コード例 #1
class DMPs(object):
    """Implementation of Dynamic Motor Primitives, 
    as described in Dr. Stefan Schaal's (2002) paper."""
    def __init__(self,
        dmps int: number of dynamic motor primitives
        bfs int: number of basis functions per DMP
        dt float: timestep for simulation
        y0 list: initial state of DMPs
        goal list: goal state of DMPs
        w list: tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
        ay int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        by int: gain on attractor term y dynamics

        self.dmps = dmps
        self.bfs = bfs
        self.dt = dt
        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.dmps) * y0
        self.y0 = y0
        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.dmps) * goal
        self.goal = goal
        if w is None:
            # default is f = 0
            w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        self.w = w

        if ay is None: ay = np.ones(dmps) * 25  # Schaal 2012
        self.ay = ay
        if by is None: by = self.ay.copy() / 4  # Schaal 2012
        self.by = by

        # set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
        """Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0"""

        for d in range(self.dmps):
            if (self.y0[d] == self.goal[d]):
                self.goal[d] += 1e-4

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmp_num):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_goal(self, y_des):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_psi(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def imitate_path(self, y_des):
        """Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of 
        system parameters that best realize this path.
        y_des list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP
                          should be shaped [dmps, run_time]

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:, 0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)


        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate
        path = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_des.shape[1])
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path

        # calculate velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate acceleration of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), ddy_des))

        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.dmps))
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            f_target[:,d] = ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] * \
                            (self.by[d] * (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - \

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target
        '''self.w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            # diminishing and spatial scaling term
            s = self.gen_front_term(x_track, dmp_num=d)
            for b in range(self.bfs):
                # BF activation through time
                G = np.diag(psi_track[:,b])
                # weighted BF activation
                sG = np.dot(s, G)
                # weighted linear regression solution
                self.w[d,b] = np.dot(sG, f_target[:,d]) / \
                                (np.dot(sG, s) + 1e-10)'''
        '''# plot the basis function activations
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
        plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1))
        plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated."""


        if timesteps is None:
            if kwargs.has_key('tau'):
                timesteps = int(self.timesteps / kwargs['tau'])
                timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):

            y, dy, ddy = self.step(**kwargs)

            # record timestep
            y_track[t] = y
            dy_track[t] = dy
            ddy_track[t] = ddy

        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track

    def reset_state(self):
        """Reset the system state"""
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.dmps)

    def step(self, tau=1.0, state_fb=None):
        """Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

       tau float: scales the timestep
                  increase tau to make the system execute faster
       state_fb np.array: optional system feedback

        # run canonical system
        cs_args = {'tau': tau, 'error_coupling': 1.0}
        if state_fb is not None:
            # take the 2 norm of the overall error
            state_fb = state_fb.reshape(1, self.dmps)
            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((state_fb - self.y)**2))
            cs_args['error_coupling'] = 1.0 / (1.0 + 10 * dist)
        x = self.cs.step(**cs_args)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.dmps):

            # generate the forcing term
            f = self.gen_front_term(x, d) * \
                (np.dot(psi, self.w[d])) / np.sum(psi)

            # DMP acceleration
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] *
                     (self.by[d] * (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - \
                     self.dy[d]/tau) + f) * tau
                d] += self.ddy[d] * tau * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
コード例 #2
ファイル: DMP.py プロジェクト: ptee/blog
class DMPs(object):
    """Implementation of Dynamic Motor Primitives, 
    as described in Dr. Stefan Schaal's (2002) paper."""

    def __init__(self, dmps, bfs, dt=.01,
                 y0=0, goal=1, w=None, 
                 ay=None, by=None, **kwargs):
        dmps int: number of dynamic motor primitives
        bfs int: number of basis functions per DMP
        dt float: timestep for simulation
        y0 list: initial state of DMPs
        goal list: goal state of DMPs
        w list: tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
        ay int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        by int: gain on attractor term y dynamics

        self.dmps = dmps 
        self.bfs = bfs 
        self.dt = dt
        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.dmps)*y0 
        self.y0 = y0
        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.dmps)*goal
        self.goal = goal 
        if w is None: 
            # default is f = 0
            w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        self.w = w

        if ay is None: ay = np.ones(dmps)*25 # Schaal 2012
        self.ay = ay
        if by is None: by = self.ay.copy() / 4 # Schaal 2012
        self.by = by

        # set up the CS 
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
        """Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0"""

        for d in range(self.dmps):
            if (self.y0[d] == self.goal[d]):
                self.goal[d] += 1e-4

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmp_num): raise NotImplementedError()
    def gen_goal(self, y_des): raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_psi(self): raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_weights(self, f_target): raise NotImplementedError()

    def imitate_path(self, y_des):
        """Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of 
        system parameters that best realize this path.
        y_des list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP
                          should be shaped [dmps, run_time]

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1: 
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1,len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:,0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)

        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate
        path = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_des.shape[1])
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):  
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path

        # calculate velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate acceleration of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), ddy_des))

        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.dmps))
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            f_target[:,d] = ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] * \
                            (self.by[d] * (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - \

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target

        '''self.w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            # diminishing and spatial scaling term
            s = self.gen_front_term(x_track, dmp_num=d)
            for b in range(self.bfs):
                # BF activation through time
                G = np.diag(psi_track[:,b])
                # weighted BF activation
                sG = np.dot(s, G)
                # weighted linear regression solution
                self.w[d,b] = np.dot(sG, f_target[:,d]) / \
                                (np.dot(sG, s) + 1e-10)'''

        '''# plot the basis function activations
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
        plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1))
        plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated."""


        if timesteps is None:
            if kwargs.has_key('tau'):
                timesteps = int(self.timesteps / kwargs['tau'])
                timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps)) 
        dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        for t in range(timesteps):
            y, dy, ddy = self.step(**kwargs)

            # record timestep
            y_track[t] = y
            dy_track[t] = dy
            ddy_track[t] = ddy

        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track

    def reset_state(self):
        """Reset the system state"""
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.dmps)   
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.dmps)  

    def step(self, tau=1.0, state_fb=None):
        """Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

       tau float: scales the timestep
                  increase tau to make the system execute faster
       state_fb np.array: optional system feedback

        # run canonical system
        cs_args = {'tau':tau,
        if state_fb is not None: 
            # take the 2 norm of the overall error
            state_fb = state_fb.reshape(1,self.dmps)
            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((state_fb - self.y)**2))
            cs_args['error_coupling'] = 1.0 / (1.0 + 10*dist)
        x = self.cs.step(**cs_args)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.dmps):

            # generate the forcing term
            f = self.gen_front_term(x, d) * \
                (np.dot(psi, self.w[d])) / np.sum(psi)

            # DMP acceleration
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] * 
                     (self.by[d] * (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - \
                     self.dy[d]/tau) + f) * tau
            self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * tau * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy