"Do you even sed? Apparently not.") return # empty string errors -_- if len(text) >= telegram.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: update.effective_message.reply_text( "The result of the sed command was too long for \ telegram!") elif text: update.effective_message.reply_to_message.reply_text(text) __help__ = """ • `s/<text1>/<text2>(/<flag>)`*:* Reply to a message with this to perform a sed operation on that message, replacing all \ occurrences of 'text1' with 'text2'. Flags are optional, and currently include 'i' for ignore case, 'g' for global, \ or nothing. Delimiters include `/`, `_`, `|`, and `:`. Text grouping is supported. The resulting message cannot be \ larger than {}. *Reminder:* Sed uses some special characters to make matching easier, such as these: `+*.?\\` If you want to use these characters, make sure you escape them! *Example:* \\?. """.format(telegram.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) __mod_name__ = "Sed/Regex" SED_HANDLER = DisableAbleMessageHandler( Filters.regex(r's([{}]).*?\1.*'.format("".join(DELIMITERS))), sed, friendly="sed") dispatcher.add_handler(SED_HANDLER)
if int(userc_id) == int(user_id): return res = "{} is afk.\nReason: <code>{}</code>".format( fst_name, user.reason) update.effective_message.reply_text(res, parse_mode="html") __help__ = """ • `/afk <reason>`*:* mark yourself as AFK(away from keyboard). • `brb <reason>`*:* same as the afk command - but not a command. When marked as AFK, any mentions will be replied to with a message to say you're not available! """ AFK_HANDLER = DisableAbleCommandHandler("afk", afk) AFK_REGEX_HANDLER = DisableAbleMessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"(?i)^brb$"), afk, friendly="afk") NO_AFK_HANDLER = MessageHandler(Filters.all & Filters.group, no_longer_afk) AFK_REPLY_HANDLER = MessageHandler(Filters.all & Filters.group, reply_afk) dispatcher.add_handler(AFK_HANDLER, AFK_GROUP) dispatcher.add_handler(AFK_REGEX_HANDLER, AFK_GROUP) dispatcher.add_handler(NO_AFK_HANDLER, AFK_GROUP) dispatcher.add_handler(AFK_REPLY_HANDLER, AFK_REPLY_GROUP) __mod_name__ = "AFK" __command_list__ = ["afk"] __handlers__ = [(AFK_HANDLER, AFK_GROUP), (AFK_REGEX_HANDLER, AFK_GROUP), (NO_AFK_HANDLER, AFK_GROUP), (AFK_REPLY_HANDLER, AFK_REPLY_GROUP)]
return # empty string errors -_- if len(text) >= telegram.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: update.effective_message.reply_text( "The result of the sed command was too long for \ telegram!") elif text: update.effective_message.reply_to_message.reply_text(text) __help__ = """ • `s/<text1>/<text2>(/<flag>)`*:* Reply to a message with this to perform a sed operation on that message, replacing all \ occurrences of 'text1' with 'text2'. Flags are optional, and currently include 'i' for ignore case, 'g' for global, \ or nothing. Delimiters include `/`, `_`, `|`, and `:`. Text grouping is supported. The resulting message cannot be \ larger than {}. *Reminder:* Sed uses some special characters to make matching easier, such as these: `+*.?\\` If you want to use these characters, make sure you escape them! *Example:* \\?. """.format(telegram.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) __mod_name__ = "Sed/Regex" SED_HANDLER = DisableAbleMessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"s([{}]).*?\1.*".format( "".join(DELIMITERS))), sed, friendly="sed", run_async=True) dispatcher.add_handler(SED_HANDLER)