コード例 #1
ファイル: XroadsPageDriver.py プロジェクト: git263/letscode
 def __init__(self, timeout=5.0, implicit_wait=0.0, run_on_failure="Capture Page Screenshot"):
     self.gps = XroadsGPS()
     self.alm = ALMUtil()  # lazy init the alm
     # TODO parameterize these connection information
     # self.xroads6_db = Xroads6DBUtil("xroads_app", "xroads", r'rhrac1scan.syniverse.com:1521/XRDSD1')
     self.button_xpath_candidates = (
         "xpath=//input[@type='button' and @value='%s']",
         "xpath=//input[@type='submit' and @value='%s']",
         "xpath=//input[@type='reset' and @value='%s']",
         "xpath=//input[type='submit' and contains(@value,'%s')]",
         "xpath=//input[@type='submit' and @id='%s']",
         "xpath=//input[@type='button' and @id='%s']",
     Selenium2Library.__init__(self, timeout, implicit_wait, run_on_failure)
     logger.warn("XroadsPageDriver initialized")
コード例 #2
ファイル: XroadsPageDriver.py プロジェクト: git263/letscode
class XroadsPageDriver(Selenium2Library, Xroads6DBUtil):
    def __init__(self, timeout=5.0, implicit_wait=0.0, run_on_failure="Capture Page Screenshot"):
        self.gps = XroadsGPS()
        self.alm = ALMUtil()  # lazy init the alm
        # TODO parameterize these connection information
        # self.xroads6_db = Xroads6DBUtil("xroads_app", "xroads", r'rhrac1scan.syniverse.com:1521/XRDSD1')
        self.button_xpath_candidates = (
            "xpath=//input[@type='button' and @value='%s']",
            "xpath=//input[@type='submit' and @value='%s']",
            "xpath=//input[@type='reset' and @value='%s']",
            "xpath=//input[type='submit' and contains(@value,'%s')]",
            "xpath=//input[@type='submit' and @id='%s']",
            "xpath=//input[@type='button' and @id='%s']",
        Selenium2Library.__init__(self, timeout, implicit_wait, run_on_failure)
        logger.warn("XroadsPageDriver initialized")

    def slow_down_selenium_by(self, delta=2):
        old_speed = self._speed_in_secs
        delta_speed = robot.utils.timestr_to_secs(delta)
        new_speed = old_speed + delta_speed
        logger.info("Selenium speed set to %s " % new_speed)
        self.set_selenium_speed(" %s seconds" % new_speed)

    def speed_up_selenium_by(self, delta=2):
        old_speed = self._speed_in_secs
        delta_speed = robot.utils.timestr_to_secs(delta)
        new_speed = old_speed - delta_speed
        if new_speed < 0:
            new_speed = 0
        logger.info("Selenium speed set to %s " % new_speed)
        self.set_selenium_speed(" %s seconds" % new_speed)

    def navigate_with_link(self, locator, verify_locator=None, timeout=None):
        Perform a click action on the provided locator and verify that the verify_locator is present after navigation.
        :param locator:
        :param verify_locator:
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.get_selenium_timeout()
            self.wait_until_page_contains_element(verify_locator, timeout)
        except AssertionError:
                verify_locator, timeout, error="Could not navigate with link %s" % locator

    def verify_company_profile(self, field_name, value):
        TODO migrate to use the get_adf_form_value method implementation
        Verify that the form field specified by the field_name has the specified value.
        :param field_name:
        :param value:
        val = None
        if field_name in [
            "Company Name",
            "TSG Carrier ID",
            "CTP Company ID",
            "LSR Domain",
            "LSR Password",
            "Roamwise Path",
            "NetScout PM URL",
            "NetScout SI URL",
            "Resource Center URL",
            field_locator = "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[text()='%s']]]]/tr[2]/td/input" % field_name
            val = self.get_value(field_locator)
        elif field_name in ["Company ID", "CTP Company Name", "Short Name", "Vis Carrier ID"]:
            field_locator = "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[text()='%s']]]]/tr[2]/td" % field_name
            val = self.get_text(field_locator)
        elif field_name in ["Company Type Code", "Group Company ID", "Company Logo"]:
            field_locator = "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[text()='%s']]]]/tr[2]/td/select" % field_name
            val = self.get_value(field_locator)
        elif field_name in ["Company Accessibility Status"]:
            field_locator = (
                "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[text()='%s']]]]/tr[2]/td/div/span/input[@type='radio']" % field_name
            status_radios = self._element_find(field_locator, False, True)
            if status_radios[0].is_selected():
                val = "Active"
            elif status_radios[1].is_selected():
                val = "Inactive"
            elif status_radios[2].is_selected():
                val = "Denied"

        if val != value:
            raise AssertionError("Expected value: '%s' in field '%s', but actual is '%s' " % (value, field_name, val))

    def verify_user_profile(self, field_name, value):
        Verify that the form field specified by the field_name has the specified value.
        :param field_name:
        :param value:
        # TODO this code works only for user with edit permission to the user being verified, but should be ok. Wrong?
        if field_name in [
            "First Name",
            "Middle Name",
            "Last Name",
            "Access Start Date",
            "Access End Date",
            "Phone Ext",
            "Contact First Name",
            "Contact Last Name",
            "Contact Middle Name",
            "Alternate ID",
            "Contact Phone",
            "Contact Phone Ext",
            val = self.get_adf_form_value(field_name, "EDITABLE_INPUT")
        elif field_name in ["Login ID"]:
            val = self.get_adf_form_value(field_name, "READONLY_LABEL")
        elif field_name in ["User Type Code", "Time Zone Code", "Preferred Language"]:
            val = self.get_adf_form_value(field_name, "DROPDOWN_SELECTION")
        elif field_name in ["Access Status"]:
            val = self.get_adf_form_value(field_name, "RADIO_OPTION")
            raise RuntimeError("Field %s validation is not supported yet" % field_name)
        if val != value:
            raise AssertionError("Expected value: '%s' in field '%s', but actual is '%s' " % (value, field_name, val))

    def get_adf_form_value(self, field_label, field_type):
        if field_type == "EDITABLE_INPUT":
            field_locator = "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[contains(text(),'%s')]]]]/tr[2]/td/input" % field_label
            return self.get_value(field_locator)
        elif field_type == "READONLY_LABEL":
            field_locator = "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[contains(text(),'%s')]]]]/tr[2]/td/span" % field_label
            return self.get_text(field_locator)
        elif field_type == "DROPDOWN_SELECTION":
            field_locator = "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[contains(text(),'%s')]]]]/tr[2]/td/select" % field_label
            return self.get_selected_list_label(field_locator)
        elif field_type == "RADIO_OPTION":
            field_locator = (
                % field_label
            label_locator = "xpath=//tbody[tr[td[label[contains(text(),'%s')]]]]/tr[2]/td/div/label[%s]"
            status_radios = self._element_find(field_locator, False, True)
            for idx in range(1, len(status_radios) + 1):
                if status_radios[idx - 1].is_selected():
                    return self.get_text(label_locator % (field_label, idx))
            raise RuntimeError("ADF Form filed type %s not supported, please contact autobot_dev" % field_type)

    def find_element_by_xpath(self, xpath, first_only, required):
        return self._element_find(xpath, first_only, required)

    def wait_until_not_busy(self, timeout=None, error=None):

        """Waits until the ADF busy indicator is not visible
        :param timeout:
        :param error:
        busy_div_locator = "xpath=//body/div[@class='AFBlockingGlassPane']"
        self.wait_until_element_is_not_visible(busy_div_locator, timeout, error)
        logger.info("The Blocking glass div is now not visible, busy status is off!")

    def wait_until_element_is_not_visible(self, locator, timeout=None, error=None):

        """Waits until element specified with `locator` is NOT visible.

        Fails if `timeout` expires before the element is visible. See
        `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its
        default value.

        `error` can be used to override the default error message.

        See also `Wait Until Page Contains`, `Wait Until Page Contains
        Element`, `Wait For Condition` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword

        def check_visibility():
            visible = self._is_visible(locator)
            if not visible:
            elif visible is None:
                return error or "Element locator '%s' did not match any elements after %s" % (
                logger.info("Element '%s' still visible. " % locator)
                return error or "Element '%s' is still visible in %s" % (locator, self._format_timeout(timeout))

        self._wait_until_no_error(timeout, check_visibility)

    def navigate_with_xroads6_left_menu(self, *menu_path):
        handy method to navigate the xroads 6 left navigation tree
        :param menu_path:
        :raise AssertionError:
        self.gps.navigate_xroads6_left_menu_generic(self, *menu_path)

    def assign_permissions(self, perm_id_list):
        Add the permissions identified by the perm_id array to the company currently under modify.
        Assuming that it is now on the editing page
        Assuming that
        :param perm_id_list:
        # get the permission label and it's permission group id and lable
        logger.info("Assigning %s permissions to the current company!")
        perm_details = self.get_permission_group(perm_id_list)
        for perm_id in perm_details.keys():
            perm_detail = perm_details[perm_id]
            self.assign_permission(perm_id, perm_detail[0], perm_detail[1], perm_detail[2])

    def remove_permissions(self, perm_id_list):
        logger.info("Assigning %s permissions to the current company!")
        perm_details = self.get_permission_group(perm_id_list)
        for perm_id in perm_id_list:
            perm_detail = perm_details[perm_id]
            self.remove_permission(perm_id, perm_detail[0], perm_detail[1], perm_detail[2])

    def assign_permission(self, perm_id, perm_label, perm_group_id, perm_group_label):
        self._ensure_permission_assignment_status(perm_id, perm_label, perm_group_id, perm_group_label, True)

    def _ensure_permission_assignment_status(
        self, perm_id, perm_label, perm_group_id, perm_group_label, to_assigned=True

        :param perm_id:
        :param perm_label:
        :param perm_group_id:
        :param perm_group_label:
        # first make sure the perm group is open
        perm_grp_ul_xpath = "xpath=//ul[@id='%s_Group']" % perm_group_id
        perm_input_xpath = perm_grp_ul_xpath + "//input[@id='%s']" % (perm_id,)
            perm_grp_ul_xpath, "Not able to find the permission group %s" % perm_group_label, "ERROR"
        perm_grp_li_cls = self.get_element_attribute(perm_grp_ul_xpath + "/li@class")
        while "Close" in perm_grp_li_cls:
            self.click_element(perm_grp_ul_xpath + "/li/span")
            perm_grp_li_cls = self.get_element_attribute(perm_grp_ul_xpath + "/li@class")
        self.page_should_contain_element(perm_input_xpath, "Not able to find the permission %s" % perm_label, "ERROR")
        # now lets operate on the permissions
        perm_disabled = self.get_element_attribute(perm_input_xpath + "@disabled")
        if not perm_disabled:
            ele = self._element_find(perm_input_xpath, True, True)
            if ele.is_selected() and to_assigned:
                logger.info("Permission %s already assigned, will not change." % perm_label)
            elif not ele.is_selected() and not to_assigned:
                logger.info("Permission %s already removed, will not change." % perm_label)
                perm_input_type = ele.get_attribute("type")
                if not to_assigned and "radio" in perm_input_type:
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "Permission %s is grouped with other permission and shown as radio button. " % perm_label
                        + "Can not be removed directly. Try assign other permissions in the same group!"
            raise AssertionError("Permission %s is disabled, could not be assigned or removed!" % perm_label)

    def remove_permission(self, perm_id, perm_label, perm_group_id, perm_group_label):
        self._ensure_permission_assignment_status(perm_id, perm_label, perm_group_id, perm_group_label, False)

    def permission_group_should_be_available(self, perm_grp_id_or_label):
        check if the specified permission group is available on the page
        :param perm_grp_id_or_label:
        # the queries are common for both 6 & 7
        perm_grp = self.get_permission_group_by_id(perm_grp_id_or_label)
        if perm_grp is None:
            perm_grp = self.get_permission_group_by_label(perm_grp_id_or_label)
        if perm_grp is None:
            raise AssertionError("Not able to find permission group %s" % perm_grp_id_or_label)
        perm_grp_ul_xpath = "xpath=//ul[@id='%s_Group']" % perm_grp[0]
            perm_grp_ul_xpath, "Not able to find the permission group %s on page" % perm_grp[1], "ERROR"

    def open_xroads7_admin_detail_tab(self, tab_name):
        Open the permission tab for a company if it is not opened
        requires xroads7 env, and assumes the details page already opened
        tab_locator = "xpath=//div[contains(@id,'tabh')]/div/div/div/div[a[text()='%s']]" % tab_name
        perms_tab = self._element_find(tab_locator + "/a", True, True)
        perms_tab_open = "p_AFSelected" in perms_tab.get_attribute("class")
        if not perms_tab_open:
            self.click_element(tab_locator + "/a")
        # function for checking if tab is opened
        def tab_open_check():
            tab = self._element_find(tab_locator + "/a", True, True)
            return "p_AFSelected" in tab.get_attribute("class")

        self._wait_until("30 secs", "Could not open the %s tab!" % tab_name, tab_open_check)

    def permission_should_be_assigned(self, perm_id):
        verify that the specified permission is assigned, detects the current environment automatically
        :param perm_id:
        url = self.get_location()
        if self.gps.is_in_xroads6(url):
            if not self.is_permission_assigned_in_xroads6(perm_id):
                raise AssertionError("Permission %s is supposed to be assigned, but it's not!" % perm_id)
        elif self.gps.is_in_xroads7(url):
            if not self.is_permission_assigned_in_xroads7(perm_id):
                raise AssertionError("Permission %s is supposed to be assigned, but it's not!" % perm_id)
            raise AssertionError("Not able to recognize the current URL as crossroads environment")

    def permission_should_not_be_assigned(self, perm_id):
        verify that the specified permission is assigned, detects the current environment automatically
        :param perm_id:
        url = self.get_location()
        if self.gps.is_in_xroads6(url):
            if self.is_permission_assigned_in_xroads6(perm_id):
                raise AssertionError("Permission %s is NOT supposed to be assigned, but it IS!" % perm_id)
        elif self.gps.is_in_xroads7(url):
            if self.is_permission_assigned_in_xroads7(perm_id):
                raise AssertionError("Permission %s is NOT supposed to be assigned, but it IS!" % perm_id)
            raise AssertionError("Not able to recognize the current URL as crossroads environment")

    def is_permission_assigned_in_xroads6(self, perm_id_label):
        check if the permission is assigned in xroads6
        :param perm_id_label:
        # perm_info is a map from permission id to it's label and permission group information like:
        # {'GSM_AM_Hub_Operator_2': ('BICS Managed Hub Operator', 'ManagedHubCo', 'GSM Agreement Management - Managed Hub')}
        perm_info = self.get_permission_group([perm_id_label])
        perm_detail = perm_info.values()[0]
        perm_id = perm_info.keys()[0]
        perm_label = perm_detail[0]
        perm_grp_id = perm_detail[1]
        perm_grp_label = perm_detail[2]
        perm_grp_ul_xpath = "xpath=//ul[@id='%s_Group']" % perm_grp_id
        perm_input_xpath = perm_grp_ul_xpath + "/ul/li/input[@id='%s']" % perm_id
            perm_grp_ul_xpath, "Not able to find the permission group %s" % perm_grp_label, "ERROR"
        perm_grp_li_cls = self.get_element_attribute(perm_grp_ul_xpath + "/li@class")
        if "Close" in perm_grp_li_cls:
            self.click_element(perm_grp_ul_xpath + "/li/span")
        self.page_should_contain_element(perm_input_xpath, "Not able to find the permission %s" % perm_label, "ERROR")
        ele = self._element_find(perm_input_xpath, True, True)
        return ele.is_selected()

    def is_permission_assigned_in_xroads7(self, perm_id):
        Verify that the permission is checked on UI
        :param perm_id:
        perm_detail = self.get_permission_group([perm_id]).values()[0]
        perm_label = perm_detail[0]
        # perm_grp_id = perm_detail[1]
        perm_grp_label = perm_detail[2]
        perm_grp_locator = "xpath=//table[tbody[tr[td[div[h1[text()='%s']]]]]]" % perm_grp_label
            perm_grp_locator, "Could not find the permission group %s" % perm_grp_label, "ERROR"
        # check if the group is expanded
        perm_grp_expand_close_locator = perm_grp_locator + "/tbody/tr/td/a[contains(@title, '%s')]" % perm_grp_label
        expanded = "Collapse" in self._element_find(perm_grp_expand_close_locator, True, True).get_attribute("title")
        while not expanded:
            expanded = "Collapse" in self._element_find(perm_grp_expand_close_locator, True, True).get_attribute(
        perm_locator = "xpath=//table[tbody[tr[td[span[text()='%s']]]]]" % perm_label
        self.page_should_contain_element(perm_locator, "Could not find the permission %s " % perm_label, "ERROR")
        perm_check_ele = self._element_find(perm_locator + "/tbody/tr/td/span/span/span/input", True, True)
        return perm_check_ele.is_selected()

    def wait_for_adf_sync(self, timeout=None):
        Wait until the ADF client library finished syncing with server side. ONLY works for xroads 7.
        :param timeout:
        if self.gps.is_in_xroads6(self.get_location()):
            raise AssertionError("Adf Sync wait not supported for xroads6")
        js_check_adf_sync = (
            "return window.AdfPage && window.AdfPage.PAGE && " " window.AdfPage.PAGE.isSynchronizedWithServer()"
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.get_selenium_timeout()
        self.wait_for_condition(js_check_adf_sync, timeout, "ADF sync not finished within %s" % timeout)

    def click_button_with_text(self, text):
        Helper method for clicking a button, will try different combinations
        :param text:
        for xpath in self.button_xpath_candidates:
            ele = self._element_find(xpath % text, True, False)
            if ele:
        raise AssertionError("No button with text %s found" % text)

    def login_xroads6(self, requires_new=False, user=None, password=None, browser_type=None):
        open_window_found = False
        current_count = len(self._cache._connections)
        logger.info("Begin to find existing browser for xroads6, with %s browsers open" % current_count)
        if current_count > 0:
            # go through the existing windows
            for index in range(1, current_count + 1):
                logger.info("Working on browser index %s" % index)
                if self._current_browser() in self._cache._closed:
                    logger.debug("Browser already closed, skipping")
                logger.info("Browser title %s at url %s" % (self.get_title(), self.get_location()))
                if self.gps.is_in_xroads6(self.get_location()):
                    logger.info("Reusable browser found!")
                    open_window_found = True
        if open_window_found and not requires_new:
            logger.info("Existing window for xroads6 found, reusing it!")
            if open_window_found:
            self.open_xroads6_and_logon(browser_type, user, password)

    def login_xroads7(self, requires_new=False, user=None, password=None, browser_type=None):
        open_window_found = False
        current_count = len(self._cache._connections)
        logger.info("Begin to find existing browser for xroads7 with %s browsers open" % current_count)
        if current_count > 0:
            # go through the existing windows
            for index in range(1, current_count + 1):
                logger.info("Working on browser index %s" % index)
                if self._current_browser() in self._cache._closed:
                    logger.debug("Browser already closed, skipping")
                logger.info("Browser title %s at url %s" % (self.get_title(), self.get_location()))
                if self.gps.is_in_xroads7(self.get_location()):
                    logger.info("Reusable browser found!")
                    open_window_found = True
        if open_window_found and not requires_new:
            logger.info("Existing window for xroads6 found, reusing it!")
            self.open_xroads7_and_logon(browser_type, user, password)

    def open_xroads7_and_logon(self, browser_type, user=None, password=None):
        info = self.gps.XROADS7_ACCESS_INFO
        if browser_type is None:
            browser_type = self.gps.default_browser
        if user is None:
            user = info[1]
        if password is None:
            password = info[2]
        self.open_browser(info[0], browser_type)
        self.input_text("name=username", user)
        self.input_text("name=password", password)
        self.wait_until_page_contains_element("xpath=//a[text()='My Home']", error="Could not login into crossroads 7!")

    def open_xroads6_and_logon(self, browser_type, user=None, password=None):
        Open a new window with the specified browser_type and login with provided credential
        Will make sure the home tab is fully loaded.
        :param browser_type:
        :param user:
        :param password:
        info = self.gps.XROADS6_ACCESS_INFO
        if browser_type is None:
            browser_type = self.gps.default_browser
        if user is None:
            user = info[1]
        if password is None:
            password = info[2]
        self.open_browser(info[0], browser_type)
        self.input_text("name=username", user)
        self.input_text("name=password", password)
        self.click_button("name=Submit")  # click twice
        self.wait_until_page_contains_element("xpath=//frame[@name='NavFrame']", error="Not able to successfully login")
            "xpath=//frame[@name='ContentFrame']", error="Not able to successfully login"
            "xpath=//*[contains(text(),'View all events')]",

    def is_currently_on_xroads6_admin_page(self):
        if self._current_browser() is None:
            return False
        if self.gps.is_in_xroads6(self.get_location()):
            ele = self._element_find("xpath=//a[@id='navcenterAdmin']", True, False)
            if ele and "main_nav_selected" in ele.get_attribute("class"):
                return True
        return False

    def select_company(self, company_id, error=None):
        Assumes current browser is on the company selection page
        :param company_id:
        xpath_candidates = (
        for xpath in xpath_candidates:
            logger.debug("Try xpath %s " % xpath)
            ele = self._element_find(xpath, True, False)
            if ele is not None:
                ele = self._element_find("xpath=//option[@value='%s']" % company_id, True, False)
                if ele is not None:
                    self.select_from_list(xpath, company_id)
                    ele = self._element_find("xpath=//option[contains(@value,'%s')]" % company_id, True, False)
                    if ele is not None:
                        full_value = ele.get_attribute("value")
                        self.select_from_list(xpath, full_value)
                        raise RuntimeError("Not able to find company selection by value %s " % company_id)
        raise AssertionError("Could not find company selection")

    def select_user(self, user_id, error=None):
        Assumes current browser is on the user selection page
        :param user_id:
        xpath_candidates = ("xpath=//select[@name='dnqualifier']",)
        for xpath in xpath_candidates:
            logger.debug("Try xpath %s " % xpath)
            logger.warn("Try xpath %s " % xpath)
            ele = self._element_find(xpath, True, False)
            if ele is not None:
                ele = self._element_find("xpath=//option[@value='%s']" % user_id, True, False)
                if ele is not None:
                    self.select_from_list(xpath, user_id)
                    logger.warn("xpath=//option[contains(@value,'%s')]" % user_id, True)
                    ele = self._element_find("xpath=//option[contains(@value,'%s')]" % user_id, True, False)
                    if ele is not None:
                        full_value = ele.get_attribute("value")
                        self.select_from_list(xpath, full_value)
                        raise RuntimeError("Not able to find user selection by value %s " % user_id)
        raise AssertionError("Could not find user selection")

    def wait_until_page_contains_button(self, id_or_text, timeout=None, error=None):
        Helper method to avoid test engineer need to specify xpath for buttons
        :param id_or_text:

        def button_finder(btn_id_or_text):
            helper method for locating the button by its id or text
            :param btn_id_or_text:
            button_found = False
            for xpath in self.button_xpath_candidates:
                # logger.warn("will check button:" + xpath + " % " + btn_id_or_text, True)
                if self._element_find(xpath % btn_id_or_text, True, False) is not None:
                    button_found = True
            if button_found:
                return error or "Button with id/text %s could not be found in %s" % (

        self._wait_until_no_error(timeout, button_finder, id_or_text)

    def clear_input(self, xpath):
        self.press_key(xpath, Keys.CONTROL + "a")
        self.press_key(xpath, Keys.DELETE)

    def input_user_profile(self, att_label, att_value):
        if att_label in ["Alternate ID", "Last Name", "Response"]:
            # input field in the second column of the same row as the label
            locator = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]][1]/td[2]/p/input" % att_label
            self.input_text(locator, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["First Name", "Phone", "Pager", "E-mail"]:
            locator = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]][1]/td[2]/input" % att_label
            self.input_text(locator, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["MI", "Ext", "Fax"]:
            locator = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]][1]/td[4]/input" % att_label
            self.input_text(locator, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["User Type", "Time Zones", "Challenge", "Language Preference"]:
            # selection in the second column of the same row as the label
            locator = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]]/td[2]/select" % att_label
            self.select_from_list_by_label(locator, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["Comments"]:
            # selection in the second column of the same row as the label
            locator = "xpath=//textarea[@id='comment']"
            self.input_text(locator, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["Start Access"]:
            (d, m, y) = att_value
            self.select_from_list_by_label("//select[@id='startDay']", d)
            self.select_from_list_by_label("//select[@id='startMonth']", m)
            self.select_from_list_by_label("//select[@id='startYear']", y)
        elif att_label in ["End Access"]:
            (d, m, y) = att_value
            self.select_from_list_by_label("//select[@id='endDay']", d)
            self.select_from_list_by_label("//select[@id='endMonth']", m)
            self.select_from_list_by_label("//select[@id='endYear']", y)
        elif att_label in ["Access Status"]:
            xpath = "xpath=//input[@type = 'RADIO' and @value='%s']" % att_value
        elif att_label in ["Contact Last Name", "Contact First Name", "Contact Phone"]:
            real_label = att_label[8:]
            locator = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]][2]/td[2]/input" % real_label
            self.input_text(locator, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["Contact MI", "Contact Ext"]:
            real_label = att_label[8:]
            locator = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]][2]/td[4]/input" % real_label
            self.input_text(locator, att_value)
            raise RuntimeError("User profile attribute %s not supported yet!" % att_label)

    def accept_alert(self):

    def ensure_frames_loaded(self, load_complete_indicator_locator, *frame_locators):
        Wait until the specified element is present in the frame specified by frame_locators,
        :param load_complete_indicator_locator:
        :param frame_locators: nested xpath for frames down to the one that contains the load complete indicator

        def frame_loaded_check():
            for locator in frame_locators:
                frame = self._element_find(locator, True, False)
                if frame is None:
                    logger.debug("Frame %s NOT loaded" % locator)
                    return False
                logger.debug("Frame %s IS loaded" % locator)
            frame_content = self.get_source()
            if len(frame_content) > 0:
                load_complete_indicator = self._element_find(load_complete_indicator_locator, True, False)
                if load_complete_indicator is not None:
                    return True
                    return False

        self._wait_until(self.get_selenium_timeout(), "Not able to select frames ", frame_loaded_check)

    def input_company_profile(self, att_label, att_value):
        FIXME extract shared code with the input_user_profile method
        handler method for modifying company details
        :param att_label:
        :param att_value:
        if att_label in [
            "TSG ID",
            "CTP Company ID",
            "LSR Domain",
            "LSR Password",
            "RoamWise Path",
            "NetScout PM URL",
            "NetScout SI URL",
            xpath = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]]/td/input" % att_label
            self.input_text(xpath, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["Comment"]:
            xpath = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]]/td/textarea" % att_label
            self.input_text(xpath, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["Company Logo", "Company Type"]:
            xpath = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]]/td/select" % att_label
            self.select_from_list_by_label(xpath, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["SPID 2", "SPID 4", "SPID 6", "SPID 8", "SPID 10", "Alt SPID 2"]:
            xpath = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]]/td[3]/input" % att_label
            self.input_text(xpath, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["SPID 1", "SPID 3", "SPID 5", "SPID 7", "SPID 9", "Alt SPID 1"]:
            # idx = att_label[5:] xpath = "xpath=//input[@name='spid'][%s]" % idx
            xpath = "xpath=//tr[td[contains(text(),'%s')]]/td[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/input" % att_label
            self.input_text(xpath, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["Alt SPID 1", "Alt SPID 2"]:
            idx = att_label[9:]
            xpath = "xpath=//input[@name='altspid'][%s]" % idx
            self.input_text(xpath, att_value)
        elif att_label in ["Status"]:
            xpath = "xpath=//input[@type = 'RADIO' and @value='%s']" % att_value
            raise RuntimeError("Does not support company profile attribute %s " % att_label)

    def query_alm_entities(self, entity_type, query=None):
        self.alm.query_entity(entity_type, query)

    def fail_alm_test_instance(self, test_set_name, test_name, comment=""):
        test_instance = self.alm.get_test_instance(test_set_name, test_name)
        if None == test_instance:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Could not find test instance under test set %s with name %s" % (test_set_name, test_name)
        logger.info("Found test instance %s" % test_instance)
        run_entity = self.alm.create_run(test_instance)
        self.alm.update_run_status(run_entity, "Failed", "Failed by automated test", comment)

    def pass_alm_test_instance(self, test_set_name, test_name, comment=""):
        test_instance = self.alm.get_test_instance(test_set_name, test_name)
        if None == test_instance:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Could not find test instance under test set %s with name %s" % (test_set_name, test_name)
        logger.info("Found test instance %s" % test_instance)
        run_entity = self.alm.create_run(test_instance)
        self.alm.update_run_status(run_entity, "Passed", "Passed by automated test", comment)

    def log_out_alm(self):

    def set_xroads6_info(self, url, username, password):
        logger.info("Setting xroads6 connection info: %s " % ",".join((url, username, password)))
        self.gps.XROADS6_ACCESS_INFO = (url, username, password)

    def set_xroads7_info(self, url, username, password):
        logger.info("Setting xroads7 connection info: %s " % ",".join((url, username, password)))
        self.gps.XROADS7_ACCESS_INFO = (url, username, password)

    def set_default_browser(self, browser_type):
        self.gps.default_browser = browser_type

    def set_alm_credential(self, username, password, domain, project):
        self.alm.set_credential(username, password)
        self.alm.set_domain_project(domain, project)

    def set_xroads6_db_info(self, url, username, password):
        logger.debug("DB connecting to %s with %s:%s" % (url, username, password))
        self.set_connection_info(username, password, url)

    def release_resources(self):
        logger.info("Xroads Page Driver cleaning up")