コード例 #1
 if verbose: print('translation=', TRANS)
 #rot = [1,0,0,180]
 #for the rotation axis, use xscale
 rot = []
 for ind in range(3):
 #for the rotation angle
 if verbose: print('axis=', rot[:3], ' and angle=', rot[-1])
 dihe = []
 for ind in range(ndihe):
     dihe.append(dscale * random.uniform(-1,1))
 if verbose: print('dihe=', dihe)
 conf = Conformation(m, origin, TRANS, rot, dihe)
 new_coords = conf.getCoords()
 #verify that no new bonds would be formed for this conformation
 m.allAtoms.updateCoords(new_coords, ind=coord_index)
 #remove all original bonds and set hasBonds to 0 on all levels
 for c in m.chains: c.hasBonds=0
 for r in m.chains.residues: r.hasBonds=0
 for a in m.allAtoms: 
     a.bonds = BondSet([])
     a.hasBonds = 0
 newLen = len(m.allAtoms.bonds[0])
 if verbose: print("originally %d bonds form; after transformation %d bonds form" %(orig, newLen))
 new_d = {}
 for a in m.allAtoms: new_d[a]=set(a.bonds.getAtoms())
コード例 #2
 #State:\t  4.847  -2.386  14.760  -0.413  0.552 -0.724  4.257     58.27  -33.47  -87.92  134.64  -36.46  114.79  -44.86  -74.96 -118.53   77.29  139.08   78.23  -52.09  -12.69   35.08 -118.21 -175.94\n'
 fl = map(float, sline.split()[1:])
 assert len(fl) == length_of_state
 # 0  1  2  3  4  5  6 [7....
 #[t1,t2,t3,q1,q2,q3,q4,tors1,tors2, tors3....
 translation = fl[:3]
 quaternion = [fl[6], fl[3:6]]
 #energy = eline.split()[8]
 energy = eline.split()[index_of_energy]
 torsion_angles = []
 if ntors > 0:
     torsion_angles = fl[7:]
     newConf = Conformation(lig, origin, translation, quaternion,
     newCrds = newConf.getCoords()
     if interim_state:
         #here's where to add back the origin or ?
         newCrds -= origin
     #write some MODEL stuff then newCrds
     ostr = "MODEL %d\n" % ctr
     ctr += 1
     ostr = "REMARK AD4 RESULT: %s\n" % energy  #put energy here...
     ct = 0
     for l in ligLines:
         if l.find("ATOM") == 0 or l.find("HETATM") == 0:
             cc = newCrds[ct]
             ct = ct + 1
コード例 #3
 if verbose: print 'translation=', TRANS
 #rot = [1,0,0,180]
 #for the rotation axis, use xscale
 rot = []
 for ind in range(3):
 #for the rotation angle
 if verbose: print 'axis=', rot[:3], ' and angle=', rot[-1]
 dihe = []
 for ind in range(ndihe):
     dihe.append(dscale * random.uniform(-1,1))
 if verbose: print 'dihe=', dihe
 conf = Conformation(m, origin, TRANS, rot, dihe)
 new_coords = conf.getCoords()
 #verify that no new bonds would be formed for this conformation
 m.allAtoms.updateCoords(new_coords, ind=coord_index)
 #remove all original bonds and set hasBonds to 0 on all levels
 for c in m.chains: c.hasBonds=0
 for r in m.chains.residues: r.hasBonds=0
 for a in m.allAtoms: 
     a.bonds = BondSet([])
     a.hasBonds = 0
 newLen = len(m.allAtoms.bonds[0])
 if verbose: print "originally %d bonds form; after transformation %d bonds form" %(orig, newLen)
 new_d = {}
 for a in m.allAtoms: new_d[a]=set(a.bonds.getAtoms())
コード例 #4
 #build a states from each of the lines in statefile
 #State:\t  4.847  -2.386  14.760  -0.413  0.552 -0.724  4.257     58.27  -33.47  -87.92  134.64  -36.46  114.79  -44.86  -74.96 -118.53   77.29  139.08   78.23  -52.09  -12.69   35.08 -118.21 -175.94\n'
 fl = map(float, sline.split()[1:])
 assert len(fl)==length_of_state
 # 0  1  2  3  4  5  6 [7....
 #[t1,t2,t3,q1,q2,q3,q4,tors1,tors2, tors3....
 translation = fl[:3]
 quaternion = [fl[6],fl[3:6]]
 #energy = eline.split()[8]
 energy = eline.split()[index_of_energy]
 torsion_angles = []
 if ntors>0:
     torsion_angles = fl[7:]
     newConf = Conformation(lig,origin,translation, quaternion, torsion_angles)
     newCrds = newConf.getCoords()
     if interim_state:
         #here's where to add back the origin or ?
         newCrds -= origin
     #write some MODEL stuff then newCrds
     ostr = "MODEL %d\n"%ctr
     ctr += 1
     ostr = "REMARK AD4 RESULT: %s\n" %energy #put energy here...
     ct = 0
     for l in ligLines:
         if l.find("ATOM")==0 or l.find("HETATM")==0:
             cc = newCrds[ct]
             ct = ct + 1