コード例 #1
ファイル: sprints.py プロジェクト: mrozekma/Sprint
def showBacklog(handler, id, search = None, devEdit = False):
	requirePriv(handler, 'User')
	id = int(id)
	sprint = Sprint.load(id)
	if not sprint or sprint.isHidden(handler.session['user']):
		ErrorBox.die('Sprints', "No sprint with ID <b>%d</b>" % id)
	elif not sprint.canView(handler.session['user']):
		ErrorBox.die('Private', "You must be a sprint member to view this sprint")

	# Redirect to search help page if searched for empty string
	if search == '':

	drawNavArrows(sprint, handler.session['user'], '')

	tasks = sprint.getTasks()
	editable = sprint.canEdit(handler.session['user']) or (devEdit and isDevMode(handler))
	search = Search(sprint, search)

	print "<script src=\"/settings/sprints.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"

	print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
	print "var sprintid = %d;" % id
	print "var currentUser = %s;" % toJS(handler.session['user'].username if handler.session['user'] else None)
	print "var totalTasks = %d;" % len(tasks)

	# True is a placeholder for the dynamic tokens (status, assigned)
	print "var searchTokens = %s;" % toJS(filter(None, [search.getBaseString() if search.hasBaseString() else None] + [True] + ["%s:%s" % (filt.getKey(), filt.value) for filt in search.getAll() if filt.getKey() not in ('status', 'assigned')]))
	print "var searchDescriptions = %s;" % toJS(filter(None, ["matching %s" % search.getBaseString() if search.hasBaseString() else None] + [True] + [filt.description() for filt in search.getAll()]))

	print "TaskTable.init({link_hours_status: %s});" % toJS(not sprint.isPlanning())
	print "$('document').ready(function() {"
	if search.has('assigned'):
		print "    $('%s').addClass('selected');" % ', '.join("#filter-assigned a[assigned=\"%s\"]" % user.username for user in search.get('assigned').users + ([handler.session['user']] if search.get('assigned').currentUser else []))
	if search.has('status'):
		print "    $('%s').addClass('selected');" % ', '.join("#filter-status a[status=\"%s\"]" % status.name for status in search.get('status').statuses)
	print "    apply_filters();"
	print "});"
	print "</script>"

	print "<div id=\"selected-task-box\">"
	print "<span></span>"
	print Button('history', id = 'selected-history').positive()
	print Button('highlight', id = 'selected-highlight').positive()
	print Button('mass edit', id = 'selected-edit').positive()
	print Button('cancel', id = 'selected-cancel') #.negative()
	print "</div>"

	print "<div class=\"backlog-tabs\">"
	print tabs(sprint, 'backlog')
	print "<input type=\"text\" id=\"search\" value=\"%s\">" % search.getFullString().replace('"', '&quot;')
	print "</div>"


	print InfoBox('Loading...', id = 'post-status', close = True)

	avail = Availability(sprint) if sprint.isActive() else None
	dayStart = Weekday.today().date()
	print "<div id=\"filter-assigned\">"
	print "<a class=\"fancy danger\" href=\"#\"><img src=\"/static/images/cross.png\">&nbsp;None</a>"
	for member in sorted(sprint.members):
		cls = ['fancy']
		if not sprint.isPlanning() and avail and avail.get(member, dayStart) == 0:
		print "<a class=\"%s\" assigned=\"%s\" href=\"/sprints/%d?search=assigned:%s\"><img src=\"%s\">&nbsp;%s</a>" % (' '.join(cls), member.username, id, member.username, member.getAvatar(16), member.username)
	print "</div><br>"

	print "<div id=\"filter-status\">"
	print "<a class=\"fancy danger\" href=\"#\"><img src=\"/static/images/cross.png\">&nbsp;None</a>"
	for status in sorted(statuses.values()):
		print "<a class=\"fancy\" status=\"%s\" href=\"/sprints/%d?search=status:%s\"><img src=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (status.name, id, status.name.replace(' ', '-'), status.getIcon(), status.text)
	print "</div><br>"

	if handler.session['user'].hasPrivilege('Admin') and 'deleted' in sprint.flags:
		print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/admin/projects/%d/cancel-deletion/%d\">" % (sprint.project.id, sprint.id)
		print WarningBox("This sprint is flagged for deletion during nightly cleanup. %s" % Button('Cancel').mini().post())
		print "</form>"
	if sprint.isPlanning():
		if sprint.isActive():
			print InfoBox("Today is <b>sprint planning</b> &mdash; tasks aren't finalized until the end of the day")
			daysTillPlanning = (tsToDate(sprint.start) - getNow()).days + 1
			print InfoBox("The sprint has <b>not begun</b> &mdash; planning is %s. All changes are considered to have been made midnight of plan day" % ('tomorrow' if daysTillPlanning == 1 else "in %d days" % daysTillPlanning))
	elif sprint.isReview():
		print InfoBox("Today is <b>sprint review</b> &mdash; this is the last day to make changes to the backlog. All open tasks will be deferred at the end of the day")
	elif not sprint.isOver():
		noHours = filter(lambda task: task.stillOpen() and task.hours == 0, tasks)
		if noHours != []:
			print WarningBox("There are <a href=\"/sprints/%d?search=status:not-started,in-progress,blocked hours:0\">open tasks with no hour estimate</a>" % sprint.id)

	tasks = search.filter(tasks)

	if isDevMode(handler):
		print Button('#all-tasks borders', "javascript:$('#all-tasks, #all-tasks tr td').css('border', '1px solid #f00').css('border-collapse', 'collapse');").negative()
		if not editable:
			print Button('make editable', "/sprints/%d?devEdit" % id).negative()
		elif devEdit:
			print Button('make uneditable', "/sprints/%d" % id).negative()

		print "<div class=\"debugtext\">"
		print "start: %d (%s)<br>" % (sprint.start, tsToDate(sprint.start))
		print "end: %d (%s)<br>" % (sprint.end, tsToDate(sprint.end))
		print "</div>"

	showing = ResponseWriter()
	print "<span id=\"task-count\"></span>"
	# save-search href set by update_task_count()
	print "<a class=\"save-search\"><img src=\"/static/images/save.png\" title=\"Save search\"></a>"
	print "<a class=\"cancel-search\" href=\"/sprints/%d\"><img src=\"/static/images/cross.png\" title=\"Clear search\"></a>" % id
	showing = showing.done()

	print TaskTable(sprint, editable = editable, tasks = tasks, tableID = 'all-tasks', dateline = showing, taskClasses = {task: ['highlight'] for task in (search.get('highlight').tasks if search.has('highlight') else [])}, debug = isDevMode(handler), groupActions = True, taskModActions = True, index = True, goal = True, status = True, name = True, assigned = True, historicalHours = True, hours = True, devEdit = devEdit)
コード例 #2
ファイル: sprints.py プロジェクト: mrozekma/Sprint
def showAvailability(handler, id):
	requirePriv(handler, 'User')
	id = int(id)
	sprint = Sprint.load(id)
	if not sprint or sprint.isHidden(handler.session['user']):
		ErrorBox.die('Sprints', "No sprint with ID <b>%d</b>" % id)
	elif not sprint.canView(handler.session['user']):
		ErrorBox.die('Private', "You must be a sprint member to view this sprint")
	tasks = sprint.getTasks()

	drawNavArrows(sprint, handler.session['user'], 'availability')
	print tabs(sprint, 'availability')

	print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
	print "var sprintid = %d;" % id
	print "</script>"

	print InfoBox('Loading...', id = 'post-status', close = True)

	avail = Availability(sprint)
	oneday = timedelta(1)
	start, end = tsToDate(sprint.start), tsToDate(sprint.end)
	editable = sprint.canEdit(handler.session['user'])

	print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/sprints/%d/availability\">" % sprint.id

	# This is in case the user presses enter
	print Button('', id = 'save-button2', type = 'button')

	print "<table class=\"availability\">"
	print "<tr class=\"dateline\">"
	print "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
	for day in sprint.getDays():
		print "<td>%s<br>%s</td>" % (day.strftime('%d'), day.strftime('%a'))
		if day.weekday() == 4:
			print "<td class=\"spacer\">&nbsp;</td>"
	print "<td class=\"buttons\"></td>" # The stylesheet counts cells from the right, so it's important that this be here to match the other rows
	print "</tr>"
	if editable:
		print "<tr class=\"dateline\">"
		print "<td class=\"buttons\">"
		if editable:
			print Button('set all 8', id = 'set-all-8', type = 'button').info()
		print "</td>"
		for day in sprint.getDays():
			print "<td class=\"buttons\"><img src=\"/static/images/clipboard.png\" title=\"Copy first down\"></td>"
			if day.weekday() == 4:
				print "<td class=\"spacer\">&nbsp;</td>"
		print "<td class=\"buttons\"></td>"
		print "</tr>"

	for user in sorted(sprint.members):
		print "<tr class=\"userline\">"
		print "<td class=\"username\">%s&nbsp;<img src=\"%s\"></td>" % (user.safe.username, user.getAvatar(16))
		for day in sprint.getDays():
			if editable:
				print "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"hours[%d,%d]\" value=\"%d\"></td>" % (user.id, dateToTs(day), avail.get(user, day))
				print "<td style=\"text-align: center\">%d</td>" % avail.get(user, day)

			if day.weekday() == 4:
				print "<td class=\"spacer\">&nbsp;</td>"
		print "<td class=\"buttons\">"
		if editable:
			print "<img src=\"/static/images/clipboard.png\" title=\"Copy first right\">"
		print "</td>"
		print "</tr>"

	if editable:
		print "<tr><td>%s</td></tr>" % Button('Save', id = 'save-button', type = 'button').positive()
	print "</table>"
	print "</form>"