def import_ctf(backup, erase=True): if not zipfile.is_zipfile(backup): raise zipfile.BadZipfile backup = zipfile.ZipFile(backup) members = backup.namelist() max_content_length = get_app_config("MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH") for f in members: if f.startswith("/") or ".." in f: # Abort on malicious zip files raise zipfile.BadZipfile info = backup.getinfo(f) if max_content_length: if info.file_size > max_content_length: raise zipfile.LargeZipFile # Get list of directories in zipfile member_dirs = [os.path.split(m)[0] for m in members if "/" in m] if "db" not in member_dirs: raise Exception( 'CTFd couldn\'t find the "db" folder in this backup. ' "The backup may be malformed or corrupted and the import process cannot continue." ) try: alembic_version = json.loads("db/alembic_version.json").read()) alembic_version = alembic_version["results"][0]["version_num"] except Exception: raise Exception( "Could not determine appropriate database version. This backup cannot be automatically imported." ) # Check if the alembic version is from CTFd 1.x if alembic_version in ( "1ec4a28fe0ff", "2539d8b5082e", "7e9efd084c5a", "87733981ca0e", "a4e30c94c360", "c12d2a1b0926", "c7225db614c1", "cb3cfcc47e2f", "cbf5620f8e15", "d5a224bf5862", "d6514ec92738", "dab615389702", "e62fd69bd417", ): raise Exception( "The version of CTFd that this backup is from is too old to be automatically imported." ) if erase: # Clear out existing connections to release any locks db.session.close() db.engine.dispose() # Drop database and recreate it to get to a clean state if drop_database(): create_database() else: truncate_database() create_database() # We explicitly do not want to upgrade or stamp here. # The import will have this information. side_db = dataset.connect(get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI")) sqlite = get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI").startswith("sqlite") postgres = get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI").startswith("postgres") try: if postgres: side_db.query("SET session_replication_role=replica;") else: side_db.query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;") except Exception: print("Failed to disable foreign key checks. Continuing.") first = [ "db/teams.json", "db/users.json", "db/challenges.json", "db/dynamic_challenge.json", "db/flags.json", "db/hints.json", "db/unlocks.json", "db/awards.json", "db/tags.json", "db/submissions.json", "db/solves.json", "db/files.json", "db/notifications.json", "db/pages.json", "db/tracking.json", "db/config.json", ] # We want to insert certain database tables first so we are specifying # the order with a list. The leftover tables are tables that are from a # plugin (more likely) or a table where we do not care about insertion order for item in first: if item in members: members.remove(item) # Upgrade the database to the point in time that the import was taken from migration_upgrade(revision=alembic_version) members.remove("db/alembic_version.json") # Combine the database insertion code into a function so that we can pause # insertion between official database tables and plugin tables def insertion(table_filenames): for member in table_filenames: if member.startswith("db/"): table_name = member[3:-5] try: # Try to open a file but skip if it doesn't exist. data = except KeyError: continue if data: table = side_db[table_name] saved = json.loads(data) for entry in saved["results"]: # This is a hack to get SQLite to properly accept datetime values from dataset # See Issue #246 if sqlite: direct_table = get_class_by_tablename( for k, v in entry.items(): if isinstance(v, string_types): # We only want to apply this hack to columns that are expecting a datetime object try: is_dt_column = (type( getattr( direct_table, k).type) == sqltypes.DateTime) except AttributeError: is_dt_column = False # If the table is expecting a datetime, we should check if the string is one and convert it if is_dt_column: match = re.match( r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d", v, ) if match: entry[ k] = datetime.datetime.strptime( v, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") continue match = re.match( r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}", v) if match: entry[ k] = datetime.datetime.strptime( v, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") continue # From v2.0.0 to v2.1.0 requirements could have been a string or JSON because of a SQLAlchemy issue # This is a hack to ensure we can still accept older exports. See #867 if member in ( "db/challenges.json", "db/hints.json", "db/awards.json", ): requirements = entry.get("requirements") if requirements and isinstance( requirements, string_types): entry["requirements"] = json.loads( requirements) try: table.insert(entry) except ProgrammingError: # MariaDB does not like JSON objects and prefers strings because it internally # represents JSON with LONGTEXT. # See Issue #973 requirements = entry.get("requirements") if requirements and isinstance(requirements, dict): entry["requirements"] = json.dumps( requirements) table.insert(entry) db.session.commit() if postgres: # This command is to set the next primary key ID for the re-inserted tables in Postgres. However, # this command is very difficult to translate into SQLAlchemy code. Because Postgres is not # officially supported, no major work will go into this functionality. # if '"' not in table_name and "'" not in table_name: query = "SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('{table_name}', 'id'), coalesce(max(id)+1,1), false) FROM \"{table_name}\"".format( # nosec table_name=table_name) side_db.engine.execute(query) else: raise Exception( "Table name {table_name} contains quotes". format(table_name=table_name)) # Insert data from official tables insertion(first) # Create tables created by plugins try: # Run plugin migrations plugins = get_plugin_names() try: for plugin in plugins: revision = plugin_current(plugin_name=plugin) plugin_upgrade(plugin_name=plugin, revision=revision) finally: # Create tables that don't have migrations app.db.create_all() except OperationalError as e: if not postgres: raise e else: print("Allowing error during app.db.create_all() due to Postgres") # Insert data for plugin tables insertion(members) # Bring plugin tables up to head revision plugins = get_plugin_names() for plugin in plugins: plugin_upgrade(plugin_name=plugin) # Extracting files files = [f for f in backup.namelist() if f.startswith("uploads/")] uploader = get_uploader() for f in files: filename = f.split(os.sep, 1) if ( len(filename) < 2 or os.path.basename(filename[1]) == "" ): # just an empty uploads directory (e.g. uploads/) or any directory continue filename = filename[ 1] # Get the second entry in the list (the actual filename) source =, filename=filename) # Alembic sqlite support is lacking so we should just create_all anyway try: migration_upgrade(revision="head") except (OperationalError, CommandError, RuntimeError, SystemExit, Exception): app.db.create_all() stamp_latest_revision() try: if postgres: side_db.query("SET session_replication_role=DEFAULT;") else: side_db.query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;") except Exception: print("Failed to enable foreign key checks. Continuing.") # Invalidate all cached data cache.clear() # Set default theme in case the current instance or the import does not provide it set_config("ctf_theme", "core") set_config("ctf_version", CTFD_VERSION)
def import_ctf(backup, erase=True): cache_timeout = 604800 # 604800 is 1 week in seconds def set_error(val): cache.set(key="import_error", value=val, timeout=cache_timeout) print(val) def set_status(val): cache.set(key="import_status", value=val, timeout=cache_timeout) print(val) # Reset import cache keys and don't print these values cache.set(key="import_error", value=None, timeout=cache_timeout) cache.set(key="import_status", value=None, timeout=cache_timeout) if not zipfile.is_zipfile(backup): set_error("zipfile.BadZipfile: zipfile is invalid") raise zipfile.BadZipfile backup = zipfile.ZipFile(backup) members = backup.namelist() max_content_length = get_app_config("MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH") for f in members: if f.startswith("/") or ".." in f: # Abort on malicious zip files set_error("zipfile.BadZipfile: zipfile is malicious") raise zipfile.BadZipfile info = backup.getinfo(f) if max_content_length: if info.file_size > max_content_length: set_error("zipfile.LargeZipFile: zipfile is too large") raise zipfile.LargeZipFile # Get list of directories in zipfile member_dirs = [os.path.split(m)[0] for m in members if "/" in m] if "db" not in member_dirs: set_error("Exception: db folder is missing") raise Exception( 'CTFd couldn\'t find the "db" folder in this backup. ' "The backup may be malformed or corrupted and the import process cannot continue." ) try: alembic_version = json.loads("db/alembic_version.json").read()) alembic_version = alembic_version["results"][0]["version_num"] except Exception: set_error( "Exception: Could not determine appropriate database version") raise Exception( "Could not determine appropriate database version. This backup cannot be automatically imported." ) # Check if the alembic version is from CTFd 1.x if alembic_version in ( "1ec4a28fe0ff", "2539d8b5082e", "7e9efd084c5a", "87733981ca0e", "a4e30c94c360", "c12d2a1b0926", "c7225db614c1", "cb3cfcc47e2f", "cbf5620f8e15", "d5a224bf5862", "d6514ec92738", "dab615389702", "e62fd69bd417", ): set_error( "Exception: The version of CTFd that this backup is from is too old to be automatically imported." ) raise Exception( "The version of CTFd that this backup is from is too old to be automatically imported." ) start_time = unix_time(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) cache.set(key="import_start_time", value=start_time, timeout=cache_timeout) cache.set(key="import_end_time", value=None, timeout=cache_timeout) set_status("started") sqlite = get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI").startswith("sqlite") postgres = get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI").startswith("postgres") mysql = get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI").startswith("mysql") mariadb = is_database_mariadb() if erase: set_status("erasing") # Clear out existing connections to release any locks db.session.close() db.engine.dispose() # Kill sleeping processes on MySQL so we don't get a metadata lock # In my testing I didn't find that Postgres or SQLite needed the same treatment # Only run this when not in tests as we can't isolate the queries out # This is a very dirty hack. Don't try this at home kids. if mysql and get_app_config("TESTING", default=False) is False: url = make_url(get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI")) r = db.session.execute("SHOW PROCESSLIST") processes = r.fetchall() for proc in processes: if (proc.Command == "Sleep" and proc.User == url.username and proc.db == url.database): proc_id = proc.Id db.session.execute(f"KILL {proc_id}") # Drop database and recreate it to get to a clean state drop_database() create_database() # We explicitly do not want to upgrade or stamp here. # The import will have this information. set_status("erased") side_db = dataset.connect(get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI")) try: set_status("disabling foreign key checks") if postgres: side_db.query("SET session_replication_role=replica;") else: side_db.query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;") except Exception: print("Failed to disable foreign key checks. Continuing.") first = [ "db/teams.json", "db/users.json", "db/challenges.json", "db/dynamic_challenge.json", "db/flags.json", "db/hints.json", "db/unlocks.json", "db/awards.json", "db/tags.json", "db/topics.json", "db/submissions.json", "db/solves.json", "db/files.json", "db/notifications.json", "db/pages.json", "db/tracking.json", "db/config.json", "db/fields.json", ] # We want to insert certain database tables first so we are specifying # the order with a list. The leftover tables are tables that are from a # plugin (more likely) or a table where we do not care about insertion order for item in first: if item in members: members.remove(item) # Upgrade the database to the point in time that the import was taken from migration_upgrade(revision=alembic_version) members.remove("db/alembic_version.json") # Combine the database insertion code into a function so that we can pause # insertion between official database tables and plugin tables def insertion(table_filenames): for member in table_filenames: set_status(f"inserting {member}") if member.startswith("db/"): table_name = member[3:-5] try: # Try to open a file but skip if it doesn't exist. data = except KeyError: continue if data: table = side_db[table_name] saved = json.loads(data) count = len(saved["results"]) for i, entry in enumerate(saved["results"]): set_status(f"inserting {member} {i}/{count}") # This is a hack to get SQLite to properly accept datetime values from dataset # See Issue #246 if sqlite: direct_table = get_class_by_tablename( for k, v in entry.items(): if isinstance(v, string_types): # We only want to apply this hack to columns that are expecting a datetime object try: is_dt_column = (type( getattr( direct_table, k).type) == sqltypes.DateTime) except AttributeError: is_dt_column = False # If the table is expecting a datetime, we should check if the string is one and convert it if is_dt_column: match = re.match( r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d", v, ) if match: entry[ k] = datetime.datetime.strptime( v, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") continue match = re.match( r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}", v) if match: entry[ k] = datetime.datetime.strptime( v, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") continue # From v2.0.0 to v2.1.0 requirements could have been a string or JSON because of a SQLAlchemy issue # This is a hack to ensure we can still accept older exports. See #867 if member in ( "db/challenges.json", "db/hints.json", "db/awards.json", ): requirements = entry.get("requirements") if requirements and isinstance( requirements, string_types): entry["requirements"] = json.loads( requirements) # From v3.1.0 to v3.5.0 FieldEntries could have been varying levels of JSON'ified strings. # For example "\"test\"" vs "test". This results in issues with importing backups between # databases. Specifically between MySQL and MariaDB. Because CTFd standardizes against MySQL # we need to have an edge case here. if member == "db/field_entries.json": value = entry.get("value") if value: try: # Attempt to convert anything to its original Python value entry["value"] = str(json.loads(value)) except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError): pass finally: # Dump the value into JSON if its mariadb or skip the conversion if not mariadb if mariadb: entry["value"] = json.dumps( entry["value"]) try: table.insert(entry) except ProgrammingError: # MariaDB does not like JSON objects and prefers strings because it internally # represents JSON with LONGTEXT. # See Issue #973 requirements = entry.get("requirements") if requirements and isinstance(requirements, dict): entry["requirements"] = json.dumps( requirements) table.insert(entry) db.session.commit() if postgres: # This command is to set the next primary key ID for the re-inserted tables in Postgres. However, # this command is very difficult to translate into SQLAlchemy code. Because Postgres is not # officially supported, no major work will go into this functionality. # if '"' not in table_name and "'" not in table_name: query = "SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('{table_name}', 'id'), coalesce(max(id)+1,1), false) FROM \"{table_name}\"".format( # nosec table_name=table_name) side_db.engine.execute(query) else: set_error( f"Exception: Table name {table_name} contains quotes" ) raise Exception( "Table name {table_name} contains quotes". format(table_name=table_name)) # Insert data from official tables set_status("inserting tables") insertion(first) # Create tables created by plugins # Run plugin migrations set_status("inserting plugins") plugins = get_plugin_names() for plugin in plugins: set_status(f"inserting plugin {plugin}") revision = plugin_current(plugin_name=plugin) plugin_upgrade(plugin_name=plugin, revision=revision, lower=None) # Insert data for plugin tables insertion(members) # Bring plugin tables up to head revision plugins = get_plugin_names() for plugin in plugins: plugin_upgrade(plugin_name=plugin) # Extracting files set_status("uploading files") files = [f for f in backup.namelist() if f.startswith("uploads/")] uploader = get_uploader() for f in files: filename = f.split(os.sep, 1) if ( len(filename) < 2 or os.path.basename(filename[1]) == "" ): # just an empty uploads directory (e.g. uploads/) or any directory continue filename = filename[ 1] # Get the second entry in the list (the actual filename) source =, filename=filename) # Alembic sqlite support is lacking so we should just create_all anyway set_status("running head migrations") if sqlite: app.db.create_all() stamp_latest_revision() else: # Run migrations to bring to latest version migration_upgrade(revision="head") # Create any leftover tables, perhaps from old plugins app.db.create_all() try: set_status("reenabling foreign key checks") if postgres: side_db.query("SET session_replication_role=DEFAULT;") else: side_db.query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;") except Exception: print("Failed to enable foreign key checks. Continuing.") # Invalidate all cached data set_status("clearing caches") cache.clear() # Set default theme in case the current instance or the import does not provide it set_config("ctf_theme", DEFAULT_THEME) set_config("ctf_version", CTFD_VERSION) # Set config variables to mark import completed cache.set(key="import_start_time", value=start_time, timeout=cache_timeout) cache.set( key="import_end_time", value=unix_time(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), timeout=cache_timeout, )