#26013JMC02.nc 100% 3460 3.4KB/s 00:00 #26013JMC03.nc 100% 6484 6.3KB/s 00:00 #26013JMC04.nc 100% 5692 5.6KB/s 00:00 #uctd/25413JMm01.txt #uctd/25613JMm01.txt # default location of thredds and dods data: cl.tdsBase = 'http://odss.mbari.org/thredds/' cl.dodsBase = cl.tdsBase + 'dodsC/' ###################################################################### # John Martin: September 16-20? (259-262) Sep 30 - Oct 3 ###################################################################### # UCTD cl.JMuctd_base = cl.dodsBase + 'CANON_september2013/Platforms/Ships/Martin/uctd/' cl.JMuctd_parms = [ 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'xmiss', 'wetstar' ] cl.JMuctd_files = [ '25913RCm01.nc', '26013RCm01.nc', ] # PCTD cl.pctdDir = 'CANON_september2013/Platforms/Ships/Martin/pctd/' cl.JMpctd_base = cl.dodsBase + cl.pctdDir cl.JMpctd_parms = [ 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'xmiss', 'ecofl', 'oxygen' ] cl.JMpctd_files = [ '25613JMC01.nc', '25613JMC02.nc', '25613JMC03.nc', '25613JMC04.nc', '25613JMC05.nc', '26013JMC01.nc', '26013JMC02.nc', '26013JMC03.nc','26013JMC04.nc', ] # BCTD # SubSample data files from /mbari/BOG_Archive/ReportsForSTOQS/GOC12/ copied to local BOG_Data dir