コード例 #1
def pairwise_cast( models ):
    atom cast all models in list with each other
    -> modified list
    for i in range( len( models ) ):

        for j in range( i+1, len( models) ):


            m1 = models[i]
            m2 = models[j]

            eq_res, eq_atm = m1.equals( m2 )

            if not (eq_res and eq_atm):

                i1, i2 = m1.compareAtoms( m2 )

                delta_1 = len( m1 ) - len( i1 )
                delta_2 = len( m2 ) - len( i2 )

                models[i].keep( i1 )
                models[j].keep( i2 )

                f1 = T.stripFilename( m1.sourceFile() )
                f2 = T.stripFilename( m2.sourceFile() )

                print "Removed %i atoms from %s" % (delta_1, f1)
                print "Removed %i atoms from %s" % (delta_2, f2)

    return models
コード例 #2
def pairwise_cast(models):
    atom cast all models in list with each other
    -> modified list
    for i in range(len(models)):

        for j in range(i + 1, len(models)):


            m1 = models[i]
            m2 = models[j]

            eq_res, eq_atm = m1.equals(m2)

            if not (eq_res and eq_atm):

                i1, i2 = m1.compareAtoms(m2)

                delta_1 = len(m1) - len(i1)
                delta_2 = len(m2) - len(i2)


                f1 = T.stripFilename(m1.sourceFile())
                f2 = T.stripFilename(m2.sourceFile())

                print "Removed %i atoms from %s" % (delta_1, f1)
                print "Removed %i atoms from %s" % (delta_2, f2)

    return models
コード例 #3
    def byName(self, rescode, topo=None ):
        Identify matching reference residue by residue name. Note: residue
        names are not guaranteed to be unique if several topology files have
        been read in (the default set of Amber topologies uses unique names
        though). The optional topo parameter can be used to specify in 
        which topology the residue is looked up.
        Note: residue 3 letter names are all UPPERCASE.
        @param rescode: three-letter name of residue to look up
        @type  rescode: str
        @param topo: optional (file) name of topology (@see L{topokeys()} )
        @type  topo: str

        @return: matching reference residue
        @rtype: AmberResidueType
        @raise: KeyError if the topology or residue name are not found
        if topo:
            fbase = T.stripFilename( topo )
            return self.topoindex[ fbase ][ rescode ]

        for topo, residues in self.topoindex.items():
            if rescode in residues:
                return residues[rescode]

        raise KeyError, 'No residue type found for name '+str(rescode)
コード例 #4
    def byName(self, rescode, topo=None):
        Identify matching reference residue by residue name. Note: residue
        names are not guaranteed to be unique if several topology files have
        been read in (the default set of Amber topologies uses unique names
        though). The optional topo parameter can be used to specify in 
        which topology the residue is looked up.
        Note: residue 3 letter names are all UPPERCASE.
        @param rescode: three-letter name of residue to look up
        @type  rescode: str
        @param topo: optional (file) name of topology (@see L{topokeys()} )
        @type  topo: str

        @return: matching reference residue
        @rtype: AmberResidueType
        @raise: KeyError if the topology or residue name are not found
        if topo:
            fbase = T.stripFilename(topo)
            return self.topoindex[fbase][rescode]

        for topo, residues in self.topoindex.items():
            if rescode in residues:
                return residues[rescode]

        raise KeyError, 'No residue type found for name ' + str(rescode)
コード例 #5
ファイル: PDBParseFile.py プロジェクト: tybiot/biskit
    def __parseBiomt(self, pdbFile, firstLine):
        Extract BIOMT (biological unit) information from REMARK 350 lines
        Creates a 'BIOMT' dictionary.
        line = firstLine
        biomtDict = {}
        moleculeNum = -1

        while line[0] == 'REMARK' and line[1].startswith(' 350'):
            # 5 = len(' 350 ')
            biomtLine = line[1][5:].lstrip()
            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMOLECULE:'):  # start a new molecule

                if moleculeNum != -1:
                    # lets update the dictionary with what we've got
                    biomtDict[moleculeNum] = (targetChains, rtList)

                #12 = len('BIOMOLECULE:')
                moleculeNum = int(biomtLine[12:].strip())
                targetChains = []
                rotation = []
                translation = []
                rtList = []

                matrixLine = 0

            if biomtLine.startswith('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:'):
                # parse targeted chains, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                # 30 = len('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:')
                                    for c in biomtLine[30:].split(','))
            if biomtLine.startswith('AND CHAINS:'):
                # 11 = len('AND CHAINS:')
                                    for c in biomtLine[11:].split(','))

            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMT'):
                # parse rotate-translate matri{x/ces}, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                matrixLine += 1
                # 6 = len('BIOMT#')
                rawCoords = biomtLine[6:].split()
                rotation.append([float(x) for x in rawCoords[1:4]])
                if matrixLine % 3 == 0:
                    rotation = N0.array(rotation)
                    translation = N0.transpose([translation])
                    rotation = N0.concatenate((rotation, translation), axis=1)
                    ## rtList.append((rotation,translation))
                    rotation = []
                    translation = []

                line = pdbFile.readLine()
            except ValueError, what:
                self.log.add('Warning: Error parsing line %i of %s' %
                             (i, T.stripFilename(fname)))
                self.log.add('\tError: ' + str(what))
コード例 #6
 def pdbname(self):
     Extract pdb code from file name.
     @return: (assumed) pdb code
     @rtype: str
     return T.stripFilename(self.pdb.filename)
コード例 #7
ファイル: ChainSeparator.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
 def pdbname(self):
     Extract pdb code from file name.
     @return: (assumed) pdb code
     @rtype: str
     return T.stripFilename(self.pdb.filename)
コード例 #8
ファイル: PDBParseFile.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
    def __parseBiomt( self, pdbFile, firstLine):
        line = firstLine
        biomtDict = {}
        moleculeNum = -1

        while line[0] == 'REMARK' and line[1].startswith(' 350'):
            # 5 = len(' 350 ')
            biomtLine = line[1][5:].lstrip()
            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMOLECULE:'): # start a new molecule

                if moleculeNum != -1:   
                    # lets update the dictionary with what we've got
                    biomtDict[moleculeNum] = (targetChains,rtList)

                #12 = len('BIOMOLECULE:')
                moleculeNum = int(biomtLine[12:].strip())
                targetChains = []
                rotation = []
                translation = []
                rtList = []

                matrixLine = 0

            if biomtLine.startswith('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:'):  
            # parse targeted chains, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                # 30 = len('APPLY THE FOLLOWING TO CHAINS:')
                targetChains.extend(c.strip() for c in biomtLine[30:].split(','))
            if biomtLine.startswith('AND CHAINS:'):  
                # 11 = len('AND CHAINS:')
                targetChains.extend(c.strip() for c in biomtLine[11:].split(','))

            if biomtLine.startswith('BIOMT'):  
            # parse rotate-translate matri{x/ces}, we assume this comes after BIOMOLECULE line
                matrixLine += 1
                # 6 = len('BIOMT#')
                rawCoords = biomtLine[6:].split()
                rotation.append([float(x) for x in rawCoords[1:4]])
                if matrixLine % 3 == 0:
                    rotation = N.array( rotation )
                    translation = N.transpose( [ translation ] )
                    rotation = N.concatenate( (rotation, translation), axis=1 )
                    ## rtList.append((rotation,translation))
                    rotation = []
                    translation = []

                line = pdbFile.readLine()
            except ValueError, what:
                self.log.add('Warning: Error parsing line %i of %s' % 
                             (i, T.stripFilename( fname )) )
                self.log.add('\tError: '+str(what) )
コード例 #9
ファイル: Docker.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
    def failed( self ):
        If HEX job fails
        print "FAILED: ", self.host, ' ', t.stripFilename(self.finp)
        print "\tJob details:"
        print "\tCommand: ", self.cmd
        print "\tinput:   ", self.finp
        print "\tHex log: ", self.log
        print "\tHex out: ", self.fout
        print "\t", t.lastError()

        self.owner.failedHex( self )
コード例 #10
ファイル: PDBParseFile.py プロジェクト: tybiot/biskit
    def idFromName(self, fname):
        Extract PDB code from file name.
        @param fname: file name
        @type  fname: str
        @return: first 4 letters of filename if available
        @rtype: str
        name = T.stripFilename(fname)

        if len(name) > 3:
            return name[:4]

        return ''
コード例 #11
ファイル: PDBParseFile.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
    def idFromName( self, fname ):
        Extract PDB code from file name.
        @param fname: file name
        @type  fname: str
        @return: first 4 letters of filename if available
        @rtype: str
        name = T.stripFilename( fname )

        if len( name ) > 3:
            return name[:4]

        return ''
コード例 #12
def changeModel(inFile, prefix, sourceModel):

    print '\nget ' + os.path.basename(inFile) + '..',

    model = PDBModel(inFile)


    model = model.sort()

    eq = model.equals(sourceModel)
    if not eq[0] and eq[1]:
        raise ConvertError('source and other models are not equal: ' + str(eq))

#    model.validSource()

    #model.atomsChanged = 0
    for k in model.atoms:
        model.atoms[k, 'changed'] = N0.all(model[k] == sourceModel[k])

    model.xyzChanged = (0 != N0.sum(N0.ravel(model.xyz - sourceModel.xyz)))


    if model.xyzChanged:

        doper = PDBDope(model)

        if 'MS' in sourceModel.atoms.keys():

        if 'density' in sourceModel.atoms.keys():

        if 'foldX' in sourceModel.info.keys():

        if 'delphi' in sourceModel.info.keys():

    outFile = os.path.dirname( inFile ) + '/' + prefix +\
            T.stripFilename( inFile ) + '.model'

    T.dump(model, outFile)

    print '-> ' + os.path.basename(outFile)
コード例 #13
    def addTopology(self, topofile, override=False):
        Include an additional topology (off) library in the collection.
        @param topofile: file name of topology, either full path or
                         simple file name which will then be looked for in 
        @type  topofile: str
        @param override: override topologies or residue entries with same name
                         (default False)
        @type  override: False
        @return: dictionary of all residue types parsed from topofile indexed
                 by three-letter residue name
        @rtype : {str : AmberResidueType}
        @raise: AmberResidueLibraryError if override==False and a topology or
                a residue with identical atom content have already been 
        fbase = T.stripFilename( topofile )

        if fbase in self.topoindex and not override:
            raise AmberResidueLibraryError, 'duplicate topology '+fbase

        if self.verbose:
            self.log.add('parsing %s...' % topofile )

        resdic = AmberPrepParser( topofile ).residueDict()
        if self.verbose:
            self.log.add( 'Read %i residue definitions.\n' % len(resdic) )
        self.topoindex[ fbase ] = resdic
        for resname, restype in resdic.items():
            akey = restype.atomkey(compress=False)
            if akey in self.aindex and not override:
                raise AmberResidueLibraryError, \
                      'duplicate residue entry: %s -> %s' %\
                      (resname, self.aindex[akey].code)

            self.aindex[ akey ] = restype
        return self.topoindex[ fbase ]
コード例 #14
    def addTopology(self, topofile, override=False):
        Include an additional topology (off) library in the collection.
        @param topofile: file name of topology, either full path or
                         simple file name which will then be looked for in 
        @type  topofile: str
        @param override: override topologies or residue entries with same name
                         (default False)
        @type  override: False
        @return: dictionary of all residue types parsed from topofile indexed
                 by three-letter residue name
        @rtype : {str : AmberResidueType}
        @raise: AmberResidueLibraryError if override==False and a topology or
                a residue with identical atom content have already been 
        fbase = T.stripFilename(topofile)

        if fbase in self.topoindex and not override:
            raise AmberResidueLibraryError, 'duplicate topology ' + fbase

        if self.verbose:
            self.log.add('parsing %s...' % topofile)

        resdic = AmberPrepParser(topofile).residueDict()

        if self.verbose:
            self.log.add('Read %i residue definitions.\n' % len(resdic))

        self.topoindex[fbase] = resdic

        for resname, restype in resdic.items():
            akey = restype.atomkey(compress=False)

            if akey in self.aindex and not override:
                raise AmberResidueLibraryError, \
                      'duplicate residue entry: %s -> %s' %\
                      (resname, self.aindex[akey].code)

            self.aindex[akey] = restype

        return self.topoindex[fbase]
コード例 #15
ファイル: dope.py プロジェクト: graik/biskit
def changeModel( inFile, prefix, sourceModel ):

    print '\nget ' + os.path.basename( inFile ) + '..',

    model = PDBModel( inFile )


    model = model.sort()

    eq = model.equals( sourceModel )
    if not eq[0] and eq[1]:
        raise ConvertError('source and other models are not equal: ' + str(eq))

#    model.validSource()
    model.setSource( sourceModel.validSource() )

    #model.atomsChanged = 0
    for k in model.atoms:
        model.atoms[k,'changed'] = N0.all( model[k] == sourceModel[k] )

    model.xyzChanged = ( 0 != N0.sum( N0.ravel( model.xyz - sourceModel.xyz)) )

    model.update( updateMissing=1 )

    if model.xyzChanged:

        doper = PDBDope( model )

        if 'MS' in sourceModel.atoms.keys():
            doper.addSurfaceRacer( probe=1.4 )

        if 'density' in sourceModel.atoms.keys():

##        if 'foldX' in sourceModel.info.keys():
##            doper.addFoldX()
        if 'delphi' in sourceModel.info.keys():

    outFile = os.path.dirname( inFile ) + '/' + prefix +\
            T.stripFilename( inFile ) + '.model' 

    T.dump( model, outFile )

    print '-> ' + os.path.basename( outFile )
コード例 #16
ファイル: selectModels.py プロジェクト: tybiot/biskit
def report( tc ):

    clTrajs = tc.memberTrajs()

    for i in range(0, tc.n_clusters ):
        t = clTrajs[i]
        rms = tc.avgRmsd( i, tc.aMask )

        names = [ '_'.join(T.stripFilename(s).split('_')[-2:])
                  for s in t.frameNames]

        print "%i <%4.2f +-%4.2f>: " % (i, rms[0],rms[1] ), names

    tr = clTrajs[0].concat( *tuple( clTrajs[1:] ) )

    avgall = N0.average( MaU.aboveDiagonal( tr.pairwiseRmsd( tc.aMask ) ) )
    print "avg rms all: %4.2f" %  avgall
コード例 #17
ファイル: selectModels.py プロジェクト: graik/biskit
def report( tc ):

    clTrajs = tc.memberTrajs()

    for i in range(0, tc.n_clusters ):
        t = clTrajs[i]
        rms = tc.avgRmsd( i, tc.aMask )

        names = [ '_'.join(T.stripFilename(s).split('_')[-2:])
                  for s in t.frameNames]

        print "%i <%4.2f +-%4.2f>: " % (i, rms[0],rms[1] ), names

    tr = clTrajs[0].concat( *tuple( clTrajs[1:] ) )

    avgall = N0.average( MaU.aboveDiagonal( tr.pairwiseRmsd( tc.aMask ) ) )
    print "avg rms all: %4.2f" %  avgall
コード例 #18
ファイル: Docker.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
    def run( self ):
        Run HEX job.

        @raise DockerError: if HEX exists with error
            if not os.path.exists( self.fout ):

                if self.verbose:
                    print "Executing on ", self.host, ' with ', \
                    print "Command: ", self.cmd

                cmd_lst = self.cmd.split()

                self.status = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, cmd_lst[0], cmd_lst )

                if self.status != 0:
                    raise DockerError,\
                          'Hex returned exit status %i' % self.status

                waited = 0
                while waited < 25 and not os.path.exists( self.fout ):
                    sleep( 5 )
                    waited += 5

            ## replace model numbers in HEX output file
            self.__hackHexOut( self.nRec, self.nLig, self.fout )

            parser = HexParser(self.fout, self.owner.recDic,

            ## generate ComplexList from hex output
            self.result = parser.parseHex()


コード例 #19
    for fname in srcfiles:

        fname = t.absfile( fname )
        shutil.copy( fname, fname + '_' )

        methods = re_lst( module, exclude )

        fold = open( fname + '_' )
        fnew = open( fname, 'w' )

        i = 0
        for l in fold:

            i += 1

            l = replace_import_statement( l, module, importas )
            l, occurrences = replace_line( l, methods, importas + '.' )

            if occurrences > 0:
                t.errWriteln( '%s %5i %2i matches:\n\t%s' %
                              (t.stripFilename(fname), i, occurrences, l) )

            fnew.write( l )


コード例 #20
ファイル: PDBParseFile.py プロジェクト: tybiot/biskit
    def __collectAll(self, fname, skipRes=None, headPatterns=[]):
        Parse ATOM/HETATM lines from PDB. Collect coordinates plus
        dictionaries with the other pdb records of each atom.
        REMARK, HEADER, etc. lines are ignored.

        Some changes are made to the dictionary from PDBFile.readline()::
            - the 'position' entry (with the coordinates) is removed
            - leading and trailing spaces are removed from 'name' ..
            - .. but a 'name_original' entry keeps the old name with spaces
            - a 'type' entry is added. Its value is 'ATOM' or 'HETATM'
            - a 'after_ter' entry is added. Its value is 1, if atom is
              preceeded by a 'TER' line, otherwise 0
            - empty 'element' entries are filled with the first non-number
              letter from the atom 'name'

        @param fname: name of pdb file
        @type  fname: str
        @param skipRes: list with residue names that should be skipped
        @type  skipRes: list of str

        @return: tuple of (1) dictionary of profiles
                 and (2) xyz array N x 3
        @rtype: ( list, array )
        xyz = []

        aProfs = {}

        info = {}

        in_header = True

        headPatterns = headPatterns or self.RE_REMARKS
        patterns = [(key, re.compile(ex)) for key, ex in headPatterns]

        for k in B.PDBModel.PDB_KEYS:
            aProfs[k] = list()

        f = IO.PDBFile(fname)

        skipLine = False

            line, i = ('', ''), 0

            while line[0] <> 'END' and line[0] <> 'ENDMDL':

                i += 1
                if not skipLine:
                        line = f.readLine()
                    except ValueError, what:
                        self.log.add('Warning: Error parsing line %i of %s' %
                                     (i, T.stripFilename(fname)))
                        self.log.add('\tError: ' + str(what))
                    skipLine = False

                ## header handling
                if in_header and line[0] == 'HEADER':

                if in_header and line[0] == 'REMARK':
                    if line[1].startswith(' 350'):
                        biomtDict, line = self.__parseBiomt(f, line)
                        # we've hogged a line beyond REMARK 350 records in
                        # __parseBiomt(), now we need to process it here
                        skipLine = True
                        info.update(self.__parseRemark(line, patterns))

                ## preserve position of TER records
                newChain = line[0] == 'TER'
                if newChain:
                    line = f.readLine()

                if (line[0] in ['ATOM', 'HETATM']):

                    if in_header:
                        in_header = False  ## switch off HEADER parsing

                    a = line[1]

                    if skipRes and a['residue_name'] in skipRes:

                    a['name_original'] = a['name']
                    a['name'] = a['name'].strip()

                    a['type'] = line[0]

                    if newChain:
                        a['after_ter'] = 1
                        a['after_ter'] = 0

                    if a['element'] == '':
                        a['element'] = self.__firstLetter(a['name'])


                    del a['position']

                    for k, v in a.items():

            raise PDBParserError("Error parsing file "+fname+": " \
                                 + T.lastError())

        if len(xyz) == 0:
            raise PDBParserError("Error parsing file " + fname + ": " +
                                 "Couldn't find any atoms.")

        return aProfs, N0.array(xyz, N0.Float32), info
コード例 #21
ファイル: selectModels.py プロジェクト: graik/biskit
def cluster( tc, options ):
    n_cluster = int( options['n'] )

    allowedAtoms = T.toList( options.get('a',[]) )
    if allowedAtoms:
        mask = tc.traj.ref.mask( lambda a: a['name'] in allowedAtoms )
        mask = selectedAtoms( tc.traj.ref )
    saveIn = T.absfile( options['o'] ) + '/'
    conv = float( options['conv'] )
    tc.cluster( n_cluster, aMask=mask, converged=conv )

    ## collect center frame index for each cluster
    frames = [ members[0] for members in tc.memberFrames() ]

    result = tc.traj.takeFrames( frames ) ## trajectory of cluster centers

    model_dic = {}

    dic_index = 1

    if options.has_key('ref'):
        ## use user-provided reference structure
        if os.path.isfile( T.absfile(options['ref']) ):
            print '\nUsing user specified reference pdb'
            m = PDBModel( options['ref'] )
            m.remove( m.maskH2O() )
        ## use reference in trajectory
            print '\nUsing reference in trajectory' 
            m = tc.traj.ref

        m = dumpModel( m, options, saveIn+m.getPdbCode()+'_ref.model')
        ## add ref as first model in dictionary   
        model_dic[dic_index] = m
        dic_index += 1

    ## save the individual models and add them to the model dictionary
    for i in range(0, result.lenFrames() ):
        m = result.getPDBModel(i)

        m = dumpModel(m, options, saveIn +
                  T.stripFilename(result.frameNames[i]) +'.model' )

        model_dic[dic_index] = m
        dic_index += 1
    ## save model dictionary
    fdic = options['dic'] or m.getPdbCode() + '_models.dic'
    T.dump( model_dic, T.absfile( fdic ) )

##     ## save all models in the dictionary as HEX pdb files
##     for k in model_dic.keys():
##         m = model_dic[k]
##         ## remove hydrogens and sort atoms in standard order
##         m.remove( m.maskH() )
##         m = molUtils.sortAtomsOfModel(m)
##         setChainID( m )

##         ## save single hex pdbs
##         if options['hex']:
##             fhex = options['hex'] + '_%03d' %(k) 
##         else:
##             fhex = m.getPdbCode() + '_%03d_hex.pdb'%(k)
##         hexTools.createHexPdb_single( m, T.absfile( fhex ) )
#    fhex = options['hex'] or m.getPdbCode() + '_hex.pdb'
#    hexTools.createHexPdb( model_dic, T.absfile( fhex ) )
    return result
コード例 #22
def cluster(tc, options):

    n_cluster = int(options['n'])

    allowedAtoms = T.toList(options.get('a', []))
    if allowedAtoms:
        mask = tc.traj.ref.mask(lambda a: a['name'] in allowedAtoms)
        mask = selectedAtoms(tc.traj.ref)

    saveIn = T.absfile(options['o']) + '/'
    conv = float(options['conv'])

    tc.cluster(n_cluster, aMask=mask, converged=conv)

    ## collect center frame index for each cluster
    frames = [members[0] for members in tc.memberFrames()]

    result = tc.traj.takeFrames(frames)  ## trajectory of cluster centers

    model_dic = {}

    dic_index = 1

    if options.has_key('ref'):
        ## use user-provided reference structure
        if os.path.isfile(T.absfile(options['ref'])):
            print '\nUsing user specified reference pdb'
            m = PDBModel(options['ref'])

        ## use reference in trajectory
            print '\nUsing reference in trajectory'
            m = tc.traj.ref

        m = dumpModel(m, options, saveIn + m.getPdbCode() + '_ref.model')
        ## add ref as first model in dictionary
        model_dic[dic_index] = m
        dic_index += 1

    ## save the individual models and add them to the model dictionary
    for i in range(0, result.lenFrames()):
        m = result.getPDBModel(i)

        m = dumpModel(
            m, options,
            saveIn + T.stripFilename(result.frameNames[i]) + '.model')

        model_dic[dic_index] = m
        dic_index += 1

    ## save model dictionary
    fdic = options['dic'] or m.getPdbCode() + '_models.dic'
    T.dump(model_dic, T.absfile(fdic))

    ##     ## save all models in the dictionary as HEX pdb files
    ##     for k in model_dic.keys():
    ##         m = model_dic[k]

    ##         ## remove hydrogens and sort atoms in standard order
    ##         m.remove( m.maskH() )
    ##         m = molUtils.sortAtomsOfModel(m)
    ##         setChainID( m )

    ##         ## save single hex pdbs
    ##         if options['hex']:
    ##             fhex = options['hex'] + '_%03d' %(k)
    ##         else:
    ##             fhex = m.getPdbCode() + '_%03d_hex.pdb'%(k)

    ##         hexTools.createHexPdb_single( m, T.absfile( fhex ) )

    #    fhex = options['hex'] or m.getPdbCode() + '_hex.pdb'
    #    hexTools.createHexPdb( model_dic, T.absfile( fhex ) )

    return result
コード例 #23
def createHexInp(recPdb,
    Prepare a Hex macro file for the docking of the receptor(s)
    against ligand(s).

    @param recPdb: hex-formatted PDB
    @type  recPdb: str
    @param recModel: hex-formatted PDB
    @type  recModel: str
    @param ligPdb: PDBModel, get distances from this one
    @type  ligPdb: PDBModel
    @param ligModel: PDBModel, getdistances from this one
    @type  ligModel: PDBModel
    @param comPdb: reference PDB
    @type  comPdb: str
    @param outFile: base of file name for mac and out
    @type  outFile: str

    @param macDock: None -> hex decides (from the size of the molecule),
                    1 -> force macroDock, 0-> force off (default: None)
    @type  macDock: None|1|0
    @param silent: don't print distances and macro warnings (default: 0)
    @type  silent: 0|1
    @param sol: number of solutions that HEx should save (default: 512)
    @type  sol: int

    @return: HEX macro file name, HEX out generated bu the macro,
             macro docking status
    @rtype: str, str, boolean
    ## files and names
    recCode = t.stripFilename(recPdb)[0:4]
    ligCode = t.stripFilename(ligPdb)[0:4]

    outFile = outFile or recCode + '-' + ligCode

    ## hex macro name
    macName = t.absfile(outFile + '_hex.mac')

    ## hex rotation matrix output name
    outName_all = t.absfile(outFile + '_hex.out')
    outName_clust = t.absfile(outFile + '_hex_cluster.out')

    ## add surface profiles if not there
    if not recModel.atoms.has_key('relAS'):
        #t.flushPrint('\nCalculating receptor surface profile')
        rec_asa = PDBDope(recModel)
    if not ligModel.atoms.has_key('relAS'):
        #t.flushPrint('\nCalculating ligand surface profile')
        lig_asa = PDBDope(ligModel)

    ## surface masks, > 95% exposed
    rec_surf_mask = N.greater(recModel.profile('relAS'), 95)
    lig_surf_mask = N.greater(ligModel.profile('relAS'), 95)

    ## maximun and medisn distance from centre of mass to any surface atom
    recMax, recMin = centerSurfDist(recModel, rec_surf_mask)
    ligMax, ligMin = centerSurfDist(ligModel, lig_surf_mask)

    ## approxinate max and min center to centre distance
    maxDist = recMax + ligMax
    minDist = recMin + ligMin

    ## molecular separation and search range to be used in the docking
    molSep = (maxDist + minDist) / 2
    molRange = 2 * (maxDist - molSep)

    if not silent:
        print 'Docking setup: %s\nRecMax: %.1f RecMin: %.1f\nLigMax: %.1f LigMin: %.1f\nMaxDist: %.1f MinDist: %.1f\nmolecular_separation: %.1f r12_range: %.1f\n' % (
            outFile, recMax, recMin, ligMax, ligMin, maxDist, minDist, molSep,

    if recMax > 30 and ligMax > 30 and not silent:
        print '\nWARNING! Both the receptor and ligand radius is ',
        print 'greater than 30A.\n'

    ## determine docking mode to use
    macroDocking = 0

    if macDock == None:
        if recMax > 35 and not silent:
            print '\nReceptor has a radius that exceeds 35A ',
            print '-> Macro docking will be used'
            macroDocking = 1
        macroDocking = macDock

    ## write macro file

    macOpen = open(macName, 'w')

    macOpen.write('# -- ' + macName + ' --\n')
    macOpen.write(' \n')
    macOpen.write('open_receptor ' + t.absfile(recPdb) + '\n')
    macOpen.write('open_ligand ' + t.absfile(ligPdb) + '\n')

    if comPdb and comPdb[-4:] == '.pdb':
        macOpen.write('open_complex ' + comPdb + '\n')


    head = """
# -------------- general settings ----------------
disc_cache 1                   # disc cache on (0 off)
docking_sort_mode 1            # Sort solutions by cluster (0 by energy)
docking_cluster_mode 1         # Display all clusters (0 display best)
docking_cluster_threshold 2.00
# docking_cluster_bumps  number

# ------------ molecule orientation --------------
molecule_separation %(separation)i
commit_view """ % ({
        'separation': round(molSep)

    macro = """
# -------------- macro docking -------------------
macro_min_coverage 25
macro_sphere_radius 15
macro_docking_separation 25

    tail = """
# -------------- docking setup -------------------
docking_search_mode 0          # full rotational search

receptor_range_angle  180      # 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 180
docking_receptor_samples 720   # 362, 492, 642, 720, 980, 1280

ligand_range_angle  180
docking_ligand_samples 720

twist_range_angle 360          # 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360
docking_alpha_samples 128      # 64, 128, 256

r12_step 0.500000              # 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2
r12_range %(range)i

docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - None

grid_size 0.600                # 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 1.0
# docking_electrostatics 0       # use only surface complimentarity
docking_electrostatics 1      # use electrostatic term for scoring clusters

docking_main_scan 16     # 
docking_main_search 26

max_docking_solutions %(nr_sol)i # number of solutions to save

# -------------- post-processing ----------------
docking_refine 0    # None
#  docking_refine 1    # Backbone Bumps
#  docking_refine 2    # MM energies
#  docking_refine 3    # MM minimization

# ---------------- run docking ------------------
#  save_docking %(output_clust)s
#  save_range 1 512 ./ dock .pdb

# ------------ also save all solutions ----------
docking_sort_mode 0            # Sort solutions by energy (1 by cluster)
save_docking %(output_all)s""" \
         %({'range':round(molRange), 'output_all':outName_all,
            'nr_sol':int(sol), 'output_clust':outName_clust} )


    ## macro docking will not work with multiple models, if both are added to
    ## the hex macro file - macrodocking will be skipped during the docking run
    if macroDocking:



    return macName, outName_all, macroDocking
コード例 #24
ファイル: hexTools.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
def createHexInp( recPdb, recModel, ligPdb, ligModel, comPdb=None,
                  outFile=None, macDock=None, silent=0, sol=512 ):
    Prepare a Hex macro file for the docking of the receptor(s)
    against ligand(s).

    @param recPdb: hex-formatted PDB
    @type  recPdb: str
    @param recModel: hex-formatted PDB
    @type  recModel: str
    @param ligPdb: PDBModel, get distances from this one
    @type  ligPdb: PDBModel
    @param ligModel: PDBModel, getdistances from this one
    @type  ligModel: PDBModel
    @param comPdb: reference PDB
    @type  comPdb: str
    @param outFile: base of file name for mac and out
    @type  outFile: str

    @param macDock: None -> hex decides (from the size of the molecule),
                    1 -> force macroDock, 0-> force off (default: None)
    @type  macDock: None|1|0
    @param silent: don't print distances and macro warnings (default: 0)
    @type  silent: 0|1
    @param sol: number of solutions that HEx should save (default: 512)
    @type  sol: int

    @return: HEX macro file name, HEX out generated bu the macro,
             macro docking status
    @rtype: str, str, boolean
    ## files and names
    recCode = t.stripFilename( recPdb )[0:4]          
    ligCode = t.stripFilename( ligPdb )[0:4]

    outFile = outFile or recCode + '-' + ligCode

    ## hex macro name
    macName = t.absfile( outFile + '_hex.mac' )

    ## hex rotation matrix output name
    outName_all = t.absfile( outFile + '_hex.out'  )
    outName_clust = t.absfile( outFile + '_hex_cluster.out')

    ## add surface profiles if not there
    if not recModel.atoms.has_key('relAS'):
        #t.flushPrint('\nCalculating receptor surface profile')
        rec_asa = PDBDope( recModel )
    if not ligModel.atoms.has_key('relAS'):
        #t.flushPrint('\nCalculating ligand surface profile')
        lig_asa = PDBDope( ligModel )

    ## surface masks, > 95% exposed
    rec_surf_mask = N.greater( recModel.profile('relAS'), 95 )
    lig_surf_mask = N.greater( ligModel.profile('relAS'), 95 )

    ## maximun and medisn distance from centre of mass to any surface atom
    recMax, recMin = centerSurfDist( recModel, rec_surf_mask )
    ligMax, ligMin = centerSurfDist( ligModel, lig_surf_mask )

    ## approxinate max and min center to centre distance
    maxDist = recMax + ligMax 
    minDist = recMin + ligMin

    ## molecular separation and search range to be used in the docking
    molSep = ( maxDist + minDist ) / 2
    molRange = 2 * ( maxDist - molSep )

    if not silent:
        print 'Docking setup: %s\nRecMax: %.1f RecMin: %.1f\nLigMax: %.1f LigMin: %.1f\nMaxDist: %.1f MinDist: %.1f\nmolecular_separation: %.1f r12_range: %.1f\n'%(outFile, recMax, recMin, ligMax, ligMin, maxDist, minDist, molSep, molRange)

    if recMax > 30 and ligMax > 30 and not silent:
        print '\nWARNING! Both the receptor and ligand radius is ',
        print 'greater than 30A.\n'     

    ## determine docking mode to use
    macroDocking = 0

    if macDock==None:
        if recMax > 35 and not silent:
            print '\nReceptor has a radius that exceeds 35A ',
            print '-> Macro docking will be used'
            macroDocking = 1
        macroDocking = macDock

    ## write macro file

    macOpen= open( macName, 'w')

    macOpen.write('# -- ' + macName + ' --\n')
    macOpen.write(' \n')
    macOpen.write('open_receptor '+ t.absfile(recPdb) +'\n')
    macOpen.write('open_ligand '+ t.absfile(ligPdb) +'\n')

    if comPdb and comPdb[-4:] == '.pdb':
        macOpen.write('open_complex '+comPdb+'\n')


    head = """
# -------------- general settings ----------------
disc_cache 1                   # disc cache on (0 off)
docking_sort_mode 1            # Sort solutions by cluster (0 by energy)
docking_cluster_mode 1         # Display all clusters (0 display best)
docking_cluster_threshold 2.00
# docking_cluster_bumps  number

# ------------ molecule orientation --------------
molecule_separation %(separation)i
commit_view """%({'separation': round(molSep)} )

    macro ="""
# -------------- macro docking -------------------
macro_min_coverage 25
macro_sphere_radius 15
macro_docking_separation 25

    tail = """
# -------------- docking setup -------------------
docking_search_mode 0          # full rotational search

receptor_range_angle  180      # 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 180
docking_receptor_samples 720   # 362, 492, 642, 720, 980, 1280

ligand_range_angle  180
docking_ligand_samples 720

twist_range_angle 360          # 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360
docking_alpha_samples 128      # 64, 128, 256

r12_step 0.500000              # 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2
r12_range %(range)i

docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - None

grid_size 0.600                # 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 1.0
# docking_electrostatics 0       # use only surface complimentarity
docking_electrostatics 1      # use electrostatic term for scoring clusters

docking_main_scan 16     # 
docking_main_search 26

max_docking_solutions %(nr_sol)i # number of solutions to save

# -------------- post-processing ----------------
docking_refine 0    # None
#  docking_refine 1    # Backbone Bumps
#  docking_refine 2    # MM energies
#  docking_refine 3    # MM minimization

# ---------------- run docking ------------------
#  save_docking %(output_clust)s
#  save_range 1 512 ./ dock .pdb

# ------------ also save all solutions ----------
docking_sort_mode 0            # Sort solutions by energy (1 by cluster)
save_docking %(output_all)s""" \
         %({'range':round(molRange), 'output_all':outName_all,
            'nr_sol':int(sol), 'output_clust':outName_clust} )

    macOpen.writelines( head )

    ## macro docking will not work with multiple models, if both are added to
    ## the hex macro file - macrodocking will be skipped during the docking run
    if macroDocking:
        macOpen.writelines( macro )

    macOpen.writelines( tail )


    return macName, outName_all, macroDocking
コード例 #25
ファイル: PDBParseFile.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
    def __collectAll( self, fname, skipRes=None, headPatterns=[] ):
        Parse ATOM/HETATM lines from PDB. Collect coordinates plus
        dictionaries with the other pdb records of each atom.
        REMARK, HEADER, etc. lines are ignored.

        Some changes are made to the dictionary from PDBFile.readline()::
            - the 'position' entry (with the coordinates) is removed
            - leading and trailing spaces are removed from 'name' ..
            - .. but a 'name_original' entry keeps the old name with spaces
            - a 'type' entry is added. Its value is 'ATOM' or 'HETATM'
            - a 'after_ter' entry is added. Its value is 1, if atom is
              preceeded by a 'TER' line, otherwise 0
            - empty 'element' entries are filled with the first non-number
              letter from the atom 'name'

        @param fname: name of pdb file
        @type  fname: str
        @param skipRes: list with residue names that should be skipped
        @type  skipRes: list of str

        @return: tuple of (1) dictionary of profiles
                 and (2) xyz array N x 3
        @rtype: ( list, array )
        xyz   = []

        aProfs = {}

        info = {}

        in_header = True
        headPatterns = headPatterns or self.RE_REMARKS
        patterns = [ (key, re.compile(ex)) for key,ex in headPatterns ]
        for k in B.PDBModel.PDB_KEYS:
            aProfs[k] = list()

        f = IO.PDBFile( fname )

        skipLine = False

            line, i = ('',''), 0

            while line[0] <> 'END' and line[0] <> 'ENDMDL':

                i += 1
                if not skipLine:
                        line = f.readLine()
                    except ValueError, what:
                        self.log.add('Warning: Error parsing line %i of %s' %
                                     (i, T.stripFilename( fname )) )
                        self.log.add('\tError: '+str(what) )
                    skipLine = False

                ## header handling
                if in_header and line[0] == 'HEADER':
                    info.update( self.__parseHeader( line ) )

                if in_header and line[0] == 'REMARK':
                    if line[1].startswith(' 350'):
                        biomtDict, line = self.__parseBiomt( f, line )
                        info.update( biomtDict )
                        # we've hogged a line beyond REMARK 350 records in 
                        # __parseBiomt(), now we need to process it here
                        skipLine = True
                        info.update( self.__parseRemark( line, patterns ) )

                ## preserve position of TER records
                newChain = line[0] == 'TER'
                if newChain:
                    line = f.readLine()

                if (line[0] in ['ATOM','HETATM'] ):

                    if in_header: in_header = False  ## switch off HEADER parsing
                    a = line[1]

                    if skipRes and a['residue_name'] in skipRes:

                    a['name_original'] = a['name']
                    a['name'] = a['name'].strip()

                    a['type'] = line[0]

                    if newChain:
                        a['after_ter'] = 1
                        a['after_ter'] = 0

                    if a['element'] == '':
                        a['element'] = self.__firstLetter( a['name'] )

                    if a['position'].is_vector:
                        lst = [ a['position'][0],
                        xyz.append( lst )
                        xyz.append( a['position'] )

                    del a['position']

                    for k, v in a.items():
                        aProfs[k].append( v )

            raise PDBParserError("Error parsing file "+fname+": " \
                                 + T.lastError())

        if len( xyz ) == 0:
            raise PDBParserError("Error parsing file "+fname+": "+
                            "Couldn't find any atoms.")

        return aProfs, N.array( xyz, N.Float32 ), info
コード例 #26
ファイル: modelling_example.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
    Print the part right of the diagonal in a matrix
    nr = len( matrix )
    for i in range(nr): print '%5i'%(i+1),
    for i in range(nr):
        print '\n%2i'%(i+1),
        for k in range(i):
            print ' '*5,
        for j in range(i, nr):
            print '%5.2f'%matrix[i,j],
## get filenames of all models 
models = glob.glob( '%s/modeller/%s*.pdb'%(outFolder,
                                           tools.stripFilename(f_target)) )

## create a Trajectory object with the models
traj = Trajectory( pdbs=models )

## fit the models against the average structure iteratively

## calculate and print rmsd matrix
rmsHeavy = traj.pairwiseRmsd()
__printMatrix( rmsHeavy )

## same thing for backbone atoms
BBMask = traj[0].maskBB()
traj.blockFit2ref( mask = BBMask )
コード例 #27
    Print the part right of the diagonal in a matrix
    nr = len( matrix )
    for i in range(nr): print '%5i'%(i+1),
    for i in range(nr):
        print '\n%2i'%(i+1),
        for k in range(i):
            print ' '*5,
        for j in range(i, nr):
            print '%5.2f'%matrix[i,j],
## get filenames of all models 
models = glob.glob( '%s/modeller/%s*.pdb'%(outFolder,
                                           tools.stripFilename(f_target)) )

## create a Trajectory object with the models
traj = Trajectory( pdbs=models )

## fit the models against the average structure iteratively

## calculate and print rmsd matrix
rmsHeavy = traj.pairwiseRmsd()
__printMatrix( rmsHeavy )

## same thing for backbone atoms
BBMask = traj[0].maskBB()
traj.blockFit2ref( mask = BBMask )
コード例 #28
ファイル: modelling_example.py プロジェクト: ostrokach/biskit
    Print the part right of the diagonal in a matrix
    nr = len(matrix)
    for i in range(nr):
        print '%5i' % (i + 1),
    for i in range(nr):
        print '\n%2i' % (i + 1),
        for k in range(i):
            print ' ' * 5,
        for j in range(i, nr):
            print '%5.2f' % matrix[i, j],

## get filenames of all models
models = glob.glob('%s/modeller/%s*.pdb' %
                   (outFolder, tools.stripFilename(f_target)))

## create a Trajectory object with the models
traj = Trajectory(pdbs=models)

## fit the models against the average structure iteratively

## calculate and print rmsd matrix
rmsHeavy = traj.pairwiseRmsd()

## same thing for backbone atoms
BBMask = traj[0].maskBB()
コード例 #29
    for fname in srcfiles:

        fname = t.absfile(fname)
        shutil.copy(fname, fname + '_')

        methods = re_lst(module, exclude)

        fold = open(fname + '_')
        fnew = open(fname, 'w')

        i = 0
        for l in fold:

            i += 1

            l = replace_import_statement(l, module, importas)
            l, occurrences = replace_line(l, methods, importas + '.')

            if occurrences > 0:
                t.errWriteln('%s %5i %2i matches:\n\t%s' %
                             (t.stripFilename(fname), i, occurrences, l))


