def testEnvironment(self):
     certfile = 'iOS APNS DEV On The Move.pem'
     pns = ApplePushNotificationSender(certfile)
     pns.environment = 'production'
     self.assertEqual(pns.environment, 'production')
     pns.environment = 'sandbox'
     self.assertEqual(pns.environment, 'sandbox')
     # misspelled
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, pns.setEnvironment, 'sanbox')
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, pns.setEnvironment, 'productio')
コード例 #2
    message = str(sys.argv[1])
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    badgeCount = int(sys.argv[2])
# obtained by running an iOS app on a device and registering it for push
# notifications. The pushToken is received in one of the callbackmethods
deviceTokens = (

pushNotifications = []
for aDeviceToken in deviceTokens:
    pn = ApplePushNotification()
    pn.deviceToken = aDeviceToken
    pn.message = message

pnSender = ApplePushNotificationSender(certfile)
pnSender.environment = 'sandbox'
pnSender.pushNotifications = pushNotifications

absTokens = pnSender.getAbsoleteDeviceTokens()
print absTokens
for aTuple in absTokens:
    timeinterval = aTuple[0]
    deviceToken = aTuple[1]
    timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(timeinterval)
    print "timestampt: %s; token: %s" % (timestamp, deviceToken,)