コード例 #1
        comp.splitFactor = len(comp.files)/10#4
        comp.fineSplitFactor = 1

####if runData==False and isTest: # Synch MC sample
####    is50ns = False
####    comp = kreator.makeMCComponent("TTbarDM","/TTbarDMJets_pseudoscalar_Mchi-1_Mphi-100_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8/RunIISpring16MiniAODv2-PUSpring16RAWAODSIM_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_miniAODv2_v0_ext1-v1/MINIAODSIM", "CMS", ".*root", 1.0)
####    selectedComponents = [ comp ]
####    for comp in selectedComponents:
####        comp.splitFactor = len(comp.files)
####        comp.fineSplitFactor = 1

from CMGTools.HToZZ4L.tools.configTools import printSummary

if not getHeppyOption("test"):

#-------- HOW TO RUN ----------- 
test = getHeppyOption('test')
if test == 'DYJets':
    monoJetSkim.metCut = 0
    monoJetCtrlLepSkim.minLeptons = 2
    comp = DYJetsToLL_M50_HT100to200
    comp.files = comp.files[:1]
    comp.splitFactor = 1
    comp.fineSplitFactor = 1
    selectedComponents = [ comp ]
elif test == 'EOS':
    comp = DYJetsToLL_M50
コード例 #2
            if exclusiveDatasets: vetos += triggers
    if json is None:
    if runDataQCD:  # for fake rate measurements in data
        configureSplittingFromTime(selectedComponents, 3.5, 2, maxFiles=15)

if True:
    from CMGTools.Production.promptRecoRunRangeFilter import filterComponent
    for c in selectedComponents:
        printnewsummary = False
        if "PromptReco" in c.name:
            printnewsummary = True
            filterComponent(c, 1)
            c.splitFactor = len(c.files) / 6
    if printnewsummary: printSummary(selectedComponents)

if removeJetReCalibration:
    jetAna.recalibrateJets = False
    jetAnaScaleUp.recalibrateJets = False
    jetAnaScaleDown.recalibrateJets = False

if getHeppyOption("noLepSkim", False):
    ttHLepSkim.minLeptons = 0

if forcedSplitFactor > 0 or forcedFineSplitFactor > 0:
    if forcedFineSplitFactor > 0 and forcedSplitFactor != 1:
        raise RuntimeError, 'splitFactor must be 1 if setting fineSplitFactor'
    for c in selectedComponents:
        if forcedSplitFactor > 0: c.splitFactor = forcedSplitFactor
        if forcedFineSplitFactor > 0: c.fineSplitFactor = forcedFineSplitFactor
コード例 #3
def runMain(samples,args=None,localobjs=None):
   if args == None: args = sys.argv
   selsamples = _filterSamples(samples,args)
   if "help" in args or "--help" in args or "-h" in args:
       print """

python samplefile.py test [--AAA] [samples] :
        tries accessing the first file of each sample
        option -AAA: allow AAA as fallback

python samplefile.py locality [samples] :
        check the locality of the samples

python samplefile.py refresh [samples] [ --pretend ] [ --suspicious ]: 
        forces a refresh of the cache
        option --pretend: print the list of samples to refresh, instead of actually refreshing them
        option --suspicious: selects for refresh the samples that look bogus (zero files, or zero events for official CMS datasets)

python samplefile.py list [samples]:  
python samplefile.py summary [samples]:   
        two equivalent commands that prints a list of samples, with number of files, events, equivalent luminosity, etc

python samplefile.py genXSecAna [samples] [ --pretend ] [ --verbose ]:  
        check the cross sections using genXSecAna on one of the files

python samplefile.py checkdecl:  
        check that all samples are declared in the samples list

   if "test" in args:
       from CMGTools.RootTools.samples.ComponentCreator import testSamples
       testSamples(selsamples, allowAAA=("--AAA" in args))
   if "locality" in args:
       import re
       from CMGTools.Production.localityChecker import LocalityChecker
       tier2Checker = LocalityChecker("T2_CH_CERN", datasets="/*/*/MINIAOD*")
       for comp in selsamples:
           if len(comp.files) == 0: 
               print '\033[34mE: Empty component: '+comp.name+'\033[0m'
           if not hasattr(comp,'dataset'): continue
           if not re.match("/[^/]+/[^/]+/MINIAOD(SIM)?", comp.dataset): continue
           if "/store/" not in comp.files[0]: continue
           if re.search("/store/(group|user|cmst3)/", comp.files[0]): continue
           if not tier2Checker.available(comp.dataset):
               print "\033[1;31mN: Dataset %s (%s) is not available on T2_CH_CERN\033[0m" % (comp.name,comp.dataset)
           else: print "Y: Dataset %s (%s) is available on T2_CH_CERN" % (comp.name,comp.dataset)
   if "refresh" in args:
        from CMGTools.Production.cacheChecker import CacheChecker
        checker = CacheChecker()
        for d in selsamples:
            if "--suspicious" in args:
                if len(d.files) > 0:
                    if "/store/mc " in d.files[0] or "/store/data" in d.files[0]:
                        if getattr(d, 'dataset_entries', -1) > 0:
            print "Checking ",d.name," aka ",d.dataset
            if "--pretend" in args: continue
            checker.checkComp(d, verbose=True)
   if "check_versions" in args:
        from CMGTools.Production.datasetVersionChecker import DatasetVersionChecker
        checker = DatasetVersionChecker()
        for d in selsamples:
            if "--pretend" in args: 
                print "Would check ",d.name," aka ",d.dataset
                print "Checking",d.name," ",
                checker.checkComp(d, verbose=True)
   if "list" in args or "summary" in args:
        from CMGTools.HToZZ4L.tools.configTools import printSummary
   if "genXSecAna" in args:
        import subprocess, re;
        if "--fetch" in args or not os.path.exists("%s/src/genXSecAna.py" % os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']):
            print "Retrieving genXSecAna.py"
            os.system("wget -O "+os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']+"/src/genXSecAna.py  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/syuvivida/generator/master/cross_section/runJob/ana.py")
        for d in selsamples:
            if not hasattr(d, 'xSection'): 
                print "Skipping %s which has no cross section" % d.name
            if "--pretend" in args: 
                print "Would check ",d.name," aka ",d.dataset
            print "Sample %s: XS(sample file) = %g pb, ... " % (d.name,d.xSection),
            if "--verbose" in args: 
                print "\n ".join(["cmsRun", os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']+"/src/genXSecAna.py", "inputFiles=%s" % d.files[0], "maxEvents=-1"])
            xsecAnaOut = subprocess.check_output(["cmsRun", os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']+"/src/genXSecAna.py", "inputFiles=%s" % d.files[0], "maxEvents=-1"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
            if "--verbose" in args: 
                for l in xsecAnaOut.split("\n"): print "\t>> "+l
            m = re.search(r"After filter: final cross section = (\S+) \+- (\S+) pb", xsecAnaOut)
            if m and float(m.group(1)) == 0:
                m  = re.search(r"Before matching: total cross section = (\S+) \+- (\S+) pb", xsecAnaOut)
                m1 = re.search(r"After matching: total cross section = (\S+) \+- (\S+) pb", xsecAnaOut)
                if m1 and m and float(m1.group(1)) < 0 and float(m.group(1)) > 0 and abs(float(m1.group(1))/float(m.group(1))+1)<1e-2:
                    print "\033[01;33m [after filter Xsec is zero, using before filter one] \033[00m"
                else: m = None
            if not m or float(m.group(1)) <= 0:
                print "\n\033[01;31m ERROR: could not find After filter cross section in the output, or it's zero. \033[00m"
            xs, xserr = float(m.group(1)), float(m.group(2))
            kfactor = d.xSection/xs
            if abs(xs-d.xSection) < min(3*xserr,1e-2*xs): (col,stat) = '\033[01;36m', "OK"
            elif 0.8 < kfactor and kfactor < 1.4: (col,stat) = '\033[01;36m', "OK?" 
            elif 0.5 < kfactor and kfactor < 2.0: (col,stat) = '\033[01;33m', "WARNING" 
            else:                                 (col,stat) = '\033[01;31m', "ERROR"
            print "XS(genAnalyzer) = %g +/- %g pb : %s kFactor = %g %s\033[00m" % (xs, xserr, col, kfactor, stat)
   if "checkdecl" in args:
        if localobjs == None: raise RuntimeError("you have to runMain(samples,localobjs=locals())")
        import PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.framework.config as cfg
        ok = 0
        for name,obj in localobjs.iteritems():
            if name == "comp": continue # local variable used in loops
            if isinstance(obj, cfg.Component):  
                if obj not in samples:
                    print "\tERROR: component %s is not added to the samples list " % name
                elif obj.name != name:
                    print "\tERROR: component %s has inconsistent name %s " % (name, obj.name)
                    ok += 1
        print "\tINFO: %d correctly declared components" % ok
コード例 #4
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: smdogra/mTop
def runMain(samples, args=None):
    if args == None: args = sys.argv
    selsamples = _filterSamples(samples, args)
    if "help" in args or "--help" in args or "-h" in args:
        print """

python samplefile.py test [--AAA] [samples] :
        tries accessing the first file of each sample
        option -AAA: allow AAA as fallback

python samplefile.py locality [samples] :
        check the locality of the samples

python samplefile.py refresh [samples] [ --pretend ] [ --suspicious ]: 
        forces a refresh of the cache
        option --pretend: print the list of samples to refresh, instead of actually refreshing them
        option --suspicious: selects for refresh the samples that look bogus (zero files, or zero events for official CMS datasets)

python samplefile.py list [samples]:  
python samplefile.py summary [samples]:   
        two equivalent commands that prints a list of samples, with number of files, events, equivalent luminosity, etc

    if "test" in args:
        from CMGTools.RootTools.samples.ComponentCreator import testSamples
        testSamples(selsamples, allowAAA=("--AAA" in args))
    if "locality" in args:
        import re
        from CMGTools.Production.localityChecker import LocalityChecker
        tier2Checker = LocalityChecker("T2_CH_CERN", datasets="/*/*/MINIAOD*")
        for comp in selsamples:
            if len(comp.files) == 0:
                print '\033[34mE: Empty component: ' + comp.name + '\033[0m'
            if not hasattr(comp, 'dataset'): continue
            if not re.match("/[^/]+/[^/]+/MINIAOD(SIM)?", comp.dataset):
            if "/store/" not in comp.files[0]: continue
            if re.search("/store/(group|user|cmst3)/", comp.files[0]): continue
            if not tier2Checker.available(comp.dataset):
                print "\033[1;31mN: Dataset %s (%s) is not available on T2_CH_CERN\033[0m" % (
                    comp.name, comp.dataset)
                print "Y: Dataset %s (%s) is available on T2_CH_CERN" % (
                    comp.name, comp.dataset)
    if "refresh" in args:
        from CMGTools.Production.cacheChecker import CacheChecker
        checker = CacheChecker()
        for d in selsamples:
            if "--suspicious" in args:
                if len(d.files) > 0:
                    if "/store/mc " in d.files[0] or "/store/data" in d.files[
                        if getattr(d, 'dataset_entries', -1) > 0:
            print "Checking ", d.name, " aka ", d.dataset
            if "--pretend" in args: continue
            checker.checkComp(d, verbose=True)
    if "check_versions" in args:
        from CMGTools.Production.datasetVersionChecker import DatasetVersionChecker
        checker = DatasetVersionChecker()
        for d in selsamples:
            if "--pretend" in args:
                print "Would check ", d.name, " aka ", d.dataset
                print "Checking", d.name, " ",
                checker.checkComp(d, verbose=True)
    if "list" in args or "summary" in args:
        from CMGTools.HToZZ4L.tools.configTools import printSummary
        dataSamples = samples
コード例 #5
                print "\033[1;31mN: Dataset %s (%s) is not available on T2_CH_CERN\033[0m" % (
                    comp.name, comp.dataset)
                print "Y: Dataset %s (%s) is available on T2_CH_CERN" % (
                    comp.name, comp.dataset)
    if "refresh" in sys.argv:
        from CMGTools.Production.cacheChecker import CacheChecker
        checker = CacheChecker()
        dataSamples = samples
        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
            dataSamples = []
            for x in sys.argv[2:]:
                for s in samples:
                    if x in s.name and s not in dataSamples:
            dataSamples.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
        for d in dataSamples:
            print "Checking ", d.name, " aka ", d.dataset
            checker.checkComp(d, verbose=True)
    if "list" in sys.argv:
        from CMGTools.HToZZ4L.tools.configTools import printSummary
        dataSamples = samples
        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
            dataSamples = []
            for x in sys.argv[2:]:
                for s in samples:
                    if x in s.name and s not in dataSamples:
            dataSamples.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)