コード例 #1
 def beginLoop(self):
     '''Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers.'''
     self.counters = Counters()
     self.averages = Averages()
     self.mainLogger.warning( 'beginLoop ' + self.cfg_ana.name ) 
     self.beginLoopCalled = True
コード例 #2
ファイル: TauTauAnalyzer.py プロジェクト: pcirkovic/cmg-cmssw
 def beginLoop(self):
     super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).beginLoop()
     self.counters = Counters()
     count = self.counters.counter('DiLepton')
     count.register('all events')
     count.register('> 0 di-lepton')
     count.register('lepton accept')
     count.register('third lepton veto')
     count.register('leg1 trig matched')
     count.register('leg2 trig matched')
     count.register('jet trig matched')
     count.register('leg1 offline cuts passed')
     count.register('leg2 offline cuts passed')
     count.register('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format(
         min=self.cfg_ana.m_min, max=self.cfg_ana.m_max))
     count.register('exactly 1 di-lepton')
コード例 #3
ファイル: TauTauAnalyzer.py プロジェクト: 12345ieee/cmg-cmssw
 def beginLoop(self):
     self.counters = Counters()
     count = self.counters.counter('DiLepton')
     count.register('all events')
     count.register('> 0 di-lepton')
     count.register('lepton accept')
     count.register('third lepton veto')
     count.register('leg1 trig matched')
     count.register('leg2 trig matched')
     count.register('jet trig matched')
     count.register('leg1 offline cuts passed')
     count.register('leg2 offline cuts passed')
     count.register('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format( min = self.cfg_ana.m_min, max = self.cfg_ana.m_max ))
     count.register('exactly 1 di-lepton')
コード例 #4
ファイル: TauTauAnalyzer.py プロジェクト: 12345ieee/cmg-cmssw
class TauTauAnalyzer( DiLeptonAnalyzer ):

    DiObjectClass = TauTau
    LeptonClass = Tau

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).declareHandles()

        #self.handles['diLeptons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgDiTauCorSVFitFullSel'            , 'std::vector<cmg::DiObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >'   ) ## old object
        #self.handles['mvametsigs']     = AutoHandle( 'mvaMETDiTau'                        , 'std::vector<cmg::METSignificance>'                )
        self.handles['diLeptons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgDiTauCorSVFitFullSel'            , 'std::vector<cmg::DiTauObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >')  ## new object by Jan
        self.handles['rawMET']         = AutoHandle( 'cmgPFMETRaw'                        , 'std::vector<cmg::BaseMET>'                        )
        self.handles['jets']           = AutoHandle( 'cmgPFJetSel'                        , 'std::vector<cmg::PFJet>'                          )
        self.handles['electrons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgElectronSel'                     , 'std::vector<cmg::Electron>'                       )
        self.handles['muons']          = AutoHandle( 'cmgMuonSel'                         , 'std::vector<cmg::Muon>'                           )
        self.handles['triggerResults'] = AutoHandle( ('TriggerResults','','HLT')          , 'edm::TriggerResults'                              )
        self.handles['metSig']         = AutoHandle( 'pfMetSignificance'                  , 'cmg::METSignificance'                             )
        self.handles['L1JetsCentral']  = AutoHandle( ('l1extraParticles','Central','RECO'), 'vector<l1extra::L1JetParticle>'                   )
        self.handles['L1JetsTau']      = AutoHandle( ('l1extraParticles','Tau'    ,'RECO'), 'vector<l1extra::L1JetParticle>'                   )

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name or ("TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name and 'emb' not in self.cfg_comp.name ) or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            self.mchandles['genParticles']     = AutoHandle( 'genParticlesPruned','std::vector<reco::GenParticle>' )
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            self.mchandles['generator']        = AutoHandle( 'generator','GenEventInfoProduct' )
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "_new" in self.cfg_comp.name) :
            self.mchandles['source']           =  AutoHandle('source','LHEEventProduct')
        #if self.cfg_comp.isEmb or self.cfg_comp.name == "TTJets_emb" :
        if 'emb' in self.cfg_comp.name :
            self.embhandles['genParticlesEmb'] = AutoHandle( ('genParticles','','EmbeddedRECO'),'std::vector<reco::GenParticle>' )
	self.triggers = ['HLT_LooseIsoPFTau35_Trk20_Prong1_v6',
         'HLT_LooseIsoPFTau35_Trk20_Prong1_MET70_v6'        ,
         'HLT_LooseIsoPFTau35_Trk20_Prong1_MET75_v6'        ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau30_Trk5_eta2p1_Jet30_v2'  ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau30_Trk5_eta2p1_v2'        ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk5_eta2p1_v6'        ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk5_eta2p1_Prong1_v6' ,

	self.triggersEmb = [

        self.triggers += self.triggersEmb
	if "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
	    masspoint = re.findall(r"(\d{2,3})", self.cfg_comp.name)
	    masspoint = str(masspoint[0])
            self.higgsPtWeightFile          = TFile("$CMSSW_BASE/src/CMGTools/H2TauTau/data/weight_ptH_"+masspoint+"_8TeV.root")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom  = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Nominal")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp   = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Up")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Down")

    def beginLoop(self):
        self.counters = Counters()
        count = self.counters.counter('DiLepton')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('> 0 di-lepton')
        count.register('lepton accept')
        count.register('third lepton veto')
        count.register('leg1 trig matched')
        count.register('leg2 trig matched')
        count.register('jet trig matched')
        count.register('leg1 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('leg2 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format( min = self.cfg_ana.m_min, max = self.cfg_ana.m_max ))
        count.register('exactly 1 di-lepton')

    def bestDiLepton(self, diLeptons):
        '''Returns the best diLepton (the one with best isolation).'''
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva'  : #### Tau ID MVA
          return max( [ (min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byRawIsoMVA"), dilep.leg2().tauID("byRawIsoMVA")), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
        if iso == 'mva2' : #### Tau ID MVA2
          return max( [ (min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw"), dilep.leg2().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw")), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
        if iso == 'db3h' : #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
          return min( [ (max(dilep.leg1().tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits"), dilep.leg2().tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits")), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
        #### highest sum pt pair
        #return max( [ (dilep.sumPt(), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        # select signal dileptons with all cuts on both legs
        if 'TTJets_emb' in self.cfg_comp.name :
          self.cfg_comp.isEmbed = True
        self.readCollections( iEvent )
        # trigger stuff could be put in a separate analyzer
        # event.triggerObject = self.handles['cmgTriggerObjectSel'].product()[0]
        event.diLeptons = self.buildDiLeptons( self.handles['diLeptons'].product(), event )

        #event.leptons = self.buildLeptons( self.handles['leptons'].product(), event )
        event.leptons = []
	for diLepton in event.diLeptons:
          if not diLepton.leg1() in event.leptons:
            event.leptons += [diLepton.leg1()]
          if not diLepton.leg2() in event.leptons:
            event.leptons += [diLepton.leg2()]
	event.rawMET = self.handles['rawMET'].product()
	triggerResults = self.handles['triggerResults'].product()
        triggerNames = iEvent._event.triggerNames(triggerResults)
	#event.hltPath = []
	for trig in self.triggers:
	    index = triggerNames.triggerIndex(trig)
	    if index >= triggerNames.size():
                trigres = -1
	        trigres = triggerResults.accept(index)
	result = self.selectionSequence(event, fillCounter=True)

        # select non signal dileptons with loose cuts
        if result is False:
	  selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
                           self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
	                   self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
	                  (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]

          if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
              selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptons if \
                               self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
	                       self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
			       (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
          if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
          event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton( selDiLeptons )
          event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
          event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()
          event.isSignal = False
          event.isSignal = True

        #if event.eventId in notPassed :
        #  print 'diLeptons built, is Signal?', result
        #  import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #if len([event.diLepton])>1 :
          #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.leg1.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(iCat = event.diLepton.leg1().tauID("againstElectronMVA3category"), raw = event.diLepton.leg1().tauID("againstElectronMVA3raw"), WP = 0 )
        event.leg2.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(iCat = event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstElectronMVA3category"), raw = event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstElectronMVA3raw"), WP = 0 )
        # count muons
        event.muons = [lep for lep in self.buildMuons(self.handles['muons'].product(),event)
                       if self.testLegKine(lep, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4) and 
                          self.testLeg2ID(lep)                        and
                          self.testLeg2Iso(lep, 0.3) ]
        # count electrons
        event.electrons = [electron for electron in self.buildElectrons(self.handles['electrons'].product(),event)
                           if self.testLegKine(electron, ptcut=10, etacut=2.5) and
                              electron.looseIdForTriLeptonVeto()               and
                              self.testVertex( electron )                      and
                              electron.relIsoAllChargedDB05() < 0.3]
        ####### what ID for veto means
        ####### http://cmssw.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cmssw.cgi/UserCode/CMG/CMGTools/RootTools/python/physicsobjects/HTauTauElectron.py?revision=1.10&view=markup
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed or "TTJets_emb" in self.cfg_comp.name :
            genParticles = self.embhandles['genParticlesEmb'].product()
            self.splitDYJets( event, genParticles, event.diLepton, require_status=False)

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "_new" in self.cfg_comp.name) :
          event.NUP = self.mchandles['source'].product().hepeup().NUP
          event.NUP = -1

        event.genMatched = None
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            # useless now
            leg1DeltaR, leg2DeltaR = event.diLepton.match( event.genParticles ) 
	    event.leg1DeltaR = leg1DeltaR
            event.leg2DeltaR = leg2DeltaR
            if leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.3 and \
               leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.3 :
                event.genMatched = True
                event.genMatched = False
            self.splitDYJets( event, genParticles, event.diLepton)
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23 and (gen.mother().mass()<80 or gen.mother().mass()>100):
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23:
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "W"      in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = False
            event.genMatchedElectron = False
            event.genMatchedMuon = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11,13,15] and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24: # W -> tau nu
                    genTaus.append( gen )
            if len(genTaus)>=1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = ( float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = ( float('inf'), None) 
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(), event.diLepton.leg1().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(), event.diLepton.leg2().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    if dR2leg1 <  dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 <  dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg1Min )
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg2Min )
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                         event.genMatchedElectron = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                         event.genMatchedMuon = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                         event.genMatched = True
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "TTJets_emb" not in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = 0
            event.genMatchedElectron = 0
            event.genMatchedMuon = 0
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11,13,15] and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24: # W -> tau nu
                    genTaus.append( gen )
            if len(genTaus)>=1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = ( float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = ( float('inf'), None) 
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(), event.diLepton.leg1().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(), event.diLepton.leg2().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    if dR2leg1 <  dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 <  dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg1Min )
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg2Min )
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD"    in self.cfg_comp.name:
            generator = self.mchandles['generator'].product()
            event.generatorWeight = generator.weight()
            event.eventWeight *= event.generatorWeight
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==25:
		    higgsPt = gen.pt()
	    event.higgsPtWeightNom  = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom.GetBinContent(self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom.FindBin(higgsPt))
	    event.higgsPtWeightUp   = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp.GetBinContent(self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp.FindBin(higgsPt))
	    event.higgsPtWeightDown = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown.GetBinContent(self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown.FindBin(higgsPt))
	else :
	  event.higgsPtWeightNom  = 1.
          event.higgsPtWeightUp   = 1.
          event.higgsPtWeightDown = 1.

        ## third lepton veto
        if len(event.muons)+len(event.electrons)> 0: 
          return False

        if ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name and event.isZtt) or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or (self.cfg_comp.isEmbed and event.isZtt):
          event.isRealTau = 1
        else :
          event.isRealTau = 0  
        if not hasattr(event,'NJetWeight') :
          event.NJetWeight = 1.
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        if ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name and event.isZtt) or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or (self.cfg_comp.isEmbed and event.isZtt):
          if event.leg1.decayMode() == 0 :
            event.leg1.prongWeight = 0.88
          else :
            event.leg1.prongWeight = 1.
          if event.leg2.decayMode() == 0 :
            event.leg2.prongWeight = 0.88
          else :
            event.leg2.prongWeight = 1.
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #event.name = self.cfg_comp.name
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.metsig    = self.handles['metSig'].product()

        event.ntot = 1.
#         ngenevts = { 'W1Jets'         : 23141598.* 1.0           ,
#                      'W2Jets'         : 34044921.* 1.0           ,
#                      'W3Jets'         : 15539503.* 0.997191011236,
#                      'W4Jets'         : 13382803.* 0.996168582375,
#                      #'WJets'         : 18393090 * 1.0           ,
#                      'WJets'          : 57709905.* 1.0           ,
#                      'HiggsGGH125'    : 968134.  * 1.0           ,
#                      'HiggsVBF125'    : 998836.  * 1.0           ,
#                      'TTJetsFullLept' : 12011428 * 1.0           ,
#                      'TTJetsHadronic' : 31223821 * 1.0           ,
#                      'TTJetsSemiLept' : 24953451 * 1.0           ,
#                      'DYJets'         : 30459503 * 1.0           ,
#                      'HiggsSUSYBB'    : 999976   * 1.0           ,
#                      'HiggsSUSYGluGlu': 981688   * 1.0           ,
#                      'HiggsSUSYBB'    : 996960   * 1.0           ,
#                      'HiggsSUSYGluGlu': 985800   * 1.0           ,
#                    }
        ngenevts = { 
                     'HiggsSUSYGluGlu110': 1000348 * 0.990003 ,
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        for name in ngenevts.keys() :
          if name in self.cfg_comp.name :   
            event.ntot = ngenevts[name]

        return True

    def selectionSequence(self, event, fillCounter, leg1IsoCut=None, leg2IsoCut=None):

        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('all events')
        if len(event.diLeptons) == 0:
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('> 0 di-lepton')

        # testing di-lepton itself
        selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons
        if not self.leptonAccept( event.leptons ):
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('lepton accept')

        if not hasattr( event, 'hltPaths'):
            event.hltPaths = []

        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() 
        matching = {}
        for trig in event.hltPaths :
          matching.update({trig:[-99,-99,-99]}) # {trigName:leg1,leg2,jet}
        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = []
        for trig in event.hltPaths :
          if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed : continue   ## no matching for the embed
          selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons
          if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0:
              # trigger matching leg1
              selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg1(), 'leg1', trig)]
              if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                  if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg1 trig matched')
          if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0:
              # trigger matching leg2
              selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg2(), 'leg2', trig)]
              if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                  if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg2 trig matched')
          if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0 and len(self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[ trig ])>2:
              # trigger matching jet
              cmgJets = self.handles['jets'].product()
              for cmgJet in cmgJets:
                  jet = Jet( cmgJet )
                  if self.testJet( jet ):
	      for diL in selDiLeptons:
                  cleanJets, dummy = cleanObjectCollection( jets, masks = [ diL.leg1(), diL.leg2() ], deltaRMin = 0.5 )
                  if len(cleanJets)>0 and self.trigMatched(event, cleanJets[0], 'jet', trig):
                      selDiLeptonsNew += [diL]
	      selDiLeptons = selDiLeptonsNew
              if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                  if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('jet trig matched')
          event.diLeptonsTrigMatched += selDiLeptons
        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = set(event.diLeptonsTrigMatched)
        ### need unix style wild card to macth different trigger versions in data
        for trig in matching.keys() :
          if fnm(trig,'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk*_eta2p1_v*') :
            event.l1TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][0]
            event.l2TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][1]      
          if fnm(trig,'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau*_Trk*_eta2p1_Jet30_v*') :
            event.l1TrigMatched_diTauJet  = matching[trig][0]
            event.l2TrigMatched_diTauJet  = matching[trig][1]
            event.jetTrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][2]        
        # testing leg1
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg1 offline cuts passed')

        # testing leg2 
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg( diL.leg2() ) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg2 offline cuts passed')

        # mass cut 
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testMass(diL) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format( min = self.cfg_ana.m_min, max = self.cfg_ana.m_max ))

        # exactly one? 
        if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
        elif len(selDiLeptons)==1:
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('exactly 1 di-lepton')
        event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton( selDiLeptons )
        event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
        event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()
        # match with L1 particles, whether Central Jets or Taus
        L1Taus = self.handles['L1JetsTau'].product()
        L1Jets = self.handles['L1JetsCentral'].product()
        L1dR1T, L1dR2T, index1T, index2T = self.match(event.diLepton, L1Taus)
        L1dR1J, L1dR2J, index1J, index2J = self.match(event.diLepton, L1Jets)
        if L1dR1T < L1dR1J and L1dR1T<=0.5 :
          if L1Taus[index1T].pt()>44. and abs(L1Taus[index1T].eta())<2.1 :
            event.leg1.L1particle = L1Taus[index1T]
        if L1dR1J < L1dR1T and L1dR1J<=0.5 :
          if L1Jets[index1J].pt()>64. :
            event.leg1.L1particle = L1Jets[index1J]
        if L1dR2T < L1dR2J and L1dR2T<=0.5 :
          if L1Taus[index2T].pt()>44. and abs(L1Taus[index2T].eta())<2.1 :
            event.leg2.L1particle = L1Taus[index2T]
        if L1dR2J < L1dR2T and L1dR2J<=0.5 :
          if L1Jets[index2J].pt()>64. :
            event.leg2.L1particle = L1Jets[index2J]

        ### require trigger bit in Embedded RecHit
        if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed :
          #if len(event.hltPath)==0 : return False
          if not event.hltPath : return False
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        return True
    def testLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt  = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso     = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva'  : #### Tau ID MVA
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5 # 0.884       
        if iso == 'mva2' : #### Tau ID MVA2
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5 # 0.90
        if iso == 'db3h' : #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10. #15. 
        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
	        leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > 0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > 0.5)

    def testLooseLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt  = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso     = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva'  : #### Tau ID MVA
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5        
        if iso == 'mva2' : #### Tau ID MVA2
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5
        if iso == 'db3h' : #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10. #15.
        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
	        leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > 0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > 0.5)

    def passAntiEMVA(self, iCat, raw, WP=0) :
      iCat = int(iCat)
      if iCat<0  : return False
      if iCat>15 : return True
      cutsLoose     = [0.835,0.831,0.849,0.859,0.873,0.823,0.85 ,0.855,0.816,0.861,0.862,0.847,0.893,0.82 ,0.845,0.851]
      cutsMedium    = [0.933,0.921,0.944,0.945,0.918,0.941,0.981,0.943,0.956,0.947,0.951,0.95 ,0.897,0.958,0.955,0.942]
      cutsTight     = [ 0.96,0.968,0.971,0.972,0.969,0.959,0.981,0.965,0.975,0.972,0.974,0.971,0.897,0.971,0.961,0.97 ]
      cutsVeryTight = [0.978,0.98 ,0.982,0.985,0.977,0.974,0.989,0.977,0.986,0.983,0.984,0.983,0.971,0.987,0.977,0.981]
      cut = 0
      if WP==0  : cut = cutsLoose[iCat]
      if WP==1  : cut = cutsMedium[iCat]
      if WP==2  : cut = cutsTight[iCat]
      if WP==3  : cut = cutsVeryTight[iCat]
      return (raw>cut)

    def muonIso(self, muon ):
        '''dbeta corrected pf isolation with all charged particles instead of
        charged hadrons'''
        return muon.relIsoAllChargedDB05()

    def testLeg2ID(self, muon):
        '''Tight muon selection, no isolation requirement'''
        return muon.tightId() and \
               self.testVertex( muon )
    def testLeg2Iso(self, muon, isocut):
        '''Tight muon selection, with isolation requirement'''
        if isocut is None:
            isocut = self.cfg_ana.iso2
        return self.muonIso(muon)<isocut

    def testVertex(self, lepton):
        '''Tests vertex constraints, for mu and tau'''
        return abs(lepton.dxy()) < 0.045 and \
               abs(lepton.dz()) < 0.2 

    def testMuonIDLoose(self, muon):
        '''Loose muon ID and kine, no isolation requirement, for lepton veto'''        
        return muon.pt() > 15 and \
               abs( muon.eta() ) < 2.4 and \
               muon.isGlobalMuon() and \
               muon.isTrackerMuon() and \
               muon.sourcePtr().userFloat('isPFMuon') and \
               abs(muon.dz()) < 0.2
    def buildMuons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
        '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
        The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
        leptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
            pyl = Muon(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if not self.testMuonIDLoose( pyl ):
            leptons.append( pyl )
        return leptons

    def buildElectrons(self, cmgOtherLeptons, event):
        '''Build electrons for third lepton veto, associate best vertex.
        otherLeptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgOtherLeptons):
            pyl = Electron(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            #COLINTLV check ID 
            # if not self.testMuonIDLoose(pyl):
            #    continue
            otherLeptons.append( pyl )
        return otherLeptons

    def trigMatched(self, event, leg, legName, trigpath):
        '''Returns true if the leg is matched to a trigger object as defined in the
        triggerMap parameter'''
        if not hasattr( self.cfg_ana, 'triggerMap'):
            return True
        #path = event.hltPath this works if you have only one path
        path = trigpath
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        triggerObjects = event.triggerObjects
        filters = self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[ path ]
        filter = None
        if   legName == 'leg1':
            filter = filters[0]
        elif legName == 'leg2':
            filter = filters[1]
        elif legName == 'jet':
            filter = filters[2]
            raise ValueError( 'legName should be leg1 or leg2, not {leg}'.format(
                leg=legName )  )
        # the default dR2Max value is 0.3^2
        pdgIds = None
        if len(filter) == 2:
            filter, pdgIds = filter[0], filter[1]
        return triggerMatched(leg, triggerObjects, path, filter,
                              pdgIds=pdgIds )

    def testJetID(self, jet):
        #jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId()
        jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId53X()
        jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.looseJetId()

        #jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.getSelection('cuts_looseJetId')

        if self.cfg_ana.relaxJetId:
            return True
            return jet.puJetIdPassed and jet.pfJetIdPassed
    def testJet( self, jet ):
        # 2 is loose pile-up jet id
        return jet.pt()         > self.cfg_ana.jetPt  and \
               abs( jet.eta() ) < self.cfg_ana.jetEta and \
               # jet.passPuJetId('full', 2)

    def match(self, myPair, genParticles):
      dR2leg1Min = 999.
      dR2leg2Min = 999.
      dR2leg1 = 999.
      dR2leg2 = 999.
      index1  = -99
      index2  = -99
      for index, genPart in enumerate(genParticles) :
        dR2leg1 = deltaR2(myPair.leg1().eta(), myPair.leg1().phi(), genPart.eta(), genPart.phi() )
        dR2leg2 = deltaR2(myPair.leg2().eta(), myPair.leg2().phi(), genPart.eta(), genPart.phi() )
        if dR2leg1 <  dR2leg1Min: 
          dR2leg1Min = dR2leg1
          index1     = index
        if dR2leg2 <  dR2leg2Min: 
          dR2leg2Min = dR2leg2
          index2     = index

      self.leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg1Min )
      self.leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg2Min )
      self.index1     = index1
      self.index2     = index2
      return (self.leg1DeltaR, self.leg2DeltaR, self.index1, self.index2)        

    def splitDYJets( self, event, genParticles, myPair, require_status = True, bosons = [23,25,35,36]) : 
      ## require_status: yes, status==3 for MCs, but status may vary for emb, therefore it is switched off
      ## PDG Id: e 11, mu 13, tau 15, Z 23, h 25, H 35, A 36, H+ 37  
      ## DYJets sample gets split by gen matching and
      ## Higgs samples are given a flag (isZtt) to require reco taus matched to gen taus
      ## flag to split DYJets into ZTT, ZL, ZJ
      event.isZtt   = False  ## two taus gen matched
      event.isZttj  = False  ## two taus that fail the matching
      event.isZee   = False  ## two electrons, both fake taus
      event.isZmm   = False  ## two muons, both fake taus
      event.isZttll = False  ## ZTT->LL, both lepton fake taus
      event.isZj    = False  ## whatever else
      ## lists with the index of Z boson's daughters
      genTausFromZ       = []
      genMuonsFromZ      = []
      genElectronsFromZ  = []
      genLeptonsFromTaus = []
      for index, gen in enumerate(genParticles):
        status   = gen.status()
        id       = gen.pdgId()
        motherId = 0
        if gen.numberOfMothers()>0 :
          motherId = gen.mother().pdgId()
        if ((not require_status) or status==3) and abs(id)==15 and abs(motherId) in bosons : genTausFromZ.append(index)
        if ((not require_status) or status==3) and abs(id)==13 and abs(motherId) in bosons : genMuonsFromZ.append(index)
        if ((not require_status) or status==3) and abs(id)==11 and abs(motherId) in bosons : genElectronsFromZ.append(index)
        if ((not require_status) or status==3) and abs(id)==11 and abs(motherId)==15 : genLeptonsFromTaus.append(index)
        if ((not require_status) or status==3) and abs(id)==13 and abs(motherId)==15 : genLeptonsFromTaus.append(index)
        if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23] : event.hasW = True
        if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [24] : event.hasZ = True
        if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23, 25, 35, 36, 37] : event.genMass = gen.mass()
      if   len(genTausFromZ)      == 2 : 
        ##### we don't match the embedded and therefore we don't match the DY->TT
        #event.isZtt = True
        ##### now we do 26/8/2013
        leg1TauDR, leg2TauDR, dummy, dummy = self.match( myPair, [ genParticles[genTausFromZ[0]],genParticles[genTausFromZ[1]] ] )

        if leg1TauDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genTausFromZ[0]] 
        if leg2TauDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genTausFromZ[1]] 

        if leg1TauDR < 0.3 and leg2TauDR < 0.3 :
          event.isZtt = True   
        else :
          event.isZttj = True   
      elif len(genMuonsFromZ)     == 2 : 
        leg1MuDR, leg2MuDR, dummy, dummy   = self.match( myPair, [ genParticles[genMuonsFromZ[0]],genParticles[genMuonsFromZ[1]] ] )

        if leg1MuDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genMuonsFromZ[0]] 
        if leg2MuDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genMuonsFromZ[1]] 

        if leg1MuDR < 0.3  and leg2MuDR < 0.3 :
          event.isZmm = True    
      elif len(genElectronsFromZ) == 2 : 
        leg1ElDR, leg2ElDR, dummy, dummy   = self.match( myPair, [ genParticles[genElectronsFromZ[0]],genParticles[genElectronsFromZ[1]] ] )              

        if leg1ElDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genElectronsFromZ[0]] 
        if leg2ElDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genElectronsFromZ[1]] 

        if leg1ElDR < 0.3  and leg2ElDR < 0.3 :
          event.isZee = True  

      elif len(genLeptonsFromTaus) == 2 : 
        leg1LepDR, leg2LepDR, dummy, dummy   = self.match( myPair, [ genParticles[genLeptonsFromTaus[0]],genParticles[genLeptonsFromTaus[1]] ] )              

        if leg1LepDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genLeptonsFromTaus[0]] 
        if leg2LepDR < 0.3 : myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genLeptonsFromTaus[1]] 

        if leg1LepDR < 0.3  and leg2LepDR < 0.3 :
          event.isZttll = True
      ## needs to be rerun with all samples
      #if not(event.isZtt or event.isZee or event.isZmm or event.isZttll or event.isZttj) :
      if not(event.isZtt or event.isZee or event.isZmm) :
        event.isZj  = True
コード例 #5
ファイル: TauTauAnalyzer.py プロジェクト: pcirkovic/cmg-cmssw
class TauTauAnalyzer(DiLeptonAnalyzer):

    DiObjectClass = TauTau
    LeptonClass = Tau

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).declareHandles()

        #self.handles['diLeptons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgDiTauCorSVFitFullSel'            , 'std::vector<cmg::DiObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >'   ) ## old object
        #self.handles['mvametsigs']     = AutoHandle( 'mvaMETDiTau'                        , 'std::vector<cmg::METSignificance>'                )
        self.handles['diLeptons'] = AutoHandle(
            'std::vector<cmg::DiTauObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >'
        )  ## new object by Jan
        self.handles['rawMET'] = AutoHandle('cmgPFMETRaw',
        self.handles['jets'] = AutoHandle('cmgPFJetSel',
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle('cmgElectronSel',
        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle('cmgMuonSel',
        self.handles['triggerResults'] = AutoHandle(
            ('TriggerResults', '', 'HLT'), 'edm::TriggerResults')
        self.handles['metSig'] = AutoHandle('pfMetSignificance',
        self.handles['L1JetsCentral'] = AutoHandle(
            ('l1extraParticles', 'Central', 'RECO'),
        self.handles['L1JetsTau'] = AutoHandle(
            ('l1extraParticles', 'Tau', 'RECO'),

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name or
                                   ("TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                    and 'emb' not in self.cfg_comp.name)
                                   or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            self.mchandles['genParticles'] = AutoHandle(
                'genParticlesPruned', 'std::vector<reco::GenParticle>')
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            self.mchandles['generator'] = AutoHandle('generator',
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "_new" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            self.mchandles['source'] = AutoHandle('source', 'LHEEventProduct')
        #if self.cfg_comp.isEmb or self.cfg_comp.name == "TTJets_emb" :
        if 'emb' in self.cfg_comp.name:
            self.embhandles['genParticlesEmb'] = AutoHandle(
                ('genParticles', '', 'EmbeddedRECO'),

        self.triggers = [

        self.triggersEmb = [

        self.triggers += self.triggersEmb

        if "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            masspoint = re.findall(r"(\d{2,3})", self.cfg_comp.name)
            masspoint = str(masspoint[0])
            self.higgsPtWeightFile = TFile(
                "$CMSSW_BASE/src/CMGTools/H2TauTau/data/weight_ptH_" +
                masspoint + "_8TeV.root")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get(
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Up")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get(

    def beginLoop(self):
        super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).beginLoop()
        self.counters = Counters()
        count = self.counters.counter('DiLepton')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('> 0 di-lepton')
        count.register('lepton accept')
        count.register('third lepton veto')
        count.register('leg1 trig matched')
        count.register('leg2 trig matched')
        count.register('jet trig matched')
        count.register('leg1 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('leg2 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format(
            min=self.cfg_ana.m_min, max=self.cfg_ana.m_max))
        count.register('exactly 1 di-lepton')

    def bestDiLepton(self, diLeptons):
        '''Returns the best diLepton (the one with best isolation).'''
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva':  #### Tau ID MVA
            return max([(min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byRawIsoMVA"),
                             dilep.leg2().tauID("byRawIsoMVA")), dilep)
                        for dilep in diLeptons])[1]
        if iso == 'mva2':  #### Tau ID MVA2
            return max([(min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw"),
                             dilep.leg2().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw")), dilep)
                        for dilep in diLeptons])[1]
        if iso == 'db3h':  #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
            return min([(max(
                    "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits")), dilep)
                        for dilep in diLeptons])[1]

        #### highest sum pt pair
        #return max( [ (dilep.sumPt(), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        # select signal dileptons with all cuts on both legs

        if 'TTJets_emb' in self.cfg_comp.name:
            self.cfg_comp.isEmbed = True
        # trigger stuff could be put in a separate analyzer
        # event.triggerObject = self.handles['cmgTriggerObjectSel'].product()[0]

        event.diLeptons = self.buildDiLeptons(
            self.handles['diLeptons'].product(), event)

        #event.leptons = self.buildLeptons( self.handles['leptons'].product(), event )
        event.leptons = []
        for diLepton in event.diLeptons:
            if not diLepton.leg1() in event.leptons:
                event.leptons += [diLepton.leg1()]
            if not diLepton.leg2() in event.leptons:
                event.leptons += [diLepton.leg2()]

        event.rawMET = self.handles['rawMET'].product()

        triggerResults = self.handles['triggerResults'].product()
        triggerNames = iEvent._event.triggerNames(triggerResults)
        #event.hltPath = []
        for trig in self.triggers:
            index = triggerNames.triggerIndex(trig)
            if index >= triggerNames.size():
                trigres = -1
                trigres = triggerResults.accept(index)
            setattr(event, trig, trigres)

        result = self.selectionSequence(event, fillCounter=True)

        # select non signal dileptons with loose cuts
        if result is False:
            selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
                                    self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
                             self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
                            (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]

            if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptons if \
                                 self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
                          self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
            (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
            if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                return False
            event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton(selDiLeptons)
            event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
            event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()
            event.isSignal = False
            event.isSignal = True

        #if event.eventId in notPassed :
        #  print 'diLeptons built, is Signal?', result
        #  import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #if len([event.diLepton])>1 :
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.leg1.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(
        event.leg2.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(

        # count muons
        event.muons = [
            for lep in self.buildMuons(self.handles['muons'].product(), event)
            if self.testLegKine(lep, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4)
            and self.testLeg2ID(lep) and self.testLeg2Iso(lep, 0.3)
        # count electrons
        event.electrons = [
            electron for electron in self.buildElectrons(
                self.handles['electrons'].product(), event)
            if self.testLegKine(electron, ptcut=10, etacut=2.5)
            and electron.looseIdForTriLeptonVeto() and self.testVertex(
                electron) and electron.relIsoAllChargedDB05() < 0.3
        ####### what ID for veto means
        ####### http://cmssw.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cmssw.cgi/UserCode/CMG/CMGTools/RootTools/python/physicsobjects/HTauTauElectron.py?revision=1.10&view=markup
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed or "TTJets_emb" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.embhandles['genParticlesEmb'].product()

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "_new" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            event.NUP = self.mchandles['source'].product().hepeup().NUP
            event.NUP = -1

        event.genMatched = None
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)

            # useless now
            leg1DeltaR, leg2DeltaR = event.diLepton.match(event.genParticles)
            event.leg1DeltaR = leg1DeltaR
            event.leg2DeltaR = leg2DeltaR
            if leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.3 and \
               leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.3 :
                event.genMatched = True
                event.genMatched = False

            self.splitDYJets(event, genParticles, event.diLepton)

            event.isPhoton = False
            event.isElectron = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 15 and abs(
                        gen.mother().pdgId()) == 23 and (
                            gen.mother().mass() < 80
                            or gen.mother().mass() > 100):
                    event.isPhoton = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 23:
                    event.isMuon = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 23:
                    event.isElectron = True

        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "W" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = False
            event.genMatchedElectron = False
            event.genMatchedMuon = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11, 13, 15] and abs(
                        gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:  # W -> tau nu
            if len(genTaus) >= 1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    if dR2leg1 < dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 < dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg1Min)
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg2Min)
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                        event.genMatchedElectron = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                        event.genMatchedMuon = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                        event.genMatched = True
            event.isElectron = False
            event.isMuon = False
            event.isTau = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isElectron = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isMuon = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isTau = True
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "TTJets_emb" not in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = 0
            event.genMatchedElectron = 0
            event.genMatchedMuon = 0
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11, 13, 15] and abs(
                        gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:  # W -> tau nu
            if len(genTaus) >= 1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    if dR2leg1 < dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 < dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg1Min)
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg2Min)
                    if (leg1DeltaR > -1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 11:
                        event.genMatchedElectron += 1
                    if (leg1DeltaR > -1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 13:
                        event.genMatchedMuon += 1
                    if (leg1DeltaR > -1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 15:
                        event.genMatched += 1
                    if (leg2DeltaR > -1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 11:
                        event.genMatchedElectron += 1
                    if (leg2DeltaR > -1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 13:
                        event.genMatchedMuon += 1
                    if (leg2DeltaR > -1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 15:
                        event.genMatched += 1
            event.isElectron = 0
            event.isMuon = 0
            event.isTau = 0
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isElectron += 1
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isMuon += 1
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isTau += 1
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            generator = self.mchandles['generator'].product()
            event.generatorWeight = generator.weight()
            event.eventWeight *= event.generatorWeight
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)
            higgsPt = -1
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 25:
                    higgsPt = gen.pt()
            event.higgsPtWeightNom = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom.GetBinContent(
            event.higgsPtWeightUp = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp.GetBinContent(
            event.higgsPtWeightDown = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown.GetBinContent(
            event.higgsPtWeightNom = 1.
            event.higgsPtWeightUp = 1.
            event.higgsPtWeightDown = 1.

        ## third lepton veto
        if len(event.muons) + len(event.electrons) > 0:
            return False

        if ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                and event.isZtt) or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or (
                    self.cfg_comp.isEmbed and event.isZtt):
            event.isRealTau = 1
            event.isRealTau = 0

        if not hasattr(event, 'NJetWeight'):
            event.NJetWeight = 1.
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        if ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                and event.isZtt) or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or (
                    self.cfg_comp.isEmbed and event.isZtt):
            if event.leg1.decayMode() == 0:
                event.leg1.prongWeight = 0.88
                event.leg1.prongWeight = 1.
            if event.leg2.decayMode() == 0:
                event.leg2.prongWeight = 0.88
                event.leg2.prongWeight = 1.
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #event.name = self.cfg_comp.name
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.metsig = self.handles['metSig'].product()

        event.ntot = 1.
        #         ngenevts = { 'W1Jets'         : 23141598.* 1.0           ,
        #                      'W2Jets'         : 34044921.* 1.0           ,
        #                      'W3Jets'         : 15539503.* 0.997191011236,
        #                      'W4Jets'         : 13382803.* 0.996168582375,
        #                      #'WJets'         : 18393090 * 1.0           ,
        #                      'WJets'          : 57709905.* 1.0           ,
        #                      'HiggsGGH125'    : 968134.  * 1.0           ,
        #                      'HiggsVBF125'    : 998836.  * 1.0           ,
        #                      'TTJetsFullLept' : 12011428 * 1.0           ,
        #                      'TTJetsHadronic' : 31223821 * 1.0           ,
        #                      'TTJetsSemiLept' : 24953451 * 1.0           ,
        #                      'DYJets'         : 30459503 * 1.0           ,
        #                      'HiggsSUSYBB'    : 999976   * 1.0           ,
        #                      'HiggsSUSYGluGlu': 981688   * 1.0           ,
        #                      'HiggsSUSYBB'    : 996960   * 1.0           ,
        #                      'HiggsSUSYGluGlu': 985800   * 1.0           ,
        #                    }

        ngenevts = {
            'HiggsSUSYGluGlu110': 1000348 * 0.990003,

        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        for name in ngenevts.keys():
            if name in self.cfg_comp.name:
                event.ntot = ngenevts[name]

        return True

    def selectionSequence(self,

        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('all events')

        if len(event.diLeptons) == 0:
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('> 0 di-lepton')

        # testing di-lepton itself
        selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons

        if not self.leptonAccept(event.leptons):
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('lepton accept')

        if not hasattr(event, 'hltPaths'):
            event.hltPaths = []

        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        matching = {}
        for trig in event.hltPaths:
            matching.update({trig: [-99, -99,
                                    -99]})  # {trigName:leg1,leg2,jet}

        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = []

        for trig in event.hltPaths:
            if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed: continue  ## no matching for the embed
            selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons
            if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers) > 0:
                # trigger matching leg1
                selDiLeptons = [
                    diL for diL in selDiLeptons
                    if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg1(), 'leg1', trig)
                if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                    matching[trig][0] = 0
                    if fillCounter:
                            'leg1 trig matched')
                    matching[trig][0] = 1

            if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers) > 0:
                # trigger matching leg2
                selDiLeptons = [
                    diL for diL in selDiLeptons
                    if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg2(), 'leg2', trig)
                if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                    matching[trig][1] = 0
                    if fillCounter:
                            'leg2 trig matched')
                    matching[trig][1] = 1

            if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers) > 0 and len(
                    self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[trig]) > 2:
                # trigger matching jet
                cmgJets = self.handles['jets'].product()
                jets = []
                for cmgJet in cmgJets:
                    jet = Jet(cmgJet)
                    if self.testJet(jet):

                selDiLeptonsNew = []
                for diL in selDiLeptons:
                    cleanJets, dummy = cleanObjectCollection(
                        jets, masks=[diL.leg1(), diL.leg2()], deltaRMin=0.5)
                    if len(cleanJets) > 0 and self.trigMatched(
                            event, cleanJets[0], 'jet', trig):
                        selDiLeptonsNew += [diL]
                selDiLeptons = selDiLeptonsNew
                if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                    matching[trig][2] = 0
                    if fillCounter:
                            'jet trig matched')
                    matching[trig][2] = 1

            event.diLeptonsTrigMatched += selDiLeptons

        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = set(event.diLeptonsTrigMatched)

        ### need unix style wild card to macth different trigger versions in data
        for trig in matching.keys():
            if fnm(trig, 'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk*_eta2p1_v*'):
                event.l1TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][0]
                event.l2TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][1]
            if fnm(trig, 'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau*_Trk*_eta2p1_Jet30_v*'):
                event.l1TrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][0]
                event.l2TrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][1]
                event.jetTrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][2]

        # testing leg1
        selDiLeptons = [
            diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg(diL.leg1())
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter:
                    'leg1 offline cuts passed')

        # testing leg2
        selDiLeptons = [
            diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg(diL.leg2())
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter:
                    'leg2 offline cuts passed')

        # mass cut
        selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testMass(diL)]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter:
                    '{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format(
                        min=self.cfg_ana.m_min, max=self.cfg_ana.m_max))

        # exactly one?
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
        elif len(selDiLeptons) == 1:
            if fillCounter:
                self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('exactly 1 di-lepton')

        event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton(selDiLeptons)
        event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
        event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()

        # match with L1 particles, whether Central Jets or Taus
        L1Taus = self.handles['L1JetsTau'].product()
        L1Jets = self.handles['L1JetsCentral'].product()
        L1dR1T, L1dR2T, index1T, index2T = self.match(event.diLepton, L1Taus)
        L1dR1J, L1dR2J, index1J, index2J = self.match(event.diLepton, L1Jets)
        if L1dR1T < L1dR1J and L1dR1T <= 0.5:
            if L1Taus[index1T].pt() > 44. and abs(L1Taus[index1T].eta()) < 2.1:
                event.leg1.L1particle = L1Taus[index1T]
        if L1dR1J < L1dR1T and L1dR1J <= 0.5:
            if L1Jets[index1J].pt() > 64.:
                event.leg1.L1particle = L1Jets[index1J]
        if L1dR2T < L1dR2J and L1dR2T <= 0.5:
            if L1Taus[index2T].pt() > 44. and abs(L1Taus[index2T].eta()) < 2.1:
                event.leg2.L1particle = L1Taus[index2T]
        if L1dR2J < L1dR2T and L1dR2J <= 0.5:
            if L1Jets[index2J].pt() > 64.:
                event.leg2.L1particle = L1Jets[index2J]

        ### require trigger bit in Embedded RecHit
        if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
            #if len(event.hltPath)==0 : return False
            if not event.hltPath: return False

        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        return True

    def testLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation

        if iso == 'mva':  #### Tau ID MVA
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5  # 0.884
        if iso == 'mva2':  #### Tau ID MVA2
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5  # 0.90
        if iso == 'db3h':  #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID(
                "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10.  #15.

        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
         leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > 0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > 0.5)

    def testLooseLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation

        if iso == 'mva':  #### Tau ID MVA
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5
        if iso == 'mva2':  #### Tau ID MVA2
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5
        if iso == 'db3h':  #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID(
                "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10.  #15.

        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
         leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > 0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > 0.5)

    def passAntiEMVA(self, iCat, raw, WP=0):
        iCat = int(iCat)

        if iCat < 0: return False
        if iCat > 15: return True

        cutsLoose = [
            0.835, 0.831, 0.849, 0.859, 0.873, 0.823, 0.85, 0.855, 0.816,
            0.861, 0.862, 0.847, 0.893, 0.82, 0.845, 0.851
        cutsMedium = [
            0.933, 0.921, 0.944, 0.945, 0.918, 0.941, 0.981, 0.943, 0.956,
            0.947, 0.951, 0.95, 0.897, 0.958, 0.955, 0.942
        cutsTight = [
            0.96, 0.968, 0.971, 0.972, 0.969, 0.959, 0.981, 0.965, 0.975,
            0.972, 0.974, 0.971, 0.897, 0.971, 0.961, 0.97
        cutsVeryTight = [
            0.978, 0.98, 0.982, 0.985, 0.977, 0.974, 0.989, 0.977, 0.986,
            0.983, 0.984, 0.983, 0.971, 0.987, 0.977, 0.981
        cut = 0

        if WP == 0: cut = cutsLoose[iCat]
        if WP == 1: cut = cutsMedium[iCat]
        if WP == 2: cut = cutsTight[iCat]
        if WP == 3: cut = cutsVeryTight[iCat]

        return (raw > cut)

    def muonIso(self, muon):
        '''dbeta corrected pf isolation with all charged particles instead of
        charged hadrons'''
        return muon.relIsoAllChargedDB05()

    def testLeg2ID(self, muon):
        '''Tight muon selection, no isolation requirement'''
        return muon.tightId() and \
               self.testVertex( muon )

    def testLeg2Iso(self, muon, isocut):
        '''Tight muon selection, with isolation requirement'''
        if isocut is None:
            isocut = self.cfg_ana.iso2
        return self.muonIso(muon) < isocut

    def testVertex(self, lepton):
        '''Tests vertex constraints, for mu and tau'''
        return abs(lepton.dxy()) < 0.045 and \
               abs(lepton.dz()) < 0.2

    def testMuonIDLoose(self, muon):
        '''Loose muon ID and kine, no isolation requirement, for lepton veto'''
        return muon.pt() > 15 and \
               abs( muon.eta() ) < 2.4 and \
               muon.isGlobalMuon() and \
               muon.isTrackerMuon() and \
               muon.sourcePtr().userFloat('isPFMuon') and \
               abs(muon.dz()) < 0.2

    def buildMuons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
        '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
        The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
        leptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
            pyl = Muon(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if not self.testMuonIDLoose(pyl):
        return leptons

    def buildElectrons(self, cmgOtherLeptons, event):
        '''Build electrons for third lepton veto, associate best vertex.
        otherLeptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgOtherLeptons):
            pyl = Electron(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            #COLINTLV check ID
            # if not self.testMuonIDLoose(pyl):
            #    continue
        return otherLeptons

    def trigMatched(self, event, leg, legName, trigpath):
        '''Returns true if the leg is matched to a trigger object as defined in the
        triggerMap parameter'''
        if not hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'triggerMap'):
            return True
        #path = event.hltPath this works if you have only one path
        path = trigpath
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        triggerObjects = event.triggerObjects
        filters = self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[path]
        filter = None
        if legName == 'leg1':
            filter = filters[0]
        elif legName == 'leg2':
            filter = filters[1]
        elif legName == 'jet':
            filter = filters[2]
            raise ValueError(
                'legName should be leg1 or leg2, not {leg}'.format(
        # the default dR2Max value is 0.3^2
        pdgIds = None
        if len(filter) == 2:
            filter, pdgIds = filter[0], filter[1]

        return triggerMatched(leg,
                              dR2Max=0.5 * 0.5,

    def testJetID(self, jet):

        #jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId()
        jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId53X()
        jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.looseJetId()

        #jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.getSelection('cuts_looseJetId')

        if self.cfg_ana.relaxJetId:
            return True
            return jet.puJetIdPassed and jet.pfJetIdPassed

    def testJet(self, jet):
        # 2 is loose pile-up jet id
        return jet.pt()         > self.cfg_ana.jetPt  and \
               abs( jet.eta() ) < self.cfg_ana.jetEta and \
        # jet.passPuJetId('full', 2)

    def match(self, myPair, genParticles):

        dR2leg1Min = 999.
        dR2leg2Min = 999.
        dR2leg1 = 999.
        dR2leg2 = 999.
        index1 = -99
        index2 = -99

        for index, genPart in enumerate(genParticles):
            dR2leg1 = deltaR2(myPair.leg1().eta(),
                              myPair.leg1().phi(), genPart.eta(),
            dR2leg2 = deltaR2(myPair.leg2().eta(),
                              myPair.leg2().phi(), genPart.eta(),
            if dR2leg1 < dR2leg1Min:
                dR2leg1Min = dR2leg1
                index1 = index
            if dR2leg2 < dR2leg2Min:
                dR2leg2Min = dR2leg2
                index2 = index

        self.leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg1Min)
        self.leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg2Min)
        self.index1 = index1
        self.index2 = index2
        return (self.leg1DeltaR, self.leg2DeltaR, self.index1, self.index2)

    def splitDYJets(self,
                    bosons=[23, 25, 35, 36]):

        ## require_status: yes, status==3 for MCs, but status may vary for emb, therefore it is switched off
        ## PDG Id: e 11, mu 13, tau 15, Z 23, h 25, H 35, A 36, H+ 37
        ## DYJets sample gets split by gen matching and
        ## Higgs samples are given a flag (isZtt) to require reco taus matched to gen taus

        ## flag to split DYJets into ZTT, ZL, ZJ
        event.isZtt = False  ## two taus gen matched
        event.isZttj = False  ## two taus that fail the matching
        event.isZee = False  ## two electrons, both fake taus
        event.isZmm = False  ## two muons, both fake taus
        event.isZttll = False  ## ZTT->LL, both lepton fake taus
        event.isZj = False  ## whatever else

        ## lists with the index of Z boson's daughters
        genTausFromZ = []
        genMuonsFromZ = []
        genElectronsFromZ = []
        genLeptonsFromTaus = []

        for index, gen in enumerate(genParticles):

            status = gen.status()
            id = gen.pdgId()
            motherId = 0
            if gen.numberOfMothers() > 0:
                motherId = gen.mother().pdgId()

            if ((not require_status) or status
                    == 3) and abs(id) == 15 and abs(motherId) in bosons:
            if ((not require_status) or status
                    == 3) and abs(id) == 13 and abs(motherId) in bosons:
            if ((not require_status) or status
                    == 3) and abs(id) == 11 and abs(motherId) in bosons:
            if ((not require_status)
                    or status == 3) and abs(id) == 11 and abs(motherId) == 15:
            if ((not require_status)
                    or status == 3) and abs(id) == 13 and abs(motherId) == 15:

            if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23]: event.hasW = True
            if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [24]: event.hasZ = True

            if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23, 25, 35, 36, 37]:
                event.genMass = gen.mass()

        if len(genTausFromZ) == 2:
            ##### we don't match the embedded and therefore we don't match the DY->TT
            #event.isZtt = True
            ##### now we do 26/8/2013
            leg1TauDR, leg2TauDR, dummy, dummy = self.match(
                [genParticles[genTausFromZ[0]], genParticles[genTausFromZ[1]]])

            if leg1TauDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genTausFromZ[0]]
            if leg2TauDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genTausFromZ[1]]

            if leg1TauDR < 0.3 and leg2TauDR < 0.3:
                event.isZtt = True
                event.isZttj = True

        elif len(genMuonsFromZ) == 2:
            leg1MuDR, leg2MuDR, dummy, dummy = self.match(
                myPair, [

            if leg1MuDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genMuonsFromZ[0]]
            if leg2MuDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genMuonsFromZ[1]]

            if leg1MuDR < 0.3 and leg2MuDR < 0.3:
                event.isZmm = True

        elif len(genElectronsFromZ) == 2:
            leg1ElDR, leg2ElDR, dummy, dummy = self.match(
                myPair, [

            if leg1ElDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genElectronsFromZ[0]]
            if leg2ElDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genElectronsFromZ[1]]

            if leg1ElDR < 0.3 and leg2ElDR < 0.3:
                event.isZee = True

        elif len(genLeptonsFromTaus) == 2:
            leg1LepDR, leg2LepDR, dummy, dummy = self.match(
                myPair, [

            if leg1LepDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg1().genl = genParticles[genLeptonsFromTaus[0]]
            if leg2LepDR < 0.3:
                myPair.leg2().genl = genParticles[genLeptonsFromTaus[1]]

            if leg1LepDR < 0.3 and leg2LepDR < 0.3:
                event.isZttll = True

        ## needs to be rerun with all samples
        #if not(event.isZtt or event.isZee or event.isZmm or event.isZttll or event.isZttj) :
        if not (event.isZtt or event.isZee or event.isZmm):
            event.isZj = True
コード例 #6
class TauTauAnalyzer( DiLeptonAnalyzer ):

    DiObjectClass = TauTau
    LeptonClass = Tau

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).declareHandles()
        # print 'TauTauAnalyzer.declareHandles'
        self.handles['diLeptons'] = AutoHandle(
        self.handles['rawMET'] = AutoHandle( 'cmgPFMETRaw',
                                                     'std::vector<cmg::BaseMET>' )
        self.handles['triggerResults'] = AutoHandle( ('TriggerResults','','HLT'),
                                                     'edm::TriggerResults' )

        #self.handles['leptons'] = AutoHandle(
        #    'cmgTauSel',
        #    'std::vector<cmg::Tau>'
        #    )
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name or "TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            self.mchandles['genParticles'] = AutoHandle( 'genParticlesPruned',
                                                     'std::vector<reco::GenParticle>' )
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            self.mchandles['generator'] = AutoHandle( 'generator',
                                                      'GenEventInfoProduct' )
#COLIN this collection does not exist
##         if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
##             self.handles['genParticles'] = AutoHandle( 'genParticles',
##                                                      'std::vector<reco::GenParticle>' )
	if "Higgsgg" in self.cfg_comp.name:

        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle(
        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle(

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("WJets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W0Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W1Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W2Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W3Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W4Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name
	                        or "DYJets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY0Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY1Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY2Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY3Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY4Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name):
          self.mchandles['source'] =  AutoHandle(
        #self.handles['jets'] = AutoHandle( self.cfg_ana.jetCol,
        #                                   'std::vector<cmg::PFJet>' )

        self.handles['jets'] = AutoHandle( 'cmgPFJetSel',
                                           'std::vector<cmg::PFJet>' )

    def beginLoop(self):
        self.counters = Counters()
        count = self.counters.counter('DiLepton')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('> 0 di-lepton')
        # count.register('di-lepton cut string ok')
        count.register('lepton accept')
        count.register('third lepton veto')
        count.register('leg1 trig matched')
        count.register('leg2 trig matched')
        count.register('jet trig matched')
        count.register('leg1 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('leg2 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format( min = self.cfg_ana.m_min,
                                                             max = self.cfg_ana.m_max ))
        count.register('exactly 1 di-lepton')

    def bestDiLepton(self, diLeptons):
        '''Returns the best diLepton (the one with best isolation).'''
        return max( [ (min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byRawIsoMVA"), dilep.leg2().tauID("byRawIsoMVA")), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
        #return max( [ (dilep.sumPt(), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        # select signal dileptons with all cuts on both legs

        self.readCollections( iEvent )
        # trigger stuff could be put in a separate analyzer
        # event.triggerObject = self.handles['cmgTriggerObjectSel'].product()[0]

        event.diLeptons = self.buildDiLeptons( self.handles['diLeptons'].product(), event )

        #event.leptons = self.buildLeptons( self.handles['leptons'].product(), event )
        event.leptons = []
	for diLepton in event.diLeptons:
          if not diLepton.leg1() in event.leptons:
            event.leptons += [diLepton.leg1()]
          if not diLepton.leg2() in event.leptons:
            event.leptons += [diLepton.leg2()]

        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,'HCP_matching'):
	result = self.selectionSequence(event, fillCounter=True)

	#if event.eventId in [212391570,227704571,254997006,34410222]:
	#    print "found event"
	#    print eventId,result
        triggerNames = iEvent._event.triggerNames(triggerResults)
	for trig in self.triggers:
	    if index>=triggerNames.size():

        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,'HCP_matching'):
        # select non signal dileptons with loose cuts
        if result is False:
            # Post-Preapproval version
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,'HCP_matching'):
                selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptons if \
                             self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
			     self.testNonLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testNonLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
			     (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
	        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
                             self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
			     self.testNonLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testNonLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
			     (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
                if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
                    selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptons if \
                             self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
			     self.testNonLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testNonLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
			     (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
            # loose reference version
            #selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
            #                 self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
		#	     self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
		#	     (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
            # std. medium iso version
            #selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
            #                 self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
		#	     self.testNonLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testNonLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
		#	     (self.testStdMediumLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testStdMediumLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
            # std. tight iso version
            #selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
            #                 self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
		#	     self.testLooseStdLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseStdLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
		#	     (self.testStdTightLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testStdTightLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
            # relax cuts completely
	    #if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
	    #    selDiLeptons=event.diLeptons
            if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
                return False
            event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton( selDiLeptons )
            event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
            event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()
            event.isSignal = False
            event.isSignal = True

        # count muons
        event.muons = [lep for lep in self.buildMuons(self.handles['muons'].product(),event)
                       if self.testLegKine(lep, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4) and 
                       self.testLeg2ID(lep) and
                       self.testLeg2Iso(lep, 0.3) ]
        # count electrons
        event.electrons = [electron for electron in self.buildElectrons(self.handles['electrons'].product(),event)
                if self.testLegKine(electron, ptcut=10, etacut=2.5) and \
                   electron.looseIdForTriLeptonVeto()           and \
                   self.testVertex( electron )           and \
                   electron.relIsoAllChargedDB05() < 0.3]

        # if len(event.muons)+len(event.electrons) > 0:
        #    return False

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("WJets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W0Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W1Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W2Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W3Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W4Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name
	                        or "DYJets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY0Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY1Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY2Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY3Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "DY4Jets" in self.cfg_comp.name):
          event.NUP = self.mchandles['source'].product().hepeup().NUP
          event.NUP = -1

        event.genMatched = None
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            leg1DeltaR, leg2DeltaR = event.diLepton.match( event.genParticles ) 
            if leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1 and \
               leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1:
                event.genMatched = True
                event.genMatched = False
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23 and (gen.mother().mass()<80 or gen.mother().mass()>100):
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23, 25, 35, 36, 37]:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23]:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [24]:
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "W" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = False
            event.genMatchedElectron = False
            event.genMatchedMuon = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11,13,15] and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24: # W -> tau nu
                    genTaus.append( gen )
            if len(genTaus)>=1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = ( float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = ( float('inf'), None) 
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(), event.diLepton.leg1().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(), event.diLepton.leg2().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    if dR2leg1 <  dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 <  dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg1Min )
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg2Min )
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                         event.genMatchedElectron = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                         event.genMatchedMuon = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                         event.genMatched = True
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = 0
            event.genMatchedElectron = 0
            event.genMatchedMuon = 0
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11,13,15] and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24: # W -> tau nu
                    genTaus.append( gen )
            if len(genTaus)>=1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = ( float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = ( float('inf'), None) 
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(), event.diLepton.leg1().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(), event.diLepton.leg2().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    if dR2leg1 <  dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 <  dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg1Min )
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg2Min )
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "Higgsgg" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==25:
		    higgsPt = gen.pt()
	    event.higgsPtWeight = self.higgsPtWeightHistogram.GetBinContent(self.higgsPtWeightHistogram.FindBin(higgsPt))
            #event.eventWeight *= event.higgsPtWeight
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            generator = self.mchandles['generator'].product()
            event.generatorWeight = generator.weight()
            event.eventWeight *= event.generatorWeight

#COLIN: no genParticle collection present in embedded samples diTau files...
##         if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
##             genParticles = self.handles['genParticles'].product()
##             event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
## 	    for gen in genParticles:
##                 if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23]:
##                     event.genMass=gen.mass()
        return True

# trigger: debug it and make sure that trigger matching is working
# build trigger list for data
# build trigger map 

# 3rd lepton veto:
# look for electron or muon that pass loose id
# none of them 

    def selectionSequence(self, event, fillCounter, leg1IsoCut=None, leg2IsoCut=None):

        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('all events')
        # if not self.triggerList.triggerPassed(event.triggerObject):
        #    return False
        # self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('trigger passed ')

        # if event.eventId == 155035:
        #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if len(event.diLeptons) == 0:
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('> 0 di-lepton')

        # testing di-lepton itself
        selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons
        # selDiLeptons = self.selectDiLeptons( selDiLeptons ) 
        if not self.leptonAccept( event.leptons ):
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('lepton accept')

        if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0:
            # trigger matching leg1
            selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if \
                            self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg1(), 'leg1')]
            if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,'HCP_matching'):
	            return False
                if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg1 trig matched')

        if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0:
            # trigger matching leg2
            selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if \
                            self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg2(), 'leg2')]
            if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,'HCP_matching'):
	            return False
                if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg2 trig matched')

        if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0 and len(self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[ event.hltPath ])>2:
            # trigger matching jet
            cmgJets = self.handles['jets'].product()
            for cmgJet in cmgJets:
                jet = Jet( cmgJet )
                if self.testJet( jet ):

	    for diL in selDiLeptons:
                cleanJets, dummy = cleanObjectCollection( jets, masks = [ diL.leg1(), diL.leg2() ], deltaRMin = 0.5 )
                if len(cleanJets)>0 and self.trigMatched(event, cleanJets[0], 'jet'):
            if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,'HCP_matching'):
	            return False
                if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('jet trig matched')

        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = selDiLeptons

        # testing leg1
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if \
                         self.testLeg1( diL.leg1(), leg1IsoCut ) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg1 offline cuts passed')

        # testing leg2 
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if \
                         self.testLeg2( diL.leg2(), leg2IsoCut ) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg2 offline cuts passed')

        # mass cut 
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if \
                         self.testMass(diL) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc(
                '{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format( min = self.cfg_ana.m_min,
                                                      max = self.cfg_ana.m_max )

        # exactly one? 
        if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
        elif len(selDiLeptons)==1:
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('exactly 1 di-lepton')
        event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton( selDiLeptons )
        event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
        event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()

        return True

    def testLeg1(self, leg, iso=None):
        #return True
        #return self.testNonLeg(leg)
        return self.testLeg(leg)
        #return self.testStdMediumLeg(leg)
        #return self.testStdTightLeg(leg)
    def testLeg2(self, leg, iso=None):
        #return True
        #return self.testNonLeg(leg)
        return self.testLeg(leg)
        #return self.testStdMediumLeg(leg)
        #return self.testStdTightLeg(leg)

    def testLeg(self, leg):
        return (leg.pt()>45 and abs(leg.eta())<2.1 and \
	   leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("byMediumIsoMVA")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")>0.5 and \

    def testStdMediumLeg(self, leg):
        return (leg.pt()>45 and abs(leg.eta())<2.1 and \
	   leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("byMediumCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")>0.5 and \

    def testStdTightLeg(self, leg):
        return (leg.pt()>45 and abs(leg.eta())<2.1 and \
	   leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("byTightCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")>0.5 and \

    #def selectDiLeptons(self, diLeptons, cutString=None):
    #    selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in diLeptons if \
    #                     (diL.leg1().tauID("byTightIsoMVA")>0.5 or diL.leg2().tauID("byTightIsoMVA")>0.5)]
    #    if len(selDiLeptons) > 0:
    #        self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc( 'di-lepton cut string ok')
    #    return selDiLeptons

    def testLooseLeg(self, leg):
        return (leg.pt()>45 and abs(leg.eta())<2.1 and \
	   leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA")>0.5 and \
	   #leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA")>0.795 and \
	   leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")>0.5 and \

    def testLooseStdLeg(self, leg):
        return (leg.pt()>45 and abs(leg.eta())<2.1 and \
	   leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("byLooseCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")>0.5 and \

    def testNonLeg(self, leg):
        return (leg.pt()>45 and abs(leg.eta())<2.1 and \
	   leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")>0.5 and \
	   leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")>0.5 and \

    def muonIso(self, muon ):
        '''dbeta corrected pf isolation with all charged particles instead of
        charged hadrons'''
        return muon.relIsoAllChargedDB05()

    def testLeg2ID(self, muon):
        '''Tight muon selection, no isolation requirement'''
        return muon.tightId() and \
               self.testVertex( muon )
    def testLeg2Iso(self, muon, isocut):
        '''Tight muon selection, with isolation requirement'''
        if isocut is None:
            isocut = self.cfg_ana.iso2
        return self.muonIso(muon)<isocut

    def testVertex(self, lepton):
        '''Tests vertex constraints, for mu and tau'''
        return abs(lepton.dxy()) < 0.045 and \
               abs(lepton.dz()) < 0.2 

    def testMuonIDLoose(self, muon):
        '''Loose muon ID and kine, no isolation requirement, for lepton veto'''        
        return muon.pt() > 15 and \
               abs( muon.eta() ) < 2.4 and \
               muon.isGlobalMuon() and \
               muon.isTrackerMuon() and \
               muon.sourcePtr().userFloat('isPFMuon') and \
               abs(muon.dz()) < 0.2
               # self.testVertex( muon ) 
    def buildMuons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
        '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
        The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
        leptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
            pyl = Muon(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if not self.testMuonIDLoose( pyl ):
            leptons.append( pyl )
        return leptons

    def buildElectrons(self, cmgOtherLeptons, event):
        '''Build electrons for third lepton veto, associate best vertex.
        otherLeptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgOtherLeptons):
            pyl = Electron(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            #COLINTLV check ID 
            # if not self.testMuonIDLoose(pyl):
            #    continue
            otherLeptons.append( pyl )
        return otherLeptons

    def trigMatched(self, event, leg, legName):
        '''Returns true if the leg is matched to a trigger object as defined in the
        triggerMap parameter'''
        if not hasattr( self.cfg_ana, 'triggerMap'):
            return True
        path = event.hltPath
        triggerObjects = event.triggerObjects
        filters = self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[ path ]
        filter = None
        if legName == 'leg1':
            filter = filters[0]
        elif legName == 'leg2':
            filter = filters[1]
        elif legName == 'jet':
            filter = filters[2]
            raise ValueError( 'legName should be leg1 or leg2, not {leg}'.format(
                leg=legName )  )
        # the dR2Max value is 0.3^2
        pdgIds = None
        if len(filter) == 2:
            filter, pdgIds = filter[0], filter[1]
        return triggerMatched(leg, triggerObjects, path, filter,
                              # dR2Max=0.089999,
                              pdgIds=pdgIds )

    def testJetID(self, jet):
        jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId()
        jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.looseJetId()

        #jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.getSelection('cuts_looseJetId')

        if self.cfg_ana.relaxJetId:
            return True
            return jet.puJetIdPassed and jet.pfJetIdPassed
    def testJet( self, jet ):
        # 2 is loose pile-up jet id
        return jet.pt()         > self.cfg_ana.jetPt  and \
               abs( jet.eta() ) < self.cfg_ana.jetEta and \
コード例 #7
ファイル: TauTauAnalyzer.py プロジェクト: anantoni/CMG
class TauTauAnalyzer(DiLeptonAnalyzer):

    DiObjectClass = TauTau
    LeptonClass = Tau

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).declareHandles()

        #self.handles['diLeptons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgDiTauCorSVFitFullSel'  , 'std::vector<cmg::DiObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >'   ) ## old object
        self.handles['diLeptons'] = AutoHandle(
            'std::vector<cmg::DiTauObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >'
        )  ## new object by Jan
        self.handles['rawMET'] = AutoHandle('cmgPFMETRaw',
        self.handles['jets'] = AutoHandle('cmgPFJetSel',
        self.handles['electrons'] = AutoHandle('cmgElectronSel',
        self.handles['muons'] = AutoHandle('cmgMuonSel',
        self.handles['triggerResults'] = AutoHandle(
            ('TriggerResults', '', 'HLT'), 'edm::TriggerResults')
        self.handles['metSig'] = AutoHandle('pfMetSignificance',
        #self.handles['mvametsigs']     = AutoHandle( 'mvaMETDiTau'              , 'std::vector<cmg::METSignificance>'                )

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            self.mchandles['genParticles'] = AutoHandle(
                'genParticlesPruned', 'std::vector<reco::GenParticle>')
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            self.mchandles['generator'] = AutoHandle('generator',
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            self.mchandles['source'] = AutoHandle('source', 'LHEEventProduct')

        self.triggers = [

        self.triggersEmb = [

        self.triggers += self.triggersEmb

        if "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            masspoint = re.findall(r"(\d{2,3})", self.cfg_comp.name)
            masspoint = str(masspoint[0])
            self.higgsPtWeightFile = TFile(
                "$CMSSW_BASE/src/CMGTools/H2TauTau/data/weight_ptH_" +
                masspoint + "_8TeV.root")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get(
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Up")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get(

    def beginLoop(self):
        super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).beginLoop()
        self.counters = Counters()
        count = self.counters.counter('DiLepton')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('> 0 di-lepton')
        count.register('lepton accept')
        count.register('third lepton veto')
        count.register('leg1 trig matched')
        count.register('leg2 trig matched')
        count.register('jet trig matched')
        count.register('leg1 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('leg2 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format(
            min=self.cfg_ana.m_min, max=self.cfg_ana.m_max))
        count.register('exactly 1 di-lepton')

    def bestDiLepton(self, diLeptons):
        '''Returns the best diLepton (the one with best isolation).'''
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva':  #### Tau ID MVA
            return max([(min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byRawIsoMVA"),
                             dilep.leg2().tauID("byRawIsoMVA")), dilep)
                        for dilep in diLeptons])[1]
        if iso == 'mva2':  #### Tau ID MVA2
            return max([(min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw"),
                             dilep.leg2().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw")), dilep)
                        for dilep in diLeptons])[1]
        if iso == 'db3h':  #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
            return min([(max(
                    "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits")), dilep)
                        for dilep in diLeptons])[1]

        #### highest sum pt pair
        #return max( [ (dilep.sumPt(), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]

    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        # select signal dileptons with all cuts on both legs

        # trigger stuff could be put in a separate analyzer
        # event.triggerObject = self.handles['cmgTriggerObjectSel'].product()[0]

        #if event.eventId in notPassed :
        #  print 'before anything'
        #  import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        event.diLeptons = self.buildDiLeptons(
            self.handles['diLeptons'].product(), event)

        #event.leptons = self.buildLeptons( self.handles['leptons'].product(), event )
        event.leptons = []
        for diLepton in event.diLeptons:
            if not diLepton.leg1() in event.leptons:
                event.leptons += [diLepton.leg1()]
            if not diLepton.leg2() in event.leptons:
                event.leptons += [diLepton.leg2()]

        result = self.selectionSequence(event, fillCounter=True)

        event.rawMET = self.handles['rawMET'].product()

        triggerResults = self.handles['triggerResults'].product()
        triggerNames = iEvent._event.triggerNames(triggerResults)
        for trig in self.triggers:
            index = triggerNames.triggerIndex(trig)
            if index >= triggerNames.size():
                trigres = -1
                trigres = triggerResults.accept(index)
            setattr(event, trig, trigres)

        # select non signal dileptons with loose cuts
        if result is False:
            selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
                                    self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
                             self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
                            (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]

            if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptons if \
                                 self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
                          self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
            (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
            if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                return False
            event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton(selDiLeptons)
            event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
            event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()
            event.isSignal = False
            event.isSignal = True

        #if event.eventId in notPassed :
        #  print 'diLeptons built, is Signal?', result
        #  import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #if len([event.diLepton])>1 :
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.leg1.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(
        event.leg2.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(

        # count muons
        event.muons = [
            for lep in self.buildMuons(self.handles['muons'].product(), event)
            if self.testLegKine(lep, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4)
            and self.testLeg2ID(lep) and self.testLeg2Iso(lep, 0.3)
        # count electrons
        event.electrons = [
            electron for electron in self.buildElectrons(
                self.handles['electrons'].product(), event)
            if self.testLegKine(electron, ptcut=10, etacut=2.5)
            and electron.looseIdForTriLeptonVeto() and self.testVertex(
                electron) and electron.relIsoAllChargedDB05() < 0.3
        ####### what ID for veto means
        ####### http://cmssw.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cmssw.cgi/UserCode/CMG/CMGTools/RootTools/python/physicsobjects/HTauTauElectron.py?revision=1.10&view=markup

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            event.NUP = self.mchandles['source'].product().hepeup().NUP
            event.NUP = -1

        event.genMatched = None
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name
                                   or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)
            leg1DeltaR, leg2DeltaR = event.diLepton.match(event.genParticles)
            event.leg1DeltaR = leg1DeltaR
            event.leg2DeltaR = leg2DeltaR
            if leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1 and \
               leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1:
                event.genMatched = True
                event.genMatched = False
            event.isPhoton = False
            event.isElectron = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 15 and abs(
                        gen.mother().pdgId()) == 23 and (
                            gen.mother().mass() < 80
                            or gen.mother().mass() > 100):
                    event.isPhoton = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 23:
                    event.isMuon = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 23:
                    event.isElectron = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23, 25, 35, 36, 37]:
                    event.genMass = gen.mass()
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23]:
                    event.hasW = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [24]:
                    event.hasZ = True
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "W" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = False
            event.genMatchedElectron = False
            event.genMatchedMuon = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11, 13, 15] and abs(
                        gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:  # W -> tau nu
            if len(genTaus) >= 1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    if dR2leg1 < dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 < dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg1Min)
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg2Min)
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                        event.genMatchedElectron = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                        event.genMatchedMuon = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                        event.genMatched = True
            event.isElectron = False
            event.isMuon = False
            event.isTau = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isElectron = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isMuon = True
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isTau = True
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = 0
            event.genMatchedElectron = 0
            event.genMatchedMuon = 0
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11, 13, 15] and abs(
                        gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:  # W -> tau nu
            if len(genTaus) >= 1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (float('inf'), None)
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi())
                    if dR2leg1 < dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 < dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg1Min)
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt(dR2leg2Min)
                    if (leg1DeltaR > -1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 11:
                        event.genMatchedElectron += 1
                    if (leg1DeltaR > -1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 13:
                        event.genMatchedMuon += 1
                    if (leg1DeltaR > -1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 15:
                        event.genMatched += 1
                    if (leg2DeltaR > -1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 11:
                        event.genMatchedElectron += 1
                    if (leg2DeltaR > -1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 13:
                        event.genMatchedMuon += 1
                    if (leg2DeltaR > -1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(
                            genTau.pdgId()) == 15:
                        event.genMatched += 1
            event.isElectron = 0
            event.isMuon = 0
            event.isTau = 0
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isElectron += 1
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isMuon += 1
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId()) == 24:
                    event.isTau += 1
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            generator = self.mchandles['generator'].product()
            event.generatorWeight = generator.weight()
            event.eventWeight *= event.generatorWeight

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map(GenParticle, genParticles)
            higgsPt = -1
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) == 25:
                    higgsPt = gen.pt()
            event.higgsPtWeightNom = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom.GetBinContent(
            event.higgsPtWeightUp = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp.GetBinContent(
            event.higgsPtWeightDown = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown.GetBinContent(
            event.higgsPtWeightNom = 1.
            event.higgsPtWeightUp = 1.
            event.higgsPtWeightDown = 1.

        ## third lepton veto
        if len(event.muons) > 0 + len(event.electrons) > 0:  ## FOR SYNCHING!!!
            return False

        if "DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
            event.isRealTau = 1
            event.isRealTau = 0

        if not hasattr(event, 'NJetWeight'):
            event.NJetWeight = 1.

        #event.name = self.cfg_comp.name
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.metsig = self.handles['metSig'].product()

        return True

    def selectionSequence(self,

        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('all events')

        if len(event.diLeptons) == 0:
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('> 0 di-lepton')

        # testing di-lepton itself
        selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons

        if not self.leptonAccept(event.leptons):
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('lepton accept')

        ## for embedded no hltPaths (for now)
        if not hasattr(event, 'hltPaths'):
            event.hltPaths = []

        matching = {}
        for trig in event.hltPaths:
            matching.update({trig: [-99, -99,
                                    -99]})  # {trigName:leg1,leg2,jet}

        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = []

        for trig in event.hltPaths:
            if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed: continue  ## no matching for the embed
            selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons
            if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers) > 0:
                # trigger matching leg1
                selDiLeptons = [
                    diL for diL in selDiLeptons
                    if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg1(), 'leg1', trig)
                if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                    matching[trig][0] = 0
                    if fillCounter:
                            'leg1 trig matched')
                    matching[trig][0] = 1

            if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers) > 0:
                # trigger matching leg2
                selDiLeptons = [
                    diL for diL in selDiLeptons
                    if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg2(), 'leg2', trig)
                if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                    matching[trig][1] = 0
                    if fillCounter:
                            'leg2 trig matched')
                    matching[trig][1] = 1

            if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers) > 0 and len(
                    self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[trig]) > 2:
                # trigger matching jet
                cmgJets = self.handles['jets'].product()
                jets = []
                for cmgJet in cmgJets:
                    jet = Jet(cmgJet)
                    if self.testJet(jet):

                selDiLeptonsNew = []
                for diL in selDiLeptons:
                    cleanJets, dummy = cleanObjectCollection(
                        jets, masks=[diL.leg1(), diL.leg2()], deltaRMin=0.5)
                    if len(cleanJets) > 0 and self.trigMatched(
                            event, cleanJets[0], 'jet', trig):
                        selDiLeptonsNew += [diL]
                selDiLeptons = selDiLeptonsNew
                if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                    matching[trig][2] = 0
                    if fillCounter:
                            'jet trig matched')
                    matching[trig][2] = 1

            event.diLeptonsTrigMatched += selDiLeptons

        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = set(event.diLeptonsTrigMatched)

        ### need unix style wild card to macth different trigger versions in data
        for trig in matching.keys():
            if fnm(trig, 'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk*_eta2p1_v*'):
                event.l1TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][0]
                event.l2TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][1]
            if fnm(trig, 'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau*_Trk*_eta2p1_Jet30_v*'):
                event.l1TrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][0]
                event.l2TrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][1]
                event.jetTrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][2]

        # testing leg1
        selDiLeptons = [
            diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg(diL.leg1())
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter:
                    'leg1 offline cuts passed')

        # testing leg2
        selDiLeptons = [
            diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg(diL.leg2())
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter:
                    'leg2 offline cuts passed')

        # mass cut
        selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testMass(diL)]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter:
                    '{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format(
                        min=self.cfg_ana.m_min, max=self.cfg_ana.m_max))

        # exactly one?
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
        elif len(selDiLeptons) == 1:
            if fillCounter:
                self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('exactly 1 di-lepton')

        event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton(selDiLeptons)
        event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
        event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()

        ### require trigger bit in Embedded RecHit
        if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
            if not event.hltPath: return False

        if "DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
            if event.leg1.decayMode() == 0:
                event.leg1.prongWeight = 0.88
                event.leg1.prongWeight = 1.
            if event.leg2.decayMode() == 0:
                event.leg2.prongWeight = 0.88
                event.leg2.prongWeight = 1.
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        return True

    def testLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation

        if iso == 'mva':  #### Tau ID MVA
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5  # 0.884
        if iso == 'mva2':  #### Tau ID MVA2
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5  # 0.90
        if iso == 'db3h':  #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID(
                "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10.  #15.

        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
         leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > -0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > -0.5)

    def testLooseLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation

        if iso == 'mva':  #### Tau ID MVA
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5
        if iso == 'mva2':  #### Tau ID MVA2
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5
        if iso == 'db3h':  #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
            test_leg_iso = leg.tauID(
                "byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10.  #15.

        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
         leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > -0.5     and \
         leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > -0.5)

    def passAntiEMVA(self, iCat, raw, WP=0):

        iCat = int(iCat)

        if iCat < 0: return False
        if iCat > 15: return True

        cutsLoose = [
            0.835, 0.831, 0.849, 0.859, 0.873, 0.823, 0.85, 0.855, 0.816,
            0.861, 0.862, 0.847, 0.893, 0.82, 0.845, 0.851
        cutsMedium = [
            0.933, 0.921, 0.944, 0.945, 0.918, 0.941, 0.981, 0.943, 0.956,
            0.947, 0.951, 0.95, 0.897, 0.958, 0.955, 0.942
        cutsTight = [
            0.96, 0.968, 0.971, 0.972, 0.969, 0.959, 0.981, 0.965, 0.975,
            0.972, 0.974, 0.971, 0.897, 0.971, 0.961, 0.97
        cutsVeryTight = [
            0.978, 0.98, 0.982, 0.985, 0.977, 0.974, 0.989, 0.977, 0.986,
            0.983, 0.984, 0.983, 0.971, 0.987, 0.977, 0.981
        cut = 0

        if WP == 0: cut = cutsLoose[iCat]
        if WP == 1: cut = cutsMedium[iCat]
        if WP == 2: cut = cutsTight[iCat]
        if WP == 3: cut = cutsVeryTight[iCat]

        return (raw > cut)

    def muonIso(self, muon):
        '''dbeta corrected pf isolation with all charged particles instead of
        charged hadrons'''
        return muon.relIsoAllChargedDB05()

    def testLeg2ID(self, muon):
        '''Tight muon selection, no isolation requirement'''
        return muon.tightId() and \
               self.testVertex( muon )

    def testLeg2Iso(self, muon, isocut):
        '''Tight muon selection, with isolation requirement'''
        if isocut is None:
            isocut = self.cfg_ana.iso2
        return self.muonIso(muon) < isocut

    def testVertex(self, lepton):
        '''Tests vertex constraints, for mu and tau'''
        return abs(lepton.dxy()) < 0.045 and \
               abs(lepton.dz()) < 0.2

    def testMuonIDLoose(self, muon):
        '''Loose muon ID and kine, no isolation requirement, for lepton veto'''
        return muon.pt() > 15 and \
               abs( muon.eta() ) < 2.4 and \
               muon.isGlobalMuon() and \
               muon.isTrackerMuon() and \
               muon.sourcePtr().userFloat('isPFMuon') and \
               abs(muon.dz()) < 0.2

    def buildMuons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
        '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
        The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
        leptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
            pyl = Muon(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if not self.testMuonIDLoose(pyl):
        return leptons

    def buildElectrons(self, cmgOtherLeptons, event):
        '''Build electrons for third lepton veto, associate best vertex.
        otherLeptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgOtherLeptons):
            pyl = Electron(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            #COLINTLV check ID
            # if not self.testMuonIDLoose(pyl):
            #    continue
        return otherLeptons

    def trigMatched(self, event, leg, legName, trigpath):
        '''Returns true if the leg is matched to a trigger object as defined in the
        triggerMap parameter'''
        if not hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'triggerMap'):
            return True
        #path = event.hltPath this works if you have only one path
        path = trigpath
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        triggerObjects = event.triggerObjects
        filters = self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[path]
        filter = None
        if legName == 'leg1':
            filter = filters[0]
        elif legName == 'leg2':
            filter = filters[1]
        elif legName == 'jet':
            filter = filters[2]
            raise ValueError(
                'legName should be leg1 or leg2, not {leg}'.format(
        # the default dR2Max value is 0.3^2
        pdgIds = None
        if len(filter) == 2:
            filter, pdgIds = filter[0], filter[1]

        return triggerMatched(leg,
                              dR2Max=0.5 * 0.5,

    def testJetID(self, jet):

        #jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId()
        jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId53X()
        jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.looseJetId()

        #jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.getSelection('cuts_looseJetId')

        if self.cfg_ana.relaxJetId:
            return True
            return jet.puJetIdPassed and jet.pfJetIdPassed

    def testJet(self, jet):
        # 2 is loose pile-up jet id
        return jet.pt()         > self.cfg_ana.jetPt  and \
               abs( jet.eta() ) < self.cfg_ana.jetEta and \
コード例 #8
class Analyzer(object):
    '''Base Analyzer class. Used in Looper.'''
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):
        '''Create an analyzer.

        cfg_ana: configuration parameters for this analyzer (e.g. a pt cut)
        cfg_comp: configuration parameters for the data or MC component (e.g. DYJets)
        looperName: name of the Looper which runs this analyzer.

        See Looper and Config for more information.

        You should inherit from this class.
        Interesting examples of child analyzers are:
          DiLeptonAnalyzer, TauMuAnalyzer, VertexAnalyzer, H2TauTauEventSorter. 
        self.name = cfg_ana.name
        self.verbose = cfg_ana.verbose
        self.cfg_ana = cfg_ana
        self.cfg_comp = cfg_comp
        self.looperName = looperName
        self.dirName = '/'.join( [self.looperName, self.name] )
        os.mkdir( self.dirName )

        # this is the main logger corresponding to the looper.
        # each analyzer could also declare its own logger
        self.mainLogger = logging.getLogger( looperName )
        self.beginLoopCalled = False

    def declareHandles(self):
        self.handles = {}
        self.mchandles = {}
        self.embhandles = {}

    def beginLoop(self):
        '''Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers.'''
        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = Averages()
        self.mainLogger.warning( 'beginLoop ' + self.cfg_ana.name ) 
        self.beginLoopCalled = True
    def endLoop(self):
        '''Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers.'''
        #print self.cfg_ana
        self.mainLogger.warning( '' )
        self.mainLogger.warning( str(self) )
        self.mainLogger.warning( '' )

    def process(self, iEvent, event ):
        '''Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers.
        each analyzer in the sequence will be passed the same event instance.
        each analyzer can access, modify, and store event information, of any type.'''
        print self.cfg_ana.name
        self.readCollections( iEvent )

    def readCollections(self, iEvent ):
        '''You must call this function at the beginning of the process
        function of your child analyzer.'''
        # if not self.beginLoopCalled:
        #    # necessary in case the user calls process to go straight to a given event, before looping
        #    self.beginLoop()
        for str,handle in self.handles.iteritems():
            handle.Load( iEvent )
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
            for str,handle in self.mchandles.iteritems():
                handle.Load( iEvent )
        if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
            for str,handle in self.embhandles.iteritems():
                handle.Load( iEvent )

    def write(self):
        '''Called by Looper.write, for all analyzers.
        Just overload it if you have histograms to write.'''
        # print 'writing not implemented for', self.cfg_ana.name 
        self.counters.write( self.dirName )
        self.averages.write( self.dirName )

    def __str__(self):
        '''A multipurpose printout. Should do the job for most analyzers.'''
        ana = str( self.cfg_ana )
        count = ''
        ave = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'counters') and len( self.counters.counters ) > 0:
            count = '\n'.join(map(str, self.counters.counters))
        if hasattr(self, 'averages') and len( self.averages ) > 0:
            ave = '\n'.join(map(str, self.averages))
        return '\n'.join( [ana, count, ave] )
コード例 #9
ファイル: TauTauAnalyzer.py プロジェクト: YoungKwonJo/CMG
class TauTauAnalyzer( DiLeptonAnalyzer ):

    DiObjectClass = TauTau
    LeptonClass = Tau

    def declareHandles(self):
        super(TauTauAnalyzer, self).declareHandles()

        #self.handles['diLeptons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgDiTauCorSVFitFullSel'  , 'std::vector<cmg::DiObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >'   ) ## old object
        self.handles['diLeptons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgDiTauCorSVFitFullSel'  , 'std::vector<cmg::DiTauObject<cmg::Tau,cmg::Tau> >')  ## new object by Jan
        self.handles['rawMET']         = AutoHandle( 'cmgPFMETRaw'              , 'std::vector<cmg::BaseMET>'                        )
        self.handles['jets']           = AutoHandle( 'cmgPFJetSel'              , 'std::vector<cmg::PFJet>'                          )
        self.handles['electrons']      = AutoHandle( 'cmgElectronSel'           , 'std::vector<cmg::Electron>'                       )
        self.handles['muons']          = AutoHandle( 'cmgMuonSel'               , 'std::vector<cmg::Muon>'                           )
        self.handles['triggerResults'] = AutoHandle( ('TriggerResults','','HLT'), 'edm::TriggerResults'                              )
        self.handles['metSig']         = AutoHandle( 'pfMetSignificance'        , 'cmg::METSignificance'                             )
        #self.handles['mvametsigs']     = AutoHandle( 'mvaMETDiTau'              , 'std::vector<cmg::METSignificance>'                )

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name or "TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            self.mchandles['genParticles'] = AutoHandle( 'genParticlesPruned','std::vector<reco::GenParticle>' )
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            self.mchandles['generator'] = AutoHandle( 'generator','GenEventInfoProduct' )
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name) :
            self.mchandles['source'] =  AutoHandle('source','LHEEventProduct')

	self.triggers = ['HLT_LooseIsoPFTau35_Trk20_Prong1_v6',
         'HLT_LooseIsoPFTau35_Trk20_Prong1_MET70_v6'        ,
         'HLT_LooseIsoPFTau35_Trk20_Prong1_MET75_v6'        ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau30_Trk5_eta2p1_Jet30_v2'  ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau30_Trk5_eta2p1_v2'        ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk5_eta2p1_v6'        ,
         'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk5_eta2p1_Prong1_v6' ,

	self.triggersEmb = [

        self.triggers += self.triggersEmb
	if "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
	    masspoint = re.findall(r"(\d{2,3})", self.cfg_comp.name)
	    masspoint = str(masspoint[0])
            self.higgsPtWeightFile          = TFile("$CMSSW_BASE/src/CMGTools/H2TauTau/data/weight_ptH_"+masspoint+"_8TeV.root")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom  = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Nominal")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp   = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Up")
            self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown = self.higgsPtWeightFile.Get("Down")

    def beginLoop(self):
        self.counters = Counters()
        count = self.counters.counter('DiLepton')
        count.register('all events')
        count.register('> 0 di-lepton')
        count.register('lepton accept')
        count.register('third lepton veto')
        count.register('leg1 trig matched')
        count.register('leg2 trig matched')
        count.register('jet trig matched')
        count.register('leg1 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('leg2 offline cuts passed')
        count.register('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format( min = self.cfg_ana.m_min, max = self.cfg_ana.m_max ))
        count.register('exactly 1 di-lepton')

    def bestDiLepton(self, diLeptons):
        '''Returns the best diLepton (the one with best isolation).'''
        iso = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva'  : #### Tau ID MVA
          return max( [ (min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byRawIsoMVA"), dilep.leg2().tauID("byRawIsoMVA")), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
        if iso == 'mva2' : #### Tau ID MVA2
          return max( [ (min(dilep.leg1().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw"), dilep.leg2().tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw")), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
        if iso == 'db3h' : #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
          return min( [ (max(dilep.leg1().tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits"), dilep.leg2().tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits")), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
        #### highest sum pt pair
        #return max( [ (dilep.sumPt(), dilep) for dilep in diLeptons ] )[1]
    def process(self, iEvent, event):
        # select signal dileptons with all cuts on both legs

        self.readCollections( iEvent )
        # trigger stuff could be put in a separate analyzer
        # event.triggerObject = self.handles['cmgTriggerObjectSel'].product()[0]

        #if event.eventId in notPassed :
        #  print 'before anything'
        #  import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.diLeptons = self.buildDiLeptons( self.handles['diLeptons'].product(), event )

        #event.leptons = self.buildLeptons( self.handles['leptons'].product(), event )
        event.leptons = []
	for diLepton in event.diLeptons:
          if not diLepton.leg1() in event.leptons:
            event.leptons += [diLepton.leg1()]
          if not diLepton.leg2() in event.leptons:
            event.leptons += [diLepton.leg2()]
	result = self.selectionSequence(event, fillCounter=True)
	event.rawMET = self.handles['rawMET'].product()
	triggerResults = self.handles['triggerResults'].product()
        triggerNames = iEvent._event.triggerNames(triggerResults)
	for trig in self.triggers:
	    index = triggerNames.triggerIndex(trig)
	    if index >= triggerNames.size():
                trigres = -1
	        trigres = triggerResults.accept(index)

        # select non signal dileptons with loose cuts
        if result is False:
	  selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptonsTrigMatched if \
                           self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
	                   self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
	                  (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]

          if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
              selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in event.diLeptons if \
                               self.cfg_ana.m_min < diL.mass() and diL.mass() < self.cfg_ana.m_max and \
	                       self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg1() ) and self.testLooseLeg( diL.leg2() ) and \
			       (self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) or self.testLeg( diL.leg2() )) ]
          if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
          event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton( selDiLeptons )
          event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
          event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()
          event.isSignal = False
          event.isSignal = True

        #if event.eventId in notPassed :
        #  print 'diLeptons built, is Signal?', result
        #  import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()

        #if len([event.diLepton])>1 :
          #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.leg1.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(iCat = event.diLepton.leg1().tauID("againstElectronMVA3category"), raw = event.diLepton.leg1().tauID("againstElectronMVA3raw"), WP = 0 )
        event.leg2.NewLooseAntiEleMVA3 = self.passAntiEMVA(iCat = event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstElectronMVA3category"), raw = event.diLepton.leg2().tauID("againstElectronMVA3raw"), WP = 0 )
        # count muons
        event.muons = [lep for lep in self.buildMuons(self.handles['muons'].product(),event)
                       if self.testLegKine(lep, ptcut=10, etacut=2.4) and 
                          self.testLeg2ID(lep)                        and
                          self.testLeg2Iso(lep, 0.3) ]
        # count electrons
        event.electrons = [electron for electron in self.buildElectrons(self.handles['electrons'].product(),event)
                           if self.testLegKine(electron, ptcut=10, etacut=2.5) and
                              electron.looseIdForTriLeptonVeto()               and
                              self.testVertex( electron )                      and
                              electron.relIsoAllChargedDB05() < 0.3]
        ####### what ID for veto means
        ####### http://cmssw.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cmssw.cgi/UserCode/CMG/CMGTools/RootTools/python/physicsobjects/HTauTauElectron.py?revision=1.10&view=markup

        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "W" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WW" in self.cfg_comp.name and not "WZ" in self.cfg_comp.name) :
          event.NUP = self.mchandles['source'].product().hepeup().NUP
          event.NUP = -1

        event.genMatched = None
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and ("DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name):
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            leg1DeltaR, leg2DeltaR = event.diLepton.match( event.genParticles ) 
            if leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1 and \
               leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1:
                event.genMatched = True
                event.genMatched = False
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23 and (gen.mother().mass()<80 or gen.mother().mass()>100):
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==23:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23, 25, 35, 36, 37]:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [23]:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [24]:
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "W"      in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = False
            event.genMatchedElectron = False
            event.genMatchedMuon = False
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11,13,15] and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24: # W -> tau nu
                    genTaus.append( gen )
            if len(genTaus)>=1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = ( float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = ( float('inf'), None) 
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(), event.diLepton.leg1().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(), event.diLepton.leg2().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    if dR2leg1 <  dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 <  dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg1Min )
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg2Min )
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                         event.genMatchedElectron = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                         event.genMatchedMuon = True
                    if ((leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) or \
                        (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1)) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                         event.genMatched = True
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "TTJets" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
            genTaus = []
            event.genMatched = 0
            event.genMatchedElectron = 0
            event.genMatchedMuon = 0
            for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId()) in [11,13,15] and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24: # W -> tau nu
                    genTaus.append( gen )
            if len(genTaus)>=1:
                dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = ( float('inf'), None)
                dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = ( float('inf'), None) 
                for genTau in genTaus:
                    dR2leg1 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg1().eta(), event.diLepton.leg1().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    dR2leg2 = deltaR2(event.diLepton.leg2().eta(), event.diLepton.leg2().phi(),
                                      genTau.eta(), genTau.phi() )
                    if dR2leg1 <  dR2leg1Min:
                        dR2leg1Min, event.diLepton.leg1Gen = (dR2leg1, genTau)
                    if dR2leg2 <  dR2leg2Min:
                        dR2leg2Min, event.diLepton.leg2Gen = (dR2leg2, genTau)
                    leg1DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg1Min )
                    leg2DeltaR = math.sqrt( dR2leg2Min )
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                    if (leg1DeltaR>-1 and leg1DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==11:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==13:
                    if (leg2DeltaR>-1 and leg2DeltaR < 0.1) and abs(genTau.pdgId())==15:
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==11 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==13 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==15 and abs(gen.mother().pdgId())==24:
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "QCD"    in self.cfg_comp.name:
            generator = self.mchandles['generator'].product()
            event.generatorWeight = generator.weight()
            event.eventWeight *= event.generatorWeight
        if self.cfg_comp.isMC and "HiggsGGH" in self.cfg_comp.name:
            genParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
            event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, genParticles)
	    for gen in genParticles:
                if abs(gen.pdgId())==25:
		    higgsPt = gen.pt()
	    event.higgsPtWeightNom  = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom.GetBinContent(self.higgsPtWeightHistogramNom.FindBin(higgsPt))
	    event.higgsPtWeightUp   = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp.GetBinContent(self.higgsPtWeightHistogramUp.FindBin(higgsPt))
	    event.higgsPtWeightDown = self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown.GetBinContent(self.higgsPtWeightHistogramDown.FindBin(higgsPt))
	else :
	  event.higgsPtWeightNom  = 1.
          event.higgsPtWeightUp   = 1.
          event.higgsPtWeightDown = 1.

        ## third lepton veto
        if len(event.muons)>0+len(event.electrons) > 0: ## FOR SYNCHING!!!
          return False

        if "DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
          event.isRealTau = 1
        else :
          event.isRealTau = 0  
        if not hasattr(event,'NJetWeight') :
          event.NJetWeight = 1.
        #event.name = self.cfg_comp.name
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        event.metsig    = self.handles['metSig'].product()

        return True

    def selectionSequence(self, event, fillCounter, leg1IsoCut=None, leg2IsoCut=None):

        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('all events')
        if len(event.diLeptons) == 0:
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('> 0 di-lepton')

        # testing di-lepton itself
        selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons
        if not self.leptonAccept( event.leptons ):
            return False
        if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('lepton accept')

        ## for embedded no hltPaths (for now)
        if not hasattr( event, 'hltPaths'):
            event.hltPaths = []

        matching = {}
        for trig in event.hltPaths :
          matching.update({trig:[-99,-99,-99]}) # {trigName:leg1,leg2,jet}
        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = []
        for trig in event.hltPaths :
          if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed : continue   ## no matching for the embed
          selDiLeptons = event.diLeptons
          if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0:
              # trigger matching leg1
              selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg1(), 'leg1', trig)]
              if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                  if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg1 trig matched')
          if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0:
              # trigger matching leg2
              selDiLeptons = [diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.trigMatched(event, diL.leg2(), 'leg2', trig)]
              if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                  if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg2 trig matched')
          if len(self.cfg_comp.triggers)>0 and len(self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[ trig ])>2:
              # trigger matching jet
              cmgJets = self.handles['jets'].product()
              for cmgJet in cmgJets:
                  jet = Jet( cmgJet )
                  if self.testJet( jet ):
	      for diL in selDiLeptons:
                  cleanJets, dummy = cleanObjectCollection( jets, masks = [ diL.leg1(), diL.leg2() ], deltaRMin = 0.5 )
                  if len(cleanJets)>0 and self.trigMatched(event, cleanJets[0], 'jet', trig):
                      selDiLeptonsNew += [diL]
	      selDiLeptons = selDiLeptonsNew
              if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
                  if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('jet trig matched')
          event.diLeptonsTrigMatched += selDiLeptons
        event.diLeptonsTrigMatched = set(event.diLeptonsTrigMatched)
        ### need unix style wild card to macth different trigger versions in data
        for trig in matching.keys() :
          if fnm(trig,'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau35_Trk*_eta2p1_v*') :
            event.l1TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][0]
            event.l2TrigMatched_diTau = matching[trig][1]      
          if fnm(trig,'HLT_DoubleMediumIsoPFTau*_Trk*_eta2p1_Jet30_v*') :
            event.l1TrigMatched_diTauJet  = matching[trig][0]
            event.l2TrigMatched_diTauJet  = matching[trig][1]
            event.jetTrigMatched_diTauJet = matching[trig][2]        
        # testing leg1
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg( diL.leg1() ) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg1 offline cuts passed')

        # testing leg2 
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testLeg( diL.leg2() ) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons) == 0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('leg2 offline cuts passed')

        # mass cut 
        selDiLeptons = [ diL for diL in selDiLeptons if self.testMass(diL) ]
        if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('{min:3.1f} < m < {max:3.1f}'.format( min = self.cfg_ana.m_min, max = self.cfg_ana.m_max ))

        # exactly one? 
        if len(selDiLeptons)==0:
            return False
        elif len(selDiLeptons)==1:
            if fillCounter: self.counters.counter('DiLepton').inc('exactly 1 di-lepton')
        event.diLepton = self.bestDiLepton( selDiLeptons )
        event.leg1 = event.diLepton.leg1()
        event.leg2 = event.diLepton.leg2()
        ### require trigger bit in Embedded RecHit
        if self.cfg_comp.isEmbed :
          if not event.hltPath : return False
        if "DY" in self.cfg_comp.name or "Higgs" in self.cfg_comp.name or self.cfg_comp.isEmbed:
          if event.leg1.decayMode() == 0 :
            event.leg1.prongWeight = 0.88
          else :
            event.leg1.prongWeight = 1.
          if event.leg2.decayMode() == 0 :
            event.leg2.prongWeight = 0.88
          else :
            event.leg2.prongWeight = 1.
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        return True
    def testLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt  = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso     = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva'  : #### Tau ID MVA
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5 # 0.884       
        if iso == 'mva2' : #### Tau ID MVA2
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5 # 0.90
        if iso == 'db3h' : #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10. #15. 
        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
	        leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > -0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > -0.5)

    def testLooseLeg(self, leg):
        leg_pt  = self.cfg_ana.pt
        leg_eta = self.cfg_ana.eta
        iso     = self.cfg_ana.isolation
        if iso == 'mva'  : #### Tau ID MVA
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byRawIsoMVA") > 0.5        
        if iso == 'mva2' : #### Tau ID MVA2
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byIsolationMVA2raw") > 0.5
        if iso == 'db3h' : #### Tau ID deltaBeta 3 hits
          test_leg_iso = leg.tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits") < 10. #15.
        return (test_leg_iso                                 and \
                leg.pt()>leg_pt and abs(leg.eta()) < leg_eta and \
	        leg.tauID("decayModeFinding")      > 0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstElectronLoose")  > -0.5     and \
	        leg.tauID("againstMuonLoose")      > -0.5)

    def passAntiEMVA(self, iCat, raw, WP=0) :
      iCat = int(iCat)
      if iCat<0  : return False
      if iCat>15 : return True
      cutsLoose     = [0.835,0.831,0.849,0.859,0.873,0.823,0.85 ,0.855,0.816,0.861,0.862,0.847,0.893,0.82 ,0.845,0.851]
      cutsMedium    = [0.933,0.921,0.944,0.945,0.918,0.941,0.981,0.943,0.956,0.947,0.951,0.95 ,0.897,0.958,0.955,0.942]
      cutsTight     = [ 0.96,0.968,0.971,0.972,0.969,0.959,0.981,0.965,0.975,0.972,0.974,0.971,0.897,0.971,0.961,0.97 ]
      cutsVeryTight = [0.978,0.98 ,0.982,0.985,0.977,0.974,0.989,0.977,0.986,0.983,0.984,0.983,0.971,0.987,0.977,0.981]
      cut = 0
      if WP==0  : cut = cutsLoose[iCat]
      if WP==1  : cut = cutsMedium[iCat]
      if WP==2  : cut = cutsTight[iCat]
      if WP==3  : cut = cutsVeryTight[iCat]
      return (raw>cut)

    def muonIso(self, muon ):
        '''dbeta corrected pf isolation with all charged particles instead of
        charged hadrons'''
        return muon.relIsoAllChargedDB05()

    def testLeg2ID(self, muon):
        '''Tight muon selection, no isolation requirement'''
        return muon.tightId() and \
               self.testVertex( muon )
    def testLeg2Iso(self, muon, isocut):
        '''Tight muon selection, with isolation requirement'''
        if isocut is None:
            isocut = self.cfg_ana.iso2
        return self.muonIso(muon)<isocut

    def testVertex(self, lepton):
        '''Tests vertex constraints, for mu and tau'''
        return abs(lepton.dxy()) < 0.045 and \
               abs(lepton.dz()) < 0.2 

    def testMuonIDLoose(self, muon):
        '''Loose muon ID and kine, no isolation requirement, for lepton veto'''        
        return muon.pt() > 15 and \
               abs( muon.eta() ) < 2.4 and \
               muon.isGlobalMuon() and \
               muon.isTrackerMuon() and \
               muon.sourcePtr().userFloat('isPFMuon') and \
               abs(muon.dz()) < 0.2
    def buildMuons(self, cmgLeptons, event):
        '''Build muons for veto, associate best vertex, select loose ID muons.
        The loose ID selection is done to ensure that the muon has an inner track.'''
        leptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgLeptons):
            pyl = Muon(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            if not self.testMuonIDLoose( pyl ):
            leptons.append( pyl )
        return leptons

    def buildElectrons(self, cmgOtherLeptons, event):
        '''Build electrons for third lepton veto, associate best vertex.
        otherLeptons = []
        for index, lep in enumerate(cmgOtherLeptons):
            pyl = Electron(lep)
            pyl.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
            #COLINTLV check ID 
            # if not self.testMuonIDLoose(pyl):
            #    continue
            otherLeptons.append( pyl )
        return otherLeptons

    def trigMatched(self, event, leg, legName, trigpath):
        '''Returns true if the leg is matched to a trigger object as defined in the
        triggerMap parameter'''
        if not hasattr( self.cfg_ana, 'triggerMap'):
            return True
        #path = event.hltPath this works if you have only one path
        path = trigpath
        #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
        triggerObjects = event.triggerObjects
        filters = self.cfg_ana.triggerMap[ path ]
        filter = None
        if   legName == 'leg1':
            filter = filters[0]
        elif legName == 'leg2':
            filter = filters[1]
        elif legName == 'jet':
            filter = filters[2]
            raise ValueError( 'legName should be leg1 or leg2, not {leg}'.format(
                leg=legName )  )
        # the default dR2Max value is 0.3^2
        pdgIds = None
        if len(filter) == 2:
            filter, pdgIds = filter[0], filter[1]
        return triggerMatched(leg, triggerObjects, path, filter,
                              pdgIds=pdgIds )

    def testJetID(self, jet):
        #jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId()
        jet.puJetIdPassed = jet.puJetId53X()
        jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.looseJetId()

        #jet.pfJetIdPassed = jet.getSelection('cuts_looseJetId')

        if self.cfg_ana.relaxJetId:
            return True
            return jet.puJetIdPassed and jet.pfJetIdPassed
    def testJet( self, jet ):
        # 2 is loose pile-up jet id
        return jet.pt()         > self.cfg_ana.jetPt  and \
               abs( jet.eta() ) < self.cfg_ana.jetEta and \