def topology_generator(microgrid, microgrid_SSH, base_voltage_list, busbar_list, linear_shunt_compensator_list, substation_list, voltage_level_list, generating_unit_list, regulating_control_list, power_transformer_list, energy_consumer_list, power_transformer_end_list, breaker_list, ratio_tap_changer_list, synchronous_machine_list, AC_lines_list): # Add elements in Node class, add them to node_list, find the terminals connected # and add them to terminalList in node answer = messagebox.showinfo("Topology Generator algorithm","Let's check how the topology algorithm works!") answer = messagebox.showinfo("Topology Generator algorithm","After a number of functions is defined, " "the algorithm start. Let's continue.") terminal_list = [] node_list = [] for terminal in microgrid.findall('Terminal'): CN = terminal.find('Terminal.ConnectivityNode').attrib['resource'] ID = terminal.get('ID') name = terminal.find('').text CE = terminal.find('Terminal.ConductingEquipment').attrib['resource'] passed = False terminal_class = Terminal(ID, name, CE, CN, passed) terminal_list.append(terminal_class) for node in microgrid.findall('ConnectivityNode'): ID = node.get('ID') name = node.find('').text container = node.find('ConnectivityNode.ConnectivityNodeContainer').attrib['resource'] node_class = Node(ID, name, container) for terminal in terminal_list: if ID == terminal.CN[1:]: node_class.add_terminal(terminal) node_list.append(node_class) # Add Conducting Equipment to list equipment_list = (busbar_list + linear_shunt_compensator_list + generating_unit_list + power_transformer_list + energy_consumer_list + breaker_list + synchronous_machine_list + AC_lines_list) # Find the terminals connected to every CE and add them to terminalList of each component for ce in equipment_list: if (isinstance(ce, ACLine) or isinstance(ce, Breaker) or isinstance(ce, PowerTransformer) or isinstance(ce, SynchronousMachine) or isinstance(ce, LinearShuntCompensator) or isinstance(ce, BusBar) or isinstance(ce, EnergyConsumer)): for terminal in terminal_list: if ce.ID == terminal.CE[1:]: ce.add_terminal(terminal) # for the generating unit, at first, the synchronous machine connected to it is found for ce in generating_unit_list: for machine in synchronous_machine_list: if ce.ID == machine.gen_unit[1:]: ce.terminalList = machine.terminalList # Define function to check if element is a Te def check_terminal(curr_node): return isinstance(curr_node, Terminal) # Define function to check if element is a CN def check_CN(curr_node): return isinstance(curr_node, Node) # Define function to check if element is a CE def check_CE(curr_node): return (isinstance(curr_node, ACLine) or isinstance(curr_node, Breaker) or isinstance(curr_node, GeneratingUnit) or isinstance(curr_node, PowerTransformer) or isinstance(curr_node, SynchronousMachine) or isinstance(curr_node, LinearShuntCompensator) or isinstance(curr_node, BusBar) or isinstance(curr_node, EnergyConsumer)) # Define function that finds the node following the input node def find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node): if check_terminal(curr_node): if check_CE(prev_node): for cn in node_list: if cn.ID == curr_node.CN[1:]: next_node = cn return next_node if check_CN(prev_node): for ce in equipment_list: if ce.ID == curr_node.CE[1:]: next_node = ce return next_node if check_CN(curr_node): for te in terminal_list: if curr_node.ID == te.CN[1:] and not te.passed: next_node = te return next_node if check_CE(curr_node): for te in curr_node.terminalList: if not te.passed: next_node = te return next_node # Define function to check if there is a busbar connected to a CN # Returns true is it is connected to a busbar and false if it is not def bus_connected_to_CN(CN): next_terminal = find_next_node(CN, '') if not next_terminal: return False CE = find_next_node(next_terminal, CN) for busbar in busbar_list: if CE.ID == busbar.ID: return True return False # Define function that return the bus attached to the terminal, or false if there is none def bus_connected_to_te(terminal): for busbar in busbar_list: if terminal.CE[1:] == busbar.ID: return busbar return False # Define function to find out if in the list of terminals, a terminal il untraversed def is_untraversed(node): for terminal in node.terminalList: if not terminal.passed: return True return False # Define a function that check if CE is a breaker and returns true if terminal is open, false otherwise def is_open_breaker(CE): for breaker in breaker_list: if CE == breaker: if breaker.state == 'true': return True return False # Initialize stacks CN_stack = deque([]) # to push a CN as soon as it is visited, pop when all terminals attached to this node are traversed CE_stack = deque([]) # to push a CE, as and when encountered everything_stack = deque([]) # to push all the visited nodes (CE, CN, Te) # Initialize variables to use starting_node = generating_unit_list[0] # Select starting node as an end device curr_node = starting_node prev_node = 'empty' # Get next_node from function and define algorithm next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) final_everything_stack = [] final_CE_stack = [] CE_list = [] bus_flag = False flag = False answer = messagebox.showinfo(title="Topology Generator algorithm",message=( "The algorithm starts with the current node =", curr_node) ) counter = 1 continue_messages = True while not flag: if continue_messages: answer = messagebox.askyesno(title="Topology Generator algorithm", message=("Step number", counter, "current node = ", curr_node, " Do you want to continue?")) if answer == False: continue_messages=False counter += 1 if len(everything_stack) == 0 or curr_node not in everything_stack: everything_stack.append(curr_node) # Add element to everything_stack if check_terminal(curr_node): # If curr_node is a terminal curr_node.passed = True if check_CN(next_node): if not bus_connected_to_CN(next_node): # if CN is not connected to a bus go to next node prev_node = curr_node curr_node = next_node next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) else: # if CN is connected to bus, stop the algorithm at the busbar bus_flag = True node_flag = next_node prev_node = curr_node curr_node = next_node next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) elif check_CE(next_node): prev_node = curr_node curr_node = next_node next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) # If the current node is a CN elif check_CN(curr_node): if len(CN_stack) == 0 or curr_node not in CN_stack:#not CN_stack[-1] == curr_node: CN_stack.append(curr_node) # Push in the CN stack if is_untraversed(curr_node): prev_node = curr_node curr_node = next_node next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) else: # if there is no untraversed terminal remaining and go to another CN final_CE_stack = CE_stack final_everything_stack =everything_stack CN_stack.pop() # pop the current CN off the CN stack if len(CN_stack) != 0: # if the stack is not empty curr_node = CN_stack[-1] # mark the next node as the CN on top of CN stack prev_node = 'empty' next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) else: # final_CE_stack.append(CE_stack) final_CE_stack = CE_stack final_everything_stack = everything_stack # publish the CE_stack and everything_stack flag = True # If the current node is a CE elif check_CE(curr_node): CE_stack.append(curr_node) # Push in the CE stack if is_untraversed(curr_node) and not is_open_breaker(curr_node): prev_node = curr_node curr_node = next_node next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) elif (not is_untraversed(curr_node) or is_open_breaker(curr_node)): final_CE_stack = CE_stack final_everything_stack =everything_stack # publish the CE_stack, everything_stack prev_node = curr_node curr_node = CN_stack[-1] # mark the next node as the CN on top of CN stack next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) if len(CN_stack) == 0: # if the stack is not empty final_CE_stack = CE_stack final_everything_stack = everything_stack # publish the CE_stack and everything_stack flag = True elif bus_flag: # go back to the CN if not is_untraversed(node_flag): # if the CN connected to the busbar has no other terminals connected # end the algorithm publish the CE_stack, everything_stack final_CE_stack = CE_stack final_everything_stack = everything_stack answer = messagebox.showinfo(title="Topology Generator algorithm", message=("Algorithm finished at step number", counter, "current node = ", curr_node)) flag = True else: # if the CN has other terminals connected go back curr_node = node_flag # mark the next node as the CN on top of CN stack prev_node = 'empty' next_node = find_next_node(curr_node, prev_node) bus_flag = False #print(curr_node) return final_everything_stack, final_CE_stack
name = terminal.find('').text CE = terminal.find('Terminal.ConductingEquipment').attrib['resource'] passed = False terminal_class = Terminal(ID, name, CE, CN, passed) terminal_list.append(terminal_class) for node in microgrid.findall('ConnectivityNode'): ID = node.get('ID') name = node.find('').text container = node.find( 'ConnectivityNode.ConnectivityNodeContainer').attrib['resource'] node_class = Node(ID, name, container) for terminal in terminal_list: if ID == terminal.CN[1:]: node_class.add_terminal(terminal) node_list.append(node_class) # Add Conducting Equipment to list equipment_list = (busbar_list + linear_shunt_compensator_list + generating_unit_list + power_transformer_list + energy_consumer_list + breaker_list + synchronous_machine_list + AC_lines_list) # Find the terminals connected to every CE and add them to terminalList of each component for ce in equipment_list: if (isinstance(ce, ACLine) or isinstance(ce, Breaker) or isinstance(ce, PowerTransformer) or isinstance(ce, SynchronousMachine) or isinstance(ce, LinearShuntCompensator)