def __set_index(self, f): # type: (Future) -> None # set results from `list_remote` query. assert QThread.currentThread() is self.thread() assert f.done() self.setBlocking(False) self.setStatusMessage("") allinfolocal = self.list_local() try: res = f.result() except Exception: log.exception("Error while fetching updated index") if not allinfolocal: self.Error.no_remote_datasets() else: self.Warning.only_local_datasets() res = {} allinforemote = res # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], dict] allkeys = set(allinfolocal) if allinforemote is not None: allkeys = allkeys | set(allinforemote) allkeys = sorted(allkeys) def info(file_path): if file_path in allinforemote: info = allinforemote[file_path] else: info = allinfolocal[file_path] islocal = file_path in allinfolocal isremote = file_path in allinforemote outdated = islocal and isremote and ( allinforemote[file_path].get('version', '') != allinfolocal[file_path].get('version', '')) islocal &= not outdated prefix = os.path.join('', *file_path[:-1]) filename = file_path[-1] return namespace( prefix=prefix, filename=filename, title=info.get("title", filename), datetime=info.get("datetime", None), description=info.get("description", None), references=info.get("references", []), seealso=info.get("seealso", []), source=info.get("source", None), year=info.get("year", None), instances=info.get("instances", None), variables=info.get("variables", None), target=info.get("target", None), missing=info.get("missing", None), tags=info.get("tags", []), size=info.get("size", None), islocal=islocal, outdated=outdated ) model = QStandardItemModel(self) model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(HEADER) current_index = -1 for i, file_path in enumerate(allkeys): datainfo = info(file_path) item1 = QStandardItem() item1.setData(" " if datainfo.islocal else "", Qt.DisplayRole) item1.setData(datainfo, Qt.UserRole) item2 = QStandardItem(datainfo.title) item3 = QStandardItem() item3.setData(datainfo.size, Qt.DisplayRole) item4 = QStandardItem() item4.setData(datainfo.instances, Qt.DisplayRole) item5 = QStandardItem() item5.setData(datainfo.variables, Qt.DisplayRole) item6 = QStandardItem() item6.setData(, Qt.DisplayRole) if item6.setIcon(variable_icon( item7 = QStandardItem() item7.setData(", ".join(datainfo.tags) if datainfo.tags else "", Qt.DisplayRole) row = [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7] model.appendRow(row) if os.path.join(*file_path) == self.selected_id: current_index = i hs = self.view.header().saveState() model_ = self.view.model().sourceModel() self.view.model().setSourceModel(model) self.view.header().restoreState(hs) model_.deleteLater() model_.setParent(None) self.view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.__on_selection ) # Update the info text self.infolabel.setText(format_info(model.rowCount(), len(allinfolocal))) if current_index != -1: selmodel = self.view.selectionModel() self.view.model().mapFromSource(model.index(current_index, 0)), QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel.Rows)
class OWConfusionMatrix(widget.OWWidget): """Confusion matrix widget""" name = "Confusion Matrix" description = "Display a confusion matrix constructed from " \ "the results of classifier evaluations." icon = "icons/ConfusionMatrix.svg" priority = 1001 class Inputs: evaluation_results = Input("Evaluation Results", Orange.evaluation.Results) class Outputs: selected_data = Output("Selected Data",, default=True) annotated_data = Output(ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME, quantities = [ "Number of instances", "Proportion of predicted", "Proportion of actual" ] settings_version = 1 settingsHandler = settings.ClassValuesContextHandler() selected_learner = settings.Setting([0], schema_only=True) selection = settings.ContextSetting(set()) selected_quantity = settings.Setting(0) append_predictions = settings.Setting(True) append_probabilities = settings.Setting(False) autocommit = settings.Setting(True) UserAdviceMessages = [ widget.Message( "Clicking on cells or in headers outputs the corresponding " "data instances", "click_cell") ] class Error(widget.OWWidget.Error): no_regression = Msg("Confusion Matrix cannot show regression results.") invalid_values = Msg( "Evaluation Results input contains invalid values") def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self.results = None self.learners = [] self.headers = [] self.learners_box = gui.listBox(self.controlArea, self, "selected_learner", "learners", box=True, callback=self._learner_changed) self.outputbox = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Output") box = gui.hBox(self.outputbox) gui.checkBox(box, self, "append_predictions", "Predictions", callback=self._invalidate) gui.checkBox(box, self, "append_probabilities", "Probabilities", callback=self._invalidate) gui.auto_commit(self.outputbox, self, "autocommit", "Send Selected", "Send Automatically", box=False) self.mainArea.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) box = gui.vBox(self.mainArea, box=True) sbox = gui.hBox(box) gui.rubber(sbox) gui.comboBox(sbox, self, "selected_quantity", items=self.quantities, label="Show: ", orientation=Qt.Horizontal, callback=self._update) self.tablemodel = QStandardItemModel(self) view = self.tableview = QTableView( editTriggers=QTableView.NoEditTriggers) view.setModel(self.tablemodel) view.horizontalHeader().hide() view.verticalHeader().hide() view.horizontalHeader().setMinimumSectionSize(60) view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self._invalidate) view.setShowGrid(False) view.setItemDelegate(BorderedItemDelegate(Qt.white)) view.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) view.clicked.connect(self.cell_clicked) box.layout().addWidget(view) selbox = gui.hBox(box) gui.button(selbox, self, "Select Correct", callback=self.select_correct, autoDefault=False) gui.button(selbox, self, "Select Misclassified", callback=self.select_wrong, autoDefault=False) gui.button(selbox, self, "Clear Selection", callback=self.select_none, autoDefault=False) def sizeHint(self): """Initial size""" return QSize(750, 340) def _item(self, i, j): return self.tablemodel.item(i, j) or QStandardItem() def _set_item(self, i, j, item): self.tablemodel.setItem(i, j, item) def _init_table(self, nclasses): item = self._item(0, 2) item.setData("Predicted", Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self._set_item(0, 2, item) item = self._item(2, 0) item.setData("Actual", Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self.tableview.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, gui.VerticalItemDelegate()) self._set_item(2, 0, item) self.tableview.setSpan(0, 2, 1, nclasses) self.tableview.setSpan(2, 0, nclasses, 1) font = self.tablemodel.invisibleRootItem().font() bold_font = QFont(font) bold_font.setBold(True) for i in (0, 1): for j in (0, 1): item = self._item(i, j) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self._set_item(i, j, item) for p, label in enumerate(self.headers): for i, j in ((1, p + 2), (p + 2, 1)): item = self._item(i, j) item.setData(label, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setFont(bold_font) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if p < len(self.headers) - 1: item.setData("br"[j == 1], BorderRole) item.setData(QColor(192, 192, 192), BorderColorRole) self._set_item(i, j, item) hor_header = self.tableview.horizontalHeader() if len(' '.join(self.headers)) < 120: hor_header.setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) else: hor_header.setDefaultSectionSize(60) self.tablemodel.setRowCount(nclasses + 3) self.tablemodel.setColumnCount(nclasses + 3) @Inputs.evaluation_results def set_results(self, results): """Set the input results.""" prev_sel_learner = self.selected_learner.copy() self.clear() self.warning() self.closeContext() data = None if results is not None and is not None: data =[results.row_indices] if data is not None and not data.domain.has_discrete_class: self.Error.no_regression() data = results = None else: self.Error.no_regression.clear() nan_values = False if results is not None: assert isinstance(results, Orange.evaluation.Results) if np.any(np.isnan(results.actual)) or \ np.any(np.isnan(results.predicted)): # Error out here (could filter them out with a warning # instead). nan_values = True results = data = None if nan_values: self.Error.invalid_values() else: self.Error.invalid_values.clear() self.results = results = data if data is not None: class_values = data.domain.class_var.values elif results is not None: raise NotImplementedError if results is None: self.report_button.setDisabled(True) else: self.report_button.setDisabled(False) nmodels = results.predicted.shape[0] self.headers = class_values + \ [unicodedata.lookup("N-ARY SUMMATION")] # NOTE: The 'learner_names' is set in 'Test Learners' widget. if hasattr(results, "learner_names"): self.learners = results.learner_names else: self.learners = [ "Learner #{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(nmodels) ] self._init_table(len(class_values)) self.openContext(data.domain.class_var) if not prev_sel_learner or prev_sel_learner[0] >= len( self.learners): if self.learners: self.selected_learner[:] = [0] else: self.selected_learner[:] = prev_sel_learner self._update() self._set_selection() self.unconditional_commit() def clear(self): """Reset the widget, clear controls""" self.results = None = None self.tablemodel.clear() self.headers = [] # Clear learners last. This action will invoke `_learner_changed` self.learners = [] def select_correct(self): """Select the diagonal elements of the matrix""" selection = QItemSelection() n = self.tablemodel.rowCount() for i in range(2, n): index = self.tablemodel.index(i, i), index) self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def select_wrong(self): """Select the off-diagonal elements of the matrix""" selection = QItemSelection() n = self.tablemodel.rowCount() for i in range(2, n): for j in range(i + 1, n): index = self.tablemodel.index(i, j), index) index = self.tablemodel.index(j, i), index) self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def select_none(self): """Reset selection""" self.tableview.selectionModel().clear() def cell_clicked(self, model_index): """Handle cell click event""" i, j = model_index.row(), model_index.column() if not i or not j: return n = self.tablemodel.rowCount() index = self.tablemodel.index selection = None if i == j == 1 or i == j == n - 1: selection = QItemSelection(index(2, 2), index(n - 1, n - 1)) elif i in (1, n - 1): selection = QItemSelection(index(2, j), index(n - 1, j)) elif j in (1, n - 1): selection = QItemSelection(index(i, 2), index(i, n - 1)) if selection is not None: self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _prepare_data(self): indices = self.tableview.selectedIndexes() indices = {(ind.row() - 2, ind.column() - 2) for ind in indices} actual = self.results.actual learner_name = self.learners[self.selected_learner[0]] predicted = self.results.predicted[self.selected_learner[0]] selected = [ i for i, t in enumerate(zip(actual, predicted)) if t in indices ] extra = [] class_var = metas = if self.append_predictions: extra.append(predicted.reshape(-1, 1)) var = "{}({})".format(, learner_name), class_var.values) metas = metas + (var, ) if self.append_probabilities and \ self.results.probabilities is not None: probs = self.results.probabilities[self.selected_learner[0]] extra.append(np.array(probs, dtype=object)) pvars = ["p({})".format(value)) for value in class_var.values ] metas = metas + tuple(pvars) domain =,, metas) data = if len(extra): data.metas[:, len(] = \ np.hstack(tuple(extra)) = learner_name if selected: annotated_data = create_annotated_table(data, selected) data = data[selected] else: annotated_data = create_annotated_table(data, []) data = None return data, annotated_data def commit(self): """Output data instances corresponding to selected cells""" if self.results is not None and is not None \ and self.selected_learner: data, annotated_data = self._prepare_data() else: data = None annotated_data = None self.Outputs.selected_data.send(data) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(annotated_data) def _invalidate(self): indices = self.tableview.selectedIndexes() self.selection = {(ind.row() - 2, ind.column() - 2) for ind in indices} self.commit() def _set_selection(self): selection = QItemSelection() index = self.tableview.model().index for row, col in self.selection: sel = index(row + 2, col + 2), sel) self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _learner_changed(self): self._update() self._set_selection() self.commit() def _update(self): def _isinvalid(x): return isnan(x) or isinf(x) # Update the displayed confusion matrix if self.results is not None and self.selected_learner: cmatrix = confusion_matrix(self.results, self.selected_learner[0]) colsum = cmatrix.sum(axis=0) rowsum = cmatrix.sum(axis=1) n = len(cmatrix) diag = np.diag_indices(n) colors = cmatrix.astype(np.double) colors[diag] = 0 if self.selected_quantity == 0: normalized = cmatrix.astype( formatstr = "{}" div = np.array([colors.max()]) else: if self.selected_quantity == 1: normalized = 100 * cmatrix / colsum div = colors.max(axis=0) else: normalized = 100 * cmatrix / rowsum[:, np.newaxis] div = colors.max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] formatstr = "{:2.1f} %" div[div == 0] = 1 colors /= div colors[diag] = normalized[diag] / normalized[diag].max() for i in range(n): for j in range(n): val = normalized[i, j] col_val = colors[i, j] item = self._item(i + 2, j + 2) item.setData( "NA" if _isinvalid(val) else formatstr.format(val), Qt.DisplayRole) bkcolor = QColor.fromHsl( [0, 240][i == j], 160, 255 if _isinvalid(col_val) else int(255 - 30 * col_val)) item.setData(QBrush(bkcolor), Qt.BackgroundRole) item.setData("trbl", BorderRole) item.setToolTip("actual: {}\npredicted: {}".format( self.headers[i], self.headers[j])) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable) self._set_item(i + 2, j + 2, item) bold_font = self.tablemodel.invisibleRootItem().font() bold_font.setBold(True) def _sum_item(value, border=""): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(value, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setFont(bold_font) item.setData(border, BorderRole) item.setData(QColor(192, 192, 192), BorderColorRole) return item for i in range(n): self._set_item(n + 2, i + 2, _sum_item(int(colsum[i]), "t")) self._set_item(i + 2, n + 2, _sum_item(int(rowsum[i]), "l")) self._set_item(n + 2, n + 2, _sum_item(int(rowsum.sum()))) def send_report(self): """Send report""" if self.results is not None and self.selected_learner: self.report_table( "Confusion matrix for {} (showing {})".format( self.learners[self.selected_learner[0]], self.quantities[self.selected_quantity].lower()), self.tableview) @classmethod def migrate_settings(cls, settings, version): if not version: # For some period of time the 'selected_learner' property was # changed from List[int] -> int # (commit 4e49bb3fd0e11262f3ebf4b1116a91a4b49cc982) and then back # again (commit 8a492d79a2e17154a0881e24a05843406c8892c0) if "selected_learner" in settings and \ isinstance(settings["selected_learner"], int): settings["selected_learner"] = [settings["selected_learner"]]
class PivotTableView(QTableView): selection_changed = pyqtSignal() TOTAL_STRING = "Total" def __init__(self): super().__init__(editTriggers=QTableView.NoEditTriggers) self._n_classesv = None # number of row_feature values self._n_classesh = None # number of col_feature values self._n_agg_func = None # number of aggregation functions self._n_leading_rows = None # number of leading rows self._n_leading_cols = None # number of leading columns self.table_model = QStandardItemModel(self) self.setModel(self.table_model) self.horizontalHeader().hide() self.verticalHeader().hide() self.horizontalHeader().setMinimumSectionSize(60) self.setShowGrid(False) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.setItemDelegate(BorderedItemDelegate()) self.pressed.connect(self.__cell_clicked) self.clicked.connect(self.__cell_clicked) self.entered.connect(self.__cell_entered) self.__clicked_cell = None @property def add_agg_column(self) -> bool: return self._n_agg_func > 1 def __cell_entered(self, model_index): if self.__clicked_cell is None: return index = self.table_model.index selection = None i_end, j_end = model_index.row(), model_index.column() i_start, j_start = self.__clicked_cell i_start, i_end = sorted([i_start, i_end]) j_start, j_end = sorted([j_start, j_end]) if i_start >= self._n_leading_rows and j_start >= self._n_leading_cols: i_start = (i_start - self._n_leading_rows) // self._n_agg_func * \ self._n_agg_func + self._n_leading_rows i_end = (i_end - self._n_leading_rows) // self._n_agg_func * \ self._n_agg_func + self._n_leading_rows + self._n_agg_func - 1 start, end = index(i_start, j_start), index(i_end, j_end) selection = QItemSelection(start, end) if selection is not None: self.selectionModel().select(selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) self.selection_changed.emit() def __cell_clicked(self, model_index): i, j = model_index.row(), model_index.column() self.__clicked_cell = (i, j) m, n = self.table_model.rowCount(), self.table_model.columnCount() index = self.table_model.index selection = None if i > m - self._n_agg_func - 1 and j == n - 1: start_index = index(self._n_leading_rows, self._n_leading_cols) selection = QItemSelection(start_index, index(m - 1, n - 1)) elif i == self._n_leading_rows - 1 or i > m - self._n_agg_func - 1: start_index = index(self._n_leading_rows, j) selection = QItemSelection(start_index, index(m - 1, j)) elif j in (self._n_leading_cols - 1, n - 1, 1): i_start = (i - self._n_leading_rows) // self._n_agg_func * \ self._n_agg_func + self._n_leading_rows i_end = i_start + self._n_agg_func - 1 start_index = index(i_start, self._n_leading_cols) selection = QItemSelection(start_index, index(i_end, n - 1)) elif i >= self._n_leading_rows and j >= self._n_leading_cols: i_start = (i - self._n_leading_rows) // self._n_agg_func * \ self._n_agg_func + self._n_leading_rows i_end = i_start + self._n_agg_func - 1 selection = QItemSelection(index(i_start, j), index(i_end, j)) if selection is not None: self.selectionModel().select(selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): super().mouseReleaseEvent(e) self.selection_changed.emit() def update_table(self, titleh: str, titlev: str, table: Table, table_total_h: Table, table_total_v: Table, table_total: Table): self.clear() if not table: return self._initialize(table, table_total_h) self._set_headers(titleh, titlev, table) self._set_values(table[:, 2:]) self._set_totals(table_total_h[:, 2:], table_total_v, table_total) self._draw_lines() self._resize(table) def _initialize(self, table, table_total_h): self._n_classesv = int(len(table) / len(table_total_h)) self._n_classesh = table.X.shape[1] - 2 self._n_agg_func = len(table_total_h) self._n_leading_rows = 2 self._n_leading_cols = 2 + int(len(table_total_h) > 1) def _set_headers(self, titleh, titlev, table): self.__set_horizontal_title(titleh) self.__set_vertical_title(titlev) self.__set_flags_title() self.__set_horizontal_headers(table) self.__set_vertical_headers(table) def __set_horizontal_title(self, titleh): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(titleh, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.table_model.setItem(0, self._n_leading_cols, item) self.setSpan(0, self._n_leading_cols, 1, self._n_classesh + 3) def __set_vertical_title(self, titlev): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(titlev, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, gui.VerticalItemDelegate(extend=True)) self.table_model.setItem(self._n_leading_rows, 0, item) row_span = self._n_classesv * self._n_agg_func + 1 self.setSpan(self._n_leading_rows, 0, row_span, 1) def __set_flags_title(self): item = self.table_model.item(0, self._n_leading_cols) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) item = self.table_model.item(self._n_leading_rows, 0) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) for i, j in product(range(self._n_leading_rows), range(self._n_leading_cols)): item = QStandardItem() item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self.table_model.setItem(i, j, item) def __set_horizontal_headers(self, table): labels = [ for a in table.domain[1:]] + [self.TOTAL_STRING] if not self.add_agg_column: labels[0] = str(table[0, 1]) for i, label in enumerate(labels, self._n_leading_cols - 1): self.table_model.setItem(1, i, self._create_header_item(label)) def __set_vertical_headers(self, table): labels = [(str(row[0]), str(row[1])) for row in table] i = self._n_leading_rows - 1 for i, (l1, l2) in enumerate(labels, self._n_leading_rows): l1 = "" if (i - self._n_leading_rows) % self._n_agg_func else l1 self.table_model.setItem(i, 1, self._create_header_item(l1)) if self.add_agg_column: self.table_model.setItem(i, 2, self._create_header_item(l2)) if self.add_agg_column: labels = [str(row[1]) for row in table[:self._n_agg_func]] start = self._n_leading_rows + self._n_agg_func * self._n_classesv for j, l2 in enumerate(labels, i + 1): l1 = self.TOTAL_STRING if j == start else "" self.table_model.setItem(j, 1, self._create_header_item(l1)) self.table_model.setItem(j, 2, self._create_header_item(l2)) else: item = self._create_header_item(self.TOTAL_STRING) self.table_model.setItem(i + 1, 1, item) def _set_values(self, table): for i, j in product(range(len(table)), range(len(table[0]))): value = table[i, j] item = self._create_value_item(str(value)) self.table_model.setItem(i + self._n_leading_rows, j + self._n_leading_cols, item) def _set_totals(self, table_total_h, table_total_v, table_total): def set_total_item(table, get_row, get_col): for i, j in product(range(len(table)), range(len(table[0]))): item = self._create_header_item(str(table[i, j])) self.table_model.setItem(get_row(i), get_col(j), item) last_row = self._n_leading_rows + self._n_classesv * self._n_agg_func last_col = self._n_leading_cols + self._n_classesh set_total_item(table_total_v, lambda x: x + self._n_leading_rows, lambda x: last_col) set_total_item(table_total_h, lambda x: x + last_row, lambda x: x + self._n_leading_cols) set_total_item(table_total, lambda x: x + last_row, lambda x: last_col) def _create_header_item(self, text): bold_font = self.table_model.invisibleRootItem().font() bold_font.setBold(True) item = QStandardItem() item.setData(text, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setFont(bold_font) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) return item @staticmethod def _create_value_item(text): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(text, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable) return item def _draw_lines(self): end_col = self._n_leading_cols + self._n_classesh + 1 total_row = self._n_leading_rows + self._n_classesv * self._n_agg_func indices = [(total_row, j) for j in range(1, end_col)] for i in range(self._n_classesv): inner_row = self._n_agg_func * i + self._n_leading_rows inner_indices = [(inner_row, j) for j in range(1, end_col)] indices = indices + inner_indices if not self.add_agg_column: break for i, j in indices: item = self.table_model.item(i, j) item.setData("t", BorderRole) item.setData(QColor(160, 160, 160), BorderColorRole) def _resize(self, table): labels = [ for a in table.domain[1:]] + [self.TOTAL_STRING] if len(' '.join(labels)) < 120: self.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) else: self.horizontalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(60) def get_selection(self) -> Set: m, n = self._n_leading_rows, self._n_leading_cols return {(ind.row() - m, ind.column() - n) for ind in self.selectedIndexes()} def set_selection(self, indexes: Set): selection = QItemSelection() index = self.model().index for row, col in indexes: sel = index(row + self._n_leading_rows, col + self._n_leading_cols), sel) self.selectionModel().select(selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def clear(self): self.table_model.clear()
class ContingencyTable(QTableView): """ A contingency table widget which can be used wherever ``QTableView`` could be used. Parameters ---------- parent : Orange.widgets.widget.OWWidget The containing widget to which the table is connected. Attributes ---------- classesv : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Vertical class headers. classesh : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Horizontal class headers. headerv : :obj:`str`, optional Vertical top header. headerh : :obj:`str`, optional Horizontal top header. corner_string : str String that is top right and bottom left corner of the table. Default is ``unicodedata.lookup("N-ARY SUMMATION")``. """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(editTriggers=QTableView.NoEditTriggers) self.bold_headers = None self.circles = False self.classesv = None self.classesh = None self.headerv = None self.headerh = None self.parent = parent self.corner_string = unicodedata.lookup("N-ARY SUMMATION") self.tablemodel = QStandardItemModel(self) self.setModel(self.tablemodel) self.horizontalHeader().hide() self.verticalHeader().hide() self.horizontalHeader().setMinimumSectionSize(60) self.setShowGrid(False) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.clicked.connect(self._cell_clicked) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): super().mouseReleaseEvent(e) self.parent._invalidate() def keyPressEvent(self, event): super().keyPressEvent(event) self.parent._invalidate() def _cell_clicked(self, model_index): """Handle cell click event""" i, j = model_index.row(), model_index.column() if not i or not j: return n = self.tablemodel.rowCount() m = self.tablemodel.columnCount() index = self.tablemodel.index selection = None if i == j == 1 or not self.circles and i == n - 1 and j == m - 1: selection = QItemSelection(index(2, 2), index(n - 1, m - 1)) elif i == 1 or not self.circles and i == n - 1: selection = QItemSelection(index(2, j), index(n - 1, j)) elif j == 1 or not self.circles and j == m - 1: selection = QItemSelection(index(i, 2), index(i, m - 1)) if selection is not None: self.selectionModel().select(selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _item(self, i, j): return self.tablemodel.item(i, j) or QStandardItem() def _set_item(self, i, j, item): self.tablemodel.setItem(i, j, item) def set_variables(self, variablev, variableh, **kwargs): """ Sets class headers and top headers and initializes table structure. Parameters ---------- variablev : Class headers are set to ``variablev.values``, top header is set to ````. variableh : Class headers are set to ``variableh.values``, top header is set to ````. """ self.classesv = variablev.values self.classesh = variableh.values self.headerv = self.headerh = self.initialize(**kwargs) def set_headers(self, classesv, classesh, headerv=None, headerh=None, **kwargs): """ Sets class headers and top headers and initializes table structure. Parameters ---------- classesv : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Vertical class headers. classesh : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` Horizontal class headers. headerv : :obj:`str`, optional Vertical top header. headerh : :obj:`str`, optional Horizontal top header. """ self.classesv = classesv self.classesh = classesh self.headerv = headerv self.headerh = headerh self.initialize(**kwargs) def _style_cells(self): """ Style all cells. """ if self.circles: self.setItemDelegate(CircleItemDelegate(Qt.white)) else: self.setItemDelegate(BorderedItemDelegate(Qt.white)) item = self._item(0, 2) item.setData(self.headerh, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self._set_item(0, 2, item) item = self._item(2, 0) item.setData(self.headerv, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, gui.VerticalItemDelegate()) self._set_item(2, 0, item) self.setSpan(0, 2, 1, len(self.classesh) + 1) self.setSpan(2, 0, len(self.classesv) + 1, 1) for i in (0, 1): for j in (0, 1): item = self._item(i, j) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self._set_item(i, j, item) def _initialize_headers(self): """ Fill headers with content and style them. """ font = self.tablemodel.invisibleRootItem().font() bold_font = QFont(font) bold_font.setBold(True) for headers, ix in ((self.classesv + [self.corner_string], lambda p: (p + 2, 1)), (self.classesh + [self.corner_string], lambda p: (1, p + 2))): for p, label in enumerate(headers): i, j = ix(p) item = self._item(i, j) item.setData(label, Qt.DisplayRole) if self.bold_headers: item.setFont(bold_font) if not (i == 1 and self.circles): item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if p < len(headers) - 1: item.setData("br"[j == 1], BorderRole) item.setData(QColor(192, 192, 192), BorderColorRole) else: item.setData("", BorderRole) self._set_item(i, j, item) def _resize(self): """ Resize table to fit new contents and style. """ if self.circles: self.resizeRowToContents(1) self.horizontalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(self.rowHeight(2)) self.resizeColumnToContents(1) self.tablemodel.setRowCount(len(self.classesv) + 2) self.tablemodel.setColumnCount(len(self.classesh) + 2) else: if len(' '.join(self.classesh + [self.corner_string])) < 120: self.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) else: self.horizontalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(60) self.tablemodel.setRowCount(len(self.classesv) + 3) self.tablemodel.setColumnCount(len(self.classesh) + 3) def initialize(self, circles=False, bold_headers=True): """ Initializes table structure. Class headers must be set beforehand. Parameters ---------- circles : :obj:`bool`, optional Turns on circle display. All table values should be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Defaults to False. bold_headers : :obj:`bool`, optional Whether the headers are bold or not. Defaults to True. """ assert self.classesv is not None and self.classesh is not None self.circles = circles self.bold_headers = bold_headers self._style_cells() self._initialize_headers() self._resize() def get_selection(self): """ Get indexes of selected cells. Returns ------- :obj:`set` of :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int` Set of pairs of indexes. """ return {(ind.row() - 2, ind.column() - 2) for ind in self.selectedIndexes()} def set_selection(self, indexes): """ Set indexes of selected cells. Parameters ---------- indexes : :obj:`set` of :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int` Set of pairs of indexes. """ selection = QItemSelection() index = self.model().index for row, col in indexes: sel = index(row + 2, col + 2), sel) self.selectionModel().select(selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _set_sums(self, colsum, rowsum): """ Set content of cells on bottom and right edge. Parameters ---------- colsum : numpy.array Content of cells on bottom edge. rowsum : numpy.array Content of cells on right edge. """ bold_font = self.tablemodel.invisibleRootItem().font() bold_font.setBold(True) def _sum_item(value, border=""): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(value, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setFont(bold_font) item.setData(border, BorderRole) item.setData(QColor(192, 192, 192), BorderColorRole) return item for i in range(len(self.classesh)): self._set_item( len(self.classesv) + 2, i + 2, _sum_item(int(colsum[i]), "t")) for i in range(len(self.classesv)): self._set_item(i + 2, len(self.classesh) + 2, _sum_item(int(rowsum[i]), "l")) self._set_item( len(self.classesv) + 2, len(self.classesh) + 2, _sum_item(int(rowsum.sum()))) def _set_values(self, matrix, colors, formatstr, tooltip): """ Set content of cells which aren't headers and don't represent aggregate values. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array 2D array to be set as data. colors : :obj:`numpy.array` 2D array with color values. formatstr : :obj:`str`, optional Format string for cell data. tooltip : :obj:`(int, int) -> str` Function which takes vertical index and horizontal index as arguments and returns desired tooltip as a string. """ def _isinvalid(x): return isnan(x) or isinf(x) for i in range(len(self.classesv)): for j in range(len(self.classesh)): val = matrix[i, j] col_val = float('nan') if colors is None else colors[i, j] item = QStandardItem() if self.circles: item.setData(val, CircleAreaRole) else: item.setData( "NA" if _isinvalid(val) else formatstr.format(val), Qt.DisplayRole) bkcolor = QColor.fromHsl( [0, 240][i == j], 160, 255 if _isinvalid(col_val) else int(255 - 30 * col_val)) item.setData(QBrush(bkcolor), Qt.BackgroundRole) item.setData("trbl", BorderRole) if tooltip is not None: item.setToolTip(tooltip(i, j)) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable) self._set_item(i + 2, j + 2, item) def update_table(self, matrix, colsum=None, rowsum=None, colors=None, formatstr="{}", tooltip=None): """ Sets ``matrix`` as data of the table. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array 2D array to be set as data. colsum : :obj:`numpy.array`, optional 1D optional array with aggregate values of columns, defaults to sum. rowsum : :obj:`numpy.array`, optional 1D optional array with aggregate values of rows, defaults to sum. colors : :obj:`numpy.array`, optional 2D array with color values, defaults to no color. formatstr : :obj:`str`, optional Format string for cell data, defaults to ``"{}"``. tooltip : :obj:`(int, int) -> str`, optional Function which takes vertical index and horizontal index as arguments and returns desired tooltip as a string. Defaults to no tooltips. """ selected_indexes = self.get_selection() self._set_values(matrix, colors, formatstr, tooltip) if not self.circles: if colsum is None: colsum = matrix.sum(axis=0) if rowsum is None: rowsum = matrix.sum(axis=1) self._set_sums(colsum, rowsum) self.set_selection(selected_indexes) def clear(self): """ Clears the table. """ self.tablemodel.clear()
def __on_enrichment_finished(self, results): assert QThread.currentThread() is self.thread() self.__state &= ~OWSetEnrichment.RunningEnrichment query, reference, results = results if self.annotationsChartView.model(): self.annotationsChartView.model().clear() nquery = len(query) nref = len(reference) maxcount = max((len(e.query_mapped) for _, e in results), default=1) maxrefcount = max((len(e.reference_mapped) for _, e in results), default=1) nspaces = int(math.ceil(math.log10(maxcount or 1))) refspaces = int(math.ceil(math.log(maxrefcount or 1))) query_fmt = "%" + str(nspaces) + "s (%.2f%%)" ref_fmt = "%" + str(refspaces) + "s (%.2f%%)" def fmt_count(fmt, count, total): return fmt % (count, 100.0 * count / (total or 1)) fmt_query_count = partial(fmt_count, query_fmt) fmt_ref_count = partial(fmt_count, ref_fmt) linkFont = QFont(self.annotationsChartView.viewOptions().font) linkFont.setUnderline(True) def item(value=None, tooltip=None, user=None): si = QStandardItem() if value is not None: si.setData(value, Qt.DisplayRole) if tooltip is not None: si.setData(tooltip, Qt.ToolTipRole) if user is not None: si.setData(user, Qt.UserRole) else: si.setData(value, Qt.UserRole) return si model = QStandardItemModel() model.setSortRole(Qt.UserRole) model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels([ "Category", "Term", "Count", "Reference count", "p-value", "FDR", "Enrichment" ]) for i, (gset, enrich) in enumerate(results): if len(enrich.query_mapped) == 0: continue nquery_mapped = len(enrich.query_mapped) nref_mapped = len(enrich.reference_mapped) row = [ item(", ".join(gset.hierarchy)), item(gsname(gset),, item(fmt_query_count(nquery_mapped, nquery), tooltip=nquery_mapped, user=nquery_mapped), item(fmt_ref_count(nref_mapped, nref), tooltip=nref_mapped, user=nref_mapped), item(fmtp(enrich.p_value), user=enrich.p_value), item( ), # column 5, FDR, is computed in filterAnnotationsChartView item(enrich.enrichment_score, tooltip="%.3f" % enrich.enrichment_score, user=enrich.enrichment_score) ] row[0].geneset = gset row[0].enrichment = enrich row[1].setData(, gui.LinkRole) row[1].setFont(linkFont) row[1].setForeground(QColor( model.appendRow(row) self.annotationsChartView.setModel(model) self.annotationsChartView.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.commit) if not model.rowCount(): self.warning(0, "No enriched sets found.") else: self.warning(0) allnames = set( gsname(geneset) for geneset, (count, _, _, _) in results if count) allnames |= reduce(operator.ior, (set(word_split(name)) for name in allnames), set()) self.filterCompleter.setModel(None) self.completerModel = QStringListModel(sorted(allnames)) self.filterCompleter.setModel(self.completerModel) if results: max_score = max( (e.enrichment_score for _, e in results if np.isfinite(e.enrichment_score)), default=1) self.annotationsChartView.setItemDelegateForColumn( 6, BarItemDelegate(self, scale=(0.0, max_score))) self.annotationsChartView.setItemDelegateForColumn( 1, gui.LinkStyledItemDelegate(self.annotationsChartView)) header = self.annotationsChartView.header() for i in range(model.columnCount()): sh = self.annotationsChartView.sizeHintForColumn(i) sh = max(sh, header.sectionSizeHint(i)) self.annotationsChartView.setColumnWidth(i, max(min(sh, 300), 30)) # self.annotationsChartView.resizeColumnToContents(i) self.filterAnnotationsChartView() self.progressBarFinished() self.setStatusMessage("")
class OWCorpusViewer(OWWidget): name = "Corpus Viewer" description = "Display corpus contents." icon = "icons/CorpusViewer.svg" priority = 500 class Inputs: corpus = Input("Corpus", Corpus, replaces=["Data"]) class Outputs: matching_docs = Output("Matching Docs", Corpus, default=True) other_docs = Output("Other Docs", Corpus) corpus = Output("Corpus", Corpus) settingsHandler = PerfectDomainContextHandler( match_values = PerfectDomainContextHandler.MATCH_VALUES_ALL ) search_indices = ContextSetting([], exclude_metas=False) # features included in search display_indices = ContextSetting([], exclude_metas=False) # features for display display_features = ContextSetting([], exclude_metas=False) selected_documents = ContextSetting([]) regexp_filter = ContextSetting("") show_tokens = Setting(False) autocommit = Setting(True) class Warning(OWWidget.Warning): no_feats_search = Msg('No features included in search.') no_feats_display = Msg('No features selected for display.') def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.corpus = None # Corpus self.corpus_docs = None # Documents generated from Corpus self.doc_webview = None # WebView for showing content self.search_features = [] # two copies are needed since Display allows drag & drop self.display_list_indices = [0] self.matches = 0 # Matches of the query # Info attributes self.update_info() info_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Info') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Tokens: %(n_tokens)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Types: %(n_types)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Matching documents: %(n_matching)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Matches: %(n_matches)s') # Search features self.search_listbox = gui.listBox( self.controlArea, self, 'search_indices', 'search_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, box='Search features', callback=self.search_features_changed) # Display features display_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Display features') self.display_listbox = gui.listBox( display_box, self, 'display_list_indices', 'display_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, callback=self.show_docs, enableDragDrop=True) self.show_tokens_checkbox = gui.checkBox(display_box, self, 'show_tokens', 'Show Tokens && Tags', callback=self.show_docs) # Auto-commit box gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, 'autocommit', 'Send data', 'Auto send is on') # Search self.filter_input = gui.lineEdit(self.mainArea, self, 'regexp_filter', orientation=Qt.Horizontal, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed), label='RegExp Filter:', callback=self.refresh_search) # Main area self.splitter = QSplitter( orientation=Qt.Horizontal, childrenCollapsible=False, ) # Document list self.doc_list = QTableView() self.doc_list.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) self.doc_list.setSelectionMode(QTableView.ExtendedSelection) self.doc_list.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.Stretch) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False) self.splitter.addWidget(self.doc_list) self.doc_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self) self.doc_list.setModel(self.doc_list_model) self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.selection_changed ) # Document contents self.doc_webview = gui.WebviewWidget(self.splitter, debug=False) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.splitter) def copy_to_clipboard(self): text = self.doc_webview.selectedText() QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) @Inputs.corpus def set_data(self, corpus=None): self.closeContext() self.reset_widget() self.corpus = corpus self.search_features = [] if corpus is not None: domain = self.corpus.domain # Enable/disable tokens checkbox if not self.corpus.has_tokens(): self.show_tokens_checkbox.setCheckState(False) self.show_tokens_checkbox.setEnabled(self.corpus.has_tokens()) self.search_features = list(filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.display_features = list(filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.search_indices = list(range(len(self.search_features))) self.display_indices = list(range(len(self.display_features))) self.selected_documents = [corpus.titles[0]] if \ corpus.titles is not None and len(corpus.titles) else [] self.openContext(self.corpus) self.display_list_indices = self.display_indices self.regenerate_docs() self.list_docs() self.update_info() self.set_selection() self.show_docs() self.commit() def reset_widget(self): # Corpus self.corpus = None self.corpus_docs = None self.display_features = [] # Widgets self.search_listbox.clear() self.display_listbox.clear() self.filter_input.clear() self.update_info() # Models/vars self.search_features.clear() self.search_indices.clear() self.display_indices.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() # Warnings self.Warning.clear() # WebView self.doc_webview.setHtml('') def list_docs(self): """ List documents into the left scrolling area """ if self.corpus_docs is None: return # TODO: remove search_keyword?? search_keyword = self.regexp_filter.strip('|') matches = 0 try: reg = re.compile(search_keyword, re.IGNORECASE) except sre_constants.error: return self.doc_list_model.clear() for i, (doc, title, content) in enumerate(zip(self.corpus, self.corpus.titles, self.corpus_docs)): res = len(list(reg.finditer(content))) if self.regexp_filter else 0 if not self.regexp_filter or res: matches += res item = QStandardItem() item.setData(str(title), Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(doc, Qt.UserRole) self.doc_list_model.appendRow(item) self.matches = matches def get_selected_documents_from_view(self) -> Set[str]: """ Returns ------- Set with names of selected documents in the QTableView """ return { for i in self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows() } def set_selection(self) -> None: """ Select documents in selected_documents attribute in the view """ view = self.doc_list model = view.model() previously_selected = self.selected_documents.copy() selection = QItemSelection() for row in range(model.rowCount()): document =, 0), Qt.DisplayRole) if document in self.selected_documents: selection.append(QItemSelectionRange( view.model().index(row, 0), view.model().index(row, 0) )) view.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect ) if len(selection) == 0: # in cases when selection is empty qt's selection_changed is not # called and so we need to manually trigger show_docs self.show_docs() # select emmit selection change signal which causes calling # selection_changed when filtering it means that documents which # are currently filtered out get removed from self.selected_douments # we still want to keep them to be still selected after user removes # filter self.selected_documents = previously_selected def selection_changed(self) -> None: """ Function is called every time the selection changes - when user select new range of documents """ self.selected_documents = self.get_selected_documents_from_view() self.show_docs() self.commit() def show_docs(self): """ Show the selected documents in the right area """ HTML = ''' <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/jquery.mark.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/highlighter.js"> </script> <meta charset='utf-8'> <style> table {{ border-collapse: collapse; }} mark {{ background: #FFCD28; }} tr > td {{ padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; }} body {{ font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; }} .line {{ border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }} .separator {{ height: 5px; }} .variables {{ vertical-align: top; padding-right: 10px; }} .content {{ /* Adopted from */ /* These are technically the same, but use both */ overflow-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-word; -ms-word-break: break-all; /* This is the dangerous one in WebKit, as it breaks things wherever */ word-break: break-all; /* Instead use this non-standard one: */ word-break: break-word; /* Adds a hyphen where the word breaks, if supported (No Blink) */ -ms-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -webkit-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; }} .token {{ padding: 3px; border: 1px #B0B0B0 solid; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; display: inline-block; }} img {{ max-width: 100%; }} </style> </head> <body> {} </body> </html> ''' self.display_indices = self.display_list_indices if self.corpus is None: return self.Warning.no_feats_display.clear() if len(self.display_indices) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_display() if self.show_tokens: tokens = list(self.corpus.ngrams_iterator(include_postags=True)) marked_search_features = [f for i, f in enumerate(self.search_features) if i in self.search_indices] html = '<table>' for doc_count, index in enumerate(self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows()): if doc_count > 0: # add split html += '<tr class="line separator"><td/><td/></tr>' \ '<tr class="separator"><td/><td/></tr>' row_ind = for ind in self.display_indices: feature = self.display_features[ind] value = str([]) if feature in marked_search_features: value = self.__mark_text(value) value = value.replace('\n', '<br/>') is_image = feature.attributes.get('type', '') == 'image' if is_image and value != '?': value = '<img src="{}"></img>'.format(value) html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>{}:</strong></td>' \ '<td class="content">{}</td></tr>'.format(, value) if self.show_tokens: html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>Tokens & Tags:</strong></td>' \ '<td>{}</td></tr>'.format(''.join('<span class="token">{}</span>'.format( token) for token in tokens[row_ind])) html += '</table>' base = QUrl.fromLocalFile(__file__) self.doc_webview.setHtml(HTML.format(html), base) def __mark_text(self, text): search_keyword = self.regexp_filter.strip('|') if not search_keyword: return text try: reg = re.compile(search_keyword, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) except sre_constants.error: return text matches = list(reg.finditer(text)) if not matches: return text text = list(text) for m in matches[::-1]: text[m.start():m.end()] = list('<mark data-markjs="true">{}</mark>'\ .format("".join(text[m.start():m.end()]))) return "".join(text) def search_features_changed(self): self.regenerate_docs() self.refresh_search() def regenerate_docs(self): self.corpus_docs = None self.Warning.no_feats_search.clear() if self.corpus is not None: feats = [self.search_features[i] for i in self.search_indices] if len(feats) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_search() self.corpus_docs = self.corpus.documents_from_features(feats) def refresh_search(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.list_docs() self.set_selection() self.update_info() self.commit() def update_info(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.n_matching = '{}/{}'.format(self.doc_list_model.rowCount(), len(self.corpus)) self.n_matches = self.matches if self.matches else 'n/a' self.n_tokens = sum(map(len, self.corpus.tokens)) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.n_types = len(self.corpus.dictionary) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' else: self.n_matching = '' self.n_matches = '' self.n_tokens = '' self.n_types = '' def commit(self): matched = unmatched = annotated_corpus = None corpus = self.corpus if corpus is not None: # it returns a set of selected documents which are in view selected_docs = self.get_selected_documents_from_view() titles = corpus.titles matched_mask = [ i for i, t in enumerate(titles) if t in selected_docs ] unmatched_mask = [ i for i, t in enumerate(titles) if t not in selected_docs ] matched = corpus[matched_mask] if len(matched_mask) else None unmatched = corpus[unmatched_mask] if len(unmatched_mask) else None annotated_corpus = create_annotated_table(corpus, matched_mask) self.Outputs.matching_docs.send(matched) self.Outputs.other_docs.send(unmatched) self.Outputs.corpus.send(annotated_corpus) def send_report(self): self.report_items(( ("Query", self.regexp_filter), ("Matching documents", self.n_matching), ("Matches", self.n_matches) )) def showEvent(self, event): super().showEvent(event) self.update_splitter() def update_splitter(self): """ Update splitter that document list on the left never take more than 1/3 of the space. It is only set on showEvent. If user later changes sizes it stays as it is. """ w1, w2 = self.splitter.sizes() ws = w1 + w2 if w2 < 2/3 * ws: self.splitter.setSizes([ws * 1/3, ws * 2/3])
class EditableTreeView(QWidget): dataChanged = Signal() selectionChanged = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self.__stack: List = [] self.__stack_index: int = -1 def push_on_data_changed(_, __, roles): if Qt.EditRole in roles: self._push_data() self.__model = QStandardItemModel() self.__model.dataChanged.connect(self.dataChanged) self.__model.dataChanged.connect(push_on_data_changed) self.__root: QStandardItem = self.__model.invisibleRootItem() self.__tree = TreeView(self.dataChanged) self.__tree.drop_finished.connect(self.dataChanged) self.__tree.drop_finished.connect(self._push_data) self.__tree.setModel(self.__model) self.__tree.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.selectionChanged) actions_widget = ModelActionsWidget() actions_widget.layout().setSpacing(1) action = QAction("+", self, toolTip="Add a new word") action.triggered.connect(self.__on_add) actions_widget.addAction(action) action = QAction("\N{MINUS SIGN}", self, toolTip="Remove word") action.triggered.connect(self.__on_remove) actions_widget.addAction(action) action = QAction("\N{MINUS SIGN}R", self, toolTip="Remove word recursively (incl. children)") action.triggered.connect(self.__on_remove_recursive) actions_widget.addAction(action) gui.rubber(actions_widget) self.__undo_action = action = QAction("Undo", self, toolTip="Undo") action.triggered.connect(self.__on_undo) actions_widget.addAction(action) self.__redo_action = action = QAction("Redo", self, toolTip="Redo") action.triggered.connect(self.__on_redo) actions_widget.addAction(action) self._enable_undo_redo() layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setSpacing(1) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.__tree) layout.addWidget(actions_widget) self.setLayout(layout) def __on_add(self): parent: QStandardItem = self.__root selection: List = self.__tree.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() if selection: sel_index: QModelIndex = selection[0] parent: QStandardItem = self.__model.itemFromIndex(sel_index) item = QStandardItem("") parent.appendRow(item) index: QModelIndex = item.index() with disconnected(self.__model.dataChanged, self.dataChanged): self.__model.setItemData(index, {Qt.EditRole: ""}) self.__tree.setCurrentIndex(index) self.__tree.edit(index) def __on_remove_recursive(self): sel_model: QItemSelectionModel = self.__tree.selectionModel() if len(sel_model.selectedIndexes()): while sel_model.selectedIndexes(): index: QModelIndex = sel_model.selectedIndexes()[0] self.__model.removeRow(index.row(), index.parent()) self._push_data() self.dataChanged.emit() def __on_remove(self): sel_model: QItemSelectionModel = self.__tree.selectionModel() if len(sel_model.selectedIndexes()): while sel_model.selectedIndexes(): index: QModelIndex = sel_model.selectedIndexes()[0] # move children to item's parent item: QStandardItem = self.__model.itemFromIndex(index) children = [item.takeChild(i) for i in range(item.rowCount())] parent = item.parent() or self.__root self.__model.removeRow(index.row(), index.parent()) for child in children[::-1]: parent.insertRow(index.row(), child) self.__tree.expandAll() self._push_data() self.dataChanged.emit() def __on_undo(self): self.__stack_index -= 1 self._set_from_stack() def __on_redo(self): self.__stack_index += 1 self._set_from_stack() def get_words(self) -> List: return _model_to_words(self.__root) def get_selected_words(self) -> Set: return set(self.__model.itemFromIndex(index).text() for index in self.__tree.selectionModel().selectedIndexes()) def get_selected_words_with_children(self) -> Set: words = set() for index in self.__tree.selectionModel().selectedIndexes(): item: QStandardItem = self.__model.itemFromIndex(index) words.update(_model_to_words(item)) return words def get_data(self, with_selection=False) -> Union[Dict, OntoType]: selection = self.__tree.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() return _model_to_tree(self.__root, selection, with_selection) def set_data(self, data: Dict, keep_history: bool = False): if not keep_history: self.__stack = [] self.__stack_index = -1 self._set_data(data) self._push_data() def _set_data(self, data: Dict): self.clear() _tree_to_model(data, self.__root, self.__tree.selectionModel()) self.__tree.expandAll() def clear(self): if self.__model.hasChildren(): self.__model.removeRows(0, self.__model.rowCount()) def _enable_undo_redo(self): index = self.__stack_index self.__undo_action.setEnabled(index >= 1) self.__redo_action.setEnabled(index < len(self.__stack) - 1) def _push_data(self): self.__stack_index += 1 self.__stack = self.__stack[:self.__stack_index] self.__stack.append(self.get_data()) self._enable_undo_redo() def _set_from_stack(self): assert self.__stack_index < len(self.__stack) assert self.__stack_index >= 0 self._set_data(self.__stack[self.__stack_index]) self._enable_undo_redo() self.dataChanged.emit()
class ResolweDataWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, data_objects, descriptor_schema, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ow = kwargs.get('parent', None) self._data_objects = data_objects self.descriptor_schema = descriptor_schema self.header_schema = None self.header = None # set layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(layout) self.view = QTreeView() self.view.setSortingEnabled(False) self.view.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.view.setEditTriggers(QTreeView.NoEditTriggers) self.view.setSelectionMode(QTreeView.SingleSelection) self.model = QStandardItemModel() self.display_data_objects() self.layout().addWidget(self.view) def __set_header_values(self): if self.header_schema: labels = [val.get('label', '?') for val in self.header_schema] self.model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) def __create_row(self, obj): row_items = [] tabular_data = obj.descriptor.get('tabular', None) output_data = obj.output.get('table', None) # TODO: refactor this. Use file_name and size from obj.output instead of desc. schema for schema_value in self.header_schema: item = QStandardItem() schema_key = schema_value['name'] data_info = tabular_data.get(schema_key, '?') if tabular_data else '?' if schema_key == 'file_name' and data_info == '?': data_info = output_data.get('file', '?') if output_data else '?' elif schema_key == 'file_size' and data_info == '?': data_info = output_data.get('size', '?') if output_data else '?' item.setData(data_info, Qt.DisplayRole) row_items.append(item) return row_items def __populate_data_model(self): if self.model: self.model.clear() for data_object in self.data_objects: self.model.appendRow(self.__create_row(data_object)) def __parse_description_schema(self): self.header_schema = [] if self.descriptor_schema: for schema_value in self.descriptor_schema.schema: if schema_value['name'] == 'tabular': [ self.header_schema.append(value) for value in schema_value['group'] ] if self.header_schema: keys = [val.get('name', '?') for val in self.header_schema] header_index = namedtuple('header_index', [label for label in keys]) self.header = header_index( *[index for index, _ in enumerate(keys)]) @property def data_objects(self): return self._data_objects @data_objects.setter def data_objects(self, data_objects): self._data_objects = data_objects self.display_data_objects() def display_data_objects(self): self.__parse_description_schema() self.__populate_data_model() self.__set_header_values() self.view.setModel(self.model) def set_target_column(self, target_column): # type: (int) -> None for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(row, target_column) item_data = if item_data: item.setIcon(variable_icon(item_data)) def selected_data_object(self): # type: () -> Data rows = self.view.selectionModel().selectedRows() assert 0 <= len(rows) <= 1 sel_row_index = rows[0].row() if rows else None obj_range = range(len(self._data_objects)) assert sel_row_index in obj_range try: return self._data_objects[sel_row_index] except IndexError: # can this happen? self._data_objects can't # be empty if model is constructed pass
class OWConfusionMatrix(widget.OWWidget): """Confusion matrix widget""" name = "Confusion Matrix" description = "Display a confusion matrix constructed from " \ "the results of classifier evaluations." icon = "icons/ConfusionMatrix.svg" priority = 1001 class Inputs: evaluation_results = Input("Evaluation Results", Orange.evaluation.Results) class Outputs: selected_data = Output("Selected Data",, default=True) annotated_data = Output(ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME, quantities = ["Number of instances", "Proportion of predicted", "Proportion of actual"] settings_version = 1 settingsHandler = settings.ClassValuesContextHandler() selected_learner = settings.Setting([0], schema_only=True) selection = settings.ContextSetting(set()) selected_quantity = settings.Setting(0) append_predictions = settings.Setting(True) append_probabilities = settings.Setting(False) autocommit = settings.Setting(True) UserAdviceMessages = [ widget.Message( "Clicking on cells or in headers outputs the corresponding " "data instances", "click_cell")] class Error(widget.OWWidget.Error): no_regression = Msg("Confusion Matrix cannot show regression results.") invalid_values = Msg("Evaluation Results input contains invalid values") def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self.results = None self.learners = [] self.headers = [] self.learners_box = gui.listBox( self.controlArea, self, "selected_learner", "learners", box=True, callback=self._learner_changed ) self.outputbox = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Output") box = gui.hBox(self.outputbox) gui.checkBox(box, self, "append_predictions", "Predictions", callback=self._invalidate) gui.checkBox(box, self, "append_probabilities", "Probabilities", callback=self._invalidate) gui.auto_commit(self.outputbox, self, "autocommit", "Send Selected", "Send Automatically", box=False) self.mainArea.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) box = gui.vBox(self.mainArea, box=True) sbox = gui.hBox(box) gui.rubber(sbox) gui.comboBox(sbox, self, "selected_quantity", items=self.quantities, label="Show: ", orientation=Qt.Horizontal, callback=self._update) self.tablemodel = QStandardItemModel(self) view = self.tableview = QTableView( editTriggers=QTableView.NoEditTriggers) view.setModel(self.tablemodel) view.horizontalHeader().hide() view.verticalHeader().hide() view.horizontalHeader().setMinimumSectionSize(60) view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self._invalidate) view.setShowGrid(False) view.setItemDelegate(BorderedItemDelegate(Qt.white)) view.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) view.clicked.connect(self.cell_clicked) box.layout().addWidget(view) selbox = gui.hBox(box) gui.button(selbox, self, "Select Correct", callback=self.select_correct, autoDefault=False) gui.button(selbox, self, "Select Misclassified", callback=self.select_wrong, autoDefault=False) gui.button(selbox, self, "Clear Selection", callback=self.select_none, autoDefault=False) def sizeHint(self): """Initial size""" return QSize(750, 340) def _item(self, i, j): return self.tablemodel.item(i, j) or QStandardItem() def _set_item(self, i, j, item): self.tablemodel.setItem(i, j, item) def _init_table(self, nclasses): item = self._item(0, 2) item.setData("Predicted", Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self._set_item(0, 2, item) item = self._item(2, 0) item.setData("Actual", Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self.tableview.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, gui.VerticalItemDelegate()) self._set_item(2, 0, item) self.tableview.setSpan(0, 2, 1, nclasses) self.tableview.setSpan(2, 0, nclasses, 1) font = self.tablemodel.invisibleRootItem().font() bold_font = QFont(font) bold_font.setBold(True) for i in (0, 1): for j in (0, 1): item = self._item(i, j) item.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self._set_item(i, j, item) for p, label in enumerate(self.headers): for i, j in ((1, p + 2), (p + 2, 1)): item = self._item(i, j) item.setData(label, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setFont(bold_font) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if p < len(self.headers) - 1: item.setData("br"[j == 1], BorderRole) item.setData(QColor(192, 192, 192), BorderColorRole) self._set_item(i, j, item) hor_header = self.tableview.horizontalHeader() if len(' '.join(self.headers)) < 120: hor_header.setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) else: hor_header.setDefaultSectionSize(60) self.tablemodel.setRowCount(nclasses + 3) self.tablemodel.setColumnCount(nclasses + 3) @Inputs.evaluation_results def set_results(self, results): """Set the input results.""" prev_sel_learner = self.selected_learner.copy() self.clear() self.warning() self.closeContext() data = None if results is not None and is not None: data =[results.row_indices] if data is not None and not data.domain.has_discrete_class: self.Error.no_regression() data = results = None else: self.Error.no_regression.clear() nan_values = False if results is not None: assert isinstance(results, Orange.evaluation.Results) if np.any(np.isnan(results.actual)) or \ np.any(np.isnan(results.predicted)): # Error out here (could filter them out with a warning # instead). nan_values = True results = data = None if nan_values: self.Error.invalid_values() else: self.Error.invalid_values.clear() self.results = results = data if data is not None: class_values = data.domain.class_var.values elif results is not None: raise NotImplementedError if results is None: self.report_button.setDisabled(True) else: self.report_button.setDisabled(False) nmodels = results.predicted.shape[0] self.headers = class_values + \ [unicodedata.lookup("N-ARY SUMMATION")] # NOTE: The 'learner_names' is set in 'Test Learners' widget. if hasattr(results, "learner_names"): self.learners = results.learner_names else: self.learners = ["Learner #{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(nmodels)] self._init_table(len(class_values)) self.openContext(data.domain.class_var) if not prev_sel_learner or prev_sel_learner[0] >= len(self.learners): if self.learners: self.selected_learner[:] = [0] else: self.selected_learner[:] = prev_sel_learner self._update() self._set_selection() self.unconditional_commit() def clear(self): """Reset the widget, clear controls""" self.results = None = None self.tablemodel.clear() self.headers = [] # Clear learners last. This action will invoke `_learner_changed` self.learners = [] def select_correct(self): """Select the diagonal elements of the matrix""" selection = QItemSelection() n = self.tablemodel.rowCount() for i in range(2, n): index = self.tablemodel.index(i, i), index) self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def select_wrong(self): """Select the off-diagonal elements of the matrix""" selection = QItemSelection() n = self.tablemodel.rowCount() for i in range(2, n): for j in range(i + 1, n): index = self.tablemodel.index(i, j), index) index = self.tablemodel.index(j, i), index) self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def select_none(self): """Reset selection""" self.tableview.selectionModel().clear() def cell_clicked(self, model_index): """Handle cell click event""" i, j = model_index.row(), model_index.column() if not i or not j: return n = self.tablemodel.rowCount() index = self.tablemodel.index selection = None if i == j == 1 or i == j == n - 1: selection = QItemSelection(index(2, 2), index(n - 1, n - 1)) elif i in (1, n - 1): selection = QItemSelection(index(2, j), index(n - 1, j)) elif j in (1, n - 1): selection = QItemSelection(index(i, 2), index(i, n - 1)) if selection is not None: self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _prepare_data(self): indices = self.tableview.selectedIndexes() indices = {(ind.row() - 2, ind.column() - 2) for ind in indices} actual = self.results.actual learner_name = self.learners[self.selected_learner[0]] predicted = self.results.predicted[self.selected_learner[0]] selected = [i for i, t in enumerate(zip(actual, predicted)) if t in indices] extra = [] class_var = metas = if self.append_predictions: extra.append(predicted.reshape(-1, 1)) var = "{}({})".format(, learner_name), class_var.values ) metas = metas + (var,) if self.append_probabilities and \ self.results.probabilities is not None: probs = self.results.probabilities[self.selected_learner[0]] extra.append(np.array(probs, dtype=object)) pvars = ["p({})".format(value)) for value in class_var.values] metas = metas + tuple(pvars) domain =,, metas) data = if len(extra): data.metas[:, len(] = \ np.hstack(tuple(extra)) = learner_name if selected: annotated_data = create_annotated_table(data, selected) data = data[selected] else: annotated_data = create_annotated_table(data, []) data = None return data, annotated_data def commit(self): """Output data instances corresponding to selected cells""" if self.results is not None and is not None \ and self.selected_learner: data, annotated_data = self._prepare_data() else: data = None annotated_data = None self.Outputs.selected_data.send(data) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(annotated_data) def _invalidate(self): indices = self.tableview.selectedIndexes() self.selection = {(ind.row() - 2, ind.column() - 2) for ind in indices} self.commit() def _set_selection(self): selection = QItemSelection() index = self.tableview.model().index for row, col in self.selection: sel = index(row + 2, col + 2), sel) self.tableview.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _learner_changed(self): self._update() self._set_selection() self.commit() def _update(self): def _isinvalid(x): return isnan(x) or isinf(x) # Update the displayed confusion matrix if self.results is not None and self.selected_learner: cmatrix = confusion_matrix(self.results, self.selected_learner[0]) colsum = cmatrix.sum(axis=0) rowsum = cmatrix.sum(axis=1) n = len(cmatrix) diag = np.diag_indices(n) colors = cmatrix.astype(np.double) colors[diag] = 0 if self.selected_quantity == 0: normalized = cmatrix.astype( formatstr = "{}" div = np.array([colors.max()]) else: if self.selected_quantity == 1: normalized = 100 * cmatrix / colsum div = colors.max(axis=0) else: normalized = 100 * cmatrix / rowsum[:, np.newaxis] div = colors.max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] formatstr = "{:2.1f} %" div[div == 0] = 1 colors /= div colors[diag] = normalized[diag] / normalized[diag].max() for i in range(n): for j in range(n): val = normalized[i, j] col_val = colors[i, j] item = self._item(i + 2, j + 2) item.setData( "NA" if _isinvalid(val) else formatstr.format(val), Qt.DisplayRole) bkcolor = QColor.fromHsl( [0, 240][i == j], 160, 255 if _isinvalid(col_val) else int(255 - 30 * col_val)) item.setData(QBrush(bkcolor), Qt.BackgroundRole) item.setData("trbl", BorderRole) item.setToolTip("actual: {}\npredicted: {}".format( self.headers[i], self.headers[j])) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable) self._set_item(i + 2, j + 2, item) bold_font = self.tablemodel.invisibleRootItem().font() bold_font.setBold(True) def _sum_item(value, border=""): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(value, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setFont(bold_font) item.setData(border, BorderRole) item.setData(QColor(192, 192, 192), BorderColorRole) return item for i in range(n): self._set_item(n + 2, i + 2, _sum_item(int(colsum[i]), "t")) self._set_item(i + 2, n + 2, _sum_item(int(rowsum[i]), "l")) self._set_item(n + 2, n + 2, _sum_item(int(rowsum.sum()))) def send_report(self): """Send report""" if self.results is not None and self.selected_learner: self.report_table( "Confusion matrix for {} (showing {})". format(self.learners[self.selected_learner[0]], self.quantities[self.selected_quantity].lower()), self.tableview) @classmethod def migrate_settings(cls, settings, version): if not version: # For some period of time the 'selected_learner' property was # changed from List[int] -> int # (commit 4e49bb3fd0e11262f3ebf4b1116a91a4b49cc982) and then back # again (commit 8a492d79a2e17154a0881e24a05843406c8892c0) if "selected_learner" in settings and \ isinstance(settings["selected_learner"], int): settings["selected_learner"] = [settings["selected_learner"]]
def __set_index(self, f): # type: (Future) -> None # set results from `list_remote` query. assert QThread.currentThread() is self.thread() assert f.done() self.setBlocking(False) self.setStatusMessage("") allinfolocal = list_local() try: res = f.result() except Exception as er: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.exception("Error while fetching updated index") if not allinfolocal: self.error("Could not fetch data set list") else: self.warning("Could not fetch data sets list, only local " "cached data sets are shown") res = {} allinforemote = res # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], dict] allkeys = set(allinfolocal) if allinforemote is not None: allkeys = allkeys | set(allinforemote) allkeys = sorted(allkeys) def info(prefix, filename): if (prefix, filename) in allinforemote: info = allinforemote[prefix, filename] else: info = allinfolocal[prefix, filename] islocal = (prefix, filename) in allinfolocal return namespace(prefix=prefix, filename=filename, title=info.get("title", filename), datetime=info.get("datetime", None), description=info.get("description", None), reference=info.get("reference", None), instances=info.get("instances", None), variables=info.get("variables", None), target=info.get("target", None), missing=info.get("missing", None), tags=info.get("tags", []), size=info.get("size", None), islocal=islocal) model = QStandardItemModel(self) model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(HEADER) current_index = -1 for i, (prefix, filename) in enumerate(allkeys): datainfo = info(prefix, filename) item1 = QStandardItem() item1.setData(" " if datainfo.islocal else "", Qt.DisplayRole) item1.setData(datainfo, Qt.UserRole) item2 = QStandardItem(datainfo.title) item3 = QStandardItem() item3.setData(datainfo.size, Qt.DisplayRole) item4 = QStandardItem() item4.setData(datainfo.instances, Qt.DisplayRole) item5 = QStandardItem() item5.setData(datainfo.variables, Qt.DisplayRole) item6 = QStandardItem() item6.setData(, Qt.DisplayRole) item6.setIcon(variable_icon( item7 = QStandardItem() item7.setData(", ".join(datainfo.tags), Qt.DisplayRole) row = [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7] model.appendRow(row) if (prefix, filename) == self.selected_id: current_index = i hs = self.view.header().saveState() model_ = self.view.model() self.view.setModel(model) self.view.header().restoreState(hs) model_.deleteLater() model_.setParent(None) self.view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.__on_selection) # Update the info text self.infolabel.setText("{} datasets \n{} datasets cached".format( model.rowCount(), len(allinfolocal))) if current_index != -1: selmodel = self.view.selectionModel() model.index(current_index, 0), QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel.Rows)
class OWCorpusViewer(OWWidget): name = "Corpus Viewer" description = "Display corpus contents." icon = "icons/CorpusViewer.svg" priority = 70 inputs = [(IO.DATA, Table, 'set_data')] outputs = [(IO.MATCHED, Corpus, widget.Default), (IO.UNMATCHED, Corpus)] search_indices = ContextSetting([0]) # features included in search display_indices = ContextSetting([0]) # features for display show_tokens = Setting(False) autocommit = Setting(True) class Warning(OWWidget.Warning): no_feats_search = Msg('No features included in search.') no_feats_display = Msg('No features selected for display.') def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.corpus = None # Corpus self.corpus_docs = None # Documents generated from Corpus self.output_mask = [] # Output corpus indices self.doc_webview = None # WebView for showing content self.search_features = [ ] # two copies are needed since Display allows drag & drop self.display_features = [] # Info attributes self.update_info() info_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Info') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Documents: %(n_documents)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Preprocessed: %(is_preprocessed)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Tokens: %(n_tokens)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Types: %(n_types)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'POS tagged: %(is_pos_tagged)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'N-grams range: %(ngram_range)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Matching: %(n_matching)s') # Search features self.search_listbox = gui.listBox( self.controlArea, self, 'search_indices', 'search_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, box='Search features', callback=self.regenerate_docs, ) # Display features display_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Display features') self.display_listbox = gui.listBox( display_box, self, 'display_indices', 'display_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, callback=self.show_docs, enableDragDrop=True) self.show_tokens_checkbox = gui.checkBox(display_box, self, 'show_tokens', 'Show Tokens && Tags', callback=self.show_docs) # Auto-commit box gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, 'autocommit', 'Send data', 'Auto send is on') # Search self.filter_input = gui.lineEdit(self.mainArea, self, '', orientation=Qt.Horizontal, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed), label='RegExp Filter:') self.filter_input.textChanged.connect(self.refresh_search) # Main area self.splitter = QSplitter( orientation=Qt.Horizontal, childrenCollapsible=False, ) # Document list self.doc_list = QTableView() self.doc_list.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) self.doc_list.setSelectionMode(QTableView.ExtendedSelection) self.doc_list.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView.Stretch) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False) self.splitter.addWidget(self.doc_list) self.doc_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self) self.doc_list.setModel(self.doc_list_model) self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.show_docs) # Document contents self.doc_webview = gui.WebviewWidget(self.splitter, debug=False) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.splitter) def copy_to_clipboard(self): text = self.doc_webview.selectedText() QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) def set_data(self, data=None): self.reset_widget() self.corpus = data if data is not None: if not isinstance(data, Corpus): self.corpus = Corpus.from_table(data.domain, data) self.load_features() self.regenerate_docs() self.commit() def reset_widget(self): # Corpus self.corpus = None self.corpus_docs = None self.output_mask = [] # Widgets self.search_listbox.clear() self.display_listbox.clear() self.filter_input.clear() self.update_info() # Models/vars self.search_features.clear() self.display_features.clear() self.search_indices.clear() self.display_indices.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() # Warnings self.Warning.clear() # WebView self.doc_webview.setHtml('') def load_features(self): self.search_indices = [] self.display_indices = [] if self.corpus is not None: domain = self.corpus.domain self.search_features = list( filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.display_features = list( filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) # FIXME: Select features based on ContextSetting self.search_indices = list(range(len(self.search_features))) self.display_indices = list(range(len(self.display_features))) # Enable/disable tokens checkbox if not self.corpus.has_tokens(): self.show_tokens_checkbox.setCheckState(False) self.show_tokens_checkbox.setEnabled(self.corpus.has_tokens()) def list_docs(self): """ List documents into the left scrolling area """ search_keyword = self.filter_input.text().strip('|') try: reg = re.compile(search_keyword, re.IGNORECASE) except sre_constants.error: return def is_match(x): return not bool(search_keyword) or self.output_mask.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() for i, (doc, title, content) in enumerate( zip(self.corpus, self.corpus.titles, self.corpus_docs)): if is_match(content): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(title, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(doc, Qt.UserRole) self.doc_list_model.appendRow(item) self.output_mask.append(i) if self.doc_list_model.rowCount() > 0: self.doc_list.selectRow(0) # Select the first document else: self.doc_webview.setHtml('') self.commit() def show_docs(self): """ Show the selected documents in the right area """ HTML = ''' <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <style> table {{ border-collapse: collapse; }} mark {{ background: #FFCD28; }} tr > td {{ padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; }} body {{ font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; }} .line {{ border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }} .separator {{ height: 5px; }} .variables {{ vertical-align: top; padding-right: 10px; }} .token {{ padding: 3px; border: 1px #B0B0B0 solid; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; display: inline-block; }} img {{ max-width: 100%; }} </style> </head> <body> {} </body> </html> ''' if self.corpus is None: return self.Warning.no_feats_display.clear() if len(self.display_indices) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_display() if self.show_tokens: tokens = list(self.corpus.ngrams_iterator(include_postags=True)) marked_search_features = [ f for i, f in enumerate(self.search_features) if i in self.search_indices ] html = '<table>' for doc_count, index in enumerate( self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows()): if doc_count > 0: # add split html += '<tr class="line separator"><td/><td/></tr>' \ '<tr class="separator"><td/><td/></tr>' row_ind = for ind in self.display_indices: feature = self.display_features[ind] mark = 'class="mark-area"' if feature in marked_search_features else '' value = str([]) is_image = feature.attributes.get('type', '') == 'image' if is_image and value != '?': value = '<img src="{}"></img>'.format(value) html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>{}:</strong></td>' \ '<td {}>{}</td></tr>'.format(, mark, value) if self.show_tokens: html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>Tokens & Tags:</strong></td>' \ '<td>{}</td></tr>'.format(''.join('<span class="token">{}</span>'.format( token) for token in tokens[row_ind])) html += '</table>' # QUrl is a workaround to allow local resources # self.doc_webview.setHtml(HTML.format(html), QUrl("file://")) self.load_js() self.highlight_docs() def load_js(self): resources = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources') for script in ( 'jquery-3.1.1.min.js', 'jquery.mark.min.js', 'highlighter.js', ): self.doc_webview.evalJS( open(os.path.join(resources, script), encoding='utf-8').read()) def regenerate_docs(self): self.corpus_docs = None self.Warning.no_feats_search.clear() if self.corpus is not None: feats = [self.search_features[i] for i in self.search_indices] if len(feats) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_search() self.corpus_docs = self.corpus.documents_from_features(feats) self.refresh_search() def refresh_search(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.list_docs() self.update_info() def highlight_docs(self): search_keyword = self.filter_input.text().\ strip('|').replace('\\', '\\\\') # escape one \ to two for mark.js if search_keyword: self.doc_webview.evalJS('mark("{}");'.format(search_keyword)) def update_info(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.n_documents = len(self.corpus) self.n_matching = '{}/{}'.format(self.doc_list_model.rowCount(), self.n_documents) self.n_tokens = sum( map(len, self.corpus.tokens)) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.n_types = len( self.corpus.dictionary) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.is_preprocessed = self.corpus.has_tokens() self.is_pos_tagged = self.corpus.pos_tags is not None self.ngram_range = '{}-{}'.format(*self.corpus.ngram_range) else: self.n_documents = '' self.n_matching = '' self.n_tokens = '' self.n_types = '' self.is_preprocessed = '' self.is_pos_tagged = '' self.ngram_range = '' def commit(self): if self.corpus is not None: matched = self.corpus[self.output_mask] output_mask = set(self.output_mask) unmatched_mask = [ i for i in range(len(self.corpus)) if i not in output_mask ] unmatched = self.corpus[unmatched_mask] self.send(IO.MATCHED, matched) self.send(IO.UNMATCHED, unmatched) else: self.send(IO.MATCHED, None) self.send(IO.UNMATCHED, None)
class OWCorpusViewer(OWWidget): name = "Corpus Viewer" description = "Display corpus contents." icon = "icons/CorpusViewer.svg" priority = 70 inputs = [(IO.DATA, Table, 'set_data')] outputs = [(IO.MATCHED, Corpus, widget.Default), (IO.UNMATCHED, Corpus)] search_indices = ContextSetting([0]) # features included in search display_indices = ContextSetting([0]) # features for display show_tokens = Setting(False) autocommit = Setting(True) class Warning(OWWidget.Warning): no_feats_search = Msg('No features included in search.') no_feats_display = Msg('No features selected for display.') def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.corpus = None # Corpus self.corpus_docs = None # Documents generated from Corpus self.output_mask = [] # Output corpus indices self.doc_webview = None # WebView for showing content self.search_features = [] # two copies are needed since Display allows drag & drop self.display_features = [] # Info attributes self.update_info() info_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Info') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Documents: %(n_documents)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Preprocessed: %(is_preprocessed)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Tokens: %(n_tokens)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Types: %(n_types)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'POS tagged: %(is_pos_tagged)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'N-grams range: %(ngram_range)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Matching: %(n_matching)s') # Search features self.search_listbox = gui.listBox( self.controlArea, self, 'search_indices', 'search_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, box='Search features', callback=self.regenerate_docs,) # Display features display_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Display features') self.display_listbox = gui.listBox( display_box, self, 'display_indices', 'display_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, callback=self.show_docs, enableDragDrop=True) self.show_tokens_checkbox = gui.checkBox(display_box, self, 'show_tokens', 'Show Tokens && Tags', callback=self.show_docs) # Auto-commit box gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, 'autocommit', 'Send data', 'Auto send is on') # Search self.filter_input = gui.lineEdit(self.mainArea, self, '', orientation=Qt.Horizontal, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed), label='RegExp Filter:') self.filter_input.textChanged.connect(self.refresh_search) # Main area self.splitter = QSplitter( orientation=Qt.Horizontal, childrenCollapsible=False, ) # Document list self.doc_list = QTableView() self.doc_list.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) self.doc_list.setSelectionMode(QTableView.ExtendedSelection) self.doc_list.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.Stretch) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False) self.splitter.addWidget(self.doc_list) self.doc_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self) self.doc_list.setModel(self.doc_list_model) self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.show_docs) # Document contents # For PyQt5 WebEngine's setHtml grabs the focus and makes typing hard # More info: # To bypass the annoying behaviour disable the widget for WebEngine self.doc_webview = gui.WebviewWidget(self.splitter, self, debug=True, enabled=HAVE_WEBKIT) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.splitter) def copy_to_clipboard(self): text = self.doc_webview.selectedText() QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) def set_data(self, data=None): self.reset_widget() self.corpus = data if data is not None: if not isinstance(data, Corpus): self.corpus = Corpus.from_table(data.domain, data) self.load_features() self.regenerate_docs() self.commit() def reset_widget(self): # Corpus self.corpus = None self.corpus_docs = None self.output_mask = [] # Widgets self.search_listbox.clear() self.display_listbox.clear() self.filter_input.clear() self.update_info() # Models/vars self.search_features.clear() self.display_features.clear() self.search_indices.clear() self.display_indices.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() # Warnings self.Warning.clear() # WebView self.doc_webview.setHtml('') def load_features(self): self.search_indices = [] self.display_indices = [] if self.corpus is not None: domain = self.corpus.domain self.search_features = list(filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.display_features = list(filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) # FIXME: Select features based on ContextSetting self.search_indices = list(range(len(self.search_features))) self.display_indices = list(range(len(self.display_features))) # Enable/disable tokens checkbox if not self.corpus.has_tokens(): self.show_tokens_checkbox.setCheckState(False) self.show_tokens_checkbox.setEnabled(self.corpus.has_tokens()) def list_docs(self): """ List documents into the left scrolling area """ search_keyword = self.filter_input.text().strip('|') try: reg = re.compile(search_keyword, re.IGNORECASE) except sre_constants.error: return def is_match(x): return not bool(search_keyword) or self.output_mask.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() for i, (doc, title, content) in enumerate(zip(self.corpus, self.corpus.titles, self.corpus_docs)): if is_match(content): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(title, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(doc, Qt.UserRole) self.doc_list_model.appendRow(item) self.output_mask.append(i) if self.doc_list_model.rowCount() > 0: self.doc_list.selectRow(0) # Select the first document else: self.doc_webview.setHtml('') self.commit() def show_docs(self): """ Show the selected documents in the right area """ HTML = ''' <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <style> table {{ border-collapse: collapse; }} mark {{ background: #FFCD28; }} tr > td {{ padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; }} body {{ font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; }} .line {{ border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }} .separator {{ height: 5px; }} .variables {{ vertical-align: top; padding-right: 10px; }} .token {{ padding: 3px; border: 1px #B0B0B0 solid; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; display: inline-block; }} </style> </head> <body> {} </body> </html> ''' if self.corpus is None: return self.Warning.no_feats_display.clear() if len(self.display_indices) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_display() if self.show_tokens: tokens = list(self.corpus.ngrams_iterator(include_postags=True)) marked_search_features = [f for i, f in enumerate(self.search_features) if i in self.search_indices] html = '<table>' for doc_count, index in enumerate(self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows()): if doc_count > 0: # add split html += '<tr class="line separator"><td/><td/></tr>' \ '<tr class="separator"><td/><td/></tr>' row_ind = for ind in self.display_indices: feature = self.display_features[ind] mark = 'class="mark-area"' if feature in marked_search_features else '' value =[] html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>{}:</strong></td>' \ '<td {}>{}</td></tr>'.format(, mark, value) if self.show_tokens: html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>Tokens & Tags:</strong></td>' \ '<td>{}</td></tr>'.format(''.join('<span class="token">{}</span>'.format( token) for token in tokens[row_ind])) html += '</table>' self.doc_webview.setHtml(HTML.format(html)) self.load_js() self.highlight_docs() def load_js(self): resources = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources') for script in ('jquery-3.1.1.min.js', 'jquery.mark.min.js', 'highlighter.js', ): self.doc_webview.evalJS(open(os.path.join(resources, script), encoding='utf-8').read()) def regenerate_docs(self): self.corpus_docs = None self.Warning.no_feats_search.clear() if self.corpus is not None: feats = [self.search_features[i] for i in self.search_indices] if len(feats) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_search() self.corpus_docs = self.corpus.documents_from_features(feats) self.refresh_search() def refresh_search(self): if self.corpus: self.list_docs() self.update_info() def highlight_docs(self): search_keyword = self.filter_input.text().\ strip('|').replace('\\', '\\\\') # escape one \ to two for mark.js if search_keyword: self.doc_webview.evalJS('mark("{}");'.format(search_keyword)) def update_info(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.n_documents = len(self.corpus) self.n_matching = '{}/{}'.format(self.doc_list_model.rowCount(), self.n_documents) self.n_tokens = sum(map(len, self.corpus.tokens)) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.n_types = len(self.corpus.dictionary) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.is_preprocessed = self.corpus.has_tokens() self.is_pos_tagged = self.corpus.pos_tags is not None self.ngram_range = '{}-{}'.format(*self.corpus.ngram_range) else: self.n_documents = '' self.n_matching = '' self.n_tokens = '' self.n_types = '' self.is_preprocessed = '' self.is_pos_tagged = '' self.ngram_range = '' def commit(self): if self.corpus is not None: matched = self.corpus[self.output_mask] output_mask = set(self.output_mask) unmatched_mask = [i for i in range(len(self.corpus)) if i not in output_mask] unmatched = self.corpus[unmatched_mask] self.send(IO.MATCHED, matched) self.send(IO.UNMATCHED, unmatched) else: self.send(IO.MATCHED, None) self.send(IO.UNMATCHED, None)
class OWCorpusViewer(OWWidget): name = "Corpus Viewer" description = "Display corpus contents." icon = "icons/CorpusViewer.svg" priority = 500 class Inputs: corpus = Input("Corpus", Corpus, replaces=["Data"]) class Outputs: matching_docs = Output("Matching Docs", Corpus, default=True) other_docs = Output("Other Docs", Corpus) settingsHandler = PerfectDomainContextHandler( match_values = PerfectDomainContextHandler.MATCH_VALUES_ALL ) search_indices = ContextSetting([], exclude_metas=False) # features included in search display_indices = ContextSetting([], exclude_metas=False) # features for display display_features = ContextSetting([], exclude_metas=False) regexp_filter = ContextSetting("") selection = [0] # TODO: DataHashContextHandler show_tokens = Setting(False) autocommit = Setting(True) class Warning(OWWidget.Warning): no_feats_search = Msg('No features included in search.') no_feats_display = Msg('No features selected for display.') def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.corpus = None # Corpus self.corpus_docs = None # Documents generated from Corpus self.output_mask = [] # Output corpus indices self.doc_webview = None # WebView for showing content self.search_features = [] # two copies are needed since Display allows drag & drop self.display_list_indices = [0] # Info attributes self.update_info() info_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Info') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Documents: %(n_documents)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Preprocessed: %(is_preprocessed)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Tokens: %(n_tokens)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Types: %(n_types)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'POS tagged: %(is_pos_tagged)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'N-grams range: %(ngram_range)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Matching: %(n_matching)s') # Search features self.search_listbox = gui.listBox( self.controlArea, self, 'search_indices', 'search_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, box='Search features', callback=self.search_features_changed) # Display features display_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Display features') self.display_listbox = gui.listBox( display_box, self, 'display_list_indices', 'display_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, callback=self.show_docs, enableDragDrop=True) self.show_tokens_checkbox = gui.checkBox(display_box, self, 'show_tokens', 'Show Tokens && Tags', callback=self.show_docs) # Auto-commit box gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, 'autocommit', 'Send data', 'Auto send is on') # Search self.filter_input = gui.lineEdit(self.mainArea, self, 'regexp_filter', orientation=Qt.Horizontal, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed), label='RegExp Filter:') self.filter_input.textChanged.connect(self.refresh_search) # Main area self.splitter = QSplitter( orientation=Qt.Horizontal, childrenCollapsible=False, ) # Document list self.doc_list = QTableView() self.doc_list.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) self.doc_list.setSelectionMode(QTableView.ExtendedSelection) self.doc_list.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.Stretch) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False) self.splitter.addWidget(self.doc_list) self.doc_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self) self.doc_list.setModel(self.doc_list_model) self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.show_docs) # Document contents self.doc_webview = gui.WebviewWidget(self.splitter, debug=False) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.splitter) def copy_to_clipboard(self): text = self.doc_webview.selectedText() QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) @Inputs.corpus def set_data(self, corpus=None): self.closeContext() self.reset_widget() self.corpus = corpus self.search_features = [] if corpus is not None: domain = self.corpus.domain # Enable/disable tokens checkbox if not self.corpus.has_tokens(): self.show_tokens_checkbox.setCheckState(False) self.show_tokens_checkbox.setEnabled(self.corpus.has_tokens()) self.search_features = list(filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.display_features = list(filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.search_indices = list(range(len(self.search_features))) self.display_indices = list(range(len(self.display_features))) self.selection = [0] self.openContext(self.corpus) self.display_list_indices = self.display_indices self.regenerate_docs() self.list_docs() self.update_info() self.set_selection() self.show_docs() self.commit() def reset_widget(self): # Corpus self.corpus = None self.corpus_docs = None self.output_mask = [] self.display_features = [] # Widgets self.search_listbox.clear() self.display_listbox.clear() self.filter_input.clear() self.update_info() # Models/vars self.search_features.clear() self.search_indices.clear() self.display_indices.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() # Warnings self.Warning.clear() # WebView self.doc_webview.setHtml('') def list_docs(self): """ List documents into the left scrolling area """ if self.corpus_docs is None: return search_keyword = self.regexp_filter.strip('|') try: reg = re.compile(search_keyword, re.IGNORECASE) except sre_constants.error: return def is_match(x): return not bool(search_keyword) or self.output_mask.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() for i, (doc, title, content) in enumerate(zip(self.corpus, self.corpus.titles, self.corpus_docs)): if is_match(content): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(title, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(doc, Qt.UserRole) self.doc_list_model.appendRow(item) self.output_mask.append(i) def reset_selection(self): if self.doc_list_model.rowCount() > 0: self.doc_list.selectRow(0) # Select the first document else: self.doc_webview.setHtml('') def set_selection(self): view = self.doc_list if len(self.selection): selection = QItemSelection() for row in self.selection: selection.append( QItemSelectionRange( view.model().index(row, 0), view.model().index(row, 0) ) ) view.selectionModel().select( selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def show_docs(self): """ Show the selected documents in the right area """ HTML = ''' <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/jquery.mark.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/highlighter.js"> </script> <meta charset='utf-8'> <style> table {{ border-collapse: collapse; }} mark {{ background: #FFCD28; }} tr > td {{ padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; }} body {{ font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; }} .line {{ border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }} .separator {{ height: 5px; }} .variables {{ vertical-align: top; padding-right: 10px; }} .content {{ /* Adopted from */ /* These are technically the same, but use both */ overflow-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-word; -ms-word-break: break-all; /* This is the dangerous one in WebKit, as it breaks things wherever */ word-break: break-all; /* Instead use this non-standard one: */ word-break: break-word; /* Adds a hyphen where the word breaks, if supported (No Blink) */ -ms-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -webkit-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; }} .token {{ padding: 3px; border: 1px #B0B0B0 solid; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; display: inline-block; }} img {{ max-width: 100%; }} </style> </head> <body> {} </body> </html> ''' self.display_indices = self.display_list_indices if self.corpus is None: return self.Warning.no_feats_display.clear() if len(self.display_indices) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_display() if self.show_tokens: tokens = list(self.corpus.ngrams_iterator(include_postags=True)) marked_search_features = [f for i, f in enumerate(self.search_features) if i in self.search_indices] html = '<table>' selection = [i.row() for i in self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows()] if selection != []: self.selection = selection for doc_count, index in enumerate(self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows()): if doc_count > 0: # add split html += '<tr class="line separator"><td/><td/></tr>' \ '<tr class="separator"><td/><td/></tr>' row_ind = for ind in self.display_indices: feature = self.display_features[ind] value = str([]) if feature in marked_search_features: value = self.__mark_text(value) value = value.replace('\n', '<br/>') is_image = feature.attributes.get('type', '') == 'image' if is_image and value != '?': value = '<img src="{}"></img>'.format(value) html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>{}:</strong></td>' \ '<td class="content">{}</td></tr>'.format(, value) if self.show_tokens: html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>Tokens & Tags:</strong></td>' \ '<td>{}</td></tr>'.format(''.join('<span class="token">{}</span>'.format( token) for token in tokens[row_ind])) html += '</table>' base = QUrl.fromLocalFile(__file__) self.doc_webview.setHtml(HTML.format(html), base) def __mark_text(self, text): search_keyword = self.regexp_filter.strip('|') if not search_keyword: return text try: reg = re.compile(search_keyword, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) except sre_constants.error: return text matches = list(reg.finditer(text)) if not matches: return text text = list(text) for m in matches[::-1]: text[m.start():m.end()] = list('<mark data-markjs="true">{}</mark>'\ .format("".join(text[m.start():m.end()]))) return "".join(text) def search_features_changed(self): self.regenerate_docs() self.refresh_search() def regenerate_docs(self): self.corpus_docs = None self.Warning.no_feats_search.clear() if self.corpus is not None: feats = [self.search_features[i] for i in self.search_indices] if len(feats) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_search() self.corpus_docs = self.corpus.documents_from_features(feats) def refresh_search(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.list_docs() self.reset_selection() self.update_info() self.commit() def update_info(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.n_documents = len(self.corpus) self.n_matching = '{}/{}'.format(self.doc_list_model.rowCount(), self.n_documents) self.n_tokens = sum(map(len, self.corpus.tokens)) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.n_types = len(self.corpus.dictionary) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.is_preprocessed = self.corpus.has_tokens() self.is_pos_tagged = self.corpus.pos_tags is not None self.ngram_range = '{}-{}'.format(*self.corpus.ngram_range) else: self.n_documents = '' self.n_matching = '' self.n_tokens = '' self.n_types = '' self.is_preprocessed = '' self.is_pos_tagged = '' self.ngram_range = '' def commit(self): if self.corpus is not None: matched = self.corpus[self.output_mask] output_mask = set(self.output_mask) unmatched_mask = [i for i in range(len(self.corpus)) if i not in output_mask] unmatched = self.corpus[unmatched_mask] self.Outputs.matching_docs.send(matched) self.Outputs.other_docs.send(unmatched) else: self.Outputs.matching_docs.send(None) self.Outputs.other_docs.send(None) def send_report(self): self.report_items(( ("Query", self.regexp_filter), ("Matching documents", self.n_matching), ))
class OWCorpusViewer(OWWidget): name = "Corpus Viewer" description = "Display corpus contents." icon = "icons/CorpusViewer.svg" priority = 500 class Inputs: corpus = Input("Corpus", Corpus, replaces=["Data"]) class Outputs: matching_docs = Output("Matching Docs", Corpus, default=True) other_docs = Output("Other Docs", Corpus) settingsHandler = PerfectDomainContextHandler( match_values=PerfectDomainContextHandler.MATCH_VALUES_ALL) search_indices = ContextSetting( [], exclude_metas=False) # features included in search display_indices = ContextSetting( [], exclude_metas=False) # features for display display_features = ContextSetting([], exclude_metas=False) regexp_filter = ContextSetting("") selection = [0] # TODO: DataHashContextHandler show_tokens = Setting(False) autocommit = Setting(True) class Warning(OWWidget.Warning): no_feats_search = Msg('No features included in search.') no_feats_display = Msg('No features selected for display.') def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.corpus = None # Corpus self.corpus_docs = None # Documents generated from Corpus self.output_mask = [] # Output corpus indices self.doc_webview = None # WebView for showing content self.search_features = [ ] # two copies are needed since Display allows drag & drop self.display_list_indices = [0] # Info attributes self.update_info() info_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Info') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Documents: %(n_documents)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Preprocessed: %(is_preprocessed)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Tokens: %(n_tokens)s') gui.label(info_box, self, ' ◦ Types: %(n_types)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'POS tagged: %(is_pos_tagged)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'N-grams range: %(ngram_range)s') gui.label(info_box, self, 'Matching: %(n_matching)s') # Search features self.search_listbox = gui.listBox( self.controlArea, self, 'search_indices', 'search_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, box='Search features', callback=self.search_features_changed) # Display features display_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, 'Display features') self.display_listbox = gui.listBox( display_box, self, 'display_list_indices', 'display_features', selectionMode=QListView.ExtendedSelection, callback=self.show_docs, enableDragDrop=True) self.show_tokens_checkbox = gui.checkBox(display_box, self, 'show_tokens', 'Show Tokens && Tags', callback=self.show_docs) # Auto-commit box gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, 'autocommit', 'Send data', 'Auto send is on') # Search self.filter_input = gui.lineEdit(self.mainArea, self, 'regexp_filter', orientation=Qt.Horizontal, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed), label='RegExp Filter:') self.filter_input.textChanged.connect(self.refresh_search) # Main area self.splitter = QSplitter( orientation=Qt.Horizontal, childrenCollapsible=False, ) # Document list self.doc_list = QTableView() self.doc_list.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) self.doc_list.setSelectionMode(QTableView.ExtendedSelection) self.doc_list.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView.Stretch) self.doc_list.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False) self.splitter.addWidget(self.doc_list) self.doc_list_model = QStandardItemModel(self) self.doc_list.setModel(self.doc_list_model) self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.show_docs) # Document contents self.doc_webview = gui.WebviewWidget(self.splitter, debug=False) self.doc_webview.loadFinished.connect(self.highlight_docs) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.splitter) def copy_to_clipboard(self): text = self.doc_webview.selectedText() QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) @Inputs.corpus def set_data(self, corpus=None): self.closeContext() self.reset_widget() self.corpus = corpus self.search_features = [] if corpus is not None: domain = self.corpus.domain # Enable/disable tokens checkbox if not self.corpus.has_tokens(): self.show_tokens_checkbox.setCheckState(False) self.show_tokens_checkbox.setEnabled(self.corpus.has_tokens()) self.search_features = list( filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.display_features = list( filter_visible(chain(domain.variables, domain.metas))) self.search_indices = list(range(len(self.search_features))) self.display_indices = list(range(len(self.display_features))) self.selection = [0] self.openContext(self.corpus) self.display_list_indices = self.display_indices self.regenerate_docs() self.list_docs() self.update_info() self.set_selection() self.show_docs() self.commit() def reset_widget(self): # Corpus self.corpus = None self.corpus_docs = None self.output_mask = [] self.display_features = [] # Widgets self.search_listbox.clear() self.display_listbox.clear() self.filter_input.clear() self.update_info() # Models/vars self.search_features.clear() self.search_indices.clear() self.display_indices.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() # Warnings self.Warning.clear() # WebView self.doc_webview.setHtml('') def list_docs(self): """ List documents into the left scrolling area """ if self.corpus_docs is None: return search_keyword = self.regexp_filter.strip('|') try: reg = re.compile(search_keyword, re.IGNORECASE) except sre_constants.error: return def is_match(x): return not bool(search_keyword) or self.output_mask.clear() self.doc_list_model.clear() for i, (doc, title, content) in enumerate( zip(self.corpus, self.corpus.titles, self.corpus_docs)): if is_match(content): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(title, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(doc, Qt.UserRole) self.doc_list_model.appendRow(item) self.output_mask.append(i) def reset_selection(self): if self.doc_list_model.rowCount() > 0: self.doc_list.selectRow(0) # Select the first document else: self.doc_webview.setHtml('') def set_selection(self): view = self.doc_list if len(self.selection): selection = QItemSelection() for row in self.selection: selection.append( QItemSelectionRange(view.model().index(row, 0), view.model().index(row, 0))) view.selectionModel().select(selection, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def show_docs(self): """ Show the selected documents in the right area """ HTML = ''' <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/jquery.mark.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/highlighter.js"> </script> <meta charset='utf-8'> <style> table {{ border-collapse: collapse; }} mark {{ background: #FFCD28; }} tr > td {{ padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; }} body {{ font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 10pt; }} .line {{ border-bottom: 1px solid #000; }} .separator {{ height: 5px; }} .variables {{ vertical-align: top; padding-right: 10px; }} .token {{ padding: 3px; border: 1px #B0B0B0 solid; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; display: inline-block; }} img {{ max-width: 100%; }} </style> </head> <body> {} </body> </html> ''' self.display_indices = self.display_list_indices if self.corpus is None: return self.Warning.no_feats_display.clear() if len(self.display_indices) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_display() if self.show_tokens: tokens = list(self.corpus.ngrams_iterator(include_postags=True)) marked_search_features = [ f for i, f in enumerate(self.search_features) if i in self.search_indices ] html = '<table>' selection = [ i.row() for i in self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows() ] if selection != []: self.selection = selection for doc_count, index in enumerate( self.doc_list.selectionModel().selectedRows()): if doc_count > 0: # add split html += '<tr class="line separator"><td/><td/></tr>' \ '<tr class="separator"><td/><td/></tr>' row_ind = for ind in self.display_indices: feature = self.display_features[ind] mark = 'class="mark-area"' if feature in marked_search_features else '' value = str([]) is_image = feature.attributes.get('type', '') == 'image' if is_image and value != '?': value = '<img src="{}"></img>'.format(value) html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>{}:</strong></td>' \ '<td {}>{}</td></tr>'.format(, mark, value) if self.show_tokens: html += '<tr><td class="variables"><strong>Tokens & Tags:</strong></td>' \ '<td>{}</td></tr>'.format(''.join('<span class="token">{}</span>'.format( token) for token in tokens[row_ind])) html += '</table>' base = QUrl.fromLocalFile(__file__) self.doc_webview.setHtml(HTML.format(html), base) def search_features_changed(self): self.regenerate_docs() self.refresh_search() def regenerate_docs(self): self.corpus_docs = None self.Warning.no_feats_search.clear() if self.corpus is not None: feats = [self.search_features[i] for i in self.search_indices] if len(feats) == 0: self.Warning.no_feats_search() self.corpus_docs = self.corpus.documents_from_features(feats) def refresh_search(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.list_docs() self.reset_selection() self.update_info() self.commit() @Slot() def highlight_docs(self): search_keyword = self.regexp_filter.\ strip('|').replace('\\', '\\\\') # escape one \ to two for mark.js if search_keyword: # mark is undefined when clearing the view (`setHtml('')`). Maybe # set and template html with all the scripts, ... but no contents? self.doc_webview.runJavaScript(''' if (typeof mark !== "undefined") {{ mark("{}"); }} '''.format(search_keyword)) def update_info(self): if self.corpus is not None: self.n_documents = len(self.corpus) self.n_matching = '{}/{}'.format(self.doc_list_model.rowCount(), self.n_documents) self.n_tokens = sum( map(len, self.corpus.tokens)) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.n_types = len( self.corpus.dictionary) if self.corpus.has_tokens() else 'n/a' self.is_preprocessed = self.corpus.has_tokens() self.is_pos_tagged = self.corpus.pos_tags is not None self.ngram_range = '{}-{}'.format(*self.corpus.ngram_range) else: self.n_documents = '' self.n_matching = '' self.n_tokens = '' self.n_types = '' self.is_preprocessed = '' self.is_pos_tagged = '' self.ngram_range = '' def commit(self): if self.corpus is not None: matched = self.corpus[self.output_mask] output_mask = set(self.output_mask) unmatched_mask = [ i for i in range(len(self.corpus)) if i not in output_mask ] unmatched = self.corpus[unmatched_mask] self.Outputs.matching_docs.send(matched) self.Outputs.other_docs.send(unmatched) else: self.Outputs.matching_docs.send(None) self.Outputs.other_docs.send(None)
def __on_enrichment_finished(self, results): assert QThread.currentThread() is self.thread() self.__state &= ~OWSetEnrichment.RunningEnrichment query, reference, results = results if self.annotationsChartView.model(): self.annotationsChartView.model().clear() nquery = len(query) nref = len(reference) maxcount = max((len(e.query_mapped) for _, e in results), default=1) maxrefcount = max((len(e.reference_mapped) for _, e in results), default=1) nspaces = int(math.ceil(math.log10(maxcount or 1))) refspaces = int(math.ceil(math.log(maxrefcount or 1))) query_fmt = "%" + str(nspaces) + "s (%.2f%%)" ref_fmt = "%" + str(refspaces) + "s (%.2f%%)" def fmt_count(fmt, count, total): return fmt % (count, 100.0 * count / (total or 1)) fmt_query_count = partial(fmt_count, query_fmt) fmt_ref_count = partial(fmt_count, ref_fmt) linkFont = QFont(self.annotationsChartView.viewOptions().font) linkFont.setUnderline(True) def item(value=None, tooltip=None, user=None): si = QStandardItem() if value is not None: si.setData(value, Qt.DisplayRole) if tooltip is not None: si.setData(tooltip, Qt.ToolTipRole) if user is not None: si.setData(user, Qt.UserRole) else: si.setData(value, Qt.UserRole) return si model = QStandardItemModel() model.setSortRole(Qt.UserRole) model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Category", "Term", "Count", "Reference count", "p-value", "FDR", "Enrichment"]) for i, (gset, enrich) in enumerate(results): if len(enrich.query_mapped) == 0: continue nquery_mapped = len(enrich.query_mapped) nref_mapped = len(enrich.reference_mapped) row = [ item(", ".join(gset.hierarchy)), item(gsname(gset),, item(fmt_query_count(nquery_mapped, nquery), tooltip=nquery_mapped, user=nquery_mapped), item(fmt_ref_count(nref_mapped, nref), tooltip=nref_mapped, user=nref_mapped), item(fmtp(enrich.p_value), user=enrich.p_value), item(), # column 5, FDR, is computed in filterAnnotationsChartView item(enrich.enrichment_score, tooltip="%.3f" % enrich.enrichment_score, user=enrich.enrichment_score) ] row[0].geneset = gset row[0].enrichment = enrich row[1].setData(, gui.LinkRole) row[1].setFont(linkFont) row[1].setForeground(QColor( model.appendRow(row) self.annotationsChartView.setModel(model) self.annotationsChartView.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.commit ) if not model.rowCount(): self.warning(0, "No enriched sets found.") else: self.warning(0) allnames = set(gsname(geneset) for geneset, (count, _, _, _) in results if count) allnames |= reduce(operator.ior, (set(word_split(name)) for name in allnames), set()) self.filterCompleter.setModel(None) self.completerModel = QStringListModel(sorted(allnames)) self.filterCompleter.setModel(self.completerModel) if results: max_score = max((e.enrichment_score for _, e in results if np.isfinite(e.enrichment_score)), default=1) self.annotationsChartView.setItemDelegateForColumn( 6, BarItemDelegate(self, scale=(0.0, max_score)) ) self.annotationsChartView.setItemDelegateForColumn( 1, gui.LinkStyledItemDelegate(self.annotationsChartView) ) header = self.annotationsChartView.header() for i in range(model.columnCount()): sh = self.annotationsChartView.sizeHintForColumn(i) sh = max(sh, header.sectionSizeHint(i)) self.annotationsChartView.setColumnWidth(i, max(min(sh, 300), 30)) # self.annotationsChartView.resizeColumnToContents(i) self.filterAnnotationsChartView() self.progressBarFinished() self.setStatusMessage("")
class OWPreprocess(widget.OWWidget, openclass=True): name = "Preprocess" description = "Construct a data preprocessing pipeline." icon = "icons/Preprocess.svg" priority = 2105 keywords = ["process"] settings_version = 2 class Inputs: data = Input("Data", class Outputs: preprocessor = Output("Preprocessor", preprocess.preprocess.Preprocess, dynamic=False) preprocessed_data = Output("Preprocessed Data", storedsettings = Setting({}) autocommit = Setting(True) PREPROCESSORS = PREPROCESS_ACTIONS CONTROLLER = Controller def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self._invalidated = False # List of available preprocessors (DescriptionRole : Description) self.preprocessors = QStandardItemModel() def mimeData(indexlist): assert len(indexlist) == 1 index = indexlist[0] qname = m = QMimeData() m.setData("application/x-qwidget-ref", qname.encode("utf-8")) return m # TODO: Fix this (subclass even if just to pass a function # for mimeData delegate) self.preprocessors.mimeData = mimeData box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Preprocessors") gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # we define a class that lets us set the vertical sizeHint # based on the height and number of items in the list # see self.__update_list_sizeHint class ListView(QListView): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vertical_hint = None def sizeHint(self): sh = super().sizeHint() if self.vertical_hint: return QSize(sh.width(), self.vertical_hint) return sh self.preprocessorsView = view = ListView( selectionMode=QListView.SingleSelection, dragEnabled=True, dragDropMode=QListView.DragOnly) view.setModel(self.preprocessors) view.activated.connect(self.__activated) box.layout().addWidget(view) #### self._qname2ppdef = { ppdef.qualname: ppdef for ppdef in self.PREPROCESSORS } # List of 'selected' preprocessors and their parameters. self.preprocessormodel = None self.flow_view = SequenceFlow() self.controler = self.CONTROLLER(self.flow_view, parent=self) self.overlay = OverlayWidget(self) self.overlay.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) self.overlay.setWidget(self.flow_view) self.overlay.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) self.overlay.layout().addWidget( QLabel("Drag items from the list on the left", wordWrap=True)) self.scroll_area = QScrollArea( verticalScrollBarPolicy=Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) self.scroll_area.viewport().setAcceptDrops(True) self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.flow_view) self.scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.scroll_area) self.flow_view.installEventFilter(self) gui.auto_apply(self.buttonsArea, self, "autocommit") self._initialize() def _initialize(self): for pp_def in self.PREPROCESSORS: description = pp_def.description if description.icon: icon = QIcon(description.icon) else: icon = QIcon() item = QStandardItem(icon, description.title) item.setToolTip(description.summary or "") item.setData(pp_def, DescriptionRole) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.preprocessors.appendRow([item]) self.__update_list_sizeHint() model = self.load(self.storedsettings) self.set_model(model) if not model.rowCount(): # enforce default width constraint if no preprocessors # are instantiated (if the model is not empty the constraints # will be triggered by LayoutRequest event on the `flow_view`) self.__update_size_constraint() self.apply() def __update_list_sizeHint(self): view = self.preprocessorsView h = view.sizeHintForRow(0) n = self.preprocessors.rowCount() view.vertical_hint = n * h + 2 # only on Mac? view.updateGeometry() def load(self, saved): """Load a preprocessor list from a dict.""" preprocessors = saved.get("preprocessors", []) model = StandardItemModel() def dropMimeData(data, action, row, _column, _parent): if data.hasFormat("application/x-qwidget-ref") and \ action == Qt.CopyAction: qname = bytes("application/x-qwidget-ref")).decode() ppdef = self._qname2ppdef[qname] item = QStandardItem(ppdef.description.title) item.setData({}, ParametersRole) item.setData(ppdef.description.title, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(ppdef, DescriptionRole) self.preprocessormodel.insertRow(row, [item]) return True else: return False model.dropMimeData = dropMimeData for qualname, params in preprocessors: pp_def = self._qname2ppdef[qualname] description = pp_def.description item = QStandardItem(description.title) if description.icon: icon = QIcon(description.icon) else: icon = QIcon() item.setIcon(icon) item.setToolTip(description.summary) item.setData(pp_def, DescriptionRole) item.setData(params, ParametersRole) model.appendRow(item) return model @staticmethod def save(model): """Save the preprocessor list to a dict.""" d = {"name": ""} preprocessors = [] for i in range(model.rowCount()): item = model.item(i) pp_def = params = preprocessors.append((pp_def.qualname, params)) d["preprocessors"] = preprocessors return d def set_model(self, ppmodel): if self.preprocessormodel: self.preprocessormodel.dataChanged.disconnect( self.__on_modelchanged) self.preprocessormodel.rowsInserted.disconnect( self.__on_modelchanged) self.preprocessormodel.rowsRemoved.disconnect( self.__on_modelchanged) self.preprocessormodel.rowsMoved.disconnect(self.__on_modelchanged) self.preprocessormodel.deleteLater() self.preprocessormodel = ppmodel self.controler.setModel(ppmodel) if ppmodel is not None: self.preprocessormodel.dataChanged.connect(self.__on_modelchanged) self.preprocessormodel.rowsInserted.connect(self.__on_modelchanged) self.preprocessormodel.rowsRemoved.connect(self.__on_modelchanged) self.preprocessormodel.rowsMoved.connect(self.__on_modelchanged) self.__update_overlay() def __update_overlay(self): if self.preprocessormodel is None or \ self.preprocessormodel.rowCount() == 0: self.overlay.setWidget(self.flow_view) else: self.overlay.setWidget(None) self.overlay.hide() def __on_modelchanged(self): self.__update_overlay() self.commit() @check_sql_input def set_data(self, data=None): """Set the input dataset.""" = data def handleNewSignals(self): self.apply() def __activated(self, index): item = self.preprocessors.itemFromIndex(index) action = item = QStandardItem() item.setData({}, ParametersRole) item.setData(action.description.title, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(action, DescriptionRole) self.preprocessormodel.appendRow([item]) def buildpreproc(self): plist = [] for i in range(self.preprocessormodel.rowCount()): item = self.preprocessormodel.item(i) desc = params = if not isinstance(params, dict): params = {} create = desc.viewclass.createinstance plist.append(create(params)) if len(plist) == 1: return plist[0] else: return preprocess.preprocess.PreprocessorList(plist) def apply(self): # Sync the model into storedsettings on every apply. self.storeSpecificSettings() preprocessor = self.buildpreproc() if is not None: self.error() try: data = preprocessor( except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as e: self.error(str(e)) return else: data = None self.Outputs.preprocessor.send(preprocessor) self.Outputs.preprocessed_data.send(data) def commit(self): if not self._invalidated: self._invalidated = True QApplication.postEvent(self, QEvent(QEvent.User)) def customEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.User and self._invalidated: self._invalidated = False self.apply() def eventFilter(self, receiver, event): if receiver is self.flow_view and event.type() == QEvent.LayoutRequest: QTimer.singleShot(0, self.__update_size_constraint) return super().eventFilter(receiver, event) def storeSpecificSettings(self): """Reimplemented.""" self.storedsettings = super().storeSpecificSettings() def saveSettings(self): """Reimplemented.""" self.storedsettings = super().saveSettings() @classmethod def migrate_settings(cls, settings, version): if version < 2: for action, params in settings["storedsettings"]["preprocessors"]: if action == "orange.preprocess.scale": scale = center = None if "center" in params: center = params.pop("center").name if "scale" in params: scale = params.pop("scale").name migratable = { ("Mean", "NoScaling"): Scale.CenterByMean, ("NoCentering", "Std"): Scale.ScaleBySD, ("Mean", "Std"): Scale.NormalizeBySD, ("NoCentering", "Span"): Scale.NormalizeBySpan_ZeroBased } params["method"] = \ migratable.get((center, scale), Scale.NormalizeBySD) def onDeleteWidget(self): = None self.set_model(None) super().onDeleteWidget() @Slot() def __update_size_constraint(self): # Update minimum width constraint on the scroll area containing # the 'instantiated' preprocessor list (to avoid the horizontal # scroll bar). sh = self.flow_view.minimumSizeHint() scroll_width = self.scroll_area.verticalScrollBar().width() self.scroll_area.setMinimumWidth( min(max(sh.width() + scroll_width + 2, self.controlArea.width()), 520)) def send_report(self): pp = [(self.controler.model().index(i, 0).data(Qt.DisplayRole), w) for i, w in enumerate(self.controler.view.widgets())] if pp: self.report_items("Settings", pp)
class OWBatchNorm(OWWidget): name = "Batch Effect Removal" description = "Batch effect normalization on Single Cell data set." icon = "icons/BatchEffectRemoval.svg" priority = 230 class Inputs: data = Input("Data", Table) class Outputs: data = Output("Data", Table) class Error(OWWidget.Error): general_error = Msg({}) discrete_attributes = Msg("Data with discrete attributes " "can not be processed.") class Warning(OWWidget.Warning): missing_values = Msg("Missing values have been replaced with 0.") negative_values = Msg("Unable to use current settings due " "to negative values in data.") resizing_enabled = False want_main_area = False settingsHandler = PerfectDomainContextHandler() batch_vars = ContextSetting([]) link_method = Setting(LinkMethod.IDENTITY_LINK) skip_zeros = Setting(False) auto_commit = Setting(True) def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) = None # Info infobox = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Info") self.info_label = gui.widgetLabel(infobox, "No data on input.") # Link method method_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Method") gui.comboBox(method_box, self, "link_method", items=LinkMethod.items(), callback=self.__link_method_changed) gui.separator(method_box) self.skip_zeros_check = gui.checkBox( method_box, self, "skip_zeros", "Skip zero expressions", enabled=self.link_method != LinkMethod.LOG_LINK, callback=lambda: self.commit()) # Batch Variable Selection header_shema = (("selected", ""), ("variable", "Variable"), ("count", "#"), ("score", "Score")) header_labels = labels = [label for _, label in header_shema] header = namedtuple("header", [tag for tag, _ in header_shema]) self.Header = header(*[index for index, _ in enumerate(labels)]) batch_box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Batch Variable Selection") self.view = QTreeView() self.model = QStandardItemModel() self.model.itemChanged.connect(self.__selected_batch_vars_changed) self.model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header_labels) batch_box.layout().addWidget(self.view) self._setup_view() gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, "auto_commit", "Apply", "Apply Automatically") def __link_method_changed(self): enable = self.link_method != LinkMethod.LOG_LINK self.skip_zeros_check.setEnabled(enable) if not enable: self.skip_zeros_check.setChecked(True) self.commit() def __selected_batch_vars_changed(self, item): if item.checkState(): self.batch_vars.append( else: self.batch_vars.remove( self.commit() def _setup_view(self): self.view.setModel(self.model) self.view.setSelectionMode(QTreeView.NoSelection) self.view.setSortingEnabled(True) self.view.setRootIsDecorated(False) self.view.setItemDelegateForColumn(self.Header.count, IntegralDelegate(self)) self.view.setItemDelegateForColumn(self.Header.score, RealDelegate(self)) self.view.header().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.view.header().setStretchLastSection(False) self.view.header().setSectionResizeMode(self.Header.variable, QHeaderView.Stretch) self.view.setFocus() def set_data(self, data): self.closeContext() self.clear() = data self._setup_info_label() self._check_data() self.openContext(data) if is not None: self.batch_vars = [data.domain[] for v in self.batch_vars] self._setup_model() self.commit() def clear(self): self.batch_vars = [] if self.model: n_rows = self.model.rowCount() self.model.removeRows(0, n_rows) def _setup_info_label(self): text = "No data on input." if is not None: domain, attrs =, text = "{} cells, {} genes\n".format(len(, len(attrs)) text += "{} meta features".format(len(domain.metas)) \ if len(domain.metas) else "(no meta features)" self.info_label.setText(text) def _check_data(self): self.clear_messages() if and = None self.Error.discrete_attributes() if and np.isnan( = np.nan_to_num( self.Warning.missing_values() def _setup_model(self): estimator = ScBatchScorer() for var in + if not var.is_primitive(): continue try: score = float(estimator.score_data(, var)) except Exception: score = np.nan self.model.appendRow([ self.__selected_item(var), self.__variable_item(var), self.__count_item(var), self.__score_item(score) ]) def __selected_item(self, var): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(var, VariableRole) item.setCheckable(True) select = var in self.batch_vars item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked if select else Qt.Unchecked) item.setEditable(False) return item def __variable_item(self, var): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setData(gui.attributeIconDict[var], Qt.DecorationRole) item.setEditable(False) return item def __count_item(self, var): item = QStandardItem() if var.is_discrete: item.setData(len(var.values), Qt.DisplayRole) item.setEditable(False) return item def __score_item(self, score): item = QStandardItem() item.setData(score, Qt.DisplayRole) item.setEditable(False) return item def commit(self): data = None self.Error.general_error.clear() self.Warning.negative_values.clear() if is not None: if ( < 0).any() and self.skip_zeros: self.Warning.negative_values() data = else: try: data = SCBatchNormalizer( LinkMethod.items()[self.link_method], self.skip_zeros, self.batch_vars)( except Exception as e: self.Error.general_error(str(e)) data = None def send_report(self): method = LinkMethod.items()[self.link_method] if self.skip_zeros: method += " (Skip zero expressions)" variables = ", ".join([ for v in self.batch_vars]) \ if self.batch_vars else "None" self.report_items("", [("Method", method), ("Batch variable selection", variables)])