コード例 #1
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Find the absolut path to the file
        if name == 'Source' and value.lower().endswith('.xml'):
            filepath = value
            # find the absolute file path
            import os
            from AthenaCommon.Utils.unixtools import FindFile
            # look for it in the local and then all XML directories
            filepath = FindFile(filepath, ['.'] +

            # Not found in user space - look in the AtlasAuthentication package
            if not filepath:
                filepath = 'TrigConfOffline/' + value
                filepath = FindFile(filepath, ['.'] +

            if not filepath:
                self._log.warning("Rules source file %s not found" % (value))
                value = filepath
                self._log.debug("Rules source file found in %s" % (value))

        if name in self._properties:
            self._log.debug('Set property: %s = %s' % (name, value))
            self.__dict__[name] = value
            if name == 'OutputLevel':
            self._log.warning('Unknown property: %s = %s  - property not set' %
                              (name, value))
コード例 #2
   def _trace_include( self, frame, event, arg ):
      fn  = frame.f_code.co_filename
      if fn.find ('importlib._bootstrap') >= 0:
         return self._trace_include

      if not os.path.exists( fn ):
         fn = FindFile( basename2( fn ), sys.path, os.R_OK )

      if not ( fn and self._doTrace( fn ) ):
         return self._trace_include

      if fn not in _filecache:
       # wait until importing of the module is done to minimize pollution
         f = frame.f_back
         while f is not None:
               if 'import' in _filecache[ f.f_code.co_filename ][ f.f_lineno ]:
                  return self._trace_include
            except Exception:
            f = f.f_back
         del f

       # import is done, and we're back, accept this file from this point on
         _filecache[ fn ] = open( fn, 'r' ).readlines() or '\n'
         _linecache[ fn ] = sys.maxsize, self.fid
         self.fid += 1

      lno = frame.f_lineno
      aln = lno - 1 > 0 and lno - 1 or 0

      ncur, fid = _linecache[ fn ]
      buf = _filecache[ fn ]

      if self._fcurrent != fn:
         self.msg.info( 'continued trace of "%s"', basename2( fn ) )
         self._fcurrent = fn

      if event == 'line':
         for i in range( ncur, aln ):
            self._oneline( fid, i, silentMarker, buf )

         if ncur <= aln:
            self._oneline( fid, aln, activeMarker, buf )
         elif 0 <= aln:
            self._oneline( fid, aln, tracedMarker, buf )

         if ncur < lno:
            _linecache[ fn ] = lno, fid

      elif event == 'call':
         if lno < ncur:
            self._oneline( fid, aln, callMarker, buf )

      elif event == 'return':
         if lno < ncur:
            fln = frame.f_code.co_firstlineno - 1
            self._oneline( fid, fln, returnMarker, None )

      return self._trace_include
コード例 #3
def check_job_options(jo_path):
    Check if the job options file exists locally or in JOBOPTSEARCHPATH.
    Returns True if the file is found and False otherwise.
    # Check if job options exists locally
    if os.path.isfile(jo_path):
        return True
    # Try to find the file in JOBOPTSEARCHPATH
    found = FindFile(jo_path, os.environ['JOBOPTSEARCHPATH'].split(os.pathsep),
    return found is not None
コード例 #4
def load_input_json():
    '''Reads the json file with input definitions and returns the data as dictionary'''

    log = get_logger()

    input_json_fullpath = FindFile(input_json, os.environ['DATAPATH'].split(os.pathsep), os.R_OK)
    if not input_json_fullpath:
        log.error('Failed to determine full path for input JSON %s', input_json)
        return None

    log.debug('Reading %s', input_json_fullpath)
    with open(input_json_fullpath) as data_file:
        return json.load(data_file)
コード例 #5
def _getFileLocalOrPath(filename, pathenv):
    """looks for filename in local directory and then in all paths specified in environment variable 'pathenv'
    returns path/filename if existing, otherwise None
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        log.info( "Using local file %s", filename)
        return filename

    pathlist = os.getenv(pathenv,'').split(os.pathsep)
    resolvedfilename = FindFile(filename, pathlist, os.R_OK)
    if resolvedfilename:
        return resolvedfilename

    log.fatal("No file %s found locally nor in %s" % (filename, os.getenv('CORAL_DBLOOKUP_PATH')) )
    return None
コード例 #6
def getJetBadChanCorrTool(finder, mainParam, input, **options):

    options = checkAndUpdateOptions(finder=finder,

    from JetMomentTools.JetMomentToolsConf import JetBadChanCorrTool
    from CaloClusterCorrection.StandardCellWeightCalib import getCellWeightTool

    cellcalibtool = getCellWeightTool(options['finder'],
    coneSize = options['mainParam']

    BadChanCorrT = JetBadChanCorrTool("JetBadChanCorrTool")
    # Explicitly list flags
    BadChanCorrT.ConeDr = coneSize
    BadChanCorrT.CellCalibrator = cellcalibtool
    BadChanCorrT.UseCalibScale = False
    BadChanCorrT.AttachCorrCell = True
    BadChanCorrT.AttachCorrDOTX = True
    BadChanCorrT.AttachCorrJet = True

    BadChanCorrT.MissingCellTool = getDefaultMissingCellTool(coneSize)
    # Optional
    BadChanCorrT.AttachCorrJetForCell = False
    if options['addJetQualityMoments'] == True:
        BadChanCorrT.AttachCorrJetForCell = True

    # new setup for THistService
    import os
    dataPathList = os.environ['DATAPATH'].split(os.pathsep)
    dataPathList.insert(0, os.curdir)
    from AthenaCommon.Utils.unixtools import FindFile
    RefFileName = FindFile("JetBadChanCorrTool.root", dataPathList, os.R_OK)

    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
    if not hasattr(ServiceMgr, 'THistSvc'):
        from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
        ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
    ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Input += [
        "JetBadChanCorrTool DATAFILE=\'%s\' OPT=\'READ\'" % RefFileName

    return BadChanCorrT
コード例 #7
    def configure(self, test):
        json_file = 'TrigInDetValidation/comparitor.json'
        json_fullpath = FindFile(json_file,

        if not json_fullpath:
            print('Failed to determine full path for input JSON %s', json_file)
            return None

        with open(json_fullpath) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

        self.output_dir = 'HLT' + self.level + '-plots'

        flag = self.level + self.slice
        if (self.lowpt):
            self.output_dir = self.output_dir + '-lowpt'
            flag = flag + 'Lowpt'

        data_object = data[flag]

        self.chains = data_object['chains']

        if (self.test == 'ttbar'):
            self.output_dir = self.output_dir + "-" + self.slice

        if (self.type == 'offl'):
            self.output_dir = self.output_dir + '-offl'
            self.input_file = 'data-hists-offline.root'

        self.args += self.input_file + ' '

        if (self.reference == None):
            # if no referenc found, use input file as reference - athout it doesn't matter - could use --noref
            self.args += self.input_file + ' '
            self.args += self.ref_file + ' '

        self.args += self.chains + ' '
        self.args += ' -d ' + self.output_dir

        print("TIDAComparitor " + self.args)

        super(TrigInDetCompStep, self).configure(test)
コード例 #8
def badChanInputHistoHelper():
    # keep it as a function for now : might be easier to deal with when
    # root-only config will be needed.
    # new setup for THistService
    dataPathList = os.environ['DATAPATH'].split(os.pathsep)
    dataPathList.insert(0, os.curdir)
    from AthenaCommon.Utils.unixtools import FindFile
    RefFileName = FindFile("JetBadChanCorrTool.root", dataPathList, os.R_OK)

    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
    if not hasattr(ServiceMgr, 'THistSvc'):
        from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
        ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
    ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Input += [
        "JetBadChanCorrTool DATAFILE=\'%s\' OPT=\'READ\'" % RefFileName
    badChanInputHistoHelper.called = True

    from JetMomentTools.JetMomentToolsConf import JetBadChanCorrTool
    from JetRec.JetRecStandard import jtm
    jtm += JetBadChanCorrTool("JetBadChanCorrTool",
コード例 #9
    # ========== Deal with calibration histogram files

    # -- for analysis (should be in COOL now):
    if BTaggingFlags.Runmodus == 'analysis':

        if (BTaggingFlags.lifetime1D | BTaggingFlags.lifetime2D
                | BTaggingFlags.lifetime3D | BTaggingFlags.secVtxFitBU
                | BTaggingFlags.secVtxFitTD):
            dataPathList = os.environ['DATAPATH'].split(os.pathsep)
            dataPathList.insert(0, os.curdir)
            from AthenaCommon.Utils.unixtools import FindFile
            JetTagsigname = FindFile(
                dataPathList, os.R_OK)
            JetTagbkgname = FindFile(
                dataPathList, os.R_OK)
            svcMgr.THistSvc.Input += [
                "SigCali DATAFILE='" + JetTagsigname + "' OPT='OLD'"
            svcMgr.THistSvc.Input += [
                "BkgCali DATAFILE='" + JetTagbkgname + "' OPT='OLD'"

        writeSmoothedHistos = False
        if writeSmoothedHistos:
            svcMgr.THistSvc.Output += [
                "ControlFile DATAFILE='smoothcontrol.root' OPT='RECREATE'"
コード例 #10
# Set the FilePrefix variable
# find the files
import string
dataPathList = os.environ['DATAPATH'].split(os.pathsep)
dataPathList.insert(0, os.curdir)
from AthenaCommon.Utils.unixtools import FindFile
filename = FindFile('prefix.txt', dataPathList, os.R_OK)
if filename is None:
    print 'ERROR: SetFlags.py could not find list of file prefixes, prefix.txt'
text = open(filename, 'r')
for line in text.readlines():
    words = string.split(line)
    if len(words) >= 2:
        Run = words[0]
        if string.atoi(Run) == RunNumber:
            FilePrefix = words[1]
print 'Prefix ', FilePrefix
コード例 #11
from JetTagTools.JetTagToolsConf import Analysis__EmulTag
Emul2D = Analysis__EmulTag(name="Emul2D", Tagger=["IP2D", "2d"])
Emul3D = Analysis__EmulTag(name="Emul3D", Tagger=["IP3D", "3d"])
EmulSV = Analysis__EmulTag(name="EmulSV", Tagger=["SV1IP3D", "6d"])
EmulOF = Analysis__EmulTag(name="EmulOF", Mode=1)
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
ToolSvc += Emul2D
ToolSvc += Emul3D
ToolSvc += EmulSV
ToolSvc += EmulOF

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'THistSvc'):
    from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
    svcMgr += THistSvc()
import os
dataPathList = os.environ['DATAPATH'].split(os.pathsep)
dataPathList.insert(0, os.curdir)
from AthenaCommon.Utils.unixtools import FindFile
weightFile = FindFile("Weight.root", dataPathList, os.R_OK)
paramFile = FindFile("Param.root", dataPathList, os.R_OK)
svcMgr.THistSvc.Input += ["WeightFile DATAFILE='" + weightFile + "' OPT='OLD'"]
svcMgr.THistSvc.Input += ["ParamFile  DATAFILE='" + paramFile + "'  OPT='OLD'"]

from BTagging.BTaggingConf import Analysis__BJetBuilderFast
AtlfReTagging = Analysis__BJetBuilderFast(
    name="AtlfReTagging", TagToolList=[Emul2D, Emul3D, EmulSV, EmulOF])
topSequence += AtlfReTagging
print AtlfReTagging
コード例 #12
             if not os.access('myInvWeight05BERT200.db',os.R_OK):
                os.system('cp -f /afs/cern.ch/user/m/menke/public/AtlasOffline-14.2.21/myInvWeight05BERT200.db .')
             if not os.access('myOOC05BERT200.db',os.R_OK):
                os.system('cp -f /afs/cern.ch/user/m/menke/public/AtlasOffline-14.2.21/myOOC05BERT200.db .')
             if not os.access('myOOCPi005BERT200.db',os.R_OK):
                os.system('cp -f /afs/cern.ch/user/m/menke/public/AtlasOffline-14.2.21/myOOCPi005BERT200.db .')
             if not os.access('myDBHadDMCoeff200.db',os.R_OK):
                os.system('cp -f /afs/ipp-garching.mpg.de/home/g/gdp/public/HadDMCoeff2/myDBHadDMCoeff200.db .')

             from AthenaCommon.Utils.unixtools import FindFile
             import os
             dataPathList = os.environ['DATAPATH'].split(':')
             for j in range(0,len(dataPathList)): 
                dataPathList[j] += '/poolcond/'
             if condFile:
                 os.system('mkdir poolcond; cp '+condFile+' poolcond/'+localCondFile)
                 for x in ['mc08.10741_0-1.singlepart_singlepiplusminus_logE.recon.ESD.e342_s439_14.2.21_outofcluster_athena.pool.root',
                      if not os.access(x,os.R_OK):
                           os.system('cp -f /afs/cern.ch/user/m/menke/public/AtlasOffline-14.2.21/'+x+' .')
                      os.system('pool_insertFileToCatalog -u xmlcatalog_file:poolcond/'+localCondFile+' '+x)
                 if not os.access('HadDMCoeff2_v21_1a.pool.root',os.R_OK):
                      os.system('cp -f /afs/ipp-garching.mpg.de/home/g/gdp/public/HadDMCoeff2/HadDMCoeff2_v21_1a.pool.root .')
                 os.system('pool_insertFileToCatalog -u xmlcatalog_file:poolcond/'+localCondFile+' HadDMCoeff2_v21_1a.pool.root')

             # change the DB for weights 
コード例 #13
   def __call__( self, fn, *args, **kw ):
      """Include <fn> in the current scope by executing it globally."""

    # some basic sanity check first  
      if isinstance(fn, str) and len(fn) == 0:
         raise IncludeError("can not 'include' empty filenames")
    # don't include file if not allowed (has to be exact match in py code)
      if fn in self._once:
         self.msg.debug( 'file "%s" is blocked; not included', fn )

    # locate the file
      name = FindFile( os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars( fn ) ), optionsPath, os.R_OK )
      if not name:
         name = FindFile( os.path.basename( fn ), optionsPath, os.R_OK )
         if name:
            self.msg.warning( 'using %s instead of %s', name, fn )
            raise IncludeError( 'include file %s can not be found' % fn )

      self.msg.debug( 'located %s as %s', fn, name )

    # print if 'show' is set to non-null
      show = self._show
      if 'show' in kw:
         show = kw[ 'show' ]

    # notify of start of file inclusion
      if show:
         self.msg.info( 'including file "%s" with ID %d', fn, self.fid )
         self.msg.info( 'including file "%s"', fn )
      self._fcurrent = name

    # actual inclusion
      if show and self._doTrace( name ):
       # traced
         _filecache[ name ] = open( name, 'r' ).readlines()
         _linecache[ name ] = 0, self.fid
         self.fid += 1

         from past.builtins import execfile
         sys.settrace( self._trace_include )
         execfile( name, self._workspace, self._workspace )
         sys.settrace( sys._getframe(0).f_trace )

       # finish file printout
         ncur, fid = _linecache[ name ]
         buf  = _filecache[ name ]
         for i in range( ncur, len(buf) ):
            self._oneline( fid, i, silentMarker, buf )

         del _filecache[ name ]
         del _linecache[ name ]

         self.msg.info( 'end of "%s"', fn )

       # non-traced
         #execfile( name, self._workspace, self._workspace )
         exec(compile(open(name).read(), name, 'exec'), self._workspace, self._workspace)

      if hasattr( self, '_collect' ):
         if not self._collect % 10:
            import gc
            self._collect += 1