\'{}\', " "\'{}\', \'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\')".format(complain_id, description, working_zone, self.role_id, "open", created_at, "False", 'False', complain_type)) connection.commit() cursor.close() print("Your complain is filed") return True print("Description or working zone is empty..Try again") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False
def update_member(self): """ Update existing employee of the organisation :return:True/False """ print("Updating a member") try: connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() members = cursor.execute( "SELECT * from employee where deleted = \'False\'").fetchall() if members: for member in members: print( "ROLE ID: {} | WORKING_ZONE: {} | NAME: {} | PHONE NUMBER: {}" .format(member[0], member[1], member[2], member[3])) self.is_updated(cursor) connection.commit() cursor.close() return True print("No member in the record") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False
def delete_team(self): """ Delete existing team :return: True/False """ try: print("Deleting a team") connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() records = cursor.execute( "select team_id,complain_id,created_at from supervising_team where delete_value = 'False' " ).fetchall() if records: for record in records: print("Team id: {} | Complain_id: {} | Created at: {}". format(record[0], record[1], record[2])) complain_id = input( "Select the complain id for which team needs to be deleted: " ) while not self.validate_complaintid(complain_id, cursor): complain_id = input("Wrong complain id.Enter again: ") cursor.execute( "UPDATE supervising_team SET delete_value = 'True' WHERE complain_id = \'{}\'" .format(complain_id)) cursor.execute( "UPDATE complains SET status = 'open' WHERE complain_id = \'{}\'" .format(complain_id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() print("Selected team deleted") return True print("No team found") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False
def update_team(self): """ Update the team :return: True/False """ try: print("Updating the team") connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() records = cursor.execute( "select team_id,complain_id,created_at from supervising_team where delete_value = 'False' " ).fetchall() if records: for record in records: print("Team id: {} | Complain_id: {} | Created at: {}". format(record[0], record[1], record[2])) complain_id = input( "Select the complain id for which team needs to be updated: " ) while not self.validate_complaintid(complain_id, cursor): complain_id = input("Wrong complain id.Enter again: ") roles_list = cursor.execute( "SELECT role_ids from supervising_team where complain_id=\'{}\'" .format(complain_id)).fetchall()[0][0] temp_roles_list = roles_list.split(',') ch = '' while ch != '3': ch = input( "Select any option: 1.To add member 2.Delete member 3.Exit: " ) if ch == '1': members = cursor.execute( "SELECT * from employee where deleted = \'False\'" ).fetchall() if members: for member in members: if member[0] not in temp_roles_list: print( "ROLE ID: {} | WORKING_ZONE: {} | NAME: {} | PHONE NUMBER: {}" .format(member[0], member[1], member[2], member[3])) role_id = input("Select the role id to be added: ") while not self.validate_roleid(role_id, cursor): role_id = input( "Entred role id is wrong...enter again: ") roles_list = roles_list + role_id + ',' cursor.execute( "UPDATE supervising_team SET role_ids = \'{}\',updated_at = \'{}\' WHERE complain_id = \'{}\'" .format(roles_list,, complain_id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() return True print("No member found") return False elif ch == '2': roles_list = cursor.execute( "SELECT role_ids from supervising_team where complain_id=\'{}\'" .format(complain_id)).fetchall()[0][0] temp_roles_list = roles_list.split(',') for i in range(len(temp_roles_list) - 1): members = cursor.execute( "SELECT * from employee where deleted = \'False\' and role_id = \'{}\'" .format(temp_roles_list[i])).fetchall() for member in members: print( "ROLE ID: {} | WORKING_ZONE: {} | NAME: {} | PHONE NUMBER: {}" .format(member[0], member[1], member[2], member[3])) role_id = input("Select the role_id to be deleted: ") while not self.validate_roleid(role_id, cursor): role_id = input( "Entred role id is wrong...enter again: ") temp_roles_list.remove(role_id) new_roles_list = '' for i in range(len(temp_roles_list)): new_roles_list = new_roles_list + temp_roles_list[ i] + ',' cursor.execute( "UPDATE supervising_team SET role_ids = \'{}\' WHERE complain_id = \'{}\'" .format(new_roles_list, complain_id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() return True else: print("Invalid choice") print("No team found") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False
def create_team(self): """ Create supervising team :return:True/False """ try: print("Creating a new team to investigate") connection = repo.sql_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() records = cursor.execute( "select complain_id,description,working_zone,status,created_at from complains where delete_value = " "'False' and status = 'open'".format()).fetchall() if records: for row in records: print("complain_id= ", row[0]) print("Description= ", row[1]) print("working_zone= ", row[2]) print("status= ", row[3]) print("Date of incident= ", row[4]) print("-----------------------") complain_id = input("Enter the complain id: ") while not self.validate_complaintid(complain_id, cursor): complain_id = input("Enter the complain id: ") else: print("No complaints available") return False members = cursor.execute( "SELECT * from employee where deleted = \'False\'").fetchall() if members: print("Available members:") for member in members: print( "ROLE ID: {} | WORKING_ZONE: {} | NAME: {} | PHONE NUMBER: {}" .format(member[0], member[1], member[2], member[3])) n = '' member_list = '' while n != '2': n = input("Enter 1.To add 2.Exit: ") if n == '1': role_id = input( "Select the role id of the person to be added in team: " ) if self.validate_roleid( role_id, cursor) and role_id not in member_list: member_list = member_list + role_id + ',' else: print( "Error with the role id.Role id cannot be added....try again" ) elif n == '2': break else: print("Invalid choice") team_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) team_name = input("Enter the team name: ") while not self.validate_team_name(team_name, cursor): print("Entered team name already exist....try again") team_name = input("Enter the team name: ") while not team_name.isalpha(): print("Entered team name is not right....try again") team_name = input("Enter the team name: ") password = self.input_password() while not password: password = self.input_password() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO supervising_team(team_id,role_ids,complain_id,created_at,delete_value,password," "team_name) VALUES(\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\')" .format(team_id, member_list, complain_id, str(, False, password.decode(), team_name)) cursor.execute( "UPDATE complains SET status = 'working' WHERE complain_id = \'{}\'" .format(complain_id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() print("Your team has been created") return True else: print("There are no members to be added") return False except Error as e: print(e) return False