コード例 #1
ファイル: SubCommand.py プロジェクト: blinkseb/CRABClient
class SubCommand(ConfigCommand):

    ####### These options can be overrhidden if needed ########
    ## setting visible = False doesn't allow the sub-command to be called from CLI
    visible = True
    proxyfilename = None
    shortnames = []
    usage = "usage: %prog [command-options] [args]"
    #Default command name is the name of the command class, but it is also possible to set the name attribute in the subclass
    #if the command name does not correspond to the class name (getlog => get-log)

    def getUrl(self, instance='prod', resource='workflow'):
        Retrieve the url depending on the resource we are accessing and the instance.
        if instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
            return BASEURL + instance + '/' + resource
        elif instance == 'private':
            return BASEURL + 'dev' + '/' + resource
        raise ConfigurationException('Error: only %s instances can be used.' % str(SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys()))

    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs = None, disable_interspersed_args = False):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__

        ## The command logger.
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = self.logger.logfile
        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))

        self.proxy = None
        self.restClass = CRABClient.Emulator.getEmulator('rest')

        ## Get the command configuration.
        self.cmdconf = commandsConfiguration.get(self.name)

        ## Get the CRAB cache file.
        self.crab3dic = self.getConfiDict()

        ## The options parser.
        self.parser = CRABCmdOptParser(self.name, self.__doc__,  disable_interspersed_args)

        ## Define the command options.

        ## Parse the command options/arguments.
        cmdargs = cmdargs or []
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(cmdargs)

        ## Validate the command options.

        ## Get the VO group/role from the command options (if the command requires these
        ## options).
        proxyOptsSetPlace = {'set_in': {'group': "default", 'role': "default"}, 'for_set_use': ""}
        msgadd = []
        self.voGroup, self.voRole = "", "NULL"
        if self.cmdconf['requiresProxyVOOptions']:
            proxyOptsSetPlace['for_set_use'] = "cmdopts"
            if self.options.voGroup is not None:
                self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['group'] = "cmdopts"
                msgadd.append("VO group '%s'" % (self.voGroup))
            if self.options.voRole is not None:
                self.voRole = self.options.voRole if self.options.voRole != "" else "NULL"
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['role'] = "cmdopts"
                msgadd.append("VO role '%s'" % (self.voRole))
        if msgadd:
            msg = "Using %s as specified in the crab command options." % (" and ".join(msgadd))

        ## Create the object that will do the proxy operations. We don't really care
        ## what VO role and group and server URL we pass to the constructor, because
        ## these are not used until we do the proxy delegation to the myproxy server.
        ## And this happens in handleProxy(), which is called after we load the
        ## configuration file and retrieve the final values for those parameters.
        ## handleProxy() takes care of passing those parameters to self.proxy.
        self.proxy = CredentialInteractions('', '', self.voRole, self.voGroup, self.logger, '')

        ## If the user didn't use the --proxy command line option, and if there isn't a
        ## valid proxy already, we create a new one with the current VO role and group
        ## (as commented above, we don't really care what are the VO role and group so
        ## far).
        self.proxyCreated = False
        if not self.options.proxy and self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
            self.proxyCreated = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxySimple(timeLeftThreshold = 720)

        ## If there is an input configuration file:
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            proxyOptsSetPlace['for_set_use'] = "config"
            ## Load the configuration file and validate it.
            self.loadConfig(self.options.config, self.args)
            ## Create the CRAB project directory.
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(self.logger, \
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None), \
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            ## Get the VO group/role from the configuration file.
            msgadd = []
            if hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup'):
                self.voGroup = self.configuration.User.voGroup
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['group'] = "config"
                msgadd.append("VO group '%s'" % (self.voGroup))
            if hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole'):
                self.voRole = self.configuration.User.voRole if self.configuration.User.voRole != "" else "NULL"
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['role'] = "config"
                msgadd.append("VO role '%s'" % (self.voRole))
            if msgadd:
                msg = "Using %s as specified in the CRAB configuration file." % (" and ".join(msgadd))

        ## If an input project directory was given, load the request cache and take the
        ## server URL from it. If the VO group/role was not given in the command options,
        ## take it also from the request cache.
        if self.cmdconf['requiresDirOption']:

        ## If the server URL isn't already set, we check the args and then the config.
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl') and self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()
        elif not self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = None, None

        ## Update (or create) the CRAB cache file.

        ## At this point there should be a valid proxy, because we have already checked that and
        ## eventually created a new one. If the proxy was not created by CRAB, we check that the
        ## VO role/group in the proxy are the same as specified by the user in the configuration
        ## file (or in the command line options). If it is not, we ask the user if he wants to 
        ## overwrite the current proxy. If he doesn't want to overwrite it, we don't continue 
        ## and ask him to provide the VO role/group as in the existing proxy. 
        ## Finally, delegate the proxy to myproxy server.

        ## Logging user command and options used for debuging purpose.
        self.logger.debug('Command use: %s' % self.name)
        self.logger.debug('Options use: %s' % cmdargs)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.checkversion(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
            self.uri = self.getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" %(self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" %(self.serverurl))
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.logger.debug("Command url %s" %(self.uri))

    def serverInstance(self):
        Deriving the correct instance to use and the server url. Client is allowed to propagate the instance name and corresponding url
        via crabconfig.py or crab option --instance. The variable passed via crab option will always be used over the variable
        in crabconfig.py. Instance name other than specify in the SERVICE_INSTANCE will be treated as a private instance.

        if hasattr(self.options, 'instance') and self.options.instance is not None:
            if hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'instance') and self.configuration.General.instance is not None:
                msg  = "%sWarning%s: CRAB configuration parameter General.instance is overwritten by the command option --instance;" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " %s intance will be used." % (self.options.instance)
            if self.options.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.options.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.options.instance
        elif hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'instance') and self.configuration.General.instance is not None:
            if self.configuration.General.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.configuration.General.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.configuration.General.instance
            instance = getParamDefaultValue('General.instance')
            serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]

        return instance, serverurl

    def checkversion(self, baseurl = None):
        compatibleVersions = server_info('version', self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, baseurl)
        for item in compatibleVersions:
            if re.match(item, __version__):
                self.logger.debug("CRABClient version: %s" % (__version__))
            msg  = "%sWarning%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
            msg += " Incompatible CRABClient version %s" % (__version__ )
            msg += "\nServer is saying that compatible versions are: %s" % [v.replace("\\", "") for v in compatibleVersions]

    def handleProxy(self, proxyOptsSetPlace):
        Init the user proxy, and delegate it if necessary.
        if not self.options.proxy:
            if self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
                self.proxy.setVOGroupVORole(self.voGroup, self.voRole)
                self.proxyfilename = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxy(timeLeftThreshold = 720, \
                                                                   doProxyGroupRoleCheck = self.cmdconf['doProxyGroupRoleCheck'], \
                                                                   proxyCreatedByCRAB = self.proxyCreated, \
                                                                   proxyOptsSetPlace = proxyOptsSetPlace)
                if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']: ## If the command doesn't contact the REST, we can't delegate the proxy.
                    self.proxy.myproxyAccount = self.serverurl
                    baseurl = self.getUrl(self.instance, resource = 'info')
                    ## Get the DN of the task workers from the server.
                    all_task_workers_dns = server_info('delegatedn', self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, baseurl)
                    for serverdn in all_task_workers_dns['services']:
                        self.logger.debug("Registering user credentials for server %s" % serverdn)
                        self.proxy.createNewMyProxy(timeleftthreshold = 60 * 60 * 24 * RENEW_MYPROXY_THRESHOLD, nokey = True)
            self.proxyfilename = self.options.proxy
            os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = self.options.proxy
            self.logger.debug('Skipping proxy creation')

    def loadLocalCache(self, proxyOptsSetPlace):
        Loads the client cache and set up the server url
        self.requestarea, self.requestname = getWorkArea(self.options.projdir)
        self.cachedinfo, self.logfile = loadCache(self.requestarea, self.logger)
        port = ':' + self.cachedinfo['Port'] if self.cachedinfo['Port'] else ''
        self.instance = self.cachedinfo['instance']
        self.serverurl = self.cachedinfo['Server'] + port
        msgadd = []
        if self.cmdconf['requiresProxyVOOptions'] and self.options.voGroup is None:
            self.voGroup = self.cachedinfo['voGroup']
            proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['group'] = "cache"
            msgadd.append("VO group '%s'" % (self.voGroup))
        if self.cmdconf['requiresProxyVOOptions'] and self.options.voRole is None:
            self.voRole = self.cachedinfo['voRole']
            proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['role'] = "cache"
            msgadd.append("VO role '%s'" % (self.voRole))
        if msgadd:
            msg = "Using %s as written in the request cache file for this task." % (" and ".join(msgadd))

    def getConfiDict(self):
        Load the CRAB cache file (~/.crab3). If it doesn't exist, create one.
        crabCacheFileName = self.crabcachepath()
        if not os.path.isfile(crabCacheFileName):
            msg = "Could not find CRAB cache file %s; creating a new one." % (crabCacheFileName)
            configdict = {'crab_project_directory': ''}
            crabCacheFileName_tmp = "%s.%s" % (crabCacheFileName, os.getpid())
            with open(crabCacheFileName_tmp, 'w') as fd:
                json.dump(configdict, fd)
            os.rename(crabCacheFileName_tmp, crabCacheFileName)
            return configdict
            msg = "Found CRAB cache file %s" % (crabCacheFileName)
            with open(crabCacheFileName, 'r') as fd:
                configdict = json.load(fd)
        except ValueError:
            msg  = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
            msg += " Error loading CRAB cache file."
            msg += " Try to do 'rm -rf %s' and run the crab command again." % (crabCacheFileName)
            raise ConfigurationException(msg)
        if 'crab_project_directory' not in configdict:
            configdict['crab_project_directory'] = configdict.get('taskname', '')
        if 'taskname' in configdict:
            del configdict['taskname']
        return configdict

    def crabcachepath(self):
        if 'CRAB3_CACHE_FILE' in os.environ:
            if os.path.isabs(os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']):
                return os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']
                msg  = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " Invalid path in environment variable CRAB3_CACHE_FILE: %s" % (os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE'])
                msg += " Please export a valid full path."
                raise EnvironmentException(msg)
            return str(os.path.expanduser('~')) + '/.crab3'

    def updateCRABCacheFile(self):
        Update the CRAB cache file.
        So far this file contains only the path of the last used CRAB project directory.
        if self.cmdconf['requiresDirOption'] or getattr(self, 'requestarea', None):
            self.crab3dic['crab_project_directory'] = self.requestarea
            crabCacheFileName = self.crabcachepath()
            crabCacheFileName_tmp = "%s.%s" % (crabCacheFileName, os.getpid())
            with open(crabCacheFileName_tmp, 'w') as fd:
                json.dump(self.crab3dic, fd)
            os.rename(crabCacheFileName_tmp, crabCacheFileName)

    def __call__(self):
        self.logger.info("This is a 'nothing to do' command")
        raise NotImplementedError

    def terminate(self, exitcode):
        #We do not want to print logfile for each command...
        if exitcode < 2000:
            if getattr(self.options, 'dump', False) or getattr(self.options, 'xroot', False):
                self.logger.debug("Log file is %s" % os.path.abspath(self.logfile))
                self.logger.info("Log file is %s" % os.path.abspath(self.logfile))

    def setOptions(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def setSuperOptions(self):
            #add command related options
        except NotImplementedError:


    def validateOptions(self):

        Validate the command line options of the command.
        Raise a ConfigurationException in case of error; don't do anything if ok.

        if self.cmdconf['requiresDirOption']:
            if self.options.projdir is None:
                if len(self.args) > 1:
                    msg  = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                    msg += " 'crab %s' command accepts at most 1 argument (a path to a CRAB project directory), %d given." % (self.name, len(self.args))
                    raise ConfigurationException(msg)
                elif len(self.args) == 1 and self.args[0]:
                    self.options.projdir = self.args.pop(0)
                elif self.cmdconf['useCache'] and self.crab3dic.get('crab_project_directory'):
                    self.options.projdir = str(self.crab3dic['crab_project_directory'])
            if self.options.projdir is None:
                msg  = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " Please indicate the CRAB project directory with --dir=<project-directory>."
                ex = MissingOptionException(msg)
                ex.missingOption = "task"
                raise ex
            if not os.path.isdir(self.options.projdir):
                msg  = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " %s is not a valid CRAB project directory." % (self.options.projdir)
                raise ConfigurationException(msg)

        ## If the command does not take any arguments, but some arguments were passed,
        ## clear the arguments list and give a warning message saying that the given
        ## arguments will be ignored.
        if not self.cmdconf['acceptsArguments'] and len(self.args):
            msg  = "%sWarning%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
            msg += " 'crab %s' command takes no arguments, %d given." % (self.name, len(self.args))
            msg += " Ignoring arguments %s." % (self.args)
            self.args = []
コード例 #2
ファイル: SubCommand.py プロジェクト: khurtado/CRABClient
class SubCommand(ConfigCommand):

    ####### These options can be overrhidden if needed ########
    ## setting visible = False doesn't allow the sub-command to be called from CLI
    visible = True
    proxyfilename = None
    shortnames = []
    usage = "usage: %prog [command-options] [args]"
    #Default command name is the name of the command class, but it is also possible to set the name attribute in the subclass
    #if the command name does not correspond to the class name (getlog => get-log)

    def getUrl(self, instance='prod', resource='workflow'):
        Retrieve the url depending on the resource we are accessing and the instance.
        if instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
            return BASEURL + instance + '/' + resource
        elif instance == 'private':
            return BASEURL + 'dev' + '/' + resource
        raise ConfigurationException('Error: only %s instances can be used.' %str(SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys()))

    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs = None, disable_interspersed_args = False):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.usage = "usage: %prog " + self.name + " [options] [args]"
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = self.logger.logfile
        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))

        self.proxy = None
        self.restClass = CRABClient.Emulator.getEmulator('rest')
        self.cmdconf = commands_configuration.get(self.name)
        self.crab3dic = self.getConfiDict()

        self.parser = OptionParser(description = self.__doc__, usage = self.usage, add_help_option = True)
        ## TODO: check on self.name should be removed (creating another abstraction in between or refactoring this)
        if disable_interspersed_args:
        ## Parse the command line parameters.
        cmdargs = cmdargs or []
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(cmdargs)

        ## Validate the command line parameters before initializing the proxy.

        ## Retrieve VO role/group from the command line parameters.
        self.voRole  = self.options.voRole  if self.options.voRole  is not None else ''
        self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup if self.options.voGroup is not None else ''

        ## Create the object that will do the proxy operations. We ignore the VO role/group and
        ## server URL in the initialization, because they are not used until we do the proxy
        ## delegation to myproxy server. And the delegation happends in handleProxy(), which is
        ## called after we load the configuration file and retrieve the final values for those
        ## parameters. handleProxy() takes care of passing those parameters to self.proxy.
        self.proxy = CredentialInteractions('', '', self.voRole, self.voGroup, self.logger, '')

        ## Create a new proxy (if there isn't a valid one already) with current VO role/group.
        ## The VO role/group are not relevant for the proxy. We only want to check that the
        ## user doesn't expect the proxy to have different VO role/group than those specified
        ## in the configuration file, but this check is done later in handleProxy() after we
        ## load the configuration file.
        self.proxy_created = False
        if not self.options.proxy and self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
            self.proxy_created = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxySimple(time_left_threshold = 720)

        ## If we get an input configuration file:
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            ## Load the configuration file and validate it.
            self.loadConfig(self.options.config, self.args)
            ## Create the CRAB project directory.
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(self.logger,
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            ## If VO role/group were not given in the command options, get them from the configuration file.
            ## If they are specified in both places, print a message saying that the command options will be used.
            if self.options.voRole  is None and hasattr(self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voRole  = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole',  '')
            if self.options.voGroup is None and hasattr(self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voGroup = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup', '')
            if (self.options.voRole  is not None) and (hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole' )):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO role specified in the configuration file. Using VO role \"%s\" "
                if self.voRole == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO role) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voRole)
            if (self.options.voGroup is not None) and (hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup')):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO group specified in the configuration file. Using VO group \"%s\" "
                if self.voGroup == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO group) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voGroup)

        ## If we get an input task, we load the cache and set the server URL and VO role/group from it.
        if hasattr(self.options, 'task') and self.options.task:

        ## If the server url isn't already set, we check the args and then the config.
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl') and self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()
        elif not self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = None, None

        ## Update (or create) the .crab3 cache file.

        ## At this point there should be a valid proxy, because we have already checked that and
        ## eventually created a new one. If the proxy was not created by CRAB, we check that the
        ## VO role/group in the proxy are the same as specified by the user in the configuration
        ## file (or in the command line options). If it is not, we ask the user if he wants to 
        ## overwrite the current proxy. If he doesn't want to overwrite it, we don't continue 
        ## and ask him to provide the VO role/group as in the existing proxy. 
        ## Finally, delegate the proxy to myproxy server.

        ## Logging user command and options used for debuging purpose.
        self.logger.debug('Command use: %s' % self.name)
        self.logger.debug('Options use: %s' % cmdargs)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.checkversion(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
            self.uri = self.getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" %(self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" %(self.serverurl))
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.logger.debug("Command url %s" %(self.uri))

    def serverInstance(self):
        Deriving the correct instance to use and the server url. Client is allowed to propagate the instance name and corresponding url
        via crabconfig.py or crab option --instance. The variable passed via crab option will always be used over the variable
        in crabconfig.py. Instance name other than specify in the SERVICE_INSTANCE will be treated as a private instance.
        serverurl = None

        #Will be use to print available instances
        available_instances = ', '.join(SERVICE_INSTANCES)

        if hasattr(self.options, 'instance') and not self.options.instance is None:
            if hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'instance') and not self.configuration.General.instance is None:
                self.logger.info('%sWarning%s: Instance value in configuration file is overwritten by the option command, %s intance will be use ' % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL, self.options.instance))

            if self.options.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.options.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.options.instance
        elif hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'instance') and not self.configuration.General.instance is None:
            if self.configuration.General.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.configuration.General.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.configuration.General.instance
            instance = 'prod'
            serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]

        return instance, serverurl

    def checkversion(self, baseurl = None):
        compatibleversion = server_info('version', self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, baseurl)
        if __version__ in compatibleversion:
            self.logger.debug("CRABClient version: %s Compatible"  % __version__)
            self.logger.info("%sWARNING%s: Incompatible CRABClient version \"%s\" " % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL , __version__ ))
            self.logger.info("Server is saying that compatible versions are: %s"  % compatibleversion)

    def handleProxy(self):
        Init the user proxy, and delegate it if necessary.
        if not self.options.proxy:
            if self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
                self.proxy.setVOGroupVORole(self.voGroup, self.voRole)
                _, self.proxyfilename = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxy(time_left_threshold = 720, proxy_created_by_crab = self.proxy_created)
                if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']: ## If the command doesn't contact the REST, we can't delegate the proxy.
                    self.proxy.myproxyAccount = self.serverurl
                    baseurl = self.getUrl(self.instance, resource = 'info')
                    ## Get the DN of the task workers from the server.
                    all_task_workers_dns = server_info('delegatedn', self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename, baseurl)
                    for serverdn in all_task_workers_dns['services']:
                        self.logger.debug("Registering user credentials for server %s" % serverdn)
                        self.proxy.createNewMyProxy(timeleftthreshold = 60 * 60 * 24 * RENEW_MYPROXY_THRESHOLD, nokey = True)
            self.proxyfilename = self.options.proxy
            os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = self.options.proxy
            self.logger.debug('Skipping proxy creation')

    def loadLocalCache(self, serverurl = None):
        Loads the client cache and set up the server url
        self.requestarea, self.requestname = getWorkArea( self.options.task )
        self.cachedinfo, self.logfile = loadCache(self.requestarea, self.logger)
        port = ':' + self.cachedinfo['Port'] if self.cachedinfo['Port'] else ''
        self.instance = self.cachedinfo['instance']
        self.serverurl = self.cachedinfo['Server'] + port
        self.voRole = self.cachedinfo['voRole'] #if not self.options.voRole else self.options.voRole
        self.voGroup = self.cachedinfo['voGroup'] #if not self.options.voGroup else self.options.voGroup

    def getConfiDict(self):

        crab3fdir = self.crabcachepath()
        if not os.path.isfile(crab3fdir):
            self.logger.debug("Could not find %s file; creating a new one" % crab3fdir)
            crab3f = open(crab3fdir,'w')
            #creating a user dict, do add for future use
            configdict = { "taskname" : None }
            return configdict
            try :
                self.logger.debug("Found %s file" % crab3fdir)
                crab3f = open(crab3fdir,'r')
                configdict = json.load(crab3f)
            except ValueError:
                self.logger.info('%sError%s: Error in reading json file\nTry to do "rm -rf ~/.crab3", and run the crab command again'% (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL))
                raise ConfigurationException
            return configdict

    def crabcachepath(self):

         if 'CRAB3_CACHE_FILE' in os.environ and os.path.isabs(os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']):
             return os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']
         elif 'CRAB3_CACHE_FILE' in os.environ and not os.path.isabs(os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']):
             msg = '%sError%s: An invalid path is use for CRAB3_CACHE_FILE, please export a valid full path' % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
             raise EnvironmentException(msg)
             return str(os.path.expanduser('~')) + '/.crab3'

    def updateCrab3(self):
        if self.cmdconf['requiresTaskOption'] or hasattr(self,'requestname') and self.requestname != None:
            crab3f = open(crab3fdir, 'w')
            self.crab3dic['taskname'] = self.requestarea
            json.dump(self.crab3dic, crab3f)

    def __call__(self):
        self.logger.info("This is a 'nothing to do' command")
        raise NotImplementedError

    def terminate(self, exitcode):
        #We do not want to print logfile for each command...
        if exitcode < 2000:
            if getattr(self.options, 'dump', False) or getattr(self.options, 'xroot', False):
                self.logger.debug("Log file is %s" % os.path.abspath(self.logfile))
                self.logger.info("Log file is %s" % os.path.abspath(self.logfile))

    def setOptions(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def setSuperOptions(self):
        except NotImplementedError:

                               dest = "proxy",
                               default = False,
                               help = "Use the given proxy. Skip Grid proxy creation and myproxy delegation.")

        if self.cmdconf['requiresTaskOption']:
            self.parser.add_option("-d", "--dir",
                                   dest = "task",
                                   default = None,
                                   help = "Path to the crab project directory for which the crab command should be executed.")
            self.parser.add_option("-t", "--task",
                                   dest = "oldtask",
                                   default = None,
                                   help = "Deprecated option renamed to -d/--dir in CRAB v3.3.12.")

                               dest = "voRole",
                               default = None)

                               dest = "voGroup",
                               default = None)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:

                                   dest = "instance",
                                   type = "string",
                                   help = "Running instance of CRAB service. Valid values are %s." %str(SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys()))

    def validateOptions(self):

        Validate the command line options of the command.
        Raise a ConfigurationException in case of error; don't do anything if ok.

        if self.cmdconf['requiresTaskOption'] and self.options.oldtask is not None:
            msg = "CRAB command line option error: the option -t/--task has been renamed to -d/--dir."
            raise UnknownOptionException(msg)

        if self.cmdconf['requiresTaskOption'] and self.options.task is None:
            if len(self.args) == 1 and self.args[0]:
                self.options.task = self.args[0]
            elif self.cmdconf['useCache'] and self.crab3dic['taskname'] != None:
                self.options.task = self.crab3dic['taskname']
                raise MissingOptionException('ERROR: Task option is required.')
コード例 #3
ファイル: SubCommand.py プロジェクト: smuzaffar/CRABClient
class SubCommand(ConfigCommand):

    ####### These options can be overrhidden if needed ########
    ## setting visible = False doesn't allow the sub-command to be called from CLI
    visible = True
    proxyfilename = None
    shortnames = []
    usage = "usage: %prog [command-options] [args]"

    #Default command name is the name of the command class, but it is also possible to set the name attribute in the subclass
    #if the command name does not correspond to the class name (getlog => get-log)

    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs=None, disable_interspersed_args=False):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__

        ## The command logger.
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = self.logger.logfile

        localSystem = subprocess.check_output(['uname', '-a']).strip('\n')
            localOS = subprocess.check_output(
                ['grep', 'PRETTY_NAME', '/etc/os-release'],
            localOS = localOS.split('=')[1].strip('"')
                localOS = subprocess.check_output(['lsb_release',
                localOS = localOS.split(':')[1].strip()
                localOS = "Unknown Operating System"
        self.logger.debug("Running on: " + localSystem + " - " + localOS)

        opensslInfo = subprocess.check_output(["openssl",
        self.logger.debug("OpenSSl version: %s", opensslInfo)
        opensslVersion = opensslInfo.split()[1]
        nDots = opensslVersion.count(".")
        if float(opensslVersion.rsplit(".", nDots - 1)[0]) > 1:
            raise EnvironmentException(
                "Your OpenSSl version (%s) is not supported. Supported versions are < 1.1"
                % opensslVersion)

        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))

        self.proxy = None
        self.restClass = CRABClient.Emulator.getEmulator('rest')

        ## Get the command configuration.
        self.cmdconf = commandsConfiguration.get(self.name)
        if not self.cmdconf:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Canot find command %s in commandsConfiguration inside ClientMapping. Are you a developer"
                "trying to add a command without it's correspondant configuration?"
                % self.name)

        ## Get the CRAB cache file.
        self.cachedinfo = None
        self.crab3dic = self.getConfiDict()

        ## The options parser.
        self.parser = CRABCmdOptParser(self.name, self.__doc__,

        ## Define the command options.

        ## Parse the command options/arguments.
        cmdargs = cmdargs or []
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(cmdargs)

        self.transferringIds = None
        self.dest = None

        ## Validate first the SubCommand options
        ## then the config option for the submit command

        ## Get the VO group/role from the command options (if the command requires these
        ## options).
        proxyOptsSetPlace = {
            'set_in': {
                'group': "default",
                'role': "default"
            'for_set_use': ""
        msgadd = []
        self.voGroup, self.voRole = "", "NULL"
        if self.cmdconf['requiresProxyVOOptions']:
            proxyOptsSetPlace['for_set_use'] = "cmdopts"
            if self.options.voGroup is not None:
                self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['group'] = "cmdopts"
                msgadd.append("VO group '%s'" % (self.voGroup))
            if self.options.voRole is not None:
                self.voRole = self.options.voRole if self.options.voRole != "" else "NULL"
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['role'] = "cmdopts"
                msgadd.append("VO role '%s'" % (self.voRole))
        if msgadd:
            msg = "Using %s as specified in the crab command options." % (
                " and ".join(msgadd))

        ## Create the object that will do the proxy operations. We don't really care
        ## what VO role and group and server URL we pass to the constructor, because
        ## these are not used until we do the proxy delegation to the myproxy server.
        ## And this happens in handleProxy(), which is called after we load the
        ## configuration file and retrieve the final values for those parameters.
        ## handleProxy() takes care of passing those parameters to self.proxy.
        self.proxy = CredentialInteractions('', '', self.voRole, self.voGroup,
                                            self.logger, '')

        ## If the user didn't use the --proxy command line option, and if there isn't a
        ## valid proxy already, we create a new one with the current VO role and group
        ## (as commented above, we don't really care what are the VO role and group so
        ## far).
        self.proxyCreated = False
        if not self.options.proxy and self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
            self.proxyCreated = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxySimple(

        ## If there is an input configuration file:
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            proxyOptsSetPlace['for_set_use'] = "config"
            ## Load the configuration file and validate it.
            self.loadConfig(self.options.config, self.args)
            ## Create the CRAB project directory.
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(self.logger, \
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None), \
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            ## Get the VO group/role from the configuration file.
            msgadd = []
            if hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(
                    self.configuration.User, 'voGroup'):
                self.voGroup = self.configuration.User.voGroup
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['group'] = "config"
                msgadd.append("VO group '%s'" % (self.voGroup))
            if hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(
                    self.configuration.User, 'voRole'):
                self.voRole = self.configuration.User.voRole if self.configuration.User.voRole != "" else "NULL"
                proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['role'] = "config"
                msgadd.append("VO role '%s'" % (self.voRole))
            if msgadd:
                msg = "Using %s as specified in the CRAB configuration file." % (
                    " and ".join(msgadd))

        ## If the VO group/role was not given in the command options, take it from the request cache.
        if self.cmdconf['requiresDirOption']:

        ## If the server URL isn't already set, we check the args and then the config.
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl') and self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()
        elif not self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = None, None

        ## Update (or create) the CRAB cache file.

        ## At this point there should be a valid proxy, because we have already checked that and
        ## eventually created a new one. If the proxy was not created by CRAB, we check that the
        ## VO role/group in the proxy are the same as specified by the user in the configuration
        ## file (or in the command line options). If it is not, we ask the user if he wants to
        ## overwrite the current proxy. If he doesn't want to overwrite it, we don't continue
        ## and ask him to provide the VO role/group as in the existing proxy.
        ## Finally, delegate the proxy to myproxy server.

        ## Validate the command options

        ## Logging user command and options used for debuging purpose.
        self.logger.debug('Command use: %s' % self.name)
        self.logger.debug('Options use: %s' % cmdargs)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.checkversion(getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
            self.uri = getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" % (self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" % (self.serverurl))
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.logger.debug("Command url %s" % (self.uri))

    def serverInstance(self):
        Deriving the correct instance to use and the server url. Client is allowed to propagate the instance name and corresponding url
        via crabconfig.py or crab option --instance. The variable passed via crab option will always be used over the variable
        in crabconfig.py. Instance name other than specify in the SERVICE_INSTANCE will be treated as a private instance.

        if hasattr(self.options,
                   'instance') and self.options.instance is not None:
            if hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(
                    self.configuration, 'General') and hasattr(
                        self.configuration.General, 'instance'
                    ) and self.configuration.General.instance is not None:
                msg = "%sWarning%s: CRAB configuration parameter General.instance is overwritten by the command option --instance;" % (
                    colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " %s intance will be used." % (self.options.instance)
            if self.options.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.options.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.options.instance
        elif hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(
                self.configuration, 'General') and hasattr(
                    self.configuration.General, 'instance'
                ) and self.configuration.General.instance is not None:
            if self.configuration.General.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.configuration.General.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.configuration.General.instance
            instance = getParamDefaultValue('General.instance')
            serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]

        return instance, serverurl

    def checkversion(self, baseurl=None):
        compatibleVersions = server_info('version', self.serverurl,
                                         self.proxyfilename, baseurl)
        for item in compatibleVersions:
            if re.match(item, __version__):
                self.logger.debug("CRABClient version: %s" % (__version__))
            msg = "%sWarning%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
            msg += " Incompatible CRABClient version %s" % (__version__)
            msg += "\nServer is saying that compatible versions are: %s" % [
                v.replace("\\", "") for v in compatibleVersions

    def handleProxy(self, proxyOptsSetPlace):
        Init the user proxy, and delegate it if necessary.
        if not self.options.proxy:
            if self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
                self.proxy.setVOGroupVORole(self.voGroup, self.voRole)
                self.proxyfilename = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxy(timeLeftThreshold = 720, \
                                                                   doProxyGroupRoleCheck = self.cmdconf['doProxyGroupRoleCheck'], \
                                                                   proxyCreatedByCRAB = self.proxyCreated, \
                                                                   proxyOptsSetPlace = proxyOptsSetPlace)
                if self.cmdconf[
                        'requiresREST']:  ## If the command doesn't contact the REST, we can't delegate the proxy.
                    self.proxy.myproxyAccount = self.serverurl
                    baseurl = getUrl(self.instance, resource='info')
                    ## Get the DN of the task workers from the server.
                    all_task_workers_dns = server_info('delegatedn',
                    for serverdn in all_task_workers_dns['services']:
                            "Registering user credentials for server %s" %
                        self.proxy.createNewMyProxy(timeleftthreshold=60 * 60 *
                                                    24 *
            self.proxyfilename = self.options.proxy
            os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = self.options.proxy
            self.logger.debug('Skipping proxy creation')

    def loadLocalCache(self):
        Loads the client cache and set up the server url
        self.requestarea, self.requestname = getWorkArea(self.options.projdir)
            self.cachedinfo, self.logfile = loadCache(self.requestarea,
            port = ':' + self.cachedinfo['Port'] if self.cachedinfo[
                'Port'] else ''
            self.instance = self.cachedinfo['instance']
            self.serverurl = self.cachedinfo['Server'] + port
        except CachefileNotFoundException as ex:
            if self.cmdconf['requiresLocalCache']:
                raise ex

    def setCachedProxy(self, proxyOptsSetPlace):
        Set the proxy parameters from the cache if not specified otherwise
        msgadd = []
        if self.cmdconf[
                'requiresProxyVOOptions'] and self.options.voGroup is None:
            self.voGroup = self.cachedinfo['voGroup']
            proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['group'] = "cache"
            msgadd.append("VO group '%s'" % (self.voGroup))
        if self.cmdconf[
                'requiresProxyVOOptions'] and self.options.voRole is None:
            self.voRole = self.cachedinfo['voRole']
            proxyOptsSetPlace['set_in']['role'] = "cache"
            msgadd.append("VO role '%s'" % (self.voRole))
        if msgadd:
            msg = "Using %s as written in the request cache file for this task." % (
                " and ".join(msgadd))

    def getConfiDict(self):
        Load the CRAB cache file (~/.crab3). If it doesn't exist, create one.
        crabCacheFileName = self.crabcachepath()
        if not os.path.isfile(crabCacheFileName):
            msg = "Could not find CRAB cache file %s; creating a new one." % (
            configdict = {'crab_project_directory': ''}
            crabCacheFileName_tmp = "%s.%s" % (crabCacheFileName, os.getpid())
            with open(crabCacheFileName_tmp, 'w') as fd:
                json.dump(configdict, fd)
            os.rename(crabCacheFileName_tmp, crabCacheFileName)
            return configdict
            msg = "Found CRAB cache file %s" % (crabCacheFileName)
            with open(crabCacheFileName, 'r') as fd:
                configdict = json.load(fd)
        except ValueError:
            msg = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
            msg += " Error loading CRAB cache file."
            msg += " Try to do 'rm -rf %s' and run the crab command again." % (
            raise ConfigurationException(msg)
        if 'crab_project_directory' not in configdict:
            configdict['crab_project_directory'] = configdict.get(
                'taskname', '')
        if 'taskname' in configdict:
            del configdict['taskname']
        return configdict

    def crabcachepath(self):
        if 'CRAB3_CACHE_FILE' in os.environ:
            if os.path.isabs(os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']):
                return os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']
                msg = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " Invalid path in environment variable CRAB3_CACHE_FILE: %s" % (
                msg += " Please export a valid full path."
                raise EnvironmentException(msg)
            return str(os.path.expanduser('~')) + '/.crab3'

    def updateCRABCacheFile(self):
        Update the CRAB cache file.
        So far this file contains only the path of the last used CRAB project directory.
        if self.cmdconf['requiresDirOption'] or getattr(
                self, 'requestarea', None):
            self.crab3dic['crab_project_directory'] = self.requestarea
            crabCacheFileName = self.crabcachepath()
            crabCacheFileName_tmp = "%s.%s" % (crabCacheFileName, os.getpid())
            with open(crabCacheFileName_tmp, 'w') as fd:
                json.dump(self.crab3dic, fd)
            os.rename(crabCacheFileName_tmp, crabCacheFileName)

    def __call__(self):
        self.logger.info("This is a 'nothing to do' command")
        raise NotImplementedError

    def terminate(self, exitcode):
        #We do not want to print logfile for each command...
        if exitcode < 2000:
            if getattr(self.options, 'dump', False) or getattr(
                    self.options, 'xroot', False):
                self.logger.debug("Log file is %s" %
                self.logger.info("Log file is %s" %

    def setOptions(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def setSuperOptions(self):
            #add command related options
        except NotImplementedError:


    def validateOptions(self):

        Validate the command line options of the command.
        Raise a ConfigurationException in case of error; don't do anything if ok.

        if self.cmdconf['requiresDirOption']:
            if self.options.projdir is None:
                if len(self.args) > 1:
                    msg = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                    msg += " 'crab %s' command accepts at most 1 argument (a path to a CRAB project directory), %d given." % (
                        self.name, len(self.args))
                    raise ConfigurationException(msg)
                elif len(self.args) == 1 and self.args[0]:
                    self.options.projdir = self.args.pop(0)
                elif self.cmdconf['useCache'] and self.crab3dic.get(
                    self.options.projdir = str(
            if self.options.projdir is None:
                msg = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " Please indicate the CRAB project directory with --dir=<project-directory>."
                ex = MissingOptionException(msg)
                ex.missingOption = "task"
                raise ex
            if not os.path.isdir(self.options.projdir):
                msg = "%sError%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
                msg += " %s is not a valid CRAB project directory." % (
                raise ConfigurationException(msg)

            ## If an input project directory was given, load the request cache and take the
            ## server URL from it.

        ## If the command does not take any arguments, but some arguments were passed,
        ## clear the arguments list and give a warning message saying that the given
        ## arguments will be ignored.
        if not self.cmdconf['acceptsArguments'] and len(self.args):
            msg = "%sWarning%s:" % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
            msg += " 'crab %s' command takes no arguments, %d given." % (
                self.name, len(self.args))
            msg += " Ignoring arguments %s." % (self.args)
            self.args = []

    def validateLogpathOption(self):

    def validateConfigOption(self):
コード例 #4
class SubCommand(ConfigCommand):

    ####### These options can be overrhidden if needed ########
    ## setting visible = False doesn't allow the sub-command to be called from CLI
    visible = True
    proxyfilename = None
    shortnames = []
    usage = "usage: %prog [command-options] [args]"

    #Default command name is the name of the command class, but it is also possible to set the name attribute in the subclass
    #if the command name does not correspond to the class name (getlog => get-log)

    def getUrl(self, instance='prod', resource='workflow'):
        Retrieve the url depending on the resource we are accessing and the instance.
        if instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
            return BASEURL + instance + '/' + resource
        elif instance == 'private':
            return BASEURL + 'dev' + '/' + resource
        raise ConfigurationException('Error: only %s instances can be used.' %

    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs=None, disable_interspersed_args=False):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.usage = "usage: %prog " + self.name + " [options] [args]"
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = self.logger.logfile
        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))

        self.proxy = None
        self.restClass = CRABClient.Emulator.getEmulator('rest')
        self.cmdconf = commands_configuration.get(self.name)
        self.crab3dic = self.getConfiDict()

        self.parser = OptionParser(description=self.__doc__,
        ## TODO: check on self.name should be removed (creating another abstraction in between or refactoring this)
        if disable_interspersed_args:
        ## Parse the command line parameters.
        cmdargs = cmdargs or []
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(cmdargs)

        ## Validate the command line parameters before initializing the proxy.

        ## Retrieve VO role/group from the command line parameters.
        self.voRole = self.options.voRole if self.options.voRole is not None else ''
        self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup if self.options.voGroup is not None else ''

        ## Create the object that will do the proxy operations. We ignore the VO role/group and
        ## server URL in the initialization, because they are not used until we do the proxy
        ## delegation to myproxy server. And the delegation happends in handleProxy(), which is
        ## called after we load the configuration file and retrieve the final values for those
        ## parameters. handleProxy() takes care of passing those parameters to self.proxy.
        self.proxy = CredentialInteractions('', '', self.voRole, self.voGroup,
                                            self.logger, '')

        ## Create a new proxy (if there isn't a valid one already) with current VO role/group.
        ## The VO role/group are not relevant for the proxy. We only want to check that the
        ## user doesn't expect the proxy to have different VO role/group than those specified
        ## in the configuration file, but this check is done later in handleProxy() after we
        ## load the configuration file.
        self.proxy_created = False
        if not self.options.proxy and self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
            self.proxy_created = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxySimple(

        ## If we get an input configuration file:
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            ## Load the configuration file and validate it.
            self.loadConfig(self.options.config, self.args)
            ## Create the CRAB project directory.
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(
                getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
                getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            ## If VO role/group were not given in the command options, get them from the configuration file.
            ## If they are specified in both places, print a message saying that the command options will be used.
            if self.options.voRole is None and hasattr(self.configuration,
                self.voRole = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole', '')
            if self.options.voGroup is None and hasattr(
                    self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voGroup = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup', '')
            if (self.options.voRole is not None) and (
                    hasattr(self.configuration, 'User')
                    and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole')):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO role specified in the configuration file. Using VO role \"%s\" "
                if self.voRole == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO role) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voRole)
            if (self.options.voGroup is not None) and (
                    hasattr(self.configuration, 'User')
                    and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup')):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO group specified in the configuration file. Using VO group \"%s\" "
                if self.voGroup == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO group) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voGroup)

        ## If we get an input task, we load the cache and set the server URL and VO role/group from it.
        if hasattr(self.options, 'task') and self.options.task:

        ## If the server url isn't already set, we check the args and then the config.
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl') and self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()
        elif not self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = None, None

        ## Update (or create) the .crab3 cache file.

        ## At this point there should be a valid proxy, because we have already checked that and
        ## eventually created a new one. If the proxy was not created by CRAB, we check that the
        ## VO role/group in the proxy are the same as specified by the user in the configuration
        ## file (or in the command line options). If it is not, we ask the user if he wants to
        ## overwrite the current proxy. If he doesn't want to overwrite it, we don't continue
        ## and ask him to provide the VO role/group as in the existing proxy.
        ## Finally, delegate the proxy to myproxy server.

        ## Logging user command and options used for debuging purpose.
        self.logger.debug('Command use: %s' % self.name)
        self.logger.debug('Options use: %s' % cmdargs)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.checkversion(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
            self.uri = self.getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" % (self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" % (self.serverurl))
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.logger.debug("Command url %s" % (self.uri))

    def serverInstance(self):
        Deriving the correct instance to use and the server url. Client is allowed to propagate the instance name and corresponding url
        via crabconfig.py or crab option --instance. The variable passed via crab option will always be used over the variable
        in crabconfig.py. Instance name other than specify in the SERVICE_INSTANCE will be treated as a private instance.
        serverurl = None

        #Will be use to print available instances
        available_instances = ', '.join(SERVICE_INSTANCES)

        if hasattr(self.options,
                   'instance') and not self.options.instance is None:
            if hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(
                    self.configuration.General, 'instance'
            ) and not self.configuration.General.instance is None:
                    '%sWarning%s: Instance value in configuration file is overwritten by the option command, %s intance will be use '
                    % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL, self.options.instance))

            if self.options.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.options.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.options.instance
        elif hasattr(self, 'configuration') and hasattr(
                self.configuration.General, 'instance'
        ) and not self.configuration.General.instance is None:
            if self.configuration.General.instance in SERVICE_INSTANCES.keys():
                instance = self.configuration.General.instance
                serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]
                instance = 'private'
                serverurl = self.configuration.General.instance
            instance = 'prod'
            serverurl = SERVICE_INSTANCES[instance]

        return instance, serverurl

    def checkversion(self, baseurl=None):
        compatibleversion = server_info('version', self.serverurl,
                                        self.proxyfilename, baseurl)
        if __version__ in compatibleversion:
            self.logger.debug("CRABClient version: %s Compatible" %
                "%sWARNING%s: Incompatible CRABClient version \"%s\" " %
                (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL, __version__))
                "Server is saying that compatible versions are: %s" %

    def handleProxy(self):
        Init the user proxy, and delegate it if necessary.
        if not self.options.proxy:
            if self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
                self.proxy.setVOGroupVORole(self.voGroup, self.voRole)
                _, self.proxyfilename = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxy(
                if self.cmdconf[
                        'requiresREST']:  ## If the command doesn't contact the REST, we can't delegate the proxy.
                    self.proxy.myproxyAccount = self.serverurl
                    baseurl = self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info')
                    ## Get the DN of the task workers from the server.
                    all_task_workers_dns = server_info('delegatedn',
                    for serverdn in all_task_workers_dns['services']:
                            "Registering user credentials for server %s" %
                        self.proxy.createNewMyProxy(timeleftthreshold=60 * 60 *
                                                    24 *
            self.proxyfilename = self.options.proxy
            os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY'] = self.options.proxy
            self.logger.debug('Skipping proxy creation')

    def loadLocalCache(self, serverurl=None):
        Loads the client cache and set up the server url
        self.requestarea, self.requestname = getWorkArea(self.options.task)
        self.cachedinfo, self.logfile = loadCache(self.requestarea,
        port = ':' + self.cachedinfo['Port'] if self.cachedinfo['Port'] else ''
        self.instance = self.cachedinfo['instance']
        self.serverurl = self.cachedinfo['Server'] + port
        self.voRole = self.cachedinfo[
            'voRole']  #if not self.options.voRole else self.options.voRole
        self.voGroup = self.cachedinfo[
            'voGroup']  #if not self.options.voGroup else self.options.voGroup

    def getConfiDict(self):

        crab3fdir = self.crabcachepath()
        if not os.path.isfile(crab3fdir):
            self.logger.debug("Could not find %s file; creating a new one" %
            crab3f = open(crab3fdir, 'w')
            #creating a user dict, do add for future use
            configdict = {"taskname": None}
            json.dump(configdict, crab3f)
            return configdict
                self.logger.debug("Found %s file" % crab3fdir)
                crab3f = open(crab3fdir, 'r')
                configdict = json.load(crab3f)
            except ValueError:
                    '%sError%s: Error in reading json file\nTry to do "rm -rf ~/.crab3", and run the crab command again'
                    % (colors.RED, colors.NORMAL))
                raise ConfigurationException
            return configdict

    def crabcachepath(self):

        if 'CRAB3_CACHE_FILE' in os.environ and os.path.isabs(
            return os.environ['CRAB3_CACHE_FILE']
        elif 'CRAB3_CACHE_FILE' in os.environ and not os.path.isabs(
            msg = '%sError%s: An invalid path is use for CRAB3_CACHE_FILE, please export a valid full path' % (
                colors.RED, colors.NORMAL)
            raise EnvironmentException(msg)
            return str(os.path.expanduser('~')) + '/.crab3'

    def updateCrab3(self):
        if self.cmdconf['requiresTaskOption'] or hasattr(
                self, 'requestname') and self.requestname != None:
            crab3fdir = self.crabcachepath()
            crab3f = open(crab3fdir, 'w')
            self.crab3dic['taskname'] = self.requestarea
            json.dump(self.crab3dic, crab3f)

    def __call__(self):
        self.logger.info("This is a 'nothing to do' command")
        raise NotImplementedError

    def terminate(self, exitcode):
        #We do not want to print logfile for each command...
        if exitcode < 2000:
            if getattr(self.options, 'dump', False) or getattr(
                    self.options, 'xroot', False):
                self.logger.debug("Log file is %s" %
                self.logger.info("Log file is %s" %

    def setOptions(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def setSuperOptions(self):
        except NotImplementedError:

            "Use the given proxy. Skip Grid proxy creation and myproxy delegation."

        if self.cmdconf['requiresTaskOption']:
                "Path to the crab project directory for which the crab command should be executed."
                help="Deprecated option renamed to -d/--dir in CRAB v3.3.12.")

        self.parser.add_option("--voRole", dest="voRole", default=None)

        self.parser.add_option("--voGroup", dest="voGroup", default=None)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:

                help="Running instance of CRAB service. Valid values are %s." %

    def validateOptions(self):

        Validate the command line options of the command.
        Raise a ConfigurationException in case of error; don't do anything if ok.

        if self.cmdconf[
                'requiresTaskOption'] and self.options.oldtask is not None:
            msg = "CRAB command line option error: the option -t/--task has been renamed to -d/--dir."
            raise UnknownOptionException(msg)

        if self.cmdconf['requiresTaskOption'] and self.options.task is None:
            if len(self.args) == 1 and self.args[0]:
                self.options.task = self.args[0]
            elif self.cmdconf['useCache'] and self.crab3dic['taskname'] != None:
                self.options.task = self.crab3dic['taskname']
                raise MissingOptionException('ERROR: Task option is required.')