def button(self, screen, message, font_size, x, y, width, height, inactive_color, active_color, action=None): self.mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if x + width > self.mouse[0] > x and y + height > self.mouse[1] > y : pygame.draw.rect(screen, inactive_color,(x,y,width,height)) if[0] == 1 and action == "start" and self.can_click: "Se o botão continuar for pressionado retorna ao jogo." self.can_click = False self.can_draw_menu = False if[0] == 1 and action == "continue" and self.can_click: self.can_click = False self.can_draw_controls = False if[0] == 1 and action == "quit": "Se o botão continuar for pressionado retorna ao jogo." self.quit_game = True else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, active_color,(x, y, width, height)) self.text = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/Zombie.ttf", font_size) self.text_surf, self.text_rect = text_objects(message, self.text, black) = ( (x + (width / 2) ), (y + (height / 2) ) ) screen.blit(self.text_surf, self.text_rect)
def __init__(self): self.can_draw_menu = True self.can_draw_controls = True self.can_click = True self.title = Fonts.get("Menu/Zombie.ttf", 80) self.TextSurf, self.TextRect = text_objects("The Final Wall", self.title, red) = (500),(150) self.title2 = Fonts.get("Menu/Zombie.ttf", 50) self.TextSurf2, self.TextRect2 = text_objects("Controles", self.title, red) = (500),(150) self.quit_game = False self.background = background_menu_image self.game_controls = game_controls
def __init__(self): self.can_draw = True self.quit_game = False self.screen_color = red self.title = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/Zombie.ttf", 50) self.TextSurf, self.TextRect = text_objects("Fim de jogo", self.title, black) = (500),(150)
def button(self, screen, message, font_size, x, y, width, height, inactive_color, active_color, action, transparent, weapon_name, weapons): self.mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if x + width > self.mouse[0] > x and y + height > self.mouse[1] > y : if not transparent: pygame.draw.rect(screen, inactive_color,(x,y,width,height)) if[0] == 1 and action == "continue": "Se o botão continuar for pressionado retorna ao jogo." self.can_draw = False # Mostra pagina do diário. elif[0] == 1 and action == "show_page": if not self.show_diary_page: self.show_diary_page = True else: self.show_diary_page = False # Muda os icones das armas conforme selecionado. elif[0] == 1 and action == "change_weapon" and self.can_click: self.can_click = False if self.select_weapon == 1: self.select_weapon = 2 if weapon_name == "pistol": self.weapon_1_name = "pistol" self.primary_weapon_icon = self.pistol_icon if weapon_name == "revolver" and weapons[1].available: self.weapon_1_name = "revolver" self.primary_weapon_icon = self.revolver_icon if weapon_name == "ak_47" and weapons[2].available: self.weapon_1_name = "ak_47" self.primary_weapon_icon = self.ak_47_icon if weapon_name == "sniper_rifle" and weapons[3].available: self.weapon_1_name = "sniper_rifle" self.primary_weapon_icon = self.sniper_icon else: self.select_weapon = 1 if weapon_name == "pistol": self.weapon_2_name = "pistol" self.secondary_weapon_icon = self.pistol_icon if weapon_name == "revolver" and weapons[1].available: self.weapon_2_name = "revolver" self.secondary_weapon_icon = self.revolver_icon if weapon_name == "ak_47" and weapons[2].available: self.weapon_2_name = "ak_47" self.secondary_weapon_icon = self.ak_47_icon if weapon_name == "sniper_rifle" and weapons[3].available: self.weapon_2_name = "sniper_rifle" self.secondary_weapon_icon = self.sniper_icon elif not transparent: pygame.draw.rect(screen, active_color,(x, y, width, height)) self.text = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/zombieCat.ttf", font_size) self.text_surf, self.text_rect = text_objects(message, self.text, black) = ( (x + (width / 2) ), (y + (height / 2) ) ) screen.blit(self.text_surf, self.text_rect)
def __init__(self): self.can_draw = True self.quit_game = False self.screen_color = black self.title = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/Zombie.ttf", 50) self.game_controls = game_controls self.TextSurf, self.TextRect = text_objects("Fim de jogo", self.title, black) = (490),(150) self.helicopter_sound = helicopter_sound
def __init__(self): self.hours = 8 self.hours_wall = 0 self.hours_weapons = 0 self.can_draw = True self.can_click = True self.image = background_next_day_image self.menu_music = menu_music self.title = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/Zombie.ttf", 50) self.TextSurf, self.TextRect = text_objects("Voce sobreviveu aos zumbis", self.title, red) = (500),(150) self.title_2 = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/Zombie.ttf", 25) self.TextSurf_2, self.TextRect_2 = text_objects("Horas restantes ", self.title_2, red) = (450),(230) self.TextSurf_3, self.TextRect_3 = text_objects("Procurar armas ", self.title_2, red) = (450),(330) self.TextSurf_4, self.TextRect_4 = text_objects("Arrumar muro ", self.title_2, red) = (450),(430)
def button(self, screen, message, font_size, x, y, width, height, inactive_color, active_color, action=None): self.mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if x + width > self.mouse[0] > x and y + height > self.mouse[1] > y : pygame.draw.rect(screen, inactive_color,(x,y,width,height)) if[0] == 1 and action == "unpause": "Se o botão continuar for pressionado retorna ao jogo." self.can_draw = False if y == 305: if[0] == 1 and action == "more" and self.can_click: if self.hours > 0: self.can_click = False self.hours -= 1 self.hours_weapons += 1 if[0] == 1 and action == "less" and self.can_click: if self.hours_weapons > 0: self.can_click = False self.hours += 1 self.hours_weapons -= 1 if y == 405: if[0] == 1 and action == "more" and self.can_click: if self.hours > 0: self.can_click = False self.hours -= 1 self.hours_wall += 1 if[0] == 1 and action == "less" and self.can_click: if self.hours_wall > 0: self.can_click = False self.hours += 1 self.hours_wall -= 1 else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, active_color,(x, y, width, height)) self.text = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/zombieCat.ttf", font_size) self.text_surf, self.text_rect = text_objects(message, self.text, black) = ( (x + (width / 2) ), (y + (height / 2) ) ) screen.blit(self.text_surf, self.text_rect)
def button(self, screen, message, font_size, x, y, width, height, inactive_color, active_color, action=None): self.mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if x + width > self.mouse[0] > x and y + height > self.mouse[1] > y : pygame.draw.rect(screen, inactive_color,(x,y,width,height)) if[0] == 1 and action == "continue": self.reset_game() self.can_draw = False if[0] == 1 and action == "quit": self.quit_game = True else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, active_color,(x, y, width, height)) self.text = Fonts.get("Tela do jogo/zombieCat.ttf", font_size) self.text_surf, self.text_rect = text_objects(message, self.text, black) = ( (x + (width / 2) ), (y + (height / 2) ) ) screen.blit(self.text_surf, self.text_rect)
#-*-coding:latin1-*- ''' Created on 05/10/2015 @author: Guilherme Campiotto ''' import pygame from AssetsManager import Fonts, Images Fonts.init() Images.init() white = (255, 255, 255) red = (200, 0, 0) font_screen = Fonts.get( "Tela do jogo/Zombie.ttf", 20) #pygame.font.Font("Fontes\Tela do jogo\Zombie.ttf", 20) pause_icon_original = Images.get("Pausa.png") pause_icon = pygame.transform.scale(pause_icon_original, (98, 56)) class ScreenInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.font = font_screen self.pause_icon = pause_icon def draw(self, screen, ammo, enemys_left, level, weapon_name, barricade_resistance): screen.blit(self.font.render("Dia ", True, red), (50, 25)) screen.blit(self.font.render(str(level), True, red), (150, 25)) screen.blit(self.font.render("Arma ", True, red), (50, 50))