def run(path, amq, stomp, yarn=None, aggregation_schema=False, verbose=False): """ Main function to run pyspark job. It requires a schema file, an HDFS directory with data and optional script with mapper/reducer functions. """ # define spark context, it's main object which allow to communicate with spark ctx = spark_context('cms', yarn, verbose) if stomp and os.path.isfile(stomp): ctx.addPyFile(stomp) else: raise Exception('No stomp module egg is provided') if amq and os.path.isfile(amq): if amq.split('/')[-1] == 'amq_broker.json': ctx.addFile(amq) else: raise Exception( 'Wrong AMQ broker file name, please name it as amq_broker.json' ) else: raise Exception('No AMQ credential file is provided') sqlContext = HiveContext(ctx) hpath = "hadoop fs -ls %s | awk '{print $8}'" % path if verbose: print("### Read files: %s" % hpath) pipe = Popen(hpath, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) pipe.wait() pfiles = [ f for f in'\n') if f.find('part-') != -1 ] df = [] if aggregation_schema: df = unionAll(['com.databricks.spark.csv')\ .options(treatEmptyValuesAsNulls='true', nullValue='null', header='true') \ .load(fname, schema=aggregated_data_schema()) for fname in pfiles]) else: df = unionAll(['com.databricks.spark.csv')\ .options(treatEmptyValuesAsNulls='true', nullValue='null', header='true') \ .load(fname) for fname in pfiles]) # Register temporary tables to be able to use sqlContext.sql df.registerTempTable('df') print_rows(df, "DataFrame", verbose) print('Schema:') df.printSchema() # for testing uncomment line below # df.toJSON().foreachPartition(print_data) # send data to CERN MONIT via stomp AMQ, see send2monit function df.toJSON().foreachPartition(send2monit) ctx.stop()
def run(date, fout, yarn=None, verbose=None, inst='GLOBAL'): """ Main function to run pyspark job. It requires a schema file, an HDFS directory with data and optional script with mapper/reducer functions. """ # define spark context, it's main object which allow to communicate with spark ctx = spark_context('cms', yarn, verbose) sqlContext = SQLContext(ctx) # read DBS and Phedex tables tables = {} dtables = ['daf', 'ddf', 'bdf', 'fdf', 'aef', 'pef', 'mcf', 'ocf', 'rvf'] tables.update(dbs_tables(sqlContext, inst=inst, verbose=verbose, tables=dtables)) # tables.update(phedex_tables(sqlContext, verbose=verbose)) # phedex_df = tables['phedex_df'] daf = tables['daf'] # dataset access table ddf = tables['ddf'] # dataset table bdf = tables['bdf'] # block table fdf = tables['fdf'] # file table aef = tables['aef'] # acquisition era pef = tables['pef'] # processing era table mcf = tables['mcf'] # output mod config table ocf = tables['ocf'] # output module table rvf = tables['rvf'] # release version table # read Condor rdd # tables.update(condor_tables(sqlContext, hdir='hdfs:///cms/users/vk/condor', date=condor_date(date), verbose=verbose)) tables.update(condor_tables(sqlContext, date=condor_date(date), verbose=verbose)) condor_df = tables['condor_df'] # aaa table # aggregate dbs info into dataframe cols = ['d_dataset_id', 'd_dataset','d_creation_date','d_is_dataset_valid','f_event_count','f_file_size','dataset_access_type','acquisition_era_name','processing_version'] stmt = 'SELECT %s FROM ddf JOIN fdf on ddf.d_dataset_id = fdf.f_dataset_id JOIN daf ON ddf.d_dataset_access_type_id = daf.dataset_access_type_id JOIN aef ON ddf.d_acquisition_era_id = aef.acquisition_era_id JOIN pef ON ddf.d_processing_era_id = pef.processing_era_id' % ','.join(cols) print(stmt) joins = sqlContext.sql(stmt) # construct conditions cond = 'dataset_access_type = "VALID" AND d_is_dataset_valid = 1' fjoin = joins.where(cond).distinct().select(cols) # at this step we have fjoin table with Row(d_dataset_id=9413359, d_dataset=u'/SingleMu/CMSSW_7_1_0_pre9-GR_R_71_V4_RelVal_mu2012D_TEST-v6000/DQM', d_creation_date=1406060166.0, d_is_dataset_valid=1, f_event_count=5318, f_file_size=21132638.0, dataset_access_type=u'DELETED', acquisition_era_name=u'CMSSW_7_1_0_pre9', processing_version=u'6000')) newdf = fjoin\ .groupBy(['d_dataset','d_dataset_id','dataset_access_type','acquisition_era_name','processing_version'])\ .agg({'f_event_count':'sum', 'f_file_size':'sum', 'd_creation_date':'max'})\ .withColumnRenamed('sum(f_event_count)', 'evts')\ .withColumnRenamed('sum(f_file_size)', 'size')\ .withColumnRenamed('max(d_creation_date)', 'date') # at this point we have ndf dataframe with our collected stats for every dataset # let's join it with release info newdf.registerTempTable('newdf') cols = ['d_dataset_id','d_dataset','evts','size','date','dataset_access_type','acquisition_era_name','processing_version','r_release_version'] stmt = 'SELECT %s FROM newdf JOIN mcf ON newdf.d_dataset_id = mcf.mc_dataset_id JOIN ocf ON mcf.mc_output_mod_config_id = ocf.oc_output_mod_config_id JOIN rvf ON ocf.oc_release_version_id = rvf.r_release_version_id' % ','.join(cols) agg_dbs_df = sqlContext.sql(stmt) agg_dbs_df.registerTempTable('agg_dbs_df') # merge dbs+phedex and Condor data cols = ['d_dataset','evts','size','date','dataset_access_type','acquisition_era_name','r_release_version'] cols = cols + ['data.KEvents', 'data.CMSSWKLumis', 'data.CMSSWWallHrs', 'data.Campaign', 'data.Workflow', 'data.CpuEff', 'data.CoreHr', 'data.QueueHrs', 'data.CRAB_UserHN', 'data.Type', 'data.ExitCode', 'data.TaskType', 'data.RecordTime'] stmt = 'SELECT %s FROM condor_df JOIN agg_dbs_df ON agg_dbs_df.d_dataset = WHERE > 0' % ','.join(cols) # stmt = 'SELECT %s FROM condor_df JOIN dbs_phedex_df ON dbs_phedex_df.d_dataset = WHERE > 0' % ','.join(cols) final_df = sqlContext.sql(stmt) print_rows(final_df, stmt, verbose) # keep table around final_df.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) # user defined function def rate(evts, cores): "Calculate the rate of events vs cores, if they're not defineed return -1" if evts and cores: return float(evts)/float(cores) return -1. func_rate = udf(rate, DoubleType()) # our output store = {} # conditions # load pyspark functions to be used here to redefine any previous usage of those names from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, sum, count, col, split # here we split dataframe based on exitcode conditions to reduce dimentionality # of the input, otherwise job crashes with Integer.MAX_VALUE exception which # basically tells that input dataframe exceed number of available partitions for ecode in [0,1]: if ecode == 0: refdf = final_df.where(col('ExitCode') == 0) condf = condor_df.where(col('data.ExitCode') == 0) else: refdf = final_df.where(col('ExitCode') != 0) condf = condor_df.where(col('data.ExitCode') != 0) refdf.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) condf.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) # aggregate CMS datasets cols = ['data.DESIRED_CMSDataset', 'data.CRAB_UserHN', 'data.ExitCode', 'data.Type', 'data.TaskType', 'data.RecordTime'] xdf = condf.groupBy(cols)\ .agg(sum('data.KEvents').alias('sum_evts'),sum('data.CoreHr').alias('sum_chr'))\ .withColumn('date', lit(date))\ .withColumn('rate', func_rate(col('sum_evts'),col('sum_chr')))\ .withColumn("tier", split(col('DESIRED_CMSDataset'), "/").alias('tier').getItem(3))\ .withColumnRenamed('CRAB_UserHN', 'user')\ .withColumnRenamed('RecordTime', 'rec_time')\ .withColumnRenamed('DESIRED_CMSDataset', 'dataset') store.setdefault('dataset', []).append(xdf) # aggregate across campaign cols = ['data.Campaign', 'data.CRAB_UserHN', 'data.ExitCode', 'data.Type', 'data.TaskType', 'data.RecordTime'] xdf = condf.groupBy(cols)\ .agg(sum('data.KEvents').alias('sum_evts'),sum('data.CoreHr').alias('sum_chr'))\ .withColumn('date', lit(date))\ .withColumn('rate', func_rate(col('sum_evts'),col('sum_chr')))\ .withColumnRenamed('CRAB_UserHN', 'user')\ .withColumnRenamed('RecordTime', 'rec_time')\ .withColumnRenamed('Campaign', 'campaign') store.setdefault('campaign', []).append(xdf) # aggregate across DBS releases cols = ['r_release_version', 'CRAB_UserHN', 'ExitCode', 'Type', 'TaskType', 'RecordTime'] xdf = refdf.groupBy(cols)\ .agg(sum('KEvents').alias('sum_evts'),sum('CoreHr').alias('sum_chr'))\ .withColumn('date', lit(date))\ .withColumn('rate', func_rate(col('sum_evts'),col('sum_chr')))\ .withColumnRenamed('CRAB_UserHN', 'user')\ .withColumnRenamed('RecordTime', 'rec_time')\ .withColumnRenamed('r_release_version', 'release') store.setdefault('release', []).append(xdf) # aggregate across DBS eras cols = ['acquisition_era_name', 'CRAB_UserHN', 'ExitCode', 'Type', 'TaskType', 'RecordTime'] xdf = refdf.groupBy(cols)\ .agg(sum('KEvents').alias('sum_evts'),sum('CoreHr').alias('sum_chr'))\ .withColumn('date', lit(date))\ .withColumn('rate', func_rate(col('sum_evts'),col('sum_chr')))\ .withColumnRenamed('CRAB_UserHN', 'user')\ .withColumnRenamed('RecordTime', 'rec_time')\ .withColumnRenamed('acquisition_era_name', 'era') store.setdefault('era', []).append(xdf) # write out results back to HDFS, the fout parameter defines area on HDFS # it is either absolute path or area under /user/USERNAME if fout: year, month, day = split_date(date) for col in store.keys(): out = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (fout, col, year, month, day) print("output: %s" % out) odf = unionAll(store[col]) print("%s rows: %s" % (col, odf.count())) print_rows(odf, col, verbose=1) odf.write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv")\ .option("header", "true").save(out) ctx.stop()