def pubmed(gi,ids,query): """ Get the pubmed articles listed by *ids """ _ids=",".join(ids) for id in ids: handle = efetch(db="pubmed",id=id,retmode='xml',rettype='xml',retmax=MAX_RETURN) try: #print results = eread(handle) for citation in results: #runtime().debug(citation.keys()) citation = citation['MedlineCitation'] pmid = citation['PMID'] article = citation['Article'] title = article['ArticleTitle'] journal = article['Journal']['Title'] try: date = citation['DateCompleted'] if citation.has_key('DateCompleted') else citation['DateCreated'] year = date['Year'] month = date['Month'] day = date['Day'] datetime = "%s-%s-%s" % (year,month,day) except: datetime = '0000-00-00' runtime().debug("Parsed pmid:%s" % id) yield Citation(gi, pmid, title, journal, datetime, query) except: runtime().debug("Failure fetching pmid:%s" % id) continue finally: handle.close()
def publications(gi): """ Grab the list of publications for a given protein """ gi_names = list(names(gi)) if len(gi_names) == 0: return #runtime().debug("NAMES",gi_names) term = " OR ".join(['"%s"' %n for n in gi_names]) runtime().debug(term) handle = esearch(db="pubmed", term=term, retmax=MAX_RETURN, mindate="2000") try: results = eread(handle) finally: handle.close() results[COUNT] = int(results[COUNT]) runtime().debug("Found",results[COUNT]) if results[COUNT]>0: runtime().debug(gi,term,"\t",results[COUNT], "\n\t",results[IDLIST]) return list(pubmed(gi,set(results[IDLIST]),term))