コード例 #1
 def get_hash_range (self, subcalo, helper):
     hmin = PyAthena.IdentifierHash()
     hmax = PyAthena.IdentifierHash()
     helper.calo_cell_hash_range (subcalo, hmin, hmax)
     hmax = hmax.value()
     hmin = hmin.value()
     return (hmin, hmax)
コード例 #2
    def test_subcalo2 (self, subcalo):
        calosc = self.calosc_helper
        calocell = self.calocell_helper
        t = self.tool

        (hmin, hmax) = self.get_hash_range (subcalo, calocell)
        hvec = [0] * (hmax - hmin)

        for sc_id in toiter (calosc.cell_range (subcalo)):
            idlist = t.superCellToOfflineID (sc_id)
            for id in idlist:
                hvec[calocell.calo_cell_hash(id).value() - hmin] = 1
                assert id.is_valid()
                sc_id2 = t.offlineToSuperCellID (id)
                if calosc.is_tile(sc_id):
                    assert calosc.section(sc_id) == calosc.section(sc_id2)
                    assert calosc.side(sc_id) == calosc.side(sc_id)
                    assert calosc.module(sc_id) == calosc.module(sc_id)
                    assert calosc.tower(sc_id) == calosc.tower(sc_id)
                    samp1 = calosc.sample(sc_id)
                    samp2 = calosc.sample(sc_id2)
                    assert samp2 == 2 or samp1 == samp2
                    assert sc_id == sc_id2

        for i in range(len(hvec)):
            if hvec[i] == 0:
                h = PyAthena.IdentifierHash (i)
                id = calocell.cell_id (subcalo, h)
                if calocell.is_tile_gap(id): continue
                if (calocell.is_em_barrel (id) and
                    calocell.calo_sample (id) == 0 and
                    calocell.eta (id) == 60):
                raise Exception ("Didn't map cell hash %d" % i)