コード例 #1
def division(divident, divisor):
    remainder = BitVector(intVal=1, size=32)
    quotient = BitVector(size=32)
    print("divident:", divident)
    print("divisor: ", divisor)
    print("Step by step calculation:")
    print("Searching for the first 1 in divident")
    i = 0
    while not divident[i]:
        i += 1
    print("Position of first 1:", i)
    print("Writing remainder as first half of result register")
    while i != len(divident):
        print(remainder, quotient)
        print("Checking if divisor is greater than remainder")
        if divisor >= remainder:
            print("If true, expanding remainder with next divident symbol")
            remainder[-1] = divident[i + 1]
                "If false, subtracking divisor from remainder and shift remainder to the left"
            print("and set 1 in quotient in the according divident index")
            remainder = subtraction(remainder, divisor)
            quotient[i - 32] = 1
        i += 1
    print("Final result:", remainder, quotient)
    print("Final result in decimal: quotient:", quotient.int_val(),
          ", remainder:", remainder.int_val())
コード例 #2
def multiplication(multiplicand, multiplier):
    carry = 0
    register = BitVector(intVal=multiplier.int_val(), size=64)
    print("Initial register:", register)
    for i in range(30, -1, -1):
        if register[-1]:
            for y in range(31, -1, -1):
                if carry:
                    if register[y + 1] & multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 1
                        carry = 1
                    elif register[y + 1] | multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 0
                        carry = 1
                        register[y + 1] = 1
                        carry = 0
                    if register[y + 1] & multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 0
                        carry = 1
                    elif register[y + 1] | multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 1
                        register[y + 1] = 0
            print("Add multiplicand to register:", register)
        print("Shift register by one:", register)
    print("Final result:", register)
    print("Final result in decimal:", register.int_val())
コード例 #3
def multiplication(multiplicand, multiplier):
    carry = 0
    register = BitVector(intVal=multiplier.int_val(), size=64)
    print("Початковий регістр:", register)
    for i in range(30, -1, -1):
        if register[-1]:
            for y in range(31, -1, -1):
                if carry:
                    if register[y + 1] & multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 1
                        carry = 1
                    elif register[y + 1] | multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 0
                        carry = 1
                        register[y + 1] = 1
                        carry = 0
                    if register[y + 1] & multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 0
                        carry = 1
                    elif register[y + 1] | multiplicand[y]:
                        register[y + 1] = 1
                        register[y + 1] = 0
            print("Додавання першого множника в регістр:", register)
        print("Здвиг регістру на один:", register)
    print("Результат:", register)
    print("Результат у десятковому:", register.int_val())
コード例 #4
def main():
    f = BitVector(bitstring='0001111100000010000100')
    f[22 - 1 - 11] = 0
    f_init = copy.deepcopy(f)
    key = 0xfaf3df3fa6698c0c
    frame_counter = f.int_val()
    a52 = A5_2(key, frame_counter)
    (send_key, receive_key) = a52.get_key_stream(True)
    f[22 - 1 - 11] = 1
    f2_init = copy.deepcopy(f)
    frame_counter = f.int_val()
    a522 = A5_2(key, frame_counter)
    (send_key2, receive_key2) = a522.get_key_stream(True)

    r4 = copy.deepcopy(a52.initial_sates['r4'])

    solution_found = Event()
    perform_attack(r4, send_key, send_key2, f_init, f2_init, r4_given=True)
コード例 #5
def check_gauss_solution(solutions, r4, k, f):
        Checks for each solution if it's valid.
        An A5/2 object is created and the registers are initialized with the
        values from the gauss solution. The generated key stream will be then
        compared to the key stream k. If it is the same, the solution
        is correct. Otherwise, the solution is not correct.
        :param solutions: List with solutions from the gauss algorithm
        :param r4: register 4 as LFSR object
        :param k: key stream to verify the solution
        :return the session key or None
    a52 = A5_2(0x0, 0x0)
    for solution in solutions:
        # r1_value, r2_value, r3_value = convert_solution_to_lfsrs(solution)
        # R1[15], R2[16] and R3[18] are always set to 1 in  the A5/2 init
        # process.In order to restore the correct values, all combinations
        # must be checked
        for register_values in list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=3)):
            r1, r2, r3 = convert_solution_to_lfsrs(solution)
             receive_key) = a52.get_key_stream_with_predefined_registers(
            if send_key == k:
                r1.set_bit(FORCE_R1_BIT_TO_1, register_values[0])
                r2.set_bit(FORCE_R2_BIT_TO_1, register_values[1])
                r3.set_bit(FORCE_R3_BIT_TO_1, register_values[2])
                reverse_frame_counter(r1, r2, r3, f)
                session_keys = retrieve_session_key(r1, r2, r3)
                for session_key in session_keys:
                    session_key = BitVector(bitlist=session_key)
                    if check_session_key(session_key.int_val(), f.int_val(),
                        return session_key
    return None
コード例 #6
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: nessdoor/RVlyzer
    class ImmediateConstant:
        An immediate constant.

        This class represents some sort of constant used as an immediate value by an instruction.
        Such constant can be a literal value or a symbolic one.
        Immediate formats can differ in size, so a size must be specified at creation time for faithful representation
        and correct manipulation of the binary value.

        :var symbol: the symbolic identifier of the constant, if any
        :var value: the binary representation of the value, if assigned
        :var int_val: the integer representation of the value, if assigned
        :var size: the size in bits of the containing immediate field

        _symbol: Optional[str]
        _value: Optional[BitVector]
        _size: int

        def __init__(self, size, symbol: str = None, value: int = None):
            Instantiate an immediate constant of the specified size and value, identified by a symbol.

            :param size: the size in bits of the constant
            :param symbol: the symbol identifying the constant, if any
            :param value: the integer value of the constant, if any
            :raise ValueError: when both symbol and value are left unspecified

            if symbol is None and value is None:
                raise ValueError("Constant must be symbolic or have a value")

            self._size = size
            self._symbol = symbol

            if value is not None:

                # Prepare the mask for cutting the supplied value's bit representation to the specified size
                mask = 0
                for f in range(0, size):
                    mask += 2**f

                value = value & mask
                self._value = BitVector(intVal=value, size=size)

                # Sizes must be coherent
                assert self._size == len(self._value)
                self._value = None

        def symbol(self) -> str:
            return self._symbol

        def value(self) -> BitVector:
            return self._value.deep_copy()

        def int_val(self) -> int:
            # Return the constant's integer representation, preserving its sign through an overly complicated procedure
            return -((~self._value).int_val() +
                     1) if self._value[0] == 1 else self._value.int_val()

        def size(self):
            return self._size

        def __repr__(self):
            return "Instruction.ImmediateConstant(size=" + repr(self._size) + ", symbol=" + repr(self._symbol) + \
                   ", value=" + repr(None if self._value is None else self.int_val) + ")"

        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.int_val) if self._symbol is None else self.symbol
コード例 #7
def initiate_keygen(key_size=32,
    length = 3 * key_size
    q_logger("Begginning key initialization with {}".format(recipient))
    with get_CQCConnection(name) as conn:
        q_logger("init Connection made")

        # Send bob key length
        q_logger("sending length")
        conn.sendClassical(recipient, length)
        q_logger("Length sent, awaiting confirmation")
        confirmation = int.from_bytes(conn.recvClassical(), byteorder="big")
        q_logger("recieved length conformation")

        # Get key, encode key, send to bob
        key, qubits, bases = create_master_key(conn, length)
        key_bit_vect = BitVector(intVal=key)
        q_logger("Key:           {}".format(bin(key)))
        q_logger("Bases:         {}".format(bin(int(bases))))

        # Send all the qubits sequentially
        for q in qubits:
            conn.sendQubit(q, recipient)
        q_logger("sent qubits!")

        # receive bases used by Bob
        bobs_bases = BitVector(bitlist=conn.recvClassical())
        q_logger("Bobs bases:    {}".format(bin(bobs_bases.int_val())))
        correct_bases = ~bobs_bases ^ bases
        correctness = correct_bases.count_bits() / length
        q_logger("Correct:       {}".format(bin(int(correct_bases))))

        # Send bob correct bases
        conn.sendClassical(recipient, correct_bases[:])
        key = truncate_key(key, length, correct_bases)

        if validate_generated_key(length, acceptable_error, key) != OK:
            raise PoorErrorRate(
                "Poor error rate: {}".format(1 - (len(key) / length)))

        expected_verify, key = break_into_parts(key, key_size)
        verification_bits = BitVector(bitlist=conn.recvClassical())

        q_logger("Comparing verification bits")

        if expected_verify == verification_bits:
            q_logger("Verification bits OK")
            conn.sendClassical(recipient, OK)
            q_logger("Bits Tampered")
            conn.sendClassical(recipient, TAMPERED)

        if conn.recvClassical() != OK:
            # raise exception

        return key