コード例 #1
ファイル: exchanges.py プロジェクト: prad12/CrossRidge
def get_cme_margins(http_link):
    # alternative way to get bulk download: 'http://www.cmegroup.com/CmeWS/mvc/Margins/OUTRIGHT.csv'
    x = return_web_tables(http_link)[0]
    x = [i for i in x if i != 'About This Report']
    nx = [i for i, j in enumerate(x) if j == 'Maintenance'][0]
    x = x[int(nx*2+2)]
    x = float(x.replace(',', '').split(' ')[0])
    return x
コード例 #2
ファイル: exchanges.py プロジェクト: prad12/CrossRidge
def get_ib_fut_info(entity_id, exchanges=None, mult=None, incr=None):
    # entity_id = 'a19207303'  # VIX
    # entity_id = 'a19206937'  # CORN
    # exchanges = ['CBOT', 'ECBOT']
    if exchanges is None:
        http_link = 'https://misc.interactivebrokers.com/cstools/contract_info/v3.9/index.php?' \
                    'action=Futures%20Search&entityId=' + entity_id + '&lang=en&wlId=GEN&showEntities=Y'
        http_link = 'https://misc.interactivebrokers.com/cstools/contract_info/v3.9/index.php?' \
                    'action=Futures%20Search&entityId=' + entity_id + '&exchanges=' + \
                    ''.join([i+',' for i in exchanges]) + '&lang=en&wlId=GEN&showEntities=Y'
    page = requests.get(http_link)
    page_body = html.fromstring(page.content)
    page_links = page_body.xpath('//a/@href')
    page_links = [i for i in page_links if 'showDetails' in i]
    page_links = [i.replace('javascript:showDetails(', '') for i in page_links]
    page_links = [i.replace(')', '') for i in page_links]
    page_links = page_links[0]
    page_links = page_links[1:len(page_links)-1]
    http_link = 'https://misc.interactivebrokers.com/cstools/contract_info/v3.9/index.php?' \
                'action=Conid%20Info&wlId=GEN&conid=' + page_links + '&lang=en'
    page = return_web_tables(http_link)
    page = [i for i in page if len(i)> 0]
    page = [i for i in page if i[0] != 'Underlying Information']
    page = [i for i in page if i[0] != 'Contract Information']
    page = [i for i in page if i[0] != 'Contract Identifiers']
    # get the multiplier
    if mult is not None:
        mult = [i for i in page if i[0] == 'Futures Features'][0]
        mult = float(mult[[i for i, j in enumerate(mult) if j == 'Multiplier'][0]+1])
    # get the margin requirements
    page = [i for i in page if i[0] != 'Futures Features']
    marg = [i for i in page if i[0] == 'Margin Requirements'][0]
    marg = [i.replace(',', '') for i in marg]
    marg = marg[2::2]
    marg = [(None if i == 'Default' else int(i)) for i in marg]
    page = [i for i in page if i[0] != 'Margin Requirements']
    if incr is not None:
        incr = [i for i in page if i[0] == 'Range']
        incr = [i[2:] for i in incr]
        incr = [i for i in incr if 'price' in i[0]]
        incr = incr[0][1]
        incr = float(incr)
    if (mult is None) and (incr is None):
        return marg
    elif (mult is not None) and (incr is None):
        return marg, mult
    elif (mult is None) and (incr is not None):
        return marg, incr
        return marg, mult, incr
コード例 #3
ファイル: exchanges.py プロジェクト: prad12/CrossRidge
def get_cde_expiry_dates():
    x = return_web_tables('http://www.m-x.ca/nego_ca_en.php')[0]
    x = x[5:]  # removing the headers
    # remove subheaders and keep only futures
    xm_ = {'January': '01', 'February': '02', 'March': '03', 'April': '04', 'May': '05', 'June': '06', 'July': '07',
           'August': '08', 'September': '09', 'October': '10', 'November': '11', 'December': '12'}
    loc = []
    for i in xm_.keys():
        loc += [ii for ii, j in enumerate(x) if j.find(i) != -1]
    loc = sorted(list(set(loc)))
    loc_ = [j for j in loc if ',' not in x[j]]
    loc__ = [i for i, j in enumerate(x) if j == 'Equity options']
    ndt = len(loc_)
    x_ = []
    for i in range(0, ndt):
        x_ += x[loc_[i]+1:loc__[i]]
    # make it into a table
    loc = []
    for i in xm_.keys():
        loc += [ii for ii, j in enumerate(x_) if j.find(i) != -1]
    loc = sorted(list(set(loc)))
    loc = [i for i, j in enumerate(x_) if i not in loc]
    ndt = len(loc)
    loc_ = loc[1:] + [len(x_)]
    xd_ = []
    for i in range(0, ndt):
    ndt = len(xd_)
    # remove the expiration date, and keep the last trading day
    xpc = []
    xltdt = []
    xfndt = []
    for i in range(0, ndt):
        x_ = xd_[i]
        if len(x_) == 3:
    # converts dates into useable formats
    xltdt_ = [i.split(', ') for i in xltdt]
    xltdt_ = [i[0].split(' ')+[i[1]] for i in xltdt_]
    xltdt_ = [[xm_[i[0]]]+i[1:3] for i in xltdt_]
    xltdt_ = [i[2]+i[0]+i[1] for i in xltdt_]
    xfndt_ = [i.split(', ') for i in xfndt]
    xfndt_ = [i[0].split(' ')+[i[1]] for i in xfndt_]
    xfndt_ = [[xm_[i[0]]]+i[1:3] for i in xfndt_]
    xfndt_ = [i[2]+i[0]+i[1] for i in xfndt_]
    return xpc, xltdt_, xfndt_
コード例 #4
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: prad12/CrossRidge
def get_saxo_expiry_dates():
    # saxo bank margin url
    # 'http://www.saxobank.com/Documents/futures-documents/Initial-and-Maintenance-Margin.html'
    http_link = 'http://www.saxobank.com/prices/futures/futures-contracts?' + \
    page = return_web_tables(http_link)
    page_ = [i for i in page if i[0].lower() == 'tradable contracts']
    page_ = [i[3:] for i in page_]
    stics, sfndt, sltdt = [], [], []
    for ii, i in enumerate(page_):
        icode = i[0::3]
        ifndt = i[1::3]
        iltdt = i[2::3]
        if (len(icode) == len(ifndt)) and (len(icode) == len(iltdt)):
            stics += icode
            sfndt += ifndt
            sltdt += iltdt
            raise ValueError('Can not parse website at sym %s' % icode[0])
    # fix last traded dates
    xm_ = {'Jan': '01', 'Feb': '02', 'Mar': '03', 'Apr': '04', 'May': '05', 'Jun': '06', 'Jul': '07', 'Aug': '08',
           'Sep': '09', 'Oct': '10', 'Nov': '11', 'Dec': '12'}
    for i, j in enumerate(sltdt):
        jj = j.split('-')
        jj[1] = xm_[jj[1]]
        jj = jj[2]+jj[1]+jj[0]
        sltdt[i] = jj
        if sfndt[i] != 'NA':
            jj = sfndt[i].split('-')
            jj[1] = xm_[jj[1]]
            jj = jj[2]+jj[1]+jj[0]
            sfndt[i] = jj
            sfndt[i] = sltdt[i]
    x = cruf.DataFrame({'tick': stics, 'dtls': sltdt, 'dtfn': sfndt})
    x = x[['tick', 'dtls', 'dtfn']]
    x['cont'] = [i[-2:] for i in x['tick'].values]
    xm_ = {'F': '01', 'G': '02', 'H': '03', 'J': '04', 'K': '05', 'M': '06', 'N': '07', 'Q': '08',
           'U': '09', 'V': '10', 'X': '11', 'Z': '12'}
    xy = [i[1] for i in x['cont'].values]
    xy = [(str(2010+int(i)) if int(i) >= 5 else str(2020+int(i))) for i in xy]
    x['cont'] = [xy[i]+xm_[j[0]] for i, j in enumerate(x['cont'].values)]
    x['tick'] = [i[0:-2] for i in x['tick'].values]
    x = x[['tick', 'cont', 'dtls', 'dtfn']]
    cr_info.store('Saxo_Expiries', x)
    return None
コード例 #5
ファイル: exchanges.py プロジェクト: prad12/CrossRidge
def get_cme_expiry_dates(http_link):
    x = return_web_tables(http_link)[0]
    x = [i for i in x if i != 'About This Report']
    nr = int(len(x)/8)
    xpc = x[0::8][1:]       # product codes
    xltdt = x[2::8][1:]     # last date
    xfndt = x[6::8][1:]     # first notice date
    xfndt = [i[0:11] for i in xfndt]
    xltdt = [i[11:] for i in xltdt]
    xm_ = {'Jan': '01', 'Feb': '02', 'Mar': '03', 'Apr': '04', 'May': '05', 'Jun': '06', 'Jul': '07', 'Aug': '08',
           'Sep': '09', 'Oct': '10', 'Nov': '11', 'Dec': '12'}
    xpc = [i.replace(i[0:3], xm_[i[0:3]]) for i in xpc]
    xltdt = [i.replace(i[3:6], xm_[i[3:6]]) for i in xltdt]
    xpc = [''.join(list(reversed(i.split(' ')))) for i in xpc]
    xltdt = [''.join(list(reversed(i.split(' ')))) for i in xltdt]
    if list(set(xfndt))[0] != '--':
        xfndt = [i.replace(i[3:6], xm_[i[3:6]]) for i in xfndt]
        xfndt = [''.join(list(reversed(i.split(' ')))) for i in xfndt]
        xfndt = None
    return xpc, xltdt, xfndt
コード例 #6
ファイル: exchanges.py プロジェクト: prad12/CrossRidge
def get_cfe_expiry_dates(tics='VIX'):
    x = return_web_tables('http://www.cboe.com/delayedquote/ssfquote.aspx')
    xn = len(x)
    for i in range(0, xn):
        # i = 0
        xi = x[i]
        xi = xi[9:]
        xi = [j for j in xi if '/' in j]
        xil = round(len(xi)/2)
        xid = {}
        for j in range(0, xil):
            xid[xi[2*j]] = xi[2*j+1]
        x[i] = xid
    # retain only 'VIX'
    # tics = 'VIX'
    if isinstance(tics, str):
        tics = [tics]
    xit = []
    for i in tics:
        # i = tics[0]
        jidx = None
        for j in range(0, xn):
            # j = 2
            xint = list(set([k.split('/')[0] for k in list(x[j].keys())]))
            jchk = [kk for kk in xint if kk == i]
            if len(jchk) > 0:
                jidx = j
        if jidx is not None:
            # reduce it further
            xlt_ = x[jidx]
            xlt__ = {}
            for n, v in xlt_.items():
                if n.split('/')[0] == i:
                    xlt__[n] = int(v[6:]+v[0:2]+v[3:5])
            # xit.append(x[jidx])
    return xit