def fill_metadata(self): r = requests.get("%s&page=submissions" %(self.url)) status = r.status_code // 100 if status == 2: self.p = soupify(r.content) elif status == 4: raise IOError("Client Error %s" %(r.status_code)) elif status == 5: raise IOError("Server Error %s" %(r.status_code)) else: raise IOError("Unidentified Error %s" %(r.status_code))
def cache_first_page(self): ''' Caches the first page of a story. You don't even understand how f*****g useful this is. :raises: IOError ''' r = requests.get(self.url) status = r.status_code // 100 if status == 2: self.fp = soupify(r.content) elif status == 4: raise IOError("Client Error %s" %(r.status_code)) elif status == 5: raise IOError("Server Error %s" %(r.status_code)) else: raise IOError("Unidentified Error %s" %(r.status_code))
class Story(object): def __init__(self, id): self.url = "" %(id) # first page, full of useful stuff yo self.fp = "" = "" self.category = "" self.description = "" self.num_pages = 0 self.text = [] self.title = "" def cache_first_page(self): ''' Caches the first page of a story. You don't even understand how f*****g useful this is. :raises: IOError ''' r = requests.get(self.url) status = r.status_code // 100 if status == 2: self.fp = soupify(r.content) elif status == 4: raise IOError("Client Error %s" %(r.status_code)) elif status == 5: raise IOError("Server Error %s" %(r.status_code)) else: raise IOError("Unidentified Error %s" %(r.status_code)) def fill_metadata(self): if not self.fp: self.cache_first_page() # WARNING: hard coded class string tofind = "b-story-user-y x-r22" = self.fp.find('span', {'class': tofind}) # that indexing is to get rid of a '!' =[1:] self.title = self.fp.find('title').getText() self.title = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(self.title) # rip out " -" self.title, self.category = self.title[:-17].rsplit(' - ', 1) self.description = self.fp.find('meta', {'name': 'description'}) self.description = self.description['content'] # WARNING: hard coded search string tofind = 'b-pager-next' if tofind in self.fp.prettify(): # assumes that the only <option> tags are page nums # findAll() -> find_all() in bs4 self.num_pages = int(self.fp.findAll('option')[-1].text) else: self.num_pages = 1 def get_author(self): if not self.fill_metadata() return def get_category(self): if not self.category: self.fill_metadata() return self.category def get_description(self): if not self.description: self.fill_metadata() return self.description def get_num_pages(self): if not self.num_pages: self.fill_metadata() return self.num_pages def get_title(self): if not self.title: self.fill_metadata() return self.title def get_text(self): if not self.num_pages: self.fill_metadata() if not self.text: t = [async.get("%s?page=%s" %(self.url, x)) for x in xrange(1, self.num_pages+1)] t = t = [soupify(x.content) for x in t] # WARNING: hard coded class name tofind = 'b-story-body-x x-r15' t = [s.find('div', {'class': tofind}) for s in t] self.text = [str(s) for s in t]