def adjustGeometry(self): # type: () -> None """ Adjust the widget geometry to exactly fit the arrow inside while preserving the arrow path scene geometry. """ # local system coordinate geom = self.geometry().translated(-self.pos()) line = self.__line arrow_rect = self.__arrowItem.shape().boundingRect() if geom.isNull() and not line.isNull(): geom = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1) if not (geom.contains(arrow_rect)): geom = geom.united(arrow_rect) geom = geom.intersected(arrow_rect) diff = geom.topLeft() line = QLineF(line.p1() - diff, line.p2() - diff) geom.translate(self.pos()) self.setGeometry(geom) self.setLine(line)
def setLine(self, line): # type: (QLineF) -> None """ Set the arrow base line (a `QLineF` in object coordinates). """ if self.__line != line: self.__line = QLineF(line) # local item coordinate system geom = self.geometry().translated(-self.pos()) if geom.isNull() and not line.isNull(): geom = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1) arrow_shape = arrow_path_concave(line, self.lineWidth()) arrow_rect = arrow_shape.boundingRect() if not (geom.contains(arrow_rect)): geom = geom.united(arrow_rect) if self.__autoAdjustGeometry: # Shrink the geometry if required. geom = geom.intersected(arrow_rect) # topLeft can move changing the local coordinates. diff = geom.topLeft() line = QLineF(line.p1() - diff, line.p2() - diff) self.__arrowItem.setLine(line) self.__arrowShadowBase.setLine(line) self.__line = line # parent item coordinate system geom.translate(self.pos()) self.setGeometry(geom)
def setLine(self, line): """ Set the arrow base line (a `QLineF` in object coordinates). """ if self.__line != line: self.__line = QLineF(line) # local item coordinate system geom = self.geometry().translated(-self.pos()) if geom.isNull() and not line.isNull(): geom = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1) arrow_shape = arrow_path_concave(line, self.lineWidth()) arrow_rect = arrow_shape.boundingRect() if not (geom.contains(arrow_rect)): geom = geom.united(arrow_rect) if self.__autoAdjustGeometry: # Shrink the geometry if required. geom = geom.intersected(arrow_rect) # topLeft can move changing the local coordinates. diff = geom.topLeft() line = QLineF(line.p1() - diff, line.p2() - diff) self.__arrowItem.setLine(line) self.__arrowShadowBase.setLine(line) self.__line = line # parent item coordinate system geom.translate(self.pos()) self.setGeometry(geom)
def adjustGeometry(self): """ Adjust the widget geometry to exactly fit the arrow inside while preserving the arrow path scene geometry. """ # local system coordinate geom = self.geometry().translated(-self.pos()) line = self.__line arrow_rect = self.__arrowItem.shape().boundingRect() if geom.isNull() and not line.isNull(): geom = QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1) if not (geom.contains(arrow_rect)): geom = geom.united(arrow_rect) geom = geom.intersected(arrow_rect) diff = geom.topLeft() line = QLineF(line.p1() - diff, line.p2() - diff) geom.translate(self.pos()) self.setGeometry(geom) self.setLine(line)
def update(self, zoom_only=False): self.update_ticks() line_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Axis) text_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Text) if not self.graph_line or not self.scene(): return self.line_item.setLine(self.graph_line) self.line_item.setPen(line_color) if self.title: self.title_item.setHtml('<b>' + self.title + '</b>') self.title_item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) if self.title_location == AxisMiddle: title_p = 0.5 elif self.title_location == AxisEnd: title_p = 0.95 else: title_p = 0.05 title_pos = self.graph_line.pointAt(title_p) v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() dense_text = False if hasattr(self, 'title_margin'): offset = self.title_margin elif self._ticks: if self.should_be_expanded(): offset = 55 dense_text = True else: offset = 35 else: offset = 10 if self.title_above: title_pos += (v.p2() - v.p1()) * ( offset + QFontMetrics(self.title_item.font()).height()) else: title_pos -= (v.p2() - v.p1()) * offset ## TODO: Move it according to self.label_pos self.title_item.setVisible(self.show_title) self.title_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) c = self.title_item.mapToParent( self.title_item.boundingRect().center()) tl = self.title_item.mapToParent( self.title_item.boundingRect().topLeft()) self.title_item.setPos(title_pos - c + tl) ## Arrows if not zoom_only: if self.start_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.start_arrow_item) self.start_arrow_item = None if self.end_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.end_arrow_item) self.end_arrow_item = None if self.arrows & AxisStart: if not zoom_only or not self.start_arrow_item: self.start_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem( self.arrow_path, self) self.start_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p1()) self.start_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() + 180) self.start_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.start_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) if self.arrows & AxisEnd: if not zoom_only or not self.end_arrow_item: self.end_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem(self.arrow_path, self) self.end_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p2()) self.end_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) self.end_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.end_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) ## Labels n = len(self._ticks) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_items, n, QGraphicsTextItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_bg_items, n, QGraphicsRectItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.tick_items, n, QGraphicsLineItem, self) test_rect = QRectF(self.graph_line.p1(), self.graph_line.p2()).normalized() test_rect.adjust(-1, -1, 1, 1) n_v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() if self.title_above: n_p = n_v.p2() - n_v.p1() else: n_p = n_v.p1() - n_v.p2() l_v = self.graph_line.unitVector() l_p = l_v.p2() - l_v.p1() for i in range(n): pos, text, size, step = self._ticks[i] hs = 0.5 * step tick_pos = self.map_to_graph(pos) if not test_rect.contains(tick_pos): self.tick_items[i].setVisible(False) self.label_items[i].setVisible(False) continue item = self.label_items[i] item.setVisible(True) if not zoom_only: if in XAxes or getattr(self, 'is_horizontal', False): item.setHtml('<center>' + Qt.escape(text.strip()) + '</center>') else: item.setHtml(Qt.escape(text.strip())) item.setTextWidth(-1) text_angle = 0 if dense_text: w = min(item.boundingRect().width(), self.max_text_width) item.setTextWidth(w) if self.title_above: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * ( w + self.text_margin ) + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 else: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect( ).height() / 2 text_angle = -90 if self.title_above else 90 else: w = min( item.boundingRect().width(), QLineF(self.map_to_graph(pos - hs), self.map_to_graph(pos + hs)).length()) label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect( ).height() / 2 item.setTextWidth(w) if not self.always_horizontal_text: if self.title_above: item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) else: item.setRotation(self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) item.setPos(label_pos) item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) self.label_bg_items[i].setRect(item.boundingRect()) self.label_bg_items[i].setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.label_bg_items[i].setBrush(self.plot.color(OWPalette.Canvas)) item = self.tick_items[i] item.setVisible(True) tick_line = QLineF(v) tick_line.translate(-tick_line.p1()) tick_line.setLength(size) if self.title_above: tick_line.setAngle(tick_line.angle() + 180) item.setLine(tick_line) item.setPen(line_color) item.setPos(self.map_to_graph(pos))
def update(self, zoom_only=False): self.update_ticks() line_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Axis) text_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Text) if not self.graph_line or not self.scene(): return self.line_item.setLine(self.graph_line) self.line_item.setPen(line_color) if self.title: self.title_item.setHtml('<b>' + self.title + '</b>') self.title_item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) if self.title_location == AxisMiddle: title_p = 0.5 elif self.title_location == AxisEnd: title_p = 0.95 else: title_p = 0.05 title_pos = self.graph_line.pointAt(title_p) v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() dense_text = False if hasattr(self, 'title_margin'): offset = self.title_margin elif self._ticks: if self.should_be_expanded(): offset = 55 dense_text = True else: offset = 35 else: offset = 10 if self.title_above: title_pos += (v.p2() - v.p1()) * (offset + QFontMetrics(self.title_item.font()).height()) else: title_pos -= (v.p2() - v.p1()) * offset ## TODO: Move it according to self.label_pos self.title_item.setVisible(self.show_title) self.title_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) c = self.title_item.mapToParent(self.title_item.boundingRect().center()) tl = self.title_item.mapToParent(self.title_item.boundingRect().topLeft()) self.title_item.setPos(title_pos - c + tl) ## Arrows if not zoom_only: if self.start_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.start_arrow_item) self.start_arrow_item = None if self.end_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.end_arrow_item) self.end_arrow_item = None if self.arrows & AxisStart: if not zoom_only or not self.start_arrow_item: self.start_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem(self.arrow_path, self) self.start_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p1()) self.start_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() + 180) self.start_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.start_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) if self.arrows & AxisEnd: if not zoom_only or not self.end_arrow_item: self.end_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem(self.arrow_path, self) self.end_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p2()) self.end_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) self.end_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.end_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) ## Labels n = len(self._ticks) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_items, n, QGraphicsTextItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_bg_items, n, QGraphicsRectItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.tick_items, n, QGraphicsLineItem, self) test_rect = QRectF(self.graph_line.p1(), self.graph_line.p2()).normalized() test_rect.adjust(-1, -1, 1, 1) n_v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() if self.title_above: n_p = n_v.p2() - n_v.p1() else: n_p = n_v.p1() - n_v.p2() l_v = self.graph_line.unitVector() l_p = l_v.p2() - l_v.p1() for i in range(n): pos, text, size, step = self._ticks[i] hs = 0.5 * step tick_pos = self.map_to_graph(pos) if not test_rect.contains(tick_pos): self.tick_items[i].setVisible(False) self.label_items[i].setVisible(False) continue item = self.label_items[i] item.setVisible(True) if not zoom_only: if in XAxes or getattr(self, 'is_horizontal', False): item.setHtml('<center>' + Qt.escape(text.strip()) + '</center>') else: item.setHtml(Qt.escape(text.strip())) item.setTextWidth(-1) text_angle = 0 if dense_text: w = min(item.boundingRect().width(), self.max_text_width) item.setTextWidth(w) if self.title_above: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * (w + self.text_margin) + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 else: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 text_angle = -90 if self.title_above else 90 else: w = min(item.boundingRect().width(), QLineF(self.map_to_graph(pos - hs), self.map_to_graph(pos + hs)).length()) label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 item.setTextWidth(w) if not self.always_horizontal_text: if self.title_above: item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) else: item.setRotation(self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) item.setPos(label_pos) item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) self.label_bg_items[i].setRect(item.boundingRect()) self.label_bg_items[i].setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.label_bg_items[i].setBrush(self.plot.color(OWPalette.Canvas)) item = self.tick_items[i] item.setVisible(True) tick_line = QLineF(v) tick_line.translate(-tick_line.p1()) tick_line.setLength(size) if self.title_above: tick_line.setAngle(tick_line.angle() + 180) item.setLine(tick_line) item.setPen(line_color) item.setPos(self.map_to_graph(pos))