コード例 #1
def modPersonne(perso, idP, nom=None, prenom=None, login=None, mdp=None, sexe=None, typeP=None, adresse=None, promotion=None, dateDeNaissance=None, lieuDeNaissance=None, numeroDeTel=None, email=None, groupes=None):
        Modify a person in the database
        :param idP: id of the person to modify
        :type idP: int      
        :param pers: the user who wants to modify the object
        :type pers: Personne
        :param nom: last name of the person
        :type nom: string
        :param prenom: first name of the person
        :type prenom: string
        :param login: username of the person
        :type login: string
        :param mdp: password of the person
        :type mdp: string
        :param sexe: sex of the person
        :type sexe: list of tuple
        :param typeP: if the person is a student, a teacher etc...
        :type typeP: list of tuple
        :param adresse: the address of the person
        :type adresse: string
        :param promotion: year of the person promotion
        :type promotion: int
        :param dateDeNaissance: date of birth
        :type dateDeNaissance: python date
        :param lieuDeNaissance: place of birth
        :type lieuDeNaissance: string
        :param numeroDeTel: phone number
        :type numeroDeTel: string
        :param email: email of the person
        :type email: Django email or string
        >> from BDD.choices import HOMME_STATUT, ELEVE_STATUT
        >> modPersonne(request.user.personne, sexe=HOMME_STATUT, typeP=ELEVE_STATUT)
        modify a person in the database
    p = models.Personne.objects.filter(id=idP)[0]
    su = 0
    txt = "Vous avez changé la personne " + p.user.first_name + " " + p.user.last_name
    txt2 = "Votre profil à été changé :"
    if (prenom != None and prenom != "" and prenom != p.user.first_name) or (nom != None and nom != ""  and nom != p.user.last_name):
        mod = models.Modification()
        mod.datemodif = timezone.now()
        mod.typetable = 'UserChanged : '
        mod.typemod = MODIFIER
        mod.ipmod = p.user.id
        cm = models.ChampsModifie()
        cm.champs = mod
        cm.nomchamp = 'Nom changé depuis'
        if prenom != None and prenom != "" and prenom != p.user.first_name:
            su = 1
            cm.valchamp = p.user.first_name+' '+p.user.last_name
            p.user.first_name = prenom
        if nom != None and nom != ""  and nom != p.user.last_name:
            su = 1
            cm.valchamp = p.user.first_name+' '+p.user.last_name
            p.user.last_name = nom
        if su == 1:
            txt2 = txt2 + " vous etes maintenant : " + prenom + " " + nom + ". "
            txt = txt + " en " + prenom + " " + nom
        txt = txt + ". "
    if groupes != None:
        txt, txt2 = manytomany(groupes, txt, p, models.Groupe, "groupe_set", "groupe", "au", True, attrafiche="nom", txt2=txt2)
        p.groupe_set = groupes
    if login != None and login != "" and login != p.user.username:
        txt = txt + " Son login a changé de " + p.user.username + " à " + login
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre login a été changé de " + p.user.username + " à " + login
        p.user.username = login
    if mdp != None and mdp != "" and p.user.password != login:
        txt = txt + " Son mot de passe a été changé "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre mot de passe a été changé "
        p.user.password = mdp
    p.filter = "{0} {1}".format(p.user.last_name, p.user.first_name)
    if email != None and email != "" and p.user.email != email: 
        txt = txt + " Son email a changé de " + p.user.email + " à " + email
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre email a été changé de " + p.user.email + " à " + email
        p.user.email = email
    if typeP != None and typeP != "" and int(typeP) != int(p.type):   
        txt = txt + " Son statut a changé de " + str(p.get_type_display()) + " à " + findchoice(typeP, TYPE) + ". "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre statut a été changé de " + str(p.get_type_display()) + " à " + findchoice(typeP, TYPE) + ". "
        if int(typeP) == 3:
            p.user.is_superuser = True
            p.user.is_superuser = False    
        p.type = typeP
    if sexe != None and int(sexe) != int(p.sexe):
        txt = txt + " Vous avez changé son sexe de " + str(p.get_sexe_display()) + " à " + findchoice(sexe, SEXE) + ". "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Vous sexe a été changé (sur le site) de " + str(p.get_sexe_display()) + " à " + findchoice(sexe, SEXE) + ". "
        p.sexe = sexe
    if adresse != None and adresse != "" and p.adresse != adresse:
        txt = txt + " Vous avez changé son adresse de " + p.adresse + " à " + adresse + ". "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre adresse a été changé de " + p.adresse + " à " + adresse + ". "
        p.adresse = adresse 
    if promotion != None and promotion != "" and p.promotion != promotion:
        txt = txt + " Vous avez changé sa promotion de " + str(p.promotion) + " à " + str(promotion) + ". "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre promotion a changé de " + str(p.promotion) + " à " + str(promotion) + ". "
        p.promotion = promotion
    if dateDeNaissance != None and dateDeNaissance != "" and p.dateDeNaissance != dateDeNaissance:
        txt = txt + " Vous avez changé sa date de naissance de " + str(p.dateDeNaissance) + " à " + str(dateDeNaissance) + ". "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre date de naissance a été changé de " + str(p.dateDeNaissance) + " à " + str(dateDeNaissance) + ". "
        p.dateDeNaissance = dateDeNaissance
    if lieuDeNaissance != None and lieuDeNaissance != "" and p.lieuDeNaissance != lieuDeNaissance:
        txt = txt + " Vous avez changé son lieu de naissance de " + str(p.lieuDeNaissance) + " à " + str(lieuDeNaissance) + ". "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre lieu de naissance a été changé de " + str(p.lieuDeNaissance) + " à " + str(lieuDeNaissance) + ". "
        p.lieuDeNaissance = lieuDeNaissance
    if numeroDeTel != None and numeroDeTel != "" and p.numeroDeTel != numeroDeTel:
        txt = txt + " Vous avez changé son numéro de " + str(p.numeroDeTel) + " à " + str(numeroDeTel) + ". "
        txt2 = txt2 + " Votre numéro a changé de " + str(p.numeroDeTel) + " à " + str(numeroDeTel) + ". "
        p.numeroDeTel = numeroDeTel
    if p != perso:
        n = models.News()
        n.txt = txt
        n.typeG = MODIFIER
        n.type = PERSONNESTATUT
        n.uploadDate = timezone.now()   
    n2 = models.News()
    n2.txt = txt2
    n2.typeG = MODIFIER
    n2.type = PERSONNESTATUT
    n2.uploadDate = timezone.now()   
コード例 #2
def modCourLive(idP, pers, salles=None, typeCour=None, jour=None, semaineMin=None, semaineMax=None, hmin=None, hmax=None):
        Modify an lesson
        :param idP: id of the lesson
        :type idP: int
        :param pers: the user who wants to modify the object
        :type pers: Personne
        :param salles: the lesson classroom(s)
        :type salles: List of Salle
        :param typeCour: which type of lesson
        :type typeCour: typeCour
        :param jour: Day of the lesson
        :type jour: list of Tuple
        :param semaineMin: first week of the lesson
        :type semaineMin: int
        :param semaineMax: last week of the lesson
        :type semaineMax: int
        :param hmin: first hour of the lesson
        :type hmin: int 
        :param hmax: last hour of the lesson
        :type hmax: int
        >> from BDD.choices import MARDI
        >> modCourLive(3, request.user.personne, jour=MARDI)
        change the day of the lesson which id=3 
    c = models.Cour.objects.get(id=idP)
    if (typeCour != None and c.typeCour.id != typeCour.id) or (salles != None and c.salles != salles) or (jour != None and jour != "" and c.jour != jour) or (semaineMin != None and semaineMin != "" and c.semaineMin != semaineMin) or (semaineMax != None and semaineMax != "" and c.semaineMax != semaineMax) or (hmin != None and hmin != "" and c.hmin != hmin) or (hmax != None and hmax != "" and c.hmax != hmax):
        mod = models.Modification()
        mod.datemodif = timezone.now()
        mod.typetable = 'TypeCour'
        mod.typemod = MODIFIER
        mod.ipmod = c.id
        if typeCour != None and c.typeCour.id != typeCour.id:
            txt = "Vous avez modifié un cours de " + c.typeCour.nom + " en un cours de " + typeCour.nom + ". "
            cm1 = models.ChampsModifie()
            cm1.champs = mod
            cm1.nomchamp = 'Type de cours changé depuis'
            cm1.valchamp = c.typeCour
            c.typeCour = typeCour
            txt = "Vous avez modifié un cours de " + c.typeCour.nom + ". "
        if salles != None and c.salles != salles:
            txt = manytomany(salles, txt, c, models.Salle, "salles", "salle", "la", False)
            cm2 = models.ChampsModifie()
            cm2.champs = mod
            cm2.nomchamp = 'Salles changés depuis'
            cm2.valchamp = c.salles
            c.salles = salles
        if jour != None and jour != "" and c.jour != jour:
            txt = txt + "Vous avez modifié son jour de " + c.get_jour_display() + " à " + str(findchoice(int(jour), SEMAINE))
            cm3 = models.ChampsModifie()
            cm3.champs = mod
            cm3.nomchamp = 'Jour changé depuis'
            cm3.valchamp = c.jour
            c.jour = jour
        if (semaineMin != None and semaineMin != "" and c.semaineMin != semaineMin) or (semaineMax != None and semaineMax != "" and c.semaineMax != semaineMax):
            cm4 = models.ChampsModifie()
            cm4.champs = mod
            cm4.nomchamp = 'Semaines'
            if semaineMin != None and c.semaineMin != semaineMin:
                txt = txt + "Vous avez modifié sa première semaine de " + str(c.semaineMin) + " à " + str(semaineMin)
                cm4.valchamp = ''
                c.semaineMin = semaineMin
            if semaineMax != None and c.semaineMax != semaineMax:
                txt = txt + "Vous avez modifié sa dernière semaine de " + str(c.semaineMax) + " à " + str(semaineMax)
                cm4.valchamp = 'De la semaine '+c.semaineMin+' à la semaine '+c.semaineMax
                c.semaineMax = semaineMax
        if (hmin != None and hmin != "" and c.hmin != hmin) or (hmax != None and hmax != "" and c.hmax != hmax):
            cm4 = models.ChampsModifie()
            cm4.champs = mod
            cm4.nomchamp = 'Heures'
            if hmin != None and c.hmin != hmin:
                txt = txt + "Vous avez modifié sa première heure de " + str(c.hmin) + " à " + str(hmin)
                cm4.valchamp = 'De l\H'+c.hmin+' à l\H'+c.hmax
                c.hmin = hmin
            if hmax != None and c.hmax != hmax:
                txt = txt + "Vous avez modifié sa dernière heure de " + str(c.hmax) + " à " + str(hmax)
                cm4.valchamp = 'De l\H'+c.hmin+' à l\H'+c.hmax
                c.hmax = hmax
        n = models.News()
        n.txt = txt
        n.typeG = MODIFIER
        n.type = CALENDRIERSTATUT
        n.uploadDate = timezone.now()   
コード例 #3
def addPersonne(
        Add a person in the database
    :param pers: the user who wants to add the object
    :type pers: Personne
    :param nom: last name of the person
    :type nom: string
    :param prenom: first name of the person
    :type prenom: string
    :param login: username of the person
    :type login: string
    :param mdp: password of the person
    :type mdp: string
    :param sexe: sex of the person
    :type sexe: list of tuple
    :param typeP: if the person is a student, a teacher etc...
    :type typeP: list of tuple
    :param adresse: the address of the person
    :type adresse: string
    :param promotion: year of the person promotion
    :type promotion: int
    :param dateDeNaissance: date of birth
    :type dateDeNaissance: python date
    :param lieuDeNaissance: place of birth
    :type lieuDeNaissance: string
    :param numeroDeTel: phone number
    :type numeroDeTel: string
    :param email: email of the person
    :type email: Django email or string
    >> from BDD.choices import HOMME_STATUT, ELEVE_STATUT
    >> addPersonne(request.user.personne, "Davis", "Miles", "godofjazz", "123456", HOMME_STATUT, ELEVE_STATUT)
    save a person in the database
    if models.User.objects.filter(username=login).count() > 0:
        return "Login already taken"
    if int(sexe) == INCONNU_STATUT:
        sexestring = "de sexe inconnu"
    elif int(sexe) == HOMME_STATUT:
        sexestring = "un homme"
        sexestring = "une femme"
    txt = (
        "Vous avez ajouté "
        + prenom
        + " "
        + nom
        + " de login "
        + login
        + ", qui est "
        + sexestring
        + " et qui est "
        + findchoice(typeP, TYPE)
        + "."
    user = User.objects.create_user(username=login, password=mdp)
    user.first_name = prenom
    user.last_name = nom
    if email != "" and email != None:
        txt = txt + " Son mail est " + str(email) + "."
        user.email = email
        #### change###
        user.is_staff = True
        # ## fin ##"
        user.is_superuser = True
    p = models.Personne()
    p.user = user
    p.type = typeP

    p.sexe = sexe

    if adresse != "" and adresse != None:
        p.adresse = adresse
        txt = txt + " Son adresse est " + adresse + "."
    if promotion != None:
        p.promotion = promotion
        txt = txt + " Sa promotion est " + str(promotion) + "."
    if dateDeNaissance != "" and dateDeNaissance != None:
        txt = txt + " Il/Elle est né(e) le " + str(dateDeNaissance) + "."
        p.dateDeNaissance = dateDeNaissance

    if lieuDeNaissance != "" and lieuDeNaissance != None:
        txt = txt + " Il/Elle est né(e) à " + str(lieuDeNaissance) + "."
        p.lieuDeNaissance = lieuDeNaissance
    if numeroDeTel != "" and numeroDeTel != None:
        txt = txt + " Son noméro est le " + str(numeroDeTel) + "."
        p.numeroDeTel = numeroDeTel
    stri = "{0} {1}".format(p.user.last_name, p.user.first_name)
    if Personne.objects.filter(filter=stri).count() > 0 and lieuDeNaissance != None:
        stri = stri + " de " + lieuDeNaissance + "."
    if Personne.objects.filter(filter=stri).count() > 0 and dateDeNaissance != None:
        stri = stri + " du " + p.dateDeNaissance.strftime("%d/%m/%y") + "."
    i = 1
    strbase = stri
    while Personne.objects.filter(filter=stri).count() > 0:
        stri = strbase + str(i)
        i = i + 1

    p.filter = stri
    p.uploadDate = timezone.now()

    if typeP == PROF_STATUT:

        for ii in range(0, 5):

            h = horaireProf()
            h.prof = p
            h.jdelaSemaine = ii
            h.hminApresMidi = 5
            h.hmaxApresMidi = 8
            h.hminMatin = 1
            h.hmaxMatin = 3
    mod = models.Modification()
    mod.datemodif = timezone.now()
    mod.typetable = "Personne"
    mod.typemod = AJOUT
    mod.ipmod = p.id
    cm1 = models.ChampsModifie()
    cm1.champs = mod
    cm1.nomchamp = "Identité"
    cm1.valchamp = nom + " " + prenom
    cm2 = models.ChampsModifie()
    cm2.champs = mod
    cm2.nomchamp = "Date d'upload"
    cm2.valchamp = p.uploadDate
    n = models.News()
    n.txt = txt
    n.typeG = AJOUT
    n.uploadDate = timezone.now()

    return p