コード例 #1
ファイル: metric_mon.py プロジェクト: benmcclelland/cobalt
class metricmon(Component):
    """metrics mointor: monitors the real time statistics of interested metrics such as average waiting time and system utilization rate"""
    implementation = "imon"
    name = "imon"
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Component.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.event_manager = ComponentProxy("event-manager")
        self.bqsim = ComponentProxy("queue-manager")
        self.mmon_logger = None
    def get_current_time_sec(self):
        return self.event_manager.get_current_time()
    def get_current_time_date(self):
        return self.event_manager.get_current_date_time()
    def init_mmon_logger(self):
        if self.mon_logger == None:
            self.mmon_logger = PBSlogger(self.bqsim.get_outputlog_string() + "-mmon")
    def metric_monitor(self):
コード例 #2
ファイル: metric_mon.py プロジェクト: benmcclelland/cobalt
class metricmon(Component):
    """metrics mointor: monitors the real time statistics of interested metrics such as average waiting time and system utilization rate"""

    implementation = "imon"
    name = "imon"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        Component.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.event_manager = ComponentProxy("event-manager")
        self.bqsim = ComponentProxy("queue-manager")
        self.mmon_logger = None

    def get_current_time_sec(self):
        return self.event_manager.get_current_time()

    def get_current_time_date(self):
        return self.event_manager.get_current_date_time()

    def init_mmon_logger(self):
        if self.mon_logger == None:
            self.mmon_logger = PBSlogger(self.bqsim.get_outputlog_string() +

    def metric_monitor(self):
コード例 #3
ファイル: cqsim.py プロジェクト: benmcclelland/cobalt-orcm
class ClusterQsim(ClusterBaseSystem):
    '''Cobalt Queue Simulator for cluster systems'''
    implementation = "cqsim"
    name = "cluster-queue-manager"
    alias = "cluster-system"
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ClusterBaseSystem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.sleep_interval = kwargs.get("sleep_interval", 0)
        self.fraction = kwargs.get("cluster_fraction", 1)
        self.sim_start = kwargs.get("c_trace_start", 0)
        self.sim_end = kwargs.get("c_trace_end", sys.maxint)
        self.anchor = kwargs.get("anchor", 0)
        self.workload_file =  kwargs.get("cjob")
        self.output_log = MACHINE_NAME + "-" + kwargs.get("outputlog", "")
        self.bgjob = kwargs.get("bgjob")
        self.event_manager = ComponentProxy("event-manager")
        walltime_prediction = get_histm_config("walltime_prediction", False)   # *AdjEst*
        print "walltime_prediction=", walltime_prediction
        if walltime_prediction in ["True", "true"]:
            self.walltime_prediction = True
            self.walltime_prediction = False
        self.time_stamps = [('I', '0', 0, {})]
        self.cur_time_index = 0
        self.queues = SimQueueDict(policy=None)
 #       self.invisible_job_dict = {}   # for jobs not submitted, {jobid:job_instance}
        self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict = {}   #{jobid: jobspec}

        self.num_running = 0
        self.num_waiting = 0
        self.num_busy = 0
        self.num_end = 0
        self.total_job = 0
        self.total_nodes = len(self.all_nodes)

        #initialize PBS-style logger
        self.pbslog = PBSlogger(self.output_log)
        #initialize debug logger
        if self.output_log:
            self.dbglog = PBSlogger(self.output_log+"-debug")
            self.dbglog = PBSlogger(".debug")
        #finish tag
        self.finished = False
        #register local alias "system" for this component
        local_components["cluster-system"] = self
        #initialize capacity loss
        self.capacity_loss = 0
        #starting job(id)s at current time stamp. used for calculating capacity loss
        self.starting_jobs = []
        self.user_utility_functions = {}
        self.builtin_utility_functions = {}
        self.cosched_scheme_tup = kwargs.get("coscheduling", (0,0))
        self.cosched_scheme = self.cosched_scheme_tup[1]
        self.cosched_scheme_remote = self.cosched_scheme_tup[0]
        self.mate_vicinity = kwargs.get("vicinity", 0)
        self.mate_ratio = kwargs.get("mate_ratio", 0)
        valid_cosched_schemes = ["hold", "yield"]
        if self.cosched_scheme in valid_cosched_schemes and self.cosched_scheme_remote in valid_cosched_schemes:
            self.coscheduling = True
            self.coscheduling = False
        if not kwargs.get("bgjob", None):
            self.coscheduling = False
        self.mate_job_dict = {}
        if self.coscheduling:
            self.jobid_qtime_pairs =  self.init_jobid_qtime_pairs()           
                self.remote_jobid_qtime_pairs = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).get_jobid_qtime_pairs()
                self.logger.error("fail to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                self.coscheduling = False

            if self.mate_vicinity:
                print "start init mate job dict, vicinity=", self.mate_vicinity
            elif self.mate_ratio:
                print "start init mate job dict, mate_ratio=", self.mate_ratio
                self.logger.error("fail to initialize mate job dict!")
            matejobs = len(self.mate_job_dict.keys())
            proportion = float(matejobs) / self.total_job
        #recording holding job id and holden resource    
        self.job_hold_dict = {}
        #record holding job's holding time   jobid:first hold (sec)
        self.first_hold_time_dict = {} 
        #record yield jobs's first yielding time, for calculating the extra waiting time
        self.first_yield_hold_time_dict = {}
        #record yield job ids. update dynamically
        self.yielding_job_list = []
        if self.coscheduling:
            remote_mate_job_dict = dict((v,k) for k, v in self.mate_job_dict.iteritems())
                self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                self.coscheduling = False
            print "number of mate job pairs: %s, proportion in cluster jobs: %s%%" \
            % (len(self.mate_job_dict.keys()), round(proportion *100, 1) )
        self.max_holding_sys_util = DEFAULT_MAX_HOLDING_SYS_UTIL
    def get_current_time(self):
        '''this function overrid the get_current_time in bgsched, bg_base_system, and cluster_base_system'''
        return  self.event_manager.get_current_time()
    def get_current_time_sec(self):
        return  self.event_manager.get_current_time()
    def get_current_time_date(self):
        return self.event_manager.get_current_date_time()

    def insert_time_stamp(self, timestamp, type, info):
        '''insert time stamps in the same order'''
        if type not in SET_event:
            print "invalid event type,", type
        evspec = {}
        evspec['jobid'] = info.get('jobid', 0)
        evspec['type'] = type
        evspec['datetime'] = sec_to_date(timestamp)
        evspec['unixtime'] = timestamp
        evspec['machine'] = MACHINE_ID
    def _get_queuing_jobs(self):
        return [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}])]
    queuing_jobs = property(_get_queuing_jobs)
    def _get_running_jobs(self):
        return [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'has_resources':True}])]
    running_jobs = property(_get_running_jobs)
    def add_queues(self, specs):
        '''add queues'''
        return self.queues.add_queues(specs)
    add_queues = exposed(query(add_queues))
    def get_queues(self, specs):
        '''get queues'''
        return self.queues.get_queues(specs)
    get_queues = exposed(query(get_queues))

    def init_queues(self):
        '''parses the work load log file, initializes queues and sorted time 
        stamp list'''
        print "Initializing cluster jobs, one moment please..."
        raw_jobs = parse_work_load(self.workload_file)
        specs = []
        tag = 0
        for key in raw_jobs:
            spec = {}
            tmp = raw_jobs[key]
            spec['jobid'] = tmp.get('jobid')
            spec['queue'] = tmp.get('queue')
            #convert submittime from "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" to Unix time sec
            format_sub_time = tmp.get('submittime')
            if format_sub_time:
                qtime = date_to_sec(format_sub_time)
                if qtime < self.sim_start or qtime > self.sim_end:
                spec['submittime'] = qtime
                #spec['submittime'] = float(tmp.get('qtime'))
                spec['first_subtime'] = spec['submittime']  #set the first submit time                
            spec['user'] = tmp.get('user')
            spec['project'] = tmp.get('account')
            #convert walltime from 'hh:mm:ss' to float of minutes
            format_walltime = tmp.get('Resource_List.walltime')
            spec['walltime'] = 0
            if format_walltime:
                parts = format_walltime.split(',')
                days = 0
                if len(parts) > 1: #contain day:  1 day, 11:00:00
                    days = int(parts[0].split(' ')[0])
                    minutes_part = parts[1]
                    minutes_part = parts[0] 
                segs = minutes_part.split(':')
                walltime_minutes = int(segs[0])*60 + int(segs[1])
                total_walltime_minutes = walltime_minutes + days * 24 * 60
                spec['walltime'] = str(total_walltime_minutes)
            else:  #invalid job entry, discard
            if tmp.get('start') and tmp.get('end'):
                act_run_time = float(tmp.get('end')) - float(tmp.get('start'))
                if act_run_time / (float(spec['walltime'])*60) > 1.1:
                    act_run_time = float(spec['walltime'])*60
                spec['runtime'] = str(round(act_run_time, 1))
            if tmp.get('Resource_List.nodect'):
                spec['nodes'] = tmp.get('Resource_List.nodect')
                if int(spec['nodes']) == 40960:
            else:  #invalid job entry, discard
            if self.walltime_prediction: #*AdjEst*  
                ap = self.get_walltime_Ap(spec)
                spec['walltime_p'] = float(spec['walltime']) * ap
                spec['walltime_p'] = float(spec['walltime'])
            spec['state'] = 'invisible'
            spec['start_time'] = '0'
            spec['end_time'] = '0'
            spec['queue'] = "default"
            spec['has_resources'] = False
            spec['is_runnable'] = False
            #add the job spec to the spec list            

        #adjust workload density and simulation start time
        if self.fraction != 1 or self.anchor !=0 :
            tune_workload(specs, self.fraction, self.anchor)
            print "workload adjusted: "
            print "first job submitted:", sec_to_date(specs[0].get('submittime'))
            print "last job submitted:", sec_to_date(specs[len(specs)-1].get('submittime'))
        self.total_job = len(specs)
        print "total job number:", self.total_job
        self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict = self.init_unsubmitted_dict(specs)
        self.event_manager.add_init_events(specs, MACHINE_ID)

        return 0
    def init_unsubmitted_dict(self, specs):
        #jobdict = {}
        specdict = {}
        for spec in specs:
            jobid = str(spec['jobid'])
            #new_job = Job(spec)
            #jobdict[jobid] = new_job
            specdict[jobid] = spec
        return specdict
    def get_walltime_Ap(self, spec):  #*AdjEst*
        '''get walltime adjusting parameter from history manager component'''
        projectname = spec.get('project')
        username = spec.get('user')
        if prediction_scheme == "paired":
            return self.history_manager.get_Ap_by_keypair(username, projectname)
        Ap_proj = self.history_manager.get_Ap('project', projectname)
        Ap_user = self.history_manager.get_Ap('user', username)
        if prediction_scheme == "project":
            return Ap_proj
        elif prediction_scheme == "user":
            print "Ap_user==========", Ap_user
            return Ap_user
        elif prediction_scheme == "combined":
            return (Ap_proj + Ap_user) / 2
            return self.history_manager.get_Ap_by_keypair(username, projectname)
    def log_job_event(self, eventtype, timestamp, spec):
        '''log job events(Queue,Start,End) to PBS-style log'''
        def len2 (_input):
            _input = str(_input)
            if len(_input) == 1:
                return "0" + _input
                return _input
        if eventtype == 'Q':  #submitted(queued) for the first time
            message = "%s;Q;%s;queue=%s" % (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'])
        elif eventtype == 'R':  #resume running after failure recovery
            message = "%s;R;%s" % (timestamp, ":".join(spec['location']))
            wall_time = spec['walltime']
            walltime_minutes = len2(int(float(wall_time)) % 60)
            walltime_hours = len2(int(float(wall_time)) // 60)
            log_walltime = "%s:%s:00" % (walltime_hours, walltime_minutes)
            if eventtype == 'S':  #start running 
                message = "%s;S;%s;queue=%s qtime=%s Resource_List.nodect=%s Resource_List.walltime=%s start=%s exec_host=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'], spec['submittime'], 
                 spec['nodes'], log_walltime, spec['start_time'], ":".join(spec['location']))
            elif eventtype == 'H':  #hold some resource  
                message = "%s;H;%s;queue=%s qtime=%s Resource_List.nodect=%s Resource_List.walltime=%s exec_host=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'], spec['submittime'], 
                 spec['nodes'], log_walltime, ":".join(spec['location']))
            elif eventtype == "U":  #unhold some resources  
                message = "%s;U;%s;host=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], ":".join(spec['location']))
            elif eventtype == 'E':  #end
                first_yield_hold = self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.get(int(spec['jobid']), 0)
                if first_yield_hold > 0:
                    overhead = spec['start_time'] - first_yield_hold
                    overhead = 0
                message = "%s;E;%s;queue=%s qtime=%s Resource_List.nodect=%s Resource_List.walltime=%s start=%s end=%f exec_host=%s runtime=%s hold=%s overhead=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'], spec['submittime'], spec['nodes'], log_walltime, spec['start_time'], 
                 round(float(spec['end_time']), 1), ":".join(spec['location']),
                 spec['runtime'], spec['hold_time'], overhead)
                print "---invalid event type, type=", eventtype
    def get_live_job_by_id(self, jobid):
        '''get waiting or running job instance by jobid'''
        job = None
        joblist = self.queues.get_jobs([{'jobid':int(jobid)}])
        if joblist:
            job = joblist[0]
        return job
    def get_jobs(self, specs):
        '''get a list of jobs, each time triggers time stamp increment and job
        states update'''

        jobs = []
        if self.event_manager.get_go_next():
            del self.yielding_job_list[:]
            cur_event = self.event_manager.get_current_event_type()
            if cur_event in ["Q", "E"]:
                self.update_job_states(specs, {}, cur_event)
            #unhold holding job. MUST be after compute_utility_scores()    
            if cur_event == "U":
                cur_job = self.event_manager.get_current_event_job()
                if cur_job in self.job_hold_dict.keys():
                    #if the job not in job_hold_dict, do nothing. the job should have already started
                    return []
            if cur_event == "C":
                if self.job_hold_dict.keys():
        jobs = self.queues.get_jobs([{'tag':"job"}])
        if self.yielding_job_list:
            jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.jobid not in self.yielding_job_list]
        return jobs
    get_jobs = exposed(query(get_jobs))
    def update_job_states(self, specs, updates, cur_event):
        '''update the state of the jobs associated to the current time stamp'''
        ids_str = str(self.event_manager.get_current_event_job())
        ids = ids_str.split(':')
        #print "current event=", cur_event, " ", ids
        for Id in ids:
            if cur_event == "Q":  # Job (Id) is submitted
                tempspec = self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict[Id]
                tempspec['state'] = "queued"   #invisible -> queued
                tempspec['is_runnable'] = True   #False -> True
                self.num_waiting += 1
                self.log_job_event("Q", self.get_current_time_date(), tempspec)
                del self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict[Id]

            elif cur_event=="E":  # Job (Id) is completed
                joblist = self.queues.get_jobs([{'jobid':int(Id)}])
                if joblist:
                    completed_job = joblist[0]
                    return 0
                #log the job end event
                jobspec = completed_job.to_rx()
                #print "end jobspec=", jobspec
                if jobspec['end_time']:
                    end = float(jobspec['end_time'])
                    end = 0
                end_datetime = sec_to_date(end)   
                self.log_job_event("E", end_datetime, jobspec)
                #free nodes
                self.num_busy -= len(completed_job.location)
                #delete the job instance from self.queues
                self.num_running -= 1
                self.num_end += 1
        return 0
    def run_job_updates(self, jobspec, newattr):
        ''' return the state updates (including state queued -> running, 
        setting the start_time, end_time)'''
        updates = {}
        #print "enter run_job_updates, jobspec=", jobspec
        start = self.get_current_time_sec()
        updates['start_time'] = start
        updates['starttime'] = start

        updates['state'] = 'running'
        updates['system_state'] = 'running'
        updates['is_runnable'] = False
        updates['has_resources'] = True
        if jobspec['last_hold'] > 0:
            updates['hold_time'] = jobspec['hold_time'] + self.get_current_time_sec() - jobspec['last_hold']

        #print self.get_current_time_date(), "run job state change, job", jobspec['jobid'], \
        #     ":", jobspec['state'], "->", updates['state']
        #determine whether the job is going to fail before completion
        location = newattr['location']
        duration = jobspec['remain_time']
        end = start + duration
        updates['end_time'] = end
        self.insert_time_stamp(end, "E", {'jobid':jobspec['jobid']})
        return updates
    def add_jobs(self, specs):
        '''Add a job'''
        response = self.queues.add_jobs(specs)
        return response
    add_jobs = exposed(query(add_jobs))
    def run_jobs(self, specs, nodelist):
        '''run a queued job, by updating the job state, start_time and
        end_time, invoked by bgsched'''
        #print "run job ", specs, " on nodes", nodelist
        if specs == None:
            return 0
        for spec in specs:
            action = "start"
            dbgmsg = ""
            if self.coscheduling:
                local_job_id = spec.get('jobid') #int
                #check whether there is a mate job
                mate_job_id = self.mate_job_dict.get(local_job_id, 0)

                #if mate job exists, get the status of the mate job
                if mate_job_id > 0:
                    remote_status = self.get_mate_jobs_status_local(mate_job_id).get('status', "unknown")
                    dbgmsg1 = "local=%s;mate=%s;mate_status=%s" % (local_job_id, mate_job_id, remote_status)
                    if remote_status in ["queuing", "unsubmitted"]:
                        if self.cosched_scheme == "hold": # hold resource if mate cannot run, favoring job
                            action = "start_both_or_hold"
                        if self.cosched_scheme == "yield": # give up if mate cannot run, favoring sys utilization
                            action = "start_both_or_yield"                        
                    if remote_status == "holding":
                        action = "start_both"
                #to be inserted co-scheduling handling code
            if action == "start":
                #print "CQSIM-normal: start job %s on nodes %s" % (spec['jobid'], nodelist)
                self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
            elif action == "start_both_or_hold":
                #print "try to hold job %s on location %s" % (local_job_id, nodelist)
                mate_job_can_run = False
                #try to invoke a scheduling iteration to see if remote yielding job can run now
                    mate_job_can_run = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).try_to_run_mate_job(mate_job_id)
                    self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                if mate_job_can_run:
                    #now that mate has been started, start local job
                    self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
                    dbgmsg += " ###start both"
                    self.hold_job(spec, {'location': nodelist})
            elif action == "start_both":
                #print "start both mated jobs %s and %s" % (local_job_id, mate_job_id)
                self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
            elif action == "start_both_or_yield":
                mate_job_can_run = False
                #try to invoke a scheduling iteration to see if remote yielding job can run now
                    mate_job_can_run = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).try_to_run_mate_job(mate_job_id)
                    self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                if mate_job_can_run:
                    #now that mate has been started, start local job
                    self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
                    dbgmsg += " ###start both"
                    #mate job cannot run, give up the turn. mark the job as yielding.
                    job_id = spec.get('jobid')
                    self.yielding_job_list.append(job_id)  #int
                    #record the first time this job yields
                    if not self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                        self.first_yield_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
                        self.dbglog.LogMessage("%s: job %s first yield" % (self.get_current_time_date(), job_id))
        #set tag false, enable scheduling another job at the same time
        return len(specs)
    run_jobs = exposed(run_jobs)
    def start_job(self, specs, updates):
        '''update the job state and start_time and end_time when cqadm --run
        is issued to a group of jobs'''
        nodelist = updates['location']
        self.num_busy += len(nodelist)
        self.num_running += 1
        self.num_waiting -= 1
        def _start_job(job, newattr):
            '''callback function to update job start/end time'''
            temp = job.to_rx()
            newattr = self.run_job_updates(temp, newattr)
            self.log_job_event('S', self.get_current_time_date(), temp)
        return self.queues.get_jobs(specs, _start_job, updates)
    def find_job_location(self, arg_list, end_times):
        best_location_dict = {}
        winner = arg_list[0]
               # first time through, try for starting jobs based on utility scores
        for args in arg_list:
            location_data = self._find_job_location(args)
            if location_data:
        # the next time through, try to backfill, but only if we couldn't find anything to start
        if not best_location_dict:
            job_end_times = {}
            total = 0
            for item in sorted(end_times, cmp=self._backfill_cmp):
                total += len(item[0])
                job_end_times[total] = item[1]
            needed = int(winner['nodes']) - len(self._get_available_nodes(winner))
            now = self.get_current_time() ##different from super function
            backfill_cutoff = 0
            for num in sorted(job_end_times):
                if needed <= num:
                    backfill_cutoff = job_end_times[num] - now

            for args in arg_list:
                if 60*float(args['walltime']) > backfill_cutoff:
                location_data = self._find_job_location(args)
                if location_data:
                    self.logger.info("backfilling job %s" % args['jobid'])

#!!!following two lines must be commented for coscheduling feature because giving up may occur. when
# a job is found location but give up to run, the nodes can't be updated to running status.
        # reserve the stuff in the best_partition_dict, as those partitions are allegedly going to 
        # be running jobs very soon
#        for location_list in best_location_dict.itervalues():
#            self.running_nodes.update(location_list)

        return best_location_dict
    find_job_location = exposed(find_job_location)
        # order the jobs with biggest utility first
    def utilitycmp(self, job1, job2):
        return -cmp(job1.score, job2.score)
    def compute_utility_scores (self):
        utility_scores = []
        current_time = self.get_current_time_sec()
        for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}]):    
            utility_name = self.queues[job.queue].policy
            args = {'queued_time':current_time - float(job.submittime), 
                    'wall_time': 60*float(job.walltime_p),    #  *AdjEst*
                    'size': float(job.nodes),
                    'user_name': job.user,
                    'project': job.project,
                    'queue_priority': int(self.queues[job.queue].priority),
                    #'machine_size': max_nodes,
                    'jobid': int(job.jobid),
                    'score': job.score,
                    'recovering': job.recovering,
                    'state': job.state,
                if utility_name in self.builtin_utility_functions:
                    utility_func = self.builtin_utility_functions[utility_name]
                    utility_func = self.user_utility_functions[utility_name]
                score = utility_func()
            except KeyError:
                # do something sensible when the requested utility function doesn't exist
                # probably go back to the "default" one
                # and if we get here, try to fix it and throw away this scheduling iteration
                self.logger.error("cannot find utility function '%s' named by queue '%s'" % (utility_name, job.queue))
                self.user_utility_functions[utility_name] = self.builtin_utility_functions["default"]
                self.logger.error("falling back to 'default' policy to replace '%s'" % utility_name)
                # do something sensible when the requested utility function explodes
                # probably go back to the "default" one
                # and if we get here, try to fix it and throw away this scheduling iteration
                self.logger.error("error while executing utility function '%s' named by queue '%s'" % (utility_name, job.queue), \
                self.user_utility_functions[utility_name] = self.builtin_utility_functions["default"]
                self.logger.error("falling back to 'default' policy to replace '%s'" % utility_name)
                job.score += score
                self.logger.error("utility function '%s' named by queue '%s' returned a non-number" % (utility_name, job.queue), \
                self.user_utility_functions[utility_name] = self.builtin_utility_functions["default"]
                self.logger.error("falling back to 'default' policy to replace '%s'" % utility_name)
    def define_user_utility_functions(self):
        self.logger.info("building user utility functions")
        filename = os.path.expandvars(get_bgsched_config("utility_file", ""))
            f = open(filename)
            #self.logger.error("Can't read utility function definitions from file %s" % get_bgsched_config("utility_file", ""))
        str = f.read()
            code = compile(str, filename, 'exec')
            self.logger.error("Problem compiling utility function definitions.", exc_info=True)
        globals = {'math':math, 'time':time}
        locals = {}
            exec code in globals, locals
            self.logger.error("Problem executing utility function definitions.", exc_info=True)
        for thing in locals.values():
            if type(thing) is types.FunctionType:
                if thing.func_name in self.builtin_utility_functions:
                    self.logger.error("Attempting to overwrite builtin utility function '%s'.  User version discarded." % \
                    self.user_utility_functions[thing.func_name] = thing
    define_user_utility_functions = exposed(define_user_utility_functions)
    def define_builtin_utility_functions(self):
        self.logger.info("building builtin utility functions")
        # I think this duplicates cobalt's old scheduling policy
        # higher queue priorities win, with jobid being the tie breaker
        def default0():
            val = queue_priority + 0.1
            return val
        def default1():
            val = queued_time
            return val
        def default():
            '''WFP, supporting coordinated job recovery'''
            wall_time_sec = wall_time*60
            val = ( queued_time / wall_time_sec)**3 * (size/64.0)
            return val
        def high_prio():
            val = 1.0
            return val
        self.builtin_utility_functions["default"] = default
        self.builtin_utility_functions["high_prio"] = high_prio

#####coscheduling stuff
    def init_jobid_qtime_pairs(self):
        '''initialize mate job dict'''
        jobid_qtime_pairs = []
        for id, spec in self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict.iteritems():
            qtime = spec['submittime']
            jobid_qtime_pairs.append((qtime, int(id)))
        def _qtimecmp(tup1, tup2):
            return cmp(tup1[0], tup2[0])
        return jobid_qtime_pairs

    def find_mate_id(self, qtime, threshold):
        mate_subtime = 0
        ret_id = 0
        last = (0,0)
        for pair in self.remote_jobid_qtime_pairs:
            if pair[0] > qtime:
            last = pair
        mate_subtime = last[0]
        mate_id = last[1]

        if mate_subtime > 0:
            if float(qtime) - mate_subtime  < threshold:
               ret_id = mate_id
        return ret_id
    def init_mate_job_dict_by_vicinity(self):
        '''init mate job dictionary by vicinity'''
        temp_dict = {} #remote_id:local_id
        for id, spec in self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict.iteritems():
            id = int(id)
            submit_time = spec.get('submittime')
            mate_id = self.find_mate_id(submit_time, self.mate_vicinity)
            if mate_id > 0:
                #self.mate_job_dict[spec['jobid']] = int(mateid)
                if temp_dict.has_key(mate_id):
                    tmp = temp_dict[mate_id]
                    if id > tmp:
                        temp_dict[mate_id] = id
                    temp_dict[mate_id] = id
        #reserve dict to local_id:remote_id. (guarentee one-to-one)
        self.mate_job_dict = dict((local_id, remote_id) for remote_id, local_id in temp_dict.iteritems())
    def init_mate_job_dict_by_ratio(self, ratio):
        '''init mate job dictionary by specified ratio'''
        if ratio <= 0.5:
            step = int(1.0 / ratio)
            reverse_step = 1
            step = 1
            reverse_step = int(1.0/(1-ratio))
        print "step=", step
        print "reverse_step=", reverse_step
        i = 0
        temp_dict = {}
        for item in self.jobid_qtime_pairs:
            remote_item = self.remote_jobid_qtime_pairs[i]
            random_number = random.random()
            if step > 1:
                if i % step == 0:
                    temp_dict[item[1]] = remote_item[1]
            if reverse_step > 1:
                if i % reverse_step != 0:
                    temp_dict[item[1]] = remote_item[1]
            i += 1
        self.mate_job_dict = temp_dict            
    def get_mate_job_dict(self):
        return self.mate_job_dict
    get_mate_job_dict = exposed(get_mate_job_dict)

    def hold_job(self, spec, updates):
        '''hold a job. a holding job is not started but hold some resources that can run itself in the future
        once its mate job in a remote system can be started immediatly. Note, one time hold only one job'''
        def _hold_job(job, newattr):
            '''callback function to update job start/end time'''
            temp = job.to_rx()
            newattr = self.hold_job_updates(temp, newattr)
            self.log_job_event('H', self.get_current_time_date(), temp)
        current_holden_nodes = 0
        for nodelist in self.job_hold_dict.values():
            current_holden_nodes += len(nodelist)
        nodelist = updates['location']

        job_id = spec['jobid']
        if current_holden_nodes + len(nodelist) < self.max_holding_sys_util * self.total_nodes:
            self.job_hold_dict[job_id] = nodelist
            if not self.first_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                self.first_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
            if not self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                self.first_yield_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
            return self.queues.get_jobs([spec], _hold_job, updates)
            #if execeeding the maximum limite of holding nodes, the job will not hold but yield
            self.yielding_job_list.append(job_id)  #int
            #record the first time this job yields
            if not self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                self.first_yield_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
                self.dbglog.LogMessage("%s: job %s first yield" % (self.get_current_time_date(), job_id))
            return 0
    def hold_job_updates(self, jobspec, newattr):
        ''' return the state updates (including state queued -> running, 
        setting the start_time, end_time)'''
        updates = {}
        updates['is_runnable'] = False
        updates['has_resources'] = False
        updates['state'] = "holding"
        updates['last_hold'] = self.get_current_time_sec()
        if SELF_UNHOLD_INTERVAL > 0:
            release_time = self.get_current_time_sec() + SELF_UNHOLD_INTERVAL
            self.insert_time_stamp(release_time, "U", {'jobid':jobspec['jobid'], 'location':newattr['location']})
        return updates
    def unhold_job(self, jobid):
        '''if a job holds a partition longer than MAX_HOLD threshold, the job will release the partition and starts yielding'''
        nodelist = self.job_hold_dict.get(jobid)
        #release holden partitions
        if nodelist:
            print "holding job %s not found in job_hold_dict: " % jobid
        def _unholding_job(job, newattr):
            '''callback function'''
            temp = job.to_rx()
            newattr = self.unholding_job_updates(temp, newattr)
            self.log_job_event("U", self.get_current_time_date(), temp)
            del self.job_hold_dict[jobid]
        return self.queues.get_jobs([{'jobid':jobid}], _unholding_job, {'location':self.job_hold_dict.get(jobid, ["N"])})
    def unholding_job_updates(self, jobspec, newattr):
        '''unhold job'''
        updates = {}
        updates['is_runnable'] = True
        updates['has_resources'] = False
        updates['state'] = "queued"
        #set the job to lowest priority at this scheduling point. 
        #if no other job gets the nodes it released, the unholden job can hold those nodes again
        updates['score'] = 0
        updates['hold_time'] = jobspec['hold_time'] + self.get_current_time_sec() - jobspec['last_hold']
        updates['last_hold'] = 0  
        return updates
    def unhold_all(self):
        '''unhold all jobs. periodically invoked to prevent deadlock'''
        for jobid in self.job_hold_dict.keys():
            job_hold_time = self.get_current_time_sec() - self.first_hold_time_dict[jobid]
            #if a job has holden at least 10 minutes, then periodically unhold it
            if job_hold_time >  AT_LEAST_HOLD:
    def try_to_run_mate_job(self, _jobid):
        '''try to run mate job, start all the jobs that can run. If the started
        jobs include the given mate job, return True else return False.  _jobid : int
        #if the job is not yielding, do not continue; no other job is possibly to be scheduled
        if _jobid not in self.yielding_job_list:
            return False
        mate_job_started = False
        #start all the jobs that can run
        while True:
            running_jobs = [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'has_resources':True}])]
            end_times = []
            now = self.get_current_time_sec()
            for job in running_jobs:
                end_time = max(float(job.starttime) + 60 * float(job.walltime), now + 5*60)
                end_times.append([job.location, end_time])
            active_jobs = [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}])] #waiting jobs
            job_location_args = []
            for job in active_jobs:
                if not job.jobid == _jobid and self.mate_job_dict.get(job.jobid, 0) > 0:
                    #if a job other than given job (_jobid) has mate, skip it.
                job_location_args.append({'jobid': str(job.jobid),
                                          'nodes': job.nodes,
                                          'queue': job.queue,
                                          'forbidden': [],
                                          'utility_score': job.score,
                                          'walltime': job.walltime,
                                          'walltime_p': job.walltime_p,  #*AdjEst*
                                          'attrs': job.attrs,
                 } )
            if len(job_location_args) == 0:
            #print "queue order=", [item['jobid'] for item in job_location_args]
            best_partition_dict = self.find_job_location(job_location_args, end_times)
            if best_partition_dict:
                #print "best_partition_dict=", best_partition_dict
                for canrun_jobid in best_partition_dict:
                    nodelist = best_partition_dict[canrun_jobid]
                    if str(_jobid) == canrun_jobid:
                        mate_job_started = True
                    self.start_job([{'tag':"job", 'jobid':int(canrun_jobid)}], {'location':nodelist})
                    #print "bqsim.try_to_run_mate, start job jobid ", canrun_jobid 
        return mate_job_started
    try_to_run_mate_job = exposed(try_to_run_mate_job)
    def run_holding_job(self, specs):
        '''start holding job'''
        for spec in specs:
            jobid = spec.get('jobid')
            nodelist = self.job_hold_dict.get(jobid, None)
            if nodelist == None:
                #print "cannot find holding resources"
            #print "start holding job %s on location %s" % (spec['jobid'], nodelist)
            self.start_job([spec], {'location':nodelist})
            del self.job_hold_dict[jobid]
    run_holding_job = exposed(run_holding_job)         

    #coscheduling stuff
    def get_mate_job_status(self, jobid):
        '''return mate job status, remote function, invoked by remote component'''
        ret_dict = {'jobid':jobid}
        ret_dict['status'] = self.get_coschedule_status(jobid)

        return ret_dict
    get_mate_job_status = exposed(get_mate_job_status)
    def get_mate_jobs_status_local(self, remote_jobid):
        '''return mate job status, invoked by local functions'''
        status_dict = {}
            status_dict = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).get_mate_job_status(remote_jobid)
            self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
            status_dict = {'status':'notconnected'}
            self.dbglog.LogMessage("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
        return status_dict
    def test_can_run(self, jobid):
        '''test whether a job can start immediately, specifically in following cases:
          1. highest utility score and resource is available
          2. not with top priority but can start in non-drained partition when top-priority job is draining
          3. can be backfilled
        return False
    def get_coschedule_status(self, jobid):
        '''return job status regarding coscheduling, 
           input: jobid
           output: listed as follows:
            1. "queuing"
            2. "holding"
            3. "unsubmitted"
            4. "running"
            5. "ended"
        ret_status = "unknown"
        job = self.get_live_job_by_id(jobid)
        if job:  #queuing or running
            has_resources = job.has_resources
            is_runnable = job.is_runnable
            if is_runnable and not has_resources:
                ret_status = "queuing"
            if not is_runnable and has_resources:
                ret_status = "running"
            if not is_runnable and not has_resources:
                ret_status = "holding"
        else:  #unsubmitted or ended
            if self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict.has_key(str(jobid)):
                ret_status = "unsubmitted"
                ret_status = "unknown"  #ended or no such job
                del self.mate_job_dict[jobid]
        return ret_status
    #display stuff

    def print_screen(self, cur_event=""):
        '''print screen, show number of waiting jobs, running jobs, busy_nodes%'''
        print "Cluster" 
        current_datetime = self.event_manager.get_current_date_time()
        print "%s %s" % (current_datetime, cur_event)
        print "number of waiting jobs: ", self.num_waiting
        waiting_job_bar = REDS
        for i in range(self.num_waiting):
            waiting_job_bar += "*"
        waiting_job_bar += ENDC
        print waiting_job_bar
        holding_jobs = len(self.job_hold_dict.keys())
        holden_nodes = 0
        for nodelist in self.job_hold_dict.values():
            nodes = len(nodelist)
            holden_nodes += nodes
        print "number of running jobs: ", self.num_running
        running_job_bar = BLUES
        for i in range(self.num_running):
            running_job_bar += "+"
        running_job_bar += ENDC
        print running_job_bar
        print "number of holding jobs: ", holding_jobs
        print "number of holden nodes: ", holden_nodes 
        print "number of busy nodes: ", self.num_busy
        print "system utilization: ", float(self.num_busy) / self.total_nodes
        busy_node_bar = GREENS
        i = 0
        while i < self.num_busy:
            busy_node_bar += "x"
            i += 1
        j = 0
        busy_node_bar += ENDC
        busy_node_bar += YELLOWS
        while j < holden_nodes:
            busy_node_bar += '+'
            j += 1
            i += 1
        busy_node_bar += ENDC
        for k in range(i, self.total_nodes):
            busy_node_bar += "-"
        busy_node_bar += REDS
        busy_node_bar += "|"
        busy_node_bar += ENDC
        print busy_node_bar
        print "completed jobs/total jobs:  %s/%s" % (self.num_end, self.total_job)
        progress = 100 * self.num_end / self.total_job
        progress_bar = ""
        i = 0
        while i < progress:
            progress_bar += "="
            i += 1
        for j in range(i, 100):
            progress_bar += "-"
        progress_bar += "|"
        print progress_bar
        #print "waiting jobs: ", [(job.jobid, job.nodes) for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}])]
        #print "holding jobs: ", self.job_hold_dict.keys()
        if self.sleep_interval:
    def post_simulation_handling(self):
        '''post screen after simulation completes'''
        #print self.first_yield_hold_time_dict
    post_simulation_handling = exposed(post_simulation_handling)
コード例 #4
class ClusterQsim(ClusterBaseSystem):
    '''Cobalt Queue Simulator for cluster systems'''
    implementation = "cqsim"
    name = "cluster-queue-manager"
    alias = "cluster-system"
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ClusterBaseSystem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.sleep_interval = kwargs.get("sleep_interval", 0)
        self.fraction = kwargs.get("cluster_fraction", 1)
        self.sim_start = kwargs.get("c_trace_start", 0)
        self.sim_end = kwargs.get("c_trace_end", sys.maxint)
        self.anchor = kwargs.get("anchor", 0)
        self.workload_file =  kwargs.get("cjob")
        self.output_log = MACHINE_NAME + "-" + kwargs.get("outputlog", "")
        self.bgjob = kwargs.get("bgjob")
        self.event_manager = ComponentProxy("event-manager")
        walltime_prediction = get_histm_config("walltime_prediction", False)   # *AdjEst*
        print "walltime_prediction=", walltime_prediction
        if walltime_prediction in ["True", "true"]:
            self.walltime_prediction = True
            self.walltime_prediction = False
        self.time_stamps = [('I', '0', 0, {})]
        self.cur_time_index = 0
        self.queues = SimQueueDict(policy=None)
 #       self.invisible_job_dict = {}   # for jobs not submitted, {jobid:job_instance}
        self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict = {}   #{jobid: jobspec}

        self.num_running = 0
        self.num_waiting = 0
        self.num_busy = 0
        self.num_end = 0
        self.total_job = 0
        self.total_nodes = len(self.all_nodes)

        #initialize PBS-style logger
        self.pbslog = PBSlogger(self.output_log)
        #initialize debug logger
        if self.output_log:
            self.dbglog = PBSlogger(self.output_log+"-debug")
            self.dbglog = PBSlogger(".debug")
        #finish tag
        self.finished = False
        #register local alias "system" for this component
        local_components["cluster-system"] = self
        #initialize capacity loss
        self.capacity_loss = 0
        #starting job(id)s at current time stamp. used for calculating capacity loss
        self.starting_jobs = []
        self.user_utility_functions = {}
        self.builtin_utility_functions = {}
        self.cosched_scheme_tup = kwargs.get("coscheduling", (0,0))
        self.cosched_scheme = self.cosched_scheme_tup[1]
        self.cosched_scheme_remote = self.cosched_scheme_tup[0]
        self.mate_vicinity = kwargs.get("vicinity", 0)
        self.mate_ratio = kwargs.get("mate_ratio", 0)
        valid_cosched_schemes = ["hold", "yield"]
        if self.cosched_scheme in valid_cosched_schemes and self.cosched_scheme_remote in valid_cosched_schemes:
            self.coscheduling = True
            self.coscheduling = False
        if not kwargs.get("bgjob", None):
            self.coscheduling = False
        self.mate_job_dict = {}
        if self.coscheduling:
            self.jobid_qtime_pairs =  self.init_jobid_qtime_pairs()           
                self.remote_jobid_qtime_pairs = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).get_jobid_qtime_pairs()
                self.logger.error("fail to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                self.coscheduling = False

            if self.mate_vicinity:
                print "start init mate job dict, vicinity=", self.mate_vicinity
            elif self.mate_ratio:
                print "start init mate job dict, mate_ratio=", self.mate_ratio
                self.logger.error("fail to initialize mate job dict!")
            matejobs = len(self.mate_job_dict.keys())
            proportion = float(matejobs) / self.total_job
        #recording holding job id and holden resource    
        self.job_hold_dict = {}
        #record holding job's holding time   jobid:first hold (sec)
        self.first_hold_time_dict = {} 
        #record yield jobs's first yielding time, for calculating the extra waiting time
        self.first_yield_hold_time_dict = {}
        #record yield job ids. update dynamically
        self.yielding_job_list = []
        if self.coscheduling:
            remote_mate_job_dict = dict((v,k) for k, v in self.mate_job_dict.iteritems())
                self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                self.coscheduling = False
            print "number of mate job pairs: %s, proportion in cluster jobs: %s%%" \
            % (len(self.mate_job_dict.keys()), round(proportion *100, 1) )
        self.max_holding_sys_util = DEFAULT_MAX_HOLDING_SYS_UTIL
    def get_current_time(self):
        '''this function overrid the get_current_time in bgsched, bg_base_system, and cluster_base_system'''
        return  self.event_manager.get_current_time()
    def get_current_time_sec(self):
        return  self.event_manager.get_current_time()
    def get_current_time_date(self):
        return self.event_manager.get_current_date_time()

    def insert_time_stamp(self, timestamp, type, info):
        '''insert time stamps in the same order'''
        if type not in SET_event:
            print "invalid event type,", type
        evspec = {}
        evspec['jobid'] = info.get('jobid', 0)
        evspec['type'] = type
        evspec['datetime'] = sec_to_date(timestamp)
        evspec['unixtime'] = timestamp
        evspec['machine'] = MACHINE_ID
    def _get_queuing_jobs(self):
        return [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}])]
    queuing_jobs = property(_get_queuing_jobs)
    def _get_running_jobs(self):
        return [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'has_resources':True}])]
    running_jobs = property(_get_running_jobs)
    def add_queues(self, specs):
        '''add queues'''
        return self.queues.add_queues(specs)
    add_queues = exposed(query(add_queues))
    def get_queues(self, specs):
        '''get queues'''
        return self.queues.get_queues(specs)
    get_queues = exposed(query(get_queues))

    def init_queues(self):
        '''parses the work load log file, initializes queues and sorted time 
        stamp list'''
        print "Initializing cluster jobs, one moment please..."
        raw_jobs = parse_work_load(self.workload_file)
        specs = []
        tag = 0
        for key in raw_jobs:
            spec = {}
            tmp = raw_jobs[key]
            spec['jobid'] = tmp.get('jobid')
            spec['queue'] = tmp.get('queue')
            #convert submittime from "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" to Unix time sec
            format_sub_time = tmp.get('submittime')
            if format_sub_time:
                qtime = date_to_sec(format_sub_time)
                if qtime < self.sim_start or qtime > self.sim_end:
                spec['submittime'] = qtime
                #spec['submittime'] = float(tmp.get('qtime'))
                spec['first_subtime'] = spec['submittime']  #set the first submit time                
            spec['user'] = tmp.get('user')
            spec['project'] = tmp.get('account')
            #convert walltime from 'hh:mm:ss' to float of minutes
            format_walltime = tmp.get('Resource_List.walltime')
            spec['walltime'] = 0
            if format_walltime:
                parts = format_walltime.split(',')
                days = 0
                if len(parts) > 1: #contain day:  1 day, 11:00:00
                    days = int(parts[0].split(' ')[0])
                    minutes_part = parts[1]
                    minutes_part = parts[0] 
                segs = minutes_part.split(':')
                walltime_minutes = int(segs[0])*60 + int(segs[1])
                total_walltime_minutes = walltime_minutes + days * 24 * 60
                spec['walltime'] = str(total_walltime_minutes)
            else:  #invalid job entry, discard
            if tmp.get('start') and tmp.get('end'):
                act_run_time = float(tmp.get('end')) - float(tmp.get('start'))
                if act_run_time / (float(spec['walltime'])*60) > 1.1:
                    act_run_time = float(spec['walltime'])*60
                spec['runtime'] = str(round(act_run_time, 1))
            if tmp.get('Resource_List.nodect'):
                spec['nodes'] = tmp.get('Resource_List.nodect')
                if int(spec['nodes']) == 40960:
            else:  #invalid job entry, discard
            if self.walltime_prediction: #*AdjEst*  
                ap = self.get_walltime_Ap(spec)
                spec['walltime_p'] = float(spec['walltime']) * ap
                spec['walltime_p'] = float(spec['walltime'])
            spec['state'] = 'invisible'
            spec['start_time'] = '0'
            spec['end_time'] = '0'
            spec['queue'] = "default"
            spec['has_resources'] = False
            spec['is_runnable'] = False
            #add the job spec to the spec list            

        #adjust workload density and simulation start time
        if self.fraction != 1 or self.anchor !=0 :
            tune_workload(specs, self.fraction, self.anchor)
            print "workload adjusted: "
            print "first job submitted:", sec_to_date(specs[0].get('submittime'))
            print "last job submitted:", sec_to_date(specs[len(specs)-1].get('submittime'))
        self.total_job = len(specs)
        print "total job number:", self.total_job
        self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict = self.init_unsubmitted_dict(specs)
        self.event_manager.add_init_events(specs, MACHINE_ID)

        return 0
    def init_unsubmitted_dict(self, specs):
        #jobdict = {}
        specdict = {}
        for spec in specs:
            jobid = str(spec['jobid'])
            #new_job = Job(spec)
            #jobdict[jobid] = new_job
            specdict[jobid] = spec
        return specdict
    def get_walltime_Ap(self, spec):  #*AdjEst*
        '''get walltime adjusting parameter from history manager component'''
        projectname = spec.get('project')
        username = spec.get('user')
        if prediction_scheme == "paired":
            return self.history_manager.get_Ap_by_keypair(username, projectname)
        Ap_proj = self.history_manager.get_Ap('project', projectname)
        Ap_user = self.history_manager.get_Ap('user', username)
        if prediction_scheme == "project":
            return Ap_proj
        elif prediction_scheme == "user":
            print "Ap_user==========", Ap_user
            return Ap_user
        elif prediction_scheme == "combined":
            return (Ap_proj + Ap_user) / 2
            return self.history_manager.get_Ap_by_keypair(username, projectname)
    def log_job_event(self, eventtype, timestamp, spec):
        '''log job events(Queue,Start,End) to PBS-style log'''
        def len2 (_input):
            _input = str(_input)
            if len(_input) == 1:
                return "0" + _input
                return _input
        if eventtype == 'Q':  #submitted(queued) for the first time
            message = "%s;Q;%s;queue=%s" % (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'])
        elif eventtype == 'R':  #resume running after failure recovery
            message = "%s;R;%s" % (timestamp, ":".join(spec['location']))
            wall_time = spec['walltime']
            walltime_minutes = len2(int(float(wall_time)) % 60)
            walltime_hours = len2(int(float(wall_time)) // 60)
            log_walltime = "%s:%s:00" % (walltime_hours, walltime_minutes)
            if eventtype == 'S':  #start running 
                message = "%s;S;%s;queue=%s qtime=%s Resource_List.nodect=%s Resource_List.walltime=%s start=%s exec_host=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'], spec['submittime'], 
                 spec['nodes'], log_walltime, spec['start_time'], ":".join(spec['location']))
            elif eventtype == 'H':  #hold some resource  
                message = "%s;H;%s;queue=%s qtime=%s Resource_List.nodect=%s Resource_List.walltime=%s exec_host=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'], spec['submittime'], 
                 spec['nodes'], log_walltime, ":".join(spec['location']))
            elif eventtype == "U":  #unhold some resources  
                message = "%s;U;%s;host=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], ":".join(spec['location']))
            elif eventtype == 'E':  #end
                first_yield_hold = self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.get(int(spec['jobid']), 0)
                if first_yield_hold > 0:
                    overhead = spec['start_time'] - first_yield_hold
                    overhead = 0
                message = "%s;E;%s;queue=%s qtime=%s Resource_List.nodect=%s Resource_List.walltime=%s start=%s end=%f exec_host=%s runtime=%s hold=%s overhead=%s" % \
                (timestamp, spec['jobid'], spec['queue'], spec['submittime'], spec['nodes'], log_walltime, spec['start_time'], 
                 round(float(spec['end_time']), 1), ":".join(spec['location']),
                 spec['runtime'], spec['hold_time'], overhead)
                print "---invalid event type, type=", eventtype
    def get_live_job_by_id(self, jobid):
        '''get waiting or running job instance by jobid'''
        job = None
        joblist = self.queues.get_jobs([{'jobid':int(jobid)}])
        if joblist:
            job = joblist[0]
        return job
    def get_jobs(self, specs):
        '''get a list of jobs, each time triggers time stamp increment and job
        states update'''

        jobs = []
        if self.event_manager.get_go_next():
            del self.yielding_job_list[:]
            cur_event = self.event_manager.get_current_event_type()
            if cur_event in ["Q", "E"]:
                self.update_job_states(specs, {}, cur_event)
            #unhold holding job. MUST be after compute_utility_scores()    
            if cur_event == "U":
                cur_job = self.event_manager.get_current_event_job()
                if cur_job in self.job_hold_dict.keys():
                    #if the job not in job_hold_dict, do nothing. the job should have already started
                    return []
            if cur_event == "C":
                if self.job_hold_dict.keys():
        jobs = self.queues.get_jobs([{'tag':"job"}])
        if self.yielding_job_list:
            jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.jobid not in self.yielding_job_list]
        return jobs
    get_jobs = exposed(query(get_jobs))
    def update_job_states(self, specs, updates, cur_event):
        '''update the state of the jobs associated to the current time stamp'''
        ids_str = str(self.event_manager.get_current_event_job())
        ids = ids_str.split(':')
        #print "current event=", cur_event, " ", ids
        for Id in ids:
            if cur_event == "Q":  # Job (Id) is submitted
                tempspec = self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict[Id]
                tempspec['state'] = "queued"   #invisible -> queued
                tempspec['is_runnable'] = True   #False -> True
                self.num_waiting += 1
                self.log_job_event("Q", self.get_current_time_date(), tempspec)
                del self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict[Id]

            elif cur_event=="E":  # Job (Id) is completed
                joblist = self.queues.get_jobs([{'jobid':int(Id)}])
                if joblist:
                    completed_job = joblist[0]
                    return 0
                #log the job end event
                jobspec = completed_job.to_rx()
                #print "end jobspec=", jobspec
                if jobspec['end_time']:
                    end = float(jobspec['end_time'])
                    end = 0
                end_datetime = sec_to_date(end)   
                self.log_job_event("E", end_datetime, jobspec)
                #free nodes
                self.num_busy -= len(completed_job.location)
                #delete the job instance from self.queues
                self.num_running -= 1
                self.num_end += 1
        return 0
    def run_job_updates(self, jobspec, newattr):
        ''' return the state updates (including state queued -> running, 
        setting the start_time, end_time)'''
        updates = {}
        #print "enter run_job_updates, jobspec=", jobspec
        start = self.get_current_time_sec()
        updates['start_time'] = start
        updates['starttime'] = start

        updates['state'] = 'running'
        updates['system_state'] = 'running'
        updates['is_runnable'] = False
        updates['has_resources'] = True
        if jobspec['last_hold'] > 0:
            updates['hold_time'] = jobspec['hold_time'] + self.get_current_time_sec() - jobspec['last_hold']

        #print self.get_current_time_date(), "run job state change, job", jobspec['jobid'], \
        #     ":", jobspec['state'], "->", updates['state']
        #determine whether the job is going to fail before completion
        location = newattr['location']
        duration = jobspec['remain_time']
        end = start + duration
        updates['end_time'] = end
        self.insert_time_stamp(end, "E", {'jobid':jobspec['jobid']})
        return updates
    def add_jobs(self, specs):
        '''Add a job'''
        response = self.queues.add_jobs(specs)
        return response
    add_jobs = exposed(query(add_jobs))
    def run_jobs(self, specs, nodelist):
        '''run a queued job, by updating the job state, start_time and
        end_time, invoked by bgsched'''
        #print "run job ", specs, " on nodes", nodelist
        if specs == None:
            return 0
        for spec in specs:
            action = "start"
            dbgmsg = ""
            if self.coscheduling:
                local_job_id = spec.get('jobid') #int
                #check whether there is a mate job
                mate_job_id = self.mate_job_dict.get(local_job_id, 0)

                #if mate job exists, get the status of the mate job
                if mate_job_id > 0:
                    remote_status = self.get_mate_jobs_status_local(mate_job_id).get('status', "unknown")
                    dbgmsg1 = "local=%s;mate=%s;mate_status=%s" % (local_job_id, mate_job_id, remote_status)
                    if remote_status in ["queuing", "unsubmitted"]:
                        if self.cosched_scheme == "hold": # hold resource if mate cannot run, favoring job
                            action = "start_both_or_hold"
                        if self.cosched_scheme == "yield": # give up if mate cannot run, favoring sys utilization
                            action = "start_both_or_yield"                        
                    if remote_status == "holding":
                        action = "start_both"
                #to be inserted co-scheduling handling code
            if action == "start":
                #print "CQSIM-normal: start job %s on nodes %s" % (spec['jobid'], nodelist)
                self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
            elif action == "start_both_or_hold":
                #print "try to hold job %s on location %s" % (local_job_id, nodelist)
                mate_job_can_run = False
                #try to invoke a scheduling iteration to see if remote yielding job can run now
                    mate_job_can_run = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).try_to_run_mate_job(mate_job_id)
                    self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                if mate_job_can_run:
                    #now that mate has been started, start local job
                    self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
                    dbgmsg += " ###start both"
                    self.hold_job(spec, {'location': nodelist})
            elif action == "start_both":
                #print "start both mated jobs %s and %s" % (local_job_id, mate_job_id)
                self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
            elif action == "start_both_or_yield":
                mate_job_can_run = False
                #try to invoke a scheduling iteration to see if remote yielding job can run now
                    mate_job_can_run = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).try_to_run_mate_job(mate_job_id)
                    self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
                if mate_job_can_run:
                    #now that mate has been started, start local job
                    self.start_job([spec], {'location': nodelist})
                    dbgmsg += " ###start both"
                    #mate job cannot run, give up the turn. mark the job as yielding.
                    job_id = spec.get('jobid')
                    self.yielding_job_list.append(job_id)  #int
                    #record the first time this job yields
                    if not self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                        self.first_yield_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
                        self.dbglog.LogMessage("%s: job %s first yield" % (self.get_current_time_date(), job_id))
        #set tag false, enable scheduling another job at the same time
        return len(specs)
    run_jobs = exposed(run_jobs)
    def start_job(self, specs, updates):
        '''update the job state and start_time and end_time when cqadm --run
        is issued to a group of jobs'''
        nodelist = updates['location']
        self.num_busy += len(nodelist)
        self.num_running += 1
        self.num_waiting -= 1
        def _start_job(job, newattr):
            '''callback function to update job start/end time'''
            temp = job.to_rx()
            newattr = self.run_job_updates(temp, newattr)
            self.log_job_event('S', self.get_current_time_date(), temp)
        return self.queues.get_jobs(specs, _start_job, updates)
    def find_job_location(self, arg_list, end_times):
        best_location_dict = {}
        winner = arg_list[0]
               # first time through, try for starting jobs based on utility scores
        for args in arg_list:
            location_data = self._find_job_location(args)
            if location_data:
        # the next time through, try to backfill, but only if we couldn't find anything to start
        if not best_location_dict:
            job_end_times = {}
            total = 0
            for item in sorted(end_times, cmp=self._backfill_cmp):
                total += len(item[0])
                job_end_times[total] = item[1]
            needed = int(winner['nodes']) - len(self._get_available_nodes(winner))
            now = self.get_current_time() ##different from super function
            backfill_cutoff = 0
            for num in sorted(job_end_times):
                if needed <= num:
                    backfill_cutoff = job_end_times[num] - now

            for args in arg_list:
                if 60*float(args['walltime']) > backfill_cutoff:
                location_data = self._find_job_location(args)
                if location_data:
                    self.logger.info("backfilling job %s" % args['jobid'])

#!!!following two lines must be commented for coscheduling feature because giving up may occur. when
# a job is found location but give up to run, the nodes can't be updated to running status.
        # reserve the stuff in the best_partition_dict, as those partitions are allegedly going to 
        # be running jobs very soon
#        for location_list in best_location_dict.itervalues():
#            self.running_nodes.update(location_list)

        return best_location_dict
    find_job_location = exposed(find_job_location)
        # order the jobs with biggest utility first
    def utilitycmp(self, job1, job2):
        return -cmp(job1.score, job2.score)
    def compute_utility_scores (self):
        utility_scores = []
        current_time = time.time()
        for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}]):    
            utility_name = self.queues[job.queue].policy
            args = {'queued_time':current_time - float(job.submittime), 
                    'wall_time': 60*float(job.walltime_p),    #  *AdjEst*
                    'size': float(job.nodes),
                    'user_name': job.user,
                    'project': job.project,
                    'queue_priority': int(self.queues[job.queue].priority),
                    #'machine_size': max_nodes,
                    'jobid': int(job.jobid),
                    'score': job.score,
                    'recovering': job.recovering,
                    'state': job.state,
                if utility_name in self.builtin_utility_functions:
                    utility_func = self.builtin_utility_functions[utility_name]
                    utility_func = self.user_utility_functions[utility_name]
                score = utility_func()
            except KeyError:
                # do something sensible when the requested utility function doesn't exist
                # probably go back to the "default" one
                # and if we get here, try to fix it and throw away this scheduling iteration
                self.logger.error("cannot find utility function '%s' named by queue '%s'" % (utility_name, job.queue))
                self.user_utility_functions[utility_name] = self.builtin_utility_functions["default"]
                self.logger.error("falling back to 'default' policy to replace '%s'" % utility_name)
                # do something sensible when the requested utility function explodes
                # probably go back to the "default" one
                # and if we get here, try to fix it and throw away this scheduling iteration
                self.logger.error("error while executing utility function '%s' named by queue '%s'" % (utility_name, job.queue), \
                self.user_utility_functions[utility_name] = self.builtin_utility_functions["default"]
                self.logger.error("falling back to 'default' policy to replace '%s'" % utility_name)
                job.score += score
                self.logger.error("utility function '%s' named by queue '%s' returned a non-number" % (utility_name, job.queue), \
                self.user_utility_functions[utility_name] = self.builtin_utility_functions["default"]
                self.logger.error("falling back to 'default' policy to replace '%s'" % utility_name)
    def define_user_utility_functions(self):
        self.logger.info("building user utility functions")
        filename = os.path.expandvars(get_bgsched_config("utility_file", ""))
            f = open(filename)
            #self.logger.error("Can't read utility function definitions from file %s" % get_bgsched_config("utility_file", ""))
        str = f.read()
            code = compile(str, filename, 'exec')
            self.logger.error("Problem compiling utility function definitions.", exc_info=True)
        globals = {'math':math, 'time':time}
        locals = {}
            exec code in globals, locals
            self.logger.error("Problem executing utility function definitions.", exc_info=True)
        for thing in locals.values():
            if type(thing) is types.FunctionType:
                if thing.func_name in self.builtin_utility_functions:
                    self.logger.error("Attempting to overwrite builtin utility function '%s'.  User version discarded." % \
                    self.user_utility_functions[thing.func_name] = thing
    define_user_utility_functions = exposed(define_user_utility_functions)
    def define_builtin_utility_functions(self):
        self.logger.info("building builtin utility functions")
        # I think this duplicates cobalt's old scheduling policy
        # higher queue priorities win, with jobid being the tie breaker
        def default0():
            val = queue_priority + 0.1
            return val
        def default1():
            val = queued_time
            return val
        def default():
            '''WFP, supporting coordinated job recovery'''
            wall_time_sec = wall_time*60
            val = ( queued_time / wall_time_sec)**3 * (size/64.0)
            return val
        def high_prio():
            val = 1.0
            return val
        self.builtin_utility_functions["default"] = default
        self.builtin_utility_functions["high_prio"] = high_prio

#####coscheduling stuff
    def init_jobid_qtime_pairs(self):
        '''initialize mate job dict'''
        jobid_qtime_pairs = []
        for id, spec in self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict.iteritems():
            qtime = spec['submittime']
            jobid_qtime_pairs.append((qtime, int(id)))
        def _qtimecmp(tup1, tup2):
            return cmp(tup1[0], tup2[0])
        return jobid_qtime_pairs

    def find_mate_id(self, qtime, threshold):
        mate_subtime = 0
        ret_id = 0
        last = (0,0)
        for pair in self.remote_jobid_qtime_pairs:
            if pair[0] > qtime:
            last = pair
        mate_subtime = last[0]
        mate_id = last[1]

        if mate_subtime > 0:
            if float(qtime) - mate_subtime  < threshold:
               ret_id = mate_id
        return ret_id
    def init_mate_job_dict_by_vicinity(self):
        '''init mate job dictionary by vicinity'''
        temp_dict = {} #remote_id:local_id
        for id, spec in self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict.iteritems():
            id = int(id)
            submit_time = spec.get('submittime')
            mate_id = self.find_mate_id(submit_time, self.mate_vicinity)
            if mate_id > 0:
                #self.mate_job_dict[spec['jobid']] = int(mateid)
                if temp_dict.has_key(mate_id):
                    tmp = temp_dict[mate_id]
                    if id > tmp:
                        temp_dict[mate_id] = id
                    temp_dict[mate_id] = id
        #reserve dict to local_id:remote_id. (guarentee one-to-one)
        self.mate_job_dict = dict((local_id, remote_id) for remote_id, local_id in temp_dict.iteritems())
    def init_mate_job_dict_by_ratio(self, ratio):
        '''init mate job dictionary by specified ratio'''
        if ratio <= 0.5:
            step = int(1.0 / ratio)
            reverse_step = 1
            step = 1
            reverse_step = int(1.0/(1-ratio))
        print "step=", step
        print "reverse_step=", reverse_step
        i = 0
        temp_dict = {}
        for item in self.jobid_qtime_pairs:
            remote_item = self.remote_jobid_qtime_pairs[i]
            random_number = random.random()
            if step > 1:
                if i % step == 0:
                    temp_dict[item[1]] = remote_item[1]
            if reverse_step > 1:
                if i % reverse_step != 0:
                    temp_dict[item[1]] = remote_item[1]
            i += 1
        self.mate_job_dict = temp_dict            
    def get_mate_job_dict(self):
        return self.mate_job_dict
    get_mate_job_dict = exposed(get_mate_job_dict)

    def hold_job(self, spec, updates):
        '''hold a job. a holding job is not started but hold some resources that can run itself in the future
        once its mate job in a remote system can be started immediatly. Note, one time hold only one job'''
        def _hold_job(job, newattr):
            '''callback function to update job start/end time'''
            temp = job.to_rx()
            newattr = self.hold_job_updates(temp, newattr)
            self.log_job_event('H', self.get_current_time_date(), temp)
        current_holden_nodes = 0
        for nodelist in self.job_hold_dict.values():
            current_holden_nodes += len(nodelist)
        nodelist = updates['location']

        job_id = spec['jobid']
        if current_holden_nodes + len(nodelist) < self.max_holding_sys_util * self.total_nodes:
            self.job_hold_dict[job_id] = nodelist
            if not self.first_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                self.first_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
            if not self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                self.first_yield_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
            return self.queues.get_jobs([spec], _hold_job, updates)
            #if execeeding the maximum limite of holding nodes, the job will not hold but yield
            self.yielding_job_list.append(job_id)  #int
            #record the first time this job yields
            if not self.first_yield_hold_time_dict.has_key(job_id):
                self.first_yield_hold_time_dict[job_id] = self.get_current_time_sec()
                self.dbglog.LogMessage("%s: job %s first yield" % (self.get_current_time_date(), job_id))
            return 0
    def hold_job_updates(self, jobspec, newattr):
        ''' return the state updates (including state queued -> running, 
        setting the start_time, end_time)'''
        updates = {}
        updates['is_runnable'] = False
        updates['has_resources'] = False
        updates['state'] = "holding"
        updates['last_hold'] = self.get_current_time_sec()
        if SELF_UNHOLD_INTERVAL > 0:
            release_time = self.get_current_time_sec() + SELF_UNHOLD_INTERVAL
            self.insert_time_stamp(release_time, "U", {'jobid':jobspec['jobid'], 'location':newattr['location']})
        return updates
    def unhold_job(self, jobid):
        '''if a job holds a partition longer than MAX_HOLD threshold, the job will release the partition and starts yielding'''
        nodelist = self.job_hold_dict.get(jobid)
        #release holden partitions
        if nodelist:
            print "holding job %s not found in job_hold_dict: " % jobid
        def _unholding_job(job, newattr):
            '''callback function'''
            temp = job.to_rx()
            newattr = self.unholding_job_updates(temp, newattr)
            self.log_job_event("U", self.get_current_time_date(), temp)
            del self.job_hold_dict[jobid]
        return self.queues.get_jobs([{'jobid':jobid}], _unholding_job, {'location':self.job_hold_dict.get(jobid, ["N"])})
    def unholding_job_updates(self, jobspec, newattr):
        '''unhold job'''
        updates = {}
        updates['is_runnable'] = True
        updates['has_resources'] = False
        updates['state'] = "queued"
        #set the job to lowest priority at this scheduling point. 
        #if no other job gets the nodes it released, the unholden job can hold those nodes again
        updates['score'] = 0
        updates['hold_time'] = jobspec['hold_time'] + self.get_current_time_sec() - jobspec['last_hold']
        updates['last_hold'] = 0  
        return updates
    def unhold_all(self):
        '''unhold all jobs. periodically invoked to prevent deadlock'''
        for jobid in self.job_hold_dict.keys():
            job_hold_time = self.get_current_time_sec() - self.first_hold_time_dict[jobid]
            #if a job has holden at least 10 minutes, then periodically unhold it
            if job_hold_time >  AT_LEAST_HOLD:
    def try_to_run_mate_job(self, _jobid):
        '''try to run mate job, start all the jobs that can run. If the started
        jobs include the given mate job, return True else return False.  _jobid : int
        #if the job is not yielding, do not continue; no other job is possibly to be scheduled
        if _jobid not in self.yielding_job_list:
            return False
        mate_job_started = False
        #start all the jobs that can run
        while True:
            running_jobs = [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'has_resources':True}])]
            end_times = []
            now = self.get_current_time_sec()
            for job in running_jobs:
                end_time = max(float(job.starttime) + 60 * float(job.walltime), now + 5*60)
                end_times.append([job.location, end_time])
            active_jobs = [job for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}])] #waiting jobs
            job_location_args = []
            for job in active_jobs:
                if not job.jobid == _jobid and self.mate_job_dict.get(job.jobid, 0) > 0:
                    #if a job other than given job (_jobid) has mate, skip it.
                job_location_args.append({'jobid': str(job.jobid),
                                          'nodes': job.nodes,
                                          'queue': job.queue,
                                          'forbidden': [],
                                          'utility_score': job.score,
                                          'walltime': job.walltime,
                                          'walltime_p': job.walltime_p,  #*AdjEst*
                                          'attrs': job.attrs,
                 } )
            if len(job_location_args) == 0:
            #print "queue order=", [item['jobid'] for item in job_location_args]
            best_partition_dict = self.find_job_location(job_location_args, end_times)
            if best_partition_dict:
                #print "best_partition_dict=", best_partition_dict
                for canrun_jobid in best_partition_dict:
                    nodelist = best_partition_dict[canrun_jobid]
                    if str(_jobid) == canrun_jobid:
                        mate_job_started = True
                    self.start_job([{'tag':"job", 'jobid':int(canrun_jobid)}], {'location':nodelist})
                    #print "bqsim.try_to_run_mate, start job jobid ", canrun_jobid 
        return mate_job_started
    try_to_run_mate_job = exposed(try_to_run_mate_job)
    def run_holding_job(self, specs):
        '''start holding job'''
        for spec in specs:
            jobid = spec.get('jobid')
            nodelist = self.job_hold_dict.get(jobid, None)
            if nodelist == None:
                #print "cannot find holding resources"
            #print "start holding job %s on location %s" % (spec['jobid'], nodelist)
            self.start_job([spec], {'location':nodelist})
            del self.job_hold_dict[jobid]
    run_holding_job = exposed(run_holding_job)         

    #coscheduling stuff
    def get_mate_job_status(self, jobid):
        '''return mate job status, remote function, invoked by remote component'''
        ret_dict = {'jobid':jobid}
        ret_dict['status'] = self.get_coschedule_status(jobid)

        return ret_dict
    get_mate_job_status = exposed(get_mate_job_status)
    def get_mate_jobs_status_local(self, remote_jobid):
        '''return mate job status, invoked by local functions'''
        status_dict = {}
            status_dict = ComponentProxy(REMOTE_QUEUE_MANAGER).get_mate_job_status(remote_jobid)
            self.logger.error("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
            status_dict = {'status':'notconnected'}
            self.dbglog.LogMessage("failed to connect to remote queue-manager component!")
        return status_dict
    def test_can_run(self, jobid):
        '''test whether a job can start immediately, specifically in following cases:
          1. highest utility score and resource is available
          2. not with top priority but can start in non-drained partition when top-priority job is draining
          3. can be backfilled
        return False
    def get_coschedule_status(self, jobid):
        '''return job status regarding coscheduling, 
           input: jobid
           output: listed as follows:
            1. "queuing"
            2. "holding"
            3. "unsubmitted"
            4. "running"
            5. "ended"
        ret_status = "unknown"
        job = self.get_live_job_by_id(jobid)
        if job:  #queuing or running
            has_resources = job.has_resources
            is_runnable = job.is_runnable
            if is_runnable and not has_resources:
                ret_status = "queuing"
            if not is_runnable and has_resources:
                ret_status = "running"
            if not is_runnable and not has_resources:
                ret_status = "holding"
        else:  #unsubmitted or ended
            if self.unsubmitted_job_spec_dict.has_key(str(jobid)):
                ret_status = "unsubmitted"
                ret_status = "unknown"  #ended or no such job
                del self.mate_job_dict[jobid]
        return ret_status
    #display stuff

    def print_screen(self, cur_event=""):
        '''print screen, show number of waiting jobs, running jobs, busy_nodes%'''
        print "Cluster" 
        current_datetime = self.event_manager.get_current_date_time()
        print "%s %s" % (current_datetime, cur_event)
        print "number of waiting jobs: ", self.num_waiting
        waiting_job_bar = REDS
        for i in range(self.num_waiting):
            waiting_job_bar += "*"
        waiting_job_bar += ENDC
        print waiting_job_bar
        holding_jobs = len(self.job_hold_dict.keys())
        holden_nodes = 0
        for nodelist in self.job_hold_dict.values():
            nodes = len(nodelist)
            holden_nodes += nodes
        print "number of running jobs: ", self.num_running
        running_job_bar = BLUES
        for i in range(self.num_running):
            running_job_bar += "+"
        running_job_bar += ENDC
        print running_job_bar
        print "number of holding jobs: ", holding_jobs
        print "number of holden nodes: ", holden_nodes 
        print "number of busy nodes: ", self.num_busy
        print "system utilization: ", float(self.num_busy) / self.total_nodes
        busy_node_bar = GREENS
        i = 0
        while i < self.num_busy:
            busy_node_bar += "x"
            i += 1
        j = 0
        busy_node_bar += ENDC
        busy_node_bar += YELLOWS
        while j < holden_nodes:
            busy_node_bar += '+'
            j += 1
            i += 1
        busy_node_bar += ENDC
        for k in range(i, self.total_nodes):
            busy_node_bar += "-"
        busy_node_bar += REDS
        busy_node_bar += "|"
        busy_node_bar += ENDC
        print busy_node_bar
        print "completed jobs/total jobs:  %s/%s" % (self.num_end, self.total_job)
        progress = 100 * self.num_end / self.total_job
        progress_bar = ""
        i = 0
        while i < progress:
            progress_bar += "="
            i += 1
        for j in range(i, 100):
            progress_bar += "-"
        progress_bar += "|"
        print progress_bar
        #print "waiting jobs: ", [(job.jobid, job.nodes) for job in self.queues.get_jobs([{'is_runnable':True}])]
        #print "holding jobs: ", self.job_hold_dict.keys()
        if self.sleep_interval:
    def post_simulation_handling(self):
        '''post screen after simulation completes'''
        #print self.first_yield_hold_time_dict
    post_simulation_handling = exposed(post_simulation_handling)