def initialize(context): from da import (SAWrapper, manage_addSAWrapper, manage_addSAWrapperForm) context.registerClass(SAWrapper, constructors=(manage_addSAWrapperForm, manage_addSAWrapper), permission=ADD_SA_WRAPPER_PERMISSION) # make sqlalchemy classes available to untrusted code from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import ModuleSecurityInfo, allow_module, allow_class from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query allow_class(Session) allow_class(Query)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import allow_class from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import allow_module from Products.MimetypesRegistry import MimeTypesRegistry from Products.MimetypesRegistry.interfaces import MimeTypeException # noqa # remove when Archetypes are removed: allow_module('Products.MimetypesRegistry.common') allow_class(MimeTypeException) # end remove def initialize(context): from Products.CMFCore import utils utils.ToolInit( 'MimetypesRegistry Tool', tools=(MimeTypesRegistry.MimeTypesRegistry, ), icon='tool.gif', ).initialize(context)
inherit_placeless=False) if activate_kw: new_kw.update(activate_kw) new_kw.update(kw) # activate returns an ActiveWrapper # a queue can be provided as well as extra parameters # which can be used for example to define deferred tasks return activity_tool.activateObject(self.getPath(), activity, active_process, uid=self.getUid(), **new_kw) allow_class(ZSQLBrain) class ZSQLBrainNoObject(ZSQLBrain): security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectPublic() def getObject(self): stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) LOG( 'Products.ZSQLCatalog.Extentions.zsqlbrain.ZSQLBrainNoObject', WARNING, "Attempted direct access to object %r:\n%s" % (self.getPath(), stack)) return None def getProperty(self, name, d=_MARKER, **kw):
from import ViewletBase from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import allow_module, allow_class allow_module("elan.esd.browser"); allow_module("elan.esd.browser.viewlets"); allow_module("elan.esd.browser.viewlets.common"); class TimeViewlet(ViewletBase): index = ViewPageTemplateFile('') allow_class(TimeViewlet)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import allow_class from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import allow_module from Products.MimetypesRegistry import MimeTypesRegistry from Products.MimetypesRegistry.interfaces import MimeTypeException # remove when Archetypes are removed: allow_module('Products.MimetypesRegistry.common') allow_class(MimeTypeException) # end remove def initialize(context): from Products.CMFCore import utils utils.ToolInit( 'MimetypesRegistry Tool', tools=(MimeTypesRegistry.MimeTypesRegistry, ), icon='tool.gif', ).initialize(context)
Attempt to resolve a url into an object in the Zope namespace. The url may be absolute or a catalog path style url. If no object is found, None is returned. No exceptions are raised. """ script=REQUEST.script if string.find(path, script) != 0: path='%s/%s' % (script, path) try: return REQUEST.resolve_url(path) except ConflictError: raise except: pass allow_class(ZSQLBrain) class ZSQLBrainNoObject(ZSQLBrain): security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectPublic() def getObject(self): stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) LOG('Products.ZSQLCatalog.Extentions.zsqlbrain.ZSQLBrainNoObject', WARNING, "Attempted direct access to object %r:\n%s" % (self.getPath(), stack)) return None def getProperty(self, name, d=_MARKER, **kw): value = None if hasattr(self, name): value = getattr(self, name) = info def getCode(self): return self.code def getName(self): return def getInfo(self): return def __str__(self): return '<%s at 0x%x: %r %r %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self),, self.code, allow_class(SOAPWSDLException) # Authentication classes. # These are SOAP authentication classes. # They are supposed to be instanciated and then transmited to WebServiceTool # in order to create a connection. class AuthenticationBase(object): """ Authentication API. As SOAP doens't provide a standard authentication method, authentication plugins must be written for virtualy each SOAP services. This API intends to provide hooks for authentication purposes. Overload the methods you need (default methods are NO-OPs).
security = ClassSecurityInfo() def __init__(self, values, key, not_founds) : """ 'values' are a dict of already calculated values 'key' is the key we are evaluating 'not_founds' is the list in which we will put not found values """ self.__values = values self.__key = key self.__not_founds = not_founds def __getitem__(self, attr) : if not self.__values.has_key(attr) : self.__not_founds.append(attr) return 0 # We do not return None, so that cell['a1'] + cell['a2'] # doesn't complain that NoneType doesn't support + when a1 not found return self.__values[attr] __getattr__ = __getitem__ allow_class(CalculatedValues) class CircularReferencyError(ValueError): """A circular reference is found trying to evaluate cell TALES.""" class EmptyERP5PdfFormError(Exception): """Error thrown when you try to display an empty Pdf. """ allow_class(EmptyERP5PdfFormError) class PDFForm(File): """This class allows to fill PDF Form with TALES expressions, using a TALES expression for each cell.
for c in clist: if c not in [over, rec] and c.encode('utf') not in [over, rec]: cats = cats + c + ', ' cats = '(' + cats + ')' cats = string.replace(cats,', )',')') return cats # return codecs.decode(codecs.decode(z,'hex'),'ascii') @memoize def _data(self): try: return self.collection.results(batch=True, b_start=0, b_size=5, sort_on=None, brains=True) except: return [] ##/code-section renderer-methods ##code-section forms class AddForm(base.NullAddForm): # This method must be implemented to actually construct the object. def create(self): return Assignment() ##/code-section forms ##code-section bottom allow_module("docpool.base.portlets"); allow_module("docpool.base.portlets.recent"); allow_class(Renderer); ##/code-section bottom