def test2(pw=300, kpts=(6, 6, 6), vaspcmd='mr vasp'): """Performs a test stress-strain calculation with vasp module for fcc Pt.""" v = VASP(pw=pw, kpts=kpts, name='fccPt', vaspcmd=vaspcmd) from ASE import ListOfAtoms, Atom atoms = ListOfAtoms([ Atom('Pt', [0, 0, 0]), Atom('Pt', [0.5, 0.5, 0]), Atom('Pt', [0.5, 0, 0.5]), Atom('Pt', [0, 0.5, 0.5]) ]) uc = [[4.05, 0, 0], [0.0, 4.05, 0], [0.0, 0, 4.05]] atoms.SetUnitCell(uc) atoms.SetCalculator(v) import ASE.Utilities.GeometricTransforms as ASEgeotrans initvol = atoms.GetUnitCellVolume() vols, energies = [], [] #for f in [0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15]: for f in [0.9, 0.95, 1.0, 1.05, 1.1]: ASEgeotrans.SetUnitCellVolume(atoms, f * initvol) #v.SetName('%1.2f_eos' % f) #print v.GetStress() vols.append(atoms.GetUnitCellVolume()) energies.append(atoms.GetPotentialEnergy()) import pylab as pl pl.plot(vols, energies, 'ko ') import ASE.Utilities.EquationOfState as ASEeos eos = ASEeos.EquationOfState('Murnaghan', vols, energies) # print the minimum volume, energy, bulk modulus and pressure print eos g = eos.GetPlot() eos.SavePlot('murn.png') #save the figure as a png return
def Transmutate(self, new_species): """ Return a copy of this atom transmutated into a different species""" return Atom(species=new_species, position=self.position, tag=self.tag, momentum=self.momentum, magmom=self.magmom)
def Copy(self): """ Return an exact copy of this atom""" return Atom(species=self.species, position=self.position, tag=self.tag, momentum=self.momentum, magmom=self.magmom)
def Copy(self): return Atom(position=self.position, Z=self.Z, mass=self.mass, tag=self.tag, momentum=self.momentum, magmom=self.magmom, label=self.label, valence_gs=self.valence_gs)
def test1(pw=300, kpts=(6, 6, 6), vaspcmd='mr vasp'): """Performs a test single-point energy calculation with vasp module for B2 FeAl.""" print "Test single-point energy calculation with vasp module for B2 FeAl." v = VASP(pw=pw, kpts=kpts, name='FeAl', vaspcmd=vaspcmd) from ASE import ListOfAtoms, Atom atoms = ListOfAtoms( [Atom('Fe', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), Atom('Al', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])]) uc = [[2.87, 0.00, 0.00], [0.00, 2.87, 0.00], [0.00, 0.00, 2.87]] atoms.SetUnitCell(uc) atoms.SetCalculator(v) print "Potential energy: ", v.GetPotentialEnergy() return
def __init__(self, calc, atoms=None): self.calc = calc if atoms is None: try: self.atoms = calc.GetListOfAtoms() except AttributeError: self.atoms = None else: from ASE import Atom, ListOfAtoms numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() positions = atoms.get_positions() magmoms = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments() self.atoms = ListOfAtoms( [Atom(Z=numbers[a], position=positions[a], magmom=magmoms[a]) for a in range(len(atoms))], cell=npy2num(atoms.get_cell()), periodic=tuple(atoms.get_pbc())) self.atoms.SetCalculator(calc)
def update(self, atoms): from Dacapo import Dacapo if self.calc is None: if 'nbands' not in self.kwargs: n = sum([valence[atom.symbol] for atom in atoms]) self.kwargs['nbands'] = int(n * 0.65) + 4 magmoms = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments() if magmoms.any(): self.kwargs['spinpol'] = True self.calc = Dacapo(**self.kwargs) if self.stay_alive: self.calc.StayAliveOn() else: self.calc.StayAliveOff() if self.stress: self.calc.CalculateStress() for Z, path in self.pps: self.calc.SetPseudoPotential(Z, path) if self.loa is None: from ASE import Atom, ListOfAtoms numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() positions = atoms.get_positions() magmoms = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments() self.loa = ListOfAtoms([ Atom(Z=numbers[a], position=positions[a], magmom=magmoms[a]) for a in range(len(atoms)) ], cell=np2num(atoms.get_cell()), periodic=tuple(atoms.get_pbc())) self.loa.SetCalculator(self.calc) else: self.loa.SetCartesianPositions(np2num(atoms.get_positions())) self.loa.SetUnitCell(np2num(atoms.get_cell()), fix=True)
def initCoord(self, filepath): """Imports the coordinates (the rest is ignored) of a brenner *.d file: # are comments that do not belong to the file: # textual description: diamond lattice # atoms: 63 # start time and stepsize: 0.20000000000E+01 0.50000000000E+00 # cube dimension: 0.20000000000E+03 0.20000000000E+03 0.20000000000E+03 #number, element number, x,y,z coordinates, 1=movable 2=unmovable atom 1 6 0.12239212990E+01 -0.37850461006E+01 -0.76280212402E+00 2 # 2 6 -0.11044621468E+01 -0.38742597103E+01 -0.95745104551E+00 2 ... 63 1 0.72413903475E+00 0.10444240570E+02 -0.26598501205E+01 2 """ f = open(filepath, 'r') self.title = self.ReadLine(f) self.numAtoms = self.ReadInt(f, 1)[0] self.starttime, self.step = self.ReadFloat(f, 2) self.cubedimension = self.ReadFloat(f, 3) self.movable = [] atoms = [] for i in range(self.numAtoms): atomID = self.ReadInt(f, 1)[0] symbol = symbols[(self.ReadInt(f, 1)[0])] coord = self.ReadFloat(f, 3) movable = self.ReadInt(f, 1) atoms.append(Atom(symbol, coord)) self.movable.append(movable[0]) self.atoms = ListOfAtoms( atoms, [[self.cubedimension[0], 0, 0], [0, self.cubedimension[1], 0], [0, 0, self.cubedimension[2]]])
a = Atom(H,position=(0.4,0.1,0.2)) b = Atom(O,(0.,0.,0.5)) c = Atom(ON) cryst = Structure([a,b,c]) """ H = Species("H", label="H_surf") O = Species("O", label="O_bulk") O_ghost = Species("O", label="O_ghost") O_ghost.SetGhostCharacter(True) ON = Hybrid(label="ON-0.50000", valence_gs=[[2, 2], [1.0, 3.5]], mass=4.6) basis_options = """ PAO.BasisSize DZP PAO.EnergyShift 0.001 Ry PAO.SoftDefault T """ ## O.GenerateBasis(basis_options,"O.psf") a = Atom(H, position=(0.4, 0.1, 0.2)) b = Atom(O, (0., 0., 0.5)) c = Atom(ON) d = Atom(O_ghost, (-1.0, 0.3, 0.6)) cryst = Structure([a, b, c, d]) cryst.GetListOfSpecies() print cryst import sys cryst.write_in_fdf_form(sys.stdout)
f.write(" %10i %s %12.7f%12.7f%12.7f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 \n" % \ (i+1, atom.symbol, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2])) def plot_rasmol(self, repeat=(1, 1, 1)): from ASE.Visualization.RasMol import RasMol plot = RasMol(self, repeat) def plot_jmol(self, repeat=(1, 1, 1)): from ASE.IO.PDB import WritePDB import os new = self.Repeat(repeat) pdbfile = "tmp.pdb" WritePDB(pdbfile, atoms=new) os.system(" " + pdbfile) if __name__ == "__main__": a = Atom("H", label="H_surf", position=(0.4, 0.1, 0.2)) b = Atom("O", (0., 0., 0.5), label="O_bulk") c = Atom(Z=0, label="ON-0.50000", valence_gs=[[0, 2], [1, 3.5]]) cryst = Structure([a, b, c]) print cryst import sys specs = cryst.GetSpeciesNumbers() print cryst.GetSpecies() cryst.write_in_fdf_form(sys.stdout) cryst.write_in_cif_form(sys.stdout) cryst.write_in_cssr_form(sys.stdout)
from vasp.vasp import VASP from vasp.parsing.SystemPM import * from Atom import * from UnitCell import * from io import converters uc = UnitCell() vectors = [(4.05, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 4.05, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 4.05)] uc.setCellVectors(vectors) at1=Atom(symbol='Al') ; pos1=(0.0,0.0,0.0) at2=Atom(symbol='Al') ; pos2=(0.0,0.5,0.5) at3=Atom(symbol='Al') ; pos3=(0.5,0.0,0.5) at4=Atom(symbol='Al') ; pos4=(0.5,0.5,0.0) site1 = Site(pos1, at1) site2 = Site(pos2, at2) site3 = Site(pos3, at3) site4 = Site(pos4, at4) uc.addSite(site1, 'Al1') uc.addSite(site2, 'Al2') uc.addSite(site3, 'Al3') uc.addSite(site4, 'Al4') print uc
import numpy as np from ASE import Atom from gpaw.utilities import equal from gpaw.cluster import Cluster from gpaw import Calculator from gpaw.analyse.expandyl import ExpandYl R = 1. H2 = Cluster([Atom('H',(0,0,0)), Atom('H',(0,0,R))]) H2.minimal_box(3.) calc = Calculator(h=0.2, width=0.01, nbands=2) H2.SetCalculator(calc) H2.GetPotentialEnergy() yl = ExpandYl(H2.center_of_mass(),, Rmax=2.5) gl = [] for n in range(calc.nbands): psit_G = calc.kpt_u[0].psit_nG[n] norm =**2) g = yl.expand(psit_G) gsum = np.sum(g) # allow for 10 % inaccuracy in the norm print "norm, sum=", norm, gsum equal(norm, gsum, 0.1) gl.append(g/gsum*100)
tag=self.tag, momentum=self.momentum, magmom=self.magmom, label=self.label, valence_gs=self.valence_gs) #--------------------------------- class Crystal(ASE.ListOfAtoms): """ Extension of ListOfAtoms to provide new functionality """ def SetPseudosInfo(self, func_pseudos): """ Installs a function to get the pseudopotentials""" self.get_pseudos = func_pseudos def GetPseudos(self): """ Gets the appropriate pseudopotentials""" return self.get_pseudos() if __name__ == "__main__": a = Atom("H", label="H_surf") b = Atom("O", label="O_bulk") c = Atom(Z=0, label="ON-0.50000", valence_gs=[[0, 2], [1, 3.5]]) cryst = Crystal([a, b, c]) print cryst import siesta pepe = siesta.Siesta()
def ReadAtoms(name='.'): """Static method to read in the atoms.""" f = open('POSCAR', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() comment = lines[0] uc = [] uc.append([float(x) for x in lines[2].split()]) uc.append([float(x) for x in lines[3].split()]) uc.append([float(x) for x in lines[4].split()]) scalefactor = float(lines[1].strip()) if scalefactor < 0: #that means this is the volume of the cell #vol = determinant of the uc vol0 = abs(num.determinant(uc)) uc = abs(scalefactor) / vol0 * uc else: uc = scalefactor * num.array(uc) atomcounts = [int(x) for x in lines[5].split()] natoms = 0 for count in atomcounts: natoms += count if lines[6][0] in ['s', 'S']: #selective dynamics were chosen, and positions start on line 7 coordsys = lines[7][0] poscounter = 8 else: coordsys = lines[6][0] poscounter = 7 positions = [] for i in range(natoms): pos = num.array([float(x) for x in lines[poscounter + i].split()]) if coordsys[0] in ['C', 'c', 'K', 'k']: #cartesian coordinates, do nothing pass else: #direct coordinates. calculate cartesian coords pos = pos[0] * uc[0] + pos[1] * uc[1] + pos[2] * uc[2] positions.append(pos) positions = num.array(positions) #now get the identities from the POTCAR file. f = open('POTCAR', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() #the start of each psp is either 'US symbol' 'PAW_GGA symbol #comment' or 'PAW_PBE symbol comment' tag, symbol = lines[0].split() regexp = re.compile('^\s+%s' % tag) psps = [] for line in lines: if psps.append(line) #print atomcounts, psps if len(atomcounts) != len(psps): raise Exception, 'number of atom counts in POSCAR does not equal # of psps in POTCAR' from ASE import Atom, ListOfAtoms atoms = ListOfAtoms([]) poscounter = 0 for i, count in enumerate(atomcounts): tag, symbol = psps[i].split() for j in range(count): atoms.append(Atom(symbol, position=positions[poscounter])) poscounter += 1 atoms.SetUnitCell(uc, fix=True) if os.path.exists('OUTCAR'): f = open('OUTCAR', 'r') regexp = re.compile('TOTAL-FORCE \(eV/Angst\)') lines = f.readlines() f.close() forcei = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): if forcei = i + 2 #linenumber that forces start on break if forcei is None: raise Exception, 'forcei is none, no forces found!' forces = [] for i in range(len(atoms)): posforce = [float(x) for x in lines[forcei + i].split()] forces.append(posforce[3:]) else: forces = [None for atom in atoms] for atom, force in zip(atoms, forces): #print force atom._SetCartesianForce(force) ### more code must be added to read in the calculator. calc = VASP() calc.incar = parser2.INPUT2('INCAR') return atoms