コード例 #1
ファイル: dfs.py プロジェクト: goyach/Algorithm_1
def sccg(G: Graph):
    strongly connected component graph
    efficiency: O(V+E)
    _, _, f = dfs(G)
    f = [(item[0], item[1]) for item in f.items()]
    f.sort(key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
    for v, i in zip(f, range(len(G.V))):
        v[0].data['i'] = i
    G_t = G.transpose()

    def dfs_visit(v: Vertex):
        color[v] = 'gray'
        for u in v.Adj:
            if color[u] == 'white':
                tie_well[len(tie_well) - 1].append(f[u.data['i']][0])

    color, V, tie_well = {v: 'white'
                          for v in G_t.V
                          }, sorted(G_t.V.keys(),
                                    key=lambda v: v.data['i']), []
    for v in V:
        if color[v] == 'white':

    return tie_well
コード例 #2
ファイル: dfs.py プロジェクト: goyach/Algorithm_1
def tie_well_graph(G):
    efficiency: O(V+E)
    tie_well = sccg(G)
    G_scc = Graph()

    for v_group, i in zip(tie_well, range(len(tie_well))):
        v = Vertex(name=str(v_group), data={'group': v_group})
        for v1 in v_group:
            v1.data['group'] = v
    for v in G.V:
        for u in v.Adj:
            if v.data['group'] != u.data['group']:

    return G_scc
コード例 #3
def init_G_r(G):
    init the Residual graph

        @G: graph

    efficiency: O(|E|+|V|)
    G_r = Graph()
    V = [Vertex(name=v.name) for v in G.V]
    dic = {}
    for v1, v2 in zip(G.V, V):
        dic[v1] = v2

    for e in G.E:
        G_r.connect(from_=dic[e.from_], to=dic[e.to], weight=e.weight)

    return G_r, dic
コード例 #4
def max_pairs(V1, V2, func=dfs):
    ford fulkerson algorithm For maximum pairing:

        @G: graph
        @V1,V2: groups of vertex for finding mach
        @func: function to use for find adding way by default is dfs, can be bfs

    return: list of vertexes pairs for max pairing (=Original vertices)

    efficiency: O(|E|*n) where n is max pairing, in worst case n=|V1|
    G_pairs = Graph()
    dic1, dic2 = {v: Vertex(name=v.name)
                  for v in V1}, {v: Vertex(name=v.name)
                                 for v in V2}
    dic, s, t = {**dic1, **dic2}, Vertex(name='s'), Vertex(name='t')
    dic = {dic[k]: k for k in dic}
    for v in dic1:
        G_pairs.connect(from_=s, to=dic1[v], weight=1)
    for v in dic2:
        G_pairs.connect(from_=dic2[v], to=t, weight=1)
    for v in dic1:
        for u in v.Adj:
            if u in dic2:
                G_pairs.connect(from_=dic1[v], to=dic2[u], weight=1)

    max_flow_ = ford_fulkerson(G_pairs, s, t, func=func)
    pairs = []
    for e in max_flow_:
        if max_flow_[e] and e.from_ != s and e.to != t:
            # pairs.append(dic[e.from_].Adj[dic[e.to]])
            pairs.append((dic[e.from_], dic[e.to]))
    return pairs
コード例 #5
ファイル: dfs.py プロジェクト: goyach/Algorithm_1
        for v1 in v_group:
            v1.data['group'] = v
    for v in G.V:
        for u in v.Adj:
            if v.data['group'] != u.data['group']:

    return G_scc

if __name__ == '__main__':
    V = [Vertex(name=str(i)) for i in range(5)]
    # r = Edge(from_=V[0], to=V[1], weight=3)
    G = Graph(V={v: None for v in V})
    G.connect(from_=V[1], to=V[2], weight=1)
    G.connect(from_=V[2], to=V[1], weight=1)
    # G.connect(e=r)
    G.connect(from_=V[3], to=V[2])
    G.connect(from_=V[4], to=V[0])
    G.connect(from_=V[3], to=V[0])
    G.connect(from_=V[1], to=V[4])
    dfs(G, list(G.V.keys())[0])
    forest(G, list(G.V.keys())[0])
    # print(G.V.keys()[0])
コード例 #6
                G_pairs.connect(from_=dic1[v], to=dic2[u], weight=1)

    max_flow_ = ford_fulkerson(G_pairs, s, t, func=func)
    pairs = []
    for e in max_flow_:
        if max_flow_[e] and e.from_ != s and e.to != t:
            # pairs.append(dic[e.from_].Adj[dic[e.to]])
            pairs.append((dic[e.from_], dic[e.to]))
    return pairs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    V = [Vertex(name=str(i)) for i in range(8)]
    V[0].name, V[1].name, V[2].name, V[3].name, V[4].name, V[5].name, V[6].name, V[7].name = \
        's', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', 't'
    G = Graph()
    for i in range(8):
        G.V[V[i]] = None
    G.connect(from_=V[0], to=V[1], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[0], to=V[2], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[1], to=V[2], weight=1)
    G.connect(from_=V[1], to=V[3], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[2], to=V[3], weight=1)
    G.connect(from_=V[2], to=V[4], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[3], to=V[4], weight=2)
    G.connect(from_=V[3], to=V[5], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[4], to=V[5], weight=2)
    G.connect(from_=V[4], to=V[6], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[5], to=V[6], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[5], to=V[7], weight=3)
    G.connect(from_=V[6], to=V[7], weight=3)
コード例 #7
ファイル: distance.py プロジェクト: goyach/Algorithm_1
    pi1 = dijkstra(G, s)
    # print([v.data['key'] for v in G.V])
    # print(pi.values())
    pi2 = bellman_ford(G, s)
    pi3 = bellman_ford(G, s)
    pi4 = dag(G, s)
    print('dijkstra:', np.array_equal(pi1, pi2))
    print('bellman_ford:', np.array_equal(pi1, pi3))
    if pi4:
        print('dag:', np.array_equal(pi1, pi4))
    print('--------------------  all pairs  ---------------------')
    # print('------------------------')
    # print([v.data['key'] for v in G.V])
    # print(pi.values())
    G = Graph()
    V = [Vertex(name=str(i)) for i in range(8)]
    for i in range(1, 7):
        G.V[V[i]] = None
    G.connect(from_=V[1], to=V[2], weight=4)
    G.connect(from_=V[2], to=V[3], weight=6)
    G.connect(from_=V[2], to=V[5], weight=16)
    G.connect(from_=V[2], to=V[6], weight=20)
    G.connect(from_=V[3], to=V[5], weight=5)
    G.connect(from_=V[4], to=V[1], weight=2)
    G.connect(from_=V[4], to=V[2], weight=8)
    G.connect(from_=V[5], to=V[1], weight=7)
    G.connect(from_=V[5], to=V[4], weight=9)
    G.connect(from_=V[5], to=V[6], weight=7)
    G.connect(from_=V[6], to=V[3], weight=8)