def loadCollection(self, collectionName: str): if collectionName == "" or collectionName == None: print("fail") return elif collectionName == "*": for path in self.__dataRoot: for item in os.listdir(path): collectionPath = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isdir(collectionPath) and item not in self.__colnamnes: col = Collection( baseRoot=path, collectionName=item, generate=False, ) self.__collections.append(col) self.__colnamnes.append(str(col)) return elif collectionName in self.__colnamnes: print("duplicate Collection name") return collectionPath: str = os.path.join(self.__newDataRoot, collectionName) for path in self.__dataRoot: collectionPath = os.path.join(path, collectionName) if os.path.isdir(collectionPath): col = Collection( baseRoot=path, collectionName=collectionName, generate=False ) self.__collections.append(col) self.__colnamnes.append(col.__str__()) return print("Error : Not Exists collection")
def divide_by_regex(self, regex): colf = Collection("firstHalf" +, self.location) cols = Collection("secondHalf" +, self.location) temp_list = self.list[:] for col in temp_list: if bool(re.match(regex, colf.insert(col) self.remove(col) else: cols.insert(col) self.remove(col) os.rmdir(self.path) return colf, cols
def divide_by_list(self, list): colf = Collection("firstHalf" +, self.location) cols = Collection("secondHalf" +, self.location) temp_list = self.list[:] for col in temp_list: if in list: colf.insert(col) self.remove(col) else: cols.insert(col) self.remove(col) os.rmdir(self.path) return colf, cols
def imp(folder_path): col = None pos = str(folder_path).rfind("\\") name = str(folder_path) location = name[:pos] name = name[pos + 1:] i = 1 for path in pathlib.Path(folder_path).iterdir(): print(path) if path.is_file(): if i == 1: col = Collection(name, location, "Unknown") pos = str(path).rfind("\\") name = str(path) name = name[pos + 1:] pos2 = name.find(".") tip = name[pos2 + 1:] tempdoc = Document(name, tip, folder_path) col.insert(tempdoc) if path.is_dir(): if i == 1: col = CompositeCollection(name, location) col.insert(imp(path)) i += 1 return col
def CreateCollection(self, CollectionName): # Create new collection self.CurrentCollection = Collection(CollectionName) # Put new collection into list self.CollectionsList.append(self.CurrentCollection) return
def main(): file_name = input("Enter file name: ") while not Validation.file_exists(file_name): file_name = input("Reenter file name: ") employees = Collection() menu_choice = 0 # print(employees.get_len()) while menu_choice != 4: print("You are in main menu. Possible options:\n" "1 - add an employee\n" "2 - show all salary\n" "3 - show all employees\n" "4 - exit program\n" "Choose your option: ") menu_choice = input() print("choice =", menu_choice) if int(menu_choice) == 1: # print("went elif 1") data = input( "Enter a LINE which is similar to (with a ', ' as a delimiter or enter 0 to skip)\n" ) if data == 0: pass new_employee = Employee(data) employees.add_worker(new_employee) elif int(menu_choice) == 2: # print("went elif 2") print(employees.all_salary()) elif int(menu_choice) == 3: # print("went elif 3") employees.print() elif int(menu_choice) == 4: print("Have a nice day! Goodbye!")
def logout(): global user_id if user_id == -1: return jsonify({'status': '400', 'message': 'Already logged out'}) global all_events all_events = Collection([]) user_id = -1 return jsonify({'status': '200', 'message': 'Successfully logged out'})
def __init__(self): # protected variables bind to instance self._scene = bpy.context.scene self._C = bpy.context self._D = self._object = Object() self._collection = Collection()
def extract_sample(self): sample = Collection("sample" +, self.location) temp_list = self.list[:] for col in temp_list: if math.ceil(col.size) % 2 == 0: sample.insert(col) self.remove(col) return sample
def load(fileQuery): collectionFile = File.fromQuery(fileQuery) #get collection settings and set defaults if not specified xmlRoot, = root(collectionFile) rootAttribs = xmlRoot.attrs title = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'title', DEFAULT_TITLE) thumb = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'thumb', DEFAULT_THUMB) sort = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'sort', DEFAULT_SORT) collectionLimit = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'collectionLimit', DEFAULT_COLLECTION_LIMIT, AttribType.INT) unwatched = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'unwatched', DEFAULT_UNWATCHED, AttribType.BOOL) globalLimit = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'limit', DEFAULT_GLOBAL_LIMIT, AttribType.INT) globalRepeat = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'repeat', DEFAULT_GLOBAL_REPEAT, AttribType.INT) globalPush = getAttrib(rootAttribs, 'push', DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PUSH, AttribType.INT) if globalLimit > MAXLIMIT: globalLimit = MAXLIMIT sources = [] #channelSources = _processChannels(xmlRoot.channels) #playlistSources = _processPlaylists(xmlRoot.playlists) for node in xmlRoot.children: print node types = { 'channels': _processChannels, 'playlists': _processPlaylists } #maybe move to bottom for node in xmlRoot.children: print node #get sources and their settings and set the global setting if not specified #(which is possibly the default) nodeAttribs = node.attrib limit = getAttrib(nodeAttribs, 'limit', globalLimit, AttribType.INT) repeat = getAttrib(nodeAttribs, 'repeat', globalRepeat, AttribType.INT) push = getAttrib(nodeAttribs, 'push', globalPush, AttribType.INT) if limit > MAXLIMIT: limit = MAXLIMIT #process according to the type of source sourceType = node.tag nodeSources = types[sourceType](nodeAttribs, limit, repeat, push) sources.extend(nodeSources) collection = Collection(title, thumb, sort, collectionLimit, unwatched, collectionFile, sources) return collection
def get_collection(self, name, or_create=False): """ Return pointer to a collection with the provided name Create collection if don't exist """ if name not in self.collections: self.collections[name] = Collection() return self.collections[name]
def print_all_and_search(): if 'what' in request.args: to_search = request.args['what'] return jsonify(all_events.search3(to_search)) elif 'sort_by' in request.args and 'sort_type' in request.args and 's' in request.args: found_events = Collection(all_events.search3(request.args['s'])) to_return = found_events.sorting3(request.args['sort_by'], request.args['sort_type']) else: to_return = all_events.create_event_list() return jsonify(to_return)
def test_collection_basic(self): test_event1 = Event(self.test_dict) self.test_dict['id'] = '2' test_event2 = Event(self.test_dict) self.test_dict['id'] = '1' test_collection = Collection('Tests/EmptyFile.txt') test_collection2 = Collection('Tests/EmptyFile.txt') # append, len and getitem test self.assertEqual(len(test_collection), 0, 'Wrong length') test_collection.append(test_event1) self.assertEqual(len(test_collection), 1, 'Wrong length') test_collection.append(test_event2) self.assertEqual(len(test_collection), 2, 'Wrong length') self.assertEqual(len(test_collection2), 0, 'Should be empty') self.assertIs(test_collection[0], test_event1, 'Wrong object') self.assertIs(test_collection[1], test_event2, 'Wrong object') # deletion test self.assertFalse(test_collection.delete_id('Wrong input'), 'Has to be false') self.assertFalse( test_collection2.delete_id(2), 'Has to be false (delete id from col where it is not present)') self.assertTrue( test_collection.delete_id(2), 'Has to be true (delete id from col where it is present)') self.assertFalse( test_collection.delete_id(2), 'Has to be false (delete id from col where it was deleted)') self.assertEqual(len(test_collection), 1, 'Wrong length') self.assertIs(test_collection[0], test_event1, 'Wrong object') # editing element test self.assertFalse( test_collection.edit_one(test_collection.find_by_id(4), 'title', 'good name'), 'No such id') self.assertFalse( test_collection.edit_one(test_collection.find_by_id(2), 'title', '-abc'), 'Wrong title') self.assertTrue( test_collection.edit_one(test_collection.find_by_id(1), 'title', 'good name'), 'Should edit')
def manage_addCollection(self, new_id, REQUEST=None): """Add a collection """ from Collection import Collection col = Collection(new_id) self.collections._setObject(, col) col = self.collections._getOb( if REQUEST: audit('UI.Report.AddCollection',, url = '%s/collections/%s' % (self.getPrimaryUrlPath(), new_id) return REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(url) return col
def __init__(self): self.CollectionsList = [] self.CurrentCollection = 0 # Open maindatabase file try: SmetanaDatabase = open("Smetana.db", "r") for CollectionName in SmetanaDatabase: self.CollectionsList.append(Collection(CollectionName[:-1])) except: SmetanaDatabase = open("Smetana.db", "w") SmetanaDatabase.close()
def test_collection_searching(self): test_collection = Collection('Tests/SearchTest.txt') search_args = ['NotExists', '', '10', 'Event', '20'] to_find = [ '', '', 'Event with ID 10 has ID 10\nEvent with ID 5 has price 10.5\n', 'Event with ID 5 has title FourthEvent\nEvent with ID 10 has title firstEvent\n', 'Event with ID 1 has starting date 2019-05-25\n' 'Event with ID 5 has starting date 2005-11-22\n' 'Event with ID 10 has starting date 2021-12-31\n' ] for x in range(0, len(search_args)): self.assertEqual(test_collection.search2(search_args[x]), to_find[x])
def print_all_and_search(): if user_id == -1: return jsonify({'status': '200', 'message': 'Not logged in'}) if 'what' in request.args: to_search = request.args['what'] return jsonify(all_events.search3(to_search)) elif 'sort_by' in request.args and 'sort_type' in request.args and 's' in request.args: found_events = Collection(all_events.search3(request.args['s'])) to_return = found_events.sorting3(request.args['sort_by'], request.args['sort_type']) else: to_return = all_events.create_event_list() if 'limit' in request.args: if 'offset' in request.args: to_return = show_some(to_return, request.args['offset'], request.args['limit']) else: to_return = show_some(to_return, 0, request.args['limit']) return jsonify(to_return)
def test_history(self): test_collection = Collection('TestsHistory/ChangingFile.txt') def get_file_content(way): content_f = open(way, 'r') content_text = content_f.close() return content_text def compare(way): test_collection.rewrite() manual_action = get_file_content(way) program_action = get_file_content('TestsHistory/ChangingFile.txt') self.assertEqual(manual_action, program_action) testing_funcs = [ test_collection.delete_id, test_collection.delete_id, test_collection.append, test_collection.delete_id, test_collection.undo, test_collection.undo, test_collection.undo, test_collection.redo, test_collection.redo, test_collection.undo, test_collection.delete_id, test_collection.redo, test_collection.undo, test_collection.undo, test_collection.undo, test_collection.undo ] args = [ 4, 1, Event(self.test_dict), 14, None, None, None, None, None, None, 8, None, None, None, None, None ] comparisons = [ 'Action1.txt', 'Action2.txt', 'Action3.txt', 'Action4.txt', 'Action3.txt', 'Action2.txt', 'Action1.txt', 'Action2.txt', 'Action3.txt', 'Action2.txt', 'Action3Alternative.txt', 'Action3Alternative.txt', 'Action2.txt', 'Action1.txt', 'Start.txt', 'Start.txt' ] for x in range(0, len(testing_funcs)): if args[x] is None: testing_funcs[x]() else: testing_funcs[x](args[x]) compare('TestsHistory/' + comparisons[x])
def login(): global all_events global user_id if user_id != -1: return jsonify({'status': '400', 'message': 'Already logged in'}) if 'email' not in request.args or 'password' not in request.args: return jsonify({'status': '400', 'message': 'Need email and password'}) cursor.execute("Select* From users where email = \'" + str(request.args['email']) + "\';") for x in cursor: salt_from_storage = x[4][:32] key_from_storage = x[4][32:] n_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( 'sha256', str(request.args['password']).encode('utf-8'), salt_from_storage, 100000) if key_from_storage == n_key: user_id = x[0] cursor.execute("Select* From events where user_id = " + str(user_id) + ";") parameters = [ 'id', 'title', 'rest_name', 'date', 'time', 'duration', 'price', 'user_id' ] collection = [] iteration = 0 for q in cursor: collection.append(dict()) for z in range(0, len(parameters)): collection[iteration][parameters[z]] = str(q[z]) iteration += 1 all_events = Collection(collection) return jsonify({ 'status': '200', 'message': 'Successfully logged in' }) else: return jsonify({'status': '400', 'message': 'Wrong password'}) return jsonify({'status': '400', 'message': 'No such email'})
def test_collection_sort_write(self): test_collection = Collection('Tests/SortTest.txt') def get_file_content(way): content_f = open(way, 'r') content_text = content_f.close() return content_text def compare(way): test_collection.rewrite() manual_action = get_file_content(way) program_action = get_file_content('Tests/SortTest.txt') self.assertEqual(manual_action, program_action) arguments = ['T', 'I', 'R', 'Da', 'Ti', 'D', 'P', 'I'] comparisons = [ 'Title', 'ID', 'RestaurantName', 'Date', 'Time', 'Duration', 'Price', 'ID' ] for x in range(0, len(arguments)): test_collection.sorting2(arguments[x]) compare('Tests/By' + comparisons[x] + '.txt')
print('E to edit') print('S to sort') print('F to search') print('P to show all') print('H to show last 5 actions') print('U to undo') print('R to redo') print('Q to quit\n') def restaurants(): for q in RestaurantName: print(q.value, '-', all_events = Collection('') while True: menu() action = input() if action == 'Q': break elif action == 'A': initial_dict = dict() initial_dict['id'] = input( 'Enter the ID of the event (positive integer): ') initial_dict['title'] = input( 'Enter the title of the event (characters "|", ":" and "-" are forbidden): ' ) restaurants() initial_dict['rest_name'] = input(
def __init__(self, options=[]): Collection.__init__(self, options) self.db = db()
print('E to edit') print('S to sort') print('F to search') print('P to show all') print('Q to quit\n') def restaurants(): for q in RestaurantName: print(q.value, '-', file_name = input('Enter name of the file: ') while Validation.validate_file(file_name): file_name = input('Wrong name of the file, try again: ') all_events = Collection(file_name) while True: menu() action = input() if action == 'Q': break elif action == 'A': initial_dict = dict() initial_dict['id'] = input( 'Enter the ID of the event (positive integer): ') initial_dict['title'] = input( 'Enter the title of the event (characters "|", ":" and "-" are forbidden): ' ) restaurants() initial_dict['rest_name'] = input(
for x in request.args: to_do.append(str(x + " = \'" + str(request.args[x]) + "\'")) cursor.execute("UPDATE events SET " + (', '.join(to_do)) + " WHERE id = " + g_id + ";") db.commit() return jsonify(result_dict) else: return jsonify({'status': '404', 'message': 'No such ID'}) if __name__ == '__main__': db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "Az27061985", "test") cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("Select* From Events;") parameters = [ 'id', 'title', 'rest_name', 'date', 'time', 'duration', 'price' ] test = [] iteration = 0 for q in cursor: test.append(dict()) for z in range(0, len(parameters)): test[iteration][parameters[z]] = str(q[z]) iteration += 1 all_events = Collection(test) db.close()
from Collection import Collection import os ''' 将本文件放入需整理的文件夹中,运行即可。 Author:zhangze Place:WIT_636 Time:2018/1/17 function:分类音乐文件 ''' if __name__ == "__main__": # rootPath = "G:\\Music\\" # 存放文件夹 rootPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) copyPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # copyPath = "G:\\newMusic\\" # 整理文件夹 loseList = [] count = [0] Collection(copyPath,rootPath,loseList,count) while True: n = str(input("输入 exit 退出:")) if n == "exit": exit()
transceiver.sauver_armure(armure) transceiver.sauver_competance(competance) transceiver.sauver_sort(sort) transceiver.sauver_objet(objet) partie = Partie("aLELJD") combat1 = Combat() combat1.addPlayer(perso) combat1.addPlayer(perso1) combat1.addMonster(perso1) combat1.addMonster(perso2) combat1.rename("plouf") partie.addCombat(combat1) combat1 = "" combat2 = Combat([], []) combat2.addPlayer(perso) combat2.addMonster(perso1) combat2.addMonster(perso2) combat2.rename("plouf2") combat2.commencer() partie.addCombat(combat2) collec = Collection("Algarn") collec.reload_perso() collec.reload_armure() partie.sauvegarder() partie2 = transceiver.lire_sauvegarde("aLELJD") partie2.nom = "testeresauv" partie2.sauvegarder()
}) else: return jsonify({'status': '400', 'errors': errors}) return jsonify({'status': '404', 'message': 'No such user'}) if __name__ == '__main__': db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "Az27061985", "test") cursor = db.cursor() user_id = -1 access_level = 'user' cursor.execute("Select* From events;") parameters = [ 'id', 'title', 'rest_name', 'date', 'time', 'duration', 'price', 'user_id', 'amount' ] collection = [] iteration = 0 for q in cursor: collection.append(dict()) for z in range(0, len(parameters)): collection[iteration][parameters[z]] = str(q[z]) iteration += 1 all_events = Collection(collection) current_ord = [] salt = os.urandom(32) db.close()
def main(): # Process arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('pvbase', help='EPICS PV base (e.g. DAQ:LAB2:PART:2)') parser.add_argument('-p', type=int, choices=range(0, 8), default=0, help='platform (default 0)') parser.add_argument('-C', metavar='CM_HOST', default='localhost', help='Collection Manager host') parser.add_argument('-u', metavar='UNIQUE_ID', default='control', help='Name') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='be verbose') args = parser.parse_args() if args.v: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')'control level starting') ctx = zmq.Context() coll = Collection(ctx, args.C, args.p) pybody = {} pybody['host'] = gethostname() pybody['pid'] = getpid() idbody = {} idbody['procInfo'] = pybody mainbody = {} mainbody['control'] = idbody hellomsg = CollectMsg(key=CollectMsg.HELLO, body=json.dumps(mainbody)) partition = coll.partitionInfo(hellomsg) pprint.pprint(json.loads(partition.body)) # set up our end of connections, potentially based on the information # about who is in the partition (e.g. number of eb/drp nodes) # control sockets (ephemeral ports) control_router_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) control_pull_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL) control_router_socket.bind("tcp://*:*") control_pull_socket.bind("tcp://*:*") control_router_port = Collection.parse_port( control_router_socket.getsockopt(zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT)) control_pull_port = Collection.parse_port( control_pull_socket.getsockopt(zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT)) logging.debug('control_router_port = %d' % control_router_port) logging.debug('control_pull_port = %d' % control_pull_port) pybody = {} pybody['router_port'] = { 'adrs': gethostname(), 'port': control_router_port } pybody['pull_port'] = {'adrs': gethostname(), 'port': control_pull_port} connbody = {} connbody['connectInfo'] = pybody mainbody = {} mainbody['control'] = connbody portsmsg = CollectMsg(key=CollectMsg.CONNECTINFO, body=json.dumps(mainbody)) connect_info = coll.connectionInfo(portsmsg) pprint.pprint(json.loads(connect_info.body)) # now make the connections and report to CM when done # Control state yy = ControlStateMachine(args.pvbase) logging.debug("ControlStateMachine state: %s" % yy.state()) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(control_router_socket, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(control_pull_socket, zmq.POLLIN) try: while True: items = dict(poller.poll(1000)) # Handle control_pull_socket socket if control_pull_socket in items: msg = control_pull_socket.recv() config = dgram.Dgram(view=msg) # now it's in dgram.Dgram object ttt = config.seq.timestamp() print('Timestamp:', ttt) # FIXME # Execute state command request if control_router_socket in items: msg = control_router_socket.recv_multipart() identity = msg[0] request = msg[1] logging.debug('Received <%s> from control_router_socket' % request.decode()) if request == ControlMsg.PING: # Send reply to client logging.debug("Sending <PONG> reply") control_router_socket.send(identity, zmq.SNDMORE) cmmsg = ControlMsg(key=ControlMsg.PONG) cmmsg.send(control_router_socket) continue if request == ControlMsg.PONG: continue if request in [ Transition.configure, Transition.beginrun, Transition.enable, Transition.disable, Transition.endrun, Transition.unconfigure, ControlMsg.GETSTATE ]: if request != ControlMsg.GETSTATE: oldstate = yy.state() # Do transition yy.on_transition(request) newstate = yy.state() if newstate != oldstate: logging.debug("ControlStateMachine state: %s" % newstate) # Send reply to client control_router_socket.send(identity, zmq.SNDMORE) cmmsg = ControlMsg(key=yy.state().key()) cmmsg.send(control_router_socket) continue else: logging.warning("Unknown msg <%s>" % request.decode()) # Send reply to client logging.debug("Sending <HUH?> reply") control_router_socket.send(identity, zmq.SNDMORE) cmmsg = ControlMsg(key=ControlMsg.HUH) cmmsg.send(control_router_socket) continue except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.debug("Interrupt received") # Clean up logging.debug("Clean up control level") # Close all sockets associated with this context, and then # terminate the context. ctx.destroy(0)'control level exiting')
from Collection import Collection array_collection = Collection([0, 0, 4, 3, 0, 2, 0, 6, 7, 4, 0, 0]) simple_iterator = array_collection.iterator() for item in simple_iterator: print(item, end=" ") print() non_zero_iterator = array_collection.non_zero_iterator() for item in non_zero_iterator: print(item, end=" ")
""" # Prepare data to be written in JSON file prepare_data = {} for name in self.collections: prepare_data[name] = self.collections[name].collection # Write the data with open(filename,mode="w") as json_file: json_file.truncate(0) json.dump(prepare_data, json_file) def close(self): """ When closing the database, you must write current data to the JSON file for persistence """ self.write_json_file(self.db_file) if __name__ == "__main__": db = Database("file1") collection = db.get_collection("people") # Empty collection collection = Collection() assert collection.get_all() == [] document1 = {"name":"John", "age":38, "children": {"child1":"James", "child2":"Jay"}} # First insertion collection.insert(document1) assert collection.get_all() == [document1]