コード例 #1
def allSampleInfo(sampleName, listLevel):

    if listLevel == 3:
        contents = castortools.ls(castorDir)
        for c in contents:
            print c
        #os.system("rfdir %s | awk '{print \"%s/\"$9}'" % (castorDir,castorDir) )

    print sampleName

    if listLevel > 0:
        print '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'PFN:'
        print castorDir
        print 'LFN:'
        print castortools.castorToLFN(castorDir)
    if listLevel > 1:
        contents = castortools.ls(castorDir)
        for c in contents:
            print c
    if listLevel > 0 and localDir != None:
        print 'local:'
        print localDir
        if os.path.isdir(localDir):
            if listLevel > 1:
                os.system('ls -l ' + localDir)
                # print localDir + '*.root'
            if listLevel > 0:
                print 'TO BE IMPORTED'
    if listLevel > 0:
コード例 #2
ファイル: listSamples.py プロジェクト: anantoni/CMG
def allSampleInfo( sampleName, listLevel ):

    if listLevel == 3:
        contents = castortools.ls(castorDir)
        for c in contents:
            print c
        #os.system("rfdir %s | awk '{print \"%s/\"$9}'" % (castorDir,castorDir) )

    print sampleName

    if listLevel>0:
        print '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'PFN:'
        print castorDir
        print 'LFN:'
        print castortools.castorToLFN(castorDir)
    if listLevel>1:
        contents = castortools.ls(castorDir)
        for c in contents:
            print c
    if listLevel>0 and localDir!=None:
        print 'local:'
        print localDir
        if os.path.isdir( localDir ):
            if listLevel>1:
                os.system('ls -l ' + localDir )
                # print localDir + '*.root'
            if listLevel>0:
                print 'TO BE IMPORTED'
    if listLevel>0:
コード例 #3
	usage="""%prog [options] localdir [chunks]

# This script can be used to retrieve the flat trees stored on EOS during production, and linked in a .url file


	parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
	parser.add_option("-t", dest="treeproducername", type='string', default="myTreeProducer", help='Name of the tree producer module')
	parser.add_option("-T", dest="treename", type='string', default="tree.root", help='Name of the tree file')
	parser.add_option("-c", "--continue", dest="continueCopy", action="store_true", default=False, help='Continue downloading if a chunk failed and print a summary at the end')
	parser.add_option("-j", dest="njobs", type=int, default=0, help='Number of parallel downloading tasks')
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

	locdir = args[0]
	chunks = eostools.ls(locdir)

	print chunks

	if len(args)>1:
		chunks = [c for c in chunks if any([c.endswith('/'+d) for d in args[1:]])]

	print 'Will operate on the following chunks:',chunks

	tocopy = []
	failedDict = {}
	for d in chunks:
		f = '%s/%s/%s'%(d,options.treeproducername,options.treename)
		furl = '%s.url'%f
		if os.path.exists(f):
			print 'Chunk %s already contains tree root file %s, skipping'%(d,f)
コード例 #4
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
	if len(args)<2: raise RuntimeError, 'Expecting at least two arguments'
	locdir = args[0]
	remdir = args[1]
	if not eostools.isEOS(remdir): raise RuntimeError, 'Remote directory should be on EOS.'
	if (not eostools.fileExists(locdir)) or eostools.isFile(locdir): 
	    raise RuntimeError, 'The local directory that should contain the trees does not exist.'

# check removed to allow for top-up of tree productions
#	if eostools.fileExists('%s/%s' % (remdir,locdir)):
#	    raise RuntimeError, 'The remote EOS directory where the trees should be archived already exists.'
	alldsets = eostools.ls(locdir)
	dsets = [d for d in alldsets if [ fname for fname in eostools.ls(d) if options.friendtreestring in fname]==[] ]
	if options.dset: dsets = [d for d in dsets if options.dset in d]
	friends = [d for d in alldsets if d not in dsets]
	if options.dset: friends = [d for d in friends if options.dset in d]
	tocopy = []
	for d in dsets:
	    if eostools.isFile(d): raise RuntimeError, 'File found in local directory.'
	    if '%s/%s'%(d,options.treeproducername) not in eostools.ls(d): raise RuntimeError, 'Tree producer sub-directory not found.'
	    fname = d+'/'+options.treeproducername+'/'+options.treename
	    if (fname not in eostools.ls('%s/%s'%(d,options.treeproducername))) or (not eostools.isFile(fname)): raise RuntimeError, 'Tree file not found.'
	    tocopy.append( (fname,'%s/%s_%s_%s'%(remdir,d,options.treeproducername,options.treename)) )
	for d in friends:
	    allfriends = eostools.ls(d)
	    for f in allfriends:
コード例 #5
                      help='Name of the tree file')
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) < 2: raise RuntimeError, 'Expecting at least two arguments'

    locdir = args[0]
    remdir = args[1]

    if not eostools.isEOS(remdir):
        raise RuntimeError, 'Remote directory should be on EOS.'
    if (not eostools.fileExists(locdir)) or eostools.isFile(locdir):
        raise RuntimeError, 'The local directory that should contain the trees does not exist.'
    if eostools.fileExists('%s/%s' % (remdir, locdir)):
        raise RuntimeError, 'The remote EOS directory where the trees should be archived already exists.'

    alldsets = eostools.ls(locdir)
    dsets = [
        d for d in alldsets if [
            fname for fname in eostools.ls(d)
            if options.friendtreestring in fname
        ] == []
    friends = [d for d in alldsets if d not in dsets]

    tocopy = []
    for d in dsets:
        if eostools.isFile(d):
            raise RuntimeError, 'File found in local directory.'
        if '%s/%s' % (d, options.treeproducername) not in eostools.ls(d):
            raise RuntimeError, 'Tree producer sub-directory not found.'
        fname = d + '/' + options.treeproducername + '/' + options.treename
コード例 #6
                      help='only print the commands, do not run the copy')
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) < 2: raise RuntimeError, 'Expecting at least two arguments'

    eosdir = args[0]
    remdir = args[1]

    listfiles = []
    if len(args) == 3: listfiles = open(args[2]).readlines()

    if not eostools.isEOS(eosdir):
        raise RuntimeError, 'Remote directory should be on EOS.'

    if len(listfiles) > 0: files = listfiles
    else: files = eostools.ls(eosdir)
    if options.select: files = [f for f in files if options.select in f]
    if options.remove: files = [f for f in files if options.remove not in f]

    tocopy = []
    for f in files:
        basename = os.path.basename(f)
        print "Will copy file ", basename

    print '\nCopy the above files from %s -> %s. Do you agree? [y/N]\n' % (
        eosdir, remdir)
    if raw_input() != 'y':
        print 'Aborting'
コード例 #7
#! /bin/env python
import sys

import CMGTools.Production.eostools as eostools

print "remove", sys.argv[1]
files = eostools.ls(sys.argv[1])
print "listing", files
print "filter", sys.argv[2]
files = [f for f in files if sys.argv[2] in f]
print "removing", files
ok = len(sys.argv) > 3
print "ok", ok
if ok:
    lfn = eostools.eosToLFN(sys.argv[1])
    eostools.runEOSCommand(lfn, 'rmdir', '')
コード例 #8
ファイル: cmgRm.py プロジェクト: ahinzmann/cmsusercode
#! /bin/env python
import sys

import CMGTools.Production.eostools as eostools

print "remove",sys.argv[1]
print "listing",files
print "filter",sys.argv[2]
files=[f for f in files if sys.argv[2] in f]
print "removing",files
print "ok",ok
if ok:
    eostools.remove( files )
    lfn = eostools.eosToLFN(sys.argv[1])
コード例 #9
if __name__ == "__main__":

	usage="""%prog [options] localdir [chunks]

# This script can be used to retrieve the flat trees stored on EOS during production, and linked in a .url file


	parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
	parser.add_option("-t", dest="treeproducername", type='string', default="myTreeProducer", help='Name of the tree producer module')
	parser.add_option("-T", dest="treename", type='string', default="tree.root", help='Name of the tree file')
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
	locdir = args[0]
	chunks = eostools.ls(locdir)

	print chunks

	if len(args)>1:
		chunks = [c for c in chunks if any([c.endswith('/'+d) for d in args[1:]])]

	print 'Will operate on the following chunks:',chunks

	tocopy = []
	for d in chunks:
		f = '%s/%s/%s'%(d,options.treeproducername,options.treename)
		furl = '%s.url'%f
		if os.path.exists(f):
			print 'Chunk %s already contains tree root file %s, skipping'%(d,f)
コード例 #10
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) < 2: raise RuntimeError, 'Expecting at least two arguments'

    locdir = args[0]
    remdir = args[1]

    if not eostools.isEOS(remdir):
        raise RuntimeError, 'Remote directory should be on EOS.'
    if (not eostools.fileExists(locdir)) or eostools.isFile(locdir):
        raise RuntimeError, 'The local directory that should contain the trees does not exist.'

# check removed to allow for top-up of tree productions
#	if eostools.fileExists('%s/%s' % (remdir,locdir)):
#	    raise RuntimeError, 'The remote EOS directory where the trees should be archived already exists.'

    alldsets = eostools.ls(locdir)
    dsets = [
        d.split("/")[-1] for d in alldsets if options.friendtreedir not in d
    if options.dset: dsets = [d for d in dsets if options.dset in d]
    friends = [
        d.split("/")[-1] for d in alldsets if options.friendtreedir in d
    if options.dset: friends = [d for d in friends if options.dset in d]

    tocopy = []
    for d in dsets:
        if eostools.isFile(d):
            raise RuntimeError, 'File found in local directory.'
        if '%s/%s/%s' % (locdir, d,
                         options.treeproducername) not in eostools.ls(locdir +