コード例 #1
    def create_return_english_objectivity_encoded_form(self,
        """Does a POST request to /objectivity.

        Return whether a text is objective or subjective. The text should be
        supplied in an encoded form using key 'text'.

            text (string): TODO: type description here.

            mixed: Response from the API. 

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.

        # The base uri for api requests
        query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI
        # Prepare query string for API call
        query_builder += "/objectivity"

        # Validate and preprocess url
        query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        headers = {

            "X-Mashape-Key": self.__x_mashape_key,            "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0",
            "accept": "application/json"            "X-Mashape-Key": self.__x_mashape_key

        # Prepare parameters
        parameters = {
            "text": text
        # The body will be multipart data, so set the header
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'

        # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response
        response = unirest.post(query_url, headers=headers, params=parameters)

        # Error handling using HTTP status codes
        if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206:  # 200 = HTTP OK
            raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) 
        return response.body
コード例 #2
    def create_return_english_objectivity_plaintext(self,
        """Does a POST request to /objectivity.

        The text should be provided as text/plain in the body

            body (string): Supply text to be classified.

            mixed: Response from the API. 

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.

        # The base uri for api requests
        query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI
        # Prepare query string for API call
        query_builder += "/objectivity"

        # Validate and preprocess url
        query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        headers = {

            "X-Mashape-Key": self.__x_mashape_key,            "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0",
            "accept": "application/json"            "X-Mashape-Key": self.__x_mashape_key

        # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response
        response = unirest.post(query_url, headers=headers,  params=body)

        # Error handling using HTTP status codes
        if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206:  # 200 = HTTP OK
            raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) 
        return response.body
コード例 #3
    def create_return_english_objectivity_multipart_form(self,
        """Does a POST request to /objectivity.

        The text should be provided as multipart/form-data with the key
        'text'. Files can be uploaded.

            text (string): Supply text to be classified.

            mixed: Response from the API. 

            APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from
                the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response
                code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in
                the request.

        # The base uri for api requests
        query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI
        # Prepare query string for API call
        query_builder += "/objectivity"

        # Validate and preprocess url
        query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder)

        # Prepare headers
        headers = {

            "X-Mashape-Key": self.__x_mashape_key,            "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0",
            "accept": "application/json"            "X-Mashape-Key": self.__x_mashape_key

        # Prepare parameters
        parameters = {
            "text":  open(text, mode="r") if text is not None else None
        # Send the form body as url encoded data
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        form_encoded_params = dict()
        for (key, value) in parameters.items():
            if isinstance(value, list):
                # Loop through each item in the list and add it by number
                i = 0
                for entry in value:
                    form_encoded_params.update(APIHelper.form_encode(entry, key + "[" + str(i) + "]"))
                    i += 1
            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                # Loop through each item in the dictionary and add it
                form_encoded_params.update(APIHelper.form_encode(value, key))
                # Add the current item
                form_encoded_params[key] = value
        parameters = ''
        for (key, value) in form_encoded_params.items():
            separator = '&' if len(parameters) > 0 else '' 
            parameters = parameters + '{0}{1}={2}'.format(separator, key, value)

        # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response
        response = unirest.post(query_url, headers=headers, params=parameters)

        # Error handling using HTTP status codes
        if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206:  # 200 = HTTP OK
            raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) 
        return response.body