コード例 #1
ファイル: newclient.py プロジェクト: BenningtonCS/GFS
class GUI(Frame):
    # In intialize the object, taking in the parent as in input parameter
    def __init__(self, parent):
        Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        # Initialize the api
        self.api = API()
        # Set the ip and port to communicate with the master server
        self.SERVER_IP = config.masterip
        self.SERVER_PORT = config.port
        # Set the initial server status to 0, will change to 1 if server is active
        # self.serverStatus = 0
        # Declare a list which will hold the files that have been flagged for deletion
        self.toDelete = []

        self.parent = parent
        # Initialize the GUI

    # Function to initialize UI
    def initUI(self):
        # Set the name of the UI window
        self.parent.title("Bennington File System Client")
        # Set the style using the default theme
        self.style = Style()
        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        # Set the "Open File" options
        self.file_opt = options = {}
        # Allow for any file to be choosable
        options["defaultextension"] = ""
        options["filetypes"] = ""
        # Set the directory window will open up to initially
        options["initialdir"] = "C:\\"
        options["parent"] = self

        # Create a label object which holds the text labeling the listbox
        lbl = Label(self, text="Bennington File System Files List", foreground="black")
        # Place the text in the top left
        lbl.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=4, padx=5)

        # Create the listbox, which will contain a list of all the files on the system
        self.area = Listbox(self, height=20)
        # Place the lisbox in the UI frame
        self.area.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=1, rowspan=10, padx=5, sticky=N + W + E + S)

        # Ask the master server which files it has, then populate the listbox with the response

        # Create a button labeled 'Upload', and bind the uploadFile() function to it
        uploadbtn = Button(self, text="Upload", command=self.uploadFile)
        # Place the button in the UI frame
        uploadbtn.grid(row=1, column=3)

        # Create a button labeled 'Download', and bind the downloadFile() function to it
        dwnbtn = Button(self, text="Download", command=self.downloadFile)
        # Place the button in the UI frame
        dwnbtn.grid(row=2, column=3)

        # Create a button labeled 'Delete', and bind the deleteFile() function to it
        delbtn = Button(self, text="Delete", command=self.deleteFile)
        # Place the button in the UI frame
        delbtn.grid(row=3, column=3)

        # Create a button labeled 'Undelete', and bind the undeleteFile() function to it
        undelbtn = Button(self, text="Undelete", command=self.undeleteFile)
        # Place the button in the UI frame
        undelbtn.grid(row=4, column=3)

        # Create a button labeled 'Refresh List', and bind the getFiles() function to it
        refbtn = Button(self, text="Refresh List", command=self.getFiles)
        # Place the button in the UI frame
        refbtn.grid(row=5, column=3)

        # Create a button labeled 'Quit', and bind the exitProgram() function to it
        quitButton = Button(self, text="Quit", command=self.exitProgram)
        # Place the button in the UI frame
        quitButton.grid(sticky=W, padx=5, pady=4)

    # Downloads the active selection in the listbox
    def downloadFile(self):
        # Get the filename from the active listbox item
        fileName = self.currentSelectionFileName()
        # Call the API read function to get all the data associated with that file
        self.api.read(fileName, 0, -1, fileName)

    # Get the file name of the active selection in the listbox
    def currentSelectionFileName(self):
        # Get the index of the active selection
        index = self.currentSelectionIndex()
        # From the listbox object, pass in the index to get the filename
        fileName = self.area.get(index)
        return fileName

    # Get the index of the active selection in the listbox
    def currentSelectionIndex(self):
        # Get the index of the active selection
        index = self.area.curselection()[0]
        return index

    # Mark the active selection in the listbox for deletion
    def deleteFile(self):
        # Get the index of the current active selection
        index = self.currentSelectionIndex()
        # Get the filename of the current active selection
        filename = self.area.get(index)
        # Call the API function to mark file for deletion
        # Change the background color of the selection to denote it has been marked for deletion
        self.area.itemconfig(index, {"bg": "salmon"})
        # Append the filename to the toDelete list

    # Unmarks the active selection in the listbox for deletion
    def undeleteFile(self):
        # Get the index of the current active selection
        index = self.currentSelectionIndex()
        # Get the filename of the current active selection
        filename = self.area.get(index)
        # See if the file has been marked for deletion
        if filename in self.toDelete:
            # Call the API function to unmark file for deletion
            # Change the background color of the selection to denote it is no longer marked for deletion
            self.area.itemconfig(index, {"bg": "white"})
            # Remove the filename from the toDelete list

    # Upload a file from local machine to the distributed file system
    def uploadFile(self):
        # Get the file name and file path of the file the user wants to upload
        fileinfo = self.openFile()
        # Create a file with the filename provided
        # Append the file data from the file at the given file path
        self.api.append(fileinfo[0], fileinfo[1], 1)
        # Once that is complete, refresh the file list in the listbox

    # Prompt the user to select a file
    def openFile(self):
        # Prompt the user to select a file, and store the returned file path
        filepath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(**self.file_opt)
        # Parse the filepath, and store the last element of the split as the file name
        filename = filepath.split("/")[-1]
        # Return a list containing the file name and file path
        return [filename, filepath]

    # Get the list of existing files from the master server
    def getFiles(self):
            # Get the file data using the API's fileList() function
            # At this stage, the data has lots of extra things in it, so it needs to be cleaned up
            data = self.api.fileList()
            # Split the string at every * character
            data = re.split("\*", data)
            # Declare an empty array which will hold the file names found from the parsing
            fileNames = []
            for item in data:
                # Split the element at every ^ character
                tempitem = re.split("\^", item)
                for thing in tempitem:
                    # If the element has a | in it, but is not just a |, then it is the filename
                    if "|" in thing and not thing == "|":
                        # Append the filename (with the | stripped out) to the fileNames list

            # If the file is marked for deletion and still in the fileNames list
            # keep the file in the toDelete list
            temp = []
            for item in self.toDelete:
                if item in fileNames:

            # Update the toDelete list
            self.toDelete = temp

            # Remove all entries in the listbox
            self.area.delete(0, END)

            # Populate the listbox with the file names returned from the master
            for item in fileNames:
                self.area.insert(END, item)

        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    # Check to see if the provided file name exists in the toDelete list
    def checkIfMarked(self, fileName):
        # If the file name is in the toDelete list
        if fileName in self.toDelete:
            # Change the background color of the element to denote that it has been marked for deletion
            self.area.itemconfig(END, {"bg": "salmon"})

    # An exit function that quits the UI (any additional clean up pre-close should go in here)
    def exitProgram(self):