def parse_item(self, response): cate = response.meta['categor'] url_paths = response.xpath('//div[@class="a-section a-spacing-double-large"]/div[@class="a-row a-spacing-mini olpOffer"]') item = AmazonscraperItem() if (cate == "f_new"): item['Category'] = "New" if (cate == "f_usedLikeNew"): item['Category'] = "LikeNew" if (cate == "f_usedVeryGood"): item['Category'] = "VeryGood" if (cate == "f_usedGood"): item['Category'] = "Good" for url_path in url_paths: url_buf = url_path.xpath('div[@class="a-column a-span2 olpSellerColumn"]/h3/span/a/@href').extract() if url_buf: url = "" + url_buf[0] item['Url'] = url # "-----------------------------" ) # url ) yield item next_page = response.xpath('//div[@class="a-text-center a-spacing-large"]/ul[@class="a-pagination"]/li[@class="a-last"]/a/@href').extract() if ( len(next_page) == 1 ) : req = self.set_proxies(url='' + next_page[0], callback=self.parse_item) req.meta["categor"] = response.meta["categor"] yield req
def getData(self, response): print "===== Get Data =====" try: if "To discuss automated access to Amazon data please contact" in response.body: print "========= > None data" req = self.set_proxies(response.url, self.getData, headers=self.headers) sleep(2) yield req itemPaths = response.xpath( '//ul[contains(@class, "s-result-list")]/li[contains(@id, "result")]' ) for cc, element in enumerate(itemPaths): print "----------------------------" itemUrl = element.xpath( './/a[@class="a-link-normal s-access-detail-page s-color-twister-title-link a-text-normal"]/@href' ).extract_first() # print itemUrl if "/gp/slredirect/" in itemUrl: continue item = AmazonscraperItem() s = requests.Session() error_count = 0 asin = "" reviewList = [] reviewSummary = {} customReviewUrl = "" while True: s.cookies.clear() agent = config.rotateAgent() proxy = config.rotateProxy() print proxy proxies = { 'http': 'http://{}@{}'.format(config.proxy_auth, proxy), 'https': 'http://{}@{}'.format(config.proxy_auth, proxy) } try: res = s.request('GET', itemUrl, headers=self.headers, proxies=proxies) # print itemUrl except: error_count = error_count + 1 continue if error_count == 10: break # print res.status_code elif res.status_code == 200: if "To discuss automated access to Amazon data please contact" in res.content: print "==========> No none =========" # sleep(2) continue else: r = res.text htmlBody = Selector(text=r) asin = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath('//input[@id="ASIN"]/@value'). extract()).strip() if asin != "": break else: print "***** Asin None *****" # print htmlBody error_count = error_count + 1 if error_count == 10: break continue if error_count == 10: continue catetxt = htmlBody.xpath( '//ul[@class="a-unordered-list a-horizontal a-size-small"]//text()' ).extract() cate = re.sub(" +", " ", re.sub("\s", " ", ''.join(catetxt)).strip()) if "Beauty" and "Personal" not in cate: continue item['Category'] = cate # print category item['Page_url'] = itemUrl item['ASIN'] = asin brand = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath('//div[@id="brandBarLogoWrapper"]//img/@alt' ).extract()).strip() if brand == "": brand = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//div[@id="mbc"]/@data-brand').extract()).strip() item['Brand_Name'] = brand product_name = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//h1[@id="title"]//text()').extract()).strip() item['Product_Name'] = product_name # print product_name rankSummary = {} rankingText1 = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//li[@id="SalesRank"]/text()').extract()).strip() # print rankingText # print "----------------" rank1 = rankingText1.replace("#", "").replace(" ()", "") rankSummary['category rank'] = rank1 rankList = [] paths = htmlBody.xpath('//ul[@class="zg_hrsr"]/li') for ele in paths: category = ''.join( ele.xpath('.//span[@class="zg_hrsr_ladder"]//text()'). extract()).strip() rankingText2 = ''.join( ele.xpath('.//span[@class="zg_hrsr_rank"]/text()'). extract()).strip() rankingText2 = rankingText2.replace("#", "") rank2 = rankingText2 + " " + category rankList.append(rank2) rankSummary['sub category rank'] = rankList # print ranking item['Ranking'] = rankSummary price = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//span[contains(@id, "priceblock_")]/text()').extract( )).strip() item['Price'] = price # print price Description = "" sentence = htmlBody.xpath( '//div[@id="visual-rich-product-description"]//div[contains(@class, "a-section a-text-left visualRpdColumnSmall")]' ) # print len(sentence) for element in sentence: # print "----------------" text = ''.join( element.xpath('.//h4/text()').extract()).strip() if "Description" in text: Description = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@class="a-size-small a-color-base visualRpdText"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() item['Description'] = Description # print Description elif "Benefits" in text: Benefits = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@class="a-size-small a-color-base visualRpdText"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() item['Benefits'] = Benefits # print Benefits elif "Suggested" in text: Suggested_Use = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@class="a-size-small a-color-base visualRpdText"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() item['Suggested_Use'] = Suggested_Use # print Suggested_Use if Description == "": Description = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//div[@id="productDescription"]//p/text()'). extract()).strip() item['Description'] = Description importantInfo = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//div[@class="bucket"]/div[@class="content"]/text()'). extract()).strip() if importantInfo: item['Important_Info'] = importantInfo rating = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//div[@id="reviewSummary"]//span[@class="a-icon-alt"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() item['Rating'] = rating # print rating reviews = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//div[@id="reviewSummary"]//span[@data-hook="total-review-count"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() item['Reviews'] = reviews # print reviews star5 = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//a[@class="a-size-base a-link-normal 5star histogram-review-count"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() reviewSummary["5 star"] = star5 # print star5 star4 = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//a[@class="a-size-base a-link-normal 4star histogram-review-count"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() reviewSummary["4 star"] = star4 # print star4 star3 = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//a[@class="a-size-base a-link-normal 3star histogram-review-count"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() reviewSummary["3 star"] = star3 # print star3 star2 = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//a[@class="a-size-base a-link-normal 2star histogram-review-count"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() reviewSummary["2 star"] = star2 # print star2 star1 = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//a[@class="a-size-base a-link-normal 1star histogram-review-count"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() reviewSummary["1 star"] = star1 # print star1 item['ReviewSummary'] = reviewSummary print "*****************************************" print "Reviews=", reviews print "*****************************************" reviews = reviews.encode('utf-8') if reviews != "": customReviewUrl = ''.join( htmlBody.xpath( '//a[@id="dp-summary-see-all-reviews"]/@href'). extract()).strip() try: customReviewUrl = re.sub('(ref=.*)', '', customReviewUrl) except: pass reviewUrl = self.baseUrl + customReviewUrl + "ref=cm_cr_arp_d_show_all?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=1" # print reviewUrl s = requests.Session() error_count1 = 0 while True: s.cookies.clear() agent = config.rotateAgent() proxy = config.rotateProxy() print proxy proxies = { 'http': 'http://{}@{}'.format(config.proxy_auth, proxy), 'https': 'http://{}@{}'.format(config.proxy_auth, proxy) } try: res = s.request('GET', reviewUrl, headers=self.headers, proxies=proxies) except: error_count1 = error_count1 + 1 continue if error_count1 == 10: break # print res.status_code elif res.status_code == 200: if "To discuss automated access to Amazon data please contact" in res.content: print "==========> No none =========" # sleep(2) continue else: r = res.text htmlText = Selector(text=r) reviewitems = htmlText.xpath( '//div[@id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[@class="a-section review"]' ) if len(reviewitems) == 0: print "****** Review Items None ******" error_count = error_count + 1 if error_count == 10: break continue else: break total_review = reviews.replace(",", "") total_review_count = int(total_review) / 10 total_review_mod = int(total_review) % 10 if total_review_mod != 0: total_review_count = total_review_count + 1 if total_review_count < 0: total_review_count = 1 # print "*****************************************" # print "Review Count ==== >> " ,len(reviewitems) # print "*****************************************" for element in reviewitems: sitem = {} # print "-----------------------" review_rating = ''.join( element.xpath( './/i[@data-hook="review-star-rating"]/span/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem["review_rating"] = review_rating # print review_rating review_title = ''.join( element.xpath( './/a[@data-hook="review-title"]/text()'). extract()).strip() sitem["review_title"] = review_title # print review_title is_verified_purchase = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="avp-badge"]/text()'). extract()).strip() sitem["is_verified_purchase"] = is_verified_purchase # print is_verified_purchase reviewer_name = ''.join( element.xpath( './/a[@data-hook="review-author"]/text()'). extract()).strip() sitem["reviewer_name"] = reviewer_name # print reviewer_name review_date = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="review-date"]/text()'). extract()).strip() review_date = review_date.replace("on ", "") sitem["review_date"] = review_date # print review_date review_text = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="review-body"]/text()'). extract()).strip() sitem["review_text"] = review_text # print review_text people_found_usefull = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="helpful-vote-statement"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem["people_found_usefull"] = people_found_usefull # print people_found_usefull reviewList.append(sitem) # print total_review_count # print "*****************************************" # print "Total Review = ", total_review_count # print "*****************************************" if total_review_count > 1: for page_count in range(2, total_review_count + 1): reviewUrl = self.baseUrl + customReviewUrl + "ref=cm_cr_arp_d_paging_btm_next_" + str( page_count ) + "?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=" + str( page_count) error_count2 = 0 s = requests.Session() while True: s.cookies.clear() agent = config.rotateAgent() # print "++++++++++++++++++++" # print agent # print "++++++++++++++++++++" proxy = config.rotateProxy() proxies = { 'http': 'http://{}@{}'.format( config.proxy_auth, proxy), 'https': 'http://{}@{}'.format( config.proxy_auth, proxy) } try: res = s.request('GET', reviewUrl, headers=self.headers, proxies=proxies) except: error_count2 = error_count2 + 1 continue if error_count2 == 10: break elif res.status_code == 200: if "To discuss automated access to Amazon data please contact" in res.content: print "==========> No none =========" # sleep(2) continue else: r = res.text htmlText = Selector(text=r) reviewitems = htmlText.xpath( '//div[@id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[@class="a-section review"]' ) if len(reviewitems) == 0: print "****** Review Items None ******" error_count = error_count + 1 if error_count == 10: break continue else: break # print "*****************************************" # print "Review Count 2 ==== >> " ,len(reviewitems) # print "*****************************************" for element in reviewitems: sitem = {} # print "-----------------------" review_rating = ''.join( element.xpath( './/i[@data-hook="review-star-rating"]/span/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem["review_rating"] = review_rating # print review_rating review_title = ''.join( element.xpath( './/a[@data-hook="review-title"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem["review_title"] = review_title # print review_title is_verified_purchase = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="avp-badge"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem[ "is_verified_purchase"] = is_verified_purchase # print is_verified_purchase reviewer_name = ''.join( element.xpath( './/a[@data-hook="review-author"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem["reviewer_name"] = reviewer_name # print reviewer_name review_date = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="review-date"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() review_date = review_date.replace("on ", "") sitem["review_date"] = review_date # print review_date review_text = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="review-body"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem["review_text"] = review_text # print review_text people_found_usefull = ''.join( element.xpath( './/span[@data-hook="helpful-vote-statement"]/text()' ).extract()).strip() sitem[ "people_found_usefull"] = people_found_usefull # print people_found_usefull reviewList.append(sitem) item["Consumer_Reviews"] = reviewList # print customReviewUrl yield item # print item reviewList = [] reviewSummary = {} = + 1 print "*****************************************" print "Total ===== > " + str( print "page_url ===== > " + itemUrl print "*****************************************" # return # test # self.page_count = self.page_count + 1 # if self.page_count==6: # return nextUrl = response.xpath( '//a[@title="Next Page"]/@href').extract_first() if nextUrl: nextPage = self.baseUrl + nextUrl # print "------------------" # print nextPage req = self.set_proxies(nextPage, self.getData, headers=self.headers) self.makeLog(nextPage) yield req except Exception as e: print "******************Except**************" print e self.makeLog(itemUrl)