コード例 #1
ファイル: TestExecutor.py プロジェクト: cj501885963/BES-RSS
  def __init__( self, tests, apis = None ):
    """ Constructor

      >>> tests = { 'WMS-Test' : { 'module' : 'WMSTest',
                                                           'args' : { 'executable' : [ '/usr/bin/python',
                                                                           'wms_test.py' ], 'timeout' : 1800 } } }
      >>> elements = { 'ComputingElement' : [ 'chenj01.ihep.ac.cn' ],
                                       'StorageElement', [ 'IHEPD-USER' ],
                                       'CLOUD' : [ 'CLOUD.IHEP-OPENSTACK.cn' ] }
      >>> executor = TestExecutor( tests, elements )
      >>> executor1 = TestExecutor( tests, elements, { 'ResourceManagementClient' :
                                                                                                     ResourceManagementClient() } )

      **tests** - `dict`
        dictionary with tests to be executed. The test class is loaded according to the
        'module' key and instantiated with 'args' key.
      **elements** - `dict`
        the elements need to be tested. The elements is grouped by type.
      **apis** - 'dict'
        dictionary with clients to be used in the commands issued by the policies.
        If not defined, the commands will import them.

    self.apis = apis or {}
    self.__tests = tests
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TestExecutor' )

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #2
ファイル: StorageCommand.py プロジェクト: cj501885963/BES-RSS
 def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
   super( StorageCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
   if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
     self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
     self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
   if 'FileCatalogDB' in self.apis:
     self.fcDB = self.apis[ 'FileCatalogDB' ]
     self.fcDB = FileCatalogDB()
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):
        super(WorkNodeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "JobDB" in self.apis:
            self.jobDB = self.apis["JobDB"]
            self.jobDB = JobDB()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #4
ファイル: JobCommand.py プロジェクト: cj501885963/BES-RSS
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( JobCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'WMSAdministrator' in self.apis:
      self.wmsAdmin = self.apis[ 'WMSAdministrator' ]
      self.wmsAdmin = RPCClient( 'WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator' )

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #5
  def __init__(self, apis):
    """ Constructor
      >>> sites = { 'CLUSTER' : [ 'CLUSTER.USTC.cn' ],
                              'GRID' : [ 'GRID.JINR.ru' ],
                              'CLOUD' : [ ''CLOUD.IHEP-OPENSTACK.cn' ] }
      >>> evaluator = StatusEvaluator( sites )
       **sites** - `dict`
         the sites to evaluate SAM status. The sites is grouped by domain.
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'StatusEvaluator' )

    if "ResourceManagementClient" in apis:
      self.rmClient = apis[ "ResourceManagementClient" ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
コード例 #6
ファイル: TestExecutor.py プロジェクト: cj501885963/BES-RSS
class TestExecutor( object ):
  """ TestExecutor

  def __init__( self, tests, apis = None ):
    """ Constructor

      >>> tests = { 'WMS-Test' : { 'module' : 'WMSTest',
                                                           'args' : { 'executable' : [ '/usr/bin/python',
                                                                           'wms_test.py' ], 'timeout' : 1800 } } }
      >>> elements = { 'ComputingElement' : [ 'chenj01.ihep.ac.cn' ],
                                       'StorageElement', [ 'IHEPD-USER' ],
                                       'CLOUD' : [ 'CLOUD.IHEP-OPENSTACK.cn' ] }
      >>> executor = TestExecutor( tests, elements )
      >>> executor1 = TestExecutor( tests, elements, { 'ResourceManagementClient' :
                                                                                                     ResourceManagementClient() } )

      **tests** - `dict`
        dictionary with tests to be executed. The test class is loaded according to the
        'module' key and instantiated with 'args' key.
      **elements** - `dict`
        the elements need to be tested. The elements is grouped by type.
      **apis** - 'dict'
        dictionary with clients to be used in the commands issued by the policies.
        If not defined, the commands will import them.

    self.apis = apis or {}
    self.__tests = tests
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'TestExecutor' )

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def __matchTests( self, matchArgs ):
    execTests = []

    for testType, testDict in self.__tests.items():
      testMatchArgs = testDict[ 'match' ]

      match = True
      for name, value in matchArgs.items():
        if not value:

        if type( value ) == str:
          value = ( value, )

        if not testMatchArgs.has_key( name ):

        target = testMatchArgs[ name ]
        if type( target ) == str:
          target = ( target, )

        match = False
        for val in value:
          if val in target:
            match = True
        if not match:
      if match:
        execTests.append( testType )

    return execTests

  def __storeTestResults( self, elementName, elementType, testResults ):
      store the test results.
    for testType, testDict in testResults.items():
      testDict[ 'CompletionTime' ] = testDict.get( 'CompletionTime' ) or '0000-0-0'
      testDict[ 'ApplicationTime' ] = testDict.get( 'ApplicationTime' ) or 0

      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifySAMResult(
                                                         testDict.get( 'Status' ),
                                                         testDict.get( 'Log' ),
                                                         testDict.get( 'JobID' ),
                                                         testDict.get( 'SubmissionTime' ),
                                                         testDict.get( 'CompletionTime' ),
                                                         testDict.get( 'ApplicationTime' ),
                                                         testDict.get( 'LastCheckTime' )
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery

    return S_OK()

  def execute( self, element, lastCheckTime = None ):
    """ Main method which executes the tests and obtains the results. Use
    two loops to do all the work. In the first loop, execute all the tests for
    corresponding elements and put the executed tests into  executedTestsQueue.
    In the second loop, traverse executedTestsQueue to obtain test results.

      >>> executor.execute()[ 'Value' ]
          { 'Records' : ( ( 'chenj01.ihep.ac.cn', 'WMS-Test', 'ComputingElement', 'OK', 
                                       'balabala', 1, '2016-5-8 00:00:00', '2016-5-8 00:05:23', 0.1234 ),
                                    ( 'chenj01.ihep.ac.cn', 'BOSS-Test', 'ComputingElement', 'Bad', 
                                       'balabala', 2, '2016-5-8 00:00:00', '0000-0-0', 0 ),
                                    ( 'IHEPD-USER', 'SE-Test', 'StorageElement', 'Bad', 
                                      'balabala', None, '2016-5-8 00:00:00', '0000-0-0', 0 ) ),
             'Columns' : ( 'ElementName', 'TestType', 'ElementType', 'Status',
                                      'Log', 'JobID', 'SubmissionTime', 'CompletionTime', 'ApplicationTime' ) }
    :return: S_OK( { 'Records' : `tuple`, 'Columns' : `tuple` } ) / S_ERROR

    elementName = element['ElementName' ]
    elementType = element[ 'ElementType' ]
    lastCheckTime = lastCheckTime or datetime.utcnow().replace( micresecond = 0 )

    matchArgs = { 'ElementType' : elementType, 'VO' : element.get( 'VO' ) }
    execTests = self.__matchTests( matchArgs )
    if execTests == []:
      return S_ERROR( 'No SAM test matched for %s' % elementName )

    testResults = {}
    runningTestsQueue = Queue.Queue()
    for testType in execTests:
      testObj = self.__tests[ testType ][ 'object' ]
      result = testObj.doTest( element )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to execute %s for %s' % ( testType, elementName ) )
        self.log.error( result[ 'Message' ] )
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to execute SAM tests.' )
      result = result[ 'Value' ]
      result[ 'Result' ][ 'LastCheckTime' ] = lastCheckTime
      testResults[ testType ] = result[ 'Result' ]
      if not result[ 'Finish' ]:
        runningTestsQueue.put( testType )
    while not runningTestsQueue.empty():
      testType = runningTestsQueue.get_nowait()
      testObj = self.__tests[ testType ][ 'object' ]
      jobID = testResults[ testType ][ 'JobID' ]
      vo = testResults[ testType ][ 'VO' ]
      submissionTime = testResults[ testType ][ 'SubmissionTime' ]
      result = testObj.getTestResult( elementName, vo, jobID, submissionTime )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to get %s result for %s' % ( testType, elementName ) )
        self.log.error( result[ 'Message' ] )
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get SAM test results.' )
      result = result[ 'Value' ]
      if not result:
        runningTestsQueue.put( testType )
        testResults[ testType ].update( result )

    storeRes = self.__storeTestResults( elementName, elementType, testResults )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to store SAM test results.' )

    testsStatus = {}
    for testType, testDict in testResults.items():
      testsStatus[ testType ] = testDict[ 'Status' ]
    return S_OK( testsStatus )
コード例 #7
ファイル: JobCommand.py プロジェクト: cj501885963/BES-RSS
class JobCommand( Command ):
    Job "master" Command.    

  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( JobCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )

    if 'WMSAdministrator' in self.apis:
      self.wmsAdmin = self.apis[ 'WMSAdministrator' ]
      self.wmsAdmin = RPCClient( 'WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator' )

    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def _storeCommand( self, result ):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.
    for jobDict in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyJobCache( jobDict[ 'Site' ], 
                                                    jobDict[ 'MaskStatus' ], 
                                                    jobDict[ 'Efficiency' ], 
                                                    jobDict[ 'Running' ],
                                                    jobDict[ 'Waiting' ],
                                                    jobDict[ 'Done' ],
                                                    jobDict[ 'Failed' ],
                                                    jobDict[ 'Completed' ],
                                                    jobDict[ 'Stalled' ],
                                                    jobDict[ 'Status' ])
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      JobCommand requires one arguments:
      - name : <str>      

    if not 'name' in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    name = self.args[ 'name' ]
    return S_OK( name )
  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      Gets the parameters to run, either from the master method or from its
      own arguments.
      It contacts the WMSAdministrator with a list of site names, or a single 
      If there are jobs, are recorded and then returned.    
    if masterParams is not None:
      name = masterParams
      params = self._prepareCommand()
      if not params[ 'OK' ]:
        return params
      name = params[ 'Value' ]
    resultMask = self.wmsAdmin.getSiteMask()
    if not resultMask[ 'OK' ]:
      return resultMask
    resultMask = resultMask[ 'Value' ]
    # selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems
    # Returns statistics of Last day !  
    results = self.wmsAdmin.getSiteSummaryWeb( { 'Site' : name }, [], 0, 0 )
    if not results[ 'OK' ]:
      return results
    results = results[ 'Value' ]    
    if not 'ParameterNames' in results:
      return S_ERROR( 'Wrong result dictionary, missing "ParameterNames"' )
    params = results[ 'ParameterNames' ]
    if not 'Records' in results:
      return S_ERROR( 'Wrong formed result dictionary, missing "Records"' )
    records = results[ 'Records' ]
    uniformResult = []
    siteJobs = {}
    for record in records:
      # This returns a dictionary with the following keys
      # 'Site', 'GridType', 'Country', 'Tier', 'MaskStatus', 'Received', 
      # 'Checking', 'Staging', 'Waiting', 'Matched', 'Running', 'Stalled', 
      # 'Done', 'Completed', 'Failed', 'Efficiency', 'Status'   
      jobDict = dict( zip( params , record ))
      siteJobs[ jobDict.pop( 'Site' ) ] = jobDict

#       # We cast efficiency to a float
#       jobDict[ 'Efficiency' ] = float( jobDict[ 'Efficiency' ] )

#       uniformResult.append( jobDict )

    for site in name:
      recordDict = {}
      recordDict[ 'Site' ] = site
      if siteJobs.has_key( site ):
        recordDict[ 'MaskStatus' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'MaskStatus' ]
        recordDict[ 'Running' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'Running' ]
        recordDict[ 'Waiting' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'Waiting' ] + siteJobs[ site ][ 'Checking' ]
        recordDict[ 'Done' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'Done' ]
        recordDict[ 'Failed' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'Failed' ]
        recordDict[ 'Completed' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'Completed' ]
        recordDict[ 'Stalled' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'Stalled' ]
        recordDict[ 'Efficiency' ] = float( siteJobs[ site ][ 'Efficiency' ] )
        recordDict[ 'Status' ] = siteJobs[ site ][ 'Status' ]
        if site in resultMask:
          recordDict[ 'MaskStatus' ] = 'Active'
          recordDict[ 'MaskStatus' ] = 'Banned'
        recordDict[ 'Running' ] = 0
        recordDict[ 'Waiting' ] = 0
        recordDict[ 'Done' ] = 0
        recordDict[ 'Failed' ] = 0
        recordDict[ 'Completed' ] = 0
        recordDict[ 'Stalled' ] = 0
        recordDict[ 'Efficiency' ] = 0.0
        recordDict[ 'Status' ] = 'Idle'
      uniformResult.append( recordDict )

    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    return S_OK( uniformResult )   
  def doCache( self ):
      Method that reads the cache table and tries to read from it. It will 
      return a list of dictionaries if there are results.
    params = self._prepareCommand()
    if not params[ 'OK' ]:
      return params
    name = params[ 'Value' ]
    result = self.rmClient.selectJobCache( name )  
    if result[ 'OK' ]:
      result = S_OK( [ dict( zip( result[ 'Columns' ], res ) ) for res in result[ 'Value' ] ] )
    return result
  def doMaster( self ):
      Master method.
      Gets all sites and calls doNew method.
    siteNames = CSHelpers.getSites()      
    if not siteNames[ 'OK' ]:
      return siteNames
    siteNames = siteNames[ 'Value' ]
    jobsResults = self.doNew( siteNames )
    if not jobsResults[ 'OK' ]:
      self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( jobsResults[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_OK( self.metrics )          
コード例 #8
ファイル: StorageCommand.py プロジェクト: cj501885963/BES-RSS
class StorageCommand( Command ):
  def __init__( self, args = None, clients = None ):
    super( StorageCommand, self ).__init__( args, clients )
    if 'ResourceManagementClient' in self.apis:
      self.rmClient = self.apis[ 'ResourceManagementClient' ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()
    if 'FileCatalogDB' in self.apis:
      self.fcDB = self.apis[ 'FileCatalogDB' ]
      self.fcDB = FileCatalogDB()
  def _storeCommand( self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.
    for storageDict in result:
      resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyStorageCache( sE = storageDict[ 'SE' ],
                                                        occupied = storageDict[ 'Occupied' ],
                                                        free = storageDict[ 'Free' ],
                                                        usage = storageDict[ 'Usage' ] )
      if not resQuery[ 'OK' ]:
        return resQuery
    return S_OK()
  def doNew( self, masterParams = None ):
      It searches FileCatalogDB to find out occupied storage.
    ses = masterParams
    seMaxStorage = {}
    for se in ses:
      maxStorage = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/StorageElements/%s/Capacity' % se, 0) * 1 << 40
      seMaxStorage[ se ] = maxStorage
    sqlStr = """select SE.SEName, sum(F.Size) from 
    FC_Replicas R, FC_Files F, FC_StorageElements SE 
    where R.FileID=F.FileID and R.SEID=SE.SEID 
    group by R.SEID;"""
    result = self.fcDB._query(sqlStr)
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    result = result[ 'Value' ]

    seOccupied = {}
    for se, occupied in result:
      seOccupied[ se ] = int(occupied)
    uniformResult = []
    for se in ses:
      max = seMaxStorage.get(se, 0)
      occupied = seOccupied.get(se, 0)
      if max == 0:
        usage = 0.0
        free = 0
        usage = math.floor(float(occupied) / max * 1000) / 10
        free = max - occupied
      uniformResult.append( { 'SE' : se, 'Occupied' : occupied, 'Free' : free, 'Usage' : usage } )
    storeRes = self._storeCommand( uniformResult )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    return S_OK( result )
  def doMaster(self):
      Master method
      Gets all ses and call doNew method
    ses = CSHelpers.getStorageElements()
    if not ses[ 'OK' ]:
      return ses
    storageResults = self.doNew( ses[ 'Value' ] )
    if not storageResults[ 'OK' ]:
      self.metrics[ 'failed' ].append( storageResults[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_OK( self.metrics )
コード例 #9
class StatusEvaluator(object):
  """ StatusEvaluator
  def __init__(self, apis):
    """ Constructor
      >>> sites = { 'CLUSTER' : [ 'CLUSTER.USTC.cn' ],
                              'GRID' : [ 'GRID.JINR.ru' ],
                              'CLOUD' : [ ''CLOUD.IHEP-OPENSTACK.cn' ] }
      >>> evaluator = StatusEvaluator( sites )
       **sites** - `dict`
         the sites to evaluate SAM status. The sites is grouped by domain.
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'StatusEvaluator' )

    if "ResourceManagementClient" in apis:
      self.rmClient = apis[ "ResourceManagementClient" ]
      self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

  def __storeResourceStatus( self, resDict ):
    storeRes = self.rmClient.addOrModifyResourceSAMStatus(
                                                          resDict['VO' ] , 
                                                          resDict[ 'ElementName' ], 
                                                          resDict[ 'ElementType' ],
                                                          resDict[ 'Tests' ],
                                                          resDict[ 'Status' ],
                                                          resDict[ 'LastCheckTime' ]
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    return S_OK()

  def __storeSiteStatus( self, resDict ):
    storeRes = self.rmClient.addOrModifySiteSAMStatus(
                                                      resDict[ 'VO' ],
                                                      resDict[ 'Site' ],
                                                      resDict[ 'SiteType' ],
                                                      resDict[ 'Status' ],
                                                      resDict[ 'CEStatus' ],
                                                      resDict[ 'SEStatus' ],
                                                      resDict[ 'LastCheckTime' ]
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return storeRes
    return S_OK()

  def __resourceStatusRule( self, statusList ):
    if 'Bad' in statusList:
      return 'Bad'
    if 'Unknown' in statusList:
      return 'Unknown'
    if 'Busy' in statusList:
      return 'Busy'
    if 'OK' in statusList:
      return 'OK'
    return ''
  def __siteStatusRule( self, ceStatusList, seStatus ):
    if 'OK' in ceStatusList:
      ceStatus = 'OK'
    elif 'Busy' in ceStatusList:
      ceStatus = 'Busy'
    elif 'Bad' in ceStatusList:
      ceStatus = 'Bad'
    elif 'Unknown' in ceStatusList:
      ceStatus = 'Unknown'
      ceStatus = None

    if not seStatus:
      status = ceStatus
      if 'Bad' == seStatus:
        status = 'Bad'
        status = ceStatus
    return ( status, ceStatus, seStatus )

  def evaluateResourceStatus( self, elementDict, testResults, vo = None, lastCheckTime = None ):
    vo = vo or 'all'
    lastCheckTime = lastCheckTime or datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    elementName = elementDict[ 'ElementName' ]
    elementType = elementDict[ 'ElementType' ]
    tests = ','.join( testResults.keys() )
    status = self.__resourceStatusRule( testResults.values() )

    resDict = { 'ElementName' : elementName,
                        'VO' : vo,
                        'ElementType' : elementType,
                        'Tests' : tests,
                        'Status' : status,
                        'LastCheckTime' : lastCheckTime }

    storeRes = self.__storeResourceStatus( resDict )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'Failed to store resource SAM status.' )
    return S_OK( status )

  def evaluateSiteStatus( self, site, ceStatusList, seStatus = None, vo = None, lastCheckTime = None ):
    vo = vo or 'all'
    lastCheckTime = lastCheckTime or datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )
    siteType = site.split( '.' )[ 0 ]
    status, ceStatus, seStatus = self.__siteStatusRule( ceStatusList, seStatus )

    resDict = { 'Site' : site,
                         'VO' : vo,
                         'SiteType' : siteType,
                         'Status' : status,
                         'CEStatus' : ceStatus,
                         'SEStatus' : seStatus,
                         'LastCheckTime' : lastCheckTime }

    storeRes = self.__storeSiteStatus( resDict )
    if not storeRes[ 'OK' ]:
      S_ERROR( 'Failed to store site SAM status.' )
    return S_OK( status )
コード例 #10
class WorkNodeCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self, args=None, clients=None):
        super(WorkNodeCommand, self).__init__(args, clients)

        if "JobDB" in self.apis:
            self.jobDB = self.apis["JobDB"]
            self.jobDB = JobDB()

        if "ResourceManagementClient" in self.apis:
            self.rmClient = self.apis["ResourceManagementClient"]
            self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    def _storeCommand(self, result):
      Stores the results of doNew method on the database.

        for hostDict in result:
            resQuery = self.rmClient.addOrModifyWorkNodeCache(
            if not resQuery["OK"]:
                return resQuery
        return S_OK()

    def doNew(self, masterParams=None):

        hosts = masterParams

        sql = """
select JP.Value, J.Status, J.Site, count(*) from Jobs J, JobParameters JP 
where J.JobID = JP.JobID and JP.Name = 'HostName' 
group by JP.Value, J.Status

        jobDB = JobDB()
        queryRes = jobDB._query(sql)
        if not queryRes["OK"]:
            return queryRes
        records = queryRes["Value"]

        hostJobs = {}

        for record in records:
            hostName = record[0]
            status = record[1]
            if status != "Done" and status != "Failed":
            if hostName not in hostJobs:
                hostJobs[hostName] = {"Site": record[2], "Done": 0, "Failed": 0}
            hostJobs[hostName][record[1]] = record[3]

        uniformResult = []

        for host, hostDict in hostJobs.items():
            hostDict["Host"] = host
            except ValueError:
            if hostDict["Done"] == 0 and hostDict["Failed"] == 0:
                hostDict["Efficiency"] = 0.0
                hostDict["Efficiency"] = (
                    math.floor(float(hostDict["Done"]) / (hostDict["Done"] + hostDict["Failed"]) * 1000) / 10

        if len(hosts) != 0:
            deleteRes = self.rmClient.deleteWorkNodeCache(host=hosts)
            if not deleteRes["OK"]:
                return deleteRes

        storeRes = self._storeCommand(uniformResult)
        if not storeRes["OK"]:
            return storeRes

        return S_OK(uniformResult)

    def doMaster(self):
      Master method.
      Gets all sites and calls doNew method.

        queryRes = self.rmClient.selectWorkNodeCache(meta={"columns": ["Host"]})
        if not queryRes["OK"]:
            return queryRes
        records = queryRes["Value"]

        hosts = [record[0] for record in records]
        jobsResults = self.doNew(hosts)
        if not jobsResults["OK"]:

        return S_OK(self.metrics)