def stop_instance(self, instance_id): """ stop EC2 instance with given ID """ msg( "... stopping EC2 instance " + instance_id + " ..." ) self.connection.stop_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id]) self.wait_for_instance(instance_id, "stopped")
def start_instance(self, instance_id): """ start EC2 instance with given ID """ msg( "... starting EC2 instance " + instance_id + " ..." ) self.connection.start_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id]) return self.wait_for_instance(instance_id, "running")
def test_get_instance_list(self): vm_list = self.mgr.get_instance_list() print "%d instances" % len(vm_list) for inst in vm_list : if inst: msg("\tinst: " + inst) else: msg("\tinst: <null>")
def wait_for_instance(self, instance_id, state): """ wait for EC2 instance to reach a state """ msg( "... waiting EC2 instance " + instance_id + " to be in " + state + " state ..." ) reached = False instance = None while not reached: insts = self.connection.get_all_instances([instance_id]) for res in insts : instance = res.instances[0] debug_msg( "... current state: " + instance.state ) if instance.state == state : reached = True break if not reached: BaseDatetime.sleep(10) return instance
class AWSResourceManager(ResourceManager): def __init__(self, region=''): if region == '': self.connection = boto.connect_ec2() else: self.connection = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region) def get_instance_list(self, key_name=''): insts = self.connection.get_all_instances() instances = [] for res in insts: inst = res.instances[0] if key_name == '' or inst.key_name == key_name: host = inst.public_dns_name if not host: host = inst.ip_address instances.append(host) return instances def launch_instance(self, ec2_ami, ec2_group, ec2_key_pair, ec2_tag): """ launch EC2 instance with given AMI, the security group want to assign for the new generated VM, the key pair name, and the tag, returns the new instance. """ msg("... creating EC2 instance ...") try: group = self.connection.get_all_security_groups( groupnames=[ec2_group])[0] msg(" Security Groups: %s " % group) except conn.ResponseError, e: if e.code == 'InvalidGroup.Notfound': msg('Creating Security Group: %s ' % ec2_group) group = self.connection.create_security_group(ec2_group) else: raise try: key = self.connection.get_all_key_pairs(keynames=[ec2_key_pair])[0] except conn.ResponseError, e: if e.code == 'InvalidKeyPair.NotFound': key_dir = '~/.ssh' msg(' Creating a new key pair and save it to %s' % key_dir) key = self.connection.create_key_pair(ec2_key_pair) else: raise
def launch_instance(self, ec2_ami, ec2_group, ec2_key_pair, ec2_tag): """ launch EC2 instance with given AMI, the security group want to assign for the new generated VM, the key pair name, and the tag, returns the new instance. """ msg("... creating EC2 instance ...") try: group= self.connection.get_all_security_groups(groupnames=[ec2_group])[0] msg( " Security Groups: %s " % group ) except conn.ResponseError, e: if e.code == 'InvalidGroup.Notfound': msg( 'Creating Security Group: %s ' % ec2_group ) group = self.connection.create_security_group(ec2_group) else: raise
def launch_instance(self, ec2_ami, ec2_group, ec2_key_pair, ec2_tag): """ launch EC2 instance with given AMI, the security group want to assign for the new generated VM, the key pair name, and the tag, returns the new instance. """ msg("... creating EC2 instance ...") try: group = self.connection.get_all_security_groups( groupnames=[ec2_group])[0] msg(" Security Groups: %s " % group) except conn.ResponseError, e: if e.code == 'InvalidGroup.Notfound': msg('Creating Security Group: %s ' % ec2_group) group = self.connection.create_security_group(ec2_group) else: raise
def add_sudoer( ssh_cmdStr, host, sudo_user, remove_user = False, root_services='ALL', pub_key = ''): (sc, out) = ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "id -u " + sudo_user ); if sc == 0 : msg("Sudoer user '" + sudo_user + "' already installed.") if remove_user and sudo_user: msg("removing currently present user: '******'...") ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "userdel " + sudo_user, sudo=True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf /home/" + sudo_user, sudo=True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf /etc/sudoers.d/" + sudo_user, sudo=True ) else : return True msg("Installing the '" + sudo_user + "' user on host '" + host + "' ..." ) dotSSHDir = "/home/" + sudo_user + "/.ssh" ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "adduser " + sudo_user, sudo=True ) msg("\t==> user added" ) ### Construct the sudoer filer sudoFile = "/tmp/" + sudo_user ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "cp /dev/null " + sudoFile, sudo=True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 666 " + sudoFile, sudo=True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "\"printf 'Defaults: " + sudo_user + " !requiretty\n' >> " + sudoFile + "\"", sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "\"printf '" + sudo_user + " ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n' >> " + sudoFile + "\"", sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "\"printf '" + sudo_user + " ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: " + root_services + "\n' >> " + sudoFile + "\"", sudo = True ) msg("\t==> sudoer file constructed" ) ### Validate the sudoer file (s, o) = ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "visudo -c -f " + sudoFile, sudo=True) if s == 0 : ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 440 " + sudoFile, sudo=True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + sudoFile + " /etc/sudoers.d", sudo=True ) else : ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf " +sudoFile, sudo=True ) return False msg("\t==> sudoer file '" + sudoFile + "' verified on syntax and generated at: /etc/sudoers.d directory" ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf " + sudo_user + ";ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f " + sudo_user ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "mkdir -p " + dotSSHDir, sudo = True ) #ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chown " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + sudo_user, sudo = True ) #ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chown " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + sudo_user + ".pub", sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + sudo_user + " " + dotSSHDir + "/id_rsa", sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + sudo_user + ".pub " + dotSSHDir + "/", sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chown -R " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + dotSSHDir, sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 700 -R " + dotSSHDir, sudo = True ) msg("\t==> RSA key pair generated for user '" + sudo_user + "'" ) if not pub_key : (s, pub_key) = os_cmd("cat ~/.ssh/") if s != 0 : error("Error when reading ~/.ssh/ - make sure the RSA public key is present?") authKeys = "/tmp/authorized_keys" ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf " + authKeys, sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "touch " + authKeys, sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "\"bash -c 'echo \\\"" + pub_key + "\n\\\" >> " + authKeys + "'\"", sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 600 " + authKeys, sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chown " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + authKeys, sudo = True ) ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + authKeys + " " + dotSSHDir, sudo = True ) msg("\t==> authorized_keys added to .ssh for user '" + sudo_user + "'" ) msg("All done. Verifying new account: ") (s,o) = os_cmd( "ssh " + sudo_user + "@" + host + " -t 'sudo hostname'", output = True ) return s == 0
msg( ' Creating a new key pair and save it to %s' % key_dir ) key = self.connection.create_key_pair(ec2_key_pair) else: raise reservation = self.connection.run_instances(ec2_ami, key_name=ec2_key_pair, instance_type=ec2_instancetype, security_groups=[group]) instance = reservation.instances[0] conn.create_tags([], {"Name":ec2_tag}) while instance.state == u'pending': msg( "Instance state: %s" % instance.state ) time.sleep(10) instance.update() msg( "Instance.ID: %s: " % ) msg( "Instance state: %s " % instance.state ) msg( "Public DNS: %s" % instance.public_dns_name ) return instance def stop_instance(self, instance_id): """ stop EC2 instance with given ID """ msg( "... stopping EC2 instance ..." ) self.connection.stop_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
#!/usr/bin/python from BaseUtil import msg from BaseUtil import error from BaseUtil import os_cmd from AWS import add_sudoer import sys import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) (s, o) = os_cmd(" amazonhost 12345") if s > 0: msg("The amazon VM is not reachable, skipping this part of testing") sys.exit(0) (s, pubKey) = os_cmd("cat ~/.ssh/") pubKey.rstrip('\n') #print "pubKey: " + pubKey if s == 0: #addSudoer("", "sudoer", "ALL", pubKey = pubKey ) add_sudoer( 'ssh -i /Users/weilwu/ws/bluestorm_file-less/info/vault/TheGreatKeyPair.pem.unlocked ec2-user@amazonhost', "amazonhost", "sudoer", remove_user=True, #removeCurrentUser = False, root_services="ALL", pub_key=pubKey)
def terminate_instance(self, instance_id): """ terminate EC2 instance with given ID """ msg("... terminating EC2 instance ...") self.connection.terminate_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
#!/usr/bin/python from BaseUtil import msg from BaseUtil import error from BaseUtil import os_cmd from AWS import add_sudoer import sys import logging logging.basicConfig( level = logging.INFO ) (s,o) = os_cmd(" amazonhost 12345") if s > 0 : msg("The amazon VM is not reachable, skipping this part of testing") sys.exit(0) (s, pubKey) = os_cmd("cat ~/.ssh/") pubKey.rstrip('\n') #print "pubKey: " + pubKey if s == 0: #addSudoer("", "sudoer", "ALL", pubKey = pubKey ) add_sudoer( 'ssh -i /Users/weilwu/ws/bluestorm_file-less/info/vault/TheGreatKeyPair.pem.unlocked ec2-user@amazonhost', "amazonhost", "sudoer", remove_user = True, #removeCurrentUser = False, root_services = "ALL", pub_key = pubKey )
def add_sudoer(ssh_cmdStr, host, sudo_user, remove_user=False, root_services='ALL', pub_key=''): (sc, out) = ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "id -u " + sudo_user) if sc == 0: msg("Sudoer user '" + sudo_user + "' already installed.") if remove_user and sudo_user: msg("removing currently present user: '******'...") ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "userdel " + sudo_user, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf /home/" + sudo_user, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf /etc/sudoers.d/" + sudo_user, sudo=True) else: return True msg("Installing the '" + sudo_user + "' user on host '" + host + "' ...") dotSSHDir = "/home/" + sudo_user + "/.ssh" ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "adduser " + sudo_user, sudo=True) msg("\t==> user added") ### Construct the sudoer filer sudoFile = "/tmp/" + sudo_user ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "cp /dev/null " + sudoFile, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 666 " + sudoFile, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "\"printf 'Defaults: " + sudo_user + " !requiretty\n' >> " + sudoFile + "\"", sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "\"printf '" + sudo_user + " ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n' >> " + sudoFile + "\"", sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "\"printf '" + sudo_user + " ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: " + root_services + "\n' >> " + sudoFile + "\"", sudo=True) msg("\t==> sudoer file constructed") ### Validate the sudoer file (s, o) = ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "visudo -c -f " + sudoFile, sudo=True) if s == 0: ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 440 " + sudoFile, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + sudoFile + " /etc/sudoers.d", sudo=True) else: ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf " + sudoFile, sudo=True) return False msg("\t==> sudoer file '" + sudoFile + "' verified on syntax and generated at: /etc/sudoers.d directory") ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf " + sudo_user + ";ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f " + sudo_user) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "mkdir -p " + dotSSHDir, sudo=True) #ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chown " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + sudo_user, sudo = True ) #ssh_cmd( ssh_cmdStr, "chown " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + sudo_user + ".pub", sudo = True ) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + sudo_user + " " + dotSSHDir + "/id_rsa", sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + sudo_user + ".pub " + dotSSHDir + "/", sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "chown -R " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + dotSSHDir, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 700 -R " + dotSSHDir, sudo=True) msg("\t==> RSA key pair generated for user '" + sudo_user + "'") if not pub_key: (s, pub_key) = os_cmd("cat ~/.ssh/") if s != 0: error( "Error when reading ~/.ssh/ - make sure the RSA public key is present?" ) authKeys = "/tmp/authorized_keys" ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "rm -rf " + authKeys, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "touch " + authKeys, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "\"bash -c 'echo \\\"" + pub_key + "\n\\\" >> " + authKeys + "'\"", sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "chmod 600 " + authKeys, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "chown " + sudo_user + ":" + sudo_user + " " + authKeys, sudo=True) ssh_cmd(ssh_cmdStr, "mv " + authKeys + " " + dotSSHDir, sudo=True) msg("\t==> authorized_keys added to .ssh for user '" + sudo_user + "'") msg("All done. Verifying new account: ") (s, o) = os_cmd("ssh " + sudo_user + "@" + host + " -t 'sudo hostname'", output=True) return s == 0
key = self.connection.create_key_pair(ec2_key_pair) else: raise reservation = self.connection.run_instances( ec2_ami, key_name=ec2_key_pair, instance_type=ec2_instancetype, security_groups=[group]) instance = reservation.instances[0] conn.create_tags([], {"Name": ec2_tag}) while instance.state == u'pending': msg("Instance state: %s" % instance.state) time.sleep(10) instance.update() msg("Instance.ID: %s: " % msg("Instance state: %s " % instance.state) msg("Public DNS: %s" % instance.public_dns_name) return instance def stop_instance(self, instance_id): """ stop EC2 instance with given ID """ msg("... stopping EC2 instance ...") self.connection.stop_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
def stop_instance(self, instance_id): """ stop EC2 instance with given ID """ msg( "... stopping EC2 instance ..." ) self.connection.stop_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
def stop_instance(self, instance_id): """ stop EC2 instance with given ID """ msg("... stopping EC2 instance ...") self.connection.stop_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
def terminate_instance(self, instance_id): """ terminate EC2 instance with given ID """ msg( "... terminating EC2 instance ..." ) self.connection.terminate_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
mgr = AWSResourceManager('us-east-1') instance = mgr.start_instance('i-ba73ff54') ip_address = instance.ip_address while True: (s,o) = os_cmd(" " + ip_address + " 12345") if s == 0 : break BaseUtil.sleep(20) if s > 0 : msg("The amazon VM is not reachable - please make sure AWS instances are running and " + "'amazonhost' is configured properly.") msg("Skipping this part of testing") sys.exit(0) (s, pubKey) = os_cmd("cat ~/.ssh/") pubKey.rstrip('\n') #print "pubKey: " + pubKey if s == 0: #addSudoer("", "sudoer", "ALL", pubKey = pubKey ) add_sudoer( 'ssh -i ' + os.environ['BS_HOME'] + '/info/vault/TheGreatKeyPair_East.pem.unlocked ubuntu@amazonhost', "amazonhost", "sudoer", remove_user = True, root_services = "ALL", pub_key = pubKey )