コード例 #1
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: rcaspart/DDM
def CorruptedFilesInTimeWindow(params):
    if params.SiteName == 'summary':
        sitename = 'T2_%'
        sitename = params.SiteName

    #cursor = connection.cursor()
    table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, params.dbview)

    query = '''select * from %s 
    where sitename like %%s ;''' % (table)

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(query, [sitename])

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #2
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: nataliaratnikova/DDM
def xrdStatInTimeWindow(params):

    table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, params.table)

    vars = 'xTime, yValue, yValue/3600. as rate, round((xTime-to_date(\'19700101\',\'YYYYMMDD\'))*86400)*1000 as millisecondsSinceEpoch'

    whereCondition = '''
    xTime >= to_date(\'%s\',\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\') 
    and xTime <= to_date(\'%s\',\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\')''' % (params.TStart,

    orderby = ''
    if hasattr(params, 'orderby'):
        orderby = params.orderby

    query = 'select %s from %s where %s %s' % (vars, table, whereCondition,

        cursor = connections[DBUSER].cursor()

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #3
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: dmwm/DDM
def xrdStatInTimeWindow(params):

    table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, params.table)
    vars  = 'xTime, yValue, yValue/3600. as rate, round((xTime-to_date(\'19700101\',\'YYYYMMDD\'))*86400)*1000 as millisecondsSinceEpoch'

    whereCondition = '''
    xTime >= to_date(\'%s\',\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\') 
    and xTime <= to_date(\'%s\',\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\')''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop)

    orderby = ''
    if hasattr(params, 'orderby'):
        orderby = params.orderby
    query = 'select %s from %s where %s %s' % (vars, table, whereCondition, orderby)

        cursor = connections[DBUSER].cursor()
    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #4
def MostPopDSStat(params, MView, collName):

    #cursor = connection.cursor()

    if params.includeWMAgent == 'y':
        baseMV = "STAT0"
    elif params.includeWMAgent == 'n':
        baseMV = "STAT1"

    if MView == 'DataTier':
        aggrMV = "AGGR2"
    elif MView == 'DS':
        aggrMV = "AGGR1"
    elif MView == 'DSName':
        aggrMV = 'AGGR4'

    table = "%s.MV_DS_%s_%s" % (DBUSER, baseMV, aggrMV)
    #TimeFormats: timeformat acts to the displayed date, timeformatTrunc acts to the truncation of the input dates, and should be keept with the format of the aggregation

    timeformat = 'YYYY/MM/DD'

    if params.AggrFlag == 'day':
        timeformatTrunc = 'DDD'
    elif params.AggrFlag == 'week':
        timeformatTrunc = 'WW'
    elif params.AggrFlag == 'month':
        timeformatTrunc = 'MONTH'
    elif params.AggrFlag == 'quarter':
        timeformatTrunc = 'Q'
    elif params.AggrFlag == 'year':
        timeformatTrunc = 'YEAR'

    whereCondition = "collName = '%s'" % collName
    orderBy       = "order by TDay " 
    vtime         = "trunc(TDay,'%s')" % (timeformatTrunc)
    groupBy = "group by %s, collName" % vtime
    vars  = '''to_char(%s,'%s') as TDay, sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, 
               round(sum(totCPU)/3600,0) as totCPU, sum(numUsers) as nUsers
            ''' % (vtime, timeformat)
    if params.SiteName != 'summary':
        whereCondition = "%s and siteName like '%s' " % (whereCondition, params.SiteName)
        table += "_SUMM"
    query = "select %s from %s where %s %s %s " % (vars, table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy)
        cursor = connection.cursor()

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data = {'DATA': utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor), 'COLLNAME': collName}
    return data
コード例 #5
def DSStatInTimeWindow(params, MView):
    #cursor = connection.cursor()
    if params.includeWMAgent == 'y':
        baseMV = "STAT0"
    elif params.includeWMAgent == 'n':
        baseMV = "STAT1"

    if MView == 'DataTier':
        aggrMV = "AGGR2"
    elif MView == 'DS':
        aggrMV = "AGGR1"
    elif MView == 'DSName':
        aggrMV = 'AGGR4'

    table = "%s.MV_DS_%s_%s" % (DBUSER, baseMV, aggrMV)
    vars  = '''collName , sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, round(sum(totCPU)/3600,0) 
             as totCPU, sum(numUsers) as nUsers''' 
    whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                        and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD')
                     ''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop)
    groupBy  = "collName" 

    if params.orderVar == 'naccess' :    
        orderBy  = "nAcc desc"
    elif params.orderVar == 'nusers' :    
        orderBy  = "nUsers desc"
        orderBy  = "totCPU desc"
    if hasattr(params, "collname"):
       whereCondition += " and collName = '%s'" % (params.collname)
    if params.SiteName != 'summary':
        groupBy = "%s, siteName" % groupBy 
        whereCondition = "%s and siteName like '%s' " % (whereCondition, params.SiteName)
        table += "_SUMM"
    query = '''select collName, nAcc, totcpu, nUsers, 100* ratio_to_report(nAcc) 
             over() as rnAcc , 100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) 
             over() as rtotcpu , 100* ratio_to_report(nUsers) 
             over() as rnUsers 
             from (select %s from %s where %s group by %s order by %s)
            ''' % (vars, table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy)

        cursor = connection.cursor()

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #6
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: dmwm/DDM
def UserStatInTimeWindow(params):

    #cursor = connection.cursor()
    table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR3")

    orderBy  = "%s " % params.orderVar
    if hasattr(params, 'LocalVsGlobal') and params.LocalVsGlobal == True :

        whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                            and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                            ''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop)

        groupBy  = "REGEXP_INSTR(server_username,'^cms'), collName" 

        query = '''select replace(replace(username,\'0\',\'Local\'),\'1\',\'Grid\') as username, collName, nAcc, totcpu, readMB,
                   100* ratio_to_report(nAcc) over() as rnAcc ,
                   100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) over() as rtotcpu, 
                   100* ratio_to_report(readMB) over() as rreadMB
                   from (select REGEXP_INSTR(server_username,\'^cms\') as username, collName, sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, round(sum(totcpu)/3600.,3) as totcpu, sum(readBytes)/1024/1024 / sum(numAccesses) as readMB 
                   from %s where %s group by %s order by %s) 
                 ''' % (table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy) 
        whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                            and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD')''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop)

        if params.collName.lower() != 'all' :
            whereCondition += '''and collName like '%s' ''' % params.collName

        groupBy  = "server_username" 

        query = '''select username, nAcc, totcpu, readMB,
        100* ratio_to_report(nAcc) over() as rnAcc ,
        100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) over() as rtotcpu, 
        100* ratio_to_report(readMB) over() as rreadMB
        from (select server_username as username, sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, round(sum(totcpu)/3600.,3) as totcpu, sum(readBytes)/1024/1024 / sum(numAccesses) as readMB 
        from %s where %s group by %s order by %s) ''' % (table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy) 

        cursor = connections[DBUSER].cursor() 

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)    

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #7
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: rcaspart/DDM
def UserStatInTimeWindow(params):

    #cursor = connection.cursor()
    table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_DS_STAT0_AGGR3")

    vars  = '''userid, sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, 
               round(sum(totCPU)/3600,0) as totCPU, 
               sum(numSites)/((to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD')-to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD'))+1) as nSites
            '''  % (params.TStop, params.TStart)
    whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                        and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                     ''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop)

    if params.CollName.lower() != 'all' :
        whereCondition += '''and collName like '%s' ''' % params.CollName

    groupBy  = "userid" 

    if params.orderVar == 'nacc' :    
        orderBy  = "nAcc desc"
    elif params.orderVar == 'nsites' :    
        orderBy  = "nSites desc"
        orderBy  = "totCPU desc"
    useridtable = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_USER_USERID")

    #NB: the additional group by username at the end of this query is needed because I discovered
    ##   that the unicity userid <-> username is not guarantee: the same username can have more than one userid in dashboard
    ##   the usage of userid was decided to help in making a query faster: being based on a integer search instead of a string search
    query = '''select username, nAcc, nsites, totcpu, 100* ratio_to_report(nAcc) 
               over() as rnAcc , 100* ratio_to_report(nsites) 
               over() as rnsites , 100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) 
               over() as rtotcpu 
               from (select username, sum(nacc) as nAcc, sum(nsites) as nsites, sum(totcpu) as totcpu 
               from %s, (select %%s from %%s where %%s group by %%s ) res 
               where %s.userid=res.userid group by username order by %%s )
             ''' % (useridtable, useridtable)

    query = query % (vars, table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy) 
        cursor = connection.cursor() 
    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)    

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #8
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: dmwm/DDM
def DSStatInTimeWindow(params):
    #cursor = connection.cursor()
    if params.table == 'DataTier':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR2")
    elif params.table == 'DS':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR1")
    elif params.table == 'DSName':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR4")
    elif params.table == 'UserDS':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT1_AGGR1")

    vars  = '''collName , sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, round(sum(totCPU)/3600,0) 
             as totCPU, sum(numUsers)/( to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') - to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') +1  ) as nUsers,
             sum(readBytes)/1024/1024 / sum(numAccesses) as readMB
             ''' % (params.TStop, params.TStart)
    whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                        and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD')
                        and isUserCMS = %s
                     ''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop, params.isUserCMS)
    groupBy  = "collName" 

    orderBy  = "%s desc" % params.orderVar
    if hasattr(params, "collname"):
       whereCondition += " and collName = '%s'" % (params.collname)
    # if params.SiteName != 'summary':
    #     groupBy = "%s, siteName" % groupBy 
    #     whereCondition = "%s and siteName like '%s' " % (whereCondition, params.SiteName)
    # else:
    #     table += "_SUMM"
    query = '''select collName, nAcc, totcpu, nUsers, readMB,
             100* ratio_to_report(nAcc)   over() as rnAcc ,
             100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) over() as rtotcpu ,
             100* ratio_to_report(nUsers) over() as rnUsers ,
             100* ratio_to_report(readMB) over() as rreadMB
             from (select %s from %s where %s group by %s order by %s)
            ''' % (vars, table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy)

        cursor = connections[DBUSER].cursor()

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #9
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: nataliaratnikova/DDM
def DSStatInTimeWindow(params):

    #cursor = connection.cursor()
    if params.table == 'DataTier':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR2")
    elif params.table == 'DS':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR1")
    elif params.table == 'DSName':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR4")
    elif params.table == 'UserDS':
        table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT1_AGGR1")

    vars = '''collName , sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, round(sum(totCPU)/3600,0) 
             as totCPU, sum(numUsers)/( to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') - to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') +1  ) as nUsers,
             sum(readBytes)/1024/1024 / sum(numAccesses) as readMB
             ''' % (params.TStop, params.TStart)

    whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                        and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD')
                        and isUserCMS = %s
                     ''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop, params.isUserCMS)
    groupBy = "collName"

    orderBy = "%s desc" % params.orderVar

    if hasattr(params, "collname"):
        whereCondition += " and collName = '%s'" % (params.collname)

    # if params.SiteName != 'summary':
    #     groupBy = "%s, siteName" % groupBy
    #     whereCondition = "%s and siteName like '%s' " % (whereCondition, params.SiteName)
    # else:
    #     table += "_SUMM"

    query = '''select collName, nAcc, totcpu, nUsers, readMB,
             100* ratio_to_report(nAcc)   over() as rnAcc ,
             100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) over() as rtotcpu ,
             100* ratio_to_report(nUsers) over() as rnUsers ,
             100* ratio_to_report(readMB) over() as rreadMB
             from (select %s from %s where %s group by %s order by %s)
            ''' % (vars, table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy)

        cursor = connections[DBUSER].cursor()

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #10
ファイル: popDB.py プロジェクト: nataliaratnikova/DDM
def UserStatInTimeWindow(params):

    #cursor = connection.cursor()

    table = "%s.%s" % (DBUSER, "MV_XRD_DS_STAT0_AGGR3")

    orderBy = "%s " % params.orderVar

    if hasattr(params, 'LocalVsGlobal') and params.LocalVsGlobal == True:

        whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                            and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                            ''' % (params.TStart, params.TStop)

        groupBy = "REGEXP_INSTR(server_username,'^cms'), collName"

        query = '''select replace(replace(username,\'0\',\'Local\'),\'1\',\'Grid\') as username, collName, nAcc, totcpu, readMB,
                   100* ratio_to_report(nAcc) over() as rnAcc ,
                   100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) over() as rtotcpu, 
                   100* ratio_to_report(readMB) over() as rreadMB
                   from (select REGEXP_INSTR(server_username,\'^cms\') as username, collName, sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, round(sum(totcpu)/3600.,3) as totcpu, sum(readBytes)/1024/1024 / sum(numAccesses) as readMB 
                   from %s where %s group by %s order by %s) 
                 ''' % (table, whereCondition, groupBy, orderBy)

        whereCondition = '''TDay >= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD') 
                            and TDay <= to_date('%s','YYYY-MM-DD')''' % (
            params.TStart, params.TStop)

        if params.collName.lower() != 'all':
            whereCondition += '''and collName like '%s' ''' % params.collName

        groupBy = "server_username"

        query = '''select username, nAcc, totcpu, readMB,
        100* ratio_to_report(nAcc) over() as rnAcc ,
        100* ratio_to_report(totcpu) over() as rtotcpu, 
        100* ratio_to_report(readMB) over() as rreadMB
        from (select server_username as username, sum(numAccesses) as nAcc, round(sum(totcpu)/3600.,3) as totcpu, sum(readBytes)/1024/1024 / sum(numAccesses) as readMB 
        from %s where %s group by %s order by %s) ''' % (table, whereCondition,
                                                         groupBy, orderBy)

        cursor = connections[DBUSER].cursor()
        cursor.execute(query)  #

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)

    data = {}
    data['DATA'] = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
    return data
コード例 #11
def getSitesList(DB):
    """ Query the memorized view MV_Site to get a list of
    the sites present on the database"""

    table = "%s.%s" % (DB, "MV_Site")

    query = 'select SITENAME from %s order by SITENAME' % (table)
        cursor = connections[DB].cursor()

        data = {}
        data = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
        sitelist = map(lambda x: x["SITENAME"], data)
        return sitelist

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)
コード例 #12
ファイル: popCommonDB.py プロジェクト: TonyWildish/DDM
def getSitesList(DB): 
    """ Query the memorized view MV_Site to get a list of
    the sites present on the database"""
    table = "%s.%s" % (DB, "MV_Site")    

    query = 'select SITENAME from %s order by SITENAME' % (table)    
        cursor = connections[DB].cursor()

        data = {}
        data = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
        sitelist = map(lambda x: x["SITENAME"], data)
        return sitelist
    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)
コード例 #13
def getProcessedDataSetList(DB):
    """ Query the memorized view MV_DSNAME to get a list of
    the Processed DataSets present on the database"""

    table = "%s.%s" % (DB, "MV_DSNAME")
    query = 'select COLLNAME from  %s' % (table)

        cursor = connections[DB].cursor()

        data = {}
        data = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
        dslist = map(lambda x: x["COLLNAME"], data)
        return data

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)
コード例 #14
ファイル: popCommonDB.py プロジェクト: TonyWildish/DDM
def getProcessedDataSetList(DB):
    """ Query the memorized view MV_DSNAME to get a list of
    the Processed DataSets present on the database"""

    table = "%s.%s" % (DB, "MV_DSNAME")
    query = 'select COLLNAME from  %s' % (table)

        cursor = connections[DB].cursor()

        data = {}
        data = utility.genericTranslateInList(cursor)
        dslist = map(lambda x: x["COLLNAME"], data)
        return data

    except Exception as e:
        raise PopularityDBException(query, e)