コード例 #1
    kw_x = input("KW: ")
    kw = int(kw_x)

    euro_type_x = input("Euro(0-6) insert a number between 0 and 6: ")
    euro_type = int(euro_type_x)

    km_year_x = input("How much km for year do you thik to drive ? ")
    km_year = int(km_year_x)

    car2 = Car(name, fuel, fuel_price, fuel_efficiency, kw, euro_type)

    fuel_cost_year = '%.2f' % car2.fuelYearCost(km_year)

    #bollo = '%.2f' % float(car2.bollo())
    b = car2.bollo()
    #print("b ---> ",b)

    #print("The price of drive car tax: ", bollo)
    total_cost = '%.2f' % (float(fuel_cost_year) + float(b))
    #print("Total cost maintenance/year (fuel + drive car tax) is: ", total_cost)

    bo = str(b)
    tot = str(total_cost)
    fu = str(fuel_cost_year)

    values_car2=[car2.name,car2.fuel, str(car2.fuel_price), str(car2.fuel_efficiency), str(car2.kw), str(car2.euro_type),fu,bo,tot]
    header=["Car", "Fuel", "Fuel Price", "Fuel Efficiency", "KW", "Euro type", "Fuel cost/year", "Drive car tax", "Total cost/year"]
    print('{0:10s} {1:20s} {2:20s} {3:20s} {4:10s} {5:20s} {6:20s} {7:20s} {8:20s}'.format(header[0],header[1],header[2],header[3],header[4],header[5],header[6],header[7],header[8]))