コード例 #1
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
    cooldown = 'G5C'
    path = 'D:\\Users\\Runs\\{0}\\Pulses\\'.format(cooldown)
    fileName = path + 'TES1_Pulses_20180301_121547.h5'
    #fileName = path+'TES1_Pulses_20180301_133923.h5'
    pulses = PulseImporter(fileName)
    print('Number of traces:', len(pulses))
    print('Sample rate (decimated): {0} kS/s'.format(1E-3 * pulses.sampleRate))
    print('Decimation: {0}'.format(pulses.acquisition.decimation))
    tesId = pulses.tes.tesId
    from Analysis.G4C.MeasurementDatabase import obtainTes
    tes = obtainTes(cooldown, tesId)
    Rfb = 10E3  # This should be in the file, but currently isn't
    Rsq = tes.Rsquid(Rfb)
    pulses.iv.analyze(Rsq=Rsq, Rb=tes.Rbias, Rs=tes.Rshunt)
    print('TES bias point: Rtes=%.3f mOhm, Ites=%.3f uA, Ptes=%.3f pW' %
          (pulses.iv.RtesFinal * 1E3, pulses.iv.ItesFinal * 1E6,
           pulses.iv.PtesFinal * 1E12))

    if False:
        fig, ax = mpl.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)
        titles = ['Baseline', 'Template pulses', 'Test pulses']
        for i, pulseSet in enumerate(
            [pulses.iBaseline, pulses.iTemplate, pulses.iTest]):
            for j in pulseSet[0:1]:
                trace = pulses[j]
                ax[i].plot(trace.t, trace.Vsquid, '-', label=str(trace))
コード例 #2
ファイル: MapsFromIv.py プロジェクト: AvirupRoy/research
        tLast = timeStampFromString('20180226_115013')
        #Tmin = 0.062
        tFirst = timeStampFromString('20180228_232115')
        tLast = timeStampFromString('20180228_232125')
        #fileName = 'TES1_IV_20180228_232117.h5'
        Tmin = 0.058
    elif deviceId == 'TES2':
        tFirst = timeStampFromString('20171031_184923')
        tLast = timeStampFromString('20171101_095334')
        Tmin = 0.078

    outputFile = '%s_AlphaMapsVsB.h5' % deviceId
    #    fileNames = glob.glob(dataPath+'%s_IVvsT_*.h5' % deviceId)
    fileNames = glob.glob(dataPath + '%s_IV_*.h5' % deviceId)

    tes = obtainTes(cooldown, deviceId)
    deltaTmin = 3E-3

    Istep = 0.5E-6
    Vstep = 0.5E-9
    Imin = 5E-6
    Imax = 110E-6
    nI = 1 + int((Imax - Imin) / Istep)
    Vmin = 1E-9
    Vmax = 125E-9
    nV = 1 + int((Vmax - Vmin) / Vstep)

    Vcoils = []
    for fileName in fileNames:
        t = timeStampFromPath(fileName)
        if t < tFirst or t > tLast:
コード例 #3
ファイル: PlotAlphaMaps.py プロジェクト: AvirupRoy/research
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov 01 17:36:06 2017

@author: wisp10
import h5py as hdf
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
from Analysis.Tes_IVMaps import AlphaMap
from Analysis.G4C.MeasurementDatabase import obtainTes
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':
    deviceId = 'TES1'
    tes = obtainTes('G5C', deviceId)
    Rn = tes.Rnormal
    Rs = np.asarray([0.05, 0.15]) * Rn
    Ps = np.asarray([1E-12, 2E-12, 3E-12, 3.5E-12])
    fileName = '%s_AlphaMapsVsB.h5' % deviceId
    #fileName = 'TES2_AlphaMapVcoil-0.450_2.h5'
    with hdf.File(fileName, 'r') as f:
        for key in f.keys():
            g = f[key]
            Vcoil = g.attrs['Vcoil']
            coilString = 'Vcoil=%+6.4f V' % Vcoil
            alphaMap = AlphaMap.fromHdf(g)