def setUpClass(cls): """ Define and compile the network for this test. """ input_neuron = Neuron(parameters="r=0.0") output_neuron = Neuron(equations=""" r = sum(p1) + sum(p2) """) syn_max = Synapse(psp="pre.r * w", operation="max") syn_min = Synapse(psp="pre.r * w", operation="min") syn_mean = Synapse(psp="pre.r * w", operation="mean") pop1 = Population((3, 3), neuron=input_neuron) pop2 = Population(4, neuron=output_neuron) proj1 = Projection(pop1, pop2, target="p1", synapse=syn_max) proj1.connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0) proj2 = Projection(pop1, pop2, target="p2", synapse=syn_min) proj2.connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0) proj3 = Projection(pop1, pop2, target="p3", synapse=syn_mean) proj3.connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0) cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([pop1, pop2, proj1, proj2, proj3]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) cls.net_pop1 = cls.test_net.get(pop1) cls.net_pop2 = cls.test_net.get(pop2)
def setUpClass(self): """ Compile the network for this test """ neuron = Neuron( equations = "r = transfer_function(sum(exc), 0.0)", functions = "transfer_function(x, t) = if x > t: if x > 2*t : (x - 2*t)^2 else: x - t else: 0." ) neuron2 = Neuron( equations = "r = glob_pos(sum(exc))" ) synapse = Synapse( equations="w += hebb(pre.r, post.r)", functions="hebb(x, y) = x * y" ) pop = Population(10, neuron) pop2 = Population(10, neuron2) proj = Projection(pop, pop, 'exc', synapse).connect_all_to_all(1.0) self.test_net = Network() self.test_net.add([pop, pop2, proj]) self.test_net.compile(silent=True) self.net_pop = self.test_net.get(pop) self.net_proj = self.test_net.get(proj)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Compile the network for this test. The input_neuron will generate a sequence of values: r_t = [-1, 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, ...] """ input_neuron = Neuron(equations=""" r = r + t : init = -1 """) neuron2 = Neuron(equations=""" r = sum(ff) """) pop1 = Population((3), input_neuron) pop2 = Population((3), neuron2) # A projection with non-uniform delay proj = Projection(pop1, pop2, target="ff") proj.connect_one_to_one(weights=1.0, delays=Uniform(1, 5)) # Build up network cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([pop1, pop2, proj]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) # Store references for easier usage in test cases cls.net_proj = cls.test_net.get(proj) cls.net_pop1 = cls.test_net.get(pop1) cls.net_pop2 = cls.test_net.get(pop2)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Compile the network for this test """ neuron = Neuron(equations="r = 1") neuron2 = Neuron(equations="r = sum(exc)") pop1 = Population((3, 3), neuron) pop2 = Population((3, 3), neuron2) proj1 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="exc") proj2 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="exc") proj3 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="exc") proj1.connect_one_to_one(weights=0.1) proj2.connect_all_to_all(weights=0.1) proj3.connect_fixed_number_pre(3, weights=0.1) cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([pop1, pop2, proj1, proj2, proj3]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) cls.test_proj1 = cls.test_net.get(proj1) cls.test_proj2 = cls.test_net.get(proj2) cls.test_proj3 = cls.test_net.get(proj3)
def setUpClass(self): """ Compile the network for this test """ neuron = Neuron(parameters="tau = 10", equations="r += 1/tau * t") neuron2 = Neuron(parameters="tau = 10: population", equations="r += 1/tau * t: init = 1.0") Oja = Synapse(parameters=""" tau = 5000.0 : postsynaptic alpha = 8.0 """, equations=""" tau * dw/dt = pre.r * post.r - alpha * post.r^2 * w """) pop1 = Population(5, neuron) pop2 = Population(8, neuron2) proj = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="exc", synapse=Oja) proj.connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0) self.test_net = Network() self.test_net.add([pop1, pop2, proj]) self.test_net.compile(silent=True) self.net_proj = self.test_net.get(proj)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Compile the network for this test """ # neuron defintions common used for test cases local_eq = Neuron( equations=""" noise = Uniform(0,1) r = t """ ) global_eq = Neuron( equations=""" noise = Uniform(0,1) : population glob_r = t : population r = t """ ) mixed_eq = Neuron( parameters="glob_par = 1.0: population", equations=""" r = t + glob_par """ ) bound_eq = Neuron( parameters=""" min_r=1.0: population max_r=3.0: population """, equations=""" r = t : min=min_r, max=max_r """ ) tc_loc_up_pop = Population(3, local_eq) tc_glob_up_pop = Population(3, global_eq) tc_mixed_up_pop = Population(3, mixed_eq) tc_bound_up_pop = Population(3, bound_eq) m = Monitor(tc_bound_up_pop, 'r') cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([tc_loc_up_pop, tc_glob_up_pop, tc_mixed_up_pop, tc_bound_up_pop, m]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) cls.net_loc_pop = cls.test_net.get(tc_loc_up_pop) cls.net_glob_pop = cls.test_net.get(tc_glob_up_pop) cls.net_mix_pop = cls.test_net.get(tc_mixed_up_pop) cls.net_bound_pop = cls.test_net.get(tc_bound_up_pop) cls.net_m = cls.test_net.get(m)
def setUpClass(self): """ Compile the network for this test """ neuron = Neuron(parameters=""" r=0 """) cov = Synapse(parameters=""" tau = 5000.0 """, equations=""" tau * dw/dt = (pre.r - mean(pre.r) ) * (post.r - mean(post.r) ) """) pre = Population(6, neuron) post = Population(1, neuron) proj = Projection(pre, post, "exc", synapse=cov).connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0) self.test_net = Network() self.test_net.add([pre, post, proj]) self.test_net.compile(silent=True) self.net_pop = self.test_net.get(post)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Compile the network for this test """ simple_neuron = Neuron( parameters="r=1.0" ) eq_set = Synapse( equations=""" glob_var = 0.1 : projection semi_glob_var = 0.2 : postsynaptic w = t + glob_var + semi_glob_var """ ) pop0 = Population(3, simple_neuron) pop1 = Population(1, simple_neuron) proj = Projection(pop0, pop1, "exc", eq_set) proj.connect_all_to_all(weights=0.0) cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([pop0, pop1, proj]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Compile the network for this test. The input_neuron will generate a sequence of values: r_t = [-1, 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, ...] one time as global (glob_r) and one time as local variable (r). """ input_neuron = Neuron(equations=""" glob_r = glob_r + t : init = -1, population r = r + t : init = -1 """) neuron2 = Neuron(equations=""" r = sum(ff) """) synapse_glob = Synapse(psp="pre.glob_r * w") pop1 = Population((3), input_neuron) pop2 = Population((3), neuron2) # A projection with uniform delay proj = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="ff") proj.connect_one_to_one(weights=1.0, delays=10.0) # A projection with uniform delay proj2 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="ff_glob", synapse=synapse_glob) proj2.connect_one_to_one(weights=1.0, delays=10.0) # Build up network cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([pop1, pop2, proj, proj2]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) # Store references for easier usage in test cases cls.net_proj = cls.test_net.get(proj) cls.net_proj2 = cls.test_net.get(proj2) cls.net_pop1 = cls.test_net.get(pop1) cls.net_pop2 = cls.test_net.get(pop2)
def setUpClass(self): """ Compile the network for this test. Adapted the example from documentation. """ SimpleSpike = Neuron(equations="mp=g_exc", spike="mp >= 1.0", reset="") inp = Population(1, neuron=Neuron(equations="r=sin(t)")) out = Population(1, neuron=SimpleSpike) m = Monitor(out, "mp") proj = CurrentInjection(inp, out, 'exc') proj.connect_current() self.test_net = Network() self.test_net.add([inp, out, proj, m]) self.test_net.compile(silent=True) self.output = self.test_net.get(out) self.m = self.test_net.get(m)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Build up the network """ simple_emit = Neuron(spike="t==1", ) simple_recv = Neuron(equations=""" g_exc1 = 0 g_exc2 = 0 g_exc3 = 0 """, spike="g_exc1>30") # simple in/out populations in_pop = Population(5, neuron=simple_emit) out_pop = Population(2, neuron=simple_recv) # create the projections for the test cases (TC) # TC: no delay proj = Projection(pre=in_pop, post=out_pop, target="exc1") proj.connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0, storage_format="csr") # TC: uniform delay proj_u = Projection(pre=in_pop, post=out_pop, target="exc2") proj_u.connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0, delays=2.0, storage_format="csr") # TC: non-uniform delay proj_nu = Projection(pre=in_pop, post=out_pop, target="exc3") proj_nu.connect_all_to_all(weights=1.0, delays=Uniform(2, 10)) # Monitor to record the currents m = Monitor(out_pop, ["g_exc1", "g_exc2", "g_exc3"]) # build network and store required object # instances net = Network() net.add([in_pop, out_pop, proj, proj_u, proj_nu, m]) cls.test_net = net cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) cls.test_g_exc_m = net.get(m) cls.test_proj = net.get(proj_nu)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Compile the network for this test """ neuron = Neuron(parameters="r=0.0") out1 = Neuron(equations=""" r = sum(one2one) """) out2 = Neuron(equations=""" r = sum(all2all) + sum(fnp) """) pop1 = Population((17, 17), neuron) pop2 = Population((17, 17), out1) pop3 = Population(4, out2) proj = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="one2one") proj.connect_one_to_one( weights=0.0, force_multiple_weights=True) # weights set in the test proj2 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop3, target="all2all") proj2.connect_all_to_all(weights=Uniform(0, 1)) proj3 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop3, target="fnp") proj3.connect_fixed_number_pre(5, weights=Uniform(0, 1)) cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([pop1, pop2, pop3, proj, proj2, proj3]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) cls.net_pop1 = cls.test_net.get(pop1) cls.net_pop2 = cls.test_net.get(pop2) cls.net_pop3 = cls.test_net.get(pop3) cls.net_proj = cls.test_net.get(proj) cls.net_proj2 = cls.test_net.get(proj2) cls.net_proj3 = cls.test_net.get(proj3)
def setUpClass(self): """ Compile the network for this test """ neuron = Neuron(parameters=""" r=0 """, equations=""" mean_r = mean(r) max_r = max(r) min_r = min(r) l1 = norm1(r) l2 = norm2(r) """) pop = Population(6, neuron) self.test_net = Network() self.test_net.add([pop]) self.test_net.compile(silent=True) self.net_pop = self.test_net.get(pop)
def setUpClass(self): """ Compile the network for this test """ BuiltinFuncs = Neuron(parameters=""" base = 2.0 """, equations=""" r = modulo(t,3) pr = power(base,3) clip_below = clip(-2, -1, 1) clip_within = clip(0, -1, 1) clip_above = clip(2, -1, 1) """) pop1 = Population(1, BuiltinFuncs) mon = Monitor(pop1, ['r', 'pr', 'clip_below', 'clip_within', 'clip_above']) self.test_net = Network() self.test_net.add([pop1, mon]) self.test_net.compile(silent=True) self.test_mon = self.test_net.get(mon)
J = 15.0 * np.sqrt(D) tau = 10.0 tau_syn = 0.1 v_th = 100.0 T = 50.0 dt = 0.001 setup(method='explicit', dt=dt) # theta neuron definition Theta = Neuron(parameters=f""" tau = {tau} : population eta = {eta} J = {J} : population tau_s = {tau_syn} : population """, equations=""" v_old = v_new tau * dv/dt = 1.0 - cos(v_old) + (1.0 + cos(v_old))*(eta + J*g_syn*tau) : init=6.2832, min=0.0 tau_s * dg_syn/dt = g_exc*tau_s - g_syn v_tmp = v/(2*pi) : int v_new = (v/(2*pi) - v_tmp)*2*pi """, spike="(v_new > pi)*(v_old < pi)") # population setup pop1 = Population(N, neuron=Theta, name="ThetaPop1") pop1.eta = eta + D * np.tan( (np.pi / 2) * (2 * np.arange(1, N + 1) - N - 1) / (N + 1)) # projection setup proj = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop1, target='exc', name='fb') proj.connect_all_to_all(100.0 / N, allow_self_connections=False)
np.random.seed() setup(num_threads=params['num_threads']) #Model parameters baseline_dopa = Constant('baseline_dopa', params['baseline_dopa']) reversal = Constant('reversal', changed['reversal_SNr']) ##################################################### ########## Neuron models ######################### ##################################################### LinearNeuron = Neuron( parameters=""" tau = 10.0 : population phi = 0.0 : population B = 0.0 """, equations=""" tau * dmp/dt = -mp + sum(exc) - sum(inh) + B + phi * Uniform(-1.0,1.0) r = pos(mp) """, name="Linear Neuron", description= "Regular rate-coded neuron with excitatory and inhibitory inputs plus baseline and noise." ) DopamineNeuron = Neuron( parameters=""" tau = 10.0 : population alpha = 0 : population B = 0.0 """, equations=""" aux = if (sum(exc)>0): pos(1.0-B-sum(inh)) else: -10 * sum(inh)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ANNarchy import Neuron # The following devices current (rate) injection to spiking population # follow the examples on Hybrid networks: CurrentInjector = Neuron(equations=""" r = amplitude """, parameters=""" amplitude = 0.0 """) DCCurrentInjector = CurrentInjector ACCurrentInjector = Neuron(equations=""" r = amplitude * sin(omega*t + phase) + offset """, parameters=""" omega = 0.0 amplitude = 1.0 phase = 0.0 offset = 0.0 """)
from ANNarchy import Neuron, Population, Projection, setup, Synapse, Uniform, Constant from ANNarchy.extensions.convolution import Pooling, Convolution from parameters import params from functions import rangeX, Gaussian2D, positive from Connections import con_scale from changed_val import changed setup(num_threads=params['num_threads']) minVis = Constant('minVis', 0) ########################################## ########## NEURON DEFINITION ########## ########################################## ## Input Neuron: Has to be set to value. Does not change over time. Inp_Neuron = Neuron(parameters="r = 0.0") ## Basic Auxillary Neuron is transmitting an unmodified input Aux_Neuron = Neuron(equations="""r = sum(exc)""") ## Neuron of V1 population: Applies the power rule to the given baseline input # See Eq 4.29 V1_Neuron = Neuron(parameters=""" pV1C = 'pV1C' : population tau_up = 1.0 : population tau_down = 20.0 : population baseline = 0.0 noise = 'noise_V1' : population frequency = 1/15. : population """, equations="""
Izhikevich_Hamker = Neuron(parameters=""" a = 0.02 b = 0.2 c = -72.0 d = 6.0 n0 = 140. n1 = 5.0 n2 = 0.04 I = 0.0 tau_refrac = 10.0 tau_ampa = 10.0 tau_gaba = 10.0 E_ampa = 0.0 E_gaba = -90.0 tau_syn = 1.0 C = 1.0 v_th = 30.0 """, equations=""" I_syn_ex = - g_ampa*(v-E_ampa) I_syn_in = - g_gaba*(v-E_gaba) I_syn = I_syn_ex + I_syn_in - g_base*v dg_base/dt = -g_base/tau_syn : init = 0 dg_ampa/dt = -g_ampa/tau_ampa : init = 0 dg_gaba/dt = -g_gaba/tau_gaba : init = 0 dv/dt = n2*v*v+n1*v+n0 - u/C + I + I_syn : init = -72.0 du/dt = a*(b*(v)-u) : init = -14.4 """, spike=""" v>=v_th """, reset=""" v = c u = u+d """, refractory="""tau_refrac""")
from ANNarchy import Neuron, Population, Projection, setup, Synapse, Uniform, Constant from ANNarchy.extensions.convolution import Pooling, Convolution from parameters import params from functions import rangeX, Gaussian2D, positive from Connections import con_scale from changed_val import changed setup(num_threads=params['num_threads']) minVis = Constant('minVis', 0) ########################################## ########## NEURON DEFINITION ########## ########################################## ## Input Neuron: Has to be set to value. Does not change over time. FEFFix_Neuron = Neuron(parameters="r = 0.0", name="FEFfix Neuron", description="Input neuron, rate has to be specified.") ## Basic Auxillary Neuron is transmitting an unmodified input Aux_Neuron = Neuron( equations="""r = sum(exc)""", name="Auxillary Neuron", description="Basic auxillary neuron is transmitting an unmodified input.") ## Neuron of V1 population: Applies the power rule to the given baseline input # See Eq 4.29 V1_Neuron = Neuron( parameters=""" pV1C = 'pV1C' : population tau_up = 1.0 : population tau_down = 20.0 : population
def setUpClass(cls): """ Compile the network for this test """ def my_diagonal(pre, post, weight): synapses = CSR() for post_rk in post.ranks: pre_ranks = [] delays = [] if post_rk - 1 in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk - 1) if post_rk in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk) if post_rk + 1 in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk + 1) synapses.add(post_rk, pre_ranks, [weight] * len(pre_ranks), [0] * len(pre_ranks)) return synapses def my_diagonal_with_uniform_delay(pre, post, weight, delay): synapses = CSR() for post_rk in post.ranks: pre_ranks = [] delays = [] if post_rk - 1 in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk - 1) if post_rk in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk) if post_rk + 1 in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk + 1) synapses.add(post_rk, pre_ranks, [weight] * len(pre_ranks), [delay] * len(pre_ranks)) return synapses def my_diagonal_with_non_uniform_delay(pre, post, weight, delay): synapses = CSR() for post_rk in post.ranks: pre_ranks = [] delays = [] if post_rk - 1 in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk - 1) if post_rk in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk) if post_rk + 1 in pre.ranks: pre_ranks.append(post_rk + 1) synapses.add(post_rk, pre_ranks, [weight] * len(pre_ranks), delay.get_values(len(pre_ranks))) return synapses neuron = Neuron(equations="r = 1") neuron2 = Neuron(equations="r = sum(exc)") pop1 = Population(5, neuron) pop2 = Population(5, neuron2) proj1 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="exc") proj1.connect_with_func(method=my_diagonal, weight=0.1) proj2 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="exc2") proj2.connect_with_func(method=my_diagonal_with_uniform_delay, weight=0.1, delay=2) proj3 = Projection(pre=pop1, post=pop2, target="exc3") proj3.connect_with_func(method=my_diagonal_with_non_uniform_delay, weight=0.1, delay=DiscreteUniform(1, 5)) cls.test_net = Network() cls.test_net.add([pop1, pop2, proj1, proj2, proj3]) cls.test_net.compile(silent=True) cls.test_proj1 = cls.test_net.get(proj1) cls.test_proj2 = cls.test_net.get(proj2) cls.test_proj3 = cls.test_net.get(proj3)
from changed_val import changed import numpy as np np.random.seed() setup(num_threads=params['num_threads']) #Model parameters baseline_dopa = Constant('baseline_dopa', params['baseline_dopa']) reversal = Constant('reversal', changed['reversal_SNr']) ##################################################### ########## Neuron models ######################### ##################################################### LinearNeuron = Neuron(parameters=""" tau = 10.0 : population noise = 0.0 : population baseline = 0.0 """, equations=""" tau * dmp/dt + mp = sum(exc) - sum(inh) + baseline + noise * Uniform(-1.0,1.0) r = pos(mp) : max=0.15 """) DopamineNeuron = Neuron(parameters=""" tau = 10.0 : population firing = 0 : population baseline = 0.0 """, equations=""" test=sum(inh) aux = if (sum(exc)>0): pos(1.0-baseline-sum(inh)) else: -10 * sum(inh) tau * dmp/dt + mp = firing * aux + baseline r = pos(mp)