コード例 #1
def execute(input_chain, total_iterations, dimension):
	"""This function takes as input an unfolded Amino_acid_chain object, 
	folds it randomly 40 times, and returns the chain with the best score."""

	# create new chain with sequence of input chain
	new_random_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)

	for i in range (total_iterations):

		# fold random new chain and calculate stability score
		new_random_chain = helpers.fold_random(new_random_chain, dimension)

		# if score of new chain is higher than current input_chain
		if new_random_chain.score < input_chain.score:

			# fold input_chain like new chain and update score
			input_chain.chain = new_random_chain.chain

	# if score of best radom is still 0, fold like new_random_chain
	if input_chain.score == 0:
		input_chain.chain = new_random_chain.chain
コード例 #2
# > Able to fold amino acid chains consisting of up to 14 amino acids (H / P)
# --> first H/P chain (2D)
#		Runtime: aprox. 10 seconds

# imports
from Classes import AminoAcidChain
from collections import deque
import copy
import math
import timeit

# variables used for score checking
best_chain = []
best_score = 0
new_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain("p")

def execute(input, d, max_time):
    """Search for the best possible chain, utilizing the Depth-first method.
	If this takes more than 15 seconds, quit and return the best solution found.
	Keyword arguments:
	input -- the chain to work with (contains acid type and default coordinates, [0,0,0]).
	d -- determines the dimension to work in, 2D/3D.
	max_time -- determines how long the function is allowed to run.

    # initialize timer
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    # initialize input chain with starting coords
コード例 #3
def execute(input_chain, start_point, iterations, dimension):
	""" Folds using simulated annealing, keeping chains only with a probability
	derived from exponential cooling schedule.

	Keyword arguments:
	input_chain -- the chain to work with (contains acid type and coordinates, [x, y, c]
	start_point -- the chain position with which to start making changes 
		(straight-folded / random_folded)
	iterations -- the amount of changes this function will make (10000 recommended)
	dimension -- the dimension to fold chain in (2D / 3D)"""

    # parameters simulated annealing  
	T_begin = 100
	T_current = 0
	T_end = 1

	# initialize variables to store temporary acid chains
	new_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)
	rotated_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)
	best_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)\

	if start_point == "straight_folded":

		# fold amino acid chain straight
		for i, acid in enumerate(new_acid_chain.chain):
			acid.coordinates = [i, 0, 0]
	elif start_point == "random_folded":
		new_acid_chain = helpers.fold_random(input_chain, dimension)

	start_score = new_acid_chain.score

	current_iteration = 0

	while current_iteration < iterations:

		# calculate current temperature using exponential cooling schedule
		T_current = T_begin * (T_end / T_begin) ** ((current_iteration * 1.5 ) / iterations)
		rotated_chain = new_acid_chain.rotate(dimension, 0)
		if rotated_chain == 1:	
			# no possible rotations found, break out of loop

		# set chain to new rotated_chain and update stability score
		rotated_acid_chain.chain = rotated_chain

		cost = ((new_acid_chain.score) - rotated_acid_chain.score)
		acceptance_prob = math.e ** (cost / T_current)

		if random() < acceptance_prob: 
			# set current chain to new chain and update stability score
			new_acid_chain.chain = rotated_chain

		if acceptance_prob == 1: 
			if random() < 0.5: 
				# set current chain to new chain and update stability score
				new_acid_chain.chain = rotated_chain 

		# increase number of iterations with 1
		current_iteration += 1

	# print start_score to show whether hillclimber improved stability
	print("Start score:", start_score)

	# set input chain random folded chain with best score
	input_chain.chain = new_acid_chain.chain
コード例 #4
def main():

    if len(sys.argv) == 4:
        dimension = sys.argv[1].lower()
        algorithm = sys.argv[2].lower()
        sequence = sys.argv[3].lower()

        if dimension != "2d" and dimension != "3d":
                "\nUsage: application.py dimension algorithm HHPHHHPHPHHHPH/CHPHCHPHCHHCPH\n"
                "dimension: 2D/3D\nalgorithms: Random / Breadth / Breadth_heur / Depth / Depth_hill / Hillclimber / RandomHillclimber / Simulatedannealing / RandomSimulatedannealing\n"

        # if iterative algorithm, ask user to input number of iterations
        if (algorithm == "hillclimber" or algorithm == "randomhillclimber"
                or algorithm == "simulatedannealing"
                or algorithm == "randomsimulatedannealing"
                or algorithm == "random"):
            iterations = helpers.ask_for_iterations(algorithm)

        elif algorithm == "depth":
            algorithm = helpers.ask_for_hillclimbing()

    elif len(sys.argv) > 1:
            "\nUsage: application.py dimension algorithm HHPHHHPHPHHHPH/CHPHCHPHCHHCPH\n"
            "dimension: 2D/3D\nalgorithms: Random / Breadth / Breadth_heur / Depth / Depth_hill / Hillclimber / RandomHillclimber / Simulatedannealing / RandomSimulatedannealing\n"

        app = GuiApplication.Gui_Application()
        app.run("csv", "sequences.csv")
        specs = app.specs()

        sequence = specs["sequence"]
        algorithm = specs["algorithm"]
        dimension = specs["dimension"]

        if (algorithm == "hillclimber" or algorithm == "randomhillclimber"
                or algorithm == "simulatedannealing"
                or algorithm == "randomsimulatedannealing"
                or algorithm == "random"):
            iterations = specs["iterations"]

    # initialize timer
    start = timeit.default_timer()

    # create AminoAcidChain object
    amino_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(sequence)

    # set x and y coordinates of the aminoacids of chain, depending on the algorithm
    if algorithm == "random":
        random_algorithm.execute(amino_acid_chain, iterations, dimension)
    # breadth-first
    elif algorithm == "breadth":
        breadth_algorithm.execute(amino_acid_chain, dimension)
    # breadth-first with heuristics
    elif algorithm == "breadth_heur":
        breadth_heur_algorithm.execute(amino_acid_chain, dimension)
    # depth-first
    elif algorithm == "depth" or algorithm == "depth_hill":
        max_duration = 15
        finished = depth_algorithm.execute(amino_acid_chain, dimension,
        if algorithm == "depth_hill" and finished == False:
            print("Performing hillclimber.. Current score: ",
            hillclimber_algorithm.execute(amino_acid_chain, "dept_chain", 1000,
    # hillclimber
    elif algorithm == "hillclimber":
        hillclimber_algorithm.execute(amino_acid_chain, "straight_folded",
                                      iterations, dimension)
    # hillclimber with random start
    elif algorithm == "randomhillclimber":
        hillclimber_algorithm.execute(amino_acid_chain, "random_folded",
                                      iterations, dimension)
    # simulated annealing
    elif algorithm == "simulatedannealing":
        simulated_annealing.execute(amino_acid_chain, "straight_folded",
                                    iterations, dimension)
    # simulated annealing with random start
    elif algorithm == "randomsimulatedannealing":
        simulated_annealing.execute(amino_acid_chain, "random_folded",
                                    iterations, dimension)
    # invalid commandline arg
            "\nUsage: application.py dimension algorithm HHPHHHPHPHHHPH/CHPHCHPHCHHCPH\n"
            "dimension: 2D/3D\nalgorithms: Random / Breadth / Breadth_heur / Depth / Depth_hill / Hillclimber / RandomHillclimber / Simulatedannealing / RandomSimulatedannealing\n"

    # stop timer
    stop = timeit.default_timer()
    print("Runtime:", (stop - start))

    # calculate chains stability score
    print("Score:", (amino_acid_chain.score))

    # plot the "folded" aminoacid chain
コード例 #5
def execute(input_chain, start_point, iterations, dimension):
	"""Folds using hillclimber, keeping new chains only if score is equal or better than old chain.

	Keyword arguments:
	input_chain -- the chain to work with (contains acid type and coordinates, [x, y, z])
	start_point -- the chain position with which to start making changes (straight-folded / random-folded / after depth-first) 
	iterations -- the amount of changes this function will make (1000 recommended)
	dimension -- the dimension to fold chain in (2D / 3D)"""

	# initialize variables to store temporary acid chains
	new_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)
	rotated_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)
	best_acid_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)

	# fold new_acid_chain accordinly based on input (start_point)
	if start_point == "straight_folded":

		# fold amino acid chain straight
		for i, acid in enumerate(new_acid_chain.chain):
			acid.coordinates = [i, 0, 0]
	elif start_point == "random_folded":

		# fold amino acid chain randomly
		new_acid_chain = helpers.fold_random(input_chain, dimension)

	elif start_point == "dept_chain":

		# set new amino acid chain to input_chainm (depth-first output)
		new_acid_chain = copy.deepcopy(input_chain)

	scores = []

	current_iteration = 0

	# score of current new_acid_chain is the start score
	start_score = new_acid_chain.score

	while current_iteration < iterations:
		rotated_chain = new_acid_chain.rotate(dimension, 0)
		if rotated_chain == 1:
			print("no possible rotations found at iteration nr", current_iteration)
			# no possible rotations found, break out of loop

		# set chain to new rotated_chain and update stability score
		rotated_acid_chain.chain = rotated_chain

		# if new score is lower than current score
		if rotated_acid_chain.score <= new_acid_chain.score:

			# set current chain to new chain and update stability score
			new_acid_chain.chain = rotated_chain

			# increase number of current_iteration with 1
			current_iteration += 1

			# else, increase number of current_iteration with 1
			current_iteration += 1
	# print start_score to show whether hillclimber improved stability
	print("Start score:", start_score)
	# set input chain random folded chain with best score
	input_chain.chain = new_acid_chain.chain
コード例 #6
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: LunarLite/Proteasen
def fold_random(input_chain, dimension):
    """Folds input_chain randomly.

	Keyword arguments: 
	input_chain -- the chain to work with (of class AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain, 
		containing acid type and default coordinates, [0, 0, 0]).
	dimension -- the dimension in which this function should fold (2D / 3D)"""

    # create AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain class to store random folded amino_acid
    output_chain = AminoAcidChain.Amino_acid_chain(input_chain.sequence)

    # iterate over each aminoacid
    for i in range(1, len(input_chain.chain)):

        # remember coordinates of previous amino acid
        x = output_chain.chain[i - 1].coordinates[0]
        y = output_chain.chain[i - 1].coordinates[1]
        z = output_chain.chain[i - 1].coordinates[2]

        # create array containing possible positions
        options = [[x + 1, y, z], [x - 1, y, z], [x, y + 1, z], [x, y - 1, z]]

        # add more options if dimension is 3D
        if dimension == "3d":
            options.append([x, y, z + 1])
            options.append([x, y, z - 1])

        # keep track of (the amount of) conflicts
        conflict = True
        conflicts = 0

        while conflict:

            # if conflicts more than 20, chain is probably stuck, break
            if conflicts >= 20:
                conflict = False

            # randomly choose one of the possible positions
            option = randint(0, len(options) - 1)
            coordinates = options[option]

            # iterate over all previously positioned amino acids
            for j in range(0, i):

                # if coordinates match, break to choose new coordinates
                if coordinates == output_chain.chain[j].coordinates:
                    conflict = True
                    conflicts += 1

                # if none of the previous coordinates match, break out of while loop
                    conflict = False

        if conflicts < 20:

            # set coordinates of current amino acid
            output_chain.chain[i].coordinates = coordinates


    #if chain stuck in conflict, set coordinates back and fold again
    if conflicts >= 20:
        output_chain = fold_random(input_chain, dimension)

    return output_chain