def delete_all_db_data(ath_un, mfp_username, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass): db_name = (db_name) conn = None #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) sql = """ SELECT truncate_schema('public'); """ try: # connect to the PostgreSQL server conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Deleting DB data for user: '******'....')) cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except Exception as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(error))) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('All DB data for user: '******' deleted successfully.')) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('All DB data for user: '******' deleted successfully.'))
def insert_df_values(ath_un, conn, datafrm, table, unique): # Creating a list of tupples from the dataframe values tpls = [tuple(x) for x in datafrm.to_numpy()] # dataframe columns with Comma-separated cols = ','.join(list(datafrm.columns)) unique = ','.join(unique) # SQL query to execute sql = "INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES %%s ON CONFLICT (%s) DO NOTHING;" % ( table, cols, unique) cur = conn.cursor() try: psycopg2.extras.execute_values(cur, sql, tpls) conn.commit() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Custom data succesfully inserted to: {}'.format(table)) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Custom data succesfully inserted to: {}'.format(table)) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) cur.close()
def delete_all_files(output, ath_un): folder = os.path.join(output, ath_un) #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) for the_file in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('All XML,JSON and FIT files for user: '******' deleted successfully.')) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('All XML,JSON and FIT files for user: '******' deleted successfully.'))
def backup_user_db(db_name, ath_un, output, dbx_auth_token, encr_pass): if == 'nt': backup_file_path = output + '\\' + ath_un + '\DB_Backup.gz' else: backup_file_path = output + '/' + ath_un + '/DB_Backup.gz' #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) open(pidfile).close # read connection parameters params = config(filename="encrypted_settings.ini", section="postgresql", encr_pass=encr_pass) superuser_un = params.get("user") superuser_pw = params.get("password") db_host = params.get("host") try: with, 'wb') as f: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Backing up DB, please wait....') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Backing up DB, please wait....') # create .pgpass in user's AppData or home directory if == 'nt': appdata_dir = os.getenv('APPDATA') pgpass_dir = os.path.join(appdata_dir, "postgresql") pgpassfile = os.path.join(pgpass_dir, "pgpass.conf") if not os.path.exists(pgpass_dir): os.makedirs(pgpass_dir) if not os.path.exists(pgpassfile): open(pgpassfile, 'w+').write(db_host + ':5432:*:postgres:' + superuser_pw) open(pgpassfile).close else: pgpassfile = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.pgpass' if not os.path.exists(pgpassfile): open(pgpassfile, 'w+').write(db_host + ':5432:*:postgres:' + superuser_pw) open(pgpassfile).close os.chmod(pgpassfile, 0o600) # execute pg_dump popen = subprocess.Popen( ['pg_dump', '-h', db_host, '-U', superuser_un, db_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) for stdout_line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""): f.write(stdout_line.encode()) popen.stdout.close() popen.wait() try: os.remove(pgpassfile) except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( 'DB backup completed. The backup file will be uploaded to Dropbox now.' ) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( 'DB backup completed. The backup file will be uploaded to Dropbox now.' ) except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) today ='%Y%m%d') download_folder_dbx = 'DB_Backup' file_name_to = today + '_DB_Backup.gz' dbx_file_exists = check_if_file_exists_in_dbx(file_name_to, dbx_auth_token, download_folder_dbx, encr_pass) if dbx_file_exists == True: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((file_name_to + ' already exists in Dropbox, skipping.')) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((file_name_to + ' already exists in Dropbox, skipping.')) else: try: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Uploading ' + file_name_to + ' Dropbox, please wait.')) download_files_to_dbx(backup_file_path, file_name_to, dbx_auth_token, download_folder_dbx, encr_pass) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('DB Backup file uploaded to Dropbox successfuly') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('DB Backup file uploaded to Dropbox successfuly') except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( (str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e)))
def parse_dataset(dataset, conn, start_date_dt, end_date_dt, data_source): for row in dataset.itertuples(): glucose_nmol = None glucose_nmol_avrg = None ketone_nmol = None utc_time_str = None if data_source == 'glimp_android': record_type = row._9 #Current(5) or 15min average(3) if record_type == 5: glucose_nmol = round((float(row._6) / 18), 2) else: glucose_nmol_avrg = round((float(row._6) / 18), 2) local_time = row._2 epoch_time = row._3 local_time_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime((local_time), "%d/%m/%Y %H.%M.%S") local_time_str = datetime.datetime.strftime( (local_time_dt), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") utc_time_str = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( epoch_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: ketone_nmol = row._7 glucose_nmol = row._6 glucose_nmol_avrg = row._5 local_time = row._3 local_time_dt = local_time.to_pydatetime( ) #Convert from pandas to python datetime local_time_str = datetime.datetime.strftime( (local_time_dt), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") local_date_str = datetime.datetime.strftime((local_time_dt), "%Y-%m-%d") try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement cur.execute(sql_local2gmt, (local_date_str, )) result = cur.fetchone() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL conn.commit() cur.close() if result is not None: utc_time_dt = local_time_dt - result[0] utc_time_str = datetime.datetime.strftime( (utc_time_dt), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' ' + str(error))) # Compare if the Record Date is within the download Date range. This only works if parsed from top of the csv file. # The most recent record at the top if local_time_dt > end_date_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=1): continue if local_time_dt < start_date_dt: break with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( ('Inserting BG record from Glimp/LibreView. Time: ' + str(local_time_str) + ' Glucose: ' + str(glucose_nmol))) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( ('Inserting BG record from Glimp/LibreView. Time: ' + str(local_time_str) + ' Glucose: ' + str(glucose_nmol))) try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement cur.execute( sql, (ath_un, local_time_str, glucose_nmol, glucose_nmol_avrg, ketone_nmol, data_source, utc_time_str)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' ' + str(error)))
def dwnld_insert_strava_data(ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, strava_refresh_token, start_date_dt, end_date_dt, save_pwd, encr_pass): #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) strava_params = config(filename="encrypted_settings.ini", section="strava", encr_pass=encr_pass) STRAVA_CLIENT_ID = str(strava_params.get("strava_client_id")) STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET = str(strava_params.get("strava_client_secret")) STRAVA_TOKEN_URL = str(strava_params.get("strava_token_url")) sql_insert_strava_refresh_token = """ DO $do$ BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT id FROM athlete WHERE ath_un = %s) THEN UPDATE athlete SET strava_refresh_token = %s where ath_un= %s; END IF; END $do$ """ sql_insert_activity_summary = """ INSERT INTO strava_activity_summary(athlete_id,strava_activity_id,strava_athlete_id,name,distance,moving_time,elapsed_time,total_elevation_gain,type, workout_type,external_id,upload_id,start_date,start_date_local,timezone,utc_offset,start_latitude,start_longitude,end_latitude,end_longitude,location_city, location_state,location_country,map,summary_polyline,trainer,commute,manual,gear_id,average_speed,max_speed,average_cadence,average_temp,average_watts, weighted_average_watts,kilojoules,device_watts,average_heartrate,max_heartrate,max_watts,elev_high,elev_low,suffer_score) VALUES ((select id from athlete where ath_un=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (start_date) DO NOTHING; """ sql_insert_activity_streams = """ INSERT INTO strava_activity_streams(activity_id,altitude,cadence,distance,grade_smooth,heartrate,latitude,longitude,moving,temp,time_gmt,velocity_smooth,watts) VALUES ((select id from strava_activity_summary where strava_activity_id=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (time_gmt) DO NOTHING; """ sql_insert_utc_offset = """ INSERT INTO gmt_local_time_difference (athlete_id,local_date,local_midnight_timestamp,gmt_midnight_timestamp,gmt_local_difference) VALUES ((select id from athlete where ath_un=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (local_date) DO NOTHING; """ sql_timezone = """ INSERT INTO timezones(gc_activity_id,strava_activity_id,timestamp_local,timestamp_gmt,timezone,long_degr,lat_degr,alt_avrg,end_time_gmt) VALUES (null,(select id from strava_activity_summary where strava_activity_id=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (timestamp_gmt,long_degr,lat_degr) DO NOTHING; """ conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) def refresh_oauth_tokens(): #Refresh the access token payload = dict(grant_type='refresh_token', refresh_token=strava_refresh_token, client_id=STRAVA_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET) refresh =, data=payload) response = refresh.json() oauth_token = response['access_token'] refresh_token = response['refresh_token'] expires_at = response['expires_at'] if save_pwd == True: encrypted_refresh_token = base64.b64encode( encrypt(refresh_token, encr_pass)) encrypted_refresh_token = encrypted_refresh_token.decode('utf-8') else: encrypted_refresh_token = None try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql_insert_strava_refresh_token, (ath_un, encrypted_refresh_token, ath_un)) conn.commit() cur.close() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( (str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) return oauth_token, expires_at oauth_token, expires_at = refresh_oauth_tokens() header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(oauth_token)} epoch_start_date = start_date_dt.timestamp() epoch_end_date = end_date_dt.timestamp() #Loop through all activities page = 1 activities_url = "" while True: # Retry 3 times if request fails tries = 3 for i in range(tries): try: #Check if the oauth token is stil valid, and refresh if not. if int( > expires_at: oauth_token, expires_at = refresh_oauth_tokens() header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(oauth_token)} with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( str( + 'The Strava oauth token expired and has been refreshed' ) # get page of 200 activities from Strava r = requests.get( '{}?before={}&after={}&page={}&per_page=200'.format( activities_url, epoch_end_date, epoch_start_date, str(page)), headers=header) sleep_sec = api_rate_limits(r) except Exception as e: if i < tries - 1: time.sleep(10) continue else: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) raise break if sleep_sec == 0: pass else: time.sleep(sleep_sec) pass # if no results then exit loop if (not r.json()): if conn is not None: conn.close() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Strava Activities Inserted Successfully') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Strava Activities Inserted Successfully') break #Do something with the response/data activity_data = json.loads(r.text) #assign activity values to variables for activity in activity_data: if "id" in activity: strava_activity_id = activity['id'] #PG: Check whether the data for this activity have been inserted into to DB during one of the previous runs data_exist_for_activity = 'Strava activity {} data'.format( strava_activity_id) data_exists = check_data_file_exists(data_exist_for_activity, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) if data_exists == True: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'Strava activity {} data already downloaded and inserted to DB. Skipping.' .format(strava_activity_id))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'Strava activity {} data already downloaded and inserted to DB. Skipping' .format(strava_activity_id))) continue else: strava_activity_id = None if "id" in activity['athlete']: strava_athlete_id = activity['athlete']['id'] else: strava_athlete_id = None if "name" in activity: name = activity['name'] else: name = None if "distance" in activity: distance = activity['distance'] else: distance = None if "moving_time" in activity: moving_time = activity['moving_time'] else: moving_time = None if "elapsed_time" in activity: elapsed_time = activity['elapsed_time'] else: elapsed_time = None if "total_elevation_gain" in activity: total_elevation_gain = activity['total_elevation_gain'] else: total_elevation_gain = None if "type" in activity: type = activity['type'] else: type = None if "workout_type" in activity: workout_type = activity['workout_type'] else: workout_type = None if "external_id" in activity: external_id = activity['external_id'] else: external_id = None if "upload_id" in activity: upload_id = activity['upload_id'] else: upload_id = None if "start_date" in activity: start_date = activity['start_date'] start_date_dt = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') start_date = datetime.strftime(start_date_dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: start_date = None if "start_date_local" in activity: start_date_local = activity['start_date_local'] start_date_local_dt = datetime.strptime( start_date_local, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') start_date_local = datetime.strftime(start_date_local_dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: start_date_local = None if "timezone" in activity: timezone = activity['timezone'] else: timezone = None if "utc_offset" in activity: utc_offset = activity['utc_offset'] else: utc_offset = None if "start_latlng" in activity: start_latlng = activity['start_latlng'] #if start_latlng is not None: #Changed 2021/10/29 if start_latlng: start_latitude = start_latlng[0] start_longitude = start_latlng[1] else: start_latitude = None start_longitude = None else: start_latitude = None start_longitude = None if "end_latlng" in activity: end_latlng = activity['end_latlng'] #if end_latlng is not None: #Changed 2021/10/29 if end_latlng: end_latitude = end_latlng[0] end_longitude = end_latlng[1] else: end_latitude = None end_longitude = None else: end_latitude = None end_longitude = None if "location_city" in activity: location_city = activity['location_city'] else: location_city = None if "location_state" in activity: location_state = activity['location_state'] else: location_state = None if "location_country" in activity: location_country = activity['location_country'] else: location_country = None if "id" in activity['map']: map = activity['map']['id'] else: map = None if "summary_polyline" in activity['map']: summary_polyline = activity['map']['summary_polyline'] else: summary_polyline = None if "trainer" in activity: trainer = activity['trainer'] else: trainer = None if "commute" in activity: commute = activity['commute'] else: commute = None if "manual" in activity: manual = activity['manual'] else: manual = None if "gear_id" in activity: gear_id = activity['gear_id'] else: gear_id = None if "average_speed" in activity: average_speed = activity['average_speed'] else: average_speed = None if "max_speed" in activity: max_speed = activity['max_speed'] else: max_speed = None if "average_cadence" in activity: average_cadence = activity['average_cadence'] else: average_cadence = None if "average_temp" in activity: average_temp = activity['average_temp'] else: average_temp = None if "average_watts" in activity: average_watts = activity['average_watts'] else: average_watts = None if "weighted_average_watts" in activity: weighted_average_watts = activity['weighted_average_watts'] else: weighted_average_watts = None if "kilojoules" in activity: kilojoules = activity['kilojoules'] else: kilojoules = None if "device_watts" in activity: device_watts = activity['device_watts'] else: device_watts = None if "average_heartrate" in activity: average_heartrate = activity['average_heartrate'] else: average_heartrate = None if "max_heartrate" in activity: max_heartrate = activity['max_heartrate'] else: max_heartrate = None if "max_watts" in activity: max_watts = activity['max_watts'] else: max_watts = None if "elev_high" in activity: elev_high = activity['elev_high'] else: elev_high = None if "elev_low" in activity: elev_low = activity['elev_low'] else: elev_low = None if "suffer_score" in activity: suffer_score = activity['suffer_score'] else: suffer_score = None with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Downloading Strava activity {} from: {}'.format( strava_activity_id, start_date_local)) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Downloading Strava activity {} from: {}'.format( strava_activity_id, start_date_local)) #Insert activity summary data to DB try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( sql_insert_activity_summary, (ath_un, strava_activity_id, strava_athlete_id, name, distance, moving_time, elapsed_time, total_elevation_gain, type, workout_type, external_id, upload_id, start_date, start_date_local, timezone, utc_offset, start_latitude, start_longitude, end_latitude, end_longitude, location_city, location_state, location_country, map, summary_polyline, trainer, commute, manual, gear_id, average_speed, max_speed, average_cadence, average_temp, average_watts, weighted_average_watts, kilojoules, device_watts, average_heartrate, max_heartrate, max_watts, elev_high, elev_low, suffer_score)) conn.commit() cur.close() # Update the files table data_file_path_insert(data_exist_for_activity, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) #Insert utc offset into gmt_local_time_difference table if the record not already present from gc gmt_local_difference = timedelta(seconds=utc_offset) local_date = local_midnight = start_date_local_dt.replace(hour=00, minute=00, second=00) gmt_midnight = local_midnight - gmt_local_difference cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql_insert_utc_offset, (ath_un, local_date, local_midnight, gmt_midnight, gmt_local_difference)) conn.commit() cur.close() #Insert timezone info into timezones table if the record not already present from gc if start_latitude is not None: #Calculate avereage altitude for a better weather data accuracy avg_altitude = int((elev_high + elev_low) / 2) #Drop (GMT+hh:mm) from timezone string timezone = re.sub("[(].*[) ]", "", timezone) #Calculate end_time_gmt_str end_time_gmt_dt = start_date_dt + timedelta( seconds=elapsed_time) end_time_gmt_str = datetime.strftime((end_time_gmt_dt), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") cur = conn.cursor() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Inserting timezone info: ' + str(timezone) + ' and local tz timestamp:' + str(local_date))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Inserting timezone info: ' + str(timezone) + ' and local tz timestamp:' + str(local_date))) cur.execute( sql_timezone, (strava_activity_id, start_date_local, start_date, timezone, start_longitude, start_latitude, avg_altitude, end_time_gmt_str)) conn.commit() cur.close() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) #Get all available streams for the activity types = 'time,distance,latlng,altitude,velocity_smooth,heartrate,cadence,watts,temp,moving,grade_smooth' df_columns = { 'activity_id', 'time_gmt', 'distance', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'velocity_smooth', 'heartrate', 'cadence', 'watts', 'temp', 'moving', 'grade_smooth' } df_columns = sorted(df_columns) # Retry 3 times if request fails tries = 3 for i in range(tries): try: #Check if the oauth token is stil valid, and refresh if not. if int( > expires_at: oauth_token, expires_at = refresh_oauth_tokens() header = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(oauth_token) } with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( str( + 'The Strava oauth token expired and has been refreshed' ) streams = requests.get( "{}/streams?keys={}" .format(strava_activity_id, types), headers=header) sleep_sec = api_rate_limits(streams) except Exception as e: if i < tries - 1: time.sleep(10) continue else: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) raise break if sleep_sec == 0: pass else: time.sleep(sleep_sec) pass #TODO: if sleep_sec > 6hrs request a new access_token #Do something with the response/data activity_streams = json.loads(streams.text) #Check if there is data in activity_streams if 'message' in activity_streams: if "Resource Not Found" in activity_streams['message']: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( str( + ' No streams retrieved for {}. Moving onto next activity.' .format(strava_activity_id)) continue if "Rate Limit Exceeded" in activity_streams['message']: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( str( + ' Download Rate limit exceeded. This attempt did not get caught by api_rate_limits() function!' ) #Usualy due to failed request on a very last attempt before limit, and subsequent succesfull retry.Too messy, move onto next activity and see what happens. continue else: pass activity_streams_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_columns) for stream in activity_streams: if "time" in stream['type']: activity_id_list = [] time_stream = stream['data'] for i in range(len(time_stream)): time_stream[i] = start_date_dt + timedelta( 0, int(time_stream[i])) time_stream[i] = datetime.strftime( time_stream[i], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') activity_id_list.append(strava_activity_id) activity_streams_df['activity_id'] = activity_id_list activity_streams_df['time_gmt'] = time_stream if "distance" in stream['type']: distance_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['distance'] = distance_stream if "latlng" in stream['type']: latlng_stream = stream['data'] latitude = [] longitude = [] if latlng_stream is not None: for i in range(len(latlng_stream)): latitude.append(latlng_stream[i][0]) longitude.append(latlng_stream[i][1]) activity_streams_df['latitude'] = latitude activity_streams_df['longitude'] = longitude if "altitude" in stream['type']: altitude_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['altitude'] = altitude_stream if "velocity_smooth" in stream['type']: velocity_smooth_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df[ 'velocity_smooth'] = velocity_smooth_stream if "heartrate" in stream['type']: heartrate_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['heartrate'] = heartrate_stream if "cadence" in stream['type']: cadence_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['cadence'] = cadence_stream if "watts" in stream['type']: watts_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['watts'] = watts_stream if "temp" in stream['type']: temp_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['temp'] = temp_stream if "moving" in stream['type']: moving_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['moving'] = moving_stream if "grade_smooth" in stream['type']: grade_smooth_stream = stream['data'] activity_streams_df['grade_smooth'] = grade_smooth_stream activity_streams_df = activity_streams_df.reindex( sorted(activity_streams_df.columns), axis=1) # Sort df alphabeticaly activity_streams_df = activity_streams_df.where( pd.notnull(activity_streams_df), None) # Replace NaN with None df2list = activity_streams_df.values.tolist() #Insert activity streams data to DB try: cur = conn.cursor() for sublist in df2list: cur.execute(sql_insert_activity_streams, (sublist)) conn.commit() cur.close() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) # increment page page += 1
def cstm_data_insert(ath_un, usr_params_str, usr_params_int, db_host, superuser_un, superuser_pw): cstm_dbx_link = usr_params_str[0] download_folder = usr_params_str[1] download_folder = os.path.join(download_folder, 'CSTM_Temp_CSV') archive_folder = os.path.join(download_folder, 'Archive') table_name = usr_params_str[2] date_format = usr_params_str[3] timezone = usr_params_str[4] datetime_clmn = usr_params_str[5] unique = usr_params_int dataframes = [] # Download the csv file from dropbox using share link with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Downloading custom csv files from: {}'.format(cstm_dbx_link)) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Downloading custom csv files from: {}'.format(cstm_dbx_link)) cstm_dbx_link = cstm_dbx_link[:-1] + '1' # Replace the 0 at the end of the link with 1.Will download as .zip file. table_name = 'cstm_{}'.format(table_name) response = urllib.request.urlopen(cstm_dbx_link) sniffer = csv.Sniffer() db_name = str(str2md5(ath_un)) + '_Athlete_Data_DB' archive_params = config(filename="encrypted_settings.ini", section="archive") preserve_files = str(archive_params.get("preserve_files")) #Insert usr_params to athlete table.. cstm_user_insert(ath_un, usr_params_str, usr_params_int, table_name, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw) conn = None # connect to the PostgreSQL server conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) sql_select_athlete_id = """ SELECT id FROM athlete WHERE ath_un = %s; """ # Extract the downloaded file in to variable downloadFile = io.BytesIO() downloadFile.write( #Move pointer to the beginning # Create output directory (if it does not already exist). if not os.path.exists(download_folder): os.makedirs(download_folder) # Create Archive directory (if it does not already exist). if preserve_files == "true": if not os.path.exists(archive_folder): os.makedirs(archive_folder) #Insert the data from csv to dataframe if zipfile.is_zipfile(downloadFile): with zipfile.ZipFile(downloadFile, 'r') as z: #List the content of the zip file zipfile_content = z.namelist() #Iterate through list and only extract files for item in zipfile_content: z.extract(item, download_folder) downloadFile.close() for filename in os.listdir(download_folder): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(download_folder, filename)): #Detect whether the csv file has a header. with open(os.path.join(download_folder, filename), 'r') as f: has_header = sniffer.has_header( if has_header: #Move pointer to the beginning data_count = csv_match_columns2data(ath_un, f) df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(download_folder, filename), usecols=data_count) else: df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(download_folder, filename), header=None) dataframes.append(df) f.close() #Archive csv files if preserve_files == "false": #Remove the csv file from download folder os.remove(os.path.join(download_folder, filename)) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB.' .format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB.' .format(filename))) else: #Move the csv to archive folder and remove from download if os.path.exists(os.path.join(archive_folder, filename)): #Replace the existing file with the updated one os.remove(os.path.join(archive_folder, filename)) os.rename(os.path.join(download_folder, filename), os.path.join(archive_folder, filename)) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file archived' .format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file archived' .format(filename))) else: #Remove the csv file from download folder os.remove(os.path.join(download_folder, filename)) else: filename ='([^\/]+)\?.*$', cstm_dbx_link).group( 1) #Exctract the filename from the link #Move pointer to the beginning #Detect whether the csv file has a header. wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(downloadFile, encoding='utf-8') has_header = sniffer.has_header( #Move pointer to the beginning if has_header: data_count = csv_match_columns2data(ath_un, wrapper) #Move pointer to the beginning df = pd.read_csv(downloadFile, usecols=data_count) else: df = pd.read_csv(downloadFile, header=None) #Archive downloaded File if preserve_files == "true": #Move pointer to the beginning with open(os.path.join(archive_folder, filename), 'wb') as f: f.write( with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file archived' .format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file archived' .format(filename))) else: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB.'. format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB.'. format(filename))) wrapper.close() dataframes.append(df) downloadFile.close() #Remove duplicates dataframes = pd.concat(dataframes).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) #---- Parse and format datetime values ---- cur = conn.cursor() #Iterate through values in df datetime column if datetime_clmn is not None: datetime_clmn = int(datetime_clmn) #set how to to interpret the the first value in an ambiguous 3-integer date #eu date format dd/mm/yyyy if date_format == "eu": first_val = "day" #us date format mm/dd/yyyy else: first_val = 'month' #add timestamp_gmt and timestamp_local columns datetime_clmn_gmt = "timestamp_gmt" datetime_clmn_local = "timestamp_local" dataframes[datetime_clmn_gmt] = np.nan dataframes[datetime_clmn_local] = np.nan item_row_nr = 0 for item in dataframes[dataframes.columns[datetime_clmn]]: timestamps = datefinder.find_dates(str(item), first=first_val) for timestamp in timestamps: #If the timestamp is timezone aware if timestamp.tzinfo is not None: timestamp_utc = timestamp.astimezone(pytz.UTC) timestamp_utc = datetime.datetime.strftime( timestamp_utc, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") timestamp_local = datetime.datetime.strftime( timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z") #If the timestamp is timezone naive else: local_timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone) timestamp_local_tz = local_timezone.localize(timestamp, is_dst=True) timestamp_utc = timestamp_local_tz.astimezone(pytz.UTC) timestamp_utc = datetime.datetime.strftime( timestamp_utc, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") timestamp_local = datetime.datetime.strftime( timestamp_local_tz, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z") #insert timestamp_utc and timezone_local values to the newly created df columns row_index = dataframes.index[item_row_nr] dataframes.loc[row_index, datetime_clmn_gmt] = timestamp_utc dataframes.loc[row_index, datetime_clmn_local] = timestamp_local item_row_nr += 1 cur.execute(sql_select_athlete_id, (ath_un, )) result = cur.fetchone() conn.commit() ath_un_id = result[0] dataframes['athlete_id'] = ath_un_id cur.close() #format column names to comply with postgres rules dataframes.rename(columns={i: format_column_name(i) for i in df.columns}, inplace=True) #Get list of unique column names from column numbers (suplied by user) and add athlete_id column to the list for i in unique: x = unique.index(i) unique[x] = dataframes.columns[i] unique.append("athlete_id") #Check if the table already exists cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = '{}');". format(table_name)) result = cur.fetchone() conn.commit() if result[0] is True: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( 'The custom table {} already exists. Will now insert the new data' .format(table_name)) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( 'The custom table {} already exists. Will now insert the new data' .format(table_name)) pass else: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Creating custom table: {}'.format(table_name)) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Creating custom table: {}'.format(table_name)) cur.execute(gen_tbl_sql(ath_un, dataframes, table_name, unique)) conn.commit() cur.close() insert_df_values(ath_un, conn, dataframes, table_name, unique) # close the communication with the PostgreSQL if conn is not None: conn.close()
def gc_wellness_insert(file_path, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass): db_name = (db_name) conn = None #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) #Create empty dataframe using sorted db fields as headers. This will be converted to empty dataframe and merged with xml dataframe db_fields_list = { 'athlete_id', 'calendar_date', 'wellness_min_heart_rate', 'wellness_total_steps_goal', 'sleep_sleep_duration', 'wellness_floors_descended', 'wellness_floors_ascended', 'wellness_bodybattery_drained', 'wellness_max_heart_rate', 'wellness_total_distance', 'wellness_vigorous_intensity_minutes', 'food_calories_consumed', 'wellness_user_intensity_minutes_goal', 'wellness_common_active_calories', 'food_calories_remaining', 'wellness_moderate_intensity_minutes', 'wellness_bmr_calories', 'common_total_distance', 'wellness_active_calories', 'wellness_total_calories', 'wellness_resting_heart_rate', 'wellness_max_stress', 'wellness_average_steps', 'wellness_max_avg_heart_rate', 'wellness_abnormalhr_alerts_count', 'wellness_total_steps', 'wellness_average_stress', 'common_total_calories', 'wellness_user_floors_ascended_goal', 'wellness_min_avg_heart_rate', 'wellness_bodybattery_charged' } #Sort alphabeticaly db_fields_list = sorted(db_fields_list) db_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=db_fields_list) #List to store XML tags for xml_df column names column_list = [] #List to store XML values in xml_df dataframe and used as params for SQL insert/update query xml_list = [] xml_list.append(ath_un) column_list.append('athlete_id') #Parse the XML document, and append the data to column_list and xml_list lists. root = parse(file_path).getroot() for startDate in root.iter('statisticsStartDate'): date = startDate.text xml_list.append(date) column_list.append('calendar_date') for category in root.findall('.//metricsMap/*'): if category.tag != 'SLEEP_SLEEP_DURATION': column_list.append(category.tag.lower()) for tag in root.iter(category.tag): for item in tag.iterfind('item'): xml_list.append(item.findtext('value')) else: column_list.append(category.tag.lower()) for tag in root.iter(category.tag): for item in tag.iterfind('item'): if item.findtext('calendarDate') == date: xml_list.append(item.findtext('value')) #Combine xml_list and column_list in a xml_df dataframe xml_df = pd.DataFrame(xml_list).T # Write in DF and transpose it xml_df.columns = column_list # Update column names xml_df = xml_df.reindex(sorted(xml_df.columns), axis=1) # Sort alphabeticaly #Combine the dataframes combined_df = db_df.append(xml_df) #Drop all columns that do not exist as DB fields combined_df = combined_df[db_fields_list] #Export all values to list df2list = combined_df.values.tolist() #Flatten the list df2list = [item for sublist in df2list for item in sublist] #Build a list of parameters to pass to sql query query_params = df2list + df2list query_params.append(date) # PG Amend path for postgres "pg_read_file()" function. text = file_path head, sep, tail = text.partition('temp/') pg_read_file = (tail, ) list_sql = """ INSERT INTO garmin_connect_wellness (athlete_id, calendar_date, common_total_calories, common_total_distance, food_calories_consumed, food_calories_remaining, sleep_duration, wellness_abnormalhr_alerts_count, wellness_active_calories, wellness_average_steps, wellness_average_stress, wellness_bmr_calories, wellness_body_battery_drained, wellness_bodybattery_charged, wellness_common_active_calories, wellness_floors_ascended, wellness_floors_descended, wellness_max_avg_heart_rate, wellness_max_heart_rate, wellness_max_stress, wellness_min_avg_heart_rate, wellness_min_heart_rate, wellness_moderate_intensity_minutes, wellness_resting_heart_rate, wellness_total_calories, wellness_total_distance, wellness_total_steps, wellness_total_steps_goal, wellness_user_floors_ascended_goal, wellness_user_intensity_goal, wellness_vigorous_intensity_minutes) VALUES ((select id from athlete where ath_un=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (calendar_date) DO UPDATE SET (athlete_id, calendar_date, common_total_calories, common_total_distance, food_calories_consumed, food_calories_remaining, sleep_duration, wellness_abnormalhr_alerts_count, wellness_active_calories, wellness_average_steps, wellness_average_stress, wellness_bmr_calories, wellness_body_battery_drained, wellness_bodybattery_charged, wellness_common_active_calories, wellness_floors_ascended, wellness_floors_descended, wellness_max_avg_heart_rate, wellness_max_heart_rate, wellness_max_stress, wellness_min_avg_heart_rate, wellness_min_heart_rate, wellness_moderate_intensity_minutes, wellness_resting_heart_rate, wellness_total_calories, wellness_total_distance, wellness_total_steps, wellness_total_steps_goal, wellness_user_floors_ascended_goal, wellness_user_intensity_goal, wellness_vigorous_intensity_minutes) = ((select id from athlete where ath_un=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) WHERE garmin_connect_wellness.calendar_date = %s; """ try: # connect to the PostgreSQL server conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting Wellness Data into postgreSQL:') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting Wellness Data into postgreSQL:') #cur.execute(xpath_sql,(athlete_id,pg_read_file,athlete_id,file2import,file2import,file2import)) cur.execute(list_sql, (query_params)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(error))) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Wellness Data Inserted Successfully') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Wellness Data Inserted Successfully')
def gc_original_record_insert(file_path,activity_id,ath_un,db_host,db_name,superuser_un,superuser_pw, encr_pass): start=time.time() file2import = (file_path) gc_activity_id = (activity_id) ath_un = (ath_un) db_name = (db_name) activity_type,altitude,cadence,distance,enhanced_altitude,enhanced_speed,fractional_cadence,heart_rate,position_lat,position_long,speed,stance_time,stance_time_balance,step_length,timestamp,vertical_oscillation,vertical_ratio,accumulated_power,left_pedal_smoothness,left_torque_effectiveness,power,right_pedal_smoothness,right_torque_effectiveness,temperature,avg_speed,avg_swimming_cadence,event,event_group,event_type,length_type,message_index,start_time,swim_stroke,total_calories,total_elapsed_time,total_strokes,total_timer_time,est_core_temp = [None]*38 hrv_record_list = (None, None, None, None) hrv_record_list_combined = [] hrv_rmssd = None hrv_sdrr = None hrv_pnn50 = None hrv_pnn20 = None fitfile = FitFile(file2import) #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) conn = None # connect to the PostgreSQL server conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un,password=superuser_pw) # two-phase insert prepapre conn.tpc_begin(conn.xid(42, 'transaction ID', ath_un)) # Get all data messages that are of type record for record in fitfile.get_messages('record'): # Go through all the data entries in this record for record_data in record: if == 'activity_type': activity_type = record_data.value if == 'altitude': altitude = record_data.value if == 'cadence': cadence = record_data.value if == 'distance': distance = record_data.value if == 'enhanced_altitude': enhanced_altitude = record_data.value if == 'enhanced_speed': enhanced_speed = record_data.value if == 'fractional_cadence': fractional_cadence = record_data.value if == 'heart_rate': heart_rate = record_data.value if == 'position_lat': position_lat = record_data.value if == 'position_long': position_long = record_data.value if == 'speed': speed = record_data.value if == 'stance_time': stance_time = record_data.value if == 'stance_time_balance': stance_time_balance = record_data.value if == 'step_length': step_length = record_data.value if == 'timestamp': timestamp = record_data.value if == 'vertical_oscillation': vertical_oscillation = record_data.value if == 'vertical_ratio': vertical_ratio = record_data.value if == 'accumulated_power': accumulated_power = record_data.value if == 'left_pedal_smoothness': left_pedal_smoothness = record_data.value if == 'left_torque_effectiveness': left_torque_effectiveness = record_data.value if == 'power': power = record_data.value if == 'right_pedal_smoothness': right_pedal_smoothness = record_data.value if == 'right_torque_effectiveness': right_torque_effectiveness = record_data.value if == 'temperature': temperature = record_data.value if == 'Est Core Temp': est_core_temp = record_data.value sql = """ INSERT INTO garmin_connect_original_record (activity_type,altitude,cadence,distance,enhanced_altitude,enhanced_speed,fractional_cadence,heart_rate,position_lat ,position_long,speed,stance_time,stance_time_balance,step_length,timestamp,vertical_oscillation,vertical_ratio,accumulated_power ,left_pedal_smoothness,left_torque_effectiveness,power,right_pedal_smoothness,right_torque_effectiveness,temperature,est_core_temp,lap_id) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,(select id from garmin_connect_original_lap where timestamp >= %s and start_time < %s LIMIT 1)) ON CONFLICT (timestamp,lap_id) DO NOTHING; """ try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Inserting track record from session: ' + str(gc_activity_id) + ' with timestamp:' + str(timestamp))) cur.execute(sql,(activity_type,altitude,cadence,distance,enhanced_altitude,enhanced_speed,fractional_cadence,heart_rate,position_lat,position_long,speed,stance_time, stance_time_balance,step_length,timestamp,vertical_oscillation,vertical_ratio,accumulated_power,left_pedal_smoothness,left_torque_effectiveness, power,right_pedal_smoothness,right_torque_effectiveness,temperature,est_core_temp,str(timestamp),str(timestamp))) cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(error))) # Get all data messages that are of type hrv for record in fitfile.get_messages('hrv'): # Go through all the data entries in this record for record_data in record: if == 'time': hrv_record_list = record_data.value for i in hrv_record_list: if i != None: hrv_record = i hrv_record_list_combined.append(hrv_record*1000) sql_hrv = """ INSERT INTO garmin_connect_hrv_tracking(gc_activity_id,hrv) VALUES (%s,%s); """ try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Inserting hrv record from session: ' + str(gc_activity_id))) cur.execute(sql_hrv,(gc_activity_id,hrv_record)) # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) else: continue # two-phase insert commit or rollback try: conn.tpc_prepare() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: conn.tpc_rollback() with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(error))) else: try: conn.tpc_commit() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) #PG: Add Pool Swim specific data for record in fitfile.get_messages('sport'): for record_data in record: sport = record_data.value if sport == 'Pool Swim': with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Activity ' + str(gc_activity_id) + ' is a Pool Swim. Inserting additional data')) for record in fitfile.get_messages('length'): for record_data in record: if == 'avg_speed': avg_speed = record_data.value if == 'avg_swimming_cadence': avg_swimming_cadence = record_data.value if == 'event_group': event_group = record_data.value if == 'event_type': event_type = record_data.value if == 'length_type': length_type = record_data.value if == 'message_index': message_index = record_data.value if == 'start_time': start_time = record_data.value if == 'swim_stroke': swim_stroke = record_data.value if == 'timestamp': timestamp = record_data.value if == 'total_calories': total_calories = record_data.value if == 'total_elapsed_time': total_elapsed_time = record_data.value if == 'total_strokes': total_strokes = record_data.value if == 'total_timer_time': total_timer_time = record_data.value sql_swim = """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_garmin_connect_original_record(avg_speed real,avg_swimming_cadence int,event varchar,event_group varchar,event_type varchar,length_type varchar,message_index int ,start_time varchar,swim_stroke varchar,total_calories int,total_elapsed_time real,total_strokes int,total_timer_time real, timestamp varchar) ON COMMIT DROP; INSERT INTO temp_garmin_connect_original_record (avg_speed,avg_swimming_cadence,event,event_group,event_type,length_type,message_index ,start_time,swim_stroke,total_calories,total_elapsed_time,total_strokes,total_timer_time,timestamp) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s); UPDATE garmin_connect_original_record SET avg_speed = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.avg_speed, avg_swimming_cadence = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.avg_swimming_cadence, event = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.event, event_group = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.event_group, event_type = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.event_type, length_type = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.length_type, message_index = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.message_index, start_time = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.start_time, swim_stroke = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.swim_stroke, total_calories = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.total_calories, total_elapsed_time = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.total_elapsed_time, total_strokes = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.total_strokes, total_timer_time = temp_garmin_connect_original_record.total_timer_time FROM temp_garmin_connect_original_record WHERE temp_garmin_connect_original_record.timestamp = garmin_connect_original_record.timestamp and garmin_connect_original_record.gc_activity_id = %s; """ try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Inserting Pool swim data record from session: ' + str(gc_activity_id) + ' with timestamp:' + str(timestamp))) cur.execute(sql_swim,(avg_speed,avg_swimming_cadence,event,event_group,event_type,length_type,message_index,start_time,swim_stroke,total_calories,total_elapsed_time,total_strokes,total_timer_time,timestamp,gc_activity_id)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('--- All record data for session: ' + str(gc_activity_id) + ' inserted successfully. ---')) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('--- All record data for session: ' + str(gc_activity_id) + ' inserted successfully. ---')) #Correct Errors. Change all values with SD > 2 to mean hrv_record_list_combined = np.array(hrv_record_list_combined) hrv_record_list_combined[np.abs(zscore(hrv_record_list_combined)) > 2] = np.median(hrv_record_list_combined) #Calculate the square root of the mean square of the differences of RR-intervals hrv_rmssd = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(np.diff(hrv_record_list_combined)))) #Calculate the standard deviation of the RR-intervals hrv_sdrr = np.std(hrv_record_list_combined) #Calculate the number of pairs of successive RR-intervals that differ by more than 50/20 ms nn50 = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(hrv_record_list_combined)) > 50)*1 nn20 = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(hrv_record_list_combined)) > 20)*1 #Calculate he proportion of NN50/NN20 divided by the total number of RR-intervals. hrv_pnn50 = 100 * nn50 / len(hrv_record_list_combined) hrv_pnn20 = 100 * nn20 / len(hrv_record_list_combined) sql_hrv_stats = ''' UPDATE garmin_connect_original_session SET hrv_rmssd = %s, hrv_sdrr = %s, hrv_pnn50 = %s, hrv_pnn20 = %s WHERE gc_activity_id = %s; ''' try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Inserting hrv stats for session: ' + str(gc_activity_id))) cur.execute(sql_hrv_stats,(hrv_rmssd,hrv_sdrr,hrv_pnn50,hrv_pnn20,gc_activity_id)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) # close the communication with the PostgreSQL if conn is not None: conn.close() end = time.time() with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('\nExecution_time:') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((end-start))
def gc_bodycomposition_insert(file_path, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass): """ Connect to the PostgreSQL database server """ athlete_id = (ath_un, ) db_name = (db_name) body_water = [] muscle_mass_gm = [] visceral_fat = [] weight_gm = [] bmi = [] body_fat = [] physique_rating = [] timestamp = [] calendar_date = [] metabolic_age = [] bone_mass_gm = [] caloric_intake = [] source_type = [] conn = None #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) # PG Amend path for postgres "pg_read_file()" function. text = file_path head, sep, tail = text.partition('temp/') pg_read_file = (tail, ) sql = """ INSERT INTO garmin_connect_body_composition(athlete_id,body_water,muscle_mass_gm,visceral_fat,weight_gm,bmi, body_fat,physique_rating,timestamp,calendar_date,metabolic_age, bone_mass_gm,caloric_intake,source_type) SELECT (select id from athlete where ath_un=%s), unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="bodyWater"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS body_water, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="muscleMass"]/text()', x))::text::int AS muscle_mass_gm, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="visceralFat"]/text()', x))::text::int AS visceral_fat, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="weight"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS weight_gm, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="bmi"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS bmi, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="bodyFat"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS body_fat, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="physiqueRating"]/text()', x))::text::text AS physique_rating, to_char(to_timestamp(unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="samplePk"]/text()', x))::text::numeric/1000) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS timestamp, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="calendarDate"]/text()', x))::text::text AS calendar_date, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="metabolicAge"]/text()', x))::text::text AS metabolic_age, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="boneMass"]/text()', x))::text::int AS bone_mass_gm, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="caloricIntake"]/text()', x))::text::text AS caloric_intake, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="item"]/*[local-name()="sourceType"]/text()', x))::text::text AS source_type FROM UNNEST (xpath('//*[local-name()="root"]', pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x ON CONFLICT (athlete_id,timestamp) DO NOTHING; """ pd_df_sql = """ INSERT INTO garmin_connect_body_composition(athlete_id,body_water,muscle_mass_gm,visceral_fat,weight_gm,bmi, body_fat,physique_rating,timestamp,calendar_date,metabolic_age, bone_mass_gm,caloric_intake,source_type) VALUES ((select id from athlete where ath_un=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (athlete_id,timestamp) DO NOTHING; """ #Parse the XML document, and append the data to lists xml_document = parse(file_path) for item in xml_document.iterfind('item'): body_water.append(item.findtext('bodyWater')) muscle_mass_gm.append(item.findtext('muscleMass')) visceral_fat.append(item.findtext('visceralFat')) weight_gm.append(item.findtext('weight')) bmi.append(item.findtext('bmi')) body_fat.append(item.findtext('bodyFat')) physique_rating.append(item.findtext('physiqueRating')) timestamp.append( datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(item.findtext('samplePk')) / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) calendar_date.append(item.findtext('calendarDate')) metabolic_age.append(item.findtext('metabolicAge')) bone_mass_gm.append(item.findtext('boneMass')) caloric_intake.append(item.findtext('caloricIntake')) source_type.append(item.findtext('sourceType')) #Get the data from lists to dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({ 'body_water': body_water, 'muscle_mass_gm': muscle_mass_gm, 'visceral_fat': visceral_fat, 'weight_gm': weight_gm, 'bmi': bmi, 'body_fat': body_fat, 'physique_rating': physique_rating, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'calendar_date': calendar_date, 'metabolic_age': metabolic_age, 'bone_mass_gm': bone_mass_gm, 'caloric_intake': caloric_intake, 'source_type': source_type }) #Replace empty string with None.Required for SQL insert df.replace(r'', np.nan, inplace=True) df = df.where(pd.notnull(df), None) try: # connect to the PostgreSQL server conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting Body composition Data into postgreSQL:') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting Body composition Data into postgreSQL:') #Iterate through rows in pandas dataframe for row in df.itertuples(): df_body_water = row.body_water df_muscle_mass_gm = row.muscle_mass_gm df_visceral_fat = row.visceral_fat df_weight_gm = row.weight_gm df_bmi = row.bmi df_body_fat = row.body_fat df_physique_rating = row.physique_rating df_timestamp = row.timestamp df_calendar_date = row.calendar_date df_metabolic_age = row.metabolic_age df_bone_mass_gm = row.bone_mass_gm df_caloric_intake = row.caloric_intake df_source_type = row.source_type cur.execute( pd_df_sql, (athlete_id, df_body_water, df_muscle_mass_gm, df_visceral_fat, df_weight_gm, df_bmi, df_body_fat, df_physique_rating, df_timestamp, df_calendar_date, df_metabolic_age, df_bone_mass_gm, df_caloric_intake, df_source_type)) ### Insert using Xpath method ### #cur.execute(xpath_sql,(athlete_id,pg_read_file)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(error))) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Body composition Data Inserted Successfully')
def gc_activity_insert(file_path, ath_un, activity, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass): """ Connect to the PostgreSQL database server """ file2import = (file_path, ) athlete_id = (ath_un, ) activity_id = (activity, ) db_name = db_name conn = None #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) sql = """DO $do$ BEGIN IF (SELECT count(xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/@StartTime', x))::text::int FROM unnest(xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]', pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x) = 1 THEN INSERT INTO garmin_connect_activity (activity_timestamp,sport,athlete_id,gc_activity_id) SELECT (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]/*[local-name()="Id"]/text()', x))[1]::text::text AS activity_timestamp, (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]/@Sport', x))[1]::text::text AS sport, (select id from athlete where ath_un=%s), %s FROM UNNEST (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]',pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x; INSERT INTO garmin_connect_lap (gc_activity_id,lap_id,activity_timestamp,total_time_seconds,distance_meters,maximum_speed,calories,average_hr_bpm,maximum_hr_bpm,intensity,cadence,trigger_method, extensions_ns3_lx_avgspeed,extensions_ns3_lx_maxbikecadence,extensions_ns3_lx_steps,extensions_ns3_lx_avgwatts,extensions_ns3_lx_maxwatts,extensions_ns3_lx_avgruncadence, extensions_ns3_lx_maxruncadence) SELECT %s, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/@StartTime', x))::text::text AS lap_id, (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]/*[local-name()="Id"]/text()', x))[1]::text::text AS activity_timestamp, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="TotalTimeSeconds"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS total_time_seconds, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="DistanceMeters"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS distance_meters, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="MaximumSpeed"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS maximum_speed, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Calories"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS calories, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="AverageHeartRateBpm"]/*[local-name()="Value"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS average_hr_bpm, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="MaximumHeartRateBpm"]/*[local-name()="Value"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS maximum_hr_bpm, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Intensity"]/text()', x))::text::text AS intensity, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Cadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS cadence, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="TriggerMethod"]/text()', x))::text::text AS trigger_method, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="AvgSpeed"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS extensions_ns3_lx_avgspeed, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="MaxBikeCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_maxbikecadence, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="Steps"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_steps, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="AvgWatts"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_avgwatts, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="MaxWatts"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_maxwatts, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="AvgRunCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_avgruncadence, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="MaxRunCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_maxruncadence FROM UNNEST (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]', pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x; INSERT INTO garmin_connect_trackpoint (trackpoint_time, lap_id, position_latitude_degrees, position_longitude_degrees,altitude_meters,distance_meters,hr_bpm,extensions_ns3_tpx_speed,extensions_ns3_tpx_watts,extensions_ns3_tpx_runcadence) SELECT unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="Time"]/text()', x))::text::text AS trackpoint_time, (select unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/@StartTime', x))::text::text AS lap_id from unnest(xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]', pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x), unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="Position"]/*[local-name()="LatitudeDegrees"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS position_latitude_degrees, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="Position"]/*[local-name()="LongitudeDegrees"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS position_longitude_degrees, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="AltitudeMeters"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS altitude_meters, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="DistanceMeters"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS distance_meters, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="HeartRateBpm"]/*[local-name()="Value"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS hr_bpm, unnest(xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"] /*[local-name()="TPX"]/*[local-name()="Speed"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS extensions_ns3_tpx_speed, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"] /*[local-name()="TPX"]/*[local-name()="Watts"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_tpx_watts, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"] /*[local-name()="TPX"]/*[local-name()="RunCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_tpx_runcadence FROM unnest(xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]', pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x; ELSE INSERT INTO garmin_connect_activity (activity_timestamp,sport,athlete_id,gc_activity_id) SELECT (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]/*[local-name()="Id"]/text()', x))[1]::text::text AS activity_timestamp, (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]/@Sport', x))[1]::text::text AS sport,(select id from athlete where ath_un=%s), %s FROM UNNEST (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]',pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x; INSERT INTO garmin_connect_lap (gc_activity_id,lap_id,activity_timestamp,total_time_seconds,distance_meters,maximum_speed,calories,average_hr_bpm,maximum_hr_bpm,intensity,cadence,trigger_method, extensions_ns3_lx_avgspeed,extensions_ns3_lx_maxbikecadence,extensions_ns3_lx_steps,extensions_ns3_lx_avgwatts,extensions_ns3_lx_maxwatts,extensions_ns3_lx_avgruncadence, extensions_ns3_lx_maxruncadence) SELECT %s, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/@StartTime', x))::text::text AS lap_id, (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]/*[local-name()="Id"]/text()', x))[1]::text::text AS activity_timestamp, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="TotalTimeSeconds"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS total_time_seconds, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="DistanceMeters"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS distance_meters, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="MaximumSpeed"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS maximum_speed, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Calories"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS calories, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="AverageHeartRateBpm"]/*[local-name()="Value"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS average_hr_bpm, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="MaximumHeartRateBpm"]/*[local-name()="Value"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS maximum_hr_bpm, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Intensity"]/text()', x))::text::text AS intensity, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Cadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS cadence, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="TriggerMethod"]/text()', x))::text::text AS trigger_method, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="AvgSpeed"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS extensions_ns3_lx_avgspeed, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="MaxBikeCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_maxbikecadence, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="Steps"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_steps, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="AvgWatts"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_avgwatts, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="MaxWatts"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_maxwatts, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="AvgRunCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_avgruncadence, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"]/*[local-name()="LX"]/*[local-name()="MaxRunCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_lx_maxruncadence FROM UNNEST (xpath('//*[local-name()="Activity"]', pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x; INSERT INTO garmin_connect_trackpoint (trackpoint_time, lap_id, position_latitude_degrees, position_longitude_degrees,altitude_meters,distance_meters,hr_bpm,extensions_ns3_tpx_speed,extensions_ns3_tpx_watts,extensions_ns3_tpx_runcadence) SELECT unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="Time"]/text()', x))::text::text AS trackpoint_time, (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/@StartTime', x))[1]::text::text AS lap_id, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="Position"]/*[local-name()="LatitudeDegrees"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS position_latitude_degrees, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="Position"]/*[local-name()="LongitudeDegrees"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS position_longitude_degrees, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="AltitudeMeters"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS altitude_meters, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="DistanceMeters"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS distance_meters, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/ *[local-name()="HeartRateBpm"]/*[local-name()="Value"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS hr_bpm, unnest(xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"] /*[local-name()="TPX"]/*[local-name()="Speed"]/text()', x))::text::numeric AS extensions_ns3_tpx_speed, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"] /*[local-name()="TPX"]/*[local-name()="Watts"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_tpx_watts, unnest (xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]/*[local-name()="Track"]/*[local-name()="Trackpoint"]/*[local-name()="Extensions"] /*[local-name()="TPX"]/*[local-name()="RunCadence"]/text()', x))::text::integer AS extensions_ns3_tpx_runcadence FROM unnest(xpath('//*[local-name()="Lap"]', pg_read_file(%s)::xml)) x; END IF; END $do$ """ try: # connect to the PostgreSQL server with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( 'Connecting to the PostgreSQL server to insert TCX activity data...' ) try: conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) except Exception as e: with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( (str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) # create a cursor try: cur = conn.cursor() except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( (str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting Activity Data into postgreSQL:') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting Activity Data into postgreSQL:') cur.execute( sql, (file2import, athlete_id, activity_id, file2import, activity_id, file2import, file2import, file2import, athlete_id, activity_id, file2import, activity_id, file2import, file2import)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.IntegrityError) as ex: if ex.pgcode == '23505': with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( 'The record for this activity already exists in the database.Skipping...' ) with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( 'The record for this activity already exists in the database.Skipping...' ) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(error))) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close()
def mm_data_insert(output, start_date, end_date, ath_un, encr_pass, mm_dbx_link, save_pwd, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw): # Before executing the script go to your droppox Apps/Mind Monitor folder. # Right click on the folder, select 'Share' option and copy the generated link. # Assign the link string to the 'mm_dbx_link' parameter. user_output = os.path.join(output, ath_un) download_folder = os.path.join(user_output, 'MM_Historical_EEG') archive_folder = os.path.join(download_folder, 'Archive') #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = str(os.getpid()) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) path_params = config(filename="encrypted_settings.ini", section="archive") preserve_files = str(path_params.get("preserve_files")) if save_pwd == True: encrypted_link = base64.b64encode(encrypt(mm_dbx_link, encr_pass)) encrypted_link = encrypted_link.decode('utf-8') else: encrypted_link = None #PG: insert MM export link into database mm_user_insert(encrypted_link, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) # Download the MM export csv file from dropbox using share link mm_dbx_link = mm_dbx_link[:-1] + '1' # Replace the 0 at the end of the link with 1.Will download as .zip file. response = urllib.request.urlopen(mm_dbx_link) # Extract the downloaded folder in to variable compressedFile = io.BytesIO() compressedFile.write( #Check if the date variable are of string or datetime type if type(start_date) == str: #Script run as standalone start_date_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d") else: #Script run from flask server (variable passes as datetime type) start_date_dt = start_date if type(end_date) == str: #Script run as standalone end_date_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d") else: #Script run from flask server (variable passes as datetime type) end_date_dt = end_date # Create output directory (if it does not already exist). if not os.path.exists(download_folder): os.makedirs(download_folder) # Create Archive directory (if it does not already exist). if preserve_files == "true": if not os.path.exists(archive_folder): os.makedirs(archive_folder) with zipfile.ZipFile(compressedFile, 'r') as z: #List the content of the zip file zipfile_content = z.namelist() #Iterate through list and only extract files within date range for item in zipfile_content: #Extract date from filename item_date = item[12:22] if item_date != '': item_date_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( item_date, "%Y-%m-%d") else: continue # Check if the file date is within the download Date range. if item_date_dt > end_date_dt + datetime.timedelta( days=1) or item_date_dt < start_date_dt: continue else: #PG: Check whether the data from this file "file_path" have been inserted into to DB during one of the previous runs data_file_exists = check_data_file_exists( os.path.join(download_folder, item), ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) if data_file_exists == True: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('{} already exists in {}. Skipping.'.format( item, download_folder))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('{} already exists in {}. Skipping.'.format( item, download_folder))) continue z.extract(item, download_folder) #Insert filepath into the db try: data_file_path_insert(os.path.join(download_folder, item), ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ' ' + str(e))) for filename in os.listdir(download_folder): if filename.endswith(".zip"): with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(download_folder, filename), 'r') as z: z.extractall(download_folder) os.remove(os.path.join(download_folder, filename)) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" extracted into csv and the original removed' .format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" extracted into csv and the original removed' .format(filename))) db_name = str(str2md5(ath_un)) + '_Athlete_Data_DB' conn = None # connect to the PostgreSQL server conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) sql = """ INSERT INTO mind_monitor_eeg(timestamp,delta_tp9, delta_af7,delta_af8,delta_tp10,athlete_id,theta_tp9,theta_af7,theta_af8,theta_tp10,alpha_tp9,alpha_af7,alpha_af8,alpha_tp10,beta_tp9,beta_af7,beta_af8, beta_tp10,gamma_tp9,gamma_af7,gamma_af8,gamma_tp10,raw_tp9,raw_af7,raw_af8,raw_tp10,aux_right,accelerometer_x,accelerometer_y,accelerometer_z, gyro_x,gyro_y,gyro_z,head_band_on,hsi_tp9,hsi_af7,hsi_af8,hsi_tp10,battery,elements,timestamp_gmt) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,(select id from athlete where ath_un=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s ,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ON CONFLICT (athlete_id,timestamp) DO NOTHING; """ sql_local2gmt = """ SELECT gmt_local_difference FROM gmt_local_time_difference WHERE local_date = %s; """ for filename in os.listdir(download_folder): if filename.endswith(".csv"): # Read/Parse the .csv file and load the data into pandas dataset with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( ('Parsing and inserting the content of \"{}\" into the DB'. format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( ('Parsing and inserting the content of \"{}\" into the DB'. format(filename))) dataset = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(download_folder, filename), sep=",", header=None) dataset.drop(dataset.index[:1], inplace=True) #Drop the first row for row in dataset.itertuples(): local_time = row._1 local_time_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( (local_time), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") local_time_str = datetime.datetime.strftime( local_time_dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") local_date_str = datetime.datetime.strftime((local_time_dt), "%Y-%m-%d") utc_time_str = None delta_tp9 = row._2 delta_af7 = row._3 delta_af8 = row._4 delta_tp10 = row._5 theta_tp9 = row._6 theta_af7 = row._7 theta_af8 = row._8 theta_tp10 = row._9 alpha_tp9 = row._10 alpha_af7 = row._11 alpha_af8 = row._12 alpha_tp10 = row._13 beta_tp9 = row._14 beta_af7 = row._15 beta_af8 = row._16 beta_tp10 = row._17 gamma_tp9 = row._18 gamma_af7 = row._19 gamma_af8 = row._20 gamma_tp10 = row._21 raw_tp9 = row._22 raw_af7 = row._23 raw_af8 = row._24 raw_tp10 = row._25 aux_right = row._26 accelerometer_x = row._27 accelerometer_y = row._28 accelerometer_z = row._29 gyro_x = row._30 gyro_y = row._31 gyro_z = row._32 head_band_on = row._33 hsi_tp9 = row._34 hsi_af7 = row._35 hsi_af8 = row._36 hsi_tp10 = row._37 battery = row._38 elements = row._39 # Check if the Record Date is within the download Date range. if local_time_dt > end_date_dt + datetime.timedelta( days=1) or local_time_dt < start_date_dt: break else: try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement cur.execute(sql_local2gmt, (local_date_str, )) result = cur.fetchone() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL conn.commit() cur.close() if result is not None: utc_time_dt = local_time_dt - result[0] utc_time_str = datetime.datetime.strftime( (utc_time_dt), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' ' + str(error))) try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement cur.execute( sql, (local_time_str, delta_tp9, delta_af7, delta_af8, delta_tp10, ath_un, theta_tp9, theta_af7, theta_af8, theta_tp10, alpha_tp9, alpha_af7, alpha_af8, alpha_tp10, beta_tp9, beta_af7, beta_af8, beta_tp10, gamma_tp9, gamma_af7, gamma_af8, gamma_tp10, raw_tp9, raw_af7, raw_af8, raw_tp10, aux_right, accelerometer_x, accelerometer_y, accelerometer_z, gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z, head_band_on, hsi_tp9, hsi_af7, hsi_af8, hsi_tp10, battery, elements, utc_time_str)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' ' + str(error))) if preserve_files == "false": #Remove the csv file from download folder os.remove(os.path.join(download_folder, filename)) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file removed' .format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file removed' .format(filename))) else: #Move the csv to archive folder if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(archive_folder, filename)): os.rename(os.path.join(download_folder, filename), os.path.join(archive_folder, filename)) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file archived' .format(filename))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'The content of \"{}\" parsed and inserted into DB and the original csv file archived' .format(filename))) else: #Remove the csv file from download folder os.remove(os.path.join(download_folder, filename)) # close the communication with the PostgreSQL if conn is not None: conn.close()
def dwnld_insert_nutrition(mfp_username, mfp_password, ath_un, start_date, end_date, encr_pass, save_pwd, auto_synch, db_host, superuser_un, superuser_pw): Crypto.Random.atfork() db_name = str(str2md5(ath_un)) + '_Athlete_Data_DB' if save_pwd == True: encrypted_pwd = base64.b64encode(encrypt(mfp_password, encr_pass)) encrypted_pwd = encrypted_pwd.decode('utf-8') else: encrypted_pwd = None #Get PID of the current process and write it in the file pid = (str(os.getpid())) pidfile = PID_FILE_DIR + ath_un + '_PID.txt' open(pidfile, 'w').write(pid) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print("Attempting to login to MFP...") with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print("Attempting to login to MFP...") try: client = myfitnesspal.Client(mfp_username, mfp_password) except ValueError as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + '-E1- ' + str(e))) with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Wrong MFP credentials for user {}. Skipping.'.format( mfp_username))) return with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('MFP Login successful! Proceeding...') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('MFP Login successful! Proceeding...') mfp_user_insert(mfp_username, encrypted_pwd, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) #PG: insert MFP user details into database # read DB connection parameters from ini file conn = None # connect to the PostgreSQL server with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL server...') conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=db_name, host=db_host, user=superuser_un, password=superuser_pw) for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date): date_in_range = single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") data_exist_for_date = 'Nutrition_Data_For_' + date_in_range #PG: Check whether the data for this date have been inserted into to DB during one of the previous runs data_exists = check_data_file_exists(data_exist_for_date, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) if data_exists == True: with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'Nutrition data for {} already downloaded and inserted to DB. Skipping.' .format(date_in_range))) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(( 'Nutrition data for {} already downloaded and inserted to DB. Skipping.' .format(date_in_range))) continue with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Downloading nutrition data: ' + date_in_range)) with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('Downloading nutrition data: ' + date_in_range)) try: day = client.get_date(single_date) meals = day.meals for meal in meals: meal_name = entry = meal.entries with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print(('****' + meal_name + '****')) for item in entry: food_item = item.short_name if food_item is None: food_item = 'Generic' with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((food_item.encode("utf-8"))) units = item.unit if units is None: units = 'piece' quantity = item.quantity if quantity is None: quantity = 1.0 nutrients = item.nutrition_information for nutrient, value in nutrients.items(): if nutrient == 'fiber': fiber_value = value if nutrient == 'sodium': sodium_value = value if nutrient == 'carbohydrates': carbohydrates_value = value if nutrient == 'calories': calories_value = value if nutrient == 'fat': fat_value = value if nutrient == 'protein': protein_value = value sql = """ INSERT INTO mfp_nutrition(athlete_id,date,meal,food_item,units,quantity,fiber,sodium,carbohydrates,calories,fat,protein) VALUES ((select id from athlete where mfp_username=%s),%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s); """ try: # create a cursor cur = conn.cursor() # execute a statement with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting record....') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('Inserting record....') cur.execute(sql, (mfp_username, date_in_range, meal_name, food_item, units, quantity, fiber_value, sodium_value, carbohydrates_value, calories_value, fat_value, protein_value)) conn.commit() # close the communication with the PostgreSQL cur.close() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print((str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format( sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + '-E2- ' + str(error))) # Update the files table data_file_path_insert(data_exist_for_date, ath_un, db_host, db_name, superuser_un, superuser_pw, encr_pass) except Exception as e: with ErrorStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print( (str( + ' [' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ']' + ' Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + '-E3- ' + str(e))) continue # close the communication with the PostgreSQL if conn is not None: conn.close() with StdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('--- All nutrition data inserted successfully. ---') with ProgressStdoutRedirection(ath_un): print('--- All nutrition data inserted successfully. ---')