def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ DTOF Algorithm """ # self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = "DTOF" AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] # used to stop program at key break points self.SCINT = self.strings["SCINTILLATOR"] self.INTER = self.strings["INTER"] # cher or scint self.NINDEX = self.strings["NINDEX"] # FIX or VAR refraction index self.profileROOT = self.strings["VELHIST"] # ROOT file with vel hists if self.profileROOT != "None": rootFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.profileROOT, "read") rootFile.PhVelTime.Rebin2D(40, 40) self.profileVel = rootFile.PhVelTime.ProfileX() # Needed to avoid 'PyROOT_NoneType' object error self.profileVel.SetDirectory(0) else: self.profileVel = False self.vel = photonVelocity(self.profileVel, self.SCINT, self.NINDEX, self.INTER) if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ """ = 'BGMixer' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) try: self.odstname = self.strings["OUTPUT_DST_NAME"] except KeyError: self.odstname = "MixedBG.root" try: self.idstname1 = self.strings["INTPUT_DST_NAME_1"] except KeyError: self.m.fatalError("No input file defined!") try: self.idstname2 = self.strings["INTPUT_DST_NAME_2"] except KeyError: self.m.fatalError("No input file defined!")
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ Event Characterizer Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'goodExtremesFilter' #self.level = level AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Blob Radius try: self.blobRadius = self.doubles['blobRadius'] self.m.log(1, "Blob Radius: %.1f mm" % (self.blobRadius)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'blobRadius' not defined.") exit(0) # Maximum Distance try: self.maxDist = self.doubles['maxDist'] self.m.log(1, "Maximum Distance: %.1f mm" % (self.maxDist)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'maxDist' not defined.") exit(0) # Flag to cut on segment fraction. try: self.par_sfrac_cut = self.ints['sfrac_cut'] self.sfrac_cut = False if (self.par_sfrac_cut == 1): self.sfrac_cut = True self.m.log( 1, "Cut on segment fraction = {0}".format(self.sfrac_cut)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'sfrac_cut' not defined.") exit(0) # Number of segments in numerator of segment fraction. try: self.sfrac_num = self.ints['sfrac_num'] self.m.log( 1, "Segments in numerator of segment fraction = {0}".format( self.sfrac_num)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'sfrac_num' not defined.") exit(0) # Minimum value of segment fraction to pass cut. try: self.sfrac_val = self.doubles['sfrac_val'] self.m.log( 1, "Minimum value of segment fraction to pass cut = {0}".format( self.sfrac_val)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'sfrac_val' not defined.") exit(0)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ DTOF Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'NPhotons' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points self.SCINT = self.strings["SCINTILLATOR"] #load coordinates of box and fiducial box if self.SCINT == "LXE": self.scint = LXe() #lxe properties elif self.SCINT == "LYSO": self.scint = LYSO() else: print "scintillator not yet implemented" sys.exit() if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ """ = "BGMixer" AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) try: self.odstname = self.strings["OUTPUT_DST_NAME"] except KeyError: self.odstname = "MixedBG.root" try: self.idstname1 = self.strings["INTPUT_DST_NAME_1"] except KeyError: self.m.fatalError("No input file defined!") try: self.idstname2 = self.strings["INTPUT_DST_NAME_2"] except KeyError: self.m.fatalError("No input file defined!")
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs): """ Initialize members and take input arguments """ = 'PTracksAna' AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ Sensors Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'Sensors' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.debug = self.ints[ "Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points self.box1ID = self.vints["Box1Id"] #ids of SiPMs in box1 self.box2ID = self.vints["Box2Id"] #DataFrame self.csv = self.strings["CSVSensors"] self.csvFile = open(self.csv, 'w') dataEvt = 'sensorID,x,y,z,box\n' self.csvFile.write(dataEvt) if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ CEvent Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'CEvent' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Box coordinates #print self.vdoubles self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] boxCoord1 =self.loadCoord("Box1V") boxCoord2 =self.loadCoord("Box2V") self.box1 = Box(boxCoord1) self.box2 = Box(boxCoord2) self.m.log(2, "Box1 --", self.box1) self.m.log(2, "Box2 ---", self.box2) self.lxe = LXe() #lxe properties print self.lxe if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ """ = 'MCWaveform' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs)
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs): """ """'MCWaveform' AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ AFiducial Algorithm """ = 'AFiducial' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ Energy Smearing Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'MCHitSmearing' #self.level = level AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # MC hit z-sparsing try: self.sparse_width = self.ints['sparse_width'] self.m.log(1, "z-sparsing is {0}".format(self.sparse_width)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'sparse_width' not defined.") exit(0) # MC hit x-y smearing try: self.xy_smearing = self.doubles['xy_smearing'] self.m.log(1, "xy-smearing is {0} mm".format(self.xy_smearing)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'xy_smearing' not defined.") exit(0) # Flag to plot tracks. try: self.par_plt_tracks = self.ints['plt_tracks'] self.plt_tracks = False if(self.par_plt_tracks == 1): self.plt_tracks = True self.m.log(1, "Plot tracks = {0}".format(self.plt_tracks)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_tracks' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot base output directory. try: self.plt_base = self.strings['plt_base'] self.m.log(1, "Plot base dir = {0}".format(self.plt_base)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_base' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot output format. try: self.out_fmt = self.strings['out_fmt'] self.m.log(1, "Plot output format = {0}".format(self.out_fmt)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'out_fmt' not defined.") exit(0) # Misc. options self.grdcol = 0.98
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ Energy Smearing Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'MCHitSmearing' #self.level = level AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # MC hit z-sparsing try: self.sparse_width = self.ints['sparse_width'] self.m.log(1, "z-sparsing is {0}".format(self.sparse_width)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'sparse_width' not defined.") exit(0) # MC hit x-y smearing try: self.xy_smearing = self.doubles['xy_smearing'] self.m.log(1, "xy-smearing is {0} mm".format(self.xy_smearing)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'xy_smearing' not defined.") exit(0) # Flag to plot tracks. try: self.par_plt_tracks = self.ints['plt_tracks'] self.plt_tracks = False if (self.par_plt_tracks == 1): self.plt_tracks = True self.m.log(1, "Plot tracks = {0}".format(self.plt_tracks)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_tracks' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot base output directory. try: self.plt_base = self.strings['plt_base'] self.m.log(1, "Plot base dir = {0}".format(self.plt_base)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_base' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot output format. try: self.out_fmt = self.strings['out_fmt'] self.m.log(1, "Plot output format = {0}".format(self.out_fmt)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'out_fmt' not defined.") exit(0) # Misc. options self.grdcol = 0.98
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ CRT Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'CRT' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Box coordinates #print self.vdoubles self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] boxCoord1 =self.loadCoord("Box1V") boxCoord2 =self.loadCoord("Box2V") fboxCoord1 =self.loadCoord("FBox1V") fboxCoord2 =self.loadCoord("FBox2V") self.QE = self.doubles["QE"] #quantum efficiency self.SPTR = self.doubles["SPTR"]*ps #single photon time resolution self.ASIC= self.doubles["ASIC"]*ps #ASIC contribution self.NPE = self.ints["NPE"] #number of pe for time average self.NSIPM = self.ints["NSIPM"] #number of SiPMs per box #time jitter of SiPM + ASIC self.TJ = sqrt(self.SPTR**2+self.ASIC**2) self.box1ID=self.vints["Box1Id"] self.box2ID=self.vints["Box2Id"] self.box1 = Box(boxCoord1) self.box2 = Box(boxCoord2) self.fbox1 = Box(fboxCoord1) self.fbox2 = Box(fboxCoord2) self.m.log(1, "Box1 --", self.box1) self.m.log(1, "Box2 ---", self.box2) self.m.log(1, "Fiducial Box1 --", self.box1) self.m.log(1, "Fiducial Box2 ---", self.box2) self.m.log(1, "IDs Box1 --", self.box1ID) self.m.log(1, "IDs Box2 --", self.box2ID) self.m.log(1, "QE = %7.2f Time Jitter =%7.2f ps --"%(self.QE, self.TJ/ps)) self.lxe = LXe() #lxe properties print self.lxe if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ ATimeMap Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'ATimeMap' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points self.SCINT = self.strings["SCINTILLATOR"] self.BIN = self.doubles["BIN"] #time bin in the simulation in ps self.QE = self.doubles["QE"] #quantum efficiency self.DTMAX = self.doubles["DTMAX"]*ps #max diff wrt first pes self.SPTR = self.doubles["SPTR"]*ps #single photon time resolution self.ASIC= self.doubles["ASIC"]*ps #ASIC contribution self.INTER = self.strings["INTER"] self.NINDEX = self.strings["NINDEX"] # FIX or VAR refraction index self.NSIPM = self.ints["NSIPM"] #number of SiPMs per box #time jitter of SiPM + ASIC self.TJ = sqrt(self.SPTR**2+self.ASIC**2) self.box1ID=self.vints["Box1Id"] #ids of SiPMs in box1 self.box2ID=self.vints["Box2Id"] self.HBOX = self.ints["HBOX"] # if 1 only box1 histos if 2 box1 and 2 if 0 no box histos self.m.log(1, "IDs Box1 --", self.box1ID) self.m.log(1, "IDs Box2 --", self.box2ID) self.m.log(1, "Scintillator --", self.SCINT) self.m.log(1, "QE = %7.2f Time Jitter =%7.2f ps --"%(self.QE, self.TJ/ps)) self.profileROOT = self.strings["VELHIST"] # ROOT file with vel hists if self.profileROOT != 'None': rootFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.profileROOT, "read") rootFile.PhVelTime.Rebin2D(40,40) self.profileVel = rootFile.PhVelTime.ProfileX() # Needed to avoid 'PyROOT_NoneType' object error self.profileVel.SetDirectory(0) else: self.profileVel = False self.vel = photonVelocity(self.profileVel, self.SCINT, self.NINDEX, self.INTER) if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs): """ """'WaveInspector' AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs) try: self.sType = self.strings["SENSOR_TYPE"] except KeyError: self.sType = ""
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs): """ Deal here with your parameters in param and kargs. If param is an instace of ParamManager, parameters will be set as algorithm parameters by AAlgo. """'algo_example' AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ MultiBlobFilter Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'MultiBlobFilter' #self.level = level AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Blob Radius try: self.blobRadius = self.doubles['blobRadius'] self.m.log(1, "Blob Radius: %.1f mm" %(self.blobRadius)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'blobRadius' not defined.") exit(0) # ROI Minimum Energy try: self.blobMinE = self.doubles['blobMinE'] self.m.log(1, "Minimum Blob Energy: %.3f MeV." %(self.blobMinE/MeV)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'blobMinE' not defined.") exit(0) # Use MC truth try: self.useTruth_param = self.ints['useTruth'] if(self.useTruth_param == 1): self.useTruth = True else: self.useTruth = False self.m.log(1, "Use MC truth = {0}".format(self.useTruth)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'useTruth' not defined.") exit(0) # Which track ordering method to use (only appicable if not using MC truth) # 0: Paolina # 1: momentum-based # 2: MST try: self.trk_omethod = self.ints['trk_omethod'] self.m.log(1, "Track ordering method = {0}".format(self.trk_omethod)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'trk_omethod' not defined.") exit(0)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): = 'Waveform' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points self.TBIN = self.ints["TBIN"] #time bin (100 ns in NEW ) if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ DTOFAVG Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'DTOFAVG' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points self.SCINT = self.strings["SCINTILLATOR"] self.INTER = self.strings["INTER"] # cher or scint self.NINDEX = self.strings["NINDEX"] # FIX or VAR refraction index self.npe = self.ints["NPE"] #number of pe to avg self.dts = self.vints["DTs"] # time windows to avg self.xres = self.doubles["XRES"] #X resolution self.yres = self.doubles["YRES"] #X resolution self.zres = self.doubles["ZRES"] #X resolution #load coordinates of box and fiducial box if self.SCINT == "LXE": self.scint = LXe() #lxe properties if self.NINDEX == "VAR": if self.INTER == "CHER": self.vel = 0.14/ps else: self.vel = 0.0886/ps else: self.vel = c_light/self.scint.RefractionIndex() elif self.SCINT == "LYSO": self.scint = LYSO() self.vel = c_light/self.scint.RefractionIndex() else: print "scintillator not yet implemented" sys.exit() print self.scint if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ """ = 'SignalsAna' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) try: self.sType = self.strings["SENSOR_TYPE"] except KeyError: self.sType = "gate.PMT"
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs): """ Deal here with your parameters in param and kargs. If param is an instace of ParamManager, parameters will be set as algorithm parameters by AAlgo. """ # Branches variables must be declared as attributes of the class'algo_example' self.evtID = array('i',[0]) # Variables must be unidimensional arrays self.plane0 = array('f',10*[ 0. ]) # Arrays are arrays AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ CEvent Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'CEvent' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Box coordinates #print self.vdoubles self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs): """ Deal here with your parameters in param and kargs. If param is an instace of ParamManager, parameters will be set as algorithm parameters by AAlgo. """'MyPyPetExample' AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs) # deal with input parameters try: self.mypar = self.ints["MyIntPar"] except KeyError: self.mypar = 0
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs): """ """'WaveInspector' AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs) try: self.sType = self.strings["SENSOR_TYPE"] except KeyError: self.sType = "" try: self.drawEach = self.ints["DRAW_EACH"] except KeyError: self.drawEach = False try: self.trueHit = self.ints["TRUE_HIT"] except KeyError: self.trueHit = True
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ TimeMapWL Algorithm """ = 'TimeMapWL' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) self.QE = self.doubles["QE"] #quantum efficiency self.SPTR = self.doubles["SPTR"] * ps #single photon time resolution self.ASIC = self.doubles["ASIC"] * ps #ASIC contribution self.minWL = self.doubles["minWL"] #Min wavelength self.maxWL = self.doubles["maxWL"] #Max wavelength self.csv = self.strings["CSV"] self.csvFile = open(self.csv, 'w') dataEvt = 'evtID,vtx1X,vtx1Y,vtx1Z,vtx1T,vtx2X,vtx2Y,vtx2Z,vtx2T\n' self.csvFile.write(dataEvt)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ DTOFWL Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'DTOFWL' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.VEL = self.doubles[ "VEL"] #used to stop program at key break points self.debug = self.ints[ "Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points self.SCINT = self.strings["SCINTILLATOR"] self.INTER = self.strings["INTER"] # cher or scint self.NINDEX = self.strings["NINDEX"] # FIX or VAR refraction index self.csv = self.strings["CSV"] self.csvFile = open(self.csv, 'w') dataEvt = 'dt,dtg,dbox1,dbox2,wl1,wl2\n' self.csvFile.write(dataEvt) self.profileROOT = self.strings["VELHIST"] # ROOT file with vel hists if self.profileROOT != 'None': rootFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.profileROOT, "read") rootFile.PhVelTime.Rebin2D(40, 40) self.profileVel = rootFile.PhVelTime.ProfileX() # Needed to avoid 'PyROOT_NoneType' object error self.profileVel.SetDirectory(0) else: self.profileVel = False #self.vel = photonVelocity(self.profileVel, self.SCINT, self.NINDEX, self.INTER) self.vel = self.VEL if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ DCR Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'DCR' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points self.DCR = self.doubles["DCR"] #Dark Count Rate in kHz self.waveforms = {} # Map {sensorID : waveform}, where waveform is a list [(bin,charge)] if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ CRT Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'CRT' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS #self.FTREES = self.strings["FTREES"] self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] #used to stop program at key break points #load coordinates of box and fiducial box boxCoord1 =self.loadCoord("Box1V") boxCoord2 =self.loadCoord("Box2V") fboxCoord1 =self.loadCoord("FBox1V") fboxCoord2 =self.loadCoord("FBox2V") self.SCINT = self.strings["SCINTILLATOR"] self.QE = self.doubles["QE"] #quantum efficiency self.DTMAX = self.doubles["DTMAX"]*ps #max diff wrt first pes self.SPTR = self.doubles["SPTR"]*ps #single photon time resolution self.ASIC= self.doubles["ASIC"]*ps #ASIC contribution self.NPE = self.ints["NPE"] #number of pe for time average self.NSIPM = self.ints["NSIPM"] #number of SiPMs per box #time jitter of SiPM + ASIC self.TJ = sqrt(self.SPTR**2+self.ASIC**2) self.box1ID=self.vints["Box1Id"] #ids of SiPMs in box1 self.box2ID=self.vints["Box2Id"] self.box1 = Box(boxCoord1) self.box2 = Box(boxCoord2) self.fbox1 = Box(fboxCoord1) self.fbox2 = Box(fboxCoord2) self.m.log(1, "Box1 --", self.box1) self.m.log(1, "Box2 ---", self.box2) self.m.log(1, "Fiducial Box1 --", self.box1) self.m.log(1, "Fiducial Box2 ---", self.box2) self.m.log(1, "IDs Box1 --", self.box1ID) self.m.log(1, "IDs Box2 --", self.box2ID) self.m.log(1, "MATERIAL --", self.MATERIAL) self.m.log(1, "QE = %7.2f Time Jitter =%7.2f ps --"%(self.QE, self.TJ/ps)) if self.SCINT == "LXE" self.scint = LXe() #lxe properties elif self.SCINT == "LYSO" self.scint = LYSO() else: print "scintillator not yet implemented" sys.exit() print self.scint if self.debug == 1: wait()
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): """ CRT Algorithm """ #self.m.log(1, 'Constructor()') ### GENERAL STUFF = 'CRT' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Box coordinates #print self.vdoubles self.debug = self.ints["Debug"] boxCoord1 =self.loadCoord("Box1V") boxCoord2 =self.loadCoord("Box2V") fboxCoord1 =self.loadCoord("FBox1V") fboxCoord2 =self.loadCoord("FBox2V") self.QE = self.doubles["QE"] #quantum efficiency self.DTMAX = self.doubles["DTMAX"]*ps #max diff wrt first pes self.SPTR = self.doubles["SPTR"]*ps #single photon time resolution self.ASIC= self.doubles["ASIC"]*ps #ASIC contribution self.NPE = self.ints["NPE"] #number of pe for time average self.NSIPM = self.ints["NSIPM"] #number of SiPMs per box #time jitter of SiPM + ASIC self.TJ = sqrt(self.SPTR**2+self.ASIC**2) self.box1ID=self.vints["Box1Id"] self.box2ID=self.vints["Box2Id"] self.box1 = Box(boxCoord1) self.box2 = Box(boxCoord2) self.fbox1 = Box(fboxCoord1) self.fbox2 = Box(fboxCoord2) self.m.log(1, "Box1 --", self.box1) self.m.log(1, "Box2 ---", self.box2) self.m.log(1, "Fiducial Box1 --", self.box1) self.m.log(1, "Fiducial Box2 ---", self.box2) self.m.log(1, "IDs Box1 --", self.box1ID) self.m.log(1, "IDs Box2 --", self.box2ID) self.m.log(1, "QE = %7.2f Time Jitter =%7.2f ps --"%(self.QE, self.TJ/ps)) self.lxe = LXe() #lxe properties print self.lxe if self.debug == 1: wait() fid = array.array('f',[0.]) #0,1 or 2 gammas found in boxes xb1= array.array('f',[0.]) # (x,y,z) vertex in box1 yb1= array.array('f',[0.]) zb1= array.array('f',[0.]) tpb1= array.array('f',[0.]) # time of particle in box1 photSiPMb1= array.array('f',[0.]) # photons/SiPM pesSiPMb1= array.array('f',[0.]) # photons/SiPM nPhotb1= array.array('f',[0.]) # total photons in b1 nhitsb1 = array.array('f',[0.]) #number of SiPM with signal in box1 tFstSiPMb1 = array.array('f',[0.]) #time of first SiPM in box1 dVtxFstSiPMb1 = array.array('f',[0.]) #distance vertex-sipm in box1 1stpe tVtxFstSiPMb1 = array.array('f',[0.]) #time vertex- first SiPM xb2= array.array('f',[0.]) # (x,y,z) vertex in box2 yb2= array.array('f',[0.]) zb2= array.array('f',[0.]) tpb2= array.array('f',[0.]) # time of particle in box2 photSiPMb2= array.array('f',[0.]) pesSiPMb2= array.array('f',[0.]) # photons/SiPM nPhotb2= array.array('f',[0.]) nhitsb2 = array.array('f',[0.]) tFstSiPMb2 = array.array('f',[0.]) dVtxFstSiPMb2 = array.array('f',[0.]) tVtxFstSiPMb2 = array.array('f',[0.]) dtFstSiPM = array.array('f',[0.]) # Dt computed with first SiPM'CRT',"Coincidence Resoltion Time") tman.addBranch('CRT','fid',fid,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','dtFstSiPM',dtFstSiPM,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','xb1',xb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','yb1',yb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','zb1',zb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','tpb1',tpb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','photSiPMb1',photSiPMb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','pesSiPMb1',pesSiPMb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','tFstSiPMb1',tFstSiPMb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','dVtxFstSiPMb1',dVtxFstSiPMb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','tVtxFstSiPMb1',tVtxFstSiPMb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','nPhotb1',nPhotb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','nhitsb1',nhitsb1,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','xb2',xb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','yb2',yb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','zb2',zb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','tpb2',tpb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','photSiPMb2',photSiPMb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','pesSiPMb2',pesSiPMb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','tFstSiPMb2',tFstSiPMb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','dVtxFstSiPMb2',dVtxFstSiPMb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','tVtxFstSiPMb2',tVtxFstSiPMb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','nPhotb2',nPhotb2,dim=1) tman.addBranch('CRT','nhitsb2',nhitsb2,dim=1)
def __init__(self, param=False, level=1, label="", **kargs): = 'mst' AAlgo.__init__(self, param, level,, 0, label, kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Minimum number of voxels in a segment. try: self.min_path_voxels = self.ints['min_path_voxels'] self.m.log( 1, "Minimum voxels per segment = {0}".format( self.min_path_voxels)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'min_path_voxels' not defined.") exit(0) # Number of voxels allowed in segment overlap. try: self.path_overlap_tol = self.ints['path_overlap_tol'] self.m.log( 1, "Path overlap tolerance = {0}".format(self.path_overlap_tol)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'path_overlap_tol' not defined.") exit(0) # Flag to use MC hits. try: self.par_use_voxels = self.ints['use_voxels'] self.use_voxels = False if (self.par_use_voxels == 1): self.use_voxels = True self.m.log(1, "Use voxels = {0}".format(self.use_voxels)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'use_voxels' not defined.") exit(0) # Maximum distance between neighboring MC hits try: self.nbr_dist = self.doubles['nbr_dist'] self.m.log( 1, "Maximum distance between neighboring MC hits = {0}".format( self.nbr_dist)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'nbr_dist' not defined.") exit(0) # Flag to plot tracks. try: self.par_plt_tracks = self.ints['plt_tracks'] self.plt_tracks = False if (self.par_plt_tracks == 1): self.plt_tracks = True self.m.log(1, "Plot tracks = {0}".format(self.plt_tracks)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_tracks' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot base output directory. try: self.plt_base = self.strings['plt_base'] self.m.log(1, "Plot base dir = {0}".format(self.plt_base)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_base' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot output format. try: self.out_fmt = self.strings['out_fmt'] self.m.log(1, "Plot output format = {0}".format(self.out_fmt)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'out_fmt' not defined.") exit(0) # Misc. options self.grdcol = 0.98
def __init__(self,param=False,level = 1,label="",**kargs):'mst' AAlgo.__init__(self,param,level,,0,label,kargs) ### PARAMETERS # Minimum number of voxels in a segment. try: self.min_path_voxels = self.ints['min_path_voxels'] self.m.log(1, "Minimum voxels per segment = {0}".format(self.min_path_voxels)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'min_path_voxels' not defined.") exit(0) # Number of voxels allowed in segment overlap. try: self.path_overlap_tol = self.ints['path_overlap_tol'] self.m.log(1, "Path overlap tolerance = {0}".format(self.path_overlap_tol)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'path_overlap_tol' not defined.") exit(0) # Flag to use MC hits. try: self.par_use_voxels = self.ints['use_voxels'] self.use_voxels = False if(self.par_use_voxels == 1): self.use_voxels = True self.m.log(1, "Use voxels = {0}".format(self.use_voxels)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'use_voxels' not defined.") exit(0) # Maximum distance between neighboring MC hits try: self.nbr_dist = self.doubles['nbr_dist'] self.m.log(1, "Maximum distance between neighboring MC hits = {0}".format(self.nbr_dist)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'nbr_dist' not defined.") exit(0) # Flag to plot tracks. try: self.par_plt_tracks = self.ints['plt_tracks'] self.plt_tracks = False if(self.par_plt_tracks == 1): self.plt_tracks = True self.m.log(1, "Plot tracks = {0}".format(self.plt_tracks)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_tracks' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot base output directory. try: self.plt_base = self.strings['plt_base'] self.m.log(1, "Plot base dir = {0}".format(self.plt_base)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'plt_base' not defined.") exit(0) # Plot output format. try: self.out_fmt = self.strings['out_fmt'] self.m.log(1, "Plot output format = {0}".format(self.out_fmt)) except KeyError: self.m.log(1, "WARNING!! Parameter: 'out_fmt' not defined.") exit(0) # Misc. options self.grdcol = 0.98