コード例 #1
ファイル: test_nmtf_np.py プロジェクト: MXDC/BNMTF
def test_initialisation():
    I, J = 2, 3
    R = numpy.ones((I, J))
    M = numpy.ones((I, J))
    K = 4
    L = 5

    # Init FG ones, S random
    init_FG = 'ones'
    init_S = 'random'
    nmtf = NMTF(R, M, K, L)
    nmtf.initialise(init_S, init_FG)

    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.ones((I, K)), nmtf.F)
    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.ones((J, L)), nmtf.G)
    for (k, l) in itertools.product(range(0, K), range(0, L)):
        assert nmtf.S[k, l] > 0 and nmtf.S[k, l] < 1

    # Init FG random, S ones
    init_FG = 'random'
    init_S = 'ones'
    nmtf = NMTF(R, M, K, L)
    nmtf.initialise(init_S, init_FG)

    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.ones((K, L)), nmtf.S)
    for (i, k) in itertools.product(range(0, I), range(0, K)):
        assert nmtf.F[i, k] > 0 and nmtf.F[i, k] < 1
    for (j, l) in itertools.product(range(0, J), range(0, L)):
        assert nmtf.G[j, k] > 0 and nmtf.G[j, k] < 1

    # Init FG kmeans, S exponential
    init_FG = 'kmeans'
    init_S = 'exponential'
    nmtf = NMTF(R, M, K, L)
    nmtf.initialise(init_S, init_FG)

    for (i, k) in itertools.product(range(0, I), range(0, K)):
        assert nmtf.F[i, k] == 0.2 or nmtf.F[i, k] == 1.2
    for (j, l) in itertools.product(range(0, J), range(0, L)):
        assert nmtf.G[j, k] == 0.2 or nmtf.G[j, k] == 1.2
    for (k, l) in itertools.product(range(0, K), range(0, L)):
        assert nmtf.S[k, l] > 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_nmtf_np.py プロジェクト: lizhangzhan/BNMTF
def test_initialisation():
    I,J = 2,3
    R = numpy.ones((I,J))
    M = numpy.ones((I,J))
    K = 4
    L = 5
    # Init FG ones, S random
    init_FG = 'ones'
    init_S = 'random'
    nmtf = NMTF(R,M,K,L)
    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.ones((I,K)),nmtf.F)
    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.ones((J,L)),nmtf.G)
    for (k,l) in itertools.product(range(0,K),range(0,L)):
        assert nmtf.S[k,l] > 0 and nmtf.S[k,l] < 1
    # Init FG random, S ones
    init_FG = 'random'
    init_S = 'ones'
    nmtf = NMTF(R,M,K,L)
    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.ones((K,L)),nmtf.S)
    for (i,k) in itertools.product(range(0,I),range(0,K)):
        assert nmtf.F[i,k] > 0 and nmtf.F[i,k] < 1
    for (j,l) in itertools.product(range(0,J),range(0,L)):
        assert nmtf.G[j,k] > 0 and nmtf.G[j,k] < 1    
    # Init FG kmeans, S exponential
    init_FG = 'kmeans'
    init_S = 'exponential'
    nmtf = NMTF(R,M,K,L)
    for (i,k) in itertools.product(range(0,I),range(0,K)):
        assert nmtf.F[i,k] == 0.2 or nmtf.F[i,k] == 1.2
    for (j,l) in itertools.product(range(0,J),range(0,L)):
        assert nmtf.G[j,k] == 0.2 or nmtf.G[j,k] == 1.2   
    for (k,l) in itertools.product(range(0,K),range(0,L)):
        assert nmtf.S[k,l] > 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: run_nmtf_np.py プロジェクト: ThomasBrouwer/BNMTF

from BNMTF.code.nmtf_np import NMTF
from BNMTF.drug_sensitivity.experiments_gdsc.load_data import load_gdsc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


standardised = False #standardised Sanger or unstandardised

iterations = 1000
I, J, K, L = 622,138,5, 5

init_S = 'exponential'
init_FG = 'kmeans'
expo_prior = 1/10.

# Load in data
(_,X_min,M,_,_,_,_) = load_gdsc(standardised=standardised)

# Run the algorithm
nmtf = NMTF(X_min,M,K,L) 

# Print the performances across iterations (MSE)
print "all_performances = %s" % nmtf.all_performances['MSE']

# Plot the performances (MSE)
コード例 #4
ファイル: nmtf_np.py プロジェクト: MXDC/BNMTF
# We now run the VB algorithm on each of the M's for each fraction.
all_performances = {metric:[] for metric in metrics} 
average_performances = {metric:[] for metric in metrics} # averaged over repeats
for (fraction,Ms,Ms_test) in zip(fractions_unknown,all_Ms,all_Ms_test):
    print "Trying fraction %s." % fraction
    # Run the algorithm <repeats> times and store all the performances
    for metric in metrics:
    for (repeat,M,M_test) in zip(range(0,repeats),Ms,Ms_test):
        print "Repeat %s of fraction %s." % (repeat+1, fraction)
        # Run the VB algorithm
        nmtf = NMTF(R,M,K,L)
        # Measure the performances
        performances = nmtf.predict(M_test)
        for metric in metrics:
            # Add this metric's performance to the list of <repeat> performances for this fraction
    # Compute the average across attempts
    for metric in metrics:

print "repeats=%s \nfractions_unknown = %s \nall_performances = %s \naverage_performances = %s" % \
コード例 #5
ファイル: nmtf_np_time.py プロジェクト: MXDC/BNMTF

# Load in data
(_,R,M,_,_,_,_) = load_Sanger(standardised=standardised)

# Run the VB algorithm, <repeats> times
times_repeats = []
performances_repeats = []
for i in range(0,repeats):
    # Set all the seeds
    # Run the classifier
    nmtf = NMTF(R,M,K,L) 

    # Extract the performances and timestamps across all iterations

# Check whether seed worked: all performances should be the same
assert all(numpy.array_equal(performances, performances_repeats[0]) for performances in performances_repeats), \
    "Seed went wrong - performances not the same across repeats!"

# Print out the performances, and the average times
all_times_average = list(numpy.average(times_repeats, axis=0))
all_performances = performances_repeats[0]
print "np_all_times_average = %s" % all_times_average
print "np_all_performances = %s" % all_performances