コード例 #1
    def createNew(folder):
        Creates a new empty geomInstance in a
        not previously existing folder.
        Geometry instance name will be the same as the folder name.
        Raises AcdOptiException_geomInstance_createFail
        is something goes wrong (such as "Folder already exists")
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]

        #Create the folder
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
        #Create paramFile.set file
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "geomInstance")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("templateOverrides", DataDict())
        #paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("scanInstance_name", "")
        #Create folder for meshInstance's
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, AcdOptiGeometryInstance.meshInstanceFolderName))
コード例 #2
ファイル: AcdOptiMetaAnalysis.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
 def createNew(folder):
     #Construct the instance name from folder
     instName = folder
     if instName[-1] == "/":
         instName = instName[0:-1]
     instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
     if os.path.isdir(folder):
         raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
     #Create paramfile
     paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instName)
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("xVariable", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("yVariable", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fVariable", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fEquals", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fLT", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fGT", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("anaData", DataDict()) #(key, value) = (x,y)
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
コード例 #3
ファイル: AcdOptiMeshTemplate.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
 def createNew(folder):
     Creates a new empty meshTemplate in a
     not previously existing folder.
     Folder name should be the same as geometry instance name.
     Raises AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_createFail
     is something goes wrong (such as "Folder already exists")
     #Construct the instance name from folder
     instname = folder
     if instname[-1] == "/":
         instname = instname[0:-1]
     instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
     if os.path.isdir(folder):
         raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_createFail ("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
     #Create the paramFile
     paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
         os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "meshTemplateParamFile")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instname)
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("paramDefaults", DataDict())
     #Default empty template file
コード例 #4
 def createNew(folder):
     #Construct the instance name from folder
     instName = folder
     if instName[-1] == "/":
         instName = instName[0:-1]
     instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
     if os.path.isdir(folder):
         raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
     #Create paramfile
     paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiDataExtractor")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instName)
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("extractFname", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("keyNames", DataDict())
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("extractedData", DataDict())
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("filters", DataDict())
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("plots", DataDict())
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("keepKeys", DataDict())
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
コード例 #5
    def createNew(type, folder, name=None):
        Prepares a new AcdOptiSolverManager by creating the metaFile.
        - type is the name of the type ("omega3P" etc.) wanted
        - folder is where this instance should be created
        - name is the name wanted for this instance.
          Set to None to use default name.
          Name is also the filename of the solver setup file generated.
        Returns the name used.
        print "AcdOptiSolverSetupManager::createNew(), type=" + type + ", name=" + str(name)

        # Check that the type is valid
        if not type in AcdOptiSolverManager.getTypes():
            raise TypeError("type '" + type + "' is invalid")
        # Load the type definition
        typeFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(solverSetupResourcesPath, type + ".set"), "r")
        if typeFile.dataDict["fileID"] != "SolverSetupTemplate":
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_createFail("Got fileID ='" + str(typeFile.dataDict["fileID"]) + "'")

        # Check that everything is OK with the typeFile
        # TODO!

        # Read the typeFile
        if not name:
            name = typeFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileNameDefault")

        # Generate the metaFile
        metaFileName = os.path.join(folder, name + ".meta")

        # First: check that the name is not in use
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, metaFileName)):
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_createFail_nameTaken(
                "Name already in use, couldn't create metaFile", name
        metaFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, metaFileName), "w")
        # Setup the basic structure of the metaFile
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "SolverManager")
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("name", name)
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileFormat", typeFile.dataDict["fileFormat"])
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("type", typeFile.dataDict["type"])

        # Generate the options (which in itself is a childDict)
            "options", AcdOptiSolverManager.__genMetaOptions(typeFile.dataDict.getValSingle("options"))

        return name
コード例 #6
ファイル: AcdOptiMetaAnalysis.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
 def __init__(self,folder,collection):
     self.folder = folder
     self.collection = collection
     #Construct the instance name from folder
     instName = folder
     if instName[-1] == "/":
         instName = instName[0:-1]
     self.instName = instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
     #Load paramFile
     self.__paramfile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
     if self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] != "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis":
         raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_loadFail("Got wrong fileID='" + self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")            
     if self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName") != self.instName:
         raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name")
     self.lockdown = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown"))
     self.xVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["xVariable"]
     self.yVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["yVariable"]
     if len(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getVals("fVariable")) == 0:
         self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fVariable", "")
         self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fEquals", "")
         self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fLT", "")
         self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fGT", "")
     self.fVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["fVariable"]
     def floatOrNone(strIn):
         if strIn == "":
             return None
             return float(strIn)
     self.fEquals   = floatOrNone(self.__paramfile.dataDict["fEquals"])
     self.fGT       = floatOrNone(self.__paramfile.dataDict["fGT"])
     self.fLT       = floatOrNone(self.__paramfile.dataDict["fLT"])
     if len(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getVals("targetValue")) > 0:
         self.targetValue = float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["targetValue"])
         self.targetValue = None    
     anaData = self.__paramfile.dataDict["anaData"]
     self.xArray = []
     self.yArray = []
     for (x,y) in anaData: 
     #Final init & lockdown checks
     if self.lockdown == True:
         if self.yVariable == None or self.xVariable == None:
             #The x,yArray may still be empty, don't check for this
             raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_loadFail("Lockdown, but xVariable='" + self.xVariable + "', yVariable='" + self.yVariable)
         self.xArray = np.asarray(self.xArray)
         self.yArray = np.asarray(self.yArray)
コード例 #7
    def createNew(folder):
        Sets up the basic structure inside
        a given folder, which is created.
        #Create the directory
        #File that holds the parameters and their default values
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder,"paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "geomCollectionParamFile")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")

        #Default empty template file
コード例 #8
ファイル: AcdOptiMeshTemplate.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
    def __init__(self, folder):
        self.folder = folder
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        self.instName = instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        #Load the param file
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail("File paramFile.set not found")

        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                != "meshTemplateParamFile":
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                ("Wrong fileID, got \""\
                     + self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                     + "\" while loading paramFile")
        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName")\
                != instname:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail("templateName doesn't match folder name")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set, got'"+lock+"'")
        #Load the default parameters
        self.__paramDefaults = {}
            paramDefaults_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("paramDefaults")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load paramDefaults from file paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(paramDefaults_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                ("paramDefaults from paramFile is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(paramDefaults_data.keys, paramDefaults_data.vals):
            if k in self.__paramDefaults:
                raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurrence of key \"" + k + "\" in paramFile")
            self.__paramDefaults[k] = v

        #Load the template file
        self.meshTemplateFile = AcdOptiCubitTemplateFile(os.path.join(folder,self.meshTemplateFile_name))
        #Initialize __meshInstances
        self.__meshInstances = []
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, name, folder):
        Initialize a solverManager.
        - Name: Name of this instance (used to find the metaFile and name of the created setup file)
        - folder: Where the metaFile lives, and where the setup file is created.
        print "AcdOptiSolverManager::__init__(), name='" + name + "', folder='" + folder + "'"
        self.folder = folder
        self.name = name

        if not os.path.isdir(self.folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_loadFail("Subfolder 'stage' is missing")

        # Load the metaFile
        self.metaSetupFilePath = metaFileName = os.path.join(self.folder, name + ".meta")
        self.__metaSetupFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(metaFileName, "rw")
        if self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["fileID"] != "SolverManager":
            if self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["fileID"] == "SolverSetup":
                print "\t WARNING: Old-style file detected, fileID='SolverSetup'"
                print "\t Will change it to new-style 'solverManager'"
                self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict.setValSingle("fileID", "SolverManager")
                raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_loadFail(
                    "Wrong fileID in metaSetupFile '" + self.metaSetupFilePath + "'"

        if self.name != self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["name"]:
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_loadFail(
                "name in metaSetupFile '"
                + self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["name"]
                + "' doesn't match provided argument '"
                + self.name
                + "'"

        self.setupFileFormat = self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileFormat")
        if self.setupFileFormat == "simple":
            self.setupFileFormat = AcdOptiFileParser_simple
        elif self.setupFileFormat == "Lua":
            self.setupFileFormat = AcdOptiFileParser_Lua
        elif self.setupFileFormat == "KVC":
            self.setupFileFormat = AcdOptiFileParser_KVC
            raise ValueError("Unknown setupFileFormat encountered, setupFileFormat='" + self.setupFileFormat + "'")

        self.type = self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["type"]

        self.metaSetup = self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict.getValSingle("options")

        self.fileName = os.path.join(self.folder, self.name)
コード例 #10
ファイル: AcdOptiScan.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
 def createNew(folder):
     #Construct the instance name from folder
     instName = folder
     if instName[-1] == "/":
         instName = instName[0:-1]
     instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
     if os.path.isdir(folder):
         raise AcdOptiException_scan_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
     #Create paramfile
     paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiScan")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instName)
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("staged", "False")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("run", "False")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("baseGeomInstance_name", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("slaveGeoms", DataDict())
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("scanParameter_name", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("scanParameter_max", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_anaVariable", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_targetValue", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_a", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_b", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_x", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_r", "")
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_ndof", "")
コード例 #11
ファイル: AcdOptiRunner.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
    def createNew(folder, type):
        #Create the settings file
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder,"paramFile_acdOptiRunner_Hopper.set"),"w")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiRunner_Hopper")

        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("remoteJobID", "")

        #Set default torque meta stuff
        torqueMeta = paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("TorqueMeta", DataDict())
        torqueMeta.pushBack("queue", "regular")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("walltime", "00:59:00")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("repo", "m349")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("importVars", "True")

        #Create a datastructure for storing aprun jobs
        jobs = paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("jobs", DataDict())
        # Each aprun job has the following fields:
        #  - aprun:       Boolean, true in the case of aprun jobs
        #  - command:     Command to run
        #  - commandArgs: Arguments to pass to the executable (such as name of input file)
        #  - tasks:       Number of MPI tasks, -n.               Essential!
        #  - tasksNode:   Number of MPI tasks pr. node, -N.      Optional.
        #  - tasksNuma:   Number of MPI tasks pr. NUMA node, -S. Optional.
        # If the aprun flag is False, then only command is used (but all keys should be present!)
        # Optional args should also be present. Set to "-1" to disable.
        #This command is always needed.
        cdpbs = jobs.pushBack("cdPBS", DataDict())
        cdpbs.pushBack("aprun", "False")
        cdpbs.pushBack("command", "cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR")
        cdpbs.pushBack("commandArgs", "")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasks", "-1")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasksNode", "-1")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasksNuma", "-1")
コード例 #12
ファイル: AcdOptiRunner.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
 def __init__(self,runConfig):
     self.runConfig = runConfig
     self.folder = self.runConfig.folder
     self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(self.folder,"paramFile_acdOptiRunner_Hopper.set"), 'rw')
     if not self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] == "AcdOptiRunner_Hopper":
         raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Wrong fileID, got'"+self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")
     self.remoteJobID = self.__paramFile.dataDict["remoteJobID"]
     if self.remoteJobID == "":
         self.remoteJobID = None
     if self.remoteJobID != None and not self.runConfig.status.startswith("remote::"):
         print "WARNING: Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
         #raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
     elif self.remoteJobID == None and (self.runConfig.status == "remote::queued" or self.runConfig.status == "remote::running"):
         raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Did not find remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
     self.speedSSH = SSHspeedtransfer(self.hostname, AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser"))
コード例 #13
ファイル: AcdOptiScan.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
class AcdOptiScan:
    Class representing a geometry parameter scan.
    This class can "own" geometryInstances, just like a geometryCollection
    folder = None
    scanCollection = None

    __paramfile = None
    instName = None
    lockdown = None #irreversible lockdown on parameters, happens after createScan()
    staged   = None #2'nd "lockdown", indicates that geoms has been staged.
    run      = None #3'rd, indicates that geoms has been uploaded&ran.

    baseGeomInstance = None
    slaveGeoms = None
    slaveGeomsDict = None
    scanParameter_name = None      #Name of the parameter that should be scanned.
    scanParameter_range_max = None #   If this is set, so should the range stuff.
    scanParameter_range_min = None
    scanParameter_range_step = None #Step length

    scanParameter_range = None #List with wanted values of the scan
    predict_anaVariable = None
    predict_targetValue = None
    predict_a = None #y=ax+b
    predict_b = None
    predict_x = None #predicted x s.t. y=target
    predict_r = None #sqrt(R^2)
    predict_ndof = None
    def __init__(self, folder, scanCollection):
        self.folder = folder
        self.scanCollection = scanCollection
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        self.instName = instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        #Load paramFile
        self.__paramfile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] != "AcdOptiScan":
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_loadFail("Got wrong fileID='" + self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")            
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName") != self.instName:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name")
        self.lockdown = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown"))
        self.staged  = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("staged"))
        self.run  = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("run"))

        self.slaveGeomsDict = self.__paramfile.dataDict["slaveGeoms"]
        self.slaveGeoms = []
        baseGeomInstance_name = self.__paramfile.dataDict["baseGeomInstance_name"]
        if baseGeomInstance_name == "":
            self.baseGeomInstance = None
            assert len(self.slaveGeomsDict) == 0
            self.baseGeomInstance = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances[baseGeomInstance_name]
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_name"] != "":
            #assert self.baseGeomInstance != None #Why?
            self.scanParameter_name       =  self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_name"]
            assert self.scanParameter_name in self.getValidParamNames()
            self.scanParameter_range_max  =  float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_max"])
            self.scanParameter_range_min  =  float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_min"])
            self.scanParameter_range_step =  float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_step"])
            self.predict_anaVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_anaVariable"]
            self.predict_targetValue = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_targetValue"]
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.predict_anaVariable = ""
            self.predict_targetValue = ""
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_anaVariable", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_targetValue", "")
            self.predict_a = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_a"]
            self.predict_b = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_b"]
            self.predict_x = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_x"]
            self.predict_r = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_r"]
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.predict_a = ""
            self.predict_b = ""
            self.predict_x = ""
            self.predict_r = ""
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_a", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_b", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_x", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_r", "")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.predict_ndof = ""
        for (geomName, nothingOfInterest) in self.slaveGeomsDict:
            #Mutal referencing
    def generateRange(self):
        "Generate the scan range"
        if self.scanParameter_range_max == None or self.scanParameter_range_min == None or self.scanParameter_range_step == None:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_generateRangeFail("Range parameters not set, max='" + str(self.scanParameter_range_max) +\
                                                          "', min='" + str(self.scanParameter_range_min) + "', step='" + str(self.scanParameter_range_step) + "'")
#        if self.lockdown:
#            raise AcdOptiException_scan_generateRangeFail("Can't generate range: In lockdown!")
        self.scanParameter_range = np.arange(self.scanParameter_range_min,\
    def write(self):
        if self.baseGeomInstance != None:
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("baseGeomInstance_name", self.baseGeomInstance.instName)
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("baseGeomInstance_name", "")
        if self.scanParameter_name != None:
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_name", self.scanParameter_name)
            assert self.scanParameter_range_max != None and self.scanParameter_range_min != None and self.scanParameter_range_step != None
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_max", str(self.scanParameter_range_max))
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_min", str(self.scanParameter_range_min))
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_step", str(self.scanParameter_range_step))
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_name", "")
            assert self.scanParameter_range_max == None and self.scanParameter_range_min == None and self.scanParameter_range_step == None
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_max", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_min", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanParameter_step", "")
        if len(self.slaveGeoms) != 0:
            assert self.baseGeomInstance != None
        for geom in self.slaveGeoms:
            self.slaveGeomsDict.pushBack(geom.instName, "")
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("lockdown", str(self.lockdown))
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("staged"  , str(self.staged))
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("run"     , str(self.run))
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("predict_anaVariable", self.predict_anaVariable)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("predict_targetValue", self.predict_targetValue)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("predict_a", self.predict_a)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("predict_b", self.predict_b)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("predict_x", self.predict_x)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("predict_r", self.predict_r)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("predict_ndof", self.predict_ndof)
    def getValidParamNames(self):
        "Selects the name of the scan parameter among the parameters in the geometry"
        return self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.paramDefaults_getKeys()
    def createScan(self):
        Using the data in baseGeomInstance_name and the range,
        create the scan. A function that will be called on each iteration may be provided.
        If a common error occurs, a AcdOptiException_scan_scanFail with the error message of interest is raised.
        #Check that we are ready to scan
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_scanFail("Scan already created.")
        if not self.scanParameter_name in self.getValidParamNames():
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_scanFail("No (valid) scan parameter selected.")
        if self.scanParameter_range_min == None or self.scanParameter_range_max == None or self.scanParameter_range_step == None:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_scanFail("Scan range not ready.")
        if len(self.scanParameter_range) == 0:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_scanFail("Scan range empty.")
        if not self.baseGeomInstance in self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances.values():
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_scanFail("No (valid) geomInstance selected")
        for val in self.scanParameter_range:
#            oldName = self.baseGeomInstance.instName
#            newName = oldName + "--scan--" + self.scanParameter_name + str(val) #Separators  messes things up..
#            #Check if this already exists:
#            newGeom = None
#            if newName in self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances:
#                #It's already there!
#                newGeom = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances[newName]
#                newGeom.scanInstances.append(self)
#                #TODO: Now assuming that the name is an unique identifier for a configuration.
#                # This might not be safe - maybe add some kind of lockdown?
#            else:
#                newGeom = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.cloneGeomInstance(oldName,newName)
#                newGeom.templateOverrides_insert(self.scanParameter_name, str(val))
#                newGeom.scanInstances.append(self)
#                newGeom.write()
#            self.slaveGeoms.append(newGeom)
        self.lockdown = True
    def stageAll(self, progressCallback=None):
        Stage all geoms/meshes/runConfigs in self.slaveGeoms
        print "AcdOptiScan::stageAll()"
        if not self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_stageFail("Lockdown not set, not ready to stage!")
        for geom in self.slaveGeoms:
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.values():
                for rc in mesh.runConfigs.values():
                    if rc.status == "finished":
                        continue #In case of geom reuse
                    except AcdOptiException_runConfig_stageError:
                        print "Staging of rc failed - skipping to the next one."
                    if progressCallback != None:
                        print "AcdOptiScan::stageAll() : progressCallback()"
        self.staged = True
    def runScan(self):
        Upload and run all runConfigs
        print "AcdOptiScan::RunScan()"
        if not self.staged:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_runFail("Not staged yet!")
        for geom in self.slaveGeoms:
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.values():
                for rc in mesh.runConfigs.values():
                    if rc.status != "staged":
                        continue #In case of geom reuse or nongenerated mesh'es
        self.run = True
    def refreshAndDownload(self):
        Refresh the status on all the runConfigs, download results where finished
        print "AcdOptiScan::refreshAndDownload()"
        if self.run != True:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_refreshDownloadFail("Not yet ran, run != True")
        for geom in self.slaveGeoms:
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.values():
                for rc in mesh.runConfigs.values():
                    if rc.status.startswith("remote::"):
                        #TODO: Handle possible local runner?
                        if rc.status == "remote::finished":
    def runAnalysis(self):
        For all finished runConfigs, run the defined analysis.
        print "AcdOptiScan::runAnalysis()"
        if self.run != True:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_analysisFail("Not yet ran, run != True")
        for geom in self.slaveGeoms:
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.values():
                for rc in mesh.runConfigs.values():
                    if rc.status.startswith("finished"):
                        for analysis in rc.analysis.values():
                            if not analysis.lockdown:
                                except AcdOptiException_analysis_runAnalysis as e:
                                    print "Error in analysis '" + analysis.instName + "': '" + str(e.args) + "', skipping!"
    def predictCorrectValue(self):
        Fit the some analysis result versus the scanned parameter,
        and predict the value of this parameter that yields
        the analysis result equals a target value.
        Returns: predicted parameter value, sum of squared residuals in fit.
        anaVariable = self.predict_anaVariable
        targetValue = float(self.predict_targetValue)
        #Get fit data
        x = []
        y = []
        anaVarSplit = anaVariable.split(".")
        #for geom in self.slaveGeoms:
        for geom in self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances.itervalues():
            #skip geometries which differs in more than one parameter
            goodGeom = True
            for param in self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                if param == self.scanParameter_name:
                if param in self.baseGeomInstance.templateOverrides_getKeys():
                    paramVal = self.baseGeomInstance.templateOverrides_get(param)
                    paramVal = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.paramDefaults_get(param)
                if param in geom.templateOverrides_getKeys():
                    paramVal2 = geom.templateOverrides_get(param)
                    paramVal2 = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.paramDefaults_get(param)
                if paramVal != paramVal2:
                    goodGeom = False
            if not goodGeom:
                continue #Skip this geometry
            #Baseline geom may be included; just skip'it (including it makes it neccessary to rewrite the code below)
            if not self.scanParameter_name in geom.templateOverrides_getKeys():
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.itervalues():
                for rc in mesh.runConfigs.itervalues():
                    for ana in rc.analysis.itervalues():
                        if ana.instName == anaVarSplit[0]:
                            #Recursive function to find the analysis result
                            #Uses the usual key.key[idx].key.... syntax
                            #If not [idx] present, assume idx=0
                            #If not found, return None
                            def dictRecDig(avsRemaining, dictBranch):
                                avsParsed = re.match(r'(\w)+[(\d+)]',avsRemaining[0])
                                if avsParsed != None:
                                    nextName = avsParsed.group(1)
                                    nextNumber = int(avsParsed.group(2))
                                    nextName = avsRemaining[0]
                                    nextNumber = 0

                                    nextBranch = dictBranch.getVals(nextName)[nextNumber]
                                except IndexError:
                                    print "WARNING in dictRecDig(): Key '" + avsRemaining[0] + "' not found"
                                    return None
                                if isinstance(nextBranch,DataDict):
                                    if len(avsRemaining) == 1:
                                        print "WARNING in dictRecDig(): More depth than keys"
                                        return None
                                    return dictRecDig(avsRemaining[1:],nextBranch)
                                    if len(avsRemaining) > 1:
                                        print "WARNING in dictRecDig(): More keys than depth"
                                        return None
                                    return float(nextBranch)

                            thisY = dictRecDig(anaVarSplit[1:],ana.exportResults)
                            if thisY != None:
        print "X=", x
        print "Y=", y
        #Fit function y = ax+b
        obs = len(y)
        ndof = obs-2
        if ndof < 0:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_predictFail("ndof = " + str(ndof) + " < 0")
        H = np.ones([obs,2])
        for i in xrange(obs):
            H[i,1] = x[i]
        project = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(H.transpose(),H)), H.transpose())
        y = np.asarray(y)
        theta = np.dot(project,y)
        print "THETA=(y0,dy/dx)=", theta
        #Find x such that y=target
        x_predicted = (targetValue-theta[0])/theta[1]
        print "X_PREDICTED=",x_predicted
        self.predict_x = str(x_predicted)
        #Calculate R^2
        R2 = 0.0
        for i in xrange(obs):
            yhat = theta[0] + theta[1]*x[i]
            print "Y YHAT = ", y[i], yhat, yhat-y[i] 
            R2 += (yhat-y[i])**2
        print "sqrt(R**2)=", np.sqrt(R2)
        self.predict_r = str(np.sqrt(R2))
    def addPoint(self,parameterValue):
        Add a point to the scan with the given parameter value
        oldName = self.baseGeomInstance.instName
        newName = oldName + "--scan--" + self.scanParameter_name + str(parameterValue) #Separators  messes things up..
        #Check if this already exists:
        newGeom = None
        if newName in self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances:
            #It's already there!
            newGeom = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances[newName]
            #TODO: Now assuming that the name is an unique identifier for a configuration.
            # This might not be safe - maybe add some kind of lockdown?
            newGeom = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.cloneGeomInstance(oldName,newName)
            newGeom.templateOverrides_insert(self.scanParameter_name, str(parameterValue))
    def createNew(folder):
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
        #Create paramfile
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiScan")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instName)
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("staged", "False")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("run", "False")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("baseGeomInstance_name", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("slaveGeoms", DataDict())
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("scanParameter_name", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("scanParameter_max", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_anaVariable", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_targetValue", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_a", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_b", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_x", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_r", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_ndof", "")
コード例 #14
    def __init__(self, folder, template):
        Loads the geomInstance from the data
        from folder.
        Raises AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail
        if something (such as "not a geomInstance folder")
        goes wrong.
        self.folder   = folder
        self.template = template
        #Check that folder exists
        if not os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Folder \"" + folder + "\" does not exist")
        #Construct the instance name from folder name
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        self.instName = instName

        #Load paramFile.set
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError as e:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Problem loading file \"paramFile.set\" in folder \"" +\
                    folder + "\", got an IOError")
        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") != "geomInstance":
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(
                "Wrong fileID in geomInstance.set, got \"" +
                self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") + "\"")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set")
        #Find and load template overrides
        self.__templateOverrides = {}
            templateOverrides_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("templateOverrides")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load templateOverrides from paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(templateOverrides_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail\
                ("templateOverrides from paramFile.set is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(templateOverrides_data.keys, templateOverrides_data.vals):
            if k in self.__templateOverrides:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurrence of key \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file")
            if not k in self.template.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                    raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(
                        "Entry \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file has no match in the template")
            self.__templateOverrides[k] = v
        #Are there any mesh instances?
        self.meshInsts = {}
        for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.folder,self.meshInstanceFolderName)):
            dAbs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder,self.meshInstanceFolderName,d))
            if not os.path.isdir(dAbs):
                #Skip files etc.
            self.meshInsts[d] = AcdOptiMeshInstance(dAbs, self, self.template.project.meshTemplateCollection)
            #except AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail as e:
            #    raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail(\
            #        "Problem loading mesh instance \"" + dAbs + "\", got error \"" + str(e) + "\"")
        #Scan instance name
        #self.scanInstance_name = self.__paramFile.dataDict["scanInstance_name"]  
        self.scanInstances = []
コード例 #15
class AcdOptiDataExtractor:
    This class extracts data from analysis, geoms etc.
    This is presented in a FLAT table.

    instName = None    
    folder = None
    collection = None
    __paramfile = None
    extractFname = None
    dataExtracted = None
    keyNames = None
    filters = None
    plots = None
    keepKeys = None
    lockdown = None
    def __init__(self, folder, collection):
        self.folder = folder
        self.collection = collection
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        self.instName = instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        #Load paramFile
        self.__paramfile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] != "AcdOptiDataExtractor":
            raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_loadFail("Got wrong fileID='" + self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")            
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName") != self.instName:
            raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name")
        self.lockdown = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown"))
            self.extractFname = self.__paramfile.dataDict["extractFname"]
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            print "AcdOptiDataExtractor::__init__(): Adding extractFname to paramFile"
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("extractFname", "")
            self.extractFname = ""

        self.keepKeys = []
            fileKeepKeys = self.__paramfile.dataDict["keepKeys"]
            for (k,v) in fileKeepKeys:
                assert k == "key"
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            print "AcdOptiDataExtractor::__init__(): Adding keepKeys to paramFile"
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("keepKeys", DataDict())

        #Parse keyNames
        self.keyNames = []
        for (k,v) in self.__paramfile.dataDict["keyNames"]:
            assert k == "keyName"
        #Parse extractedData
        self.dataExtracted = []
        for (k,v) in self.__paramfile.dataDict["extractedData"]:
            assert k == "dataPoint"
            assert isinstance(v,DataDict)
            pb = {}
            for (k,v) in v:
                pb[k] = v
                if not k in self.keyNames:
                    raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_loadFail("Key name '" + k + "' not found in self.keyNames")
        #Find, load, and attach filters 
        self.filters = []
        for (k,v) in self.__paramfile.dataDict["filters"]:
        self.plots = []
            filePlots = self.__paramfile.dataDict["plots"]
            for (k,v) in filePlots:
                self.plots.append(AcdOptiDataExtractorPlot.getPlotClass(k, self, v))
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("plots", DataDict())
    def runExtractor(self):
        assert self.lockdown == False
        #self.dataExtracted = []
        #self.keyNames = []
        #Reset filter counters
        for f in self.filters:
            f.numFiltered = 0
        #Run Loop over all runconfigs and for each extract one row in the table
        geomCollection = self.collection.project.geomCollection
        for geom in geomCollection.geomInstances.itervalues():
            geomData = {}

            geomData["META.GeomInstName"] = geom.instName
            if len(geom.scanInstances) > 0:
                siString = ""
                for si in geom.scanInstances:
                    siString += si.instName + " "
                geomData["META.ScanInstNames"] = siString[:-1]
            geomOverrideList = geom.templateOverrides_getKeys()
            for key in geomCollection.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                geomKey = "GEOM."+key
                if key in geomOverrideList:
                    geomData[geomKey] = geom.templateOverrides_get(key)
                    geomData[geomKey] = geomCollection.paramDefaults_get(key)
                if not geomKey in self.keyNames:
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.itervalues():
                meshData = {}
                meshData["META.MeshInstName"] = mesh.instName

                meshOverrideList = mesh.templateOverrides_getKeys()
                for key in mesh.meshTemplate.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                    meshKey = "MESH." + mesh.meshTemplate.instName + "." + key
                    if key in meshOverrideList:
                        meshData[meshKey] = mesh.templateOverrides_get(key)
                        meshData[meshKey] = mesh.meshTemplate.paramDefaults_get(key)
                    if not meshKey in self.keyNames:
                for rc in mesh.runConfigs.itervalues():
                    pb = {}
                    pb["META.rcInstName"] = rc.instName
                    #Extract toward root: Geom and mesh data
                    #Extract data in RC
                    #Extract from analysis
                    for (anaName,anaObj)  in rc.analysis.iteritems():
                        #Recursively dig through keys in analysis
                        def anaDigger(exportedDict,nameSoFar):
                            keys = set(exportedDict.getKeys())
                            for k in keys:
                                vals = exportedDict.getVals(k)
                                for vIdx in xrange(len(vals)):
                                    anaKey = nameSoFar + k + "["+str(vIdx)+"]"
                                    if type(vals[vIdx]) == str:
                                        pb[anaKey] = vals[vIdx]
                                        if not anaKey in self.keyNames:
                        #END anaDigger
                        anaDigger(anaObj.exportResults,"ANA." + anaName + ".")
                    #Filter and store result
                    if reduce(lambda a,b: a and b, map(lambda f: f.filterRow(pb), self.filters) + [True]):
        #Sort keyName, first as as {META < GEOM < MESH < ANA}, then alphabetically after the first "." (but sort commands must be reversed)
        def sort1(s):
            if s.startswith("META."):
                return 1
            elif s.startswith("GEOM."):
                return 2
            elif s.startswith("MESH."):
                return 3
            elif s.startswith("ANA."):
                return 4
                raise KeyError
        self.keyNames.sort(key=lambda s: s.split(".",1)[1])
        #Filter keys
        if len(self.keepKeys) > 0:
            print "Filtering keys..."
            i = 0
            while i < len(self.keyNames):
                k = self.keyNames[i]
                if k in self.keepKeys:
                    print "Kept key '" + k + "'" 
                    i += 1
                    print "Deleting key '" + k + "'"
                    del self.keyNames[i]                
                    for d in self.dataExtracted:
                            del d[k]
                        except KeyError:
                            #print "key '" + k + "' not in this row"
                    #i = 0 #restart loop

        self.lockdown = True
    def export(self,fname=None,useKeys=None):
        Export the data as a CSV file suitable for import to R, spreadsheet etc.
        The useKeys argument lets you specify which columns you want to use.
        if fname == None:
            fname = self.extractFname
        print "AcdOptiDataExtractor::export(), fname='" + fname + "'"
        ofile = open(fname,"w")

        if useKeys==None:
            keys = self.keyNames
            keys = useKeys

        #Write header
        hline = ""
        for k in keys:
            hline += k + ", "
        ofile.write(hline[:-2] + "\n")
        for row in self.dataExtracted:
            rline = ""
            for k in keys:
                    #ofile.write(row[k] + ", ")
                    rline += row[k] + ", "
                except KeyError:
                    #ofile.write(" , ")
                    rline += ", "
            ofile.write(rline[:-2] + "\n")
    def clearLockdown(self):
        self.dataExtracted = []
        self.keyNames = []
        self.lockdown = False
    def write(self):
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("lockdown", str(self.lockdown))
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("extractFname", self.extractFname)
        knfile = self.__paramfile.dataDict["keyNames"]
        for kn in self.keyNames:
            knfile.pushBack("keyName", kn)
        edfile = self.__paramfile.dataDict["extractedData"]
        for row in self.dataExtracted:
            rowDict = DataDict()
            for (colKey,col) in row.iteritems():
                rowDict.pushBack(colKey, col)
        fifile = self.__paramfile.dataDict["filters"]
        for f in self.filters:
            f.settingsDict["numFiltered"] = str(f.numFiltered)
            fifile.pushBack(f.filterType, f.settingsDict)
        kkfile = self.__paramfile.dataDict["keepKeys"]
        for k in self.keepKeys:
            if len(self.keyNames) > 0 and not k in self.keyNames:
                print "WARNING: Invalid key '" + k + "' in keepKeys"
            kkfile.pushBack("key", k)
        plfile = self.__paramfile.dataDict["plots"]
        for p in self.plots:
            plfile.pushBack(p.plotType, p.settingsDict)

    def createNew(folder):
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
        #Create paramfile
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiDataExtractor")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instName)
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("extractFname", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("keyNames", DataDict())
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("extractedData", DataDict())
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("filters", DataDict())
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("plots", DataDict())
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("keepKeys", DataDict())
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
コード例 #16
ファイル: AcdOptiRunner.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
class AcdOptiRunner_Hopper(AcdOptiRunner):
    type = "Hopper"
    CPUsPerNode = 24
    hostname = "hopper.nersc.gov"
    #commonExecs = {"Omega3P::2011May23":"~candel/.community/hopper2/omega3p-2011May23"}
    __sshClient = None #Try to keep using the same SSHClient
    __paramFile = None    
    #PBSjobName = None
    remoteJobID = None
    speedSSH = None
    def __init__(self,runConfig):
        self.runConfig = runConfig
        self.folder = self.runConfig.folder
        self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(self.folder,"paramFile_acdOptiRunner_Hopper.set"), 'rw')
        if not self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] == "AcdOptiRunner_Hopper":
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Wrong fileID, got'"+self.__paramFile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")
        self.remoteJobID = self.__paramFile.dataDict["remoteJobID"]
        if self.remoteJobID == "":
            self.remoteJobID = None
        if self.remoteJobID != None and not self.runConfig.status.startswith("remote::"):
            print "WARNING: Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
            #raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
        elif self.remoteJobID == None and (self.runConfig.status == "remote::queued" or self.runConfig.status == "remote::running"):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_loadFail("Did not find remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'")
        self.speedSSH = SSHspeedtransfer(self.hostname, AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser"))
    def getTorqueMeta(self):
        "Returns a pointer to the TorqueMeta data structure"
        return self.__paramFile.dataDict["TorqueMeta"]
    def getJobs(self):
        "Return a pointer to the jobs data structure"
        return self.__paramFile.dataDict["jobs"]
    def isRemote(self):
        return True
    def __connectSSH(self):
        Method that setups a ssh connection, returning a paramiko.SSHClient object.
        Please close() any SFTPClients opened, but don't close the client itself,
        as this method tries to reuse an existing client (connecting is what takes most of the time)  
        print "Connecting..."        
        if self.__sshClient != None:
            print "Found an old client"
            if self.__sshClient.get_transport() == None or self.__sshClient.get_transport().is_active() != True:
                print "Old client not active."
                "Old client OK!"
                return self.__sshClient
        print "Couldn't use old client, creating a new one."
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
        client.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".ssh", "known_hosts")))
        client.connect(self.hostname, username=username)
        print "Connected."
        self.__sshClient = client
        return client
    def __SSHkillDir(self, dir, sftp):
        Recursively delete directory dir and its contents using a sftp connection
        #Emptying the folder...
        iDir = ""
        if dir[-1] == "/":
            iDir = dir[:-1]
            iDir = dir
        fileList = sftp.listdir(iDir)
        for file in fileList:
                sftp.remove(iDir + "/" + file)
            except IOError:
                self.__SSHkillDir(iDir + "/" + file, sftp)
    def upload(self):
        stageFile = self.runConfig.stageFile
        #Check for programming errors
        assert stageFile != None
        assert os.path.isfile(stageFile)
        #Setup the ssh connection
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = self.__connectSSH()

        #Look for the acdopti scratch directory        
        sftp = client.open_sftp()
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        remoteDirList = sftp.listdir(remoteDir)
        if not "acdopti_scratch" in remoteDirList:
            print "Making directory..."
            print remoteDirList
        scratchDirList =  sftp.listdir(remoteScratch)
        #Put the file
        if os.path.split(stageFile)[1] in scratchDirList:
            print "File already on HPC?!?"
        print "Uploading file..."
        remoteFile = remoteScratch + os.path.split(stageFile)[1]
        self.speedSSH.put(stageFile, remoteScratch + os.path.split(stageFile)[1])
        #sftp.put(stageFile, remoteScratch + os.path.split(stageFile)[1])
        print "Uploading finished."
        print "Unzipping..."
        print "COMMAND:", "cd " + remoteScratch +"; tar xzvf " + remoteFile # + " --directory " + remoteScratch
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("cd " + remoteScratch +"; tar xzvf " + remoteFile) #+ " --directory " + remoteScratch)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Unzipped."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem while unzipping, see output")
        #Delete the remote tar.gz
        print "Deleting tar.gz..."
        dirList = sftp.listdir(remoteScratch)
        if os.path.split(self.runConfig.stageFile)[1] in dirList:
            print "Deleted."
            print "Already gone."
    def remoteCleanup(self):
        assert self.runConfig.status in ["remote::uploaded", "remote::finished", "remote::unclean"]
        #Make connection...
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        sftp = client.open_sftp()
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        remoteFile = remoteScratch + os.path.split(self.runConfig.stageFile)[1]
        remoteFinishedFile = remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "--finished.tar.gz"

        #Delete the remote tar.gz's
        print "Deleting remote stage tar.gz..."
        dirList = sftp.listdir(remoteScratch)
        if os.path.split(self.runConfig.stageFile)[1] in dirList:
            print "Deleted."
            print "Already gone."
        print "Deleting remote finished tar.gz..."
        if os.path.split(remoteFinishedFile)[1] in dirList:
            print "Deleted."
            print "Already gone."
        #Delete the remote folder
        print "Deleting remote folder..."
        if self.runConfig.stageName in dirList:
            self.__SSHkillDir(remoteScratch + "/" + self.runConfig.stageName, sftp)
            print "Already gone."
    def run(self):
        #Make connection...
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        #Submit job
        print "Submitting..."
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("cd " + remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "; qsub " + remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "/run.pbs")
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Submitted."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem during submission, see output")
        #Check if the stdout matches XXXXX.YYY, where XXXXX is a number, and YYY is letters.
        # This is then the job ID.
        if re.match("[0-9]+\.\w+$", ssh_stdout_str):
            self.remoteJobID = ssh_stdout_str.strip()
            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("remoteJobID", self.remoteJobID)
            print "Submission successful, JobID='" + self.remoteJobID + "'"
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_runError("Problem with job submission, see standard output")
    def cancelRun(self):
        assert self.remoteJobID != None 
        #Make connection...
        client =  self.__connectSSH()
        #Cancel the current job
        print "Issuing cancel command..."
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("qdel " + self.remoteJobID)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Cancel command issued."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            if "Unknown Job Id " + self.remoteJobID in ssh_stderr_str:
                #Aready finished
                print "Job was already finished"
                self.remoteJobID = None
            elif "errno=15096" in ssh_stderr_str:
                #Something went wrong with TORQUE on the server - but the job is very much dead...
                print "Torque problem, but job is dead. (see output)"
                self.remoteJobID = None
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem during cancel, see output")

    def queryStatus(self):
        assert self.runConfig.status == "remote::queued" or self.runConfig.status == "remote::running", "status = '" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
        #Make connection
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        print "Getting status..."
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command("qstat " + self.remoteJobID)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read()) 
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Got status."
        #Parse the status output:
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            if "Unknown Job Id Error " + self.remoteJobID in ssh_stderr_str:
                self.remoteJobID = None
                return "remote::finished"
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem while getting status, see output")
        statusline = ""
        for line in ssh_stdout_str.splitlines():
            if line.startswith(self.remoteJobID):
                statusline = line
        statusChar = statusline.split()[-2]
        print "statusLine='" + statusline + "', statusChar='" + statusChar + "'"
        if statusChar == "Q":
            return "remote::queued"
        elif statusChar == "R" or statusChar == "E" or statusChar == "T": #E: Exiting after having run, T: transfer
            return "remote::running"
        elif statusChar == "C":
            self.remoteJobID = None
            return "remote::finished"
            raise ValueError("Unknown status char '" + statusChar + "'")
    def getRemoteData(self):
        assert self.runConfig.status=="remote::finished" or self.runConfig.status=="remote::unclean"
        #assert self.remoteJobID == None
        if self.remoteJobID != None and not self.runConfig.status.startswith("remote::"):
            print "WARNING: Found remoteJobID, but status='" + self.runConfig.status + "'"
        finishedLocalPath=os.path.join(self.folder, "finished")
        username = AcdOptiSettings().getSetting("hopperUser")
        remoteDir = "/scratch/scratchdirs/" + username + "/"
        remoteScratch = remoteDir + "acdopti_scratch/"
        #remoteJobDir = remoteScratch + self.runConfig.stageName + "/"
        remoteFile = self.runConfig.stageName + "--finished.tar.gz"

        #Make connection
        client = self.__connectSSH()
        #sftp = client.open_sftp()
        #Tar the data
        print "Zipping..."
        command = "cd " + remoteScratch +"; tar czvf " + remoteFile + " --force-local " + self.runConfig.stageName
        print "COMMAND:", command
        (ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr) = client.exec_command(command)
        (ssh_stdout_str, ssh_stderr_str) = (ssh_stdout.read(), ssh_stderr.read())
        print "STDOUT:", ssh_stdout_str
        print "STDERR:", ssh_stderr_str
        print "Zipped."
        if len(ssh_stderr_str):
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_remoteProblem("Problem during zipping, see output")
        #Download the tarball
        self.speedSSH.get(remoteScratch + remoteFile, os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, remoteFile))
        #sftp.get(remoteScratch + remoteFile, os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, remoteFile)) #TOO SLOW over transatlantic link...
        #Unzip the downloaded solution tar.gz
        archive = tarfile.open(os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, remoteFile), "r:gz")
        return os.path.join(finishedLocalPath, self.runConfig.stageName) #Duplicated code in runConfig::init()!
    def stage(self):
    def __makePBS(self):
        Creates the run.pbs file used by Hopper's batch system
        #Calculate number of mpi nodes needed, and build the commands
        jobs = self.__paramFile.dataDict["jobs"]
        commands = []
        numNodes = 0
        for jobName, job in jobs:
            command = None
            if DataDict.boolconv(job["aprun"]):
                if job["tasksNode"] == "-1":
                    nodesThis = int(math.ceil(int(job["tasks"])/float(self.CPUsPerNode)))
                    assert int(job["tasksNode"]) <= self.CPUsPerNode
                    nodesThis = int(math.ceil(int(job["tasks"])/float(job["tasksNode"])))
                if nodesThis > numNodes:
                    numNodes = nodesThis
                def makeOption(optionName, key, optional):
                    get = job[key]
                    if get == "-1" and optional:
                        return "" 
                    return optionName + " " + get + " "
                command = "aprun "  + makeOption("-n", "tasks", False)\
                                    + makeOption("-N", "tasksNode", True)\
                                    + makeOption("-S", "tasksNuma", True)\
                                    + job["command"] + " " + job["commandArgs"]
                command = job["command"]
        if len(commands) == 0:
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_stageError("No commands built")
        if not numNodes > 0:
            raise AcdOptiException_optiRunner_stageError("Got numNodes="+str(numNodes))
        #Write PBS file header
        runpbs = open(os.path.join(self.runConfig.stageFolder, "run.pbs"), 'w')
        torqueMeta = self.getTorqueMeta()
        runpbs.write("#PBS -q " + torqueMeta["queue"] + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -l mppwidth=" + str(numNodes*self.CPUsPerNode) + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -l walltime=" + torqueMeta["walltime"] + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -N " + self.runConfig.stageName + "\n")
        runpbs.write("#PBS -A " + torqueMeta["repo"] + "\n")
        if DataDict.boolconv(torqueMeta["importVars"]):
            runpbs.write("#PBS -V\n")
        #Write PBS script
        runpbs.write("## Commands:\n")
        for command in commands:
            runpbs.write(command + "\n")

        #Move it to stage folder
        #os.rename(os.path.join(self.folder, "run.pbs"), os.path.join(self.folder, "stage", "run.pbs")) 
    def __del__(self):
        if self.__sshClient != None:
    def write(self):
    def cloneInto(self,cloneFrom):
        Empty this runner and copy the data from cloneFrom.
        #Copy the torque stuff
        torqueOriginal = cloneFrom.getTorqueMeta()
        torqueThis = self.getTorqueMeta()
        for (k,v) in torqueOriginal.copy():
        #Copy the jobs stuff
        jobsOriginal = cloneFrom.getJobs()
        jobsThis = self.getJobs()
        for (k,v) in jobsOriginal.copy():
    def createNew(folder, type):
        #Create the settings file
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder,"paramFile_acdOptiRunner_Hopper.set"),"w")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiRunner_Hopper")

        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("remoteJobID", "")

        #Set default torque meta stuff
        torqueMeta = paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("TorqueMeta", DataDict())
        torqueMeta.pushBack("queue", "regular")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("walltime", "00:59:00")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("repo", "m349")
        torqueMeta.pushBack("importVars", "True")

        #Create a datastructure for storing aprun jobs
        jobs = paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("jobs", DataDict())
        # Each aprun job has the following fields:
        #  - aprun:       Boolean, true in the case of aprun jobs
        #  - command:     Command to run
        #  - commandArgs: Arguments to pass to the executable (such as name of input file)
        #  - tasks:       Number of MPI tasks, -n.               Essential!
        #  - tasksNode:   Number of MPI tasks pr. node, -N.      Optional.
        #  - tasksNuma:   Number of MPI tasks pr. NUMA node, -S. Optional.
        # If the aprun flag is False, then only command is used (but all keys should be present!)
        # Optional args should also be present. Set to "-1" to disable.
        #This command is always needed.
        cdpbs = jobs.pushBack("cdPBS", DataDict())
        cdpbs.pushBack("aprun", "False")
        cdpbs.pushBack("command", "cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR")
        cdpbs.pushBack("commandArgs", "")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasks", "-1")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasksNode", "-1")
        cdpbs.pushBack("tasksNuma", "-1")
コード例 #17
    def __init__(self, folder, collection):
        self.folder = folder
        self.collection = collection
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        self.instName = instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        #Load paramFile
        self.__paramfile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] != "AcdOptiDataExtractor":
            raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_loadFail("Got wrong fileID='" + self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")            
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName") != self.instName:
            raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name")
        self.lockdown = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown"))
            self.extractFname = self.__paramfile.dataDict["extractFname"]
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            print "AcdOptiDataExtractor::__init__(): Adding extractFname to paramFile"
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("extractFname", "")
            self.extractFname = ""

        self.keepKeys = []
            fileKeepKeys = self.__paramfile.dataDict["keepKeys"]
            for (k,v) in fileKeepKeys:
                assert k == "key"
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            print "AcdOptiDataExtractor::__init__(): Adding keepKeys to paramFile"
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("keepKeys", DataDict())

        #Parse keyNames
        self.keyNames = []
        for (k,v) in self.__paramfile.dataDict["keyNames"]:
            assert k == "keyName"
        #Parse extractedData
        self.dataExtracted = []
        for (k,v) in self.__paramfile.dataDict["extractedData"]:
            assert k == "dataPoint"
            assert isinstance(v,DataDict)
            pb = {}
            for (k,v) in v:
                pb[k] = v
                if not k in self.keyNames:
                    raise AcdOptiException_dataExtractor_loadFail("Key name '" + k + "' not found in self.keyNames")
        #Find, load, and attach filters 
        self.filters = []
        for (k,v) in self.__paramfile.dataDict["filters"]:
        self.plots = []
            filePlots = self.__paramfile.dataDict["plots"]
            for (k,v) in filePlots:
                self.plots.append(AcdOptiDataExtractorPlot.getPlotClass(k, self, v))
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("plots", DataDict())
コード例 #18
class AcdOptiSolverManager:
    This class does the dirtywork of AcdOptiSolverSetup,
    such as creating the actual solver setup files.
    It generates a solver setup from the specified type.
    If the solution name exists, it will be loaded, 
    else it will be created from default values.
    AcdOptiSolverSetup remains as an alternative interface to this class,
    with simpler initialization given by an AcdOptiRunConfig

    # Constants

    # Data types
    fileTypes = ["simple", "Lua", "KVC"]
    dataTypes = ["dict", "fnameNoEx", "fnameEx", "string", "bool", "int", "intList", "float"]
    # dict: Dictionary. Have key/DataDict "children" with sub-keys
    # fnameNoEx : relative path of file that does not exist
    # fnameEx   : relative path of file that does exist
    # string    : a string without trailing/leading whitespace
    # bool      : a bool, coded as "True"/"False" or "true"/"false". If key "int" is True, coded as "1"/"0"
    # int       : an integer
    # intList   : a list of integers "a,b,c"
    # float     : a float

    # Object fields
    type = None  # Type of the setup file
    #  (omega3P etc.; name of one of the .set files found in solverSetupResourcesPath)
    name = None  # Name of the generated setup file
    folder = None  # Folder where this file is located
    fileName = None  # Full path of the setup file
    __metaSetupFile = None  # AcdOptiFileParser_simple object with metadata and current settings
    metaSetupFilePath = None  # Full path to the MetaSetupFile
    metaSetup = None  # DataDict object pointing to metaSetupFile.dataDict["options"] (shortcut pointer)
    setupFileFormat = None  # Pointer to correct AcdOptiFileParser_* class
    lockdown = False  # Is the solverSetup currently not writable? (not enforced, but influences GUI)

    def __init__(self, name, folder):
        Initialize a solverManager.
        - Name: Name of this instance (used to find the metaFile and name of the created setup file)
        - folder: Where the metaFile lives, and where the setup file is created.
        print "AcdOptiSolverManager::__init__(), name='" + name + "', folder='" + folder + "'"
        self.folder = folder
        self.name = name

        if not os.path.isdir(self.folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_loadFail("Subfolder 'stage' is missing")

        # Load the metaFile
        self.metaSetupFilePath = metaFileName = os.path.join(self.folder, name + ".meta")
        self.__metaSetupFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(metaFileName, "rw")
        if self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["fileID"] != "SolverManager":
            if self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["fileID"] == "SolverSetup":
                print "\t WARNING: Old-style file detected, fileID='SolverSetup'"
                print "\t Will change it to new-style 'solverManager'"
                self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict.setValSingle("fileID", "SolverManager")
                raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_loadFail(
                    "Wrong fileID in metaSetupFile '" + self.metaSetupFilePath + "'"

        if self.name != self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["name"]:
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_loadFail(
                "name in metaSetupFile '"
                + self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["name"]
                + "' doesn't match provided argument '"
                + self.name
                + "'"

        self.setupFileFormat = self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileFormat")
        if self.setupFileFormat == "simple":
            self.setupFileFormat = AcdOptiFileParser_simple
        elif self.setupFileFormat == "Lua":
            self.setupFileFormat = AcdOptiFileParser_Lua
        elif self.setupFileFormat == "KVC":
            self.setupFileFormat = AcdOptiFileParser_KVC
            raise ValueError("Unknown setupFileFormat encountered, setupFileFormat='" + self.setupFileFormat + "'")

        self.type = self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict["type"]

        self.metaSetup = self.__metaSetupFile.dataDict.getValSingle("options")

        self.fileName = os.path.join(self.folder, self.name)

    def generateSetup(self):
        "Generates a setupFile from the current contents of metaSetup, which is written in the given folder."
        print "AcdOptiSolverSetupManager::__generateSetup()"

        setupFile = self.setupFileFormat(self.fileName, "w")
        metaSetupDict = AcdOptiSolverManager.__generateSetup_recursiveHelper(self.metaSetup)

    def __generateSetup_recursiveHelper(setupDict):
        print "AcdOptiSolverManager::__generateSetup_recursiveHelper()"  # , setupDict=", setupDict
        ret = DataDict()
        for item in setupDict:
            if not DataDict.boolconv(item[1]["enabled"]):
            if item[1]["type"] == "dict":
                ret.pushBack(item[0], AcdOptiSolverManager.__generateSetup_recursiveHelper(item[1]["children"]))
                ret.pushBack(item[0], item[1]["value"])
        return ret

    def write(self):

    def getTypes():
        Returns a report listing all valid 'types'
        fileList = os.listdir(solverSetupResourcesPath)
        typeList = []
        for file in fileList:
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(solverSetupResourcesPath, file)) and file.endswith(".set"):
        return typeList

    def createNew(type, folder, name=None):
        Prepares a new AcdOptiSolverManager by creating the metaFile.
        - type is the name of the type ("omega3P" etc.) wanted
        - folder is where this instance should be created
        - name is the name wanted for this instance.
          Set to None to use default name.
          Name is also the filename of the solver setup file generated.
        Returns the name used.
        print "AcdOptiSolverSetupManager::createNew(), type=" + type + ", name=" + str(name)

        # Check that the type is valid
        if not type in AcdOptiSolverManager.getTypes():
            raise TypeError("type '" + type + "' is invalid")
        # Load the type definition
        typeFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(solverSetupResourcesPath, type + ".set"), "r")
        if typeFile.dataDict["fileID"] != "SolverSetupTemplate":
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_createFail("Got fileID ='" + str(typeFile.dataDict["fileID"]) + "'")

        # Check that everything is OK with the typeFile
        # TODO!

        # Read the typeFile
        if not name:
            name = typeFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileNameDefault")

        # Generate the metaFile
        metaFileName = os.path.join(folder, name + ".meta")

        # First: check that the name is not in use
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, metaFileName)):
            raise AcdOptiException_solverSetup_createFail_nameTaken(
                "Name already in use, couldn't create metaFile", name
        metaFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, metaFileName), "w")
        # Setup the basic structure of the metaFile
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "SolverManager")
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("name", name)
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileFormat", typeFile.dataDict["fileFormat"])
        metaFile.dataDict.pushBack("type", typeFile.dataDict["type"])

        # Generate the options (which in itself is a childDict)
            "options", AcdOptiSolverManager.__genMetaOptions(typeFile.dataDict.getValSingle("options"))

        return name

    def createNew_clone(folder, cloneFrom):
        Creates a new solverSetup in a not previously existing folder,
        which has identical settings as an already existing solverSetup.
        The newly created solverSetup is then returned.
        AcdOptiSolverManager.createNew(cloneFrom.type, folder, cloneFrom.name)
        newSolverSetup = AcdOptiSolverManager(cloneFrom.name, folder)

        for (k, v) in cloneFrom.metaSetup.copy():
            newSolverSetup.metaSetup.pushBack(k, v)

        return newSolverSetup

    def __genMetaOptions(childDict):
        Recursive method used by createNew() for generating the "options" part of the metaFile.
        Returns a DataDict which becomes one branch/level of the metaFile
        print "AcdOptiSolverSetupManager::__genMetaOptions()"
        ret = DataDict()
        for item in childDict:
            # Make a copy of the old items in the childDict and add it to the metFile
            thisItem = ret.pushBack(item[0], item[1].copy())

            # Add some new meta-information fields
            if thisItem.getValSingle("type") == "dict":
                # Recursively modify this dicts children also
                    "children", AcdOptiSolverManager.__genMetaOptions(item[1].getValSingle("children"))
                # Ordinary data field, set its value to whatever is default
                thisItem.pushBack("value", thisItem.getValSingle("default"))

            if DataDict.boolconv(item[1].getValSingle("must")):
                thisItem.pushBack("enabled", "True")
                thisItem.pushBack("enabled", "False")
        return ret

    def isInputInvalid(itemDict, newValue=None):
        Check whether newValue is a valid value of the itemDict
        by the rules encoded in the itemDict.
        If newValue=None, check the current value instead.
        If it is invalid, return an error message as a string,
        else return None.

        if not itemDict["type"] in AcdOptiSolverManager.dataTypes:
            return "Invalid type '" + itemDict["type"] + "'"

        # TODO: implement some real checking for each type!
        if itemDict["type"] == "dict":
コード例 #19
ファイル: AcdOptiMeshInstance.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
    def __init__(self, folder, geometryInstance, meshTemplateCollection):
        Loads the meshInstance from the data
        from folder and connects it to its template and geometryInstance.
        Raises AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail
        if something (such as "not a meshInstance folder")
        goes wrong.
        print "AcdOptiMeshInstance::__init__()"
        self.folder = folder
        self.geometryInstance = geometryInstance
        self.meshTemplateCollection = meshTemplateCollection
        if not os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Folder \"" + folder + "\" does not exist")
        #Construct the instance name from folder name
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        self.instName = instname

        #Load paramFile.set
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Problem loading file \"paramFile.set\" in folder \"" +\
                    folder + "\", got an IOError")
        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") != "meshInstance":
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(
                "Wrong fileID in meshInstance.set, got \"" +
                self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") + "\"")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set")
        meshBad = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getVals("meshBad")
        if len(meshBad) == 0:
            self.meshBad = False
            assert len(meshBad) == 1
            self.meshBad = DataDict.boolconv(meshBad[0])
        #Check that the geometryInstance is correct
        geometryInstance_expectedName = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("geomInstance_name")
        if geometryInstance.instName != geometryInstance_expectedName:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Excpected name of geometryInstance does not match the one passed")
        #Find the MeshTemplate
        meshTemplate_expectedName = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("meshTemplate_name")
            self.meshTemplate = self.meshTemplateCollection.meshTemplates[meshTemplate_expectedName]
        except KeyError:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail("Could not find the meshTemplate \""
                                                         + meshTemplate_expectedName + "\"")
        #Find and load template overrides
        self.__templateOverrides = {}
            templateOverrides_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("templateOverrides")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load templateOverrides from paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(templateOverrides_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail\
                ("templateOverrides from paramFile.set is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(templateOverrides_data.keys, templateOverrides_data.vals):
            if k in self.__templateOverrides:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurrence of key \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file")
            if not k in self.meshTemplate.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                    raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(
                        "Entry \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file has no match in the template")
            self.__templateOverrides[k] = v

        #Find subfolders and check if they are runConfigs
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "runConfigs")):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail("Could not find runConfigs folder")
        self.runConfigs = {}
        for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.folder,"runConfigs")):
            dAbs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.folder,"runConfigs",d))
            if not os.path.isdir(dAbs):
                #Skip files etc.
            self.runConfigs[d] = AcdOptiRunConfig(dAbs,self)
コード例 #20
ファイル: AcdOptiMeshInstance.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
class AcdOptiMeshInstance:
    This class is "owned" by a GeometryInstance,
    where it represents the application of one MeshTemplate
    onto the GeometryInstance.
    It will handle variable overrides and call CUBIT in the same manner
    as the GeometryInstance, and it will deliver a mesh in .netcdf format.
    It is also the point of attachment for RunConfigs.   
    #Object variables
    geometryInstance       = None
    meshTemplateCollection = None
    meshTemplate           = None
    runConfigs             = None #RunConfig used on this MeshInstance
    __paramFile            = None
    __templateOverrides    = None
    folder                 = None
    instName               = None

    lockdown               = False
    meshBad                = False #True if a mesh is generated and has ISOTEs 
    cubitMeshPreCommands  = ["reset", "open 'geom.cub'"]
    cubitMeshPostCommands = ["export genesis 'mesh.gen' block all overwrite"]
    def __init__(self, folder, geometryInstance, meshTemplateCollection):
        Loads the meshInstance from the data
        from folder and connects it to its template and geometryInstance.
        Raises AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail
        if something (such as "not a meshInstance folder")
        goes wrong.
        print "AcdOptiMeshInstance::__init__()"
        self.folder = folder
        self.geometryInstance = geometryInstance
        self.meshTemplateCollection = meshTemplateCollection
        if not os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Folder \"" + folder + "\" does not exist")
        #Construct the instance name from folder name
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        self.instName = instname

        #Load paramFile.set
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Problem loading file \"paramFile.set\" in folder \"" +\
                    folder + "\", got an IOError")
        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") != "meshInstance":
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(
                "Wrong fileID in meshInstance.set, got \"" +
                self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") + "\"")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set")
        meshBad = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getVals("meshBad")
        if len(meshBad) == 0:
            self.meshBad = False
            assert len(meshBad) == 1
            self.meshBad = DataDict.boolconv(meshBad[0])
        #Check that the geometryInstance is correct
        geometryInstance_expectedName = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("geomInstance_name")
        if geometryInstance.instName != geometryInstance_expectedName:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
                "Excpected name of geometryInstance does not match the one passed")
        #Find the MeshTemplate
        meshTemplate_expectedName = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("meshTemplate_name")
            self.meshTemplate = self.meshTemplateCollection.meshTemplates[meshTemplate_expectedName]
        except KeyError:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail("Could not find the meshTemplate \""
                                                         + meshTemplate_expectedName + "\"")
        #Find and load template overrides
        self.__templateOverrides = {}
            templateOverrides_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("templateOverrides")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load templateOverrides from paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(templateOverrides_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail\
                ("templateOverrides from paramFile.set is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(templateOverrides_data.keys, templateOverrides_data.vals):
            if k in self.__templateOverrides:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurrence of key \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file")
            if not k in self.meshTemplate.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                    raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(
                        "Entry \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file has no match in the template")
            self.__templateOverrides[k] = v

        #Find subfolders and check if they are runConfigs
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "runConfigs")):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail("Could not find runConfigs folder")
        self.runConfigs = {}
        for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.folder,"runConfigs")):
            dAbs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.folder,"runConfigs",d))
            if not os.path.isdir(dAbs):
                #Skip files etc.
            self.runConfigs[d] = AcdOptiRunConfig(dAbs,self)
            #except AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail as e:
            #    raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(\
            #        "Problem loading assumed runConfig folder \"" + d + "\"", e)
    def generatePattern(self):
        Generate substitution dict
        params =  self.meshTemplate.paramDefaults_copy()
        for k in self.__templateOverrides:
            assert k in params
            params[k] = self.__templateOverrides[k] 
        return params
    def generateCubitJou(self):
        Uses the currently defined variables (overrides + inherited)
        to generate a cubit script. Returns a tuple with
        the generated script as a string, and a list of tag's not found in the template.
        params = self.generatePattern()
        (runScript, notFound) = self.meshTemplate.meshTemplateFile.generateJou(params, self.cubitMeshPreCommands, self.cubitMeshPostCommands)
        ret = ""
        for line in runScript:
            ret += line + "\n"
        return (ret, notFound)
    def generateMesh(self):
        Generates the CUBIT journal,
        and runs this with the pre- and post-commands that are useful
        for generating a mesh.
        Also saves the journal as mesh.jou for later reference
        Side-effect: Sets lockdown, and generates a solid if necessary
        Returns any keys not found. 
        print "AcdOptiMeshInstance::generateMesh()"
        if not self.geometryInstance.lockdown:

        params = self.generatePattern()
        templateFile = self.meshTemplate.meshTemplateFile
        #Make the journal for later reference
        refJouFileName = os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.jou")
        if os.path.isfile(refJouFileName):
        templateFile.writeJouFile(params,refJouFileName,self.cubitMeshPreCommands, self.cubitMeshPostCommands)
        #Make the mesh
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.geometryInstance.folder, "geom.cub"), os.getcwd())
        notFound = templateFile.runCubit(params, preCommands=self.cubitMeshPreCommands,\
        os.rename("mesh.gen", os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.gen"))
        #Convert the mesh to NetCDF
        (acdoutput, badelems) = AcdOptiAcdtoolWrapper.convertGenNcdf(os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.gen"),
                                             os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.ncdf"))


        if badelems > 0:
            self.meshBad = True
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_generateFail("Mesh had ISOTEs -- not a good mesh! (mesh still generated)")
            self.meshBad = False
        return notFound
    def addRunConfig(self,name,runnerType, solverTypes=None):
        Creates and adds a new RunConfig with the specified
        name, runnerType and solverTypes to this MeshInstance 
        #Check that name is not already in use
        if name in self.runConfigs:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_nameError("RunConfig name already in use")
        #Create the runConfig
        runConfigFolder =  os.path.join(self.folder, "runConfigs", name)
        AcdOptiRunConfig.createNew(runConfigFolder, runnerType, solverTypes)
        #Load it
        self.runConfigs[name] = AcdOptiRunConfig(runConfigFolder, self) 
    def write(self):
        Update the contents of self.__paramFile to reflect
        current status of the object 
        print "AcdOptiMeshInstance::write()"
        self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("lockdown", str(self.lockdown))
        templateOverrides_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("templateOverrides")
        for k in self.__templateOverrides:
        if len(self.__paramFile.dataDict.getVals("meshBad")) > 0:
            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("meshBad", str(self.meshBad))
            self.__paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("meshBad", str(self.meshBad))
    def setLockdown(self):
        Set lockdown = True,
        indicating that a mesh has been generated, and that
        the templateOverrides should not be touched.
        Also sets lockdown on the geometryInstance and meshTemplate,
        and writes itself to file.
        print "AcdOptiMeshInstance::setLockdown()"
        self.lockdown = True
    def clearLockdown(self):
        Clears lockdown of the mesh instance,
        and deletes generated cubit objects.
        Also clears the lockdown on any RunConfig(s)
        Also writes instance to file.
        print "AcdOptiGeometryInstance::clearLockdown()"
        if not self.lockdown:
        #Delete mesh files
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.gen")):
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.gen"))
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.ncdf")):
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.ncdf"))
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.jou")):
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.folder, "mesh.jou"))
        #Delete vtu files from acdtool meshconvert
        list = os.listdir(self.folder)
        for l in list:
            if l.endswith(".vtu"):
                os.remove(os.path.join(self.folder, l))
        for rc in self.runConfigs.values():
        self.meshBad = False
        self.lockdown = False
    def templateOverrides_insert(self,key,val):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_lockdownError
        self.__templateOverrides[key] = val
        return val 
    def templateOverrides_get(self,key):
        return self.__templateOverrides[key]
    def templateOverrides_getKeys(self):
        return self.__templateOverrides.keys()
    def templateOverrides_del(self,key):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_lockdownError
        val = self.__templateOverrides[key]
        del self.__templateOverrides[key]
        return val
    def templateOverrides_clear(self):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_lockdownError
    def createNew(folder, geomInstance_name, meshTemplate_name):
        Creates a new empty meshInstance in a
        not previously existing folder.
        Folder name should be the same as meshInstance name.
        Raises AcdOptiException_meshInstance_createFail
        is something goes wrong (such as "Folder already exists")
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]

        #Create the folder
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshInstance_createFail ("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
        #Create paramFile.set file
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "meshInstance")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("templateOverrides", DataDict())
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("meshTemplate_name", meshTemplate_name)
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("geomInstance_name", geomInstance_name)
        #Create folder for the runConfigs
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, "runConfigs"))
    def createNew_clone(folder, cloneFrom, newGeomInstance):
        Creates a new meshInstance in a not previously existing folder,
        which has identical settings as an already existing meshInstance,
        but is attached to newGeomInstance
        The newly created meshInstance is then returned.
        This is a deep copy, runConfigs etc. are also cloned.

        #Create the new meshInstance
        AcdOptiMeshInstance.createNew(folder, newGeomInstance.instName, cloneFrom.meshTemplate.instName)
        newInstance = AcdOptiMeshInstance(folder, newGeomInstance, cloneFrom.meshTemplateCollection)

        #Copy information        
        for key in cloneFrom.templateOverrides_getKeys():
            newInstance.templateOverrides_insert(key, cloneFrom.templateOverrides_get(key))
        for (runConfigName, runConfig) in cloneFrom.runConfigs.iteritems():
            newRC = AcdOptiRunConfig.createNew_clone(os.path.join(folder, "runConfigs", runConfig.instName), runConfig, newInstance)
            newInstance.runConfigs[runConfigName] = newRC
        return newInstance
コード例 #21
ファイル: AcdOptiScan.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
    def __init__(self, folder, scanCollection):
        self.folder = folder
        self.scanCollection = scanCollection
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        self.instName = instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        #Load paramFile
        self.__paramfile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] != "AcdOptiScan":
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_loadFail("Got wrong fileID='" + self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")            
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName") != self.instName:
            raise AcdOptiException_scan_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name")
        self.lockdown = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown"))
        self.staged  = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("staged"))
        self.run  = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("run"))

        self.slaveGeomsDict = self.__paramfile.dataDict["slaveGeoms"]
        self.slaveGeoms = []
        baseGeomInstance_name = self.__paramfile.dataDict["baseGeomInstance_name"]
        if baseGeomInstance_name == "":
            self.baseGeomInstance = None
            assert len(self.slaveGeomsDict) == 0
            self.baseGeomInstance = self.scanCollection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances[baseGeomInstance_name]
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_name"] != "":
            #assert self.baseGeomInstance != None #Why?
            self.scanParameter_name       =  self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_name"]
            assert self.scanParameter_name in self.getValidParamNames()
            self.scanParameter_range_max  =  float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_max"])
            self.scanParameter_range_min  =  float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_min"])
            self.scanParameter_range_step =  float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["scanParameter_step"])
            self.predict_anaVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_anaVariable"]
            self.predict_targetValue = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_targetValue"]
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.predict_anaVariable = ""
            self.predict_targetValue = ""
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_anaVariable", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_targetValue", "")
            self.predict_a = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_a"]
            self.predict_b = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_b"]
            self.predict_x = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_x"]
            self.predict_r = self.__paramfile.dataDict["predict_r"]
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.predict_a = ""
            self.predict_b = ""
            self.predict_x = ""
            self.predict_r = ""
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_a", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_b", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_x", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("predict_r", "")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            self.predict_ndof = ""
        for (geomName, nothingOfInterest) in self.slaveGeomsDict:
            #Mutal referencing
コード例 #22
ファイル: AcdOptiRunConfig.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
    def createNew(folder, runnerType, solverTypes=None):
        Create a new RunConfig, if wanted with ready-made
        SolverSetups and Runners created and attached.
        - Folder      : In which folder to store the setup files etc.
        - runnerType  : String with the runner type wanted (example: Hopper)
        - solverTypes : String or list of strings with the types of SolverSetups wanted
                        (as accepted by AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew()).
                        If None, don't attach any solvers
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::createNew(), folder=" + folder
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_createFail ("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")

        #Create the SolverSetups:
        solverSetups = []
        if solverTypes == None:
            pass #To simplify the "else" at the end...
        elif type(solverTypes) == str:
            solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew(solverTypes, folder))
        elif type(solverTypes) == list:
            for st in solverTypes:
                solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew(st, folder))
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_createFail ("Expected solverTypes to be a string or list of strings, got " + str(solverTypes))

        #Create the runner
        AcdOptiRunner.createNew(runnerType, folder)

        #Create the paramFile
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "runConfigParamFile")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instname)
        if len(solverSetups):
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("status", "initialized")
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("status", "not_initialized")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageName", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageFolder", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageFile", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("finishedFolder", "")

        #Pushback all solverSetups under the same key
        for ssName in solverSetups:
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("solverSetup", ssName)
        #Runner type
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("runnerType", runnerType) 
        #Analysis dictionary
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("analysis", DataDict())
        #Create the staging folder
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, "stage"))

        #Create the finished folder
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, "finished"))
        #Create the analysis folder
コード例 #23
ファイル: AcdOptiMetaAnalysis.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
class AcdOptiMetaAnalysis:
    A meta-analysis is an analysis of several other anlysis;
    i.e. "plotting" the exported output from analysis
    or geometry/mesh variables against each other.
    instName    = None
    folder      = None
    collection  = None
    __paramfile = None
    #Encodings describing where to get the x- or y variables.
    # Meta-language syntax: {GEOM|MESH|ANA}.key.key([idx]) .... For ANA, field[1] is analysis name, field[2] is a name in exportResults
    xVariable = None 
    yVariable = None
    fVariable = None
    fEquals   = None
    fLT       = None
    fGT       = None
    xArray = None 
    yArray = None
    targetValue = None
    lockdown = None
    def __init__(self,folder,collection):
        self.folder = folder
        self.collection = collection
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        self.instName = instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        #Load paramFile
        self.__paramfile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] != "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis":
            raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_loadFail("Got wrong fileID='" + self.__paramfile.dataDict["fileID"] + "'")            
        if self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName") != self.instName:
            raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name")
        self.lockdown = DataDict.boolconv(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown"))
        self.xVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["xVariable"]
        self.yVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["yVariable"]
        if len(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getVals("fVariable")) == 0:
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fVariable", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fEquals", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fLT", "")
            self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("fGT", "")
        self.fVariable = self.__paramfile.dataDict["fVariable"]
        def floatOrNone(strIn):
            if strIn == "":
                return None
                return float(strIn)
        self.fEquals   = floatOrNone(self.__paramfile.dataDict["fEquals"])
        self.fGT       = floatOrNone(self.__paramfile.dataDict["fGT"])
        self.fLT       = floatOrNone(self.__paramfile.dataDict["fLT"])
        if len(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getVals("targetValue")) > 0:
            self.targetValue = float(self.__paramfile.dataDict["targetValue"])
            self.targetValue = None    
        anaData = self.__paramfile.dataDict["anaData"]
        self.xArray = []
        self.yArray = []
        for (x,y) in anaData: 
        #Final init & lockdown checks
        if self.lockdown == True:
            if self.yVariable == None or self.xVariable == None:
                #The x,yArray may still be empty, don't check for this
                raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_loadFail("Lockdown, but xVariable='" + self.xVariable + "', yVariable='" + self.yVariable)
            self.xArray = np.asarray(self.xArray)
            self.yArray = np.asarray(self.yArray)
    def write(self):
        print "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis::write()"

        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("lockdown", str(self.lockdown))
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("xVariable", self.xVariable)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("yVariable", self.yVariable)
        self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("fVariable", self.fVariable)
        def strFromFloatOrNone(fonIn):
            if fonIn == None:
                return ""
                return str(fonIn)
        if self.targetValue != None:
            if len(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getVals("targetValue")) > 0:
                self.__paramfile.dataDict.setValSingle("targetValue", str(self.targetValue))
                self.__paramfile.dataDict.pushBack("targetValue", str(self.targetValue))
            if len(self.__paramfile.dataDict.getVals("targetValue")) > 0:
        anaData = self.__paramfile.dataDict["anaData"]
        for (x,y) in zip (self.xArray, self.yArray):
            anaData.pushBack(str(x), str(y))
    def runAnalysis(self):
        print "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis::runAnalysis()"
        assert self.lockdown == False
        #Do something...
        xVar = self.xVariable.split(".")
        yVar = self.yVariable.split(".")
        if self.fEquals != None:
            fVar = self.fVariable.split(".")
        print "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis::runAnalysis() : xVar='" + str(xVar) + "', yVar='" + str(yVar) + "'"
#        if not xVar[0] in ["GEOM","MESH","ANA"]:
#            raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("xVar[0] invalid")
#        if not yVar[0] in ["GEOM","MESH","ANA"]:
#            raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("yVar[0] invalid")
        for geom in self.collection.project.geomCollection.geomInstances.values():
            xData = self.__getData(geom, xVar)
            yData = self.__getData(geom, yVar)
            if len(xData) > 1 and len(yData) > 1:
                raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Multiple hits for both xData and yData")
            if self.fEquals != None:
                fData = self.__getData(geom, fVar)
                if len(xData) > 1 or len(yData) > 1 or len(fData) > 1:
                    raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Multiple hits when filtering")
                if fData[0] != self.fEquals:

            print xData, yData
            if len(xData) > 1:
                for x in xData:
            elif len(yData) > 1:
                for y in yData:
            elif len(xData) == 1 and len(yData) == 1:
            elif len(xData) == 0 or len(yData) == 0:
                raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("This shouldn't happen?!")
        #Icing on the top..
        assert len(self.xArray) == len(self.yArray)
        self.xArray = np.asarray(self.xArray)
        self.yArray = np.asarray(self.yArray)
        print self.xArray, self.yArray
        self.lockdown = True
    def __getData(self,geom,descriptor):
        ret = []
        if descriptor[0] == "GEOM":
            if len(descriptor) > 2:
                raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Descriptor '" + str(descriptor) + "' starting with 'GEOM' too long")
            if descriptor[1] in geom.templateOverrides_getKeys():
            elif descriptor[1] in geom.template.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Geometry field ID '" + str(descriptor[1]) + "' not found")
        elif descriptor[0] == "MESH":
            if len(descriptor) > 2:
                raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Descriptor '" + str(descriptor) + "' starting with 'MESH' too long")
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.values():
                if descriptor[1] in mesh.templateOverrides_getKeys():
                elif descriptor[1] in mesh.meshTemplate.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                    raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Mesh field ID '" + str(descriptor[1]) + "' not found")
        elif descriptor[0] == "ANA":
            for mesh in geom.meshInsts.values():
                for rc in mesh.runConfigs.values():
                    #Get the ana
                        ana = rc.analysis[descriptor[1]]
                    except KeyError:
                    #Dig down into the exportResults
                    results = ana.exportResults
                    if len(descriptor) < 3:
                        raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("ANA descriptor '" + str(descriptor) + "' too short, doesn't specify field")
                    ret += self.__anaExportDigger(results, descriptor[2:])                    
            raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Unknown descriptor[0]: '" + str(descriptor[0]) + "'")

        return ret
    def __anaExportDigger(self, exported, descriptor):
        print "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis::__anaExportDigger() : descriptor='" + str(descriptor) + "', exported='" + str(exported) + "'"
        ret = []
        numberMatch = re.match("\w*\[([0-9]+)\]\Z",descriptor[0])
        data = None
        if numberMatch:
            #next descriptor has an index
            idx = int(numberMatch.group(1))
            fetch = exported.getVals(descriptor[0].split("[")[0])
                data = [fetch[idx], ] #Put in a list to make loop work
            except IndexError:
                print "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis::__anaExportDigger() : WARNING - index not found!"
                data = [] #If the 
            data = exported.getVals(descriptor[0])

        for val in data:
            if type(val) == str:
                if len(descriptor) > 1:
                    raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Got deeper descriptors than data")
            else: #DataDict
                if len(descriptor) == 1:
                    raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Got deeper data than descriptors")
                ret += self.__anaExportDigger(val, descriptor[1:])
#            if isinstance(val, DataDict):
#                if not isMore:
#                    raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Got deeper data than descriptors")
#                ret += self.__anaExportDigger(val, descriptor[1:])
#            else:
#                if isMore:
#                    raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_anaFail("Got deeper descriptors than data")
#                ret.append(val)
        return ret
    def clearLockdown(self):
        print "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis::clearLockdown()"
        assert self.lockdown == True
        self.xArray = []
        self.yArray = []
        self.lockdown = False
    def exportData(self, fileName):
        print "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis::exportData()"
        assert self.lockdown == True

    def createNew(folder):
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_metaAnalysis_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
        #Create paramfile
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiMetaAnalysis")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instName)
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("xVariable", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("yVariable", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fVariable", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fEquals", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fLT", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fGT", "")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("anaData", DataDict()) #(key, value) = (x,y)
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
コード例 #24
    def __init__(self,folder, project):
        Initialize (load) a GeometryCollection
        stored in some folder
        self.folder = folder
        self.project = project

        #Load the param file
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                    ("File paramFile.set not found")

        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                != "geomCollectionParamFile":
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                ("Wrong fileID, got\""\
                     + self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                     + "\" while loading __paramFile")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set")

        #Load the default parameters
        self.__paramDefaults = {}
            paramDefaults_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("paramDefaults")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load paramDefaults from file paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(paramDefaults_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                ("paramDefaults from paramFile is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(paramDefaults_data.keys, paramDefaults_data.vals):
            if k in self.__paramDefaults:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurence of key \"" + k + "\" in paramFile")
            self.__paramDefaults[k] = v

        #Load the template file
        self.geomTemplateFile = AcdOptiCubitTemplateFile(os.path.join(folder,self.geomTemplateFile_name))

        #Find subfolders and check if they are geometry instances
        self.geomInstances = {}
        for d in os.listdir(self.folder):
            dAbs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.folder,d))
            if not os.path.isdir(dAbs):
                #Skip files etc.
                self.geomInstances[d] = AcdOptiGeometryInstance(dAbs, self)
            except AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail as e:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail("Problem loading geometry instance \"" + d + "\", got error='" + str(e.args) + "'")
コード例 #25
ファイル: AcdOptiRunConfig.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
    def __init__(self, folder, meshInstance):
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::__init__()"
        self.folder = folder
        self.meshInstance = meshInstance
        self.status = "not_initialized"
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        self.instName = instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        #Load the param file
            print os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set")
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("File paramFile.set not found")

        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") != "runConfigParamFile":
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail\
                ("Wrong fileID, got \""+ self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")+"\" while loading paramFile")                
        if self.instName != self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName"):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name, expected='"+self.instName+"', got '"+self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName")+"'")
        self.status = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("status")
        if not self.status in self.statuses:
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("Status '" + self.status + "' not valid")
        self.stageName = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("stageName")
        if self.stageName == "":
            self.stageName = None
        if self.stageName and self.status == "initialized":
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("StageName != None while status='" + self.status + "'")
        #Generate stageFolder, stageFile, finishedFolder from stageName and status
        if self.statuses.index(self.status) >= self.statuses.index("staged"): 
            self.stageFolder = os.path.join(self.folder,"stage",self.stageName)
            if not os.path.isdir(self.stageFolder):
                raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("StageFolder '" + self.stageFolder + "' does not exist, but status='" + self.status + "'")
            self.stageFile = os.path.join(self.folder, "stage", self.stageName) + ".tar.gz"
            if not os.path.isfile(self.stageFile):
                raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("StageFile '" + self.stageFile + "' does not exist, but status='" + self.status + "'")
        if self.status == "finished":
            self.finishedFolder = os.path.join(self.folder, "finished", self.stageName)
            if not os.path.isdir(self.finishedFolder):
                raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("FinishedFolder '" + self.finishedFolder + "' does not exist, but status='" + self.status + "'")
#        self.stageFolder = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("stageFolder")
#        if self.stageFolder == "":
#            self.stageFolder = None
#        self.stageFile = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("stageFile")
#        if self.stageFile == "":
#            self.stageFile = None
#        self.finishedFolder = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("finishedFolder")
#        if self.finishedFolder == "":
#            self.finishedFolder = None
#            assert self.status != "finished"
        #Sanity check on folders for staged- and finished data:
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "stage")):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("stage folder not found")
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "finished")):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("finished folder not found")
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "analysis")):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("analysis folder not found")
        #Load the solverSetups
        solverSetupNames = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getVals("solverSetup")
        self.solverSetups = []
        for ssName in solverSetupNames:
            self.solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup(ssName, self))
        #Load the runner
        runnerType  = self.__paramFile.dataDict["runnerType"]
        self.runner = AcdOptiRunner.getRunner(runnerType, self)
        #Load any analysis specified by the paramFile
        anaDict = self.__paramFile.dataDict["analysis"]
        self.analysis = {}
        for (anaName, anaOptions) in anaDict:
            print anaName, anaOptions
            if anaName in self.analysis:
                raise KeyError("Analysis name '" + anaName + "' encountered twice")
            self.analysis[anaName] = AnalysisInterface.loadAnalysisByDict(anaOptions, os.path.join(self.folder, "analysis"), self)
        #Refresh lockdowns
        for solver in self.solverSetups:
        #Check if we have an old file format, and if so write() to convert to new format
        if len(self.__paramFile.dataDict.getVals("stageFolder")):
            print "Updating to new file format without full paths specified (relocatable projects!)"
コード例 #26
class AcdOptiGeometryInstance():
    Class that organizes a specific geometry instance,
    i.e. a set of geometry parameters,
    which are merged with the template geometry to
    create a CUBIT script. This script may be exported,
    or sent to CUBIT for generating the solid.
    Pointers to mesh instances are kept.
    def __init__(self, folder, template):
        Loads the geomInstance from the data
        from folder.
        Raises AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail
        if something (such as "not a geomInstance folder")
        goes wrong.
        self.folder   = folder
        self.template = template
        #Check that folder exists
        if not os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Folder \"" + folder + "\" does not exist")
        #Construct the instance name from folder name
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]
        self.instName = instName

        #Load paramFile.set
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError as e:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Problem loading file \"paramFile.set\" in folder \"" +\
                    folder + "\", got an IOError")
        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") != "geomInstance":
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(
                "Wrong fileID in geomInstance.set, got \"" +
                self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") + "\"")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set")
        #Find and load template overrides
        self.__templateOverrides = {}
            templateOverrides_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("templateOverrides")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load templateOverrides from paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(templateOverrides_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail\
                ("templateOverrides from paramFile.set is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(templateOverrides_data.keys, templateOverrides_data.vals):
            if k in self.__templateOverrides:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurrence of key \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file")
            if not k in self.template.paramDefaults_getKeys():
                    raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(
                        "Entry \"" + k + "\" in templateOverrides on file has no match in the template")
            self.__templateOverrides[k] = v
        #Are there any mesh instances?
        self.meshInsts = {}
        for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.folder,self.meshInstanceFolderName)):
            dAbs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder,self.meshInstanceFolderName,d))
            if not os.path.isdir(dAbs):
                #Skip files etc.
            self.meshInsts[d] = AcdOptiMeshInstance(dAbs, self, self.template.project.meshTemplateCollection)
            #except AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail as e:
            #    raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail(\
            #        "Problem loading mesh instance \"" + dAbs + "\", got error \"" + str(e) + "\"")
        #Scan instance name
        #self.scanInstance_name = self.__paramFile.dataDict["scanInstance_name"]  
        self.scanInstances = []
    def write(self):
        Update the contents of self.__paramFile to reflect
        current status of the class 
        print "AcdOptiGeometryInstance::write()"
        self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("lockdown", str(self.lockdown))

#        if self.scanInstance != None:
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanInstance_name", self.scanInstance.instName)
#        else:
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("scanInstance_name", "")

        templateOverrides_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("templateOverrides")
        for k in self.__templateOverrides:
    def generatePattern(self):
        Generate substitution dict
        params = self.template.paramDefaults_copy()
        for k in self.__templateOverrides:
            assert k in params
            params[k] = self.__templateOverrides[k] 
        return params
    def generateCubitJou(self):
        Uses the currently defined variables (overrides + inherited)
        to generate a cubit script. Returns a tuple with
        the generated script as a string, and a list of tag's not found in the template.
        params = self.generatePattern()
        #Get the CUBIT template file object
        #templateFile = self.template.geomTemplateFile
        #return templateFile.subsString(params)
        (runScript, notFound) = self.template.geomTemplateFile.generateJou(params, self.cubitGeomPreCommands, self.cubitGeomPostCommands)
        ret = ""
        for line in runScript:
            ret += line + "\n"
        return (ret, notFound)
    def generateGeometry(self):
        Generates the CUBIT journal
        and runs this with the pre- and post-commands that are useful
        for generating a solid.

        Also saves the journal as geom.jou for later reference.

        Side-effect: Sets lockdown
        Returns any keys not found. 
        params = self.generatePattern()
        templateFile = self.template.geomTemplateFile
        #Make the journal for later reference
        refJouFileName = os.path.join(self.folder, "geom.jou")
        if os.path.isfile(refJouFileName):
        templateFile.writeJouFile(params,refJouFileName,self.cubitGeomPreCommands, self.cubitGeomPostCommands)
        #Generate the geometry
        templateFile.runCubit(params, preCommands=self.cubitGeomPreCommands, postCommands=self.cubitGeomPostCommands)
        os.rename("geom.cub", os.path.join(self.folder, "geom.cub"))
    def addMeshInstance(self, meshTemplateName, meshInstanceName):
        Creates and adds a new meshInstance to this geometryInstance.
        Raises an AcdOptiException_geomInstance_nameError
        if the meshInstanceName is already in use or the meshTemplate does not exist.

        print "AcdOptiGeometryInstance::addMeshInstance(meshTemplateName=\""\
             + meshTemplateName + "\" , meshInstanceName=\"" + meshInstanceName + "\" )"
        #Check that the mesh instance name is not already in use:
        if meshInstanceName in self.meshInsts:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_nameError("Mesh instance name already in use")
        folder = os.path.join(self.folder,self.meshInstanceFolderName,meshInstanceName)
            AcdOptiMeshInstance.createNew(folder, self.instName, meshTemplateName)
        except AcdOptiException_meshInstance_createFail:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_nameError("Mesh instance name \"" + meshInstanceName + "\" already in use")
        meshInstance = AcdOptiMeshInstance(folder, self, self.template.project.meshTemplateCollection)
        self.meshInsts[meshInstanceName] = meshInstance

        print "AcdOptiGeometryInstance::addMeshInstance():Mesh instances currently loaded:" + str(self.meshInsts)
    def setLockdown(self):
        Set lockdown = True,
        indicating that a geometry has been generated, and that
        the templateOverrides should not be touched.
        Also writes instance to file.
        print "AcdOptiGeometryInstance::setLockdown()"
        self.lockdown = True
    def clearLockdown(self):
        Clears lockdown of the geometry instance and any mesh instances,
        and deletes generated cubit objects.
        Also writes instance to file.
        print "AcdOptiGeometryInstance::clearLockdown()"
        if not self.lockdown:
        for mesh in self.meshInsts.values():
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.folder, "geom.cub")):
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.folder, "geom.cub"))
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.folder, "geom.jou")):
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.folder, "geom.jou"))
        self.lockdown = False
    def templateOverrides_insert(self,key,val):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_lockdownError
        self.__templateOverrides[key] = val
        return val
    def templateOverrides_get(self,key):
        return self.__templateOverrides[key]
    def templateOverrides_getKeys(self):
        return self.__templateOverrides.keys()
    def templateOverrides_len(self):
        return len(self.__templateOverrides)
    def templateOverrides_del(self,key):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_lockdownError
        val = self.__templateOverrides[key]
        del self.__templateOverrides[key]
        return val
    def templateOverrides_clear(self):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_lockdownError

    def createNew(folder):
        Creates a new empty geomInstance in a
        not previously existing folder.
        Geometry instance name will be the same as the folder name.
        Raises AcdOptiException_geomInstance_createFail
        is something goes wrong (such as "Folder already exists")
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instName = folder
        if instName[-1] == "/":
            instName = instName[0:-1]
        instName = os.path.split(instName)[1]

        #Create the folder
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_createFail("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
        #Create paramFile.set file
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "geomInstance")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("templateOverrides", DataDict())
        #paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("scanInstance_name", "")
        #Create folder for meshInstance's
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, AcdOptiGeometryInstance.meshInstanceFolderName))

    def createNew_clone(folder, cloneFrom):
        Creates a new geomInstance in a not previously existing folder,
        which has identical settings as an already existing geometryInstance.
        The newly created geomInstance is then returned.
        This is a deep copy, meshInstances etc. are also cloned.
        #Create the new geomInstance
        newInstance = AcdOptiGeometryInstance(folder, cloneFrom.template)

        #Copy information        
        for key in cloneFrom.templateOverrides_getKeys():
            newInstance.templateOverrides_insert(key, cloneFrom.templateOverrides_get(key))
        for (meshName, mesh) in cloneFrom.meshInsts.iteritems():
            newMesh = AcdOptiMeshInstance.createNew_clone(os.path.join(folder,"meshInstances",meshName), mesh, newInstance)
            newInstance.meshInsts[meshName] = newMesh
        return newInstance
    def cloneMeshInstance(self, oldObject, newName):
        Clone a mesh object into a new name and attach it to the current geometryInstance
        print "AcdOptiGeometryInstance::cloneMeshInstance()"
        assert not newName in self.meshInsts
        newMesh = AcdOptiMeshInstance.createNew_clone(os.path.join(self.folder, self.meshInstanceFolderName, newName), oldObject, self)
        self.meshInsts[newName] = newMesh

    #Object variables
    lockdown    = False #Write-protected?
    folder      = None  #Folder where this geometryInstance is stored
    __paramFile = None  #Settings file for the geometryInstance
    instName    = None  #Name of this instance
    meshInsts   = None  #Dict of mesh instances for this geometry
    template    = None  #Pointer to the GeometryCollection of which
                        # this is an instance
    __templateOverrides = None #Dict describing the variables that are
                             # given a different value than the default
                             # from the collection.  

    scanInstances = None #A list of the scans this geomInstances belongs to. 
                         # This is set by the scanInstance's __init__()
                         # The list may contain both old- and new-style scans

    #Static class fields
    cubitGeomPreCommands  = ["reset"]
    cubitGeomPostCommands = ["save as 'geom.cub' overwrite"]
    meshInstanceFolderName = "meshInstances"
コード例 #27
class AcdOptiGeometryCollection:
    Class that knows what the geometry parameters are,
    and organizes the content of the geomInstances folder.
    #Object variables
    geomInstances = None
    folder = None
    __paramDefaults = None #Default value of the parameters
    __paramFile     = None #File holding these

    geomTemplateFile        = None
    geomTemplateFile_name   = "geomTemplateFile.jou.template"

    lockdown = False

    project = None #Pointer to the top-level AcdOptiProject

    def __init__(self,folder, project):
        Initialize (load) a GeometryCollection
        stored in some folder
        self.folder = folder
        self.project = project

        #Load the param file
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                    ("File paramFile.set not found")

        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                != "geomCollectionParamFile":
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                ("Wrong fileID, got\""\
                     + self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                     + "\" while loading __paramFile")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set")

        #Load the default parameters
        self.__paramDefaults = {}
            paramDefaults_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("paramDefaults")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load paramDefaults from file paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(paramDefaults_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                ("paramDefaults from paramFile is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(paramDefaults_data.keys, paramDefaults_data.vals):
            if k in self.__paramDefaults:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurence of key \"" + k + "\" in paramFile")
            self.__paramDefaults[k] = v

        #Load the template file
        self.geomTemplateFile = AcdOptiCubitTemplateFile(os.path.join(folder,self.geomTemplateFile_name))

        #Find subfolders and check if they are geometry instances
        self.geomInstances = {}
        for d in os.listdir(self.folder):
            dAbs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.folder,d))
            if not os.path.isdir(dAbs):
                #Skip files etc.
                self.geomInstances[d] = AcdOptiGeometryInstance(dAbs, self)
            except AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail as e:
                raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail("Problem loading geometry instance \"" + d + "\", got error='" + str(e.args) + "'")
    def write(self):
        Write the current contents of this class to paramFile,
        which is then written to file.
        print "AcdOptiGeometryCollection::write()"
        print "Lockdown =", self.lockdown
        self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("lockdown", str(self.lockdown))
        paramDefaults_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("paramDefaults")
        for (k,v) in self.__paramDefaults.iteritems():
        print self.__paramFile   

    def mayDelete(self,key):
        Check if key can be deleted -
        if it has it been overridden in a GeometryInstance
        or (TODO) is used in the cubit template script,
        return the problematic AcdOptiGeometryInstance or AcdOptiCubitTemplateFile.
        Normally return None, meaning that the key may be deleted.
        for gi in self.geomInstances:
            if key in self.geomInstances[gi].templateOverrides_getKeys():
                return self.geomInstances[gi]
        return None

    def addGeomInstance(self,name):
        Creates and adds a GeometryInstance to the geomCollection.
        Raises an AcdOptiException_geomInstance_createFail if the name already exists.
        The created geomInstance is returned.
        #Create the AcdOptiGeometryInstance
        folder = os.path.join(self.folder, name)

        #Add it to the project/geomCollection
        assert not name in self.geomInstances, "Folder did not exist but there was an entry in self.geomInstances?!? name='" + name + "'"
        self.geomInstances[name] = AcdOptiGeometryInstance(folder,self)
        return self.geomInstances[name]
    def cloneGeomInstance(self,oldName, newName):
        Create a new geomInstance called <newName>, having
        identical same settings, meshInstance etc. as the one called <oldName>.
        The new geom instance is returned.
        assert oldName in self.geomInstances
        newGeom = AcdOptiGeometryInstance.createNew_clone(os.path.join(self.folder, newName), self.geomInstances[oldName]) 
        self.geomInstances[newName] = newGeom
        return newGeom

    def setLockdown(self):
        Set lockdown = True,
        indicating that a geometry instance has been generated, and that
        the template should not be touched.
        Also writes data to file
        print "AcdOptiGeometryCollection::setLockdown()"        
        self.lockdown = True
    def clearLockdown(self):
        Clears lockdown of the geometry collection and
        any geometry/mesh instances, deleting generated cubit objects
        Also writes instance to file.
        print "AcdOptiGeometryCollection::clearLockdown()"
        for geomInstance in self.geomInstances.values():
        self.lockdown = False
    def paramDefaults_insert(self,key,val):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_lockdownError
        self.__paramDefaults[key] = val
        return val
    def paramDefaults_get(self,key):
        return self.__paramDefaults[key]
    def paramDefaults_getKeys(self):
        return self.__paramDefaults.keys()
    def paramDefaults_copy(self):
        return self.__paramDefaults.copy()
    def paramDefaults_len(self):
        return len(self.__paramDefaults)
    def paramDefaults_del(self,key):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_lockdownError
        val = self.__paramDefaults[key]
        del self.__paramDefaults[key]
        return val
    def paramDefaults_clear(self):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_geomCollection_lockdownError

    def createNew(folder):
        Sets up the basic structure inside
        a given folder, which is created.
        #Create the directory
        #File that holds the parameters and their default values
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder,"paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "geomCollectionParamFile")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")

        #Default empty template file
コード例 #28
ファイル: AcdOptiMeshTemplate.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
class AcdOptiMeshTemplate:
    Class that represents a specific
    mesh template script, which can be applied
    in different configurations to different
    geometry instances.
    One mesh template =
    meshing script with variables + default values for those variables.
    def __init__(self, folder):
        self.folder = folder
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        self.instName = instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        #Load the param file
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail("File paramFile.set not found")

        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                != "meshTemplateParamFile":
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                ("Wrong fileID, got \""\
                     + self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")\
                     + "\" while loading paramFile")
        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName")\
                != instname:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail("templateName doesn't match folder name")
        lock = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("lockdown")
        if lock == "True":
            self.lockdown = True
        elif lock == "False":
            self.lockdown = False
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail(\
                "Invalid content in field \"lockdown\" of file paramFile.set, got'"+lock+"'")
        #Load the default parameters
        self.__paramDefaults = {}
            paramDefaults_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("paramDefaults")
        except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                ("Couldn't load paramDefaults from file paramFile.set")
        if not isinstance(paramDefaults_data,DataDict):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                ("paramDefaults from paramFile is not a DataDict!")
        for (k,v) in zip(paramDefaults_data.keys, paramDefaults_data.vals):
            if k in self.__paramDefaults:
                raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail\
                    ("Double occurrence of key \"" + k + "\" in paramFile")
            self.__paramDefaults[k] = v

        #Load the template file
        self.meshTemplateFile = AcdOptiCubitTemplateFile(os.path.join(folder,self.meshTemplateFile_name))
        #Initialize __meshInstances
        self.__meshInstances = []
    def mayDelete(self,key): #TODO!!
        Check if key can be deleted -
        if it has it been overridden in a MeshInstance
        or (TODO) is used in the cubit template script,
        return the problematic AcdOptiMeshInstance or AcdOptiCubitTemplateFile.
        Normally return None, meaning that the key may be deleted.
        print "AcdOptiMeshTemplate::mayDelete()"
        for mi in self.__meshInstances:
            if key in mi.templateOverrides_getKeys():
                return mi
        return None
    def write(self):
        Write the current contents of this class to paramFile,
        which is written to file.
        print "AcdOptiMeshTemplate::write()"
        self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("lockdown", str(self.lockdown))

        paramDefaults_data = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("paramDefaults")
        for (k,v) in self.__paramDefaults.iteritems():
    def registerInstance(self, instance):
        Register a mesh instance with this mesh template.
    def setLockdown(self):
        Set lockdown = True,
        indicating that a mesh instance has been generated, and that
        the template should not be touched.
        Also writes data to file.
        print "AcdOptMeshTemplate::setLockdown()"
        self.lockdown = True
    def clearLockdown(self):
        Clears lockdown of the mesh template and
        any mesh instances, deleting generated cubit objects.
        Also writes instance to file.
        print "AcdOptiMeshTemplate::clearLockdown()"
        for meshInstance in self.__meshInstances:

        self.lockdown = False
    def paramDefaults_insert(self,key,val):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_lockdownError
        self.__paramDefaults[key] = val
        return val
    def paramDefaults_get(self,key):
        return self.__paramDefaults[key]
    def paramDefaults_getKeys(self):
        return self.__paramDefaults.keys()
    def paramDefaults_copy(self):
        return self.__paramDefaults.copy()
    def paramDefaults_len(self):
        return len(self.__paramDefaults)
    def paramDefaults_del(self,key):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_lockdownError
        val = self.__paramDefaults[key]
        del self.__paramDefaults[key]
        return val
    def paramDefaults_clear(self):
        if self.lockdown:
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_lockdownError

    def createNew(folder):
        Creates a new empty meshTemplate in a
        not previously existing folder.
        Folder name should be the same as geometry instance name.
        Raises AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_createFail
        is something goes wrong (such as "Folder already exists")
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_createFail ("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")
        #Create the paramFile
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "meshTemplateParamFile")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instname)
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("lockdown", "False")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("paramDefaults", DataDict())
        #Default empty template file
    #Object variables
    folder       = None  #Folder where this template lives
    instName     = None  #Name of this template
    meshTemplateFile_name   = "meshTemplateFile.jou.template"
    meshTemplateFile = None
    __meshInstances = None #List of mesh instances implementing this template
    lockdown = False
    __paramFile =  None
    __paramDefaults = None
コード例 #29
 def createNew(folder):
     paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(os.path.join(folder,"paramFile.set"), 'w')
     paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "AcdOptiScanCollection")
コード例 #30
ファイル: AcdOptiRunConfig.py プロジェクト: kyrsjo/AcdOpti
class AcdOptiRunConfig:
    Class representing a run configuration,
    holding solvers and job setup, setups and allows starting/stopping runs
    and querying their status. 
    folder   = None
    instName = None
    #lockdown = None
    solverSetups = None #List of solverSetups
    runner       = None #The runner in use
    meshInstance = None #Pointer back to the "owning" meshInstance 
    __paramFile = None  #Settings file
    status = "not_initialized"
    stageName   = None #status > staged, name of folder or tar.gz file (without ending) with staged data (else None)
    stageFolder = None #Path to the staging directory (if status>staged, else None)
    stageFile   = None #Full path to the tar.gz file with the staged data (if status>staged, else None)
    finishedFolder = None #Full path to the folder with the finished data
    analysis = None #Dict of the analysis loaded
    statuses= ["not_initialized", # Before object is fully created
               "initialized",     # Has one or more runners and a meshInstance
               "staged",          # Object is staged, all files are in place
               "remote::uploaded",# Files uploaded to HPC, but has not yet appeared in queue system
               "remote::queued",  # Job is submitted to HPC, but has not started yet
               "remote::running", # Job is running
               "remote::unclean", # Job was submitted, but crashed or was canceled
               "remote::finished",# Job has finished, but is not downloaded
               "local::running",  # Local job is running
               "finished"]        # Job is completely finished, ready for analysis
    def __init__(self, folder, meshInstance):
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::__init__()"
        self.folder = folder
        self.meshInstance = meshInstance
        self.status = "not_initialized"
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        self.instName = instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        #Load the param file
            print os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set")
            self.__paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
                os.path.join(self.folder, "paramFile.set"), 'rw')
        except IOError:
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("File paramFile.set not found")

        if self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID") != "runConfigParamFile":
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail\
                ("Wrong fileID, got \""+ self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("fileID")+"\" while loading paramFile")                
        if self.instName != self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName"):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("instName doesn't match folder name, expected='"+self.instName+"', got '"+self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("instName")+"'")
        self.status = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("status")
        if not self.status in self.statuses:
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("Status '" + self.status + "' not valid")
        self.stageName = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("stageName")
        if self.stageName == "":
            self.stageName = None
        if self.stageName and self.status == "initialized":
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("StageName != None while status='" + self.status + "'")
        #Generate stageFolder, stageFile, finishedFolder from stageName and status
        if self.statuses.index(self.status) >= self.statuses.index("staged"): 
            self.stageFolder = os.path.join(self.folder,"stage",self.stageName)
            if not os.path.isdir(self.stageFolder):
                raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("StageFolder '" + self.stageFolder + "' does not exist, but status='" + self.status + "'")
            self.stageFile = os.path.join(self.folder, "stage", self.stageName) + ".tar.gz"
            if not os.path.isfile(self.stageFile):
                raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("StageFile '" + self.stageFile + "' does not exist, but status='" + self.status + "'")
        if self.status == "finished":
            self.finishedFolder = os.path.join(self.folder, "finished", self.stageName)
            if not os.path.isdir(self.finishedFolder):
                raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("FinishedFolder '" + self.finishedFolder + "' does not exist, but status='" + self.status + "'")
#        self.stageFolder = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("stageFolder")
#        if self.stageFolder == "":
#            self.stageFolder = None
#        self.stageFile = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("stageFile")
#        if self.stageFile == "":
#            self.stageFile = None
#        self.finishedFolder = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getValSingle("finishedFolder")
#        if self.finishedFolder == "":
#            self.finishedFolder = None
#            assert self.status != "finished"
        #Sanity check on folders for staged- and finished data:
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "stage")):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("stage folder not found")
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "finished")):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("finished folder not found")
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "analysis")):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_loadFail("analysis folder not found")
        #Load the solverSetups
        solverSetupNames = self.__paramFile.dataDict.getVals("solverSetup")
        self.solverSetups = []
        for ssName in solverSetupNames:
            self.solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup(ssName, self))
        #Load the runner
        runnerType  = self.__paramFile.dataDict["runnerType"]
        self.runner = AcdOptiRunner.getRunner(runnerType, self)
        #Load any analysis specified by the paramFile
        anaDict = self.__paramFile.dataDict["analysis"]
        self.analysis = {}
        for (anaName, anaOptions) in anaDict:
            print anaName, anaOptions
            if anaName in self.analysis:
                raise KeyError("Analysis name '" + anaName + "' encountered twice")
            self.analysis[anaName] = AnalysisInterface.loadAnalysisByDict(anaOptions, os.path.join(self.folder, "analysis"), self)
        #Refresh lockdowns
        for solver in self.solverSetups:
        #Check if we have an old file format, and if so write() to convert to new format
        if len(self.__paramFile.dataDict.getVals("stageFolder")):
            print "Updating to new file format without full paths specified (relocatable projects!)"
    def refreshStatus(self):
        Refresh async statuses "remote::*" and "local::*"
        by calling the runner.
        Also switch between not_initialized and initialized
        by checking runner and solverSetups.  
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::refreshStatus()"
        if not self.status in self.statuses:
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_updateStateError("Not a valid status, current status='" + self.status + "'")
        #Switch initialized/not_initialized
        # TODO: more thorough checks...
        if self.status == "not_initialized":
            if len(self.solverSetups):
                self.status = "initialized"
        elif self.status == "initialized":
            if not len(self.solverSetups):
                self.status = "not_initialized"
        #Check remote statuses
        if not (self.status.startswith("remote::") or self.status.startswith("local::")):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_updateStateError("Not an async status, current status='" + self.status + "'")
        status = self.runner.queryStatus()
        if not status in self.statuses:
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_updateStateError("Got an invalid status, current status='" + self.status + "'")
        self.status = status
        #Update solvers
        for solver in self.solverSetups:
    def stage(self):
        Stages all the files needed for running the job
        if self.status == "staged":
            return #Skip if already staged
        elif self.status != "initialized":
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_stageError("Not in status 'initialized', status='" + self.status + "'")
        #Find the correct name to use for the staging and create the folder
        meshInstance = self.meshInstance
        geomInstance = meshInstance.geometryInstance
        project = geomInstance.template.project
        meshTemplate = meshInstance.meshTemplate
        solverString = ""
        for solver in self.solverSetups:
            solverString += solver.name + "-"
        solverString = solverString[:-5]
#        self.stageName = "AcdOpti-stage--" + project.projectName_name + "-"\
#                 + geomInstance.instName + "-" + meshTemplate.instName + "--"\
#                 + meshInstance.instName + "--"\
#                 + self.instName + "-" + self.runner.type + "-" + solverString + "--"\
#                 +  datetime.now().isoformat().replace(":","-") #Avoid ":" at all cost: ACD doesn't like them in their (auto-generated) input files
        self.stageName = project.projectName_name + "-"\
                  + geomInstance.instName + "-"\
                  + meshInstance.instName + "--"\
                  +  datetime.now().isoformat().replace(":","-") #Avoid ":" at all cost: ACD doesn't like them in their (auto-generated) input files
        self.stageFolder = os.path.join(self.folder,"stage",self.stageName)
        #Get the mesh file, generate if necessary
        if not self.meshInstance.lockdown:
            except AcdOptiException_meshInstance_generateFail as e:
                raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_stageError("Error when generating mesh:\n" + e.args[0])
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.meshInstance.folder, "mesh.ncdf"), self.stageFolder)
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.meshInstance.folder, "mesh.jou" ), self.stageFolder)
        #Get the geometry journal file (for reference)
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.meshInstance.geometryInstance.folder, "geom.jou"), self.stageFolder)
        #Prepare SolverSetups
        for solv in self.solverSetups:
        #Prepare runner
        except AcdOptiException_optiRunner_stageError as e:
            #Something went wrong when staging the runner
            # cleanup and raise exception
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_stageError("Error when staging runner:\n" + e.args[0])
        #Zip the folder to make it ready for upload
        self.stageFile = os.path.join(self.folder, "stage", self.stageName) + ".tar.gz"
        stageFileObject = tarfile.open(self.stageFile, mode="w:gz")
        stageFileObject.add(self.stageFolder, arcname=self.stageName)
        #Set status flag
        self.status = "staged"
        for solver in self.solverSetups:
    def upload(self):
        Given that everything is staged, and we have a "remote" runner,
        upload the data to the HPC 
        assert self.status=="staged"
        assert self.runner.isRemote()
        self.status = "remote::uploaded"
    def run(self):
        Given that the runConfig etc. is ready to run, starts the run.
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::run()"
        if self.runner.isRemote():
            assert self.status == "remote::uploaded"
        self.status = "remote::queued"
    def getRemote(self):
        Given that there are remote data and we are not running,
        download this data to the local machine.
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::getRemote()"
        assert self.runner.isRemote()
        assert self.status == "remote::finished" or self.status == "remote::unclean"
        self.finishedFolder = self.runner.getRemoteData()
        self.status = "finished"
    def cancel(self):
        Given that there is a run in progress or queued, cancel it.
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::cancel()"
        if self.runner.isRemote():
            assert self.status == "remote::running" or\
                   self.status == "remote::queued"
        self.status = "remote::unclean"
    def remoteCleanup(self):
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::remoteCleanup()"
        assert self.runner.isRemote()
        assert self.status=="remote::uploaded" or self.status=="remote::finished" or self.status=="remote::unclean" or self.status=="finished"
        if self.status != "finished":
            self.status = "staged"
    def clearLockdown(self,forced=False):
        Clears the staged data and any solutions/analysis
        results that might exist, bringing status back to 'initialized'"
        Set forced=True if the clearLockdown() happens because of a crash in stage,
        and is intended to bring the runConfig back to a defined state
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::clearLockdown()"
        if self.status == "initialized" and not forced:
        #Clear lockdown of analysis
        for ana in self.analysis.itervalues():
            print ana.instName
        #Clear staged data folder and tarball
        if self.stageFolder and os.path.isdir(self.stageFolder):
            for d in os.listdir(self.stageFolder):
                dAbs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.stageFolder,d))
        if self.stageFile and os.path.isfile(self.stageFile):
        self.stageName   = None
        self.stageFolder = None
        self.stageFile   = None
        #Clear finished data
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.folder, "finished"))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.folder, "finished"))
        self.finishedFolder = None
        self.status = "initialized"
        for solver in self.solverSetups:
    def addAnalysis(self, type, name=None):
        "Create and add an analysis of the given type and name"
        ana = AnalysisInterface.createAndLoadAnalysis(type, self, os.path.join(self.folder, "analysis"), name)
        self.analysis[ana.instName] = ana
    def delSolverSetup(self, name):
        "Delete a solverSetup specified by name"
        #Check that the solverSetup exists
        idx = 0
        for s in self.solverSetups:
            if s.name == name:
                break #Found it!
            idx += 1
        if idx == len(self.solverSetups) or len(self.solverSetups) == 0:
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_solverSetupDelError("No solversetup named '" + name + "' found")
        metaSetupFile = self.solverSetups[idx].metaSetupFilePath
        del self.solverSetups[idx]
    def write(self):
        Updates the __paramFile and writes it to disk.
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::write()"
        if self.stageName:
            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("stageName", self.stageName)
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("stageFolder", self.stageFolder)
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("stageFile", self.stageFile)
            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("stageName", "")
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("stageFolder", "")
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("stageFile", "")

#        if self.finishedFolder != None:
#            assert self.status == "finished"
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("finishedFolder", self.finishedFolder)
#        else:
#            assert self.status != "finished"
#            self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("finishedFolder", "")
        #Solver setups
        for ss in self.solverSetups:
            self.__paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("solverSetup", ss.name)
        self.__paramFile.dataDict.setValSingle("runnerType", self.runner.type)
        anaDict = self.__paramFile.dataDict["analysis"]
        for (key, val) in self.analysis.iteritems():
    def __del__(self):
    def createNew(folder, runnerType, solverTypes=None):
        Create a new RunConfig, if wanted with ready-made
        SolverSetups and Runners created and attached.
        - Folder      : In which folder to store the setup files etc.
        - runnerType  : String with the runner type wanted (example: Hopper)
        - solverTypes : String or list of strings with the types of SolverSetups wanted
                        (as accepted by AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew()).
                        If None, don't attach any solvers
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::createNew(), folder=" + folder
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_createFail ("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")

        #Create the SolverSetups:
        solverSetups = []
        if solverTypes == None:
            pass #To simplify the "else" at the end...
        elif type(solverTypes) == str:
            solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew(solverTypes, folder))
        elif type(solverTypes) == list:
            for st in solverTypes:
                solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew(st, folder))
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_createFail ("Expected solverTypes to be a string or list of strings, got " + str(solverTypes))

        #Create the runner
        AcdOptiRunner.createNew(runnerType, folder)

        #Create the paramFile
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "runConfigParamFile")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instname)
        if len(solverSetups):
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("status", "initialized")
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("status", "not_initialized")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageName", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageFolder", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageFile", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("finishedFolder", "")

        #Pushback all solverSetups under the same key
        for ssName in solverSetups:
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("solverSetup", ssName)
        #Runner type
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("runnerType", runnerType) 
        #Analysis dictionary
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("analysis", DataDict())
        #Create the staging folder
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, "stage"))

        #Create the finished folder
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, "finished"))
        #Create the analysis folder
    def createNew_clone(folder, cloneFrom, newMeshInstance):
        Creates a new runConfig in a not previously existing folder,
        which has identical settings as an already existing runConfig.
        The newly created runConfig is then returned.
        This is a deep copy, runners, solvers, and analysis etc. are also cloned.
        #Create the new runConfig
        AcdOptiRunConfig.createNew(folder, cloneFrom.runner.type, None)
        newRC = AcdOptiRunConfig(folder, newMeshInstance)
        #Copy runner data
        #Copy the solvers
        for solv in cloneFrom.solverSetups:
            print "Add solver " + str(solv)
            newSolv = AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew_clone(folder, solv,newRC)
        #Copy analysis
        for (anaName, ana) in cloneFrom.analysis.iteritems():
            newRC.analysis[anaName] = ana.createNew_clone(os.path.join(folder, "analysis"), ana, newRC)
        return newRC